Walking in the fresh air with a newborn. Walking with a newborn. Summer walks with a baby

The correct development of the baby and the strengthening of his health directly depends on the regular and prolonged stay in the fresh air. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the child's body and know exactly when to walk with the newborn, and under what conditions it is better to stay at home. A properly selected wardrobe, the optimal time for walks, adherence to the sequence of preparatory actions - young parents should find out about all this in advance, after consulting with an experienced pediatrician. At the same time, it is important to understand that each child develops individually, therefore, in some cases, its own nuances are possible.

The optimal time for the first walk and its features

The childbirth process is stressful not only for the young mother, but also for the baby. There is an opinion that if the baby has no contraindications for the first walk, you can go out the very next day after discharge from the maternity hospital. This option is really possible, but only if the weather is optimal, there is no temperature difference, and the baby is completely calm. Pediatricians themselves advise to wait a few days: it will be more comfortable for the child to wait out the adaptation period at home, getting to know the new environment and people around.

The first walk can also take place at home, for this you just need to ventilate the room well and walk with the baby in your arms (you need to dress him accordingly). Depending on weather conditions, the first exit takes from 5 to 20 minutes. You don't have to take a stroller for this, a cradle will be enough.

Every day the length of stay on the street should increase by 5-10 minutes, eventually reaching 2 hours. In good weather, this period can increase significantly.

As for premature babies or babies who have undergone birth trauma, everything here is purely individual. The time of the first walk and subsequent ones, their duration is prescribed by the pediatrician.

In order for the walk to please both mom and baby, to have the desired restorative effect and not lead to unpleasant consequences, you must follow simple rules. They are valid both for the first exit and for all subsequent ones.

  1. A newborn should not walk without a hat. Imperfect thermoregulation can play a cruel joke on a young body. In the first year of life, the risk of sunstroke or hypothermia of the head is very high.
  2. You cannot dress the child in advance. First you need to prepare everything you need for a walk, then get dressed yourself and just before going out to dress your baby.
  3. In cool and cold seasons, it is best to go for a walk immediately after feeding. This will provide the baby with a restful sleep, comfortable warmth and allow him to walk longer without whims on his part.
  4. Walking in direct sunlight is best avoided, even if the baby is protected by sun filters on the stroller. If the weather is sunny all day, it is better to plan a walk in the morning or after 6 pm.
  5. A child's clothes for a walk should be selected based on a simple rule - you need to do the same as you dress yourself, but a little warmer.
  6. It is recommended to walk every day. If the weather does not allow, you can take your baby to the balcony right in the stroller. However, he should be dressed as for a regular walk. If the wind is so strong that even such an opportunity is not available, you need to carefully ventilate the room in which the baby is most of the time.

For walks, you need to choose clean areas that are not adjacent to highways, not annoying with their noise and gas pollution.

What is the best weather for walking?

When choosing a time when you can walk with a newborn, you should pay attention to the weather. After a year, pediatricians recommend taking the child for a walk for at least a few minutes under any conditions. With babies, things are a little different.

You will have to refrain from walking in the following cases.

  • In hot weather, the risk of heat stroke is very high, so if the thermometer shows above +30 ° C, it is better to postpone the exit to a cooler time of the day.
  • In infants, the thermoregulation system does not work well, so it is also better to refrain from walking at temperatures below -15 ° C.
  • It is recommended to stay at home during rain. Many parents rely on waterproof covers, but do not take into account the formation of a greenhouse effect, which negatively affects the condition of the baby.
  • In strong winds, the child can easily catch a cold, so in windy weather it is better to stay at home.

At subzero temperatures, it is better to walk short, but frequent. The kid will not have time to freeze, but at the same time he will receive his portion of fresh air.

Features of summer walks

Each season has its own characteristics in terms of walking with a newborn. For example, in the summer, you need to ensure that the little one does not overheat. Even a slight increase in his body temperature can lead, if not to heatstroke, then to whims, decreased appetite, anxiety.

  • The optimal time for the first walk in summer is the 7-10th day after the birth of the baby, provided that he is in good health and there are no contraindications.
  • The best temperature is 23-25 \u200b\u200b° С. In this case, you need to carefully choose your clothes. It should be made from natural fabrics, then sweat will be well absorbed and there will be no irritation on delicate skin. A mattress with a synthetic covering should also be discarded, otherwise the child will constantly be wet.
  • The duration of the walk is determined by the child. If the baby is not capricious, does not sweat very much, does not show signs of irritation or anxiety, then you can walk for up to 2 hours.
  • When planning a long walk, you need to take care of your baby's feeding methods. When artificially feeding, it is recommended to take a bottle with a dry mixture and a thermos of water with you. When natural, special attention is paid to comfortable clothes of the mother. It is not recommended to take ready-made mixtures or expressed milk - the composition may turn sour.

Is it possible to walk with a baby in winter?

Walking in winter is not only possible, but also necessary. Compliance with simple rules will provide the baby with fresh air that is so necessary for normal development and not harm his health.

  • Clothes should be correct - warm, but not layered. The child should feel comfortable, but not overheated. The best option is a winter jumpsuit, under which underwear, tights and a warm suit are put on.
  • The first walk for a healthy baby can take place already on the 14th day after his birth. This period should be enough for adaptation. It is important to remember that the child needs to be prepared for a walk, for this purpose it is necessary to regularly ventilate his room.
  • At temperatures not lower than 5 ° C, the first walk can last about 15 minutes. Every day you can add 10 minutes. The maximum duration of the walk should not exceed one hour. The lower the temperature, the shorter the walk.

Autumn walks and the rules for their conduct

For many mums, autumn is the hardest time to determine when to start walking with a newborn. The first "sorties" can be started on the 5-6th day after discharge from the hospital, but only if the child is in excellent health.

  • Demi-season overalls will help create comfortable conditions for the baby. They are made from quality materials that allow the skin to breathe, but at the same time keep warm well. Only natural fabrics are worn under the jumpsuit.
  • Walking can only be done in very good weather. It is easy to catch a cold in the rain and wind, so exercise is contraindicated at such a time.
  • It is highly discouraged to use a raincoat. This part is designed to protect children from unexpected rain. Within a few minutes of being under such a cover, the child will begin to be capricious.
  • The first walk in autumn should last no more than 20 minutes; every day you can add 10 minutes, bringing the indicator to 1.5 hours. The duration of the exercise at a certain time is determined by the mother independently based on her own feelings and the child's behavior. When whims appear, redness of the nose, tearfulness of the eye, you must immediately return home.

Young mothers should remember that regular walks in the fresh air are important not only for their babies, but also for the quick recovery of their own body after pregnancy and childbirth. There is no need to shift this "responsibility" to relatives - nothing restores strength like healthy exercise.

Hello! We continue to talk about what kind of care a baby needs right after birth, and the topic of our article is the first walk of a newborn. New mothers usually have a lot of worries and anxieties about this question - what to put on the baby, what to take with you when you can walk for the first time ... In a word, the first walk of a newborn is a crucial moment, which we will talk about in more detail today.

When can you take your child outside for the first time?

It used to be believed that it is better not to take a newborn out into the street and not show to strangers during the first forty days of his life. This supposedly protected not only "from the evil eye and damage", but also from external microbes and infections. But today, pediatricians are unanimous - the first walk of a newborn can take place the very next day after the mother and baby have returned home from the hospital. The child's body is quite capable of resisting infections that it will have to constantly face in the future. In addition, walks perfectly soothe the nervous system (usually even the most restless babies fall asleep on the street) and strengthen the immune system, training almost all the vital organs of the newborn. Adequate oxygen supply helps to increase appetite. In a word, the first walks with a newborn are a great way to improve the health of your baby.

Of course, "spring" and "summer" children in terms of walks are much more fortunate than those who were born in the cold season. However, in autumn and winter, you should not worry too much if the weather is cold, but calm, there is no rain or snow. Walking with your baby in such weather is possible and necessary, but be sure to make sure that he is dressed appropriately. We will talk in more detail about what to put on a newborn for a walk a little lower, but for now we will just mention that the first walk of a newborn usually lasts no more than 10-15 minutes. Then the duration of walks can be increased to 2 hours, especially since children, as a rule, immediately fall asleep on the street, and their sleep is calmer and deeper than indoors. It is worth recalling that in summer, during the hottest time of the day, you cannot walk. It is best to go for the first walk in the morning before 11:00 or in the evening after 18:00. In any case, it is better to go for a walk after feeding, to be sure that hunger does not disturb the baby's sleep.

What to take with you for your first walk?

The first walk of a newborn usually does not last long, so it is quite possible to do without a heavy and bulky stroller - the baby can simply be picked up or placed in a sling. In this case, you will need a small bag in which you can put everything you need. If you go for a walk with a stroller, then modern models have a special compartment for this purpose, which is very convenient, since your hands remain free. For the first walks with your newborn, you will need:

1. A bottle of water, especially needed in hot summer weather
2. A clean nipple (of course, if you use one)
3. Wet wipes, just in case, preferably with disinfectant impregnation
4. Mosquito canopy or gauze on the stroller for the hot season
5. Change of clothes for the baby if you do not use diapers or a diaper to change
6. For the cooler season, it is best to purchase a special envelope. It will keep the child warm and able to move his arms and legs. An excellent solution would be a jumpsuit - a transformer, it will allow you to change your child's clothes without even waking him up.
7. If you know that the walk can take too long, then it is worth bringing with you a blanket or blanket (in the summer - a thin diaper), you will cover the child with them when he falls asleep.

How to dress a newborn for the first walk?

It is important to find a middle ground so that the child does not freeze, but also does not overheat. The rule is that we put on one layer more clothes on the child than on ourselves. Attention, only one! Do not go too far in this matter. Many inexperienced parents wrap their baby up too much, which creates the illusion of protection from bad weather and colds. In fact, newborn babies tolerate overheating much worse than hypothermia. Overheating causes increased sweating, which means there is a risk of dehydration. In addition, when overheating, the protective reactions of the child's body decrease, and the immune system is weakened. This means that the risk of getting sick is increased when the child is dressed too warmly.

- at a temperature of +30, a sufficiently thin diaper, cotton undershirt and a cap;
- if the temperature outside is about +20, then two layers of cotton clothes are enough;
- at a temperature of -10 (if there is no wind and rain), the list of clothes for the first walk will be as follows: diaper, then bodysuit and fleece jumpsuit. The next layer is warm woolen pants, a jacket and socks. We put the dressed child in an envelope that will protect him from hypothermia. We put on a thin cotton cap on our head, and a woolen hat on top;
- if the temperature outside is below -15, then the first walk should wait until it warms;

That seems to be all the points that should be taken into account when going on the first walk with a newborn baby. In fact, it is very difficult to give specific recommendations suitable for everyone without exception in this matter. And here the most important indicator is the well-being of the child himself. If he does not sweat, is not capricious, his hands and nose are of normal temperature, the baby behaves calmly, it means that the first walk of the newborn was a success, and every day the walking time can be gradually increased. If the child is sick or the mother has any additional questions, then you should definitely consult with a specialist. It remains only to wish you good weather and the most pleasant walks with your baby!

Probably, each of us has heard about the exceptional benefits of fresh air. For a child, it is doubly useful, so walking with a newborn should become a mandatory daily event.

Walking with a newborn in summer

Summer is the time of heat, warm winds and sun. It may seem that this is the perfect time for long walks with the baby, but this opinion is wrong. The higher the temperature outside, the more dangerous it is to take your baby out into nature.

All clothing for a newborn should be made from natural cotton fabric. This will protect the baby from overheating and prickly heat, as well as provide maximum comfort while walking.

As for things for a summer walk, you can choose one of the following options.

  • Bodysuit with short sleeves, shorts, socks, cap.
  • Slip with long sleeves, cap.
  • Romper, blouse, bonnet.

If it's cool or windy outside, you can cover your baby with a warm blanket or diaper.

When choosing clothes for the summer, stick to the rules.

  1. Avoid dark clothes. Better to choose white, beige, cream, pastel shades. Buy a white cap, as it will reflect the sun's rays and will not allow overheating.
  2. Do not choose clothes with appliqués, embroidery, or rough seams. In hot weather, they can severely chafe and damage baby skin.
  3. Do not wrap your baby up, but do not expose him either. Remember that a newborn's own thermoregulation does not work well, so it can quickly become hypothermic or overheated.

You can start daily exercises immediately after discharge from the hospital, but sometimes it is worth giving the child a few days to acclimatize. In any case, a week after returning home, you need to start walking.

It is better to schedule a walk with your baby in the morning and / or evening hours, when there is no intense heat outside. The ideal times are before 10 am and after 5 pm. In cool and cloudy weather, you can go out during the day.

It is worth starting summer exercises with a newborn from 20-30 minutes. The duration of the walk can be gradually increased to 2 hours. If the child feels normal: he will not be hot and uncomfortable, you can slightly increase the walking time. This is especially true for those who have a summer residence. There will be nothing bad in the fact that the baby sleeps in the fresh air all day (provided that the weather is not hot). Most importantly, avoid direct sunlight on the baby and do not overheat.


  1. Do not leave your baby in the sun. This threatens not only overheating, but also sunburn.
  2. Always take a bottle of clean boiled water for a walk - in case your baby wants to drink.
  3. Use a mosquito net to prevent insects from disturbing your baby.
  4. Do not go outside with the newborn if the thermometer has risen to 30 degrees and above.

Walking with a newborn in autumn

The autumn period is fraught with many dangers, it is not for nothing that it is considered a time of diseases and colds. Nevertheless, you should not deprive the newborn of fresh air, even if it is slush and gray outside.

It is worth considering several options for fall clothing depending on the temperature.

  • Temperature + 10-12 degrees: body (slip or blouse + pants), socks, warm hat, demi-season overalls.
  • Temperature 0 +/- 5 degrees: slip, socks, warm hat, winter overalls.

Instead of a winter overalls in the fall, you can use a demi-season overalls paired with a warm envelope. It is also very good to cover the stroller with a warm blanket.

If you go out for a walk with a sling, and not with a stroller, then additional measures to warm the child are not needed. At most, you can put a hat on him.

September walks, when the summer has not yet finally gone away, can be done on the 2-3rd day after discharge from the hospital. The rest of the time it is better to wait a week and only then start "walking" the baby.

The duration of the first walk can be 10-15 minutes. The next exercise should be extended by 10 minutes, gradually bringing the time to one and a half hours.

  1. You shouldn't go outside if it's raining. Undoubtedly, the raincoat will save the baby from nasty drops, but it will also create an unfavorable climate in the stroller (greenhouse effect). In rainy weather, you can take the stroller to the balcony.
  2. Avoid the wind. If it's windy outside, either skip the walk or protect the stroller from drafts as much as possible.
  3. Do not wrap a scarf over your child's face.
  4. Dress for the weather as you can easily get sick in the fall.

Walking with a newborn in spring

In general, the rules for walking with a newborn in spring are the same as in autumn. The weather in these seasons is similar, the air temperature is about the same. Still, there are some useful tips for a spring walk.

  • When the sun begins to warm and the temperature rises above + 5-8 degrees, open the baby's arms and expose them to the sun. Vitamin D is very important for newborns.
  • Do not be fooled by the imaginary warmth of the spring and always wear a hat for your child.
  • Take a walk every day.
  • Buy rubber boots for yourself, as in the spring you can easily get your feet wet and get sick.
  • Always have a warm blanket in your stroller in case the temperature drops.

Walking newborn in winter

Going out for a walk in winter is exciting and scary for mothers. It seems to them that the frosty air will certainly catch a cold for the baby. But you should not be afraid, winter exercises are very useful for newborns.

Winter clothing should be:

  1. warm;
  2. natural;
  3. closed;
  4. comfortable.

You need to dress your child for a walk depending on the weather. For example, in cold weather, when the thermometer drops below -5-7 degrees, you can dress your baby like this:

  • 1st layer: a diaper, a thin slip or a blouse with pants, a thin cap;
  • 2nd layer: warm overalls (demi-season, fleece or with a warm lining), socks, mittens;
  • 3rd layer: winter suit and warm hat.

If the wind picks up during the walk or it gets colder, it is better to cover the child with a woolen blanket or wrap it in a sheepskin envelope.

The first walks with a newborn after discharge from the hospital in winter can take place already on the 10-14th day. If there are no complaints and medical contraindications, then you can go out earlier (on the 7th day).

The first walk is better to be minimal: 5-10 minutes is enough. You don't even need to take the stroller, but carry the baby in your arms and carry him around the yard. The next exercise can be extended up to 15-20 minutes. By the end of the first month, you can increase the duration of walks to 1-1.5 hours. You shouldn't walk longer in winter.


  1. Be sure to take a dummy for your winter walk. If the child cries, try to calm him down as soon as possible and occupy his mouth with a nipple so that he does not have time to “swallow” the frosty air.
  2. Go for a walk immediately after feeding, as a well-fed baby has a sound sleep.
  3. Remember the rule: first dress yourself, and then pack the baby. In this way, overheating of the baby can be avoided.

In what weather is it not worth walking?

Although babies sleep better in the cold, not all weather is suitable for exercise with a newborn. Remember three times when it is better to cancel the walk or transfer to the balcony.

  1. Windy weather . In strong winds, the baby can blow. In addition, since most often the walks of a newborn take place in a park or forest, there is a high probability of branches and snow falling from the trees.
  2. Frost. Experts do not recommend taking the baby outside at temperatures below -10-12 degrees.
  3. ... The foil on the stroller creates an unhealthy microclimate in the carrycot - this is best avoided.

We walk with the baby on the balcony

Balcony walks of a newborn, in principle, are not bad. Especially if you live near a park or forest. However, it should be remembered that it cannot replace a full-fledged exercise.

A walk on the balcony is possible if:

  1. rain, wind, frost or any other bad weather outside;
  2. there are no forests and parks within walking distance from your home;
  3. the child sleeps little and often wakes up and cries (this is especially true for walks in winter);
  4. mom is not feeling well;
  5. there are cases at home that require urgent solutions;
  6. there is no way to often lower the stroller (high floor, no lift).


Do not be afraid to take your newborn baby for a walk, especially if the weather is calm and warm outside. Daily stay in the fresh air will strengthen your baby's immunity, and help you recover after childbirth.

A very exciting topic for all parents is walking with a newborn baby. How and when to walk will try to figure it out in this article.

The entire period, during pregnancy, is held under the slogan of a healthy diet and well-being of the mother, anxiety about the upcoming birth, the correct development of the baby. And now, when everything is over, other problems and important questions appear. One of them is a walk with a baby.

When can I go for a walk with my newborn?

  • During pregnancy, a large amount of literature has been read on how to properly feed, dress and bathe your baby. Everywhere and everyone recommends walking with a newborn on the street
  • But, as soon as the baby is born, all recommendations and advice fly out of the head. It is necessary to re-read everything, leaf through and ask again.
  • There is no doubt that fresh air will only benefit the health of the baby. Only the time when you can go for a walk strictly depends on the season, weather conditions. Winter and summer walks are very different, both in time and in quantity
  • Also, do not forget about the different customs. In some peoples, the baby is not taken out on the street strictly up to 40 days, and the mother herself is not allowed out. In such cases, there will be mandatory frequent airing of the room where the baby is.
  • If there are no special prohibitions, then it is worth considering the state of health of the mother: how quickly she recovered after childbirth. If the young mother still does not have the strength to walk with the newborn, and there is nowhere to wait for help, then it is better to wait with a walk, do not force yourself

How often should you walk with your newborn?

A newborn baby sleeps almost all the time, and wakes up only to eat. But this does not mean that all the time should be spent on the street. You should start with one walk a day, gradually increasing the time the crumbs stay in the fresh air.

And after adaptation, you can walk for two, and after a while, and three times a day.

Ideally, you need to walk at least two hours a day... It all depends on the time of year, weather conditions, the well-being of the baby and the capabilities of young parents. After all, mom still has so many chores around the house.

Walking time with a newborn

The time for walking with a newborn very much depends on the time of year and on the weather conditions outside the window of the house. In rainy, foggy and very windy weather, it is better to refrain from walking, you can only harm the baby.

Mom's busyness plays a huge role, usually going out into the street is carried out after the morning rush and in the afternoon. Of great importance is where exactly the walks will take place. For these purposes, you should choose parks or squares with clean, gas-free air. Large crowds should be avoided.

When can you walk with a newborn after the hospital?

IMPORTANT: If the baby was born prematurely or with health problems, then the beginning of the walks should be discussed with the pediatrician.

There are many opinions on when to start walking outside with newborns. Someone advises to start almost immediately after discharge from the hospital, someone to wait two weeks. It all depends on the time of year and the weather outside the window, if they are not suitable for a walk, then it is better to wait. Yes, and the baby and mother should be given time to recover. If all is well, then presumably on the tenth or fourteenth day after birth, you can safely start walking.

  • A stroller is not needed for the first walks. Walking with a newborn should start in your arms. After the child has passed the period of adaptation to the external environment, you can walk using the stroller
  • You need to start walking from five to ten minutes. It all depends on the air temperature. Gradually, every day, the walking time increases by five minutes, and by the end of the first week, it will reach thirty minutes
  • Dress your child according to the weather. There must be one more balls of clothes than Mom's. A cap is a must-have wardrobe item, especially in summer
  • It is better to go outside immediately after feeding, then the baby will not freeze during a walk
  • You cannot start walking at 30 degrees of heat or at -15, this also applies to all subsequent walks
  • You should start walking not far from home, you can quickly return if the baby is disturbed. When the baby grows up, you can go away. For these purposes, roadsides with a large congestion of cars are not suitable. There will be little benefit from such a walk.

First walk with a newborn in winter and summer

  • The first walk with a newborn in the summer should take place no earlier than the tenth day after birth. If the column on the thermometer has risen above 30 degrees, the walk should be postponed
  • A baby can get heatstroke very easily. Better to start walking, choose the morning and evening time. During this period of the day, it is not as hot as at noon. It is worth starting a walk from 20 minutes and gradually increasing the time the baby is on the street
  • If in the cold season it is recommended to carry the baby in your arms, then for the summer period you need to take care of the stroller. This is if the baby does not protest and does not want to return to the pens
  • It should be equipped with a mosquito net to protect the baby from insects. The mattress must be made from natural ingredients. If you make a choice in favor of synthetics, then the baby's back will quickly sweat. This also applies to crumbs' clothes, it must be made of natural fabrics.

IMPORTANT: It is better to walk with your baby not in the open sun, but in shady places, under the branches of trees. After all, the baby's skin is very delicate, you can get a sunburn.

The first walk in winter can take place already on the 14th day after birth, if the temperature outside the window shows a mark of at least 15 degrees. Residents of northern latitudes can argue with this, judging by the responses, they begin to walk at minus twenty and even lower.

If the temperature on the thermometer is -5, then you can, for the first time, walk for ten minutes, gradually increasing the walking time. Up to -15, it is allowed to breathe fresh air for no more than five minutes.

IMPORTANT: Dress your baby warmly so that he does not overcool. When the wind is strong outside, it is better to refuse to walk. The kid can get sick.

First walk with a newborn in autumn and spring

The autumn-spring period is very changeable in terms of weather conditions, and it is also the season of viral infections. The first walk during this period should be taken very seriously. If there is good sunny weather outside without wind, then you can safely go out for ten minutes. The next day, add another ten minutes to the walk. Gradually increasing the walking time.

IMPORTANT: If it is raining outside the window, then it is better to refuse to walk. You can, of course, cover the stroller with a raincoat. But there will be little benefit from such a walk, the baby will not have access to fresh air.

How to dress a newborn for a walk?

Well, the weather is favorable, my mother has managed or has postponed all her affairs. You can go out for a walk. It remains only to decide how and what to dress the newborn. It all depends on what time of year it is outside the window and on the weather.

In autumn and spring it is very difficult to decide on the right set of clothes for newborns. It seems like the sun is shining and warm, and then suddenly a strong wind will catch up with clouds.

If the air temperature is above 10 degrees Celsius, the baby should be dressed:

  • one warm hat
  • long sleeved undershirt or blouse
  • sliders
  • demi-season jumpsuit

If it gets cold outside and the thermometer shows 5 degrees Celsius or even lower, you need to:

  • put on another thin one under a warm hat
  • instead of a demi-season overalls, wear a winter one.

If the walk takes place not in a stroller, but in a sling, then you should not dress the baby too much. He will receive some of the heat from his mother's body.

IMPORTANT: It is better to dress the newborn in several layers of clothing, if necessary, the baby can be undressed.

Dressing the baby for a summer walk should be easier, but here there are some peculiarities:

  • Long-sleeved undershirts and rompers are enough in warm weather
  • Clothes should be made only from natural materials, and the skin should breathe
  • A cap is a must, even in a stroller
  • Clothes should be seamless to avoid damaging the baby's delicate skin
  • Of all the colors of clothing, preference should be given only to delicate and light, not attracting the sun's rays.
  • If the walk is not in a stroller, but in a sling, a diaper and a short sleeve bodysuit will be enough for the baby. You should take a little undershirt and romper with you, in case you need to get the baby out of the sling

IMPORTANT: It is very easy to check whether the baby is not hot, for this you need to touch the neck area. If it's hot and sweaty, the baby is hot. If it's cold, the baby is frozen.

In winter, it is very important to dress your baby correctly for a walk:

  • there should be two hats: one thin, bottom, and warm
  • a warm envelope, and under it there is also a jumpsuit, plus a shirt with sliders
  • always have a warm blanket at hand in case the baby freezes

IMPORTANT: A cold nose signals that the baby is cold.

During the first short walks, the baby should not freeze, rather the opposite. After all, all parents are inclined to wrap up the baby more. You shouldn't hide your baby's face by covering the nose. This deprives the baby of what he was taken for a walk for: fresh air and sunlight.

IMPORTANT: First of all, the mother should dress on the street, and then the baby should be dressed. The kid should not overheat in the room.

What do you need to walk with a newborn?

For the very first, short walks on your hands, there is no need to take a lot of things with you. It is enough for mom to find a secluded place to enjoy a walk together.

When the baby grows up a little, and longer walks using a stroller become possible, then you will need:

  • Depending on the season, warm or thin blanket
  • In case of rain, raincoat
  • In summer, the mosquito net will protect the baby from insects
  • Diaper just in case
  • Wet wipes
  • A bottle of drinking water if the baby is bottle-fed
  • A dummy, as needed
  • If the mother is going to visit, together with the baby, plus everything, you need to take an additional set of clothes
  • If you are going to walk in a park or in a courtyard where there are benches, you can take a book with you while the baby is sleeping.

IMPORTANT: You should not take the ready-made mixture with you for a walk in the summer. It can turn sour. Better to take a thermos with hot water and a dry mixture. Prepare at the request of the baby.

The benefits of walking for newborns

Young and inexperienced parents are very worried about almost everything that concerns a newborn. Walking with a baby is no exception. But they should understand that it is imperative for newborns to be outdoors.

  • Walking strengthens the newborn's immune system
  • Improves appetite and sleep
  • Under the influence of sunlight, vitamin D is produced, which is necessary for the growth and development of the baby.
  • The newborn gets to know the world around him

It would be wrong not to notice the benefits of walking for mom, because she also needs to be in the fresh air.

IMPORTANT: An exception will be a walk with a newborn in shopping malls and other crowded places. There is a risk of catching a viral infection, in addition, there is very little oxygen in enclosed spaces, the baby may sweat, and freeze after going outside.

Walk on the balcony with a newborn

If the weather is rainy and windy, or the mother does not have time, and, perhaps, is not able to walk with the newborn on the street, there is a great way out of this situation - a walk on the balcony. Actually, it's hard to call it a walk, but rather a dream. But here, too, there are rules and features:

  • The balcony must be glazed
  • Located at least 5th floor, the exhaust gases will not reach the baby
  • There must be no parking lot under the balcony
  • The flaps should be opened for fresh air
  • You can't leave a newborn alone for a long time
  • Leaving the baby alone on the balcony, you should be sure that no one from the neighbors above will throw anything off
  • It should be borne in mind that a bird can fly into the balcony
  • The duration of the walk can be up to two hours, if the baby has already adapted to the external environment
  • Dressing a newborn for sleeping on the balcony should be the same as on the street. The baby can easily overcool or overheat.
  • From time to time it is necessary to check the condition of the newborn. If the hands and nose are cold, it is urgent to take the baby to the room

IMPORTANT: Walking on the balcony should not replace a full-fledged walk outside for a long period. As soon as the weather improves, or all the worries, chores are over, it's time to go for a walk.

If there is no balcony in the apartment, or its condition allows much to be desired, you can simply ventilate the room more often.

Walking with a newborn in frost

In winter, in frost, the cleanest air. It would seem only to walk on the street. But when deciding to go for a walk with a newborn, you need to look at the air temperature and check if the wind is strong. Even if the thermometer shows -5, but there is a strong wind with gusts, it is better to refuse to walk.

At what subzero temperature it is better to stay at home, parents decide. It all depends on the climate where the newborn lives. Experts recommend not to take the baby out into the street at 15 below zero.

IMPORTANT: You should only dress the baby for the weather, and do not forget about yourself, because you can catch a cold and get sick. And the child needs healthy parents.

Winter Newborn Walking Mode

  • Winter walks should start from ten minutes outside. Subsequently, gradually increase by another ten minutes. When the baby adapts to walking, you can develop your own routine. It all depends on the opportunities and employment of the mother
  • You can walk twice a day, from one and a half to two hours. In order for the baby to sleep soundly during a walk, before going outside, he must be fed. And have a dummy on hand in case the baby cries. She will not let the baby catch cold air in her mouth.
  • If the weather does not allow walking, in order not to get out of the regime, you can arrange walks on the balcony

How long can you walk with a newborn in summer

In summer, the temperature in the room practically does not differ from the air temperature outside. After the first walks on your hands, you can try to walk in a stroller. If the weather conditions are good, the baby can be outside at least all day.

An exception will be if the air temperature exceeds +30. In a particularly hot period, you should hide in the room. And to walk with the baby, in such a situation, should be early in the morning, and after 4 pm, when it will not be so hot outside.

IMPORTANT: You can walk in shady places so that direct sunlight does not fall on the baby.

If the newborn does not show anxiety, he is comfortable, and he does not overheat, the walking time can last longer than two hours. It all depends on the mother's employment.

Walking with a newborn komarovsky

Dr. Komarovsky, like all doctors in the world, advises not to deprive the newborn of the opportunity to breathe fresh air. Even before the baby is born, you should take care of the place where the baby will do this.

The ideal solution, according to the doctor, is a balcony if the house is multi-storey. Where it should be clean and tidy. And it is not at all necessary for mom to drag the stroller up the stairs, and after the walk, back to the apartment. It is better to put the baby to bed, and rest, or do business. In the same way, you can protect your baby from viral infections.

The reason for walking on the street can be:

  • visit to the clinic
  • the need to go to the store
  • joint walk with dad and newborn
  • no balcony

If there is no balcony, you can walk in the yard, not far from the house. It is not as comfortable as on the balcony.

  • You can start walking on the balcony from the tenth day after birth. The duration of the first walk should not exceed twenty minutes. The second walk will already be ten minutes longer, and twice a day
  • Gradually accustoming the baby, after a month he will actually spend the whole day on the balcony. Except for feeding and changing times
  • In summer, when the balcony is on the sunny side, you should abandon such walks, and look for another suitable place
  • In winter, no one canceled the walk. You should start from -5 but not lower than -15 degrees
  • Dress your baby according to your experience. If, after returning from a walk, the baby is sweating very much, then for the next walk you should wear lighter clothes

IMPORTANT: The doctor advises you to enjoy the first months of your baby's life and walks on the balcony. This is the time when the newborn sleeps almost all the time. And mom can relax, take time for dad.

Video: The alphabet of the future mother. Walking with a newborn