Why information is poorly remembered. How to memorize information faster: recommendations. How much information can a person remember

The ability to quickly memorize information is not only the key to successful studies. It will always come in handy in life: there is a huge amount of information now, and it is rather difficult to cope with it without a good memory. But we can.

We develop all types of memory

The brain is also an organ and also needs training. How to learn to quickly memorize information if your visual or auditory memory is poorly developed. Repeat aloud, divide information point by point and put it together in memory. You can record on a voice recorder and listen while you sleep. It will help too.

Another good way to remember and learn something is to put it into poetry. Poems can be memorized by putting them on the motive of the song and humming aloud.

How to quickly memorize information using visual memory? Visualize everything you hear. This is the first thing. Second, sketch all the information in the form of pictures or diagrams. This will make it much easier to remember. You can also use bright images. For example, when studying laws, you can imagine yourself as a deputy who adopts these laws.

You can highlight different themes with different colors. When preparing for the exam in history, we highlight in red everything that concerns Peter the Great, blue - everything that concerns Alexander III, etc. Now look at everything for each color separately and rewrite these points until they are deposited in your memory.

Link information to art. If possible, associate a date or fact with a film, book, piece of music, or a masterpiece of art. For example, if you know the history of cinema well, you can associate historical dates with the years of release of a particular film, etc. So the subconscious mind itself will open the gateways for effective memorization.

Repeat the information you need before bed. And after him too. The synthesis of information is very active during sleep and this should be used. In the morning, all that remains is to repeat. The main thing is to get enough sleep.

We use mnemonics. This is a search for rhymes to information, and clues, for example, replacing numbers with objects similar to these numbers, and more complex techniques.

Delve into everything you read and hear. Try to understand and make out everything for yourself. You can form your opinion about the information. Use logic as well as associations. They will definitely remain in your memory.

Preparing for the exam

Most people once have the question of how to quickly memorize information in large quantities before the exam. Here are some tips of varying degrees of sensibility:

  • Move! While studying tickets, poems or topics in English (history), do not cram them while sitting, but actively move around the rooms, wind circles. Movement does activate the brain and increase your ability to remember. It will be no less effective to change the situation. If you are preparing for two exams at once, it is better to study tickets and topics in different rooms. So they will definitely not mix and be deposited on different "shelves" in memory. And one more important point. Any aerobic exercise will help you remember anything faster, because it improves memory and blood circulation in the brain. So do some fitness or dance before grabbing your tickets.
  • Sleep and be distracted... Even if there is a lot of information, you do not need to learn everything late at night. In addition, you need to periodically relieve the brain. Deliberately distract yourself, for example, for 30 minutes to call your friends or watch a cartoon. Otherwise, you will be distracted all the time and will not learn anything. By the way, you can also be distracted by recording all your sad thoughts and all the negativity that has fallen on you lately.

    Not the happiest way, but it works. The bottom line is that we remember all the bad information much better and faster. Therefore, the information that comes to our brain after such outpourings of the soul, the brain will automatically perceive as negative, respectively, it will be easy to remember and "with pleasure."

  • More expression. And artistry too. When learning languages ​​and not only, put emotion in all information. Depict whatever you're trying to remember with movements or gestures. Play mini-plays and skits if there is too much to learn. In addition, it will be much easier to remember everything if you shout. Shout out foreign words, poems that you teach, your report. By the way, you don't need to yell at the whole house. Just say everything clearly and loudly. This will also improve memorability.
  • Get involved in nature. Everything is simple here. Fresh air also drives blood to the brain, which means that everything is easier to remember. So, we are preparing for the most extreme exam in the country. If you don't have a summer residence, you can just look at the photo with nature for a quarter of an hour before the start of preparation for the exam.
  • Throw words... More precisely, in letters. We do it like this. We rewrite the text that needs to be learned, but only without the first letters at the beginning of each word. We learn, at the same time trying to remember these words. At first, however, you will have to peep at the original regularly, but then it will be enough for you to look once at the cut version of the text, and you will remember everything immediately.
  • Structure... If you are too lazy to type or write, everything you need to remember can be sketched as a diagram. The most important thing is to read the information before that and thoroughly delve into it. When you have a kind of "flags" before your eyes, it will be easier to remember everything.
  • To memorize an impressive text, you can try to divide it into parts. But not logical, but just a dozen stanzas. You do not need to learn them by heart without comprehending. Go deep, and then make an outline of this text. Then you can read the text again in two hours.
There are many ways to memorize any information, but the main thing is to believe in the possibilities of your memory. If you underestimate this thinking tool, it will not work to its fullest. And one more thing: instead of stupid cramming, it is better to spend time comprehending the entire amount of information that you have to learn. Believe me, this is more productive and more effective. Don't let your intelligence dry up.

Ekaterina Dodonova

Business coach, blogger, memory and speed reading instructor. Founder of the educational project iq230

1. Understand

Very often people just try to memorize unfamiliar words and phrases without even understanding their meaning. Perhaps this will be enough for a few days, say, to pass the exam. Unless, of course, the lecturer asks to explain what you mean by ablation and what are the signs of those very chromosomal aberrations from the first ticket.

The brain perfectly remembers the words associated with associative. He discards incomprehensible letter combinations like garbage, not wanting to waste time on them.

For this reason, most people have a hard time teaching. A strange sounding word does not evoke pictures that are familiar and understandable to the heart.

Therefore, for better memorization, you must first disassemble and understand all the new terms. Try to get a feel for the word and associate it in your imagination with familiar concepts.

2. Come up with an association

The presence of imagination is one of the most powerful tools for memorizing information. Mnemonics greatly facilitate the process of memorizing important reports, presentations, texts, including in foreign languages, due to artificial associations.

Let's take the word "Monday." What frames are running on your inner screen? It can be morning, terrible traffic jams, a thought throbbing in your head, a day on a calendar, a diary page from your childhood, or a humming anthill in your office. What do you see?

To make associative connections strong and durable, you can use the five-finger rule. Each finger has its own association, filled with one or another content.

Fingers Association
Big "Raisin". Original, absurd, absurd
Pointing "Emotions". Use only positive
Average "About yourself, beloved." Feel free to associate the object of memory with yourself
Nameless "Feel". Connect your senses: sight, hearing, smell, taste, tactile sensations
Little finger "In move". Make your subject move. The brain remembers information faster over time

Thus, the necessary information will be imprinted in your memory at once on all levels of feelings, which will allow you to use it for a long time.

3. Deceive the magic number 7 ± 2

The famous American psychologist George Miller found that short-term human memory cannot remember and repeat more than 7 ± 2 elements. The mode of constant information overloads reduces this number to 5 ± 2.

Nevertheless, there is a simple way to deceive the laws of short-term memory: the use of the method of stories, which involves the logical connection of disparate objects of memorization into one chain. You can end up with a funny, incredible and completely impossible story in real life. The main thing is that with the help of it you can memorize more than 15 elements at a time.

As the director intends in the next scene, you have to swim in a pool filled to the brim with semolina. Yes, just imagine this madness in bright colors. Feel the semolina sticking to your skin with your skin. How hard it is to swim in this warm liquid, although the porridge is not too thick. It smells like milk, butter and childhood in the air.

4. Repeat correctly

Our brains can be programmed - this is a scientific fact. It requires its awareness and daily work in the chosen direction. Therefore, if you firmly decided that it is extremely important for you to learn English in six months, then the brain is already tuned in to intensive memorization. But in addition to regular training, regular repetition of the material covered is also important.

Use certain time intervals for the best memorization: repeat the material immediately after learning, then after 15-20 minutes, after 6-8 hours (preferably before bedtime) and the last time after a week.

5. Tune in

Perhaps there is nothing worse when a person thinks of himself in negative tones: "I will never cope with this", "It is impossible for me to remember this", "I will not be able to learn such a difficult report." Use only positive affirmations when programming your brain for work and results.

Tune in correctly, tell yourself: “I remember!”, “I have a good memory. I will remember "," I will remember and easily retell in my own words in two hours. " Customize yourself. The resource state of the brain is your area of ​​responsibility.

Knowing the five secrets of memory, you can easily learn to memorize really complex and versatile materials. In addition, there are many interesting and natural for a person ways of training memory and fixing the necessary objects of memorization, which Ekaterina Dodonova also talks about in detail in her book.

Happy reading and excellent memory!

Many people mistakenly believe that the active work of memory ends at the end of the institute, technical school or university. However, this is not quite true. The use of memory continues after graduation. Another thing is where and to what extent to apply it, and most importantly, how to improve it. Therefore, in this article we will talk about how to memorize information faster using the simplest and most effective exercises.

What types of memory are there?

Human memory can be conditionally divided into two types:

  • short-term (fast);
  • long-term.

Short-term memory allows a person to memorize a specific list of objects or objects that exist in real time. In other words, only images that are relevant here and now remain in the memory. On average, there can be 5-8 such objects. Accordingly, long-term memory makes it possible to remember certain images that a person may need not immediately, but, for example, in a year. Therefore, in order to figure out how best to memorize information, you need to learn to distinguish between them.

  • visual (those objects that we see with our own eyes are remembered);
  • sound (the melody is caught, the words of the song);
  • sensual (based on real emotional experiences and feelings);
  • tactile (sensations are remembered);
  • emotional (based solely on emotions);
  • associative (connects objects and objects with any associations).

We will tell you how to quickly memorize information further.

Exercise 1: writing sad letters

Scientists have made an amazing discovery. Our memory, as it turned out, is most susceptible to negative memories and experienced emotions. Therefore, the method of writing letters is as follows: you need to take a sheet of paper and a pen, mark 15-20 minutes on the clock, and during this time state all the troubles and negative moments that you have encountered in the last week or month.

Interestingly, after such an exercise, it will be easy for you to remember almost any information. According to scientists, this is due to the fact that after using the exercise, the brain simply does not have time to switch from your memories and will happily accept everything that you read and memorize. This is exactly what you should do if you are looking for an answer to the question: "What is the best way to memorize information?"

Exercise 2: scream and be heard

A little extraordinary, but quite effective method to remember any information. It consists in her loud screaming. For example, in this way you can learn foreign words, prepare for exams or tests. However, this does not mean that during such an exercise it is necessary to yell until you are hoarse or until the first call of outraged neighbors. Do everything within reason.

How to quickly memorize a large amount of information: exercise 3

If in a short time you need to learn a large amount of text or material, then you should follow these steps:

  • carefully (preferably several times) read what is written or printed;
  • delve into the content;
  • highlight basic and auxiliary information;
  • divide the material into parts (according to the level of their importance);
  • make a short (you can;
  • retell what you read.

Here's how to quickly memorize a lot of information.

Exercise 4: movement is power

When any material does not want to be memorized in any way, many experts advise using real movements. To do this, you need to get up from your seat, pick up a book with text and, for the best effect, start walking in circles around the room, while reading what you have written. It is believed that during walking there is a rapid activation of the brain, therefore, any material is absorbed much faster.

For the same purpose, before remembering a lot of information, it is recommended to dance, jump, run or do any physical exercises for 25-30 minutes. They say that after that it will be possible to memorize at least the entire first volume of War and Peace.

Exercise 5: play associations

One of the most effective ways to develop and remember any information is to play in association. Let's say you need to memorize a grocery list. To do this, you first need to write this shopping list, look at it and create images that will be easier for you to remember.

For example, your list of future acquisitions includes carrots. Since she has an orange skin, she may well be associated with a red fox or squirrel. Cotton buds are soft and white snow. Water - a glass, etc. This is a brief summary of how to memorize information faster.

Exercise 6: put everything on the shelves

They say that the things that are in your favorite place are best remembered. For example, you have a favorite chair in your home that you often sit on. And next to it is a stack of wooden shelves. It is on them that you can mentally put those objects that you plan to remember. After that, it will be easier for you to remember the location of the items and their names.

Exercise 7: leave notes

Suppose you need to memorize a large talk, but you don’t know how to memorize information faster. In order to quickly learn what has been written, it is necessary to divide the text into short sentences, write them on sticky pieces of paper and paste them in accessible places in the room. Further, it is recommended to walk around the apartment from time to time and read your notes.

Exercise 8: counting matches

Sometimes you shouldn't wait for the moment when you need to urgently learn some text, numbers or words. It is best to start training your memory and mindfulness before the right moment arrives.

For example, if you regularly perform the exercise "Matches", you will be able to increase the level of attentiveness and memorization of the smallest details, therefore, if necessary, you will not have any difficulty learning any important material. Next, we will tell you how easy it is to memorize information of any complexity.

So, the meaning of the exercise boils down to the following: you need to take exactly five matches, pour them on the table, remember their position, turn the other way and try to recreate. With each lesson, it is recommended to gradually increase the number of matches and the complexity of the created figures.

Exercise 9: reading words backwards

A very simple and useful exercise for developing mindfulness and memory is to read. For example, while walking or driving around the city, pay attention to the signs of shops, read them in reverse. In this case, you will not only have to memorize the meaning you are not used to for ordinary names, but also keep in mind the original word-original.

Exercise 10: swap numbers and letters

If you are experiencing certain difficulties with memorizing phone numbers or PIN-codes, then you should use simple and at the same time effective methods of assimilating data. At the moment, various methods are known. Remember information related to numbers, for example, the option to replace them with letters will help you.

For example, you need to memorize the following sequence: 9, 5, 8, 4. Replace them with letters corresponding to the first letters of the numbers. We get the letter "d" instead of "9", change "5" to "p", "8" to "v", and "4" to "h". It will be more interesting to develop the idea further by coming up with a whole sentence from this letter code. In this case, instead of hard-to-read "dpvch" we get "let's say you are human."

In short, if you really decided to improve your memory performance, do not hesitate and start training right now. In this case, you do not have to rack your brains and invent another incredibly fast way to memorize information. On the contrary, you will quickly learn and memorize everything. Go for it!


The modern world with a huge amount of constantly updated information makes increased demands on human memory. For people striving to achieve success, the question arises - how to memorize a lot of information in a short time? The best minds of mankind, who have found a way out for such people, have been struggling over this problem for a single year. According to them, the use of special techniques can increase the amount of memory.

How much information can a person remember

Scientists have been trying for a long time to find the answer to the question of how much information an ordinary person can remember. However, until now, no solution has been found that satisfies all physiologists. It was assumed that human memory is capable of storing information of ten million bits. But soon scientists abandoned this theory due to the fact that this volume is very small and does not reflect the real state. The human brain contains not only the data that he is forced to remember, but also those that accompany his existence - the nicknames of pets, facial features of relatives, etc.

According to the American researcher Cooper, each neuron in the brain is capable of storing up to one hundred thousand units of information. Taking into account their total number, a person's memory contains information of 10 to 17 bits. This figure, according to a number of physiologists, is reliable. However, some scientists argue that human memory is a more capacious concept, and it is capable of containing information from 10 to 23 bits. Based on these data, it is clear that people have not yet learned how to use the most complex mechanism given to him by nature.

Determining the memory type

In everyday life, there are individual differences in the field of mental processes. One of such processes is information storage. Features of the process of memorization characterize the personality, becoming its properties, leave an imprint on the activity and behavior of a person. Depending on which analyzer predominates in the work of memory, it is customary to distinguish four types of memory:

  • auditory;
  • visual;
  • motor;
  • mixed.

The auditory (sound or auditory) type is characterized by a high degree of memorization and reproduction of all kinds of sounds: music, spoken words. It is important when memorizing the voiced information. It acquires particular importance at certain periods of life. Auditory memory ensures good academic performance of schoolchildren and students. It is necessary for the successful professional activity of composers, musicians, linguists.

Visual memory is the ability to perceive, store and reproduce visual images. According to psychologists, people with a developed visual type have a well-developed imagination. They are able to "see" images even after they have disappeared from sight. This type of memory is of particular importance for designers, engineers, artists, and designers.

Motor (motor) memory is characterized by the ability to memorize and reproduce movements. People who possess it are able to retain in their memory not only motor representations, but also their characteristics: amplitude, speed, tempo, rhythm, sequence. The success of the formation of motor skills in labor, play, sports activity depends on the level of its development.

The mixed type is characterized by the absence of a predominance of any one memory. Its peculiarity is that mixed memory provides equally good retention of material when using different analyzers. People who have it use several types of memory at once: visual-motor, visual-auditory, motor-auditory.

There are other types of memory, based on the activity of individual analyzers, which are not essential in a person's life. Their capabilities are limited and come down to meeting the biological needs of the body. These types of memory include: olfactory, tactile and gustatory. To find out which way of memorization prevails in you, use the psychological technique "Determining the type of memory."

To carry it out, you will need an assistant who must read out several rows of words. Each of these corresponds to a specific type of memory. After the presenter reads aloud a group of words, the subject must write them down from memory in the allotted time. The data obtained must be checked against the rows of words and find out how many are named correctly. At the end of the calculation of the coefficient according to a special formula, a conclusion is made about the prevailing type of memory.

Cheat sheets will help you quickly remember a lot of information in a short time.

What is the best way to memorize information? Cramming is time consuming and not always effective. The favorite method of student "smuggling" - a cheat sheet, helps in solving this issue. According to physiologists, the use of cheat sheets activates the activity of several analyzers, as a result, several types of memory are involved in the memorization process - visual and motor. This approach provides quick memorization. The peculiarity of cheat sheets lies in the way of storing information.

A large amount of data cannot be accommodated on a small piece of paper, so the answer to the ticket question is written down briefly in the form of diagrams. They reflect key points or individual phrases that reflect the essence, from which they create logical chains by conscious processing of information, which ensures consistent memorization of the text. This method is successfully used not only by students, but also by people who operate with large amounts of data - managers, teachers.

Connection of auditory, auditory memory

According to physiologists, the auditory type of memory is a powerful memorization tool. Psychologists believe that auditory memory develops more easily than visual and motor memory. The use of this tool increases the possibilities of memorization. To use auditory memory, it is recommended not only to write, but also to read the same cheat sheets. Repeating the information aloud before the exam increases the chances of a successful case.

The main method of using auditory memory is recording information on a dictaphone and listening to it. For example, you can record lectures given by a teacher, or read material yourself with a tape recorder. Regular listening to information ensures a strong memorization. At one time, there was a theory that if you listen to information in a dream, then it is well remembered, but scientists have questioned the use of this method.

Visual memory techniques

The share of visual memory accounts for most of the information we perceive. In educational institutions, the main emphasis when presenting educational material is on visual perception, therefore most of the data is located on the blackboard. To increase the capabilities of this type of memory, several visual memorization techniques are used:

  • Visual material. When studying a theoretical issue, the material is supported by vivid illustrations.
  • Reading. This type of activity also connects the visual analyzer to the memorization process, which allows you to imprint the necessary information in the brain.
  • Designing. The material intended for memorization is outlined using multi-colored pencils or felt-tip pens.
  • Schulte tables. This "simulator" is used to train speed reading skills. In the process of training, peripheral vision is connected, ensuring the memorization of more information.

Techniques for storing large amounts of data using motor memory

Motor memory is used least often for memorization. However, connecting your own body to the processes responsible for storing information provides a strong memorization. Methods that activate motor memory are: writing cheat sheets, practicing an action that should be remembered (for example, reproducing an element of a dance). Such techniques are actively used in childhood and among people whose activities are associated with the formation of practical skills - pilots, surgeons, builders, cooks, athletes, dancers.

How to learn a foreign language in a short time: secrets of abilities

The question of how to learn to memorize information worries people and, if necessary, to master a foreign language in a short time. The book in this case is only for background information. Physiologists recommend increasing the amount of audiovisual information. Watch films in the selected language, accompanied by Russian subtitles, listen to songs, find yourself a companion who speaks the language, and communicate with him regularly. Computer and social networks will be great helpers. If there is a club in your city where foreigners gather, visit it and practice your pronunciation.

There are a lot of computer techniques that involve practicing pronunciation, listening to words, accompanied by translation. One of the popular techniques used in language learning is the Mental Repetition technique. Its essence lies in the periodic mental repetition of information. It's important to stick to your exercise schedule:

  • The first repetition after learning is performed 60 minutes after the initial perception of the data.
  • The second - 3 hours after the first.
  • Third - the next day at any time.

The number of repetitions, the intervals between them are regulated at their own discretion, taking into account individual abilities. It is allowed to increase the number of repetitions and lengthen the intervals between them. Be sure to make sure that the breaks are not long, otherwise information that is not fixed in time may eventually not be retained in memory.

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How to memorize a lot of information in a short time. How to quickly memorize information

The performance of a person's memory depends on many factors. The efficiency of the brain is based on individual habits and the rhythm of life of a particular person.

There are general rules for the performance of the brain in terms of time frames. However, it is necessary to subjectively determine the peak of its activity and the rise in memory more accurately.

The efficiency of the brain also directly depends on the type of biorhythms.... Today we are used to dividing people into "owls" and "larks". Indeed, for some, labor productivity is really higher during the day, while for others only at night.

But most of the "owls" are mistaken about their biorhythm, since an active life simply forces them to join the squad of "night residents". It is the same with larks.

People who like to sleep during the day simply have to wake up early in the morning and go to work. Therefore, their real "daytime" biorhythm is simply rearranged into the night.

In order to really understand at what time your performance is at its peak, you need to independently conduct an experiment.

To do this, you should write down the time intervals throughout the day in which you can do one thing with full concentration at work. It is this time frame that will allow you to understand when performance is at its peak.

After intense work, always take a couple of hours of rest for yourself. Otherwise, the next peak of activity may not come.

American scientists have long figured out how best to remember the necessary information. They came to the conclusion that a book read before going to bed, whose plot in the morning will be remembered much easier than if you read it all day long.

Psychologists explain this phenomenon by the fact that good sleep improves memory quality... This is due to the hormone melatonin.

If falling asleep becomes difficult, then you can pamper yourself with a light dinner before bed, which will contain rich foods. It is this amino acid that is responsible for the production of the hormone we are looking for.

Among such products, nutritionists distinguish hard varieties of cheeses, cottage cheese and milk, sesame seeds. The sesame cheese and bread sandwich will fit perfectly into your late dinner and help you fall asleep.

Melatonin itself reaches the brain within an hour, so you need to eat no later than an hour before going to bed.

The main rule regarding the digitalization of information in a dream is the exclusion of caffeine from the diet taken at night. It negatively affects sleep and impairs memory function. Also, avoid overeating or undernourishing before bed.

Maintain a balanced work and leisure schedule. Then problems with sleep and your memory will definitely not arise.

For those who live on a regular schedule, the following is information about brain activity will be very helpful.

1) From six to eight in the morning does a great job with tasks long-term memory... At this time, the information received will be remembered by you easily, quickly and for a long time. What will remain is that you certainly cannot get out of your head for a long time.

2) From eight to nine in the morning, various tasks related to the analysis and memorization of information are best solved. At this time comes into effect logical thinking.

3) Nine to ten in the morning is a good time to work with mental-type activities. By nine o'clock, the body is completely out of sleep and is ready to start serious work. This is the time of the most productive work.

4) From eleven to twelve, it is better to give the brain the opportunity to rest. At this time, there will be no sense from the work performed. At best, you will have to redo it all over again.

Exercise, grab a cereal bar, walk with friends in the park.

5) From twelve to fourteen, it is necessary to give the body food to recharge. This time is exclusively for lunch. There can be no question of any intellectual load.

After all, otherwise, you will not only miss the obligatory meal, but also cause enormous stress to your body.

6) Fourteen to eighteen begins the second and final climax for productive work.

However, it is worth considering the factor that long-term brain loads during these time frames can lead to depletion of the body. Subsequently, severe fatigue and sleep disturbance will appear.

7) From twenty to twenty two is the best time to rest after a hard day at work. Take an evening walk, read a book, or listen to your favorite music. The brain is not ready to solve any serious problems at this time.

8) From twenty two to four o'clock in the morning is the best time for a healthy and sound sleep. During these hours, the body rests much better than if you slept from morning to lunch.

Having accurately determined your biorhythm and adhering to the basic rules of the brain work schedule, you can easily build the effective work of your body and the full functioning of your memory.