Happy birthday bro congratulations in prose. Happy birthday to brother in prose from younger brother. Happy birthday greetings to older brother in prose

Happy birthday to my brother. I wish you to always strive only upwards, enjoy every day you live, smile from ear to ear and always burn with an idea. May all your dreams and desires come true, may luck never leave you for a minute, and may your mood always be simply amazing. ©

Brother, my dear, you are the best in the universe, and today is your birthday. On this wonderful holiday, I wish you more pleasant events in life, bright discoveries, attention, care from loved ones, unreal happiness, prosperity and all the best. Achieve your goals and strive only for the best. ©

Let life open up new opportunities for you, give you amazing impressions, reward you with a breathtaking mood and simply irresistible beauty. Brother, I wish you to be satisfied with your life, move up the career ladder and enjoy every day of a wonderful life. ©

When they want to give the highest rating to human relationships, they say "fraternal". There are sister cities, there are unions called "brotherhoods". That is, above our relationship - only the sky! Therefore, congratulating you, I will not wish for anything, because you have everything - that is, me. I will say more - it's the same thing. What do you wish for yourself? Good brother and a little bit of luck!

Days go, fly, hurry. You have become older, more experienced, probably wiser, but for me you will always be that boy, the memory of which I cherish so much, the memory of my own close person - my brother. I congratulate you on your birthday and I want to wish that our memories become only deeper and richer over the years!

Be happy, lucky, healthy and loved - this is the main thing in our difficult life. I wish you to always stay positive, listen to yourself and your heart, but still sometimes listen to the opinions of others. You are one of the coolest, kindest, funniest and most extraordinary brothers in the whole world. I want to sincerely congratulate you on your birthday and I want there to be no sad and gray days in your life. May your life be filled with laughter, fun, joy and happiness, which you certainly deserve. You are smart, caring, gentle and funny, it is these qualities that attract people to you. Let on your way you meet only bright and good people who will give you a piece of positive and joy. Just be happy, dear, Happy Birthday!

My good brother, I want to sincerely and with all my sincere and heartfelt love congratulate you on your birthday, and also wish you only the best and constant. Know that your dreams will surely come true, and sorrows will be forgotten. May the bird of happiness fly into your window that day, and your whole new year will be happy, joyful and colorful. Be in a good mood, the right frame of mind and always believe in the inexhaustible power of your good soul. Always remain an impenetrable rock for problems and hardships, because love, laughter, smile and happiness always live in your heart. I wish you great and strong health, mutual and beautiful love, as well as success in all your bright deeds and undertakings. Always remain a real man, a faithful spouse and a devoted friend. I want you to always have enough time and energy for your favorite business and your own family. Know, dear brother, that I greatly value your attention, care and guardianship. You are the best example of a real man for me. I wish you happy days of life, good luck on the path of life and all the blessings that will certainly fall on your head. Happy Birthday, dear!

I wish you happiness, dear brother, justification of hopes and great success. Good luck and success to follow you, and at the right moment you caught them by the tail. Profit so that hell knows where, the main thing is that you are on the way.

Happy Birthday bro! Happiness to you and longevity! Let every day pass so that you feel dizzy, dream colorful, magical dreams, and the next day, let there be strength again, even more! I wish you one day to meet such a woman with whom you will forget about all the other beauties, and whose love will inspire you to exploits! Let quite a bit of time pass - and at the next birthday, we will be able to congratulate not only a strong, successful man, but also a happy husband and father!

I wish you that your dreams come true, that only bright moments of life are remembered. May your career growth be successful and favorable in all endeavors. I want to wish you a happy birthday, all the best to you, my beloved brother!

I want to wish you a happy birthday, you are my best brother. Let on your life path, you will not meet any obstacles. I wish you true friends, a strong and loving family, and that there is prosperity in the family. May all your life plans come true.

Brother is a protector. A brother is a friend. Brother is a support. Brother is an adviser. Brother is an accomplice. Brother is brother. Native person. We have the same blood. We are connected by family ties forever, for which I thank fate. Thank you brother for having me! I congratulate you on your birthday!

Today, on such a wonderful and wonderful holiday, on your birthday, I want to wish that the most unimaginable dream come true and that you never feel sadness and longing! Beloved brother, I wish you happiness and great, pure love!

On this day my brother was born, and I want to wish him only the best life; so that the business brings income, not problems; the children did not indulge, and the wife always illuminated the house with her love. You are my closest person and I want to tell everyone that I have such a wonderful brother who will always come to the rescue at any time of the year!

Brother, be happy! I wish from the bottom of my heart to find my way in this changing world. And let the road you have chosen lead you to a wonderful moment. A moment of love and happiness. And let the countdown of your new, serene and happy life begin from this moment.

Dear brother! How many times the whirlpool of life covered you with waves of worries and doubts. Today I want to wish you that your reliable ship sails with confidence on the ocean of life, leaves rocky pitfalls in time and firmly holds the helm for success, victory and joyful events. Happy anniversary!

Happy birthday greetings to brother in prose

Brother, you know you mean a lot to me. Words cannot express it, only the eyes can tell. On the day of your anniversary, I thought for a long time what I would wish. And I want to wish you good luck, so that she is with you always and everywhere. Well, if something is wrong - call me, I will help.

Congratulate your brother on his anniversary in prose

My favorite brother! Happy anniversary, I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart! May all your days be illuminated with joy and happiness, and may your house be full of friends and loved ones. I want to wish you good and luck, success in work, understanding and approval in the family, support of the most relatives and loved ones! Remember that I will always support you and understand! May every holiday be just as cheerful and joyful!

Congratulations on the anniversary of the little brother in prose

My dear brother, on your anniversary, I want to wish you that everything in your life is fine. May everything work out for you that you do not wish, may your charming smile always shine and your brow never frown. Be happy and enjoy life.

Beautiful congratulations on the anniversary of the brother in prose

Congratulations on the anniversary of your brother in your own words

Dear brother, Happy Anniversary! Let this round date be both a round umbrella that protects you from life's adversities, and a round trampoline that allows you to fly very high in your career. Health to you, love and prosperity!

Congratulations on the anniversary of the younger brother in prose

Today I am especially happy, because my brother's birthday. I love you for just being you. For every smile and tender word. It is good to realize that there is a reliable shoulder nearby. Brother, just be happy, take everything from life and do not settle for less, because I know that you can achieve more!

Happy anniversary to older brother in prose

My beloved brother, you are the best in the world! I wish you great success, joy, self-confidence, excellent mood, the most interesting events and bright holidays on your anniversary! I wish you to become a real favorite of Fortune and be the coolest and best in everything! You are worth it!

Happy anniversary to brother in prose from sister

My beloved and dear brother! I congratulate you on your birthday and on this wonderful, long-awaited holiday, I want to wish you to always live cheerfully, interestingly and joyfully. Look at life optimistically, always rejoice at new, interesting meetings and unusual twists of fate. Stay upbeat, energetic, honest and dependable as we all know you. Be a real man and never give up. May fate be favorable to you and remember that I love you, my wonderful brother!

Congratulations on the anniversary of the brother in prose from the brother

Happy Birthday bro! I want happiness to surround you on this wonderful day for us. I constantly admire you and find in you an example in everything that you do. I will always consider you unreasonably good. You will be the ideal as long as the world stands. Thank you for being there when help is needed. Your desire to support me is very important. And I really need it. Can't do without it. I sincerely want fate to give you such gifts that you always wanted to have. I know for sure you deserve better.

Touching congratulations on the anniversary of the brother in prose

Days go, fly, hurry. You have become older, more experienced, probably wiser, but for me you will always be that boy, the memory of which I cherish so much, the memory of my own close person - my brother. I congratulate you on your anniversary and I want to wish that our memories become only deeper and richer over the years!

Happy anniversary to your beloved brother in prose

Happy anniversary, brother! I wish that wherever you are, wherever you go, no matter how far away you are, let the warmth of your home keep you, let the light burn in your favorite window and people who love you are waiting. The most important thing for a person is family, the health of loved ones, a place where you can come without a call at any time. May this always be in your life. You are my closest person, I love you very much!

Congratulations to my brother in prose for 30 years

Happy anniversary brother! We have been friends since childhood. You are my bloodline, joy and dear person! I really want everything in your life to turn out just fine: in work, personal life, family. Be the head of your house, take care of your loved ones and be able to catch your bird of happiness. May luck always smile on you. You are handsome, smart, stately and gallant. Know how to appreciate yourself and others, take all the best and real from life. I love you brother!

Congratulations to my brother in prose for 35 years

Brother! I sincerely want to congratulate you on your anniversary. 35 years old is the age when the strength and enthusiasm of youth are combined with experience and life wisdom. I wish your health to always be at the highest level, and you always achieve what you wish. Good luck to you, my brother!

Congratulations to my brother in prose for 45 years

Those who do not have a brother will never understand what happiness it is to have the closest and most reliable person who will always stand up for you and support you in failures. I know about your innermost dreams, I am happy when you are happy, I laugh with you. Always remain the same cheerful person! May your life be full of magic, may there be no place for worries and sadness in it, may every day bring only positive emotions! Happy anniversary brother!

Congratulations to my brother in prose for 50 years

Congratulations, dear brother, on your 50th birthday. I want to wish you clear weather outside the window and cozy warmth in the house, sparkling happiness in the soul and joyful memories of the heart, great mood and good hope, good health and undoubted good in the family.

Congratulations to my brother in prose for 50 years on his anniversary

Dear brother! Today is such a beautiful day - and congratulating you on your 50th birthday, I want to say a lot of important things. With love and sincere warmth, I wish you to remain the same wonderful person that I have known you for many years. Let any business be easy for you, and whatever you think, bring both good results and real joy!

Congratulations to my brother in prose for 55 years

I want to congratulate you on your anniversary and wish all the best and positive to one of the best and most sympathetic brothers on Earth! My dear and beloved brother, on this solemn and important day in your life, I want to wish you great happiness, as well as the fulfillment of all your cherished desires! Health to you, happiness and family comfort!

Want to wish your beloved brother a happy birthday? We have collected a creative and positive selection of happy birthday greetings via SMS. And if you want to show your imagination and be special, then congratulate your brother in the form of prose or verse. You just need to choose the best congratulation and congratulate him, we have already done the rest for you. Many people would like to have an older or younger brother. But when there is a brother, this is one of the dearest people who will not only help in difficult times, but will also share the greatest joy with you, give you the necessary advice, or simply listen in a difficult situation. If you have a brother, then you have a friend from birth who will never turn away and betray. On your brother's birthday, you simply have to tell him how much you love him, how much you value your close relationship. It is necessary to say a lot of kind, sincere and sincere words. And now the holiday comes - the brother's birthday, real fun, joy begins, warm, comic, funny, mischievous congratulations sound that will provide the birthday man with a festive mood and will be remembered for a long time! It is for them that you can safely go to our site Pozdravunchik.ru.

Let there be no black bars in your life, brother. Your wife adores you, and the children will become your support in life. I wish you more smiles, more likely to climb the career ladder. May your salary be so good that you can afford to see all the wonders of the world. Happy anniversary!

Specially for the site

For me, there is no dearer than you, brother. Therefore, on this significant day, I wish you the most earthly blessings. So that you, having built a house, live happily in it. Having planted a tree, he could always hide in its shade from the sun. Having raised your son, you were proud of him. Happy anniversary bro.

Specially for the site

I heartily congratulate you, my brother, on your anniversary. I wish you courage, peace of mind, Siberian health. Let your every day start with a positive, and any undertaking ends successfully. Financial well-being to you, happiness and, of course, pure and incorruptible love.

Specially for the site

Brother, I hasten to congratulate you on your anniversary. So you became a year older, wiser and more courageous. May your life path be pleasant, positive and filled with only memorable events. I wish you mutual love, dizzying passion and success in all your affairs and undertakings.

Specially for the site

I congratulate you on your birthday! Dear brother, I wish you days filled with happiness and joy. Be a support for loved ones. Mutual understanding to you in the family, peace, iron health, kindness, love, family well-being. Let the plans come true. I wish you a sunny mood, and may the star of luck illuminate your life.

Happy birthday brother! Be always strong in spirit, noble in your actions, infinitely lucky and infinitely loved! I wish you to achieve all the heights that you dream of! I wish all your family and friends good health and prosperity in life. May this day bring you unforgettable happiness and joy!

Dear my brother! Happy Birthday to You! May luck always smile at you, success be with you, victory is expected in any business, health only grows stronger, love inspires, and prosperity increases. Congratulations!

Cousin, I would like to congratulate you on your birthday and wish that all your undertakings end only with success, life develops the way you want, and luck always goes along with you through life. And just be happy and love!

Dear cousin, on your birthday I want to leave wishes of great and constant good luck. Be brave, decisive and purposeful, and then everything will certainly work out for you, believe in yourself, follow your dreams, never give up and don't forget to just enjoy life, every moment of it, every ray of happiness that it gives you. Good luck to you, brother, worthy victories and prosperity.

Let your arms always be held by two charming and most desirable women in the world - fortune and good luck. Let them always be faithful to you and never change. I wish that thanks to them, you will achieve great success and take your rightful place in life. I wish that you never lack anything, whether it be money, love or new, original ideas. Happy Birthday, brother!

Happy birthday. My dear cousin, from the bottom of my heart I want to wish you freedom of choice, good luck, cool ideas, bright moments of joy, victories and enjoyment of life. May everything go according to your plans, may all hopes and dreams come true and come true. All the best, bro.

Dear brother! So you have become older, which means that you are one step closer to the next stage of your interesting and exciting life. May this moment be remembered by you forever, so that this day becomes the happiest and most memorable. I wish you only success in all your endeavors, may you conquer any heights, any hearts, any difficulties. Happy birthday!

Congratulations to a great guy, my cousin. I wish you happiness to heaven, never meet troubles, grief and troubles. I wish you success in business, recognition and respect in life. Never slow yourself down and live at 100. Let your forward movement bring everything that you want to achieve. Happy birthday!

Brother, I wish you many, many clear days, hundreds of brilliant achievements and millions of joyful events! May your life be full of boundless happiness and sincere love! I wish that all your dreams come true easily and simply, dear brother!