On which side are the awards. On which side are medals and orders worn? Development of the award system in Russia

An engagement ring is a symbol of fidelity, an attribute of love and devotion. It symbolizes the union of two souls into one. Wedding rings unite the young, are a symbol of their marriage. But not many people know that, depending on religion and people, wedding products are worn on different hands.


The engagement is one of the most amazing traditions that came to Russia from Europe. Engagement means the union of lovers, their imminent marriage. But in Russia, not many people know which hand to put on a donated ring, symbolizing a marriage proposal.

The engagement ring is worn on any hand. There are two versions of wearing this symbol:

  1. Should be worn on the right hand. It temporarily replaces marriage, that is, engagement. According to traditions, the spiritual connection of the young is not destroyed in this way, their feelings do not cool down and the wedding will take place.
  2. Should be worn on the left hand. This is what women in the West do. They put it on the ring finger. On the day of the wedding, it is removed and never worn. This amulet becomes a family heirloom, passed down the female line from mother to daughter for a wedding.

In Russia and Ukraine, it is customary to wear engagement rings on the right hand on the ring finger. After the wedding ceremony, the ring is worn under the engagement ring. This symbolizes the busyness of the bride and her confidence regarding the marriage.
In Russia, it is customary for the groom to ask the bride's hand from her parents. As a sign of serious intentions and proposals to marry, men present an engagement ring to their chosen one. In Europe, the engagement is different.

The parents of the bride and groom give a blessing for the upcoming wedding. As a sign of this, the future newlyweds exchange symbols of fidelity, which are worn on the fingers of the right or left hand, depending on religion.

Signs about the engagement product:

  1. It is worn until marriage. The loss of it marks the dissolution of the marriage in the future or the failure of the wedding. If everything is in order with the ring, then this is a sign of a happy, long life together.
  2. It should not be shown to strangers in order to avoid the evil eye or inducing damage.
  3. It cannot be soaked in water. The sign says that family life will be filled with tears.

Where representatives of different nations wear the ring

The wedding ring is worn on the right or left hand. In Ukraine, in the Russian Federation, the Belarusian Republic, the wedding symbol is put on the ring finger of the right hand.

After the engagement, the Germans wear it on their left hand, and after marriage they put it on their right. Polish citizens are accustomed to wearing an engagement and wedding ring on the right hand.

Jews wear the wedding symbol on their ring finger. Because of this, this finger is popularly called "ring", "ring". Orthodox Christians also wear a product on it.

On the right hand, the following nations wear wedding rings:

  • Georgians.
  • Ukrainians.
  • Russians.
  • Kazakhs.
  • Moldovans.
  • Serbs.
  • Chileans.
  • Austrians.
  • Greeks.
  • Norse.
  • Spaniards.

On the left hand, the following peoples prefer to wear wedding products:

  • Australians.
  • Turks.
  • Azerbaijanis.
  • Armenians.
  • Cubans.
  • Brazilian citizens.
  • French people.
  • Irish.
  • Canadians.
  • Mexicans.
  • Slovenians.
  • Croatians.
  • Swedes.
  • Americans.
  • British.
  • Italians.
  • Japanese.
  • Chinese.
  • Koreans.
  • Syrians.

Most of the citizens of these countries are Catholics. In the Catholic world, it is customary to perform an engagement ceremony before the wedding. The engagement piece is worn on the left hand.
Muslims prefer not to wear gold wedding rings. This applies to men. Indeed, in this faith, wearing gold jewelry compares a man with a woman. Muslims often use other metals to make wedding attributes.

Muslim men are less likely to wear a wedding attribute than women. Married women of the Muslim faith wear rings on their left hand.
Romals (gypsies) prefer to wear a wedding attribute on a chain around their neck. This symbolizes the open soul of a person, his ability to understand, believe, love his soul mate.

Where to wear after a divorce

Often after a divorce, jewelry is worn on the left hand in the CIS countries. Divorced persons put the symbol of marriage on the ring finger.
So do widows and widowers.

After the death of a spouse or spouse, a person puts on the decoration of the deceased and his own on his left hand. This tradition symbolizes devotion, fidelity after death.


For the first time, they learned about wedding jewelry from Egypt. Earlier in this state, the Egyptians worshiped the Moon and the Sun, which had a round shape. A hole in the product means the path to an unknown, happy family life. For the first time, the newlyweds exchanged round jewelry in the vastness of Egypt.

Products symbolized the inextricable bond between lovers. Initially, plants, bones, bark, etc. served as the material for making rings. But then the products were made of metal. Having learned about the existence of gold, the Egyptians came up with the idea of ​​making a golden ring because of the similarity of color with the Sun.

The Egyptians preferred to wear gold jewelry on the ring finger due to the fact that the nerve goes directly to the heart from this finger. They believed that this finger was continuously connected with the heart, therefore, as a sign of long and devoted love, they ringed this very place.

Previously, Jews put a marriage ring on a woman's index finger. But this tradition has lost its relevance due to the inconvenience of wearing a ring on the index finger.

The need to put on the index finger was determined by the need to show that the woman is busy. And the index finger is a prominent place of a woman. This is how the followers of Kabbalah used to think.

In Russia, jewelry was worn on the ring finger of the right hand. This rite dates back to the time of the existence of Joseph and Mary.


There are many signs about wedding jewelry:

  1. It is forbidden to wear wedding products of parents. It is also impossible to make your own wedding jewelry from these products by melting. The sign says that using parental rings, the newlyweds will repeat the fate of their parents.
  2. It is not advisable to wear products after a divorce. This is especially true for gold products, since gold absorbs all the negative energy.
  3. If a widower, a widow again fetter themselves by marriage, then the old product is removed and kept at home, but not worn.
  4. The loss of a product portends the death of a spouse, or the dissolution of a marriage.
  5. It is forbidden to let strangers try on the ring. This promises discord in the family.
  6. The wedding product is made smooth without engravings and drawings.
  7. Do not wear a ring on gloves.
  8. The fall of products during marriage is a sign of an imminent divorce.
  9. The groom is obliged to buy wedding rings for himself and the bride.
  10. Previously, before marriage, the rings were frozen so that the future husband and wife would also be strongly held together by family ties.

In conclusion, it can be noted that married Orthodox Christians prefer to wear a wedding attribute on their right hand, and Catholics on their left hand. There is no single answer that is correct. Each religion and creed dictates its own traditions, signs and customs.


  • Please tell us if fur coats are worn in the USA, Canada, Scandinavia and other countries with a cold climate, except for Russia, China and the post-Soviet space?

    They take everything! But mostly Russians who live in the USA, CANADA, GERMANY, Europe.
    Once in Crete, French women came to our boutique and looked at the Russian women who bought furs with enthusiasm.
    They admitted that they are jealous of the Russian women, that they can put on a fur coat and calmly walk around the city! In France, this is not possible, they said.
    + Bulgarians, Poles, Romanians, Czechs take.
  • Well, let them envy! Russians are free, Russians can wear whatever they want, but Europeans can't! But they have democracy!

    Abroad, a slightly different philosophy. This is important for ours, albeit cheap, but a fur coat. Therefore, Chinese consumer goods bloom in lush color. In Europe and America, a fur coat is considered a luxury item and requires a certain lifestyle. There is no practical need for it, if we consider clothes made of synthetic materials that are more appropriate for the needs.

    A fur coat, if in a correct way, is a luxury item, and only then clothes for winter. Therefore, furs are worn where there is culture and the possibility of consuming luxury goods. En masse, it should still make sense, the climate should be sharply continental, where there is a cold winter. There are not many such inhabited places on the planet. In Canada, the main residential areas are located along the latitude of the Crimea, and are also pressed to the oceans, where winters are milder. Scandinavia is not about luxury at all. In terms of the mass consumption of furs, only northern China can be compared with Russia, where there is an oriental craving for luxury, quick money and cold winters.
    In private, furs are consumed as purely luxury goods by that class of wealthy people who consume luxury goods in general. Usually, these are large cities with a developed culture of expensive clothes. But these are rarely complete products. More like accessories, finishes, etc.

    Wintered in Europe this year. Was in Dresden, Salzburg, Bratislava, Prague. The winter was very frosty, even too much for Europeans (I’m like a fish in water, I’m fine) - they said that for the first time in 30 years such frosts. I was very surprised - every 3rd woman had a natural fur coat, but very very old styles (70-80 years), and one, quite wealthy woman, had a polar fox, all yellowed, scary (only if on insoles or a rug for a dog ), but she walked with such a proud posture. Apparently, everyone pulled out their old fur coats, as soon as the moth had not eaten during this time. Italians and Russians had decent fur coats. The youth wore artificial fur coats. A lot of fur was worn in the form of capes over coats or down jackets, fur hats with earflaps, fur snoods. In many boutiques, natural fur coats also appeared, mainly rabbit and squirrel for very big money (1-2 thousand euros). Mink is even more expensive.

  • everything is right. If they always had cold winters, they would talk less about the humane treatment of animals, and would start looking for warmer fur coats in stores.
    During perestroika, I also remember that the Greenpeace people tried to guide our people on the true path. Didn't roll. Now they are completely silent.

    Here the problem is much broader, deeper and more complex than just humane treatment of animals or a cold winter. Although the cold winter is a very important factor. In Milan, demonstrations against furs during the spring exhibition are much more numerous than before the December auction in Helsinki.
    Today, breeding mink and fox is not much different in principle from breeding chicken or pork. With humanism, everything is very similar there. In civilized countries, high standards are observed, for this reason, the Original assured mark was introduced for fur at auction labels, this is precisely on the topic of humanism of content and slaughter.
    For fur farming, the fodder base is the remains of the production of chicken and meat, which are not suitable for human consumption. Therefore, from the point of view of the ethical attitude towards animals, it is necessary to give up everything together, and there are orders of magnitude more consumers of chicken and meat than consumers of furs. Naturally, the principles of people who have completely abandoned the exploitation of animals, meat, milk and eggs for food, leather for shoes and accessories, wool and fur for clothes cause only respect, but there are not so many of them.
    With commercial fur farming, everything is also not easy. in Russia it is the employment of the population in remote areas where there is simply no other work and is not expected, in Canada, in addition to employment, this is a rather large environmental program to preserve the diversity of the animal world, so hunting there is a way to maintain population stability, scientific institutions conduct continuous monitoring and determine the optimal number of animals in a given territory, from which the number of hunting licenses is determined, which the huntsman cannot, but is obliged to close. Part of the furs in general are the historical craft of the small peoples of the North.
    In Russia, there is no historical antagonism to fur as a class attribute. In Europe, furs were the prerogative of the aristocracy for hundreds of years, then it gradually passed to very rich people. Furs are strongly associated with luxury there, so the fight against the wearing of fur in the West is of a clear class character, against the trappings of wealth, for democracy and equality. In Russia, fur is a historical necessity, the result of hunting (with which it was much easier than in populated Europe), all classes went in furs, especially when the fur was an accompanying prize for meat. Actually, sheepskin coats or fur cavities for the winter among coachmen can hardly be attributed to luxury goods.
    Further, today the production of clothing is transferred to huge international corporations. There is a development of new materials, their reduction in cost, simplification of mass production, its automation, reduction of wear time, increase in profitability and turnover. Things become essentially disposable. All natural materials are very expensive and difficult to manufacture. Fur is an expensive raw material that cannot be unified, expensive manual production, with a conveyor belt and technology optimization, the quality is reduced. The thing turns out to be expensive at cost, the margin on it cannot be large, it is worn for a long time, the turnover of such goods is much lower. For a modern economy, these are all completely undesirable characteristics. Therefore, not only furs, but also other natural materials, large clothing corporations are trying to push it into the category of impractical, old-fashioned, out-of-date. In this regard, they have common interests with animal rights activists, so such organizations and sentiments are sponsored.
    From an environmental point of view, fur is a renewable resource, synthetics are petrochemicals. With pollution - that the manufacture, that the chemical plants, some of the others cost, the latter are only tens of times more. A natural fur coat is repairable, able to endure restyling, a fundamental alteration (up to car seat mats), ends up in the trash in 20 years, or even later, and decomposes entirely, the lifespan of a synthetic one is one or two seasons, after which it loses its appearance and relevance, but does not rot in the garbage, but requires more serious disposal.
  • From an environmental point of view, fur is a renewable resource, synthetics are petrochemicals. With pollution - that the manufacture, that the chemical plants, some of the others cost, the latter are only tens of times more. A natural fur coat ends up in the trash in 20 or even more years, and decomposes entirely, the life of a synthetic one is one or two seasons, after which it loses its appearance and relevance, and does not rot in the trash, but requires more serious disposal.

    Most opponents of natural fur do not understand this, but they are much more harmful to nature by buying clothes made of synthetic materials than those who wear clothes made of leather or fur. But, of course, it is necessary to develop a civilized animal husbandry. And gradually give up wild furs.
  • And gradually give up wild furs.

    Licensed regulated hunting not only does not harm nature, but is able to maintain the balance and health of the population. As an example, beavers, whose fur is relatively cheap and very poorly pays for the cost of its production on self-supporting basis. In Russia, beavers have bred greatly, since he has no natural enemies. Therefore, they massively destroy forests and turn them into swampy areas. In Canada, there is a state program to regulate the beaver population, where hunters are required to get a certain amount and are paid extra for each skin.
    By the way, even in Russia now the problem of poaching in the field of commercial fur animals is not acute. Too few people do it. There are problems in hunting large rare animals, like a tiger, which is completely useless from a fur point of view, this is a completely different story. Now more damage to fur-bearing wild animals is caused, rather, by uncontrolled deforestation than directly by hunting.
  • I don’t think that sable, marten, lynx harm nature so much that their number needs to be “regulated” on such a scale as it is now being done. And yes, beavers are very harmful to the forest, and, as far as I know, in Russia, a larger beaver imported from North America has completely replaced the local population.

    Regulated hunting stabilizes the state of the population, giving an external negative factor that forces the creation of surpluses. If the food base decreases or the weather conditions are unfavorable, hunting is prohibited and these usual surpluses are used to compensate. This is if it's correct.

    It is also interesting how things are now with the cage breeding of sable and marten, what are the differences between wild sable fur and cage fur. Marten in my opinion only wild? And there is also some kind of "bob martin", is it a marten or a sable?

    The marten is not bred, it is purely commercial fur.
    In Russia, there are a few farms that are engaged in caged dark sable, their position is not ice, since it is valued lower than wild, the cost of its breeding is very high, and a small number does not allow for a marketing program to popularize it. Last year, the Saltykovo farm, owned by Mikhail Gutsiriev, made an attempt to organize a company for sewing sable coats in order to get additional profit from each skin, but nothing sensible from the point of view of selling sable turned out there. If you are interested, you can google it, brand Gutseriev & Maximova.
    Bob Martin is a singer.
    Martes is the zoological name of the species. Martes martes - pine marten, Martes foina - stone marten, Martes zibellina - sable, Martes pennanti - fisher, etc. From Latin came the English word - marten (marten). Martes americana lives in Canada, in English - American (canadian) marten. Previously, the name American (Canadian) sable was used in translations, after the scandal with Soyuzpushnina that only the Russian Martes zibellina can be called sable, the translation American (Canadian) marten began to be used. According to the texture of the fur, the animal is much closer to the sable than to the pine marten. Its hair is lower than that of the same barguzin, but it is gentle, unlike the pine marten. The Canadian marten is more similar to the sable of the eastern ranges, like the Yenisei or Tobolsk. The skin of the bred sable is heavier due to the thicker hair and skin.
    Here is a farm sable

    But the dark tones of barguzin

    The underfur of the barguzin is gray-blue, which gives depth of color even when tinted in dark colors. Farm color is more "flat" ×

Being present at various parades and celebrations of this or that event, you can often meet people with awards on their chests. And how many people know on which side orders and medals are worn? How should the insignia be placed correctly and what should be guided by? That is what became the topic of today's article.

Let's try to figure out on which side of the chest are medals, orders, various badges and order bars? Is there any pattern in this or does it all depend on the desire of the recipient?

How to wear medals and orders

A medal is a sign of respect and recognition of a person's merits before the state or people. Of course, an award is a whole event in a person’s life, but the festive euphoria is left behind, and a logical question arises: “Which side are medals worn on, can they be worn daily or should this be done only on special occasions?” It turns out that there is a whole set of rules, such a kind of "medal" etiquette.

First of all, any awards should not be worn daily - it is indecent. It is worth putting on insignia only on especially solemn occasions - for holidays, parades, solemn events on the occasion of a particular event.

And in order not to be mistaken on which side of the jacket the medals are worn, and where the orders are, you need to follow this rule: medals are hung on the left, and orders are attached to the right. However, this is not always the case. For each specific order, a separate statute is being developed, and for an honorary title or medal, a special provision. These documents spell out the very definition of merit (for which an award is given), and also determines the order of awarding, wearing, and so on. There are many nuances to wearing awards; some are attached higher or lower in relation to the rest, others are located to the right or left of their "brothers". This set of rules is so large that it is not possible to list all the points within the framework of one article.

Wearing rules

Back in 1943, the Decree of the Presidium of the USSR Armed Forces indicated on which side medals, orders and other insignia were worn.

According to this document, star-shaped orders are attached to special pins on the right side of a tunic or jacket. Those that have the shape of a circle or oval are on the left on special pentagonal blocks, which are covered with a ribbon of the corresponding color. Moreover, each order or medal corresponds to a strictly defined ribbon, by the color of which you can recognize which particular award was awarded to a person, even if the latter is absent.

and pads

On the chest of many veterans you can see whole "iconostases" of such ribbons - they are called order bars. How to place them correctly? You need to be guided by the basic rule: on which side orders and medals are worn, order strips with ribbons of the corresponding color are also attached there.

The same Decree of 07/19/1943 established the rules for wearing such ribbons without the medals and orders themselves. For this, special convex plates are used, which have a special device on the reverse side, with which they can be attached to clothing. Such designs (without medals) were specially designed for everyday wear. As mentioned above, on which side the medals are worn, the bar (block) is also attached there. However, there are exceptions to this rule as well. There are such medals and orders that it is not permissible to wear separately from ribbons, therefore, straps are not provided for them.

One more nuance. For a separate wearing of the ribbon for the Order of Victory, a special rectangular bar 46 x 8 mm is offered. The rest can be of different sizes and combine from 2 to 5 ribbons.

Anniversary medals

Now let's figure out which side they wear them, as well as other insignia (not jubilee ones) are worn on the left half of a tunic or jacket. Each of them is accompanied by a separate provision, which indicates who exactly can be awarded and how exactly it should be worn.

In fact, there are a lot of commemorative medals, here are just a few of them:

  • "XX years of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army";
  • "30 years of the Soviet Army and Navy";
  • "40 years of the Armed Forces of the USSR";
  • "50 years of the Armed Forces of the USSR";
  • "60 years of the Armed Forces of the USSR";
  • "70 years of the Armed Forces of the USSR".

All these medals are worn on the left side of the chest and are placed one after the other in exactly the order indicated above.

After the award "For the Victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945." also follows a whole series of commemorative medals:

  • "Twenty Years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945";
  • "Thirty Years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945";
  • "Forty Years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945".

Another very honorable and significant award - "For Valiant Labor (For Military Valor)" - was established in honor of the centennial anniversary of the birth of the leader of the proletariat, V. I. Lenin. This award is so significant that when worn with other orders or medals of the USSR, it is attached above and to the left of the general order bar. Above it is only the "Golden Star" or the "Hammer and Sickle", if any.

They are also in that order.

Non-state awards

Those who carefully read the information above should not have a question about which side non-state medals are worn on. Correctly. Just like all the rest of this kind, they are placed on the left. Such awards include, for example, commemorative medals of the Russian Federation. The fact is that by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 7, 2010 No. 1099, such insignia are no longer state.

Non-state awards can also be attributed to the one established for the centenary of the great commander. It is interesting that it exists in two forms: numbered and non-numbered, the first being classified as a state award, and the second not. The non-numbered medal was awarded to civilians and military personnel of the Navy, the Red Army, the NKVD troops, members of the underground and partisans for personal courage, courage and steadfastness shown in the fight against the Nazis and Japanese militarists. Along with the medal, all those awarded were also given a certificate for it.

veteran of labour

If military people usually know how and where to wear awards correctly, then civilians most often have difficulties with this. For example, on which side the medal "Veteran of Labour" is worn, not everyone who is awarded it knows. After carefully reading our article, this question can be answered without much difficulty. Since this is a medal, it must be worn on the left. If a person already has an award "For Valiant Labor in the Second World War 1941-1945", then "Veteran of Labor" is located after it. Party or enterprises, the administration of the institution in which the person works can apply for this award.

Where you can't wear medals

So, we figured out the question of which side the medals are worn on. But people who have them just need to know where insignia are not supposed to be worn.

  1. According to the Rules for wearing military insignia and sashes (Order of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the USSR No. 240 dated 06/21/1943), if a person wears a military uniform, the existing insignia must be present on it.
  2. All awards are worn only on uniforms, tunics or tunics. Awards are attached to the overcoat only at parades, and even then, in each individual case, this requires an order from the command.
  3. It is forbidden to wear any orders, medals and military insignia on overalls, overalls, coats and various padded jackets.
  4. If a person has been awarded the Gold Star medal and the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, or the Hammer and Sickle medal and is recognized as a Hero of Socialist Labor, then he must wear these insignia all the time - both in full dress and in daily or field uniforms. It is also mandatory to wear signs of the number of wounds, honors of the military branches, the sign "Guard" and others.

As you can see, there are a lot of subtleties and nuances in this matter, so before putting on this or that award, you should additionally ask how to wear it correctly.

The wedding ring has long been considered a symbol of marital fidelity. Mystical properties are attributed to this item, and certain traditions have always been associated with it. The exchange of wedding rings between spouses at a wedding takes place in many countries, and very often the question arises of which hand to put it on.


The meaning of this important accessory is determined by the culture of the people, there are three main versions of what it means. In ancient times, this decoration was brought by the groom to the family of his beloved, by this he showed that he had every opportunity to provide for his future wife. Parents could be convinced of the well-being of their betrothed daughter.

According to another version, putting a ring on a finger, the future spouses made a vow of love, endless and immortal. The ring is a symbol of infinity. According to the third opinion, these objects were links of one chain, and it unites husband and wife forever.

Wedding ring - how to wear a woman / man

How to wear a wedding ring is the main question that worries the newlyweds. Historians discovered the first jewelry during excavations in ancient Egypt. The nobility used rich accessories made of precious metals, and poor people used iron ones.

Due to the high knowledge of anatomy in the old days, healers believed that the wedding ring must be worn on the left hand.

In ancient times, the decision on how this item should be worn was determined by the rulers. There were countries where they were even worn on the thumb. Each nation has its own traditions regarding the rules for wearing wedding rings.

On which hand they wear a wedding ring, depending on religion

The rule of wearing these accessories is largely determined by religion.


Orthodox Christians consider everything that is connected with the right side of the human body to be correct. In countries where Christianity is practiced, wedding rings are worn only on the right hand. This is practiced in Russia, Greece, Ukraine, Belarus. Widows change the ring on the opposite hand.


Muslims prefer to wear jewelry on their left hand, expressing tribute to traditions. However, this rule does not apply to men. In the East, men are not supposed to walk in gold, this is a sign of bad taste. Muslims either do not wear gold accessories or wear silver jewelry.


Followers of Catholicism and Protestantism put rings on the ring finger of the left hand. Historically, this has happened in the countries of North and South America and some European countries (France, Austria, Germany, Spain), Australia. Catholics explain this tradition by saying that the left hand is closer to the heart, which is also located on the left.

Who and where wears on the left hand

In many countries, it is customary to wear jewelry on the ring finger of the left hand. But in other countries, the situation may be different, European women prefer to wear a ring on their index finger, and gypsies generally wear this accessory on a chain.

On the left hand, the wedding ring is not worn by chance; the ringed person thus expresses warm feelings for his soulmate from the bottom of his heart. But on the other hand, the right hand has always been considered a symbol of wisdom, and was associated with the right decisions.

The question often arises on which hand the Armenians wear the accessory, because they cannot be attributed to Catholics and Christians. Armenians prefer to wear this important element on their left hand. The explanation is simple - the energy of love passes through the left hand, which supports the family in difficult periods.

Not all Catholics wear a wedding ring on their left hand; in some countries (Spain, Austria, Norway), this item is put on the right hand. And the inhabitants of Cuba, Mexico, France, Turkey, Japan, Canada support the traditions.

Who wears on the right

According to Russian traditions, in Russia it is customary to wear a ring on the right hand on the ring finger. It is customary to wear wedding and engagement rings on the same hand in Israel, India, Greece, Georgia, Norway, Spain, Chile, Colombia, Venezuela, Poland. In Holland, those who do not support Catholicism support this tradition.

As for the engagement ring, there are no specific rules for wearing it in Russia, so each person independently makes a choice on which finger to put it on. In most cases, the left hand is ringed, but some women prefer to wear it with a wedding band.

Wearing a wedding ring on special occasions

The ring on the ring finger is an indicator of status, but it can be evidence of not only marriage. It is worn in a certain way during divorce and widowhood.


It happens that love passes, and two recently close people become strangers. How to wear the accessory in this case, and is it worth doing it at all? After a divorce, ex-spouses, as a rule, simply remove the wedding ring.

The question of where to put the accessory after this, everyone decides for himself. The opinion of many men is simply to hand it over to a pawnshop. Girls often regret throwing it away, but you should not give your jewelry to another person.

Leaving it in your box is strange to say the least. Who wants to ring a woman with an object that a former spouse gave.

The female view of these things is simple, often it just changes into the other hand and is worn on. But there are signs according to which you should not leave this accessory, it will remind you of the past. A new life is easier to start from scratch.

Another point concerns the question of whether it is possible to wear someone else's ring. Any decoration carries the energy of the owner, whether it is worth transferring it and personal troubles to another person. After all, if the ring did not bring happiness to one person, it is unlikely that it will become happy for another. Therefore, wearing someone else's wedding ring is not recommended.

Death of one of the spouses

Accessory after the death of one of the spouses must be worn on the other hand. This is a symbol of fidelity to a loved one even after death. Some women take off their jewelry and put the husband's ring on their left hand as a sign of eternal connection, or wear both at once on the ring finger.

In general, the widow herself decides whether it is worth continuing to wear this important accessory.

Signs associated with wedding rings

Wedding rings, according to people, are a magical symbol of marital ties. Naturally, many signs and beliefs are associated with them.

You can’t let anyone try on your ring, let alone wear it. If it is impossible to refuse a request for a fitting, then it should be handed over only by laying it on the table.

It is returned in the same way, and before putting on the accessory should be held under running water or in a salt solution for a while.

You can not get engaged with rings that came after a divorced couple or from a widow. But if the rings passed to the young from grandparents, who lived their whole lives in love and harmony and are alive at the time of the wedding, this is considered a lucky omen. You can use the rings of spouses who have lived happily for more than 25 years.

In some countries, freezing rings in a glass of water has been practiced. It was believed that when the water thaws, these objects remember their unity, and will always reach out to each other, supporting the spouses in family life.

An unmarried girl can casually touch the bride's ring at a wedding or take the box where it lay. This will lead to the fact that soon she herself will marry. To believe or not in these signs is a personal matter for every woman.

Many girls are interested in the question of whether it is possible to wear an engagement ring before the wedding.. According to popular beliefs, this cannot be done. This can cause unpleasant moments during the marriage ceremony or even the cancellation of the wedding.

Engagement ring

After the matchmaking followed a beautiful ceremony, which was called the engagement. The young man asked for the hand of his betrothed from her father. And on this significant day, the groom proposed to the girl and gave her a ring, which is usually called an engagement ring in honor of the event.

On which hand should an engagement ring be worn? Some put it on the right hand, and wear it on the ring finger until the wedding, until it is replaced by an engagement ring. Further, the engagement ring is either worn together with the wedding ring, or worn on the other hand. At the same time, they must be combined with each other, be made of the same material and similar in texture.

In the West, they prefer to remove it altogether after the wedding, after which it becomes a family heirloom and is passed down from generation to generation. In Germany, they put the ring on the left hand, after the marriage, changing clothes on the right.

The engagement ring should be worn without removing it until the wedding itself, and carefully protected. It is a symbol of the beginning of a happy family life. His loss, according to signs, leads to the breakdown of the marriage.

After the wedding ceremony, you can wear an engagement ring on any finger of the right or left hand, some prefer to do it all the time, others use it as a beautiful accessory when attending significant festive events.

Violating wedding customs is not worth it. But at the same time, one should not forget that a long and happy marriage is primarily ensured by sincere love and fidelity of both spouses.

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Oh, these traditions - you rarely think about them in everyday life, but they often have great cultural and historical significance.

Today website I decided to find out why married couples in some countries wear wedding rings on the left hand, and in others - on the right. It's always damn interesting to learn about such small but important differences.

The ancient Romans and Egyptians had a belief that in the ring finger there is a certain nerve or vein that directly connects it to the heart. The Romans even had a special name for it - "vein of love" (lat. vena amoris). If a person put a ring on his ring finger, it meant that his heart was already taken.

Wearing a wedding ring on the left hand is a relatively recent tradition that originated only at the beginning of the 18th century (before that, even in English-speaking countries, rings were worn on the right hand).

AT Sri Lanka The groom wears the wedding ring on his right hand and the bride on her left.

Wedding rings are not customary to wear in most Muslim countries (the tradition of exchanging rings is also absent in the religious ceremony of marriage), but if they do wear it, then it can be like the ring finger of the left ( Iran), and the right hand ( Jordan).