Fairy tale "talking fish" by Hovhannes Tumanyan read online. Online reading of the book knots of the winds talking fish. Armenian fairy tale Talking fish fairy tale

Once upon a time there lived a fisherman's worker. For his labors, he received several fish a day.

Once a worker caught a beautiful fish, looked at it and thought: “I feel sorry for the fish, because it is also alive and does not want to die.”

Listen, brother man! I played with my friends and hit the net. Now, probably, both my parents and my girlfriends are looking for enticing and grieving. And here I am suffering and suffocating on dry land. Have pity on me, throw me into the water.

The worker took pity on the fish and threw it back into the river.

Well, beautiful fish, play as before in the river, let your parents not grieve!

The fisherman found out about this and became furious.

Fool! he shouted at the worker. - Why did you throw the fish into the water? Get out and don't get me again!

Where am I going now? - the worker grieved, returning home empty-handed.

He goes not himself, but a monster in the form of a man meets him and drives a beautiful cow in front of him.

Hello brother! - said the monster. - What's pissed off?

The poor man told him about his misfortune.

Listen, my friend, - said the monster, - do you see this dairy cow? I'll give it to you for three years. She will give you a lot of milk every day, and you and your wife will be full. Only, mind you, persuasion, as soon as three years blow, I will come and ask you questions. If you answer, the cow will be yours forever, but if you don’t answer, I will take you both along with the cow and do with you as I please. I agree?

The worker thought: “It is better to take a cow than to die of hunger. I will live for three years, maybe happiness will smile, we will answer questions.

Three years passed quickly. The cow fed the poor man and his wife with her milk to the full.

Once a husband and wife were sitting at the doorstep in the evening and sadly thought that a monster would soon come: They sighed, grieved, and the terrible night kept coming.

Suddenly a handsome young man approached them.

Good evening! - said the young man. - I'm tired, and the time is late, is it possible to spend the night under your roof?

Yes, you certainly may. Only tonight we are in trouble. We took a cow from the monster with an agreement to eat her milk for three years. Deadline ends today. The monster will come soon and ask us some questions. If we answer them, the monster will leave us a cow, but no, we will be his captives. No matter how you get hurt!

Come what may, - the wanderer answered and stayed with the worker.

And just at midnight there was a loud knock on the door.

Who's there?

It's me, the monster. Three years have passed. Come on, answer the questions.

We do not answer! - Husband and wife rushed about in horror.

But the young guest reassured them:

Do not be afraid, I will answer for you, - and went to the door.

I'm here! the monster growled behind the door.

I'm here too, - calmly replied the guest.

Where are you from?

From the other side of the sea.

What did you come for?

Riding a lame flea.

So the sea was small?

Not at all. Not even an eagle can fly over it.

So the eagle is a chick?

Not at all. The shadow from his wings will cover the city.

So the city is very small?

Not at all. A hare cannot run from end to end.

So the hare is tiny?

Not at all. From his skin will come out a whole sheepskin coat for an adult and a hat to boot.

So this man is a dwarf?

Not at all. The cock crow at his feet will not reach his ears.

So he's deaf?

Not at all. He hears the deer in the mountains nibbling the grass.

The monster was lost. It no longer knew what to ask, silently stood outside the door and finally disappeared into the darkness.

Husband and wife rejoiced. When dawn broke, the young man began to say goodbye, getting ready to go.

No, no, we won't let you in, - the happy husband and wife blocked his way. - You saved our lives! Tell me, how can we thank you?

Nothing, said the young man. - I have to go.

Well, at least tell me your name, ”the husband insisted.

You know the proverb, - the young man answered, - do good and even throw it into the water - it will not be lost! I am the same talking fish that you took pity on and abandoned to the input.

So the stranger answered and disappeared.

Translation by Y. Khachatryants

There lived a husband and wife. But the woman was very picky. Every food disgusted her. She didn't like anything: no chicken, no antelope meat, no fish but catfish.
“Catch me a catfish,” she demanded. - I want only catfish! If you don't catch a catfish for me, I'll die of hunger.
And the husband one day decided to fulfill her wish. He went to the bank of the river, cast his line, caught a lot of fish, but the catfish was not caught.

He went to the bank of the river, cast his line, caught a lot of fish, but the catfish was not caught.
He was already tired of standing with a fishing rod in his hands all day. And suddenly he felt how strongly the fishing line was stretched. "Wow! - thought the husband, - some big fish was caught.
He carefully pulled the fishing rod and saw the head of a huge catfish in the water. It showed nine shells: three on the forehead, three on one side of the head, three on the other. The man dropped the bait and wanted to run away.
- Do not be afraid! the fish called after him. - If you've caught me, then carry it home.
Cautiously, a man approached the shore and pulled the catfish out of the water. He was about to hang it on a stick, when suddenly the fish spoke again in a human voice:
“No, don’t pierce me with a stick!” It would hurt me. Go to the palm grove, cut branches, make a stretcher and carry me on them.
The man did just that. Arriving home, he put the fish in front of his wife, and he left. The wife was very pleased, she even began to dance for joy. And when she bent over a huge fish, the catfish spoke in a human voice:
“Before you cook and eat me, buy a new knife, a new pot, a new plate and a new mat.
The woman ran to her husband and asked him to buy all the things called fish.
“Listen,” said her husband, “after all, when I caught this fish, she spoke to me too.
But his wife did not listen to him:
- I talked to you, think about it! She talks to me because she wants to be friends with me ... I'll eat her myself, alone. Y-and-them! After all, this is exactly the fish that I have wanted to eat for so long!
The husband went and bought his wife a new knife, a new pot, a new plate and a new mat. The wife, very pleased, gutted the fish, cut it into pieces and began to cook. When everything was ready, she took pity on her husband, called him and offered him a piece of fish too. But he refused:
- Damn it! Do you really think that I will eat a fish that speaks with a human voice? Eat by yourself! You always have all sorts of quirks!
The wife put the fish on a new plate, sat down on the new mat, and began to eat. She ate, ate, ate until there was nothing left of the fish. Finally, she granted her wish.
And suddenly the fish spoke with a human voice from the woman's stomach:
- Well, have you eaten a funeral?
- Yes very good.
"Now wash your hands, we'll talk to you!" The woman washed her hands, and the fish again asked her:
Did you eat everything in the pot?
Yes, I ate everything.
"Get ready, I'm leaving now!"
- How will you get out?
How do you want me to get out?
- Exit through the nose.
- Fu, through the nose. Ugh, he's wet. - Well, then through the eyes.
- Through the eyes. Ugh, they are always wet.
- Well, then through the ears.
- Through the ears ... Fu, they are always dirty with you.
- Then through the mouth.
- Through the mouth? No, I went through it.
"Then come out as you please!" the woman screamed.
And breaking her back, the fish came out, and the woman died.
When the husband entered the hut, the fish lay stretched out on the mat next to the dead wife.
“Just don’t be afraid and don’t feel sorry for your wife. She was a bad woman, said the fish. - As soon as you bury her, take me to where you caught me. Only not on a stretcher, but in a new mat.
The husband grieved, grieved, but there was nothing to be done. He called all the relatives and buried his wife.
The next morning the first cock crowed, the second crowed, the third crowed, and the fish spoke again:
- Get up! It's time! Carry me to the river.
The man followed the order of the fish. He was now afraid of her and carried her very carefully.
Don't leave me on the beach. Enter the water, carry me to the place that I will show you, - the fish told him.
The man entered the water, took a few steps.
- Go on, go on! said the fish.
The man took a few more steps. The water was already up to his shoulders.
- Stop right here! But don't throw me, but lower me carefully into the water! said the fish.
The man carefully lowered the fish into the water. Already from the depths of the river, she said, sticking her head out:
- Listen, when you marry a second time, choose a wife who would not be such a fussy! Otherwise, it will cost you your life!
And the man soon found himself another wife, but one who was always pleased with everything. .



In the great waters, which spring up in the midst of the herds of mother-of-pearl riba, among the shoved ribs "in bulk, bats, a balakuscha riba was born. how the children passed ailments, and yet the hour was ishov, the riba became great and elastic, the luska was already skimming on it, like the vikuta from the naylipsho damascus cry, and the balaclava of the ribi, not only did not appear, but suddenly gained such rightfulness, but it was already recognized by the fathers, scho stink to lie down to one homeland.

Balakuscha riba, yak, cream of balakuchnost and good heart, she was still young, she didn’t understand why the fathers can do it, if they say so, even if they say a word, and then marvel, as if with colorful bulbs they fall through the water, one time a hut, which, having lived out its life on the day, on its rubbish, not having seen it, it’s not a worm "yak, having calmed down with these bulbs and shoveling a sprat; ale bachachi, like a father and a matir, killing unglory, which fell on their lot, like, if the sun penetrated lead to the bottom, illuminating the coral bushes, it was so good to hang out at the skhovanka and the gukati at the top of your voice in the coral diri, roaring the fathers and the susides, the balakuscha riba said goodbye to the black algae, de lived її Rіdnya, і, waving your tail, watered the shukati .

But in the other herd of the speaking riba, there was no speaker. Even though the ribs gave them good luck, they showed the ribs, how to speak easily and receptively, how quickly they spread their mouths, and the voice spread like that on the water, all the ribs that trodden on the road of the talking ribs, Before the Nayviddaleni, the Zakhutkiv wagged, the balakushchi Riba, say without a force, the casting of Ribam Zvyatov, and the yachnist Ribe is the whole of Ribna Gromada Pislya Shchelshi, nyz Zvilly Movdeshiye Ribe in the Consonant in the most part -time. , who is famous for justice and wisdom, having looked at the right balak ribi, praised the wordless award, which was painted by the top guides on the upper versions of the water, for all the ribs are painted, if you can no longer be arrogant with a Movchanka, so that the balak fish was seen from the water.

Balakuscha riba itself was chasing the brood of the settlers, so that they would spread the heat, if the maidens were vykonavtsі the viroka, zatulyuyuchisya fins, so that they were not stunned, podplili to the talking ribi, taking on their backs, in one fell swoop carried її to the shore. There they put the stench on their feet, and, having handed over the leaflet, it was painted de bulo, which was for ever fenced in to become a watery kingdom, they appeared in the clay.

From tsikh pіr riba began to live on the birch. On the back of the troch was afraid of sharpening. Everything here was new, the old nebito of the great retail did not rush, but it was not possible to weave through the bushes, and in the wind, as if so guessing the mud, the words did not deprive the least of the bulbs behind them. Moreover, on the birch there were fishermen. Balakuscha riba more than once bowled them from below, unhinged by the fence.

Only now the fishermen looked at the water differently, the stench did not speak in front of us and did not collapse, but now the fish were sipping on their eyes, as if the stench was not less than roaring, like a stench, but they were running, and singly among them one could know more than one spymaster.

Like I wanted to, like a fisherman, they went to the sea, go and get along, but it was time for me to make acquaintance, and the fish walked along the birch and spoke to itself.

Possibly, she would have lived like that for a century, like a day, having slept in the cold for a long time, lower for sure, she didn’t get close to a fisherman, that she saw a herd and a lagodiv chauvin, narkiyuchi for a share. Feeling the sight of Rozmov so close to her, the talking riba did not intrude. Be-sho-be, vyrishila won, and having risen to her feet, went to the fishing.

God bless you, "I am," the fish welcomed.

God forbid, - a great fisherman.

What are you doing? - sleeping fish.

I'm lagoju choven, but what are you robish?

I'm joking with a spivbesidnik, - the fish called out.

Garazd, - moving fisherman, - I'm going to fish for three days. Sit at my chauvin, you tell me, so that I don’t fall asleep, I’ll tell you that I’m not talkative.

Nothing, - said the riba, - having heard you, I speak for two.

At what hour did the stench make friends. The fish helped the fishermen to choose good places for fishing, told them that they should eat on the water and under the water, and the fisherman shared with her turbots. Nevdovzі riba knew not only the names and likenesses of our children and women, but I looked like a fisherman in a hut and on a subway "ї, chim wines scold and what I think. Inkoli, if it was good luck to sell pitchforks, a fisherman bringing a stink of wine, and bringing a stink of wine So one month's nights, if the wind was smooth, like a dance, like a stench, they threw out the strings, fisherman, who was a bad friend, a talking fish, in some future, no having said, scho yogo dіm - її dіm, asking that the riba finally came to the new guest, for such a friend could not show his homeland.

"Talking Fish" a brief retelling you can read for 8 minutes.

Balakushka fish was born in large waters, upset parents hoped that with age the balakness of the fish would disappear. But this did not pass, her talkativeness gained such skill that her parents were ashamed that they were one family.

Balakuscha fish was very good and did not understand why her parents were sad, she liked to talk. But seeing how fame kills parents, the balak fish said goodbye to the blue algae, where her relatives lived, and swam away to look for another herd.

But even in another herd, the talking fish did not find an interlocutor, when she began to speak, all the fish silently closed their fins and ran away. It soon became known that a balaking fish, speaking without stopping, prevents the fish from concentrating, and this violates the dignity of the fish. Therefore, the entire fish community accepted a wordless sentence, which was drawn by the upper watermen on the upper layers of the water, so that the balaking fish would be removed from the water.

Balakuscha fish was chasing a brood of herring to tell them a joke, when the silent executors of the sentence, taking it on their backs, carried it ashore in one fell swoop. There they put her on her feet, and, having handed over a piece of paper, where it was drawn that she was forever forbidden to use the water kingdom, they disappeared into the depths.

Since then, the fish began to live on the shore. At first she was a little afraid of the environment, it was impossible to swim through the bushes, and in the air, so reminiscent of the depth, the spoken words did not leave the slightest bubbles behind them. In addition, there were fishing on the coast. Balakuscha fish have seen them from below more than once, defying the ban.

Only through the water the fishermen looked different, they never spoke or moved, and now the fish saw with their own eyes how they not only talk like her, but also run, and for sure you could find more than one interlocutor among them.

As much as she wanted, every time the fishermen went to sea, to come up and say hello, but every time something prevented him from making an acquaintance, and the fish walked along the shore and talked to itself.

One day, having slept in the shade longer than usual, the fish saw fishing nearby, reflected from the group and repaired the boat, complaining about fate. Hearing the conversation so close to him, the talking fish could not resist. By all means, she decided, and breaking down, went to the fishing.

The talking fish told the fisherman that he was looking for a companion, and he took her on a boat when he went fishing.

Since that time they have become friends. The fish helped the fisherman to choose good places for fishing, said that the diet was fed with water, and the fisherman shared his worries with her, talked about the family and children. Sometimes, when they were lucky to sell their catch well, fishing brought a bottle of wine, and the two of them drank her drinking buddies, pleasantly talking. So one moonlit night, fishing realized that the fish was his best arc and invited her to visit him to introduce him to his family.

The fisherman explained to the fish how to find his house in the village and promised to meet him. The fish promised to visit him for dinner.

The next day, as soon as the sun came out of the water, the fish jumped up and, rubbing its eyes with spray, straightened its shoulders and gathered to visit fishing.

The fisherman warned the woman that his best friend would come to visit them and everything should be better prepared. He himself went out for a short while, but did not warn that his friend was a fish.

The fish entered the yard of the fishermen, where there was a woman with children. The children saw the talking fish, but the mother did not pay attention to it, because she was very busy.

The fish greeted the woman several more times, but was also preparing dinner and did not notice her. The fish thought it was on time and was already leaving when the woman saw it.

The woman thought that this man had lost a fish from his catch and decided to catch it. The woman did not stop talking and did not hear that the fish was talking. The fish tried to explain that she was her husband's friend, that she was invited to visit.

The woman from her own chatter did not hear the words of the fish, and fried the fish.

A fisherman returning home with some shopping to impress his buddy. And the woman said that she greased the fish that he lost in the yard. The man, remembering that he forgot to tell the woman that his friend was a fish, rushed to the frying pan.

The fisherman looked at the pan, but the fried fish are all the same, and the fisherman did not recognize his friend.

For a long time I waited for fishing for my friend, and the fish did not appear. The fisherman went out onto the road several times, looking for fish, but there was none. He even asked passers-by and fishermen if they had seen his friend talking fish, but people just shook their heads. Subsequently, they began to avoid fishing, he did not fish, but walked along the shore and shouted to his friend, and when they pulled the net out of the catch onto the sand, he asked the fish to tell him at least one word.

At the end of the story, there is a conversation between a jackal and a tin can. They feel sorry for the heroes of the tale - the fishermen and the talking fish, the preoccupied woman, did not hear the voice of the fish. The fisherman found a friend - a talking fish, because his wife never listened or heard.

The fish died - it's sad. However, everyone must die sooner or later. And, as for me, the grief of the fishermen over the death of a friend is even sadder than the death of the fish itself. And dying without hearing the voice of a fish in a lifetime is really the worst thing that can happen to a person.

One owner had a laborer. Once he caught a beautiful fish. The farmhand looked at her and thought: “It’s a pity for the fish, it’s also a living creature. Look, her father and mother are being killed. Go, and she knows what joy and trouble are! Suddenly the fish says in a human voice:

Hear me out, good man! We were playing with the fish when I got caught in your net. Now my parents are looking for me. And here I am suffocating without water. Have pity on me, let me go back to the sea!

The laborer took pity on the fish and threw it into the water.

Play, dear, as before, to the joy of the father-mother!

The owner found out about this and got angry.

Fool! - he attacked the farmhand. Why did you release the fish into the sea? Get out of here so I don't see you again!

The poor man wandered home empty-handed. He walks, but a man is not a man to meet him - a monster, he drives a cow.

Hello brother! - says the monster. - Are you unhappy?

The poor man told him what a misfortune had befallen him.

That's what, buddy, says the monster. - Do you see this dairy cow? Take it to yourself for three years. She will give so much milk that you and your wife will have enough and even remain. But here is my condition: in exactly three years I will come to you, and if you answer my questions, the cow is yours, but if not, I will take you to my place along with the cow. I agree?

The poor man thought: “It is better to take a cow than to die of hunger. We will live without worries for three years, and there happiness will smile at me, and I will be able to answer questions.

Well, he agreed and drove the cow home.

Three years flew by quickly. The cow fed milk to the poor man and his wife.

And so they sit in the evening on the threshold of their shack and wait for the monster to appear. Suddenly they see - a young man is walking from the sea.

Good evening, the young man says. - I got tired from the road, and the night is close. Shelter a wanderer under your roof.

Shelter is possible, but trouble would not come out.

And the poor man told the young man about his agreement with the monster.

If we do not answer his questions, you will suffer with us.

Let it be, what will be, - says the young man, - and I will stay with you.

Exactly at midnight there was a loud knock on the door.

Who's there?

It's me, the monster. Three years have passed, it's time for you to answer!

The laborer and his wife trembled with fear.

I'm here! - the monster roared from the threshold.

And so do I,” the young man replies.

Where are you from?

How did you get here?

On a lame flea.

So the sea is small?

How to say! Even an eagle cannot fly over it.

So the eagle is a small bird?

How to say! The shadow of his wings covers the city.

So the city is small?

How to say! The hare cannot run it from end to end.

So, the hare is quite tiny?

How to say! A whole fur coat will come out of his skin for a person, and even enough for a hat.

So this man is a dwarf?

How to say! When a rooster crows at his feet, the singing does not reach his ears.

So he is deaf?

How can I say! He hears how a deer chews grass in the mountains.

The monster didn't know what else to ask. It stood silently at the threshold and went home.

When dawn broke, the young man began to get ready for the road.

No, we won't let you go! say the poor man and his wife. - You saved our lives. Tell me how to thank you?

Nothing, the young man replies. - Farewell!

Yes, at least tell me your name! says the poor man.

You know the proverb: "Do a good deed, and then even throw it into the sea - it will not be lost." Do you remember the fish you took pity on three years ago and set free? Well, it's me, - the young man answered and disappeared, as if he had never been.