Congratulations on a vacation in verse - on a vacation - important events - congratulations - wishes in verse, cards, animashki

Let your vacation be full of impressions! New meetings and happy moments! In the fireworks of bright entertainment, I wish you a rest! rating: 26 ↓

We wish you outdoors in a hammock - to eat barbecue and drink brandy, and the whole vacation - just like that! 41 ↓

Have a happy rest in the middle of nature, gain new strength, so that your view of rested will amaze everyone around us! 38 ↓

Congratulations on your vacation) I envy ... You will sleep as much as you want, dance, hang out at parties! In general, I wish you a cool, super long rest! 31 ↓

Let only a favorable wind blow, let the sea of ​​happiness be stormy, and let the shore be warm and azure! 33 ↓

Take a rest from the soul
Don't rush to Barcelona!
And in Thailand, what to do there,
Just groom your body?
Drive like you to the dacha
Take all your relatives into the bargain!
Here the adrenaline will trample
Your vacation will be gloriously! 32 ↓

Have fun as much as you can, spend your time not in vain, from the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on the long-awaited vacation! 42 ↓

I wish you a vacation in beautiful and cozy places. Find peace of mind in the midst of wonderful nature. Forget that there are things to do, worries ... After all, rest is so good, it’s a breath of freedom! 29 ↓

Each person realizes his right to rest with great pleasure, so from the bottom of my heart I want to wish you a good rest, with pleasure, with a feeling that there will be enough rest for a long time! 36 ↓

How great it is when the work is over! You do not need to get up in the dark, tearing your eyes, keep up somewhere, dine with something and somehow, and you can just relax ... Replenish your strength and zeal! With what I want to congratulate you! 41 ↓

Congratulations on the long-awaited vacation, let the minutes do not rush as before! Let the idleness last longer! Happy Holidays! 35 ↓

Enjoy the sun, the unearthly sea,
And a wave that foams playfully.
Beach, sand, surf ...
Enjoy everything that is beautiful there! 39 ↓

So the rest in front of you has opened with joy,
Collect some money with you, you worked gloriously!
Relax, have fun and forget work
Let all your worries go away now! 40 ↓

Vacation, vacation finally
Worries fly away!
On the sand, on the stones
Well, like, on a chair,
Or in the hall by candlelight -
The main thing is to have a rest! 39 ↓

Oh, this is the cherished word - vacation. For a person tired of the daily workload, it is awe-inspiring. With his head held high, the employee leaves the disgusted office and heads to warm lands. But everything has its end, which means that the time comes when you have to return to work again. To help a colleague cope with the first working day after the vacation, the team often speaks in person or gives a postcard with pleasant, encouraging wishes. This article will help you find the words you need.

For the boss

“For a while, the life of our team changed: everyone did not work so actively, day after day passed gray and sad. This is due to the absence of a wise leader who always knows where to direct the energy of his subordinates. Now you are with us again! We hope that the forces accumulated during the rest, they will be partially transferred to the team, and it will work even more productively. ”Forward, with new ideas, to better results!

Our team is a family, and you are its head. Like all children, we cannot be left unattended for long. The team is glad that now we will work in full force. When the leader is inspired to new achievements, the subordinates adopt this feeling. Together with you we will achieve our goals!

Leaving a boss evokes different emotions. The joy of the opportunity to relax a little, envy (exclusively white) from the emotions experienced by another person, longing for the one who sets the tone for the whole working day from the first minutes. But the leader will definitely return, which means that the atmosphere in the team comes to square one. We hope that during the rest you have replenished your strength and patience in order to return to duty! Congratulations on your first working day after your vacation! "

Colleagues-representatives of the fairer sex

"A woman is always beautiful, but decorating the world around her is not an easy task. She requires a lot of strength that needs to be replenished. Then you left us, which greatly upset the whole team. Now we are together again, and a light tan and a sea of ​​photos for a long time will remain the envy of all colleagues.Let the memories of a wonderful vacation brighten up sometimes difficult working days!

Our postcard on the first working day after vacation is a way to show how much we missed your company. The male half of the team, with anticipation and bated breath, counted the days when they would see one of the most beautiful members of the team again, and the female, in turn, suffered from a lack of information. We all breathed a sigh of relief, because now the employees are in place and the working life will be the same. Let not the joyful memories overshadow, and the smile does not leave your face! The next vacation is just around the corner! "

Male colleagues

"Rest ... How tiring, day after day, to be torn between going to the beach and serene sleep in a hotel room. But now you do not have to experience these torments, and a loyal team and a sensitive boss will make sure that the work does not cease to bring pleasure, and the vacation seemed just a waste of time! This is all, of course, irony! We are sure that the change of scenery and the rest from the bustle of the city did you good. We are very glad that you have returned to our ranks!

Keep our congratulations on the first working day after the vacation! We know that you are a very energetic and active person, and therefore a long absence of work is a burden for you. But the team suffered no less! We have lost the soul of the company and are very glad that you have started work again! "

Funny greetings

"To brighten up the first working day after vacation, cool congratulations from your favorite team are what you need! Now meaning has appeared in your life again, we have appeared (which is, in principle, the same thing). work and replenish the collection of fridge magnets!

For a long time we could not get used to your absence. Even the guard noticed that someone hadn't been greeting him for two weeks. We are glad to congratulate you on your first working day after your vacation and wish you new achievements, high wages, delicious coffee and only pleasant troubles! "

Getting started is not always easy. To please a colleague, congratulate him on the first working day after the vacation. The support and love of the team will brighten up the difficult ones and allow you to tune in to the right wave.

The long-awaited vacation often becomes almost the most important event of the year for us. We carefully prepare for it, plan interesting trips, renovations, meetings with family and friends. Congratulations on a vacation or vacation is a fun and humorous tradition. It helps a person who is preparing for a vacation to tune in to a positive vacation or return to the atmosphere of a friendly team after a long vacation. Prepare a beautiful verse, vacation congratulations with humor or inspiring parting words in pictures and postcards for a girl, director, etc., so that your friend or colleague will feel all the joy of the long-awaited event.

Original congratulations on the first day of vacation in prose

Happy first day of vacation! This is a delightful day that we look forward to, like Christmas in childhood. I wish you a great holiday and new, vivid impressions!

The first day of vacation is like the first day at a new workplace: you don't know where to start and what to grab. Start with the main thing - with yourself! I wish you a good holiday with pleasant consequences!

Vacation is like roulette: the outcome depends on the bet. On the first day of vacation we decide where to go, on the second - what to do, on the third - what to distract from, on the fourth - how to relax, on the fifth - how to organize the time, on the sixth - how to do nothing, and on the seventh we are already preparing to leave tomorrow to work. Hence the conclusion: vacation depends on the correct answer to the question on its first day. Happy first day of vacation! Go on a long journey, and it will help you see the world in a new way and change for the better!

Best congratulations on a vacation to a colleague in verse

Happy vacation, colleague!
You will gain strength
And we hope you come to us
You will still be back.
Among the palms and hammocks
You will forget about work from now on
How lazy you are lemur
You will live these minutes.
But the hour of reckoning will come:
You will return to work
To the mountains of accumulated deeds
Plunge again!

Congratulations on this day -
Vacation start.
May it wait for you today
The yacht is at the pier.
Let the plane run away
Where further, to the end of the world,
Where there is no roaming, wai - faya,
Skype or internet.
Get off and bastard
To the fullest
Don't forget to your colleagues
Bring a shell!

Colleague, congratulations!
You're going on vacation.
But how happy you are
Can you handle it without advice?
Listen to us: lead
Time for pleasure
Have a good rest
Feel the tranquility.
I wish these days
You are full of bliss
To gain strength to achieve
In a life of perfection!

Beautiful congratulations on maternity leave in prose

Maternity leave is the most important and long-awaited period in the life of every woman. We congratulate the expectant mother with the whole team! We wish you health and wellness, let your new role become a great joy for you, work moments will be replaced by taking care of your baby and pleasant family chores. Time in such worries will fly by very quickly and we will be happy to wait for your return to our friendly team!

A woman does not become happy when she achieves absolutely everything on her own. Not in wealth and not in luxury, not in enthusiastic attention and not in attractiveness is her happiness. She becomes happy on the way to success, in the work itself and efforts to become better, in communication and small achievements. Becoming a mother is a woman's most important success. Congratulations on going on maternity leave! Let the baby give you inspiration, more love for life and self-confidence.

Our dear colleague! Knowing how persistent and diligent you are at work, I can only imagine how ideal, loving and caring mother you will become. I wish you on maternity leave to feel the most real female happiness, intimate, family, maternal. This is a thousand times more important than any positions and career achievements that are still ahead of you!

Happy holiday greetings in verse to a friend

Congratulations! This vacation
Do not oversleep, do not miss.
Rest gives us strength,
So that you can grow more later.
I wish you to find
Luck in Helsinki
In Prague - identity,
In Rome - inspiration
In London, in Paris
Drive to make up,
And returning home,
Become happier here!

Congratulations! Long awaited
Leave on the calendar.
On this week-long journey
I say to a friend:
Rest, replenish your strength
Find time for yourself
And from the affairs of their household
And the workers move away.
I wish you joy
The path to carelessness to go
To be fresh and beautiful
Go to work again!

Girlfriend on vacation I
I send with a suitcase,
With this vacation trip
I congratulate you so much!
See other countries
Touch new life
A drop is happier
Come back from vacation
And look at yourself
With a fresh look and carefree
Enjoy this moment
Joyful and fleeting.

Cool congratulations on the end of the vacation in prose

Vacation is like skydiving. Before jumping, you expect something incredible, eccentric, exciting and unusual. The jump itself flashes like a single instant with a mixed sense of delight and imminent approach to the ground. And when he landed, everything that he had been preparing for so long remains behind, the passions subside, and only a small memory remains. Apparently, your vacation flight went smoothly and pleasantly, and the parachute deployed on time as you landed successfully at your desk on Monday! Welcome back!

Dear colleague, congratulations on your return to work. Did you have a good rest, got distracted, and, probably, worry that it will be difficult for you to return to work? Don't worry: thousands of pending tasks and calls will help you get back to your old work rhythm!

Dear Colleague! So your vacation is over, you are full of new strength, fresh ideas, memories of amazing trips. But deep down, you must admit that you missed us, and you can't imagine life without your favorite work. Welcome back to what you love!

Funny birthday greetings funny
Universal greetings for the New Year
Cool Happy New Year greetings
Happy birthday greetings funny and funny

Funny holiday greetings

Protected by Art. 1301 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation

Another vacation

Happy next vacation
Honey, congratulations.
Don't be drunk these days
I wish you.

If you go into a binge
Rest, you will not notice.
At work, on any day,
You will celebrate your vacation.

Congratulate your husband, lover, man
vacation, rest, congratulations

Protected by Art. 1301 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation

I hasten to congratulate you on your vacation

I hasten to congratulate you on your vacation,
I wish you not to be bored without work,
And I ask you very earnestly
To receive benefit from free days.

Swim in the pool and walk in the garden
Greet the dawn, greet the sunset
Catch your lucky star
And tame the falling leaves from the bucks.

Congratulate the vacationer
congratulate on vacation

Protected by Art. 1301 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation


Vacation, friend, you spend it great
I congratulate you.
Many women are not in vain
Spun around him.

So that the wife does not guess
Call her home more often.
Rest so that you stay
In memory, all these days.

Congratulate friend
vacation, women, wife, congratulations

Protected by Art. 1301 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation

Rather fins, swimming trunks in the bag!

Rather fins, swimming trunks in the bag!
Run to the beach soon!
And the chirping sounds
Completely "forget" the alarm clock!

With the advent of vacation, comrades!
There is no nicer or nicer
Moments when we cook cabbage soup
Under the canopy of old poplars!

When the bite is relentless
It pleases us and pleases the eye,
I congratulate everyone and everything now -
Let the vacation be, just class!

Congratulate everyone
congratulations, happy vacation

Protected by Art. 1301 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation

Your long awaited vacation is racing

Your long-awaited vacation is racing
He's right around the corner!
He will fly to you like a bird
Sweeping away everything with his wing.

Will take you on my back
And it will carry you to the warmth, to the sands,
Where the sea splashes and foam
Carries to your bare feet.

Let it be like paradise
Your vacation every day and hour.
I congratulate you on this happiness
And I send the lowest curtsy!

Congratulate everyone
congratulations, happy vacation

Congratulations on the best working day of the year,
The long-awaited vacation is the very beginning,
You can do everything at once or nothing,
Everyone approaches their ideals in rest,
I wish you only excellent weather
Arrange things in your personal life,
So spend those sweet vacation days
So that they become the brightest memory!

Eleven months of the year we are waiting for him,
Desired from the problems and worries of your vacation,
My congratulations on his first day,
Sleep until lunchtime in the morning will be a sure sign,
And then hourly, according to the verified plan,
Relax and have fun, get high all the time,
Do not waste a minute - after all, everything is of course,
And the vacation, dear to my heart, will not last forever!

Even if you didn't throw the soil with a shovel,
All the same, I waited with trepidation for the vacation month,
Even those who work in the entertainment industry,
They must have their rest from this,
Thanks to our constitution for this happiness,
What observes our rights in state institutions,
Greetings - vacation is the very beginning,
Now the circumstances and the weather would not disappoint!

Glory to vacation, glory to its beginning,
The first day, like meeting a ship at the pier,
What will this vacation season bring
Where will our mortal body still bring,
So that there are no wasted days, sorry
Only the past has ended, look at the next into the distance,
Vacation is not shalam balam, but a serious matter,
Plan and have fun, joyfully, boldly!

The very first vacation of the long-awaited day,
And I want to act actively, and to move too lazy,
It's not too lazy to just go to the airport at 4 in the morning,
Where is waiting for the flight to Miami,
Congratulations on the start of the vacation to all vacationers,
Don't bury the golden days and be ready
Swim, lie on the beach and have fun with all the heart,
To live until the vacation was worth being born!

Close your office, pack your suitcase,
Fly away from the hustle and bustle of the city by plane,
And faster, until your boss changes his mind,
And suddenly I didn't think of an urgent job for you!
Feet in hand and run before it's too late
I'm telling you now, quite seriously,
Start your vacation sooner by the tail,
And to be a free person, start right now!

Vacation start! What a voluptuous moment!
There was a bright light at the end of the tunnel
Now everything will be the way you want it
And you can't even ask your boss for permission!
Congratulations! You are now, like the wind in the field,
You can go to sleep, even at dawn,
Don't go to work in the morning, the alarm clock is goodbye,
May your vacation give you pleasant memories!

Goodbye colleagues, down with urgent matters!
Today I'm going home with a smile, tipsy,
And tomorrow I won't come to your stuffy office,
And only in a month I will drop by you!
Tomorrow I will lie among the palms,
And take sun baths on the body,
Friends envy me and sigh painfully,
And with the beginning of the vacation, colleagues, congratulate me!

Something felt stifling in my workplace,
It's somehow cramped for us here all together,
Perhaps it's time for me to rest
I'm going to pack my suitcase and good luck!
I sat here with you, it's time to go on vacation,
This thought did not leave me in the morning,
And most importantly, our boss agrees with me,
Allowed me to change the landscape outside the window!

Congratulations on the Start of your Vacation!
Your mood is on the runway
And nothing can change its course,
Chef agrees, so be it!
Rest, come back, we are looking forward to seeing you,
And we will immediately follow you on vacation,
I also had such a desire to rest,
Transfer your breath from hard work!

I suggest you do not overwork today,
I suggest you part with your job for a month,
It's vacation time and you're first on this list
Farewell! Let us know how you are doing by correspondence!
Do not show yourself at the workplace for a month,
With colleagues we will take you on the road with a song,
Congratulations! Spend a worthy vacation!
And bring us souvenirs from your trips!

Let the beginning of your vacation give you freedom!
Let the body fully feel nature,
Let the weather try for you
May happy moments never be forgotten!
Let this stage of time work for you,
May you have a rest - the highest class,
Get pleasure at the first rate
And let there be only calmness in your soul!