What hand cream to choose for the winter - review. What kind of hand cream to use in the cold season what kind of hand cream is better to use in winter

In winter, our skin is experiencing problems not only because of difficult weather. Frost, cold wind, temperature drops do not really best affect its condition. But the situation is exacerbated by the change in the functioning of the body as a whole. Absolutely natural process in winter - slowdown in metabolism. For this reason, the skin suffers to the amount of nutrients and the vitamins that it is necessary. All these factors together form a very sad picture: our skin dries and fades. Especially during this period, hands suffer. In addition to all of the above, their condition deteriorates with frequent soot using aggressive detergents, and, more worse, the effects of household chemicals. Hands become rude and rough, cuticle - dry, nails - brittle. In addition to dry skin, frequent phenomenon in winter - microcracks, which cause discomfort and pain, and can also cause the development of skin diseases.

What makes the right hand care in winter

A number of simple rules, which are accessible to everyone, will help the handles look attractive even in difficult winter time:

  • in the cold one should never forget about gloves. They will not only protect their hands from the temples, cracks, but also warn the appearance of cold allergies, it is extremely difficult to cope with which is extremely difficult;
  • wash your hands only in warm water, and not in cold and not hot. In winter, the usual soap should be replaced with cream soap or balsam with the content of soothing and moisturizing components. It is not recommended to go outside immediately after washing hands. In addition, it is impossible to use drying after washing. If there is no towel, it is enough to laugh my hands with a napkin;
  • if, when performing homework using chemistry, you categorically refuse to wear rubber gloves, lubricate your hands with a special vaseline or silicone cream, which will form a protective barrier from the effects of acids and alkalis;
  • in winter, the skin dries faster, so you need to help her get rid of dead cells, and it is necessary to do it with the help of the peeling procedure. It is optimally carried out 2 times a week. In winter, it is better to perform peelings for the night or 3-4 hours before the exit to the street;
  • winter's leading attention should be given to nutrition of the skin of the hands: for this, baths based on herbs (chamomiles, calendula, flax), wrapping with essential oils (cocoa oil, olive, mint, lavender, peach and grape seeds), hand masks ( Green tea, honey, castor oil). It is enough to perform one mask and one bath per week.

How carefully women care for the skin of the face, often forgetting the same carefully take care of the skin of the hands! But it is the hands of the age, and the accuracy of care. Therefore, to select a tool for your favorite handles is especially careful.

Criteria for choosing a good hand cream


For a good choice, you need to decide what you expect from the best hand cream. It can be:

  • Protection. Hand protective cream creates a barrier from aggressive media, water, cold, it as a glove envelops the skin. Protective creams are more dense and slightly less comfortable "in the sock", since their function is to create an imperceptible barrier film on the skin.
  • Care. Leaving creams are divided into moisturizers (quickly absorbed and are recommended for use in the warm season) and nutritious (recommended for hands with very dry and prone to skin irritation and for use in the cold season). In a separate group, anti-aging creams can be distinguished, which not only moisturize and nourish, but also smoothed wrinkles, brightening pigment stains.
  • Treatment. Therapeutic hands for hands have a more intense effect on the skin regenerating properties, struggling with microcracks and flaws of the skin. Most often it is pretty "heavy" funds recommended for episodic use.

Also, hand creams are daily and night. The daily has a easier structure and faster absorbed, has protective functions, a UV filter. Night cream fat and more saturated with useful substances. They intensively feed and restore the skin during sleep.


Pay attention to the following components:

  • glycerin (helps to hold moisture)
  • paraffin (softens)
  • lanolin (nourishes)
  • allantoin and alpha-bisabolol (make irritation),
  • tea tree oil (has anti-inflammatory effect)
  • panthenol (contributes to the healing of skin damage)
  • natural oils and vitamins (give the skin smoothness and healthy appearance).

As part of anti-aging creams for hands, except the above, look for bioactive substances: aloe extract, hyaluronic acid, elastin, collagen, vitamin and mineral complexes.

It should be borne in mind that moisturizing hands for hands contain up to 80% moisture (water in them in the first place), unlike them, nutrients have a fat basis. That is why moisturizing care is shown in the warm season, and the nutrition is simply necessary in winter, but not the opposite.

Manufacturers of the best creams for hands

Do not think that hand cream is the simplest and inexpensive treatments for care. Named company worldwide names: L "Occitane, Roc, Vichy, Thebodyshop, Caudalie and others dedicate them to create no less than the development of other means. Products of these brands are very good in composition and action, but they also cost from 500 p. And above.

The average price category (150-500 r.) Is represented by imported and domestic creams for hands of good quality: Natura Siberica, Librederm, Nivea, etc. Budget nice has completely successfully filled out domestic manufacturers: Concern "Kalina", "Freedom", "Nevskaya Cosmetics" , Belita-Viteks, the products of which are suitable for daily skin care that does not have any special problems.

Evaluation: 3+
Price: OK. 90 rubles.
Test time: 4 months

2. THE BODY SHOP HEMP HAND PROTECTOR - Konopley hand protective cream

I suppose, in a special view, this cream does not need it like it for the properties and hate behind the smell, I rather love it and I like the smell rather like that you will not say about my MCH it just turns.
I like the packaging: both iron tube, and a lid. But I'm afraid, someday the tube will overtake and hole will appear
The composition is good: glycerin, oil, allantoin (according to the manufacturer's application softens and calms down), Panthenol, Silicone (can not like someone), vitamins A, E (most likely they are as preservatives, but still better than parabens) .

Cream consistency is very thick, perhaps the most thick of all that I had. Pretty fat (but "nice fat"!) And it feels that there are oils. When you start to rub, oil melts, pleasant sensations. Economical. For a day, the cream is firmed for me to work at a computer and with papers.

On the one hand, the cream is called "Protective", and I nano it sometimes before going out. On the other hand, the manufacturer writes: "To strengthen the effect of cream, apply it for the night and wear the moisturizing gloves from The Body Shop" (replaced by any gloves). So I nano it too (although the manufacturer's recommendation read only today), especially since the gloves will protect the surrounding from the smell feeds the cream well, the handles after it are soft, well-groomed.
In general, cream and protective, and nutritious.
And now minus, who noticed. Somehow came from the street with weathered hands. Applied this cream. But he did not like the skin, she blushed, irritation appeared. Ran to wash off. Maybe it was necessary to suffer, and it would have passed, I know, this sometimes happens, but I did not wait. The cream is definitely not soothing the skin, although, as I noticed above, the manufacturer writes that Allantoin as part of the cream is just designed to do it.

Evaluation: 5-
Price: 430 rub. for 100 ml
Test time: half a year

3. Cream for hands and nails Kamill Intensive

And this is my favorite cream. I buy the third packaging already and I will buy it yet. He also likes my mom and mother-in-law.
The usual tube of soft plastic with the opening lid (never broke, by the way). Volume 100 ml. The cream of average consistency, white color, completely a little oily. The smell is quite pleasant, herbal.
Feature of the cream: I can apply it a lot, and it is all absorbed! I like it to nano for the night, in the morning my hands are moistened, sweaty, who rested, ready for work and defense, I can also apply the day, but frank.
Makeup photo:

The composition, maybe not a super-duper, but the cream is suitable for me perfectly, so I do not really look at. The main thing is that it works. Especially, good price. I am from those who are not ready to pay more if there is no difference
However, other creams I will also buy, maybe I will find the ideal ideal!

Evaluation: 5
Price: 80-100 rubles.
Test time: 1.5 years

4. Cream Children's Bella Baby Happy Natural Care

This cream bought somehow in the supermarket because of a small tube. Manufacturer, so let's say, unexpected and the cream turned out to be good! I bring the photo composition and description of the manufacturer:

Cream of ordinary consistency, not thick and not liquid, white. Not fat, not oily. The smell is lightweight, pleasant, unobtrusive. I use cream afternoon or before going to the street, so I apply a small amount.

I really like this cream! He some kind of pleasant, gentle and "caring" softens, protects, cares. Just he soothes the skin if it is annoyed (unlike the "hemp"). I checked it by chance: somehow I struck after the epilation (although I know that it is better not to smear anything). Literally in a few minutes, the cream calmed the skin, quickly absorbed. So for me this cream "soothing".
I will definitely buy even if I see, the price is ridiculous.

Evaluation: 5
Price: 50 rubles.
Test time: 5 months.

5. Lush Lemony Flutter - "Lemon Sensation"

Also a fairly well-known product on the cosmeticist. According to the manufacturer, it is a batter for the cuticle, but you can smear on other dry parts of the body. I use for the cuticle, sometimes I smear my hands when it is overpowered.
The smell is lemon, but "chemical", strong. The consistency is thick, oily, a little bit with grains. When applied to the skin, the oil begins to melt.

I only nano for the night. Overnight, the oil is completely absorbed, softens and nourishes the cuticle. Somehow applied and dayd (with the help of a cotton stick) and the oil absorbed quickly, less than half an hour! But the cuticle was very dry at that moment, the oil perfectly softened it. If I did not forget every time the night smeared, I think the effect would be excellent and my cuticle would look better.
On the one hand, the oil is not so cheap, but on the other hand, it is consumed very economically.

Evaluation: 5
Price: 410 rub. (by price on the official website)
Test term: more than a year

That's all, I hope, not tired by the number of letters.
Thank you for reading! All velvet handles!

Suppose that the window is still a plus temperature, the weather forecasters still promise that real frosts will come soon ... How can I protect the delicate skin of the hands from the burning cold? No, mittens do not count, because they do not have nutrient, moisturizing and caring properties. Output one - choose a truly effective winter hand cream. Our review will help you with this!

Nourishing Hand Balsam With Oil Carite, L "Occitane

Gentle, light, moderately dense cream from the famous French brand of natural cosmetics provides intensive nutrition and moisturizing, forming a protective film on the skin, thereby protecting the skin of hands, even from a strong frost. But this does not mean that it is possible to ignore warm gloves and mittens - no one interfered with anyone else. This cream contains concentrated carite oil, enriched with allantoin, glycerin and vitamins. The smell is unobtrusive, pleasant, cozy and creamy, similar to children. Balzam is quite quickly absorbed, not leaving the unpleasant feeling of fatty, instantly moisturizes the skin, making it soft, silky and smooth, struggling with peeling, dryness and cracks, which are traditional frost satellites.

Excellent winter cream, designed specifically for the skin of hands, which is often exposed to aggressive environmental impact. It includes niacinamide, glycerin and other nutrients that create a protective immentable barrier, accelerate cell regeneration, smoothes peeling and deeply nourish the skin. The regular use of the cream guarantees a stunning effect: the skin ceases to blush in the cold, the winter eczema passes, which many are confused with allergies to the cold (such, by the way, does not happen), the hands become well-groomed, smooth and soft. The texture of the means is also quite pleasant - quickly absorbed, does not leave traces and absolutely not sticky.

Straight from Latvia, this lotion has conquered not one beautiful girl. Tender texture, sour-sweet aroma of northern berries, instant absorption, deep moisturizing and pleasant price - 5 out of 5! From winter frosts, it also saves well, creating a thin film on the surface of the skin, which is not visible and not felt in the hands, but it actually works, eliminating dryness, cracks and peeling. After applying the funds, comfortably fits comfort: I do not want to get into the skin with a napkin to remove excess fat, and it is not necessary to apply anything. In addition to cranberry extract, the lotion contains the essential oil of juniper and sweet almond, as well as the solid oil of Shi. It does not cause allergies, does not contain parabens and fragrances.

The creators of pharmacy cosmetics, as anyone else, are known which components need to be added so that the cream really protects the skin from frosts. Among the active components are the thermal water of Avene, Cold Cream, Glycerin and other nutrients. The tool has a rather dense consistency, but at the same time it is quickly absorbed and does not create severity. The tool has proven its effectiveness with severe dryness, contact dermatitis and eczema. Cold cream quickly calms and restores the skin, making it soft and moistened, eliminates the feeling of grinding and peeling. Another pleasant moment is the lack of smell. At all. So the obsessive fragrance will not annoy your sense of smell, especially in cases where you just need to focus.

The Russian brand Mahash knows a lot of good protective creams for hands. The means of 95% consists of natural ingredients, so completely safe and most effectively as possible. The smell, though, a specific - pronounced coconut, although someone can not catch it at all, because everything interrupts menthol. The cream is perfectly coping with a dry, damaged and cracked skin of the skin. By the way, advanced beauty maniacs use this tool not only for the skin of the hands, but also in order to moisturize the gross heels, knees, elbows and other places on the skin, where special care needs. Just a couple of days of active use, and leather as if new: soft and supervillage as the ass in the baby.

Kiehl's cosmetologists have worked on fame and developed such a wonderful cream, which in its protective ability can be compared with the warmest mittens, which can only be found. The tool restores even the cooler and dry skin of the hands, holds the moisture for a long time and acts from the inside. No stickiness, oily and heavy film. The cream is absorbed in counting seconds, creates a protective barrier and will not even give the most severe frost to break his defense, coming to delicate skin of the hands.

The legendary pasta with an incredible aroma, which, opening the jar, certainly wants not to apply on the hands, but to smear the bread instead of oil or nutella. The tool is still manufactured on the secret recipe of the XIII century, the ingredients in it are not changing here for eight centuries !!! Paste is rather thick, pleasant sandy color. When contacting the skin instantly melts in front of the skin, providing her deep nutrition and moisturizing. Excellent shows its miraculous properties if it is applied to the weathered and dry hands. Moreover, the effect of pasta is not apparently cosmetic: unlike other similar means, it really restores damaged skin, keeping the result for a long time.

In our review - 14 creams that protect your hands in the cold season.

"Main care", DOVE

This hand cream has a light low-fat texture, quickly absorbed and does not leave the feeling of stickiness on the skin, providing it with protection and moisturizing during the day.

Price - about 100 rubles.


Biomains, Biotherm

This cream has become a truly reliable product of Biotherm brand. Since 1972, they enjoy millions of women around the world. The cream restores the protective barrier of the skin, softens the skin of the hands, strengthens the nails and prevents the appearance of signs of aging.

Price - about 1,500 rubles.

Universal Balsam for Very Dry Skin, Glysolid

Balm nourishes, promotes the healing of the wounds, maintains the natural regeneration of the skin, simultaneously protecting it. With regular use, the skin condition is quickly and for a long time.

Price - about 150 rubles.

Ultimate Strength Hand Salve, Kiehl's

The saturated formula of the cream protects and restores very dry and damaged hands. The tool creates the effect of "gloves" - a protective barrier that prevents the loss of moisture. The thick cream texture is quickly absorbed and deeply moisturizes, without leaving the feeling of stickiness.

Price - about 1300 rubles.

Outpiece Cream for Hands, Weleda

As part of cream, sea buckthorn oil and sesame oil. Together they protect the skin of the hands from the loss of moisture and degreasing. After applying, even the thinnest and rough skin becomes soft and elastic.

Price - about 500 rubles.

Deep Comfort Hand and Cuticle Cream, Clinique

The thick restoring cream for hands and cuticle instantly saturates the skin moisture and helps it remain moistened for 12 hours.

Price - about 1000 rubles.

"Nutrition and Protection", Nivea

This hand cream is based on bee wax, which feeds, softens and has an anti-inflammatory effect. There will be no trace from dryness!

Price - about 65 rubles.

Almond paste, Santa Maria Novella

The almond nut is famous for its softening and nutritional properties. As part of this pasta, a large number of plant fats that are greatly restored dry skin.

Price - about 4,000 rubles.

Argan Oil Hand Crème, Orly

This cream with argan oil has a wide range of action: nourishes, protects, moisturizes, warns the processes of aging, and also has a storage effect. Despite the abundant oil content, the cream is perfectly absorbed and leaves no fat film.

Price - about 1,100 rubles.

Body Excellence, Chanel

The name "The cream for youth and comfort of hand" speaks for itself. After applying the hand cream soft and gentle. Due to the soft texture, the tool is quickly absorbed into the skin.

Price - about 4,000 rubles.

Douceur des Mains, Payot

The cream "3-B-1" with Shea butter and vitamin E feeds and softens the skin of the hands, parallel to the nails and cuticle. Effectively returns tenderness even by the coarse skin, not leaving the feeling of fat.

Price - about 1000 rubles.

New Dimension, Estee Lauder

This cream, like magic gloves created from moisturizing nutrient ingredients, will envelop your hands for long hours. The skin of the hand instantly becomes moistened, and this feeling lasts all day, even after washing.

Price - about 3000 rubles.

Cream-oil for hand SOS-restoration night care, "velvet handles"

Cream-oil is designed specifically for special care for very dry and cracked skin of the hands. It can be used as an active mask to restore the skin of the hands at night.

Price - about 150 rubles.

Hand & Nail Comfort Cream, EGIA BIOCARE SYSTEM

The cream restores and protects the skin, warns the appearance of cracks, dryness and roughness of the hands. Hands will be tender and smooth after the first application.

Price - about 2250 rubles.