The child sweats a lot after a fever. Why does the child sweat a lot? Problems with the nervous system

The temperature of the human body is maintained within a certain narrow range.

This is done through the following mechanisms:

  • expansion of the blood vessels of the skin - this increases blood flow to the surface of the body and the active loss of excess heat;
  • stimulation of the sweat glands - the liquid evaporating from the skin contributes to rapid cooling.

Sweat can be released without an adequate stimulus, i.e. when there is no hyperthermia. So the sympathetic nervous system in most cases responds to some painful processes occurring in the body.

When children are hot, they actively move and become wet, this does not surprise or scare parents.

When a child sweats at night or during the day for no apparent reason, many simply panic, especially if this happens often.

The term "cold sweat" is most often used as sweating at normal temperatures, when the body is not hot to the touch.

Why do children have sticky sweat

With strong sweat and drying it on the skin, there is a feeling of stickiness. This is due to the mixing of sweat salts with sebum. This phenomenon can be caused by a number of disease conditions, some of which require urgent medical attention.

Cold clammy sweat - possible causes:

  • diseases of the circulatory system, heart defects;
  • hyperfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • taking popular painkillers and antipyretics such as paracetamol and ibuprofen
  • increased emotionality;
  • pathology of the nervous system;
  • sticky cold sweat that appears during sleep is a common sign of incipient rickets;
  • increased intracranial pressure;
  • hypotension;
  • low blood sugar;
  • transferred viral infection with complications.

In infants, this sign indicates:

  • about a lack of vitamin D;
  • violation of phosphorus-calcium metabolism;
  • physical exertion during breastfeeding.

Teething can also be accompanied by sweating, like any inflammatory process with pain in general.

Some infections are manifested by fever and sticky cold sweat:

  • flu;
  • mononucleosis;
  • viral gastroenteritis;
  • kidney infection;
  • tuberculosis;
  • pancreatitis, etc.

Cough and cold sweat is a common combination that often indicates diseases of the respiratory system, complications of SARS:

  • bronchitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • tonsillitis (tonsillitis), etc.

Sweating as a symptom of an emergency

As mentioned above, the factors that provoke sweating can be completely non-life-threatening conditions. But it also happens that you need to respond quickly and clearly.

Of course, cold sweat in itself is not terrible, but in combination with other symptoms, it speaks of the following serious health problems:

  • hypoglycemia - a sharp drop in blood glucose levels. This condition occurs not only in diabetes mellitus, but in healthy children;
  • sudden hypotension - a decrease in blood pressure against the background of severe allergic reactions, infections, etc .;
  • acute hypoxia is a lack of oxygen in the body. Occurs as a result of poisoning, asphyxia, severe lung diseases, etc.;
  • shock - the reasons for it are varied. There are several types of shock - anaphylactic, cardiogenic, hypovolemic, septic and neurogenic. The bottom line is that the blood supply to organs and tissues is sharply disturbed.

And more common reasons:

  • seasickness (motion sickness);
  • repeated vomiting;
  • vasovagal reaction;
  • severe pain, etc.

Why does the child have cold sweat and low temperature

When parents see a mark below 36˚C on the thermometer, this often scares parents. There are many possible reasons. Some of them do not require medical intervention, while others can threaten health and even life.

In any case, you need to try not to panic and remain calm. Think about why this might have happened.

Here are the likely ones:

  • taking antipyretic drugs;
  • treatment with vasoconstrictor drugs;
  • viral diseases;
  • exhaustion.

Monitor the child carefully. He needs to see a doctor if the following additional symptoms are present:

  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • nausea;
  • cold sweat;
  • weakness;
  • irritability;
  • malaise, etc.

If the numbers on the thermometer continue to decrease, then warming measures must be started before the arrival of the doctor:

  • wrap the child in a blanket;
  • maintain the temperature in the room at least 20˚С;
  • make sure that clothes and bedding are dry;
  • drink hot tea.

Cold sweat in a child during sleep

For normal growth and development, a child needs healthy uninterrupted sleep. What to do if the baby sweats, but there is no fever? This phenomenon is common in children of all ages. Their sleep becomes more superficial, they toss and turn and often wake up.

Most often, inappropriate environmental factors are to blame. However, there may be other reasons that need to be ruled out.

The body and physiology of the child have features:

  • sleep is in the deep phase longer;
  • thermoregulation is unstable due to the immaturity of the system;
  • the density of sweat glands per unit area of ​​the skin is greater than in adults.

That is why it is explained why children's sweating against the background of general medical well-being is very common.

Sweating is a non-specific phenomenon, on the basis of which it is impossible to diagnose any pathology. It can indicate both a cold and the development of a serious illness. If cold sweat appears frequently, as well as other symptoms, it is necessary to show the child to the doctor.

What could this mean

The most common places for excessive sweating are the legs, arms, armpits, head and face. But perspiration can cover the whole body.

The causes of cold sweat in a child in a dream can be the following factors:

  • overheating due to warm pajamas, hot blankets and stuffiness in the room;
  • infections;
  • taking medications, the side effect of which is sweating;
  • excess body weight;
  • too vivid emotional dreams or nightmares;
  • the use of spicy dishes, seasonings, especially in the evening;
  • fever - while sweating is so strong that the baby needs to be changed regularly. In principle, this is not considered a bad sign. Many parents specifically give sweat-inducing drugs;
  • sleep apnea (holding your breath);
  • nasal breathing disorders due to runny nose, stuffy nose, cough;
  • stress, fear, fear.

A cause for concern is increased night sweats against the background of high body temperature, snoring or breathing problems (difficulty, intermittent). Also, if the child sleeps with his mouth open or he is worried about weakness, fatigue and fatigue during the day. Be sure to check with your pediatrician.

Additionally, the causes of cold sweat at night can be:

  • autoimmune diseases (multiple sclerosis, myasthenia gravis, fibromyalgia, lupus);
  • gastroesophageal reflux;
  • cerebral palsy (the main symptoms in this case are developmental delay, seizures, hearing problems and impaired motor functions).

What should parents do

Sweating is a common occurrence in children. In most cases, the problem goes away as you grow and mature.

However, if it is observed for a long time, it is still recommended to consult a doctor and, if necessary, examine the child.

What needs to be done first of all to help the baby:

  • maintain comfortable conditions in the home not only during the day, but also at night;
  • avoid the use of products that provoke sweating - Coca-Cola, spices, smoked meats, etc .;
  • take a walk before bed. Fresh air and moderate physical activity have a beneficial effect on the state of the whole organism;
  • make sure that the clothes are light, natural and breathable;
  • remove thick hot blankets;
  • if the child throws into a cold sweat, then this may be a manifestation of stress. Try to find out if he has any feelings, fears and other reasons for this.

Why does a child sweat after a fever

Fever during infectious processes occurs as a result of exposure to the hypothalamus of white blood cells (leukocytes) and other pyrogenic substances (interleukins and prostaglandins). Destruction of some bacterial species also results in the release of pyrogenic endotoxins from their cell walls.

The neurons of the hypothalamus, which are responsible for the level of the thermoregulation set point, increase its value.

Body temperature begins to rise, and this has an important physiological protective function:

  • prevents the reproduction of viruses and bacteria;
  • stimulates immunity and phagocytosis;
  • the production of antibodies, interferon, etc. is activated.

Cold sweat after a temperature of infectious origin in most cases means that the body has begun to recover!

When the body copes with the infection, the number of pathogenic microbes decreases and they die, the set point returns to its previous level. However, the temperature cannot drop immediately. Therefore, the sweat glands begin to work in an enhanced mode, i.e. the mechanism of getting rid of excessive heat is triggered.

Opinions of doctors about this problem

Krasnoselsky V.I.

Hyperhidrosis can start at any age

Sweating in children can be a manifestation of hyperhidrosis. Moreover, most often this applies to adolescents, although in principle age does not really matter.

The task of parents is to trace what is the provoking factor - physical activity, some food, drinks, stressful situations, anxiety, etc. This is not so easy to do, so a medical consultation is necessary.

Early diagnosis of hyperhidrosis helps to start treatment and prevent psychological problems in the future.

Buchatskaya Yu.Yu.

Sweating is an important diagnostic sign

Everyone knows about such a disease as bronchial asthma. The incidence is increasing every year throughout the world.

People interested in medicine will certainly easily name its main symptoms. A cold sweat at night is one of them. The fact is that the problems associated with asthma often manifest themselves during sleep.

Also, classic asthma attacks are accompanied by sweating, which is due not only to respiratory failure, but also to high levels of anxiety and fear during suffocation.

When a child sweats during sleep, adults do not need to panic. Initially, you need to establish the cause of what is happening. In some cases, the occurrence of night sweats in children can be triggered by the usual safe factors.

But even ahead of time, it is not worth excluding the threat that a nursing or grown-up baby becomes sweaty at night due to serious ailments.

Mom and dad, whose child is prone to heavy sweating during sleep, should make sure that he does not have the following symptoms:

  1. Sweating accompanies intestinal obstruction;
  2. The child is excitable and anxious, he is frightened even by the usual noises and lighting;
  3. When the little one is sleeping, he begins to tremble, “twitching” with his whole body”;
  4. The baby rubbed a bald patch in the back of the head due to sweating of the head;
  5. Sweat is acrid in consistency and does not smell very pleasant. The skin is irritated or itchy.

The most intense sweating of the child occurs at the time of falling asleep and when he fell asleep, but not during the day.

The factors that led to the sweating of the little one when immersed in sleep can be safe. For example, if the baby sweats while feeding, having made every effort to get enough, or because of the uncomfortable temperature in his room.

However, if relatives noticed in their child, the manifestations listed above, then it is worth urgently taking measures, be sure to go with your child to an appointment with a specialist.

Thermoregulation in children and its features

Every child sweats when falling asleep, some intensely, and some not so much. The intensity of night sweating is characterized by numerous factors:

  • age;
  • physical development;
  • strength of health;
  • temperature regime in the house and the children's room where the baby sleeps and lives.

Excessive sweating is also known as hyperhidrosis. Each age group has its own rules. If the baby is too sweaty during sleep, it is worth finding out why this is observed.

The active work of the sweat glands in young children begins from the first month of birth, but this mechanism is finally debugged up to 3-5, possibly even up to 6 years.

In infants, sweating is a protection against overheating of both the body and the brain.

Thermoregulation in children, unlike adults, is carried out through the respiratory function (to a greater extent), to a lesser extent - through the skin by the release of sweat droplets. This is why it is essential that the respiratory passages are kept clean and that the air in the rooms is humidified.

When a child sweats regularly during sleep, the root cause should be identified, regardless of age. This must be done so that relatives can make sure that their little family member is healthy, and objective circumstances caused excessive sweating.

If mom and dad have discovered that their child is prone to hyperhidrosis, and before morning has time to sweat so that all his clothes and bedding become wet, then it is their responsibility to find out what they are faced with: a symptom of an ailment or a disturbed sleep pattern, or hygiene.

Reasons why babies sweat at night

The causes that contribute to hyperhidrosis in children are divided into external and internal.

  1. Overheating, due to the fact that caring mothers wrap their own baby, fearing that he will freeze, and do not monitor the temperature in the nursery. The room should not be hot. Well, if the temperature does not exceed 19-20 degrees Celsius.
  2. Synthetic textile pajamas and bedding. This creates the effect of a steam room, leads to heat transfer disorders, and does not allow the body to breathe.
  3. Dry air.
  4. Poor ventilation at home.
  5. Lack of fluid intake.
  6. Overeating. When more food is absorbed than the body requires, more energy is expended for its absorption and the body overheats.
  7. Overexertion in the evenings, which is emotional in nature.

Diseases provocateurs of profuse sweating

Internal factors are some health problems in children, in which there is increased sweating at night. The baby becomes sweaty when falling asleep, with:

  • colds;
  • problems with the organs of the respiratory system, apnea syndrome, respiratory tract;
  • cardiac and vascular ailments and the presence of vegetovascular disorders;
  • lack of vitamins (often D);
  • imbalance of hormones, weakened immune system;
  • difficulties with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • diathesis of lymphatic origin;
  • predisposition in terms of genetics;
  • CNS disorders.

In addition to sweating at night, each disease has its own symptoms.


When a strong release of sweat droplets caused ARVI, it is accompanied by other signs: increased body temperature with cough, rhinorrhea. Sweating decreases as you get rid of the disease, since sweat not only participates in thermoregulation, but also removes harmful substances from the body that were formed during the course of the disease.


The child coughs and sweats during sleep with bronchitis and other ailments associated with the respiratory tract, and during the inflammatory process in the lungs, he has difficulty breathing hoarsely. A small patient is distinguished by a lethargic state, apathy towards others.

Pneumonia can occur without an initial fever with a weakened immune system, which is why you should call a doctor with cumulative symptoms. An extra reason for alarm may be a condition in which profuse sweating accompanies daytime sleep, and when the baby sleeps, groans, during inhalation there is swelling of the nostrils.


The incidence of influenza gives symptoms, in addition to profuse sweating, including aches and joint pain, the appearance of photophobia, headaches, coughing against the background of the fact that the temperature rises. Its appearance in a mild form is also characteristic after the influenza vaccination.


Sweating in a child is one of the symptoms of sleep apnea syndrome, characterized by short-term pauses in breathing and snoring during the dark hours of the day. Violation of lung ventilation is accompanied by profuse sweating.

Heart ailments

Cold sweat during sleep in a child refers to the symptoms of heart disease. Another manifestation of such diseases is the so-called "heart cough". Children with problems in the work of the heart tend to wake up at night, profusely covered with cold sweat.

At the same time, the shade of the skin, mucous membranes and nail platinum becomes cyanotic. In such situations, you can not do without consulting a doctor. An examination is necessary, including the passage of an electrocardiogram by the child.


Quite often, the problem of increased sweating during the day and during nighttime rest is provoked by VSD. Vegetovascular dystonia is accompanied by other symptoms, such as periodic severe weakness and pre-syncope.


The problem of children's sweating is also provoked by beriberi. If the baby is already a year old, and the parents observe a lag in physical development and abnormal bone formation, he probably has beriberi.

Lack of vitamins often leads to sweating of the head and neck of the little one. It is necessary to contact the pediatrician and prescribe multivitamin preparations, as well as adjustments regarding the baby's diet.

A lack of vitamin D is characterized by such a disease as rickets. It affects children up to one year of age, and can be diagnosed in older babies. We are talking about neglected vitamin deficiency, which provoked skeletal deformity and muscle atrophy.

The manifestations of this disease in children include frequent twitching of the arms and legs, sticky and unpleasantly smelling sweat of a viscous consistency, hair loss at the back of the head.

Problems with the thyroid

Profuse sweating is characterized by hyperfunction of the thyroid gland. It affects not only children, but also adults. Hormonal imbalances give increased sweating, and the sweat has a sticky and viscous consistency, it smells unpleasant. Sweat caused by hyperfunction of the thyroid gland tends to stand out very strongly against the background of stressful situations.

The problem of weakened immunity in children is often accompanied by profuse sweat due to the constant attacks on the body of pathogens that are difficult for him to overcome.

Gastrointestinal disorder

Children's sweating sometimes manifests itself as a symptom of gastrointestinal disorders. In addition to icy sweat, they are characterized by the appearance of diarrhea, nausea and vomiting, pain in the stomach. Food poisoning also causes a deterioration in general well-being, pallor, fatigue, and lethargy.

Lymphatic diathesis

Age-related pathology, called lymphatic diathesis and characteristic of children who are three years old, also gives profuse night sweats. It tends to go away by the age of five on its own, however, the pediatrician can prescribe a light herbal preparation related to homeopathy for the child to alleviate the condition.

A soothing bath is also good in such cases, which reduces the release of sweat. In cases where such symptoms are observed in children under the age of seven, a complete medical examination of the body is required. There is a possibility of a serious pathology like tuberculosis.


Sometimes children's night sweats are caused by bad heredity. It is impossible to eliminate hyperhidrosis of this origin. In this situation, symptomatic treatment is recommended.

Disruption of the CNS

The presence of problems in the functioning of the central nervous system of the baby also signals itself with nocturnal hyperhidrosis. Sweat is sticky, pungent smelling, covering the upper part of the body.

Taking medications

Excessive night sweating in children is provoked by the intake of certain medications. This phenomenon disappears as soon as the baby recovers, and the medication is canceled.

Treatment at home

Hyperhidrosis causes discomfort in children. Therefore, you should get rid of the problem as soon as possible, especially if it is provoked by a disease. First of all, it is necessary to seek medical help in order to find out the causes of what is happening.

For parents, a number of home remedies for dealing with the manifestations of children's night sweats are recommended, which will help solve the problem if it is caused by external factors and help get rid of it if hyperhidrosis is provoked by a certain disease. These include the following:

  1. Normalization of the temperature regime and the indicator of air humidity in the nursery.
  2. The habit of dressing the child according to the weather, not wrapping him up.
  3. Daily bathing. It is recommended to add sea salt or decoctions of medicinal herbs (sequence, chamomile) to the water for bathing a baby. A decoction on oak bark is especially good. Dr. Komarovsky advises parents to combine evening bathing with hardening their child. It is enough to cool the water a little each time (by half a degree) to a temperature indicator of 27 degrees Celsius. A twenty-minute water procedure will be enough for the baby to sweat less and strengthen the body's defenses.
  4. Establishing a child's diet. In order for the child to sweat less at night, fatty dishes with fried meat, sweets, smoked meats, spicy foods, coffee drinks, and strong brewed tea are excluded from the menu. Baby food should be based on fruits and vegetables, boiled or steamed meat dishes. Evening meals should be light. Overeating is highly undesirable. You can’t eat immediately before going to bed, in extreme cases, you can give the baby an apple, milk or kefir. Do not get carried away with juices in the evening. At night, you can drink some non-carbonated water. Drinking plenty of water on the eve of departure for a night's rest is fraught with an increase in the problem of hyperhidrosis.

Children tend to sweat at night due to the imperfection of the nervous system. When it is fully formed, the problem of children's night sweats will be solved by itself.

However, if this has not happened by the age of seven, and the child suffers from profuse sweating during sleep, an urgent consultation with a pediatrician is needed.

Often, after an illness, the baby sweats a lot.

This may be due to the elimination of toxins by the body, or it may be evidence of the development of certain diseases.

With colds, SARS, which are accompanied by fever, occurs, especially at night. This is a defensive reaction of the body. The baby experiences weakness, fatigue.

It is considered normal if a child sweats during an illness and within 1-2 weeks after a viral illness, since the body had to produce a lot of fluid in the fight against fever and it takes time to stop this process.

In addition, the physiological feature of children is thermoregulation, to a greater extent, not so much with the skin, as in adults, but with the lungs. But if the child is lethargic for a long time, feels weak, this may be evidence of a sluggish inflammatory process in the body.

If the baby sweats heavily in sleep after ARVI for a long time, this may be due to the development of pathology. Pathological processes can be aggravated by serious complications if treatment is not started on time.

Particular attention should be paid to infants: due to their anatomical features, imperfections in physiological development, they are more likely to experience complications after suffering ARVI, when a bacterial infection can join a viral infection.

Also, repeated inflammatory processes in the body can contribute to premature stress on the body of your crumbs, which needs time to remove toxins, waste products of viruses and complete recovery. Therefore, you should not endanger a baby who is not strong enough after an illness and immediately lead him to a children's team, where the likelihood of new infections is too high.

The child sweats profusely after a viral illness, with a dry, prolonged cough, chest pain, shortness of breath, fever at night.

It is very important not to miss these dangerous symptoms, because they may indicate the development of pneumonia, which requires immediate medical treatment.

When your baby sweats heavily after pneumonia for more than 1-2 weeks and other symptoms of the inflammatory process appear, a visit to the doctor should not be postponed. After all, this can lead not only to the development of the disease into a chronic form, but even to death. During the examination, the pediatrician must determine the cause and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

The reasons can be completely different:

  • infection with viruses and bacteria;
  • avitaminosis;
  • lack of certain trace elements;
  • rickets;
  • heart failure;
  • disruption of the autonomic nervous system;
  • severe genetic diseases (phenylketonuria, cystic fibrosis);
  • diabetes;
  • asthma.

You should consult a doctor at the slightest suspicion of a health problem. It is better that the worries turn out to be in vain than to miss the initial stage of the development of a disease.

Sweating in your baby after an illness is associated with a lot of effort to fight infection and eliminate toxins. To help him cope with the cleansing of infections, doctors recommend special drugs and procedures that provoke profuse sweating.

An important role is played by the air that the baby breathes. A dry room in the presence of inflammation of the respiratory tract is the cause of impaired ventilation of the lungs.

Restoration of strength and increased immunity after illnesses in a shorter time, getting rid of possible residual effects contributes to:

  • lack of physical and nervous overload;
  • complete rest;
  • balanced diet.

If there are no serious health problems, and the child sweats after a temperature for a long time, doctors advise:

  • Reconsider the daily routine of the child - hyperactive children who run during the day are very overexcited. Therefore, before going to bed, quiet games, reading books are preferable.
  • Soothing herbal teas - tea with chamomile, motherwort, valerian, mint, fennel, linden, calendula or lemon balm will calm the nervous system, relieve anxiety and help you fall asleep easily.
  • Selection of bedding - the wrong selection of them can cause children to greatly increase sweating during sleep. The material should be natural and hypoallergenic, it should be selected according to the season (terry cotton, flannel is suitable for winter; chintz, satin, calico for summer).
  • Evening bath - after a cool shower taken before bedtime, the baby falls asleep better and sweats less in a dream.
  • Air temperature and humidity - it is recommended that the nursery should have moderately humidified air no more than 20 degrees.
  • Taking vitamins, walking in the fresh air - their benefits in the fight against hyperhidrosis against the background of the disease can hardly be overestimated.

Many parents are concerned about why the child sweats. The release of sweat is controlled by the autonomic nervous system of the body, which is also responsible for the functioning of the circulatory system, digestion, body temperature, and many other important processes.

In young children, it is not yet fully developed, which can cause excessive sweating. Also, the sweat glands have not yet fully formed in babies, which can also be the cause of increased sweat production.

The glands that secrete sweat begin to function actively from the moment the child is three or four weeks old, but they are fully formed only by the age of five.

Therefore, increased sweating in a hot room for a child's body is a completely normal reaction, which should not cause serious concerns for parents.

The main reasons why the child sweats:

1. Why does the child sweat a lot

To many parents, their child seems very fragile, so they often dress him too warmly, fearing that he will freeze. But don't indulge your fear. Each parent needs to know that a month-old baby needs to be dressed, as well as himself, and the more mobile the child, the lighter the clothes should be for the day.

After all, moving a lot, the baby can sweat. Very often, parents wonder why the child sweats at night. To avoid this, you need to monitor the temperature in the room, which should be no more than + 22 ° at a humidity of 50–60%.

Pajamas for small children should be made only from natural materials. If the baby sweats during a night's sleep, then it is worth replacing the pillow and blanket with others from lighter fabrics.

2. The child sweats at a temperature

When a child has a cold, not only does his body temperature rise, but the work of the sweat glands also intensifies. This feature is a protective mechanism, since increased sweating removes harmful substances from the body and prevents the temperature from rising even more.

It is worth noting that the fact that even after recovery the baby will sweat for some time is also considered normal. This is due to the fact that his body needs time to establish sweating.

3. Why does a child's palms sweat

Even in adults, in an excited and nervous state, palms often begin to sweat. And babies are even more sensitive to emotional upheavals than their parents. It is for this reason that children can sweat not only their palms, but also their head and neck.

Excessive sweating in a child can be caused by fatigue or lack of sleep. In this case, the task of parents is to change the child's daily routine so that he does not overwork.

4. Rickets.

Such serious causes of increased sweating in babies are, fortunately, extremely rare. But still, sometimes babies sweat a lot due to rickets, which can appear as early as one month.

You can suspect the presence of this disease in your child if:

  • Most of all, the child sweats during sleep, and at the same time, the most sweat is released on the face and scalp of the crumbs.
  • Sweat production increases with every exertion, such as when the baby is eating or pushing. Constipation is also very common with rickets.
  • The smell of sweat becomes sour and sweat begins to cause irritation, which can be seen if the baby rubs his head hard on the pillow.
  • The baby begins to worry more and get overexcited, that is, the child shudders even with quiet sounds and the inclusion of bright lights.

Only a doctor should be involved in establishing such a diagnosis. And parents should help the baby to avoid rickets. To do this, you need to spend more time with him on the street and give him vitamin D. It is very important to ensure that the child's nutrition is balanced and complete.

5. Problems with the nervous system.

This cause of excessive sweating in a child is also very serious and has the following symptoms:

  • The child starts to sweat for no reason.
  • Sweat appears only in certain places, for example, only on the forehead or on one palm.
  • The baby's sweat has an unpleasant and pungent odor.
  • Sweat becomes thick, sticky, or, conversely, takes on a liquid consistency and becomes plentiful.
  • If at least one sign is found, it is better to visit a neurologist.

6. Hereditary factor.

Hereditary diseases can also cause excessive sweating. With these diseases, all organs that secrete secrets, which include gastric juice, saliva, and so on, most often suffer.

A change in the composition of sweat is a clear sign of cystic fibrosis, which is a hereditary disease. You can feel it when kissing. In this case, sweat becomes salty, and sometimes salt crystals can be seen on the skin. But the sweat of a child suffering from phenylketonuria has a musty smell.

When a child sweats after a fever, this, logically, causes concern for parents. What are the reasons for this and how to deal with sweating during sleep with SARS, pneumonia, flu or after taking antibiotics.

If a child sweats a lot at night after an illness and there is no need to worry, this is normal.

In infants, up to 6 months, the maturation of the skin, nervous system and thermoregulation systems still continues. It ends by one or two months, so at this age, sweating may increase. The specific reason depends on the health of the baby. Healthy children sweat at night due to stuffiness. If a child sweats in their sleep after or during an illness, this is the way the body regulates body temperature and removes toxins.

Diseases such as SARS, pneumonia, tonsillitis or influenza disrupt the vegetative system, and it needs time to recover. Thus, when a child sweats a lot at night after an illness and suffers from poor sleep, there is no reason for undue excitement. Over time, body functions will return to normal.

In acute respiratory viral diseases, which include the flu, sweating is part of the body's response. It also includes fever, cough and runny nose. So the body tries to cope with the infection. This, of course, does not mean that the symptoms should not be dealt with - they bring discomfort to the child. But remember that the worst thing is when colds are asymptomatic until severe complications develop. This happens with AIDS or advanced tuberculosis. We sincerely wish you never to face these diseases.

By the way, the temperature below 38 should not be knocked down. Such low-grade fever is also unfavorable for pathogens, like taking antibiotics. But an increase in temperature above this figure already indicates the beginning depletion of protective mechanisms.

If the child is nervous, then before going to bed you don’t need to run, watch TV, but rather tell the child a fairy tale

Children have an imperfect system of thermoregulation, and it is more difficult for them to cope with the loads on it. Therefore, a heavily wrapped baby, and even in synthetic fabric, will sweat profusely even in the cold season. Also at risk for excessive sweating are plump children and choleric children who constantly splash out emotions. Nervous excitement causes excessive sweating even in adults.

If your baby is like that, then make sure that there are as many positive emotions as possible in his life. Before going to bed, you do not need to run, watch TV, play sports, laugh or cry. It is better to tell the child a fairy tale or read with him. The light should be dimmed an hour before going to bed. By the way, these tips are also suitable for adults.

The drinking regime also deserves special attention. Don't give your baby too much water. It is better to prefer ordinary water (boiled or bottled, of course) to juices, fruit drinks and sodas.

As we have already said, sweating that remains for some time after an illness is a variant of the norm. Don't worry. It is better to provide the child with comfortable temperature and emotional conditions.

If severe night sweats, cough, do not go away for several weeks after the illness has passed, then you should definitely consult a doctor

  1. Rickets is distinguished by high sweating during meals, baldness of the back of the head. Sweat with rickets is sour, the skin itches badly. The baby becomes restless. Rickets affects artificial children who do not receive adequate nutrition, and babies living in latitudes with cloudy weather.
  2. Hands, head, back covered with sticky sweat? This is a manifestation of nervous stress. The child is very susceptible to various stresses, which causes excessive sweating. Place the child in a quiet, calm place.
  3. The murine smell of sweat is characteristic of phenylketonuria. This disease often affects fair-haired, blue-eyed children living in northern latitudes.
  4. Very salty sweat that causes severe skin irritation is characteristic of cystic fibrosis. Also, this disease is accompanied by constipation, digestive disorders, frequent colds, severe cough with a small amount of sputum. The child sweats after an illness, and they will be frequent in this case. Cystic fibrosis is a hereditary disease.
  5. Sweating increases with hyperthyroidism or heart disease. Usually they are diagnosed at an early age, in the first days after birth, but there are partially compensated defects that hide for a very long time.
  6. Severe night sweats, a cough that does not go away for several weeks after the illness (it can be mistaken for influenza or SARS) is over, sputum streaked with blood is a sign of tuberculosis.
  7. Sticky sweat with an unpleasant odor can be with lymphatic diathesis and other diseases of the lymphatic system. Enlarged lymph nodes become a real depot of infections, the baby often catches a cold, sweats for a long time and coughs after an infection. This disease develops in three to five year old babies.