The development of fine motor skills in children 8 months. Massage of the palms and fingers with a prickly massage ball. Exercises for the development of fine motor skills

Olga Raevskaya

Perhaps every modern parent knows about the need development of fine motor skills. But not everyone finds the time and desire to seriously engage in this fun and rewarding process. But each group of skills needs develop at the right time. It is very important to understand that fine motor skills will help your child in the future to perform various household activities (fasten buttons, wash hands, wipe, study (write, draw, play.

Fine motor skills can be developed using various board games (mosaics, puzzles, lotto, dominoes, finger games and exercises, massage, special techniques.

There are many different ones in the shops educational games and manuals. However, having shown imagination, it is quite possible to get by with improvised materials. To interest the child and help him master new information, you need to turn learning into a game, do not retreat if the tasks seem difficult, do not forget to praise the child.

Games on development of fine motor skills in children

using available materials.

An excellent effect is given by beans, peas, cereals "baths". Pour dried peas, beans or buckwheat into a saucepan or large bowl. Then we hide among legumes or small cereals items: toys from "kinder surprises", constructor details or something else. The task of the child is to find and pull out funny toys.

Take a bright tray. In a thin, even layer, scatter any small groats. Run your child's finger over the rump. Get a bright contrasting line. Let the kid draw some chaotic lines himself. Then try to draw some objects together (fence, rain, waves, letters, etc.).

Pour 1 kg of peas or beans into the pan. The child puts his hands in there and depicts how the dough is kneaded, sentencing:

"Knead, knead the dough,

There is room in the oven.

Will-will be from the oven

Buns and rolls."

Give the child a piece of cardboard and a simple pencil and ask him to draw some simple drawing. Then give him glue and beans. Let the child smear the cardboard with glue along the pencil line, and then stick the beans on it - you get a voluminous application.

Choose buttons of different colors and sizes. First, lay out the drawing yourself, then ask the child to do the same on their own. After the child learns to complete the task without your help, invite him to come up with his own versions of the drawings. From a button mosaic, you can lay out a tumbler, a butterfly, a snowman, balls, beads, etc.

Give your child a round hair brush. The child rolls the brush between the palms, sentencing:

"At the pine, at the fir, the Christmas tree

Very sharp needles.

But even stronger than the spruce forest,

The juniper will prick you."

The child rolls a walnut between the palms and sentences:

"I roll my nut,

To become rounder than everyone.

The child holds two walnuts in one hand and rotates them one around the other.

Get a sink grate (usually it consists of many cells). The child walks with his index and middle fingers, like legs, along these cells, trying to take steps on each stressed syllable. "Walk" you can alternately with one or the other hand, or you can use both at the same time, speaking:

"We wandered in the zoo,

Each cell was approached

And looked at everyone:

Bear cubs, wolf cubs, beavers.

We take a dumpling. Its surface is like a honeycomb. Child with two fingers (index and middle) depicts a bee flying over honeycombs:

"Fingers, like bees, fly through the honeycomb

And each includes checking: what's there?

Will there be enough honey for all of us until spring,

To avoid hungry dreams?

Pour dry peas into a mug. For each stressed syllable, the child transfers the peas one by one to another mug. First with one hand, then with both hands at the same time, alternately with the thumb and middle fingers, thumb and ring finger, thumb and little finger. Any quatrains are chosen.

We put two corks from plastic bottles on the table with the thread up. It - "skis". Index and middle fingers stand in them like legs. Moving on "skiing", making one step for each percussion syllable:

"We are skiing, we are racing down the mountain,

We love the fun of a cold winter."

You can try to do the same with both hands at the same time.

Child collects matches (or counting sticks) the same fingers of different hands (pads): two indexes, two middles, etc.

We are building "log" from matches or counting sticks. The higher and smoother the frame, the better.

Clothespin (check with your fingers that it is not too tight) alternately "bite" nail phalanges (from index finger to little finger and vice versa) on stressed syllables verse:

“A silly kitten bites hard,

He thinks it's not a finger, but a mouse. (Change of hands.)

But I'm playing with you baby

And if you bite, I will say you: "Shush!".

We pull the rope at the level of the child’s shoulders and give him a few clothespins. For each stressed syllable, the child attaches a clothespin to rope:

"I'll pinch the clothespins deftly

I'm on my mother's rope.

We cut out blanks of various shapes from colored cardboard and invite the child to complete the work - attach clothespins of the corresponding color along the edges. For example, turn a yellow circle into a sun with rays, a green triangle into a Christmas tree, etc.

We take the rope (as thick as a child's little finger) and tie 12 knots on it. The child, sorting through the nodes with his fingers, names the month of the year in order for each node. You can make similar devices from beads, buttons, etc.

The child crumples, starting from the corner, a handkerchief (or plastic bag) so that it all fits in the cam.

Stringing beads and buttons. In summer, you can make beads from mountain ash, nuts, pumpkin seeds and cucumbers, small fruits, etc.. e. An interesting activity for development of the imagination, fantasies and fine motor skills of hands.

Be sure to supervise your child while playing with small items!

You will be surprised, but it is very easy to develop fine motor skills in a child. I present to your attention 5 simple steps to "awaken" the hands and fingers of the baby.

Step 1. Massage and self-massage of hands with and without objects

When the baby is still very small, mom can do a simple hand massage. With light movements, massage your palm, fingers, stopping at each phalanx. Bend and straighten your fingers, press your palms to each other. It is very useful from an early age to hold pens on surfaces with different textures and temperatures (give something soft, smooth, cold, warm to hold). Any sensations received through touch awaken the area of ​​the brain responsible for mental and speech development.

When the child grows up, you can offer him to massage the palms himself, repeating after you. Also, kids who have mastered grasping will be interested in rolling a massage ball, a hedgehog toy or a pencil in pens.

Step 2 Finger games or finger gymnastics

A lot of interesting ones are being released now, where you can find great finger games. Children of all ages are very fond of and always respond with pleasure to exercises in which the mother recites a verse and shows interesting movements with her hands and fingers.

With age, finger games can be complicated and include some interesting plot in them. For example, role-play a fairy tale where the main characters will be fingers. And if you draw funny faces on them and turn them into real characters, the performance will definitely go off with a bang! Before going to bed, you can show the theater of shadows, making silhouettes of birds and animals from the hands of the child.

In general, the options for finger games are endless.

Step 3 Games with objects and materials

Store-bought toys, natural materials (cones, acorns, chestnuts), household items (pots, spoons, cereals, water) can also serve as objects for the development of fine motor skills.

It is worth dwelling separately on purchased toys. Many mothers strive to fully provide their baby with newfangled educational toys developed according to special systems and methods. The desire to develop your child is commendable, while it should be remembered that ordinary natural materials, simple cubes, designers, mosaics and other toys “from our childhood” develop fine motor skills no worse, and sometimes even better than expensive counterparts.

You should also take into account the natural curiosity of the child. The kid sees how his mother is wielding a ladle, cooking something in a saucepan, or picking up a TV remote control, a book, pressing some buttons on the phone. At the same time, for some reason, mom is not interested in a bright toy bought specifically for the development of fine motor skills. It is clear that the child will be more interested in the activities that the mother is engaged in. As a result, kids are drawn not to toys, but to everyday items. Introduce the little explorer to the surrounding "adult" things, let them play under your supervision.

You'd be surprised how many games you can come up with with what's at hand. For example, kids are happy to look for hidden small toys in cereals, catch objects from a basin of water, sort out their mother's jewelry, play with sand, clothespins, brushes. An older child can be offered to lay out the outline of the drawing with matches or paper clips. Household items open up a huge scope for children's games.

Think about it, our grandmothers and great-grandmothers did not have special toys for the development of fine motor skills, but the hands of the kids were developed just fine. Why? Because the child grew up "next to the adult." What the adult does is given to the baby (naturally, in a reduced and safer form).

Any interesting activity in which the baby's hands are involved perfectly develops fine motor skills. Therefore, encourage the natural curiosity of the child and saturate the environment with a variety of objects (both special toys and household appliances).

Step 4 Games for training everyday skills and abilities

Holding a spoon, fastening clothes, lacing up shoes, doing simple household chores - like ordinary actions, but they give a tremendous impetus to the development of fine motor skills. You can buy special devices for practicing self-care skills, but it is better to master such actions in everyday life.

In order to arouse the child's interest in acquiring these skills, you can come up with a game or do actions for certain nursery rhymes. For example, put on gloves and tell a poem about fingers and so on.

When it comes to household chores, children love to imitate adults. Already one-year-old babies can run a cloth over the floor, as if washing the floors, and imitate other economic activities. Encourage such "help" in every possible way. This develops not only fine motor skills, but also responsiveness and independence.

Step 5 Children's creativity

Sculpting, drawing, applications and other types of creativity, where the child comes into contact with various materials with his hands, develop fine motor skills.

Creative crafts made together develop fine motor skills, mental abilities, speech, create an atmosphere of love and emotional contact between the child and his mother.

Have fun with your kids and encourage their curiosity!

Alena Volkova, your speech development consultant

Speech pathologist, teacher, twice mother, author of the system "Through the development of speech - to the harmonious development of the child", author and head of the project "Speech of the child" and the online club of speech development "Boltai-ka", editor-in-chief of the magazine "Speech of the child", author of articles, webinars, trainings, books and collections on the development of children's speech.

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The development of fine motor skills in preschool children

The development of fine motor skills in preschool children

What is fine motor skills?

fine motor skills- ability to manipulate small items, transfer objects from hand to hand, and perform tasks that require the coordinated work of the eyes and hands. fine motor skills associated with the nervous system, vision, attention, memory and perception of the child. Scientists have also shown that development of fine motor skills and development speeches are very closely related. And this is explained very simply. There are centers in the human brain that are responsible for speech and finger movements. They are located very close. That's why, developing fine motor skills, we activate the zones responsible for the formation of children's speech, which increase the child's working capacity, his attention, mental activity, intellectual and creative activity.


At the early stage of life, fine motor skills reflect, how child develops, testifies about his intellectual abilities. Children with bad developed manual motor skills they awkwardly hold a spoon, a pencil, cannot fasten buttons, lace up shoes. It can be difficult for them to collect scattered parts of the designer, work with puzzles, counting sticks, and mosaics. They refuse modeling and applique, which are loved by other children, they do not keep up with the guys in the classroom.

Target: development of fine motor skills and coordination of hand movements preschool children through various activities; improving conditions for development of fine motor skills of fingers, preschool children.


To form coordination and accuracy of hand and eye movements, hand flexibility, rhythm;

- develop fine motor skills of fingers, hands;

Improve overall physical activity;

Contribute to the normalization of speech function;

-develop imagination, logical thinking, voluntary attention, visual and auditory perception, creative activity.

I bring to your attention games and exercises on development of fine motor skills that you can do at home too.

Button games

Development fingers contribute not only finger gymnastics, but also a variety of actions with objects. Various types of mosaics or button games, develop attention, perception.

Drawing on semolina, flour, buckwheat

You can draw on semolina, flour, buckwheat. A picture created by a child from these bulk materials is a creative product, and develops sense perception, fantasy and imagination.

Collecting split pictures, puzzles, cubes

These games develop visual perception, spatial orientation, visual-motor coordination.


With the help of applications develops not only fine motor skills. The child, performing applications, will be able to compare figures large and small, wide and narrow, long and short, dark and light.

Clothespin games

You can also play with clothespins for development in children creative imagination, logical thinking, fixing colors, counting.

Rolling a pencil in the palms

Rolling a pencil in the palms helps to stimulate biologically active points, toning the body as a whole.

Drawing and coloring with pencils

It is pencils, not paints or felt-tip pens, "forced" the muscles of the hand tense up, make efforts in order to leave a mark on the paper. The child must learn to regulate the force of pressure in order to draw a line of one thickness or another. In the process of drawing children develop not only representations, creativity, the emotional attitude to reality deepens, but the elementary graphic skills necessary for development of manual dexterity, mastering writing. Drawing, children learn how to properly handle graphic material and master various visual techniques, they small muscles develop. Need to be taught children paint carefully, without going beyond the contours of the depicted objects, evenly applying the desired color.

During the course at children develop fine motor skills fingers and imagination, they learn to coordinate hand movements and acquire new sensory experiences, learn to get the job done. Classes contribute development emotional responsiveness, development of independence, perseverance, accuracy, diligence, the formation of skills in modeling.


Such games develop spatial orientation, attention, form lacing skills, develop creativity, encourage development of the accuracy of the eye, sequence of actions.

Tasks and exercises aimed at a lot of development, if you connect fantasy and imagination, you can invent them endlessly. The main thing here is to take into account the individual characteristics of each child, his age, mood, desire and opportunity. Our task is to support the child, if necessary, to provide assistance, and of course to be patient and calm. After all, skillful fingers will not immediately become. To interest the child and help him master new information, you need to turn learning into a game, do not forget to praise the child.

Systematic and systematic work on development of fine motor skills in children contributes to the formation of speech, intellectual abilities, positively affects speech development, and most importantly, contributes to the preservation of the physical and mental health of the child.

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The development of fine motor skills helps to prepare a baby up to 3 years old for visiting a kindergarten or studying at school. A child who has developed pens from early childhood perceives information better, thinks logically, and has a good memory. The mechanisms that affect the development of speech and the intellectual performance of a little man should be developed from birth.

Fine motor skills, what is it?

Moms, dads and grandmothers of babies should know - fine motor skills are not named because they are not very important in the development of the child, but because it is responsible for the work of small muscles. The ability to handle small objects in early childhood has a beneficial effect on further mental and physical development.

Developed fine motor skills in a child help him handle a pen, pencil or brush well, use scissors, a sewing needle and other small objects. Such a baby quickly learns to tie shoelaces or fasten buttons. To work with small objects, the little man will need good coordination, for which one of the sections of the brain is responsible.

By developing fine motor skills in your baby, you thereby contribute to the development of his intelligence and ability to learn.

The child controls the movements of the hands and fingers well when the musculoskeletal and nervous systems are in perfect harmony.

Exercises and massage for the development of fine motor skills in babies

The stages of motor development are individual for each child. The first unfamiliar movements are awkward for the baby, but after several repetitions every day they become confident and more accurate.

There are many options for the development of fine motor skills in children up to the age of three. From the first days of life, the baby is given a massage of the fingers, carrying out the procedure several times a day. Its duration does not exceed 5 minutes.

Massage consists of a series of exercises

  • Stroking and patting have a good effect on sensitive receptors located on the palms and fingers.
  • Accurate unclenching of the cams , which newborn babies squeeze very tightly.
  • Massage the inside of the handle a toy with a pimply or ribbed surface.

Important! All procedures are carried out as gently and accurately as possible.

Starting from two months , children put toys of different shapes in their hands. At the same time, adults should talk with the baby, commenting on their actions. The task of the crumbs is to hold the toy in his hand for as long as possible.

From six months exercise makes it harder. An adult, singing songs or telling nursery rhymes, simultaneously works with the baby’s hands (for example, the well-known “patties”), after which the baby herself will try to repeat the actions of adults.

From nine months When children begin to actively move around the house, showing interest in various objects, there comes a fertile time to continue the development of fine motor skills. Teach your baby to pour cereals or other bulk items from container to container (but stay close!). In the bathroom, you can pour water from glass to glass. Invite the baby to look for a small toy in a bowl of cereal. Nothing that the croup will crumble, such an activity trains the fingers well.

During classes and games, it is important not to forget that in front of you is a small child who quickly gets tired of monotonous actions and switches his attention to something else.

Fine motor skills training should take the form of an exciting game, turning monotonous activities into fun entertainment.

Games and activities that develop motor skills in young children

  1. Development of fingers with gymnastics and games with funny rhymes.
    This is the oldest and easiest way. Squeezing and unclenching the handles, moving the fingers and palms gives babies up to three years of great pleasure.
  2. Drawing . Give the baby a pencil, pen or marker. Objects for drawing well develop the correct grip of the fingers, which in the future will contribute to the child's beautiful handwriting or even reveal his talent as an artist. In order not to discourage the baby from holding a pencil in his hands, you should not severely punish him if he suddenly paints wallpaper or furniture on you.
  3. modeling . In order for the baby to make a ball or roll up a sausage, you can use not only plasticine, but also clay or dough. Get your little one to work when you bake pies. The responsible task of rolling out the dough will give him pleasure and help the development of the fingers.
  4. Small household items . Little fidgets are constantly trying to grab any household items. There are enough such items in any home. Let your child play with clothespins, a teaspoon, or a jar lid. Children twist unfamiliar objects in their hands with great pleasure. But even here one must not take one's eyes off the young researcher in order to pull these very objects out of his mouth in time.
  5. Stringing items . One of the first toys that appears in children after rattles is a pyramid. At first, the child’s actions are clumsy, he can’t fit the ring of the pyramid on the stick. But our children are little stubborn, they will not stop until they get their way. As the baby grows up, the task of stringing objects is complicated by reducing the size of the toys. Multi-colored beads and similar items are used. Again, for safety reasons, do not leave the child to play with small objects alone, because little inquisitives try to put everything in their mouths.
  6. ironing game . Crumple up a large sheet of paper and ask your child to smooth it with their palms. Children are happy to smooth and then crumple a new toy again.

Toys for the development of fine motor skills in children

Today's children can be kindly envied. A huge number of educational toys for all occasions help the comprehensive development of the little man. For fine motor skills, there are a huge number of designers, from simple plastic cubes to Lego with the smallest details . Choose an age-appropriate kit for your child, and he will be happy to build houses and build castles, thereby developing his hands.

Special crumbs develop well large puzzles for the little ones (Seguin's board). By assembling a toy, kids not only develop their hands, but also train logical thinking.

Give the baby sorter cube with holes , into which various objects are inserted, for example, molds for playing in the sandbox. On each side there is a recess in which only a certain toy will fit.

Reappeared on store shelves colorful nesting dolls . Our mothers also developed us with the help of this wonderful toy. Such a gift will bring a lot of joy and benefit your baby.

As a child, everyone loves to listen to fairy tales. If you buy or make toys for puppet theater with your favorite characters , the kid will gladly put them on his hand, making the dolls move.

Remember! The development of speech in a child directly depends on fine motor skills. It happens that the baby cannot explain to adults what he wants, so he is naughty and nervous. The faster the baby learns to speak correctly, the more comfortable he will be in a nursery or kindergarten.

Developing fine motor skills in a baby, you should not force him to perform certain actions. All classes should take place in an easy game form and bring joy to the baby.

The development of motor skills in children is a very important component of its overall development. As they grow older, starting from birth, the baby gradually begins to learn the basics of the movement of the body, head, hands.

In order to stimulate the correct motor skills in the baby, doctors have developed whole methods for the consistent development of general and fine motor skills.

What is fine motor skills?

Fine motor skills are a combination of hand movements with three main body systems - nervous, muscular and bone-ligamentous. In colloquial speech, fine motor skills are often referred to as manual dexterity., closely linking it with quick reaction and logical thinking. When working with a child, it is very important to conduct fine motor skills classes, especially for preschool children.

By developing the child's motor functions, we strengthen the memory, visual and nervous systems. There are known facts when visually impaired and blind children have very strong motor skills, which for such people are a substitute factor in their development. In the early stages of development, it is necessary to diagnose motor skills in order to determine how well the baby is developing, whether there are any pathologies in the motor or nervous system of a small organism.

Violation of fine motor skills, as a rule, is very connected with, because the speech section of the cerebral cortex is responsible for the movement of the arms and legs. In order to enable the baby to develop properly, keeping up with their peers, you need to practice modeling, drawing, assembling construction sets from small parts, mosaics or puzzles with him.

Fine motor skills and speech are two interrelated functions of the child's body. At an early age at the stage of speech formation, you can conduct classes related to building houses from a large number of cubes or stringing rings on the pyramid rod. The grasping movements of the baby, understanding where and why he carries the cubes or rings, and in what sequence he should do it, quickly develop fine motor skills, and, as a result, mental abilities and speech.

To understand how to properly develop fine motor skills, it is necessary to determine whether the child has a developmental delay. Having been on, pay his attention to movements if it seems to you that the baby is limited in them or he lacks coordination. Early diagnosis and quickly taken measures will allow parents to respond in time to possible developmental delays.

Motor skills in children under the age of one year

At the very beginning, a baby just brought from the hospital makes unconscious twitches of arms and legs, does not know how to hold his head and roll over on his own. However in the first six months of life, the newborn masters new movements step by step becomes more active.

The fine motor skills of the child will develop much faster if you help him with this. It is in the power of parents to give their child more freedom by encouraging him to move. Untie the newborn and give him as much freedom as possible. Even during sleep, the movement of the legs and arms will strengthen the baby's muscles.

Fine motor skills of hands in children appear already at the age of one month. Bring your index finger to the baby’s palm and, feeling it, the baby will immediately squeeze the fist. At two or three months of age, hang bright toys over your head in a crib or stroller. During wakefulness, the baby will begin to hit them with their hands, and eventually grab them.

In children, the development of fine motor skills of the hands occurs very quickly. At the age of 3 months, a newborn can already squeeze his hand, he will not hold a small toy in his hand for long (up to 10-15 seconds), but quite confidently. At this age, attention is still scattered, but grasping movements become more confident every day.

Up to 6 months, developing fine motor skills, regularly engage with the baby. Play with him more, forcing him to make some movements with his arms, legs, head and body. Lay the baby on the tummy several times a day, lay out medium-sized toys at arm's length. At first, the baby will examine the toys, and then he will begin to pull the handles towards them, grab them, pull them towards him.

From 6 to 10 months it is necessary to prepare the baby for walking, because it will not take even a few months, as he will begin to try to move independently. To do this, strengthen your legs in every possible way - do massages, stretching exercises, repulsive. At this age, children, as a rule, are already quite stable in the arena. Give your baby more toys. Fine motor skills of the hands at that age allow the development of other muscles. Reaching for the toy, the baby strengthens the muscles of the back and torso, trying to get up, grabbing the playpen net - legs.

From 10 months and up to a year, you can begin to train movements in stages. You can scatter small toys in the playpen or crib and show how to put them in one place. Such exercises for fine motor skills will allow the baby to develop coordination well and focus his attention.

In order to coordinate the development of motor functions in a child, and perhaps speed up this process, it is necessary to exercise regularly with the baby. Even just being next to the child, giving him toys and telling him what you are doing, you can quickly teach the baby not only deft movements, but also new words, correct pronunciation.

Fine motor skills in children from 1 to 3 years old

By developing dexterity at the age of one or two, you demonstrate to the child the possibilities of his fingers and hands. Gradually, the baby realizes what touch is when he picks up objects of various shapes and textures. Fine motor skills for children at this age represent their knowledge of coordination processes.

It is these children who for the first time begin to fasten buttons on their own, lace up, even if incorrectly, shoes, and pour liquid from one container to another. Fine motor skills of preschoolers at this age most often develop rapidly in the process of games. Teach your baby by playing with him, telling fairy tales, fables and sayings, learning counting rhymes and rhymes. At this time, manipulation and gesticulation with the hands will seem natural to the child.

Fine motor skills at 2 years old are incredibly important steps in the overall development of a child. As you know, at this age, the baby begins to actively talk, more and more learning about the world. Given that the areas of the cerebral cortex responsible for speech and hand movements are very close, doing various exercises with the baby, we actively stimulate him to speak. It's unbelievable, but it's a fact - children with increased physical activity begin to talk much faster, and before anyone else - to put individual words into sentences.

Under the age of 3 years the baby already clearly knows the names of many objects. In the form of a game, you can ask your son or daughter to help your mother clean the room. At the same time, fine motor skills classes will simultaneously train memory, stimulate muscles while bending over or squatting behind toys and objects.

The development of motor skills for 3 years can be carried out in the form of a game, like any training at that age. It will be great if you take into account the wishes of the child by playing his favorite game with him. After all, this is what will help the baby unquestioningly accept some changes in the rules and focus on what you offer him new.

Fine motor skills for children 4-5 years old

Fine motor skills of preschoolers at the age of 4-5 years implies the development of many movements in the child already in the mode of automatism. For example, sitting at the dinner table, a small member of the family can carry on a conversation with adults and skillfully wield a spoon or fork.

The only difficulty the baby may face is with the implementation of more precise coordinated movements.

At this age, children are happy to play developing logic games. Parents need to support such aspirations everywhere. Fine motor skills for children without logical thinking at this age are simply impossible. Children are happy to sculpt, lay out a mosaic with appliqué and at the same time actively think. By activating the main parts of the brain, the child develops hand motor skills faster, which greatly reduces the risk of such a disease as dysgraphia.

Fine motor skills in preschool children develop well with the help of games. One of the most effective in this sense for parents can be the game "Repeat the movement." You sit with the baby opposite each other and show him various figures created from the palms and fingers. The kid must repeat your figure.

Development of fine motor skills at 4 years requires independent decision making. Give your child more freedom in this game. Let him come to you, carefully consider how you manage to interlace or cross your fingers and try to repeat the same.

For the next game, you need to prepare a vessel with a neck smaller than the base. An object familiar to the baby is lowered into it, but so that he does not see it. Then ask the child to put his hand into the vessel and determine by touch what kind of object lies there.

The development of fine motor skills in preschool children, thanks to such a game, is closely related to the logic of thinking, imagination and memory. Feeling what is in the vessel, the baby involuntarily recalls all the objects familiar to him, compares them and analyzes the probability of coincidences.