Congratulating the girl's birthday on the day. Beautiful congratulations to the wedding. Congratulations on the wedding from the groom's parents

Coming up with congratulations for the wedding in your own words or in poetry is not as difficult as it seems at first glance.

The union of two people by marriage is always a bright and interesting event both for the lovers themselves and for those around them.

But while the future spouses are preparing for the celebration, relatives and friends pass another test - they come up with wedding greetings. Indeed, in order for the ceremony to be remembered by the bride and groom, there are few dances and a fun feast, warm words from loving parents and sincere or funny toasts and congratulations from close friends are needed.

What congratulations on a wedding can be? They can be composed in prose, in their own words, funny, romantic, touching, unusual, philosophical. There can be many definitions for them, and the choice in which form to deliver a congratulatory speech depends on the presence of imagination. But what if that very fantasy is not enough?

In this case, you can resort to some tricks to come up with an interesting congratulation, for example, invent something of your own, original, or use blanks that can be adjusted at any time for a specific situation and certain people.

But we must remember that congratulations on the wedding should be with a soul, no matter what blanks or words are used for it. Indeed, for every wish, you can find your own zest, relating specifically to the couple who will soon have a wedding.

Try to have a zest in the congratulation, so it will definitely be remembered

If the guest is familiar only with the groom or the bride, he can congratulate only him on the wedding day, but in the end, wish happiness and warmth to both lovers. Best of all, congratulations are perceived when they are invented from the bottom of your heart.

Congratulations on behalf of the parents

A wedding is an event when feelings are revealed, reverent love is manifested. And this applies not only to the bride and groom, who became the main heroes of the celebration, but also to their parents.

This is the time when mother and father pass on their parting words and best wishes to their children for the further journey.

Often, when parents congratulate their children on this important event in their life, their speeches bring joy to all guests to tears. After all, this moment is very important for young people.

Congratulations in your own words from parents:

  1. Time flies by. It seems that only yesterday you were a child and held toys in your hands. But now you have already become a whole family, united in a beautiful and strong union. And we want to congratulate you on this incredible and vibrant event! Keep each other, cherish and help, learn to forgive in time, because love is the foundation of a lasting union!
  2. Let your cup of happiness be filled to the brim, and bad weather always pass by your house. Laughter and happiness of adults and children will scare off any sorrows. May luck, delight and grace visit you more often.
  3. Our dear children, on this day we want to wish you only well-being and kindness. We are sincerely glad that you were able to create such a wonderful and tender union. We wish you to go through a long, interesting, funny and always joyful family life. A long joint road is being laid in front of you, on which obstacles will be encountered. But we believe and know that they will be only small obstacles for you, and you will simply step over them. Always love each other!
  4. A wonderful, joyful life filled with interesting events, always funny moments and unforgettable adventures - this is what awaits you ahead. We are confident in this and are ready to support you in everything. Love gave birth to this marriage, so let it accompany your joint life path. For an example of parental congratulations, see this video:

In fact, it is not difficult for parents to come up with wishes for the wedding in their own words. The main thing is to listen to your heart, what do you really want to wish young people?

The congratulations themselves at the celebrations often begin with a background about how the parents met their daughter's companion or son's companion.

If at this moment there was something interesting or funny, it is best to tell about it. Guests are always pleased to hear such congratulations.

Congratulations from friends and relatives

Not everyone likes to hear congratulations in verses, invented by someone else. If it is not possible to add your own rhymed wish, then it is best to convey it in ordinary words.

There is nothing wrong with that, such congratulations are perceived even more interesting, since they always sound sincerely and pleasantly.

Wishes to newlyweds from close friends or relatives can be thought of in a variety of ways.

Guests and newlyweds will receive a festive message in the form of a lyrical or comic song with a bang

For example, it can be a short story with vivid examples from life, or a whole performance with songs and ditties can be developed. It all depends on the imagination and desires of relatives and friends. Words can be as follows:

  1. Your love is like fire: it gave birth to a new family and brought warmth and comfort into the house. May your family hearth continue to be filled with joy, awe and delight, and may the love that gave birth to this union remain in your hearts forever.
  2. The day has come when 2 hearts united and created a wonderful family. We sincerely congratulate you on the beginning of a wonderful journey. Happy wedding day to you. Let it become the start for a long and happy family happiness. And on this road, let you meet fewer obstacles, but there are more funny moments and joyful events, interesting and kind people. For an example of a friendly congratulatory number, see this video:

Sister wishes

Wishes for brother

  1. Brother, I congratulate you on the beginning of true love. Today a new family was born. From now on, keep the family hearth warm, joyful and prosperous.
  2. My brother managed to perform a miracle - to win the heart of this beautiful girl. We are sure that all this is not without reason. Fate itself ordered to unite two hearts together and create this happy union.

Friends tend to be more creative with their greetings. It is the task of relatives to say beautifully and convey exciting wishes, but friends have a goal to make it as interesting as possible, add a little humor.

Wishes with humor

On the wedding day, the newlyweds hear many wishes for love, happiness, joy. Dressed in beautiful words, these greetings become part of the traditional wedding ceremony. But what if you add a little humor to this tradition?

It is unlikely that any of the newly-made spouses will be against laughing a little at the wedding.

A welcome guest will be the one who skillfully weaves wonderful words of wishes into wonderful humor with a bit of irony, but always kind and respectful.

A joke is a great way to defuse the atmosphere.

If a person has an excellent sense of humor, why not come up with funny congratulations on the wedding in his own words. You shouldn't be ashamed of this, you should be proud of it and use your quality to the maximum.

Several options for congratulations:

  1. Love is a delicate matter, but always interesting. So you are sitting here and cannot even imagine that a whole ocean of happiness and a sea of ​​laughter, a river of luck and a lake of well-being, and even a trickle of unpredictability await you further. And all this will not do without a drop of tar. But remember what lies at the heart of this crazy mixture - love and respect for each other!
  2. I don't know how to speak beautiful words, so I will say everything as if in spirit. Groom, take care of your beautiful wife, obey her, because she is always right. Buy her boots for the winter, and a sundress for the summer, you know the rest yourself. Do not forget about the holidays and compliments every day, let him know that she is dearer to you than anyone else. Bride, I instruct you to always respect your beloved and endure him, because soon you will have to collect socks throughout the house. With all your heart, cook him borscht, salads and mashed potatoes, you will not find a kinder person than a well-fed husband. Love each other and be happy in your marriage!
  3. Acquaintance, the first kiss, an inexplicable desire to see each other every day - all this you already had. But not all of this has passed. Now you are already married, and tomorrow you will meet the morning with a new family. Preserve the beauty of the relationship until the very end, do not know violent quarrels and troubles. And most importantly, we want to wish you: give birth to girls and certainly children, so that your house is filled with children's laughter, and the family hearth always gives warmth to you and your children. For an example of cool congratulations, see this video:

Best of all, funny congratulations on a wedding in prose in your own words sound when they contain examples from the relationship of a single couple. For example, if everyone knows the unusual story of their acquaintance, this can be used in a wish.

Original ways to congratulate

Such a solemn holiday as a wedding is remembered for a lifetime. And it is not surprising if the guests want to present the bride and groom with some original surprise.

Theatrical performance will always be unique

For example, more and more often at wedding parties, close friends or relatives come up with unusual scenes, performances through which they convey their sincere wishes to the future family.

What original ways of congratulations exist:

  1. A film of its own production. This can be a cut from video clips and photos with the newlyweds. Video messages from friends and relatives to the bride and groom are now becoming popular. To do this, someone organizes filming and conducts a short interview with loved ones. You can ask them different questions, the answers to which the newlyweds will be pleased to hear: what did you think of the groom or the bride when you saw each other for the first time, how do you feel about uniting these two people into a family, what would you like if you met them 10 years after the wedding, etc.
  2. Wall newspaper of lovers, posters, posters with additional unusual details, preferably voluminous. One easy option is to make a newspaper with pictures of lovers at different stages of their relationship. Under each image, add a few words in the form of a news column about how everything was fun, interesting and touching for them. It is worth adding to these photos drawn or edited images of spouses with children already at an age, having fantasized on this topic. It will turn out to be a newspaper with a happy story of a couple. Another option is to combine a birthday poster with a cash gift. To do this, make an interesting figure from each bill, carefully stick it on a Whatman paper, and sign your wishes below.
  3. For those who are good at coming up with rhymed greetings, but do not want to read standard verses, the option of ditties or songs of their own composition is suitable. It is always fun and interesting, and by the end of the congratulations the guests can already sing along to the chorus. Having performed such an unusual and fervent congratulation, the newlyweds will definitely remember it. For an example of an original congratulation, see this video:

It will not be difficult for people with a good imagination to come up with unusual ones, and those who are deprived of imagination can simply use the ideas invented by others.

How to come up with your congratulations?

For those who want to learn how to independently create congratulations on their wedding day in prose, there are 2 outcomes of events: when there are just words in your head that you want to wish the bride and groom, and when they are not. In the first case, you can quickly sketch out the very words, and then add auxiliary phrases.

In the second case, you can proceed not from what you want to wish, but from the way how to do it. For example, if congratulations in simple words, then add an interesting quote from a great person to it, think over the beginning, then add 2 - 3 sentences about what is meant by the phrase and how it relates to the newlyweds.

  1. The person himself must believe in what he says and wishes to the newlyweds, otherwise the congratulation will convey the guest's obvious desire to quickly sit down.
  2. All words and sentences should be logically connected, especially the beginning and end of the whole congratulation. If at first it was about the ocean of love, then at the end the wish should come to it or a similar topic, for example, to the paradise island located in its center.
  3. Wishes should be addressed to a specific bride and groom, and not to a generalized couple, which the newlyweds will visually represent, therefore it is better to use less general words, and if it does not work without them, then add at least 1 - 2 sentences with some unusual fact about newlyweds.
  4. It is best to start coming up with words for wishes a week before the celebration, so that there is time to postpone congratulations for a while, and then re-read it with a fresh mind and correct it.
  5. Congratulatory speeches can be written on separate sheets or postcards. It is desirable that they be beautifully decorated. And there is nothing wrong with reading wishes straight from the sheet.

Another little life hack for creating interesting greetings - you can use remarkable events from the time of the year when the wedding is celebrated in them. For example, if a celebration takes place in winter, then you can add something like the following to your wish: “let your relationship develop as beautifully as frosty patterns on glass, and let them have as many happy moments as snowflakes attack on this warm winter evening” ...

Toasts for the wedding

On the day of the wedding party, guests not only congratulate the newlyweds, but also make pleasant toasts during the feast.

All newlyweds love to listen to warm and gentle words.

Indeed, just at such moments, young spouses understand that their life is really changing, and it changes only for the better.

Add more feelings and emotions to the toast

In addition, if the guest did not manage to convey his wishes during the general congratulations, he can always make a pleasant toast for the young, where he will convey all the emotions and feelings that he experiences in relation to the new family.

Toasts, like congratulations, can be said in different forms, for example, in poetry, in your own words, in the form of a quote from a great man, an anecdote, a fairy tale, or were.

Interesting speeches for a wedding feast:

  1. As F.M. once said Dostoevsky, happiness is not happiness that has already been achieved, but the process itself that is chosen to achieve it. And with these words, I propose to drink to your strong family, which has just begun its journey and is in the midst of achieving its happiness.
  2. Dear newlyweds, you have created your own home of family happiness, in which friendship has erected walls and love has become a roof. It remains only to add a little more comfort, and the stork will bring it to you! Let there be friendship, love and comfort in your family hearth!
  3. Newlyweds, let love, happiness and joy become the foundations of your relationship. But here are 3 more threads that will firmly hold family ties together: attention, trust and development. Be attentive to each other always, day and night, every second. Trust each other so that the best side of your soulmate always stays turned towards you. Develop each other and develop yourself - the groom should strengthen his courage, and the bride - her femininity. So you will charm each other every day, bring novelty to the relationship and keep love for centuries!
  4. Bride, congratulate your beloved on what he has acquired. Groom, congratulate your beloved on what she received. The great Russian philosopher N.G. Chernyshevsky said that there can be only one thing undoubted happiness: when a person lives for another. I'll be brief. Dear newlyweds, live for each other!

A toast for a wedding feast can be prepared in advance. The main thing to remember is that if the speech is big, then the content in it should be with deep meaning.

Congratulations on the long-awaited
The most important day in life!
Let love keep you warm
Warm gentle ray.

May it always knock on your house
Loyalty, tenderness, kindness.
Day and night leads through life
One dream for two.

Let him wake up early in the morning
Children's joyful laugh.
And fate will sprinkle happiness
You have a huge bag.

We wish you a long and joyful life:
The wife should be cheerful, and the husband should be amused!
And in life, the family soul does not grow old:
The wife is to be beautiful, and the husband wants to!
And you must, of course, give birth, educate:
To a wife to become a mother, and to a husband to plow!
But in general, we wish, well, what to say,
The wife is to be loved, and the husband is to love!

You have a lot in total today:
Friends, smiles and flowers,
You have one road now,
One dream, one love.
And this day will not be repeated
Know how to cherish your happiness.
And God bless you, as they say,
One cannot stray from the wide path,
Do not fail, do not stumble,
You will fall in love even more.

We want to wish the bride and groom
So that they are always and in everything together.
Take care of love, save it,
Carry through your life together.

Let there be no reason for quarrels,
In love and consent, live to the point of wrinkles.
And if a quarrel breaks out by accident,
Let the reconciliation end soon.

We wish there was no blunder in life,
So that the children bloom like in a chamomile field.
We wish you great, great happiness,
Light, joyful and dear!

How beautiful is a bride in a halo of love,
And the groom is a match for her: young, daring!
You're taking on new roles today
And become a strong, happy family!

Let the sparks of love between you not go out
You will live for many years among kind people!
Let the issues be resolved unanimously,
Happiness in the house, love to you, beautiful children!

Let's congratulate the young people together,
Deciding to become one.
The way creeps their way
A fleecy carpet with white down.

To on the path of life
They did not know sorrow, sorrow.
We wish to go arm in arm
The angels themselves have crowned you.

God grant that your new family
It has always been a strong cell.
All relatives and friends today
Wish you for years to come

Mutual understanding in everything
Patience and wisdom, all the best.
Always let the house be full
And your love hearth will not go out.

So that loyalty to the swan was,
Leverage secure. In a round dance of days
Spouses are the same two wings,
That they fly their own towards a common goal!

As if two fast rivers met
From love feelings merged into a single one.
Your two hearts, faithful two hands,
Strong marriage, intertwined for life!

On this day you said - YES!
Before each other, God and the law.
May your eyes shine with happiness
And the family will become a reliable bastion!

We wish that the husband and wife
They did not know another joy,
How to love each other carefully.
So that the wife is wise

Yes, and a good hostess.
And so that the husband is the head of the family,
To cherish your wife,
So like behind a stone wall

My husband felt herself.
Let the beginning be successful
And then - happiness without end,
How infinite are two rings!

Today you have a lot of everything: flowers, friends, smiles, because this is your most important and most important day. The two halves have merged into one destiny. So let fate be the happiest, kindest and most amazing. May your life be as pure as spring water. Let the house be a full cup, let the welcome guests visit it, and let the ringing cheerful laughter sound. Cherish your happiness, and carry strong feelings for each other throughout your life. Advice and love to you, our relatives.

Today you are the heroes of the occasion, today you have all the wishes and a sea of ​​compliments. Let your days fly by in harmony and love. Let every ordinary day turn into a holiday. Hold on tightly to each other, because if you two are together, you will not care about all the problems. Keep tenderness, affection, sensitivity for many years. Let the charm of the first meetings live in our hearts. Let only joy be in your life, let desires always come true, and hearts sound in unison. Advice and love.

Our dear newlyweds, today you have united your destinies into one. Now you have everything one. Live, for each other, take care of your love all your life. We wish you all the best, may everything go well with you, may life go on like clockwork, may luck always accompany you. May God grant you children that they will decorate your life and always make you happy. Let fortune always smile only at you. Let the bird of happiness visit you often. All the best to you, prosperity and prosperity. Let life be a delight for you.

Today your wedding is the most important moment of your life together. Please accept my sincere congratulations on this wonderful day. Let the gold rings that you put on each other today be the most reliable amulet of your whole life. May your path be wide and long, may your feelings be reliable and strong, may only joyful moments fill your every day. Fate gives you love on bail, manage to carry it with dignity throughout your life. Good luck and all the best.

The wedding day is full of excitement and unwarranted anxiety. But you will remember him, newlyweds! A report of the minutes of family life will go from him - let them be long, pleasant and joyful. You are now more beautiful than ever! May God keep your union from destruction, anger and misunderstanding. All problems are surmountable if there is love in our hearts. Let everything be fine with you! Love, inspire each other to accomplishments, understand and appreciate the gifts of fate!

Beloved daughter, as always you are beautiful
Son, and we always love you,
Today you are together and it became clear to us
That you are going into a new life, hurray!
And may this life be wonderful for you,
Health, good luck, warmth for a hundred years!
You'd rather bring the kids to us,
Do not know sadness, anxiety and troubles!

Your family is new, you have everything ahead of you.
We wish you only a good journey.
Bad weather and troubles may not come to you.
And happiness, health, warmth and comfort.
Wealth, luck, let it await you
Everywhere and always let you be surrounded
Good, kind, loyal people
And may everything in your life be good.
In life, always and everywhere be together,
And keep loyalty to each other for two hundred years!

Our dear children, we wish you now,
So that troubles and bad weather never know you.
If they get in the way - quickly drive them away,
Well, you always warmly welcome happiness and good luck!
And when it suddenly becomes difficult, then you snuggle up to each other,
Do not show tears, do not skimp on smiles,
And of course, we expect more children from you,
Well, you live together happier and longer!

We want to congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts,
May your marriage be strong and happy,
You are for your wife, son, be loved,
And you, daughter, beloved to him.
Never quarrel and never swear
Always try to be together everywhere,
May only happiness be in your house,
Let all the bad weather pass by!

Hello dear guests of my blog. Apparently, soon you will be present at the birth of the family of your loved ones or acquaintances. The newlyweds will remember this holiday for the rest of their lives. They will be pleased with your congratulations on their wedding day, and I will offer you the most beautiful and sincere of them, in poetry and prose.

I hope you find the coolest poem for your daughter or son, sister or brother, girlfriend or boyfriend, or just your friends. For each of them, something different will do. Put a piece of your heart into wishes, and they will undoubtedly delight a young family.

Let's start with touching beautiful congratulations in verse. Some of them are short and can be written on a postcard, others are longer or interesting for their originality and soulfulness, and are suitable for a festive toast to newlyweds.

Gold rings are put on
There is a seal in the certificate ...
Well, young spouses,
We wish you this day?
So that the music sounded in the house,
So that it is not boring together,
Live together, I wonder
So that happiness is - the house is full!
Take care of love trustingly, vigilantly,
And only at the wedding let it be "Bitter!"

Your wedding is just a miracle
Laughter, smiles, joy are everywhere!
And champagne - like a river
And gifts - a mountain!
You live like children
Best of all in this world!
Your friendly family -
So that she was an example to everyone!
Let the house be a full cup
Will be full of your happiness,
May luck find you
Will bring a lot of children!

I want to wish quite a bit:

So that luck settles in him,

You are together - this is already happiness.
How difficult it is to achieve it:
Overcome the fate of bad weather,
Sincerely love each other!

May everything be fine with you
May love not leave you
May every day of life together
Your blood boils with passion.

This day is the happiest:
Two destinies intertwined into one.
Wedding day - it's a long-awaited one,
Your life has become brighter.
We wish you a lot of kids
Love and fidelity in everything.
And do not judge each other harshly,
Always, everywhere you two will be.
To live in wealth in a comfortable house,
Where there will be peace and respect.
Happy wedding day to you! From us with love
Please accept these congratulations.

The bride and groom are our dear,
We sincerely congratulate you!
Today hundreds of the sweetest, kindest
We send you wishes!
May your life with each other be tender,
As in a bright and beautiful fairy tale,
And even so in more than forty years
You will be a happy couple!
May this day be like a bright holiday
It will pour joy into your home,
And your life will be adorned forever
Hope, Happiness and Love.
I also want to wish you
To bring up good kids -
A bunch of girls and guys -
Well, in a word, a whole kindergarten

With all my heart, newlyweds, congratulations
Happy wonderful day, the best day in my life!
We sincerely wish you well-being,
Strong health and joy in everything!
Surround each other with tenderness and affection,
Let the honeymoon last as long as possible,
Be faithful, never part
Let any dream come true!
Create a reliable and strong family,
Live in harmony for many years!
Together, protect your sacred union
And be happy! Love to you and advice!

Congratulations to the newlyweds,
We wish you love, harmony.
A rich, wonderful life,
Be able to read each other's thoughts.
So that love does not pass over the years,
So that tenderness remains with you,
So that there is happiness, and only,
Well, now, guys: "Bitter!"

Let everything be okay in the family
And in my soul it is always gratifying.
May they always accompany you
Happiness, smile, kindness!
And so that feelings are at their zenith,
So that the soul is alive
You talk to each other
There are always words about love!

Big road, not a trail
You go hand in hand.
And let the gait be light
And fewer pebbles along the way.
Breathe with joy alone
And if something suddenly happens,
You divide it in half,
She's easier to deal with then.
And life will give you as a reward
From flesh, flesh from blood, blood
Living joy and joy:
You will repeat yourself in children!

Wedding day is the most important holiday
The wedding day is the birthday of the family,
You met each other once,
And a spark of love lit up brightly.
I wish you that it never goes out,
And only shone stronger every day,
So that family life is wonderful
Let there be a lot of happiness in her!
Today is the happiest day
And you, so beautiful, lovely,
Stand by the altar,
With a loving gaze,
We wish you on this holiday,
That the days seemed always different!
So that your house is full of happiness,
So that the kids rejoice in it!

We hasten to congratulate the young
With the loss of "free" status.
Now our fiance is enviable
Only one bride is worthy!
And the bride, having become a wife,
Only her husband will admire
Therefore, we wish you
Fall in love with each other again and again!

On this holiday of happiness and love
I want to wish quite a bit:
So that, in spite of all obstacles,
Joy to you has always found its way.
So that your home is a full cup,
To live comfortably and comfortably,
So that luck settles in him,
To make children's laughter sound perky.
I wish you to keep your feelings
Only increase them over the years,
Live happily and long together
Charging with shared dreams.

When people meet each other
And the soul freezes inside
Behind them appear
Weightless wings of love.
All lovers are kept from falling.
Weaved like an openwork thread.
It is very important, with patience,
To keep these wings forever.
I wish you peace and joy,
To make your life long
And let them tremble without fatigue
Behind the back there are two light wings.

For you young
Golden days
Always and everywhere will bloom
To be more memorable
Those days are dear
When they call you family.
Live in agreement.
Love each other
May life be full of happiness
Keep tenderness
Raise kids -
For this we will drink to the bottom.
So that life is young
Don't live in vain
So that there was something to remember
We wish you a wedding
Your gold
Celebrate with a huge family!

We wish that the husband and wife
They did not know another joy,
How to love each other carefully.
So that the wife is wise
Yes, and a good hostess.
And so that the husband is the head of the family,
To cherish your wife,
So like behind a stone wall
My husband felt herself.
Let the beginning be successful
And then - happiness without end,
How infinite are two rings!

Short congratulations on your wedding day in verse

These short wedding greetings are perfect for postcards, text messages or phone calls.

Young, congratulations!
I sincerely wish you happiness!
May your union be strong
And also healthy children.
Newlyweds, I wish you
I am only happiness in my personal life,
May all wishes come true
And everything will be, always great!

Today you became one family,
One love, one soul
We wish you happiness, we wish you love,
All your life so that you could save all this!

We tell you from the bottom of our hearts
You are the best couple ever!
We wish you all the best in life,
Wealth, happiness and warmth!
May your family, warmed by love,
Will always be reliable and strong!

So that in a friendly family
There was the brightest light.
We wish you only happiness
Love to you and advice!

What can be more beautiful in life?
Her hand in his hand.
Let the fire of love not go out
In your family hearth.

Be happy, take care of each other!
Carry your love in years!
Live as a friendly family
So that we can walk at the golden wedding!

Swan fidelity
Warmth and tenderness
Every day - patience
In marriage - respect.
Sweets for you only!
And on the wedding day: "Bitter!"

Glory, glory to the newlyweds!
Honor and glory to the young!
Life is bright and successful
We sincerely wish them!
May love inspire them
Friendship pleases the heart.
Let the dream know no obstacles
There will be happiness without end!

You are the best couple, you are just beautiful
You definitely deserve to live happily!
After all, the most important joy in the world is
Sincerely, tenderly to love someone

Store, appreciate, love each other,
From now on you have become a spouse and spouse,
Let the star lead you through your life,
There is grace in the family to save it!

We want to wish you
Smile more often
And into each other every day
Fall in love again
Always share equally
Joys, worries
And add to the best of your strength
Storks work!

I wish you to live happily
Respect and appreciate each other.
Love, good understanding to you
And the best wishes.

The long-awaited day has come -
You are now married.
The path strengthens your union!
Happiness to you guys!

Congratulations to the newlyweds,
We wish them love and happiness,
Husband - to obey the wife
And love her alone.
And the wife - to give birth to children,
Lovely lovely little rascals!

Congratulations from parents on the wedding

Parents are the first to provide parting words and wishes to the newlyweds. Your words are very important and create a special touching holiday atmosphere. I offer you different options on behalf of the mother-in-law and mother-in-law, beautiful, touching to tears and funny congratulations.

May happiness always accompany you!
Parental blessing -
On a long journey, for many years!
May every day of your life together
Brings you joy and love and light.
May life always be a full cup for you,
So that you do not know sorrows and troubles!
You are now responsible to each other
For every step, for every breath and look;
For happiness, for love, for everything in the world -
Let your days fly in harmony!
Hold on, children, tightly to each other:
When not apart, when always together,
Then the wind and frost and blizzard
Both evil and hail will be of no concern to you!

I only had a daughter
And now I am with my son.
Husband's daughter got hold of -
I got rich as a son.
Since I am a mother to your wife,
You will call me mom.
Mother-in-law is in a joke,
And you won't be lost with me.
I do not want to disturb you,
Okay, I'll just drop in for tea.
And you will give birth to a baby -
You yourself will come running with a bow.
Live together with each other,
I will help if it is necessary ”.
But remember forever:
Im free person.
I dreamed of giving my daughter away -
Only a good son-in-law would be
And I myself will go for a walk,
To catch up with youth.

Dear newlyweds ...!
On this solemn and festive day
Congratulations on your Wedding Day.
Happy combination of loving hearts,
Families of Creation!
We wish you with all our hearts - joy and happiness.
Let the misfortune pass you by.
May cherished dreams come true
Stored in the cozy corners of love
And a song of kindness, understanding and peace
Let the beautiful lyre play for you.
And the foliage will be green
Two Wedding gold rings.
Natural picture with the wind scatter
But yours - may it forever remain
In the Constellation of good luck and warmth,
Prosperity, hopes and fiery love.
You are the masters of the universe
Your Destiny; united and sacred.
And remember this to the end,
Having covered your hearts with love.
Smiles meeting day after day.
Patiently answering insults.
And the appearance of a new life
Let the long-awaited continuation
Connections of two beautiful souls.
Let the husband be the defender.
The wife - a reliable strong rear.
And so that the good never passes away.
Live swimming in gold
Champagne pouring over sweet.
And keeping mutual loyalty
Do not lose love through the years.

I congratulate you my children,
Happy this day of your fabulous Wedding,
I wish you happiness, love,
What more could I wish for you ?!
As a daughter-in-law I will tell you separately,
Now you will become a daughter for us,
I love you with all my heart,
I know you are unlikely to deceive your son!
My son fell in love forever
And I wish you both happiness
You are very good as a daughter-in-law
You are like a ray of the sun in the midst of bad weather,
Always shine for my son
Do not betray, always be close together,
And just wait for good from me
I am sincerely glad for both of you!
I am proud of my son:
I have a daughter now!
How can not please
Such and such a beauty!

If you’re quiet, okay,
Who wouldn't be happy about that?
I wish you to live in love
So that your family grows.
Happy Wedding Day, my daughter,
Oh, how white radiance suits you,
Now you have your own family
They made a vow-promise to each other!
Live together, appreciate every moment,
Give tenderness, value respect,
Let your marriage take shape as the most folding verse,
Love you, the sea of ​​happiness, inspiration!
You are like a princess in the most wonderful fairy tale
Daughter, I congratulate you
Live together, giving each other affection,
Now you are married, now one family!
And I believe that you will be together,
For many more years
As in the brightest, most romantic song,
Let love be with you forever!

Our dear children! We sincerely congratulate you on your wedding day! We are very glad that together with your family we have new relatives. We hope that you young people will show us by your example how different generations, different families can live together. We wish you to create a family where everyone will love each other, where everyone will cherish and take care of each other. We see how much you love each other, how much tenderness you have. We see how much light and goodness you radiate. And we wish you that your family was really a family in its original sense: SEVEN-ME - mom, dad and five children. We wish you so much joy and warmth so that your family will have enough of them, and your family and friends will have enough!

Wedding greetings in prose

Congratulations on the wedding day in your own words, in prose, sound more convincing and natural. There is not always enough skill how to combine into a beautiful wish all the wonderful words that you want to pronounce. I will give you a few ready-made options for you.

And you can already change them by adding something of your own, or teaming up with each other. The most important thing is that congratulations come from your heart, and then they will sound solemn and sincere.

If you have known the bride or groom for a long time, you can tell some interesting fact from their life that applies to this moment. For example, how many children the bride dreamed of at the age of 7, and what names she prepared for them, or which chosen one the groom was talking about at the age of 16.

Show a little wit, strain your memory and half the battle, that is, the toast is already ready. And look for inspiration for the second half in the proposed options.

A fabulous wedding and sweet life together, dear newlyweds! Enjoy every day of joint happiness, appreciate each other and do not let your family go out!

Dear newlyweds! With all my heart I want to wish you to love, respect and protect each other. Let your family life be as bright, cheerful, happy, full of positive emotions as your wedding day. I wish you family comfort, warmth, joy, care and, of course, kids!
Our dear, beloved! You are now married, you are starting a big, bright road of great love for each other. We wish you from the bottom of our hearts to live a strong, friendly family, so that you have children, so that there is endless happiness, comfort, a positive atmosphere and a good mood in your house. To have a lot of pleasant emotions and impressions, joyful moments and days. Your love has always served for all examples, it is very sincere, ardent, sensitive, affectionate. Never let go of this feeling, take care of each other, walk your life's path in harmony, understanding, live with dignity all the trials that will fall on you. We wish you harmony, joy, so that your marriage is without marriage! Be faithful, love, live happily!

Congratulations! The wedding day is not only the date of marriage, but also the beginning of the development of new professions: the builder of a cozy nest, the cook who prepares tasty and healthy food, the supplier, the psychologist who knows how to find the compromises necessary in life, and the most important job - the parents of mischievous babies ! And we hope that you will cope with all of them perfectly!

On this special day, and most importantly, that it is yours, I would like to wish you eternal and strong love, a warm family hearth, a friendly and strong family, keep the thrill of the first meetings in your hearts and go through this long and difficult life path by the hand of each other. friend. Advice and love!

It is a great honor for me to be a bridesmaid with such a wonderful couple! My dear friends, I congratulate you! The wedding is wonderful, you are very beautiful and happy, the atmosphere is magnetized by your smiles and charged with positive energy. I will be glad to come to visit you, to your cozy family nest. And, of course, be your baby's godmother.

In family life, we wish you happiness, love and harmony! Keep this date sacred, on weekdays and holidays be close, live in harmony, support each other in everything, and let it be bitter for you only at the wedding! We wish you to live in abundance, may your house be strong and bright! Children you raise healthy, smart, funny. Be a worthy example for them! Keep love, because only then will the family be strong and reliable!

Friends, let's congratulate the young together! May the bride's eyes always shine with happiness, may there be only love, tenderness and warmth in her heart. Let the groom be a reliable protector for the family, let no bad news, bad weather, troubles touch your family, let nothing darken your family happiness. For you!

On your wedding day, you want to drown in the sea of ​​tenderness and love. Your hands are holding each other so tightly that the whole world bows before you! I wish you to carry this tenderness in your hearts through your entire life together and to conquer all difficulties with joint efforts! No dream can resist such a deep love - it simply must come true!

Newlyweds, love each other, respect, keep your feeling like a shrine! May your eyes shine as brightly as they do today in fifty years. Let your home be full of children's laughter, joy, kindness and prosperity. Live in perfect harmony, appreciate every minute you spend together. I wish you happiness for many years!

So your mutual dream has come true - the two halves have become one. We wish you to become a guiding star for each other, a reliable shoulder, an affectionate critic and a wise counselor for your entire long married life. Let all paths lead you to your home, because, as you know, only the one who is happy with his family is truly happy.

Congratulations dear ones. I want to wish you a long and happy life together, peace in the family and outside the window, joy in your hearts and on your faces. Love deeply, dream beautifully, live luxuriously and always support each other!

Dear bride and groom! Today you have become husband and wife and have firmly united your destinies into one. You have become the closest people, and now you will overcome all the joys and hardships shoulder to shoulder. Let the thread with which you connected your life paths not only never break, but grow stronger year after year, turning into a strong rope, and the rope into a family rope! Happiness to your home and your new family born in these minutes! Let children's laughter ring faster in your home! Be healthy, be happy!

Dear newlyweds, I want to wish you patience and love in order to keep everything wonderful in your relationship. And also inspiration and strength to make them brighter with each new day and, waking up in the morning, know for sure that you are grateful to fate that you have each other.

On your wedding day, I would like to wish that you would love each other, as when you first met. Appreciate, respect your newly created family. May life give you a lot of joy, children's laughter and financial well-being!
Our dear newlyweds! We congratulate you on this important step in life, which you have deliberately taken! Know that life is a series of happy and unlucky days. And the happiness, well-being and longevity of your family depends only on you, on your patience, participation, mutual assistance and mutual support! Take care of her, take care of your feelings and let the cloudy days be as few as possible. Let the little things of family life not overshadow passion and love! Advice to you yes Love!

I would like to say a few words about our bride. Look at our beauty in a wonderful snow-white outfit - she amazingly combines "bride", "wife" and future "mother", which means femininity, love and self-sacrifice. Today she glows with happiness, and the fire of love burns in her eyes. So let this glowing light burn in her eyes all her life, let the hardships of family life and tears of sorrow not extinguish it, let her heart be filled with goodness and passion, and let her hand rest firmly on her husband's arm all her life! For a young wife!

We wish your new home: if the land is for arable land, if the news is good, if the tree is fruitful, if the rain is heavy, if the daughter is beautiful, if the flower is fragrant, if the son is powerful, if the friend - that is true!
I wish you happiness and prosperity!

I want to congratulate this lovely couple on the main event in their life together. I would like to wish you sincerity in communication with each other, so that understanding and respect become the main law in the family. Financial prosperity, a long and happy journey together, and there are so many children for the neighbors to take out a calculator when calculating.

Our dear newlyweds. Let me congratulate you on your legal marriage! And I wish you to sincerely love, respect, appreciate and cherish each other. Let your family grow and multiply: sons and daughters. Be faithful, strengthen your feelings, save up funds. I wish you a prosperous life, great happiness and long years together. Bitterly!

Friends! They say about the family: "The husband is the ship, and the wife is the helm of the ship!" And today we want to wish you an easy sailing on the sea of ​​life, without storms and with a favorable wind! We wish your ship to dock on the shores of Love, washed by the waves of the ocean of Tranquility, driven by the winds of Prosperity and always sailed through life under the flag of Family Happiness!

Today you shine with happiness, it is so pleasant to look at you that it is obvious to everyone present that you are the happiest couple! And we are all very happy for you! Even after a year, and after many years, the shine in the eyes and tenderness in the heart does not fade away, let the family hearth burn and give warmth to relatives and friends. May good luck accompany you in life!

Young! Today you have taken a step into a life together! I wish you will remember this moment for a long time, so that the joy and delight of today you remember the long, long summers. I wish you to find the right path - even love and prosperity. Look for your way to happiness and, having found, manage not to turn!

On the day of the wedding celebration, I want to wish the young couple happiness in family life! Let the years not extinguish your mutual interest, but only help you get to know your spouse better, discover new, better sides in him! Let your union be, first of all, a union of love, fidelity and love again!
I literally flooded you with all kinds of congratulations on your wedding day on behalf of anyone. I really hope that you have decided what you want, in poetry or prose. I wish the newlyweds happiness, and you have a wonderful mood on their holiday!

Until next time, Anastasia Smolinets

Congratulations on your wedding,
And I wish you well
So that she is always happy
Your glorious family!

You harmony, patience,
I wish you all the best
So that love does not fade away
Darkness has not made its way into the souls!

So that you always live together
So that you do not know grief,
I wish you good luck
Fill your days with happiness!

May your wonderful union be guarded
Mutual understanding and love,
Desire never fades away
To admire each other again and again.

To become stronger over the years
Invisible family ties
So that you remember that day with joy,
When they called you wife and husband!

Allow a wonderful day,
All you wish:
Walk through life together
To love is not to get tired
Always be only close
Help each other
And surround with attention
And always forgive everything
May life be beautiful
Happy for you two!

Happy wedding day, with the creation of a new family,
To live beautifully, to live in love,
So that happiness reigns in your new family,
The family was young, to be cheerful!

You cherish your love, cherish,
With the slightest quarrel, do not be shy at all,
Try to go very amicably through life,
So that there is no place for reproach in the family.

Let the Lord send you good kids,
You and your parents are very similar ...
Palace, so that the family is always strong,
And from the eyes, so that a tear never flows!

Be always close, united,
Be necessary for each other,
From now on forever you have become a family,
You must stand up for each other like a mountain!

I wish you harmony, strong love,
So that your dreams are for two,
To live in prosperity, in wealth always,
So that trouble never enters the house!

The union is fastened and the hearts are fastened.
The fate of you, today, has married you.
So be happy to the end,
How happy you are from the very beginning!

Reduce controversy in your marriage.
More love and mutual understanding!
Let the insidious apple of discord
Will not become the center of your attention!

Let everything be: a house is built and a forest is planted.
And let there be children's laughter in that house!
Let the union be harmonious, harmonious.
And you are an example of a loving couple for everyone!

We sincerely congratulate you on your wedding,
We wish you immense and long love
Sincere feelings, warm hearts,
So that they remember the day when they went down the aisle!

May beautiful feelings be strong
Your ardent passion will not be forgotten by your hearts.
We wish to give birth to children, to educate,
And troubles on the way - never to meet!

The family was born today,
Now you are on your way
Connecting destiny with destiny,
Go forward together.

The roads are smooth and straight
And life without worries.
May your strong family
One good fortune awaits.

And to make it more fun for you,
Take it with you
Dreams, agreement, children's laughter
And long love!

The stamp has already adorned the passport,
The rings are new.
On this day, guys, it's clear
We chose priorities.

I wish you happiness and understanding,
Don't give up, don't grumble
Only together, only in pairs
Move and win.

I wish you big love,
Always stride towards your goals together!
May in your life be young
All the time there will be everything you need:

Health, money and kids
All the blessings, joy and fun!
Live happily, kids,
I wish you every moment!

Today you connected your hearts
And you start a joint life path,
I wish you to love each other,
So that you would like to drown in feelings!

May happiness be yours without a trace,
And every moment brings only joy,
Let your family live in abundance,
So that you walk by the hand from year to year!

You will find beautiful congratulations on the wedding day in verses for the young and in a solemn and cheerful style in this article both from friends and from the parents of the bride and groom.Congratulations on your wedding day in this article include a wide variety of wishes that are ideally matched for relatives, parents, grandparents, as well as for godparents and friends of the newlyweds.

Congratulation toast on the wedding day at the beginning of the feast

All welcome invitees
Day gathered to become a relative,
And so lovers
I ask you to stand up nicely!

The glass touches
And for the whole Russian world
Let it pour with a crystal ringing
What a feast we have today!

Raise a glass of guests
Bitter to us and sweet to you,
Sweeten the custom asks
Sweet honey on the lips)

Friends admire your wife
And her husband is a match for her,
Young - kiss!
Let's pour bitterness!

Star congratulations toast to the very beginning of the wedding feast

This greeting is also great for the opening of a wedding, but it is more themed than the previous toast. The beautiful image of the liner flying into the bright future of married life will beautifully fit into the canvas of wedding wishes for the wedding and end in the last line with the invariable cry "Bitter!"

Our light liner among the stars
Floats like a boat on the river.
We will raise a toast at the wheel
Clutching a glass in my hand

Let the star rain pour into her
Flickering secret drunken mind,
May the happiness of the young touch
Beckoning to the unknown world,

The light of galaxies fades playfully,
Drunk drinks on the table
We drink the drink of the stars zealously
For weightlessness on earth!

There are so many constellations in this world
How many sparkles are dancing in the eyes
You two have. So let's shout "Bitterly!"
And let's drink together in the heat of the moment!

For a wedding, a rosy beginning,
Let's raise the very first toast
So that the passion does not disappoint couples
Let "Bitter!" every guest will shout!

Another little "cool" sketch - toast:

My friends, take a look at the bride -

Today, beauty is at the helm!
Today we will shout to them "tili-dough!"
I'll give you the go-ahead! Let’s start! By screws!!!


Beautiful toast to the young at a wedding feast

A beautiful toast to the young should breathe freshness and inevitability of rhymes, sound sincere and heartfelt, exactly as it is presented in this poem. This congratulation is written with all my heart and will make the eyes of the newlyweds burn brighter than the sun!

For two hearts, dear trembling,
For making us sweet
For you, lovers and happy
Let's drain the glasses to the bottom!

From this moment - live together
A beautiful, affectionate family,
So that the groom was a good husband,
The bride is a glorious wife,

From the medicine man ... to Aesculapius,
From Avicennes to Hippocrates
Nobody's cure for love
Can't find - ce la vie!

Be sick with it endlessly
And may God help in this,
And in a white wedding dress -
Leads the best of the roads

May the Angel of Light protect you
And the darkness will dissipate like smoke
So let's move the glasses for this
And let's shout "Bitter" to the young !!!

Merry and cool greetings for a wedding in the Greek style

Greetings in the Greek style always work flawlessly. The "divine" theme at the wedding celebration always comes in handy, it evokes a violent reaction from guests and newlyweds, and the requisite for this action is minimal, it is enough to put on a snow-white fabric and put flower or leaf wreaths on their heads. This congratulation is very funny and permeated with light piquant notes, hinting at love passions.

Love is a welcome gift from God
Love - glorified for centuries!
Step on YOUR way
Like Gods - in laurel wreaths !!!

Let there be roses under your feet
And the face is crowned with laurels,
Let there be life every moment
Blessed forever by the Gods!

May Apollo the Silver-Eye
Will give protection for a hundred years -
Protecting from separation,
God of the Sun - will give light to hope!

God Hymen - in chains of gold
Will set the hearts of lovers
And Bacchus is the chief butler
Drinks for you from morning to night!

Let Aphrodite Kiss
You from head to toe,
Demeter - gives you children,
Athena and Nika will be awarded

To victories by will, and achievements,
And the preoccupied Eros -
Without the mask of false embarrassment
The heat will breathe in you for a century ...

We finish our toast to passion
And let the gods throw a feast,
And from above wishing you happiness -
Let them shout "Bitterly" to the whole world!

A short sketch - Greek style toast

We will not hide our admiration -
After all, the Gods have thrown a feast!
Because of Elena, Troy fell
Because of (Namearek) - the world will tremble !!!

Beautiful congratulations to the bride and groom on the wedding

This congratulation is very well suited for the first part of the wedding feast, when everyone is still hungry, sober, sometimes serious and shouted bitterly very few times, or even never shouted in a friendly team at all. Amicable "bitter" very much unites all guests, as well as any other positive joint action. This congratulation calls not only to sweeten the bitterness, but also to raise glasses to the newly married couple - while standing!

Today the heat of hearts burns
So bitter ... I have to sweeten it!
And we sincerely wish
Drain all the glasses to the bottom!

For God given hugs,
For the stars above you, clear light!
For a dazzling dress
Bouquet not thrown yet!

For the two of you, such lovers!
For the wedding that we call - green,
For your sincerity in your eyes
And for Cupid in heaven!

With all my heart I ask for a feast
At this hour, this joyful, beautiful,
For the young all to drink while standing!
Wishing good things, health, strength!

Congratulations to the newlyweds from their parents on their wedding day

Wishes to newlyweds on their wedding day will sooner or later come to one of the most key points - parental congratulations - blessings. It is no longer a secret for anyone that thought is material, and what will be heard from parental lips on this day will certainly give a bookmark for the development of the future of two destinies, merged on this day into one destiny.

What can please the soul more
Than the happiness of mutual love of the young,
And know that in the harshest cold
Fire will warm them, ONE for two,

What can please the eyes more magically
Than a grandson donated in a blue envelope,
Or a granddaughter in pink, sleepless nights,
And the thrill of outstretched hands for the baby?

What can warm our hands more
Than hugs daughter and son? Doubly
The heart goes into a joyful beat
We have become happier, richer, stronger!

May your union be both sweet and bright,
And the clan, prolonging, goes through the centuries,
May there be strength, and joy, and children in him,
And the river flows violently for your life,

Today you have doubled our joy,
So let the family flourish with children,
For a new pair we will raise the bowls,
For love to be sweet as honey!


Congratulation - blessing to the son-in-law from the mother-in-law on the wedding day

Congratulations on the wedding day from a newly-made mother-in-law for a son-in-law always evokes a stormy and positive reaction from all guests. Not at every wedding there is a congratulation from the bride's mother to the groom, but if this happens, by God, a significant bonus is added to the mother-in-law's karma!) And the parents of the son-in-law, of course, are flattered by this circumstance and this moment greatly increases their sympathy for this one, in their opinion, a sweet woman is a mother-in-law)))

My dear son-in-law, what happiness it is,
That you met each other in the world,
Love card of red hot suit
Let tenderness lie on the fate of the spouses!

You are my children - and I, besides my mother-in-law,
I would like to become your second mother,
With support, living is both happier and easier,
I will be a mountain for my daughter and son,

And I wish you well
Which cannot be bought for gold,
I bless your union for love,
Fortunately, I want to cross you,

With all my heart and soul I call
I am a Guardian Angel to your house,
May it be so. Let the wings cover
And they warm you with divine warmth,

Strive in work for the joys of success,
Wealth in the home is GOD's grace!
Let sparks of laughter scatter in the house
Children are numerous men))

Cherish your wife, spoil more often,
And let small whims
So that my daughter gets tired less
Use bracelets to make her handles easier

Cheerful wedding congratulations to the son-in-law from the mother-in-law

One more congratulations on the wedding day from the mother-in-law for the son-in-law - you will like the ease of poetic size in the manner of a counting rhyme. You can congratulate the groom with such a wish in the midst of the wedding feast, and most importantly, do not forget to depict the intolerable bitterness of an alcoholic drink on your face and ask the young people to sweeten it for you to the unrestrained wedding "Bitter!")

Oh son-in-law, look, got caught
Mother-in-law you were not scared
He took the coloring girl,
Seduced, bewitched,

Well, hold her tight
And say: "I love forever"
Maybe the father-in-law will become easier
Giving his daughter)

Take advice from your mother-in-law
Love your daughter, be friends with me
Increase your living space
Do not sin with alcohol,

I drank a glass, no more
I ate a sandwich
And I went to visit my mother-in-law
Gain strength on pancakes)

My dear son-in-law, beloved!
Here's an example for everyone to take!
For you, you are my darling,
Let me raise the glass!

Parental congratulations and blessing of the young on the wedding day

Parental congratulations on the wedding day often cause tears in the eyes of many guests at the wedding, because you must admit that such a day is so full of emotional swings from unrestrained laughter to touching nostalgia in the hearts of all those present. I have prepared for you a very reverent congratulation in verse, which will certainly touch the hearts of a couple in love and leave tender memories of this wedding celebration for life.

As from antiquity to the present
Please accept our parental mandate:
The wife should be in Bereginya's house
And the husband is a support every moment and hour

Love deeply, be for each other,
And fire and sweet water
The spouse should respect the spouse
Protect the hearth, reliable and dear

May happiness in the house be a full cup
And a stream of good pours over the edge
Love is your holy jewel,
More valuable than gold, more valuable than silver

We bless you for love, dear children!
For loyalty after many years
To keep your hearth clean and bright
May a lucky star lead you !!!

Congratulations on the wedding day to the bride from mom

This is a touching greeting on your wedding day, starting with the words " Here, daughter, and you became a bride, nthe reddest and sweetest of all in the world, tohow are you lovely in a snow-white dress, andthere is no more beautiful bride on the planet "-suitable also as an individual wish only from the mother of the bride,so and from both parents, mom and dad for the daughter who you goes to get married.

Here, daughter, and you became a bride,
More beautiful and sweeter than anyone in the world,
How beautiful you are in a snow-white dress
And there is no more beautiful bride on the planet,

Be happy, beloved, dear,
Be unequal with your husband. Behind the back
Live him, not knowing worries and troubles,
Let it dashingly bypass you,

Bloodroot, congratulations from the heart
We are with your wedding!
And with anxious trembling releasing,
On the Wedding Day we want to wish you:

Let the house for the husband be a full cup,
And the laughter of children fills the bowl,
Love and be loved our daughter,
We'll be waiting for big-bellied news!)))

Congratulations, admonition to daughter from mom on wedding day

This wedding day greeting from the bride's mother sounds like a very wise feminine admonition, which is imbued with real maternal excitement for the future daughter who is marrying the man of her dreams. The key idea in this congratulation is that a woman should always follow a man, do not climb, so to speak, on the rampage, and defeat his strength only with her female weakness)

Sprout from a small seed
One day he opens the petals
Time goes by, time comes
And now my daughter is getting married ...

The daughter has grown and I am out of these hands
Handing her cherished flower
I miss my girl already
But here ... She is a spouse, he is a spouse.

And to a new garden, to another gardener
I am the most beautiful of roses
I give and expect that everything will be familiar
She is in that garden, and there will be no thunderstorms in it,

And if there are, her husband will cover her
And protects from storms and disasters,
But don't let the rose bother you
Defender: no poison from thorns,

Neither stupid whims, nor anger,
Arrogance, bringing only trouble,
I give you away first as a guest,
But you must become a princess in the garden,

So that life for a husband becomes a kind fairy tale,
Don't argue with a man. HE is the head in the house.
You can persuade a man with affection,
The woman is right in yielding

But remember, secretly running the house:
Obedience is not equal to obedience,
Your quiet whisper must be weighty
And speech is full of love and tenderness

Don't argue with a man, that's all science
Do not argue with a man, my testament to you,
Don't argue with a man. There is no more pleasant sound
Than female consent in return

I give you, my treasure is priceless
My treasure, my flower,
As a mother, I am undoubtedly bitter
As a woman, I'm glad to be a hero

Your novels went down from the pages
And I, admiring you at this hour
I want every cup to dry
To the very bottom for the sweet you!


Merry congratulations - a parable from the mother of the bride on the wedding day

Congratulations on your wedding day in this blog are very short, funny, but capacious. It was written by me as a congratulation to my son-in-law from my mother-in-law and says that great happiness for parents is, of course, the birth of children, that is, grandchildren, who make up the meaning of life for grandparents.

I will raise a glass for you with a parable,
The heart of ancient wisdom beats in her,
They plant a poplar - if a boy is born,
Birch tree - if the girl screams,

My glorious son-in-law, take command from your mother-in-law:
Silenok on the "landing" do not regret,
Let the birch grove rustle
I'm next to her - an alley of poplars !!!

Congratulations and blessings on the wedding day from the parents of the bride and groom

A short greeting on the wedding day from the parents, which sounds like a blessing from the parents of the newlyweds. It is suitable as a congratulation from both the groom and the bride, so feel free to copy and please your children with quivering wishes throughout the wedding, since I have written a sufficient number of them in this article, from touching and nostalgic to funny and funny.

Spill over with a gentle river of love,
So, so as not to see her shores,
Kiss more often, curse less often,
And do not remove the gold shackles,

Be in love with the main thing in mind:
Mother-in-law and father-in-law, father-in-law and mother-in-law
Bless you on this glorious day,
Peace to you, Happiness, Council and Love!


Beautiful congratulations toasts on the wedding day in verse, consisting of small toasts from which you can collect one

Congratulations on your wedding day in verse always sounds festive and solemn, it is the poetic genre that distinguishes us from the prose of everyday life at wedding feasts, emphasizes the significance of the event, encourages to prepare for it and select deep, beautiful lines. Here is a very long poem for your attention, which, if you wish, can be broken into small short toasts and read out throughout the entire wedding.

Relatives - moving the bowls for you,
(Relatives are destined to merge)
Wants your happiness -
Always LOVE was equal

Wishing happiness to the little one -
We bless your union!
May your family ties
Not a minus, only a plus!

Relatives, wishing happiness again,
Whose kind are you given to continue -
Wish they were healthy
And they were together - as one!

You, at night - tirelessly,
Try not to let the family down!
So that your union is unique
Not two was equal, but five !!!

Let the swan fluff out of the pillows
Nightly softness beckons ...
Let the house of toys be full
And the bed will keep passions ...

Relatives, loving you without a doubt,
Whose kind are you given to continue
Today, on the family's birthday
They wish fate, like in the movies!

Let the kids jump along the track
Increasing the glorious family
And let them crumble from their palms
Love pecks by grain

Let there be so much attraction -
So as not to take away from each other!
Let's shout to them so bitterly,
So that it becomes sweet to us again!

Relatives, loving you innocently
Desires wisdom in love:
Bride - be an obedient wife
And the husband is the master of reputation!

Let life sing with love lyre
Let the music sound forever
And let in all corners of the apartment
Screams for the little one!)

Let the sun shine relentlessly
Shining to a young couple!
Let the life of the Husband be manna
Heavenly, sweet, golden ...

Let your eyes like a diamond face
Burn, burn one hundred carats
And let the crazy sleigh drive
You in the happiness of the future City

Relatives who are now united
Whose kind does it shine for you to continue
They want this picture layout:
Give birth .. get pregnant .. give birth ..)

Let the stroller ride with triplets
Increasing the glorious family
Let all the neighbors watch
Your belly all year round

Let the fire of the fireplace not go out,
And God bless you
Fortunately, behind a man's back
And the loyalty of a woman in love!

So much luck to you without measure,
How many stars are there on the milky way,
Paths of hope, rivers of faith
Wants to swim and pass!

May the angel protect you at home
And it will spread its wings wider,
Let the stork, a friend of his acquaintance
It will bring you a cradle in its beak)

Let all thunderstorms pass through the forest!
We sincerely wish you
So that the husband matures, the bride blooms,
Dividing love in half!

Relatives all the whole feast
Whose kind are you given to continue
They want your field to live
Always LOVE was equal

Relatives - rooting for you zealously,
For continuing through the centuries,
Wants to be drunk to the bride
From happiness in husbands hands!

Let life be a cool romance
But whatever you call it -
Let the husband and wife agree to the plan
Always equal to love!

Relatives, (without pathos with glamor)
Desires the result of passions:
Not one - (what a mockery of chickens),
And seven, at least, children.

May to the last knee
Your family blooms and multiplies,
And let a white veil
The Angel will shelter from adversity!

Take from relatives - cool
Tips: So that passion boils -
Play role-playing games,
Kiss for forty years - to your heart's content!

Relatives, what will become your support
Advice gives you slowly:
The rainbow will reach the sky
When the weather is good!

So let the weather in the house be enough
So much so that the sun's ray
I tickled you in the morning in bed
And dispersed the possibility of clouds

We will move the glasses intoxicated
Friends to the table, and again to the bottom!
For you beautiful, dear!
We drink to your Names!

Congratulations to the young from parents on their wedding day

Congratulations to young people from their parents on their wedding day was created by me for a long time, but with pleasure, and nowhere on the Internet you will find anything like it, it is unique, beautiful and uncommon. Let these verses touch the hearts of your children, let the tremulous trace of your congratulations remain in their souls forever, which they will carry through their whole lives ...

What happiness - the children got married,
Beloved, dear doves!
And we are ready to do everything
So that your difficulties are easy

Do not lose your love over the years,
Don't waste your respect in the hustle and bustle
Promise to be a support to each other,
And follow your cherished dream!

We love you, our dear children!
And in this snow-white, finest hour,
We want to say, you are the best in the world!
There was no beautiful couple before you!

You, daughter, be an affectionate wife!
And you, son, cherish your family!
Let it be a rainbow, both in summer and winter
Married life will spread out!

Be the happiest in the world
We bless your days and nights
May happiness scatter beautiful ones for you
Golden petals under your feet

Let the sun smile at you hot
Keeps family life, hearth and home,
May sons and daughters be born
Let the maternity hospital become the second shelter,

May people all treat you with soul,
And let children's laughter sound like a bell,
And everything that is in dreams - let it come true,
Kiss more often, sweeter, harder than anyone!