Is it possible to shave the hair newborn. For the first time, the baby with a kid: when it is time and how to do it right. Getting processed

The child appears on the light with the first touching hairstyle. It can be a pretty thick chapels or a gentle infant gun. Over time, the "adults" hair, tougher and thick, will be replaced. Wishing to speed up this process, parents dream as early as possible to take a newborn. When you need to cut the baby for the first time and what to do with hair?

There are many myths and superstitions on this. Believe or not to believe - parents have the right to decide for themselves. It is clear only to say that the fashion should not be blindly. It is better to be guided by common sense and not harm the newborn.

Suitable age

Hair always attached and attached special importance. It is believed that the hair is a source of information, communication with space, energy umbilical cord, binding a baby with ancestors, natural protection for a person from aggressive environment. Opinions about when you can cut the hair with a newborn, diverge. And each option has its own explanations.

History of the question

In Russia, children's mortality in Russia was very high, not every newborn lived to the year. Parents tried in all ways to protect their child from danger. In order not to deprive the baby of vitality and energy, not to bring illness, the child did not cut. If the crumb is safely celebrated his first year of life, it was believed that he liked the family, and he decided to stay in her. And the first time of the one-year-old kid was a kind of dedication. At this, the solemn event was invited to see the ultimately, who helped to appear to the child, and after the adoption of Christianity - and the godparents, who were responsible for the small one. The godfather crucifably littered the baby's first strands on the top of the baby, which was then tied with a red thread or ribbon and stored in a special secret trunk. It was believed that after such a dedication, the child was protected by all kinds.

The thick hair of Karapus was for all the symbol of good luck and happiness. Therefore, in order for the hair to grow rich, the cut strands did not throw away, but they made certain ritual actions with them: I put up in an anthill, rushed into the river, hidden in the house behind the ceiling beam or folded for a wicker.

Muslims were taken to shave the newborn's head on the seventh day after birth. This rite symbolizes cleansing. Screwed hair weighed to find out how many alms need to be disassembled by the poor and then buried.

Myths and superstition

Folk creativity, including legends, signs and superstition, accompanies a person all his life, starting from the very first day, and is transmitted from generation to generation. Many ancient signs and superstitions about the first haircut of the baby are alive and to this day.

  • Haircut "Under Zero" will help make the baby's hair thick and beautiful. This is the most common myth. However, pediatricians warn: such manipulations may entail unpleasant consequences. First, Kroch is discomfort when shaving, which, besides, can cause irritation on sensitive children's skin. Secondly, such a first haircut of the kid may adversely affect the hair follicles - "digging" the roots of the hair, which will slow down growth and worsen the quality of the chapels.
  • If you get a baby before a year, you can "cut off the language". It was believed that after the haircut, the kid could break the development of speech, the crumb would be silent for a long time. However, it is not confirmed scientifically.
  • Hair Store Energy Charge. If you are crashing them up to a year, you can get on a newborn sickness. In fact, the abstract long bang not only prevents the baby, but can also spoil their eyesight. And a thick hair, descending on the neck and shoulders, can cause irritation.
  • If newborn rare hair, they will remain forever. The thickness of the hair and their structure is laid in the womb of the mother, is determined genetically. The number of hair follicles after birth does not change. Therefore, no matter how much you have cut the newborn under zero, the lush fader of hard hair will not grow with whom nature presented thin, tender hair similar to the nick.
  • Happers and panamans interfere with hair breathe. Light moms try to do as long as possible without hats to provide oxygen access to children's hair. At the same time, it is subjected to infjelctant risk to get a heat blow or cold. In order for the hair better to grow, a fairly correct diet and regular combing before bedtime.

Hair growth rate is individual. After the baby's infant gun comes down from the head of the baby, the hair begin to grow on average 1 cm per month. As the first haircut of the child, it is possible to confine themselves to cut the bangs so that the hair does not climb into the eyes and did not spoil their eyesight. But you can warn irritation on the neck and the Paddle, shortering the "tail" on the back of the head.

What to do to make hair better

Heavenly luminaries have a tangible effect on the human body. Did you think when you cut the baby for the first time on the lunar calendar? Keep in mind: Haircut on a growing moon, hair growth accelerates, and to decay - slows down.

An excellent means for strengthening and stimulating hair growth, according to pediatricians, is combing. This useful ritual must be performed every evening. First, spread the baby's hair to the left, then - right. Spend the comb against hair growth. And in conclusion, put the curls in the direction of their growth. Such a "massage" will improve blood circulation, improves oxygen access to hair lows. Choose a comb for crumbs correctly. Wooden is best suited, with rounded cloths, which are inserted into soft rubber.

Moms who were lucky enough to raise daughters, almost immediately after their birth dream that girls would grow thick, silky hair, and it will be possible to build hairstyles that surrounding. Therefore, as soon as the kids grow curls, moms and grandmothers begin to braid pigtails, making tails, pulling tender maiden hair with rubber bands, hairpins, bows. It looks all beautiful. However, tightening not yet fastened hair in tight braids and tails, it is very easy to harm their young owner. Compact or places covered with a fly can be formed, silky strands are powered, will become thinner. It is practically impossible to restore the problem zones. Therefore, doctors adhere to opinions that up to 4-5 years will the best option will be a short haircut, and the long hair should not grow.

Haircut without consequences

Mom, who does not own hairdressers, is unlikely to know how to cut a child for the first time. It is important, because, not to scare the baby, do everything quickly and neatly, and most importantly - not to damage him. In this case, it is necessary to contact a specialist who has experience in communicating with children.

Go to the hairdresser

In order for the first haircut of a child in a hairdresser successfully, you can pre-take a crumb to you so that he can look at, make sure that the place is not dangerous, to watch how they cut mom or dad. The child will be happy to follow the example of parents.

To kid felt at home, you can capture your favorite toys with you. And it is better to go to the children's hairdresser, where all conditions have been created for small clients: a fabulous toy design of the cabin, entertainment in the form of dolls, bears, machines. In some hairdressers there are even a living corner with fluffy and not very inhabitants - rabbits, marine pigs and bugs. In such an institution, a child will be happy to come with pleasure.

Stringing at home

Avoid stress from meeting with strangers and incomprehensible items will help haircut at home. The question arises: how to bring the child to the first time? Knowing elementary techniques, mom with ease will put in order the head of his favorite carapuse.

For the haircut it will take a comb, a pulverizer with water and scissors. Water hair and carefully spread out. Then a light movement of the hand clamp the curl between the fingers is medium and index - and cut the end of the strand.

To the first haircut of the child (as well as the next) passed without tears, it is worth being followed by several advice.

After the debut haircut of the kid is completed, the question arises, what to do with hair? Once the first curl from the head of a newborn carefully kept up to its adulthood. If someone in the family is seriously sick, the curl was placed in a canvas bag, and the resulting "pendant" as Laneanka was put on the sick neck. The first cut-off curl helped and in the case when a person had to take a fateful solution. It was believed that her hair was a touch with her mother, with all the way, wanted for life.

Currently we live in other rules, guided by modern traditions. But for each mother, the first cut-off curl of the baby is a memory of the happy waiting time of the miracle, about the first meeting with the child, about his first smile and first steps. Save this memo in a secluded place - in the envelope or in a special pocket of the first photo album of your karapuse.

Solving when you need to cut the child for the first time, remember the main thing: the health of your baby and his good mood is more important than the blind following the traditions and rituals.
Shaving Nepolo will not make thin, rare hair hard and thick, and tight pigtails and tails can cause hair loss. The short haircut in childhood will facilitate hair care, will allow you to prevent irritation and to the dress.


There is an ancient tradition - shave the head of the child who has reached annually. In many families, real disputes on this issue are flared. The older generation is more superstitially, so they vote "for", but young parents doubt: this procedure is needed.

According to the old, beliefs it is believed that the hair that will grow in return on the cuts will be stronger and thicker. However, this is just the theory, not reinforced by real facts. If you still decided to shave hair from a child who has reached one year or a newborn - we will tell about how to do it.

To dispel your fears and prepare a little, you can first see how to shake the newborn with a razor video on the Internet. Before holding a haircut it is worth calming, your excitement and shaking hand can only harm.

Getting processed

Of course, the most important question is how to shake the head with a newborn razor and not damage its gentle skin.

So, the decision to take a toddle of the baby is accepted. Prepare for the procedure as you should, prepare everything that you may need in the process: a typewriter or a safe razor with a protective grid, a gel specially intended for this purpose, which will facilitate the slide on the skin of the head, moisturizer after shaving cream, and even better - a ray oil or antiseptic.

In order not to arise unpleasant consequences, such as skin irritation or even dermatitis, you need to act very carefully. While you will cut a child, it must be in the most familiar and comfortable setting. Affectionately talk to him, you need he heard your voice.

Step-by-step instruction

Seat a child to the most convenient position. You can enable your favorite music or a fairy tale to not focus on the procedure itself. It is best to use a machine for this purpose, since when working with a razor, there is a risk of cutting your head. But if you are still going to use the machine, this instruction can be applied to those who do not know how to shave the head with a newborn razor. Shaving technology is absolutely the same:

  • Cosorgitis initially hair as short as possible, using scissors and comb.
  • The haircut should be started from the forehead and painshing, then smooth movements move clockwise to the temples and the occipital area.
  • Slowly drive the shave instrument, avoiding strong presses, so as not to cause the baby painful or unpleasant sensations. Shaven hair is needed against the direction of their growth.
  • Before finish the haircut, you should pay attention to the body of the body behind the ears and in the neck area, and save it from hair residues.

A person who will cut the baby must have experience in this matter. If this is the first haircut in your life, then it is better to entrust this business to another person or contact the hairdresser.

Child care after shaving flash

Of course, many parents are interested not only how to shave the head of the newborn razor, but also how to care for its skin after the procedure. Even the skin of an adult is experiencing stress after shaving, what to talk about the gentle skin of the child. It needs special care.

Be sure to make sure that it has always been a headdress after you shrugged it. The impact of direct sunlight on the unprotected head of the child is extremely negative. Use a cap, panama or a special protective gel to protect your baby.

Know, while new hair does not grow on the head of the child, it should often bathe and rinse the scalp, because there is a large amount of sebaceous glands on this body.

The tradition shave the head of the child in one year so that the hairs grew better and thicker, there is a long time ago. Previously, the feasibility of such an event doubted less, now - more, but there are still people who are ready to take such a step.
My husband and I are among these people.

Not that I really believed that these magic manipulations will help suddenly turn a child with three thin hair on the head in a creature with a luxurious mane, but it will not be worse, so we decided to use the wisdom of the centuries, and do such a disgrace over your own daughter .

For about a couple of weeks before the celebration of its first birthday, we solemnly under the bathing prepared the necessary tools - a baby's soap and a razor securely ordinary. The child did not expect such a trick from her parents, so it was careless to wash. And, in general, it was possible to think a little before starting that she would hardly grow long hair, and three thin hair still would be better than prickly hedgehogs, but we did not seek easy ways.

Dad armed with a razor, I - rattles, and we began to work. The daughter bathed calmly, prepared her habitual movements, I portrayed clown in every way. The result is ready - overwhelmed, as a newlyworn, clean and yet satisfied child, and parents who believe that they have fulfilled their parental debt.

But here my mother intervened in our family idyll. Seeing the smooth-critical granddaughter, the grandmother was upset. And somehow decided that in the process of shaving, we hurt the child also all the hair onions, and now the girl is doomed to be a bald all life. This grandmother could not transfer it, so after she expressed everything she thinks about us, stupid parents, she was carried away to himself, and, by the way, to say, betrayed this lesson all night.

And our girl soon grew good hair. And grandmother, now, sometimes remembering this story, thinks, and maybe we are not in vain then out of the child?

During the first year of life, the baby, parents will repeat, shave or shave the newborn's head.

The older generation advises to adhere to a long standing tradition, explaining that the shave will provide further growth and lush of the hairproof. And young parents, the infusion of infants seems empty checkout.

Why follow baby silky hair and in vain to torment the child? In order not to confuse in contradictory opinions, let's try to decompose all the information about shaving a newborn in the shelves.


It has long been so heard, as soon as the child reaches the first year of life, he is completely chopping his head. The roots of this tradition go to pagan times.

Our ancestors believed that the vegetation on the head is a spiritual canal that connects man with the mother-earth. The chipping was like circumcision of umbilical cord.

By the first year of life, children had already started walking, moved to the next stage of life, and it was necessary to conduct an appropriate rite.

There is another possible reason for the occurrence of this tradition. In some nations, men engaged in the education of boys. Children were with her mother only the first year of life. And shave the heads to achieve a one-year-old age meant the transition to Others.

In any case, this procedure had no aesthetic or cosmetic direction. Owning has carried a spiritual meaning.

Does the quality of the hair cover affect the quality of the hair?

It is widespread the view that the shaving of the child is lying in a year will make the hair with thick and strong. But for this statement it is impossible to bring any scientific explanation. In fact, the amount of hair lows depending on heredity. Crocha is born with a certain set of genes, which determine the delicate, color and hair structure. Change predefined gene data will not work.

If the parents dream of a thick and sturdy her hair, and its hair is thin and rare, do not be enough for a razor. The quality of the tail of the baby can be assessed only to achieve a three-year-old age.

The first six months only comes between the original gun and the active growth of vegetation on the head begins. Just to two-three years, their color and structure will be established. But the final shape will be taken only to the beginning of puberty, that is, by 10-13 years.

Together with the growth and development of the baby, his highways will grow.

How then it turns out that many parents who have discouraged the baby, notice the improvement of hair quality? Explains everything is very simple. In 10-14 months there is a natural change of hair.

If you don't do a haircut, the replacement of the hairproof will pass gradually, without sharp transitions.

But when slapping, there is a sharp change of hair, which creates the impression that the procedure has a beneficial effect on her hair.

Is it possible to chant a newborn?

Having come to the conclusion that the Child's Head Own does not bear any benefit, it is logical to ask if it does not harm?

According to Tricholic specialists from the idea of \u200b\u200ba newborn, it is worth abandoning. Immature hair lows very sensitively react to a typewriter or razor. They are easily damaged, which can lead just to the opposite result: the hair will grow weak and thin.

Inactive shaving can leave balas for life. With regular use of the razor, even coarse hair of adults is thinned. Is it worth subject to such a test children's horses? You need to wait for at least 2-3 years.

And in no case cannot be carried out this procedure under the age of the year.

In addition, the head of the head of the head can scare the baby, lead to its tears and hysterics.

How to care for the horses of the newborn?

The length of the hair of different children of one age can differ significantly. Someone is already born with long curls, and someone is quite bald. But in the end, the chasis will grow in all kids.

To kids get used to hair care procedures, it is recommended to cut them carefully from 4 months of life. In the future, you can remove unevenness and entangle the hairstyle once a month for a couple of millimeters.

Some parents decide from the very birth to grow their hair to the kids. Why not? It is only necessary to monitor the bangs and long hairs on the back of the head discomfort. Bang can fall into the eye, which will negatively affect the eyes of the crumbs. And under the long dock can sweat the neck, which will lead to an irritation and rash.

How to scream a newborn?

If parents decided to scribe a baby, it is necessary to do this very carefully. It is important not to damage tender child skin.

For shaving infants, you can use a secure razor with a protective grid. It is worth using a special gel that improves gliding over the surface of the head.

The newborn is easier to react to an unusual procedure if it is in comfortable conditions. Shave the crumb is better together: until one person is busy directly, the second distracts and takes the crumb.

After shaving, you need to apply cream to irritated skin. The likelihood is great, it will have to moisturize the scalp.

It should be borne in mind that the objected head is more sensitive to weather changes. Now it needs to be additionally protected from sun rays with a sunscreen. And wear a hat even with a light breeze.

A well-known statement that the child must shave in an annual age, does not make much sense. Shaving a newborn does not affect the quality and growth of hair.

On the contrary, the razor can damage the hair lows, which will negatively affect the further growth. This procedure should be postponed at least up to 2-3 years.

If parents want to scold a newborn, perform it necessary with extreme caution.


Shave the head of the newborn

Suitable age

History of the question

Myths and superstition

Go to the hairdresser

Stringing at home


When you cut the child for the first time. Folk myths and scientific approach

There are many myths and superstitions on this. Believe or not to believe - parents have the right to decide for themselves. It is clear only to say that the fashion should not be blindly. It is better to be guided by common sense and not harm the newborn.

Hair always attached and attached special importance. It is believed that the hair is a source of information, communication with space, energy umbilical cord, binding a baby with ancestors, natural protection for a person from aggressive environment. Opinions about when you can cut the hair with a newborn, diverge. And each option has its own explanations.

History of the question

In Russia, children's mortality in Russia was very high, not every newborn lived to a year. Parents tried in all ways to protect their child from danger. In order not to deprive the baby of vitality and energy, not to bring illness, the child did not cut.

If the crumb is safely celebrated his first year of life, it was believed that he liked the family, and he decided to stay in her. And the first time of the one-year-old kid was a kind of dedication.

At this, the solemn event was invited to see the ultimately, who helped to appear to the child, and after the adoption of Christianity - and the godparents, who were responsible for the small one.

The godfather crucifably littered the baby's first strands on the top of the baby, which was then tied with a red thread or ribbon and stored in a special secret trunk. It was believed that after such a dedication, the child was protected by all kinds.

The thick hair of Karapus was for all the symbol of good luck and happiness. Therefore, in order for the hair to grow rich, the cut strands did not throw away, but they made certain ritual actions with them: I put up in an anthill, rushed into the river, hidden in the house behind the ceiling beam or folded for a wicker.

Muslims were taken to shave the newborn's head on the seventh day after birth. This rite symbolizes cleansing. Screwed hair weighed to find out how many alms need to be disassembled by the poor and then buried.

Myths and superstition

Folk creativity, including legends, signs and superstition, accompanies a person all his life, starting from the very first day, and is transmitted from generation to generation. Many ancient signs and superstitions about the first haircut of the baby are alive and to this day.

  • Haircut "Under Zero" will help make the hair of a child thick and beautiful. This is the most common myth. However, pediatricians warn: such manipulations may entail unpleasant consequences. First, Kroch is discomfort when shaving, which, besides, can cause irritation on sensitive children's skin. Secondly, such a first haircut of the kid may adversely affect the hair follicles - "digging" the roots of the hair, which will slow down growth and worsen the quality of the chapels.
  • If you break the baby until the year, you can "cut off the language". It was believed that after the haircut, the kid could break the development of speech, the crumb would be silent for a long time. However, it is not confirmed scientifically.
  • Hair stored energy charge. If you are crashing them up to a year, you can get on a newborn sickness. In fact, the abstract long bang not only prevents the baby, but can also spoil their eyesight. And a thick hair, descending on the neck and shoulders, can cause irritation.
  • If newborn rare hair, they will remain forever. The thickness of the hair and their structure is laid in the womb of the mother, is determined genetically. The number of hair follicles after birth does not change. Therefore, no matter how much you have cut the newborn under zero, the lush fader of hard hair will not grow with whom nature presented thin, tender hair similar to the nick.
  • Happers and panamans interfere with hair breathe. Light moms try to do as long as possible without hats to provide oxygen access to children's hair. At the same time, it is subjected to infjelctant risk to get a heat blow or cold. In order for the hair better to grow, a fairly correct diet and regular combing before bedtime.

Hair growth rate is individual. After the baby's infant gun comes down from the head of the baby, the hair begin to grow on average 1 cm per month. As the first haircut of the child, it is possible to confine themselves to cut the bangs so that the hair does not climb into the eyes and did not spoil their eyesight. But you can warn irritation on the neck and the Paddle, shortering the "tail" on the back of the head.

What to do to make hair better

Heavenly luminaries have a tangible effect on the human body. Did you think when you cut the baby for the first time on the lunar calendar? Keep in mind: Haircut on a growing moon, hair growth accelerates, and to decay - slows down.

An excellent means for strengthening and stimulating hair growth, according to pediatricians, is combing. This useful ritual must be performed every evening. First, spread the baby's hair to the left, then - right. Spend the comb against hair growth.

And in conclusion, put the curls in the direction of their growth. Such a "massage" will improve blood circulation, improves oxygen access to hair lows. Choose a comb for crumbs correctly.

Wooden is best suited, with rounded cloths, which are inserted into soft rubber.

Moms who were lucky enough to raise daughters, almost immediately after their birth dream that girls would grow thick, silky hair, and it will be possible to build hairstyles that surrounding.

Therefore, as soon as the kids grow curls, moms and grandmothers begin to braid pigtails, making tails, pulling tender maiden hair with rubber bands, hairpins, bows. It looks all beautiful.

However, tightening not yet fastened hair in tight braids and tails, it is very easy to harm their young owner. Compact or places covered with a fly can be formed, silky strands are powered, will become thinner.

It is practically impossible to restore the problem zones. Therefore, doctors adhere to opinions that up to 4-5 years will the best option will be a short haircut, and the long hair should not grow.

Haircut without consequences

Mom, who does not own hairdressers, is unlikely to know how to cut a child for the first time. It is important, because, not to scare the baby, do everything quickly and neatly, and most importantly - not to damage him. In this case, it is necessary to contact a specialist who has experience in communicating with children.

Go to the hairdresser

In order for the first haircut of a child in a hairdresser successfully, you can pre-take a crumb to you so that he can look at, make sure that the place is not dangerous, to watch how they cut mom or dad. The child will be happy to follow the example of parents.

To kid felt at home, you can capture your favorite toys with you.

And it is better to go to the children's hairdresser, where all conditions have been created for small clients: a fabulous toy design of the cabin, entertainment in the form of dolls, bears, machines.

In some hairdressers there are even a living corner with fluffy and not very inhabitants - rabbits, marine pigs and bugs. In such an institution, a child will be happy to come with pleasure.

Stringing at home

Avoid stress from meeting with strangers and incomprehensible items will help haircut at home. The question arises: how to bring the child to the first time? Knowing elementary techniques, mom with ease will put in order the head of his favorite carapuse.

For the haircut it will take a comb, a pulverizer with water and scissors. Water hair and carefully spread out. Then a light movement of the hand clamp the curl between the fingers is medium and index - and cut the end of the strand.

To the first haircut of the child (as well as the next) passed without tears, it is worth being followed by several advice.

  • Conveniently placing the child on the knees of dad, grandparents.
  • Around the dolls, robots or soldiers, favorite bears and will be engaged. The game is familiar to the child. He will not have time to suspect a nelden. And you can distract the crumb, turning on the cartoon.
  • During the first haircut, even favorite cartoons can be powerless. The distracting maneuver will be something tasty - the cookie, a piece of a sweet apple. Keep delicacy at the ready.
  • The kid is unlikely to sit without movement. It is worth being to this ready.
  • Scissors should be safe - with stupid, rounded or protected ends. The child can flush or sharply turn into the most responsible moment.
  • If the first haircut is made by a typewriter, it is worth showing a kid miracle technology and demonstrate how it works. Wonderful if he sees how this adaptation is cutting his older brother or father. The boy will gladly follow the example of adults.
  • The kid feels good in your mood and will easily understand if you tremble like an aspen leaf, fearing to bring scissors to the hair of your beloved chad. Be confident in your actions.
  • The haircut is better to start with the most difficult and disturbing zones, because the kids quickly get tired. Make the most important thing - and no whims and protests will not be terrible.
  • Having completed an important procedure, be sure to praise the child. Compliments of relatives and acquaintances, as well as a small present for a small hero will be very by the way.
  • In order for the baby to do not disturb the remaining hairs on the body or clothing, it is worth completing a haircut with water treatments.

After the debut haircut of the kid is completed, the question arises, what to do with hair? Once the first curl from the head of a newborn carefully kept up to its adulthood.

If someone in the family is seriously sick, the curl was placed in a canvas bag, and the resulting "pendant" as Laneanka was put on the sick neck. The first cut-off curl helped and in the case when a person had to take a fateful solution.

It was believed that her hair was a touch with her mother, with all the way, wanted for life.

Currently we live in other rules, guided by modern traditions. But for each mother, the first cut-off curl of the baby is a memory of the happy waiting time of the miracle, about the first meeting with the child, about his first smile and first steps. Save this memo in a secluded place - in the envelope or in a special pocket of the first photo album of your karapuse.

Solving when you need to cut the child for the first time, remember the main thing: the health of your baby and his good mood is more important than the blind following the traditions and rituals.

Shaving Nepolo will not make thin, rare hair hard and thick, and tight pigtails and tails can cause hair loss.

The short haircut in childhood will facilitate hair care, will allow you to prevent irritation and to the dress.