Why is the skin on the hands dry and flaky? Dry skin - a symptom of a disease or a completely normal phenomenon

Hands are that part of the body that is constantly in sight and it is quite natural that women strive to make them as well-groomed as possible. Cracks on the hands appear at the most unexpected moment and cause a lot of discomfort. They can bleed and take a long time to heal. All this causes some discomfort. In the article we will try to find ways to deal with cracks in your handles.

Cracks on the hands appear quite often, thereby causing inconvenience not only to women, but also to men. This process is accompanied by such unpleasant symptoms as:

  • dryness;
  • burning;
  • tightness;
  • pain.

Causes of dryness and cracks on the hands

There are many reasons for this, but the most common of them is a weak protective skin barrier, which by its nature cannot withstand all external stimuli. The skin consists of various proteins and oils, but in some people, due to some genetic characteristics or internal conditions of the body, the production of these oils and fats is greatly reduced. . Because of this, the skin cracks, flakes, dry.

Here is a list of the main stimuli that lead to a similar state:

All of the above factors have a strong effect exclusively on the surface of the hands. There is only a minimal percentage that large cracks will appear on your handles. In addition to external factors, the condition of the hands is also influenced by internal factors, which entail much more serious consequences. Among them:

Cracks that appear as a result of exposure to internal factors can form between the fingers, at the tips, and spread over the entire surface of the hands. It is recommended to immediately determine the cause of what is happening and restore the skin.

You can fix the problem yourself. But in this case, you will have to constantly maintain the condition of the skin, use various moisturizers, oils, and do special procedures so that the problem does not recur. This treatment option is allowed for weak cracks that have arisen as a result of external factors. But with the action of internal ones, a visit to the doctor cannot be postponed.

The specialist will be able to conduct a comprehensive examination and determine the cause of dryness. After all, this can happen as a result of any skin diseases that also need treatment. In such cases, home therapy may not only have no effect, but even more harm. Cracks carry a great danger.

Home Recipes for Hand Treatment

In order for the skin of the hands to always be in good condition, you need to follow some simple rules.

Means for the treatment of cracks

Dermatologists identify three rules, adhering to which, you can quickly return your hands to a healthy state.

Hand washing rules

Many people do not pay much attention to this process, but in vain. It is with proper hand washing that you can get rid of problems with dry skin. As already mentioned, hand washing is allowed only with moderately warm water and at the same time use high-quality, mild soap. After that, the palms are well dried with a towel and a nourishing cream is immediately applied to them.

Some people, for example, doctors are forced to wash their hands more often than others, so they should stock up on special disinfectants or wipes so as not to subject their skin to constant soap treatment.

How to choose a good cream

Now cosmetics stores offer a huge assortment of various moisturizing, nourishing and other types of creams for hands, feet, face and even the whole body. But do they all qualify? Unfortunately no. That's why, to choose a good cream, which can really help you, you need to know what it should consist of.

If your skin is in very poor condition, the cracks are deep and even bleed, then in such cases you need to purchase more effective creams, which, in addition to the above components, also include: petroleum jelly, beeswax, dimethicone, shea butter, cocoa butter. These creams have a thicker consistency. During the day, they are applied in a standard amount, and before going to bed, dermatologists recommend applying a thicker layer.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that before buying, you must definitely look at the composition of the cream. If the substances mentioned are not there He probably won't be able to help you.

Folk remedies

Our grandmothers did very well without creams. and their hands were in excellent condition. Although they spent much more time working with land, water and doing other things using various harmful substances. Before using medicines, read the composition and make sure that you do not have an allergic reaction to the components. This is a prerequisite.

Don't forget to take care of your pens, and they will definitely repay you with good service.

Hands are the most defenseless part of the body. They are almost not protected from heat and cold, but they take care of the brushes not at all as carefully as they take care of the face. Dry skin of the hands often occurs due to careless care, less often due to internal diseases. In any case, the problem is solved with the right approach.

Signs of dry hands

Dryness of the skin of the hands (xerosis) is determined by:

  • peeling;
  • feeling of tightness;
  • itching of the skin;
  • cracks;
  • bleeding;
  • red spots on the hands.

For the initial stage of xerosis, only slight roughness is characteristic. Later, itching is added, the skin cracks and bleeds.

Causes of dry skin on hands

The causes of dry skin of the extremities are divided into 2 types: external and internal.

External reasons:
  • adverse weather conditions: heat, cold, strong wind;
  • dry indoor air;
  • careless care (washing with alkaline soap), hard tap water;
  • use of household chemicals without gloves;
  • working conditions: work in hot shops;
  • the habit of leaning on your elbows or knees can provoke coarsening of these parts of the body;
  • , unsuitable for age or skin type;
  • smoking, alcohol;
  • epilation;
  • clothing made from synthetic fabrics.
Internal reasons:
  • malnutrition: addiction to strict diets, sharply limiting the amount of fat in the diet;
  • inadequate water intake;
  • age-related changes;
  • taking certain medications (diuretics, oral retinoids);
  • hypovitaminosis;
  • heredity;
  • skin diseases: eczema, psoriasis, ichthyosis, fungal infections;
  • other diseases: nervous and endocrine system, gastrointestinal tract, kidney failure, allergies, oncology, diabetes mellitus;
  • dry skin on the legs often affects people who have to stand a lot (hairdressers, teachers), this is due to impaired blood circulation.

Dry skin care

You can eliminate and prevent dry hands by acquiring good habits:

  • protect the skin from adverse weather conditions: wear gloves in cold weather, apply sunscreen in hot weather;
  • humidify indoor air in winter;
  • organize proper skin care: use a nourishing cream, masks, scrubs;
  • clean hands with gentle means, avoid hard rubbing with a towel;
  • wear rubber gloves when handling household chemicals;
  • wash hands when it is really necessary (before eating, after going to the toilet);
  • get rid of bad habits;
  • choose clothes made from natural materials.

Remedies for dry skin at home

Additional care at home will speed up getting rid of xerosis:

  • cream to eliminate dry skin of the hands;
  • special masks;
  • ointments;
  • paraffin therapy;
  • properly selected vitamins;
  • baths.

If independently taken measures did not give a visible result, a visit to a dermatologist will be required.

Cream for very dry skin

There are 5 types of creams for dry hands:

  • nutritional;
  • moisturizing;
  • medical;
  • protective;
  • anti-aging.

Some brands of creams combine several functions at once, if necessary, funds can be combined.

When choosing a cream for very dry hand skin, you need to pay attention to the composition, in a good product there will be:

  • glycerol;
  • vegetable oils and extracts;
  • vitamins;
  • dexpanthenol;
  • beeswax;
  • hyaluronic acid.

The selected cream must have an intact packaging and an unexpired shelf life. The product should not smell and exfoliate. If the product is closed tightly and cannot be examined, then you should not buy a cream whose expiration date is 1-3 months.

It is better to choose a medium-sized package with a product: large volumes are usually more economical, but there is a risk of not having time to use up the contents to the end. The cream for dry hands should not contain too many preservatives, the presence of fragrances is undesirable (to exclude allergic reactions).

General rules for using creams for dry hands:

  1. Means are applied with massage movements for better absorption.
  2. You can consolidate the action of the night cream by wearing cotton gloves before going to bed. This technique will create the effect of a nourishing mask.
  3. Moisturizer should not be applied before leaving the house when it is cold outside. Moisture can become ice crystals and damage the skin.
  4. Protective equipment is applied 30 minutes before going outside or contact with chemicals. A break in time allows the product to be better absorbed.

5 popular hand creams for very dry skin:

  1. "Healer" with aloe helps to restore the epidermis and heal damage. The main component of the remedy is aloin, which can cope even with the advanced form of xerosis.
  2. "Zorka" with floralizin eliminates cracks and peeling. The composition of the cream provides complete nutrition of the skin.
  3. "Radevit" with vitamins A, E, D heals damage. The product is suitable even for very sensitive skin.
  4. "Velvet hands" with shea butter and avocado. The cream moisturizes and restores elasticity to the skin.
  5. Yaka with citrus oil. A positive result from the use of the product is visible after the first application.

Those who do not trust purchased cosmetics can prepare a cream for dry hands on their own. Natural oils (olive, coconut), honey, glycerin, essential oils are suitable for the basis of a home remedy.

Cream for daily use can be done as follows: mix 1 tbsp. l. butter, 1 tsp. honey and 1 tbsp. l. herbal decoction until smooth. The product prepared in this way is stored in the refrigerator for no more than 10 days.

Masks for dry skin of hands

Face masks to combat xerosis are easy to make at home: you only need common products and a little time.

5 homemade masks to get rid of dry hands:

  1. Honey nutritional. Ingredients: honey - 15 g, egg yolk - 1 piece, olive oil - 25 g, 2-3 drops of lemon juice. The ingredients are mixed, applied to the skin, left overnight under cotton gloves. Wash off with warm water.
  2. Oatmeal is easy to make: finely ground flakes are brewed with hot milk or cream. Before use, the mixture is cooled to room temperature, left on the hands for 30 minutes, washed off with warm water.
  3. Potato: peeled boiled tubers will need to be crushed and mixed with a small amount of milk. The composition stays on the skin for 3 hours.
  4. Mask from mother and stepmother. Preparation: 2 tbsp. l. fresh leaves are washed, crushed, mixed with 200 ml of warm milk. The product is applied for 25 minutes, washed off with warm water.
  5. Sour cream. You will need to grate one small carrot on a fine grater, add 3-4 tbsp. l. sour cream. The mixture is distributed on the hands in a thick layer, washed off with warm water after 20 minutes.

To successfully eliminate dry hands, masks should be done regularly, do not wash them off with soap, use a nourishing cream after application.

Ointments for dry skin

Ointments that can remove dry hands can be bought at a pharmacy:

  • "Bepanten" with pantothenic acid quickly heals damage;
  • "Levomekol" helps to restore tissues;
  • "Boro Plus" removes inflammation, normalizes the sebaceous glands;
  • "Lamisil" is effective if xerosis has appeared due to fungal infections.

Ointments to combat dry skin of the hands are also prepared at home:

  1. Pink is a fast-acting remedy, the result is noticeable after the first application. Crushed rose petals mixed with 1 tbsp. l. goose fat.
  2. From calendula: 100 g of crushed flowers are diluted with 200 g of melted lard. The resulting mixture is heated in a water bath, cooled before use.
  3. Salicylic ointment and glycerin are combined in equal proportions, the product is suitable for daily use.
  4. Flour, honey, butter and vodka are mixed in equal parts. The resulting slurry is distributed on gauze, applied to the skin for 4 hours.
  5. Plantain powder is diluted with 1 tsp. vegetable oil and 1 tbsp. l. vaseline, can be applied every day.

Homemade ointments are stored in the refrigerator.

Paraffin therapy

Procedures with cosmetic paraffin are in demand in salons: the process is painless, does not take much time, the condition of the hands and nails improves after one session.

Paraffin therapy works in four directions at once:

  1. Hands become soft and smooth due to the ability of cooling paraffin to cover the tissues under the skin.
  2. Cleansing occurs due to increased circulation of the lymph flow: toxins are released from the skin and cannot get back because of the protective paraffin film.
  3. Hands are well hydrated. The procedure raises the body temperature, the pores open and get rid of accumulated toxins. The paraffin film prevents moisture from escaping and re-absorption occurs.
  4. Damaged skin is restored, cracks heal. The result is achieved due to the effect of heat on the capillaries: blood circulation is accelerated, useful substances quickly enter the cells.

Paraffin therapy can be arranged at home. First you need to buy everything you need for the procedure:

  • cosmetic paraffin (2 kg is enough for one session);
  • bath;
  • fabric gloves;
  • 2 plastic bags;
  • scrub and hand cream.

Before starting the session, the paraffin must be melted, this can be done in a water bath. Hands will also need to be prepared: treated with scrub and cream.

Home procedure takes place in 5 stages:

  1. Warm paraffin is placed in the bath, brushes are lowered there.
  2. The time of one dive is 10 seconds, in total it will take 7 approaches. The break between dives is also 10 seconds.
  3. During this time, the hands are covered with a dense paraffin layer, plastic bags are put on the hands, and mittens are put on top.
  4. After 25 minutes, the paraffin is removed.
  5. It is desirable to finish the procedure with a hand massage.

If necessary, sessions can be carried out 2-3 times a month. Paraffin therapy is contraindicated in diabetes, hypertension, a tendency to allergies, infectious diseases.

Vitamins for dry skin

Dry hand skin indicates a lack of certain vitamins:

  • vitamin C protects the skin from adverse effects, prevents premature aging;
  • vitamin A rejuvenates the epidermis;
  • E makes the skin elastic;
  • vitamin H normalizes the work of blood vessels and capillaries;
  • B vitamins help the skin renew itself;
  • nicotinamide normalizes the oiliness of the skin.

In the pharmacy, you can choose the right complex.

Baths for dry skin

Baths to eliminate xerosis act quickly, the result lasts for a long time. There are many options for the procedure, it is not difficult to organize useful sessions at home:

  1. Honey bath: 1 tbsp. is added to 0.5 liters of hot milk. l. honey. In the cooled product, hands are held for 20 minutes.
  2. Herbal: 2 tbsp. l. nettle and 1 tbsp. l. calendula insist on 1 liter of hot water. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes.
  3. Therapeutic: 1 tbsp. l. glycerin and 2 tsp. ammonia is diluted with 2 tbsp. l. water. The bath is taken for 10 minutes.
  4. Berry: chamomile and raspberries in equal proportions are infused, diluted with hot water, for 30 minutes. After both products are filtered, the resulting liquids are mixed. The duration of the session is 10 minutes.
  5. Cereal: to 2 tbsp. l. oatmeal is added 1 liter. boiling water, the mixture is heated over low heat for 5 minutes. The resulting product is filtered. Brushes are immersed in liquid for 20 minutes.

Baths can be done once a week. For a quick result, it is better to alternate the compositions.

The skin on the fingers dries and cracks: causes

The cause of dry and cracked skin only on the fingers is most often constant contact with chemicals. The problem in this case is easily solved: it is enough to put on gloves before using aggressive substances and apply a nourishing cream after finishing work.

Sometimes the skin of the fingers cracks due to being outside for a long time in hot or cold weather without the use of sunscreen or gloves.

If cracks in the skin pass from the fingers to the palm, accompanied by itching and burning, this may indicate internal diseases:

  • allergy;
  • fungal infections;
  • hormonal changes;
  • eczema;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Anxiety symptoms are a reason to immediately visit a doctor.

Hand skin is dry and flaky

Peeling hands, as a rule, in owners of dry skin with insufficient care. Proper care will help to remove peeling: the constant use of nourishing creams, protection of brushes in hot and cold weather. In addition, dry skin excludes the use of cosmetics containing alcohol.

Hands can dry and peel off with certain diseases:

  • problems of the intestines, stomach;
  • fungal diseases;
  • dermatitis, eczema;
  • disorders in the work of the hormonal and endocrine systems.

If proper care does not improve the condition of the hands, you should consult a specialist.

Dry skin of the palms of the hands: causes

The palms are the part of the hand most susceptible to dryness. The problem usually arises from washing hands too often, using inappropriate cosmetics, and contact with household chemicals without gloves. People working on construction sites or doing renovations often suffer from dry hands, caused by exposure to various mixtures and dust. A course of antibiotics can also cause dry skin.

Softness can be restored to the palms by using gentle cosmetics and protecting the skin with rubber gloves when working with harmful substances. To consolidate the result, it will be useful to regularly apply a moisturizer.

Dry palms can indicate certain diseases: fungus, psoriasis, eczema, endocrine system problems. These diseases can be eliminated by a dermatologist.

Dry hand skin during pregnancy

In expectant mothers, the skin on the hands dries often. Up to 20 weeks of pregnancy, this should not cause concern: the water that enters the female body goes to the development of the fetus. An increase in the amount of fluid you drink will help eliminate the trouble.

When the gestational age is more than 20 weeks, and the dry skin of the hands is still bothering and accompanied by itching, you should immediately inform your doctor about this. Expectant mothers often experience disruption of the endocrine system, dry skin is one of the symptoms. Sometimes the trouble is caused by nervous tension, a pregnant woman should try to avoid stress, relax more and walk.

Dry skin on the fingers of a child

In children, the skin on the fingers usually dries out due to long walks and frequent contact with water. In these cases, it is enough to treat the hands with a suitable baby cream.

If the skin not only dries, but also peels off the fingers, then health problems are likely:

  • vitamin deficiency;
  • allergy;
  • metabolic disease;
  • skin and infectious diseases.

Constantly peeling skin, itching and peeling of the fingers signal the need to show the child to a specialist.


The right products in the daily menu will help to cope with dry skin:

  • citrus fruits (in the absence of allergies) will restore skin elasticity and visual appeal;
  • vegetables and fruits containing vitamin A (pumpkin, apricots) will renew the cells of the epidermis;
  • nuts will accelerate the recovery of the skin;
  • dairy products will remove toxins;
  • fish and are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential for natural hydration.

Foods that are undesirable in the diet for dry skin of the hands:

  • fried and salty dishes;
  • canned food and marinades;
  • alcohol, carbonated drinks, coffee.

seasonal care

Features of caring for dry skin depending on the season:

  • in spring and autumn, hands especially need nutrition and hydration;
  • in summer, the skin will need sunscreen and moisturizer if the climate is too dry;
  • in winter, do not forget about gloves before going outside and the constant use of a nourishing cream.

Hands, fingers and palms are vulnerable places that unmistakably betray a person's age and require careful treatment no less than a face. It is easy to restore beauty to your hands and avoid dry skin: it is enough to organize the right care and get into the habit of choosing healthy products.

Remembering the fair remark of Coco Chanel “You will not have a second chance to make a first impression”, they often forget that before that she said: “Hands are a woman’s business card, her neck is her passport, and her chest is a passport.” Hands are the most important indicator of health and age.

Women's problem

The skin on them is significantly different in structure from the skin on the face. On the surface of the hands, the subcutaneous tissue is thin, mobile and contains a small amount of sebaceous glands. On the palms, they are generally absent. The problem of oily skin, characteristic of the face, will never be relevant for the hands. hands and increased sweating of the palms are the main causes of anxiety.

If there is a problem, then a solution must be found. To find the right one, you need to understand the reason.

Our skin constantly breathes, of course, not to the same extent as the lungs. The integument protects the body and helps maintain a constant body temperature.

The skin of the hands is the first to take on all the negative environmental factors. This is the main reason why hands dry out. Temperature difference when moving from indoors to outdoors, windy weather, bright sun, frost. The first blow is taken by the skin on the hands and on the face. Hands are in contact with water more often than any other part of the body. With cosmetics and detergents are found 20 times more often than the face. Vitamin deficiencies and malnutrition can be diagnosed by the appearance of the hands. Dermatitis and allergic reactions affect this part of our body most often.

Environmental factors

Wind, frosty air, heating and dry indoor air have a negative effect on the hands and face. The skin on the hands dries, the face turns red and begins to peel off. In winter, in order to soften irritated and dry skin, it is necessary to replace the day cream with a more nourishing and oily one. Don't forget the precautions.

Apply the cream thirty minutes before going outside. This is the time during which he will have time to absorb and begin to fulfill his protective role. Otherwise, the effect will be opposite. Cosmetologists suggest replacing hand cream with cosmetic oil. It creates a film that performs moisturizing functions and helps protect against the appearance of wrinkles. It must be applied at least twice a day. Cleansers are replaced with softer and more delicate ones.

Summer heat and intense ultraviolet radiation require a different approach to the problem. In summer, hands dry no less, but problems with pigmentation and spots are also added. For hand care, light moisturizing fluids are used, complementing care products with creams with SPF protection. It is always desirable to have thermal water on hand. Split systems and air conditioners dry the air in the room as intensively as heating systems.

Household chemicals

Our hands meet with water every day, as well as with various means for washing dishes, washing and cleaning various types of surfaces. Over time, an allergic reaction can begin to various chemical components. Signs include dry, cracked hands, red pimples, and sometimes fluid-filled blisters. A few simple precautions can help prevent these problems. Let's look at them:

  1. Every time after washing your hands, dishes or laundry, try to dry them thoroughly.
  2. For all types of work related to household chemicals, as well as when washing and cleaning vegetables, protective gloves are used. When latex or vinyl are not suitable, it is recommended to pre-lubricate the skin
  3. In the case, it is treated with iodine.
  4. To get rid of the consequences, when fingers dry and crack, hygienic lipstick will help. She lubricates the ends. It will help the cracks heal faster.
  5. It is advisable to get rid of low-quality household products at the slightest sign of irritation and inflammation of the skin on the hands. Some people think laundry soap is a good substitute. This opinion is wrong. The alkali contained in it corrodes the subcutaneous fatty tissue.

Nutrition and lifestyle

When careful care is taken and all precautions are taken, but the hands are dry, the reason may be a lack of vitamins. Dry rough skin is a sign of a deficiency in the body of nicotinic acid. Vitamin PP is present in cereals, beans and lean fish. Peeling skin covered with pustules indicates a lack of retinol and carotene. Vitamin A deficiency is indicated by the presence of dark spots on the hands. This element is present in pumpkin, carrots, tomatoes, egg yolk, and also in all types of liver. Skin that has lost elasticity, looking sluggish, needs vitamin E.

A large amount of it is found in green vegetables and unrefined vegetable oil. It is also called the "vitamin of youth". It is recommended to take one teaspoon of any vegetable oil every day.


Why do hands dry? Such phenomena can cause various diseases. Diseases affecting the skin of the hands: ichthyosis, eczema, seborrhea, psoriasis. The scientific name for dry skin is xerosis or xeroderma. If there are suspicions that the disease is the reason why the hands dry, what to do, the doctor will advise. Thorough analyzes and necessary examinations are carried out. The appropriate course of therapy and medication will be prescribed.

To give the hands a beautiful and well-groomed look, cosmetologists are developing a variety of tools. Even our great-grandmothers were worried about the problem of how to hide age, striking with grace and grace of hands. History has left many folk recipes that are relevant to this day.



A small conclusion

Now you know why your hands dry, we have named the reasons. We also described the features of caring for them. We hope that our tips will help you.

Despite the mass of care products for the skin of the hands, the problem of dryness haunts almost every woman, regardless of age. This problem is accompanied by a lot of troubles: irritation, peeling, cracks, wounds, unattractive appearance. To eliminate dry skin of the hands, it is important to identify and get rid of the causes of it.

Dry hands can be caused by many reasons, including:

  • The negative impact of environmental factors: windy and cold weather makes the skin rough, it thickens, resulting in redness and cracks, and the sun contributes to its dehydration and accelerates its aging processes. Sharp fluctuations in air temperature can cause dry spots on the skin for some.
  • Influence of detergents: daily contact with household chemicals gradually destroys the epidermis layer, depriving it of its natural protection. As a result, allergic reactions, cracks, various dermatitis, irritation and excessive dryness of the skin may occur.
  • Lack of vitamins or beriberi, which usually occurs in spring and autumn, is also the cause of dry skin.
  • Insufficient or lack of hand care also affects the condition of the skin. Lack of nutrition and hydration is the source of many problems.
  • Dryness can also be a congenital phenomenon. In this case, intensive and regular care will help.
Care tips.
The skin of the hands contains much less moisture than, say, the skin of the face. In addition, it has practically no sebaceous glands, which makes it vulnerable and prone to dryness. That is why it requires regular and thorough care.

In caring for your hands, you should follow one important rule - keep your hands perfectly clean. Every time, especially after going to the toilet, you should wash your hands with warm water and a mild soap, moisturizing lotion or special gel, as they do not dry out the skin, unlike ordinary soap. After washing, the hands should be thoroughly dried with a towel, including the areas between the fingers. Carelessly, hastily wiped hands leave moisture on the surface, which, when evaporated, leads to dry skin.

For daily hand skin care, use creams and lotions that contain a large amount of moisturizing ingredients, in particular, glycerin, lactic acid or sorbitol. When caring for your hands, you can use a regular moisturizer for up to thirty years, and after that, the cream must include sun filters that prevent the formation of age spots.

According to the recommendations of most cosmetologists, it is necessary to lubricate the hands with cream after each wash. In this case, it is better if the cream contains plant extracts. In addition, you should protect your skin from the weather by applying a protective nourishing cream before going outside, especially in winter or spring.

When performing daily cleaning or any work that involves prolonged contact with water or household chemicals, it is important to protect your hands with vinyl or rubber gloves. By the way, before putting on gloves, it is recommended to apply a caring nourishing cream to your hands.

If you stained your hands with paint while painting any surface yourself, do not use gasoline, kerosene or acetone to clean your skin. Such solvents perfectly remove impurities, but dry the skin very much. Therefore, if necessary, it is better to use special detergents for hard-to-wash stains.

Do not neglect mittens and gloves in cold periods of time.

In the summer, don't forget to protect your hands too. The negative effect of ultraviolet radiation causes various damage to the skin, makes it even more dry and contributes to the appearance of cracks. Therefore, every time before going outside, you should use sunscreen for hands with an SPF content of at least fifteen.

In the cold period of time, you should warm your hands. In addition, in the spring and autumn, you should consume as many vitamins as possible (fresh vegetables, fruits, etc.).

Folk remedies.

Masks and compresses for dry skin of the hands.
Any vegetable oil (olive, linseed, sunflower) effectively softens the skin of the hands, restoring its elasticity. The oil is slightly heated in a water bath, several gauze layers are impregnated with it, which are then applied to the hands, waxed paper is fixed on top and cotton gloves are put on. If the skin has minor lesions, one procedure will be enough. With rather serious hand problems (cracks, peeling, wounds), such a wrap should be carried out at least twice a week until the skin condition improves significantly. Warm oil can simply be rubbed into the skin of the hands for fifteen to thirty minutes, until it is completely absorbed.

Dry hand skin will also be helped by an effective homemade cream, which can be prepared from pork and lamb fat, taken in equal proportions and melted in a water bath. Pour the mixture into a jar and store in the refrigerator. Every day, rub this cream into the skin of the hands at night.

Olive oil masks are also considered the most effective remedy for dry skin. To prepare it, combine a tablespoon of slightly warmed olive oil with a teaspoon of moisturizing hand cream and add half a teaspoon of lemon juice. The mass should be well beaten. Apply the resulting composition in a dense layer on the skin of the hands and put on cotton gloves. Leave the mask on all night. It is advisable to carry out this procedure once a week.

A mixture prepared from five drops of ammonia, two tablespoons of glycerin and three tablespoons of water will perfectly soften the skin. Rub the mixture into damp skin of the hands, and then wipe them dry with a towel.

A mixture of a tablespoon of glycerin and half a glass of water with the addition of the juice of half a lemon will help soften and moisturize dry skin of the hands. Rub the resulting composition into clean skin of the hands.

Perfectly eliminates dry skin of the hands and cracks such a mixture: grind 100 g of fresh herb herb and pour half a liter of olive oil, after which the mixture is insisted for a week. After that, the resulting composition is applied to rough skin areas, including hands, knees and elbows.

A mask of whipped chicken protein with the addition of the juice of one lemon will help get rid of roughness and roughness on the hands. Apply the composition for twenty minutes, then rinse with warm water, and lubricate the skin with a nourishing cream.

Such an ointment softens the skin of the hands well: slightly warm linseed oil in a water bath, combine with honey, add yolk and lemon juice. All ingredients are taken care of.

Soothe dry and chapped skin with a mask of coltsfoot leaves. To prepare it, you need to grind the fresh leaves of this plant. Take two tablespoons of the resulting herbal gruel and combine with a glass of fresh milk. Keep the mask for twenty minutes, then rinse with warm water, and grease your hands with a nourishing cream.

Boil a couple of potatoes in their skins, mash with the addition of milk and butter to a puree state. Apply the mass in a warm form on the skin of the hands, hold for fifteen to thirty minutes, then rinse with warm water. Lubricate the skin of the hands with a nourishing cream.

Cook oatmeal, add vegetable oil and cool until warm. Put your hands in the resulting porridge for twenty minutes, it is advisable to carry out such a procedure at night.

Sour cream compress will be an ambulance for your dry hands: combine a glass of medium-thickness sour cream with chicken yolk and add the juice of one lemon. Moisten a gauze napkin in the resulting composition and put it on your hands, wrap it with cling film on top and put on cotton gloves or wrap it with a towel. To withstand such a compress for twenty minutes, after which its remnants should be removed with a cotton pad. After the procedure, it is recommended to wear cotton gloves. This procedure is best done at night.

This compress will not only eliminate dryness and flaking of the skin, but also make it smooth and supple. Mix a teaspoon of salicylic acid with a mixture of honey and olive oil, preheated in a water bath, taken in half a glass. Distribute the resulting composition in a warm form on a gauze napkin and put on your hands. Wrap with polyethylene on top and wrap with a towel. Hold the compress for twenty minutes, then remove the remnants of the product with a cotton pad previously moistened with lemon juice.

This mask also helps with dryness: carefully grind two egg yolks with two tablespoons of honey and olive oil (1/3 cup). Stir the mass thoroughly to get a homogeneous paste. Apply it on the skin of the hands and leave until completely dry. Then remove the remnants of the mask with a cotton pad.

Or this recipe for dry hands: combine two egg whites with the juice of two lemons and add two tablespoons of vegetable oil. The resulting composition should be wiped twice during the day the skin of the hands.

Hand baths.
Hand baths are an excellent way to soften the skin. In particular, baths from plantain infusion, prepared from a tablespoon of herbs and a liter of boiling water. Leave the mixture for thirty minutes. Keep the hands in the resulting broth for ten to fifteen minutes, after which they should be wiped dry and a greasy cream applied.

A decoction of chamomile will soften the skin of the hands and have a healing effect on cracks. To prepare it, you need to pour a tablespoon of chamomile (flowers) with a liter of boiling water and insist for fifteen minutes. Then lower the hands into the decoction at a temperature (40-42 ° C) for twenty minutes. After that, lightly dry your hands with a soft cloth and apply a fat cream.

Fifteen-minute baths of hot sage infusion prepared from two tablespoons of leaves and 400 ml of boiling water will help soothe dry and cracked skin of the hands, as well as relieve inflammation. The mixture is infused until completely cooled, then filtered. Instead of infusion, you can use a decoction of plantain, prepared from a decoction of two tablespoons of leaves and 400 ml of boiling water. The mixture is put on low heat and boiled for ten minutes, then cooled and filtered.

The serum bath also has a positive effect on the skin of the hands, eliminating dryness and flaking. Heat two cups of whey until warm. Lower the hands for fifteen minutes after the procedure, dry the hands with a towel.

The herbal bath will also soothe reddened and dry skin on the hands. Mix in equal proportions linden, chamomile, sage, mint and dill. Take two tablespoons of the resulting mixture and pour a liter of boiling water. Insist for twenty minutes, then keep the hand infusion in this. The procedure lasts no more than twenty minutes.

Heat any vegetable oil in a water bath and keep your hands in it for twenty to thirty minutes, it is advisable to carry out this procedure at least twice a week.

And finally, once a week pamper your hands with home SPA treatments. You can add essential oils (birch, bergamot, basil, grapefruit, clove, etc.) to warm water and dip your hands into it for twenty minutes. Then you should scrub dry skin with light circular movements using a delicate product (ideally gommage with fruit acids). Such a tool will gently cleanse the skin of dead cells, while not damaging it. After that, it is recommended to make oil wraps. Mix three tablespoons of olive (or linseed, sunflower) oil with a tablespoon of honey, put in a water bath and heat to a temperature of 40-45 ° C. In the resulting composition, a pre-prepared piece of gauze, folded in several layers, should be moistened and applied to the skin of the hands. On top of the gauze should be wrapped with a film and put on cotton gloves. The procedure is best done at night.

Most of us have experienced the problem of dry skin on our hands. This is especially felt in the cold season. Why does the skin on the hands dry and crack? What is the reason for the unpleasant phenomenon?

Causes of dry hands

There may be several of them:

In winter, the air has low humidity, both indoors and outdoors, in connection with this, dry hands more often in winter. Cause is that there are no sebaceous glands on the hands that produce a protective barrier.

After each hand washing, the upper part of the epithelium of all natural oils produced is washed off. The skin dries, there is a tightening effect. Sometimes small cracks may appear. If you do not take any measures, then every winter the process will be aggravated.

For women, another reason for an unpleasant phenomenon is especially relevant. After all, they are more in contact with various detergents: for floors, dishes, linen.

If all these works are done without protection, i.e. without gloves, you can also very dry the skin. Cause maybe become very hot water when washing dishes, washing clothes. If the water contains a large amount of bleach, then this can negatively affect the condition of the skin of the hands.

In women after forty years, the skin becomes dry and flabby, this only aggravates all of the above reasons.

If redness, peeling near the finger are noticeable, cracks appear, sometimes deep, - perhaps these are symptoms of a fungal disease or manifestations of an allergic nature.

Another reason why the skin on the hands dries and cracks may be internal, associated with a hormonal imbalance or a symptom of a chronic disease, such as thyroid gland or diabetes. Problems of the gastrointestinal tract are possible. In this situation, you need to consult a specialist.

Dry skin of the hands is possible with allergic dermatitis - this is one of the symptoms of allergies

Chemicals, drugs, animal hair, plant pollen, and more can provoke such a reaction. Also, the cause can be nervous overwork or stress.

Reasons why you should see a doctor if your hands are dry:

  • on suspicion of fungal disease;
  • if the usual preventive measures do not help, it is possible that this allergic dermatitis or gastrointestinal problems.

Prevention measures

In winter, when the humidity in the room is very low, it is necessary to increase it with the help of special devices. It will be useful not only for the skin of the hands, but also for the face. Do not go outside without gloves.

In winter, be sure to protect your hands from the cold.

After each contact with water, lubricate hands with cream. All work related to the use of detergents must be carried out with gloves.

Sometimes the reason why the skin on the hands dries and cracks may be malnutrition or beriberi. You may need expert advice.

There are some hand washing tips you need to know. For dry skin, especially in winter, it is desirable that the soap be gentle, maybe baby, the water should not be hot. After the hands are washed, they need to be wiped dry and smeared with a nourishing cream. If there is a need to constantly wash your hands, then you can use wet disinfectant wipes or gel instead of soap and water.

Choosing the right cream

In a huge variety of products for hands - how to choose the right one. The cream cannot contain alkali, because the main function should be softening and moisturizing. Therefore, it requires the presence of these two components.

To soften, the following ingredients should be in the cream: lanolin, jojoba oil, propylene glycol, glycerol stearate. Moisturizing ingredients: hyaluronic and lactic acid, urea, sorbitol.

On sale there are also special creams with a protective function. Silicone can be lubricated if you are going to do house cleaning. In winter, before going outside, you must use a special protective cream.

If deep cracks appear on the fingers, you can use Vaseline. For such a case, a cream that contains cocoa butter, shea butter, demiticon or beeswax is suitable. These recommendations apply to cases where dry hands are not associated with skin diseases.

If cracks appear on the thumbs, then you can use an ointment that contains panthenol, it promotes rapid healing

Dermatitis - an allergic reaction

One of the symptoms of an allergic reaction can be dry skin on the hands and peeling. With allergic dermatitis, this is accompanied by itching. The reaction occurs every time upon contact with the allergen: plant pollen, animal hair, house dust, cosmetics.

Usually allergic dermatitis affects a group of people of certain specialties:

  • medical workers;
  • hairdressers;
  • cooks;
  • builders.

Many do not take the symptoms of dermatitis seriously, they believe that it is not necessary to treat. If measures are not taken in time, the disease can take a more serious form. Allergic dermatitis should be treated only by a specialist, you can not self-medicate - this can aggravate the situation.

Only a specialist can make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the right treatment.

When you start to notice that the skin on your hands begins to dry out and even crack, the question arises: why and how to prevent it. In addition to creams, lubrication of the skin with castor or sea buckthorn oil has a good effect.

If the cause of dry skin is beriberi, then you need to drink vitamins that a specialist will advise.

Many people notice dryness, peeling, and sometimes cracks on the fingers at the end of winter, beginning of spring. At this time, the lack of vitamin A is especially evident. In the form of capsules, it can be purchased at a pharmacy. They can be used both inside and outside. In the evening, lubricate the damaged areas with vitamin A oil, put on gloves made of natural material and go to bed.

In addition to vitamin A, the body is also deficient in vitamin E and B. Their lack at this time can be replenished by vegetables and fruits, unrefined vegetable oil, nuts.

Help of traditional medicine

When for some reason the skin on the hands begins to dry, and sometimes it cracks, that is, it is possible to prepare the cream yourself. To do this, you will need: equal amounts of honey, turmeric, olive oil, add a little flour and drip a few drops of sandalwood oil.

The following bath is very effective in application: dissolve a tablespoon of starch in a glass of warm milk. Dip your hands for ten minutes, then dry and apply a nourishing cream.

Next mask: mix honey, glycerin and water in equal proportions, a little flour for density. Hold for 20 minutes. BUT to eliminate dryness, you can lubricate your hands with any oil and put on mittens made of natural material or just wrap it in a towel. Hold your hands in them for 30 minutes, and preferably until the morning.

Applying gruel from crushed fresh cucumber is well suited to damaged areas of the skin.

Cucumber mask has a healing effect

As a rinse, it is possible to use decoctions of herbs: chamomile, nettle, lime blossom, plantain.

Recipes for masks and decoctions

In the winter months of the year, paraffin baths are very good for hands. They can be done in the beautician's office, but there are ways that do not require a trip to the beautician.

When the skin on the hands dries and sometimes it cracks why not use the following recipes:

If the skin on your hands dries out, in order to prevent this and prevent it from cracking, why not prepare for yourself a delicious supplement to any food?

Pour one kilogram of coarsely grated carrots with vegetable oil. Stew on fire for 3-4 hours, cool, arrange in jars and refrigerate for further use. Add one to two tablespoons to any meal every day. Thanks to the natural dietary supplement from carrots, the skin will become smooth, and it will also help get rid of corns and corns.

Do not forget to regularly take care of your hands, and they will answer you with beauty and grooming.

This video shows how to effectively deal with the ailment of dryness and cracks in the skin:

From this video you will learn how to prepare a miracle cream to eliminate dry skin on your hands:

It is quite easy to treat dry skin of the hands with folk methods and this video will tell you about it: