Wedding vows: what is it for and examples. I swear eternal love ... wedding vows

Wedding Vows of the Groom and the Bride

In our life, deeds and deeds are valued more than words. But there are times when words are simply indispensable.

The Outdoor Wedding Ceremony is one of such beautiful moments.

Vows or vows of the newlyweds is an ancient and very beautiful, tender and romantic custom that takes place immediately after the bride and groom have confirmed their consent to marriage.

The newlyweds promise to love each other for the rest of their lives and take care of their spouse as if they were themselves. And this touching moment is not complete without tears (not only for the newlyweds, but for all the guests) and sincere smiles of happiness.

I have prepared for you examples of wedding vows, vows and promises.

You can use them or write your own, "inspired" after reading.

Or ask for help in writing a custom wedding vow, specially designed for your unique couple, to Host of the Outdoor Wedding Ceremony - Yulia Didkovskaya


Stay tuned, because it is this section that will be constantly updated with new products.

Traditional wedding vow 1 :

I, (name), take you, (name), to be my (husband / wife), my constant friend, my faithful partner and my love from this day forward. In the presence of God, our family and friends, I offer you and solemnly promise to be your faithful companion in sickness and in health, in good times and in bad, in joy and in sorrow. I promise to love you unconditionally, to support you in your goals, to honor and respect you, to rejoice with you and mourn with you, to cherish you as long as we both live.

Romantic vow 2 :

I (your name) confirm my sincere love for you (name of a loved one), I ask you to share with me the great joy of the birth of our family. You are the most beautiful, gentle, intelligent girl I have ever known. I promise to always love and respect you deeply. I ask you (the name of the beloved) to become my legitimate (husband - wife) in order to stay with you forever.

Romantic wedding vow 3 :

(Name of a loved one), from the moment when I first saw you and found out what kind of person you are, I realized that I want to live with you all my life. Mind, beauty, the soulfulness of which nature has endowed you inspire and make me be better. I promise to love you always, all my life. I promise to respect you, to always be honest and faithful with you. I solemnly swear this to you.

Traditional wedding vow 4 :

I, (name of my beloved / beloved), take you in (my / mine) (husband / wife), so that from now on I will be together in wealth and poverty, in sickness and health. I promise to always love and cherish you until death do us part.

Traditional wedding vow 5 :

I, (name), take you, (name), ask you to become my beloved (wife / husband), I promise to be always there for you and support you, honor you, cherish you, be near and in sorrow and in joy, in good times and in bad, to love and cherish you always. I promise you this with all my heart, and for the rest of my days.

Unconventional wedding vow 6 : I (name), take you (name) to become my (husband / wife), my life partner and my only love. I will cherish our union and love you more every day. I will trust you and respect you, rejoice with you and cry with you, love you and sorrow and joy, regardless of the obstacles that we can overcome together. I give you my hand, my heart, and my love, starting from this day, as long as we both live.

Unconventional wedding vow 7 : I, (name), take you, (name), my life partner, I promise to love everything that I know about you, and accept what I do not know yet. I rejoice at the opportunity to grow with you, to love and cherish you, despite what life may bring us.

Unconventional wedding vow 8 : I (Name), with all my love, take you as my wife/husband. I will love you always in good and bad times, in joy and sorrow. I will try to be understanding and trust you completely. Together we can face all the difficulties of life and share dreams and goals with each other. I promise that I will be your equal partner in love, honest relationships, as long as we both live. From now on, you are my best friend, and I will love and respect you always!

wedding vow 9 :

I love you. Today is a very special day.

Long ago you were just a dream and a prayer.

Thank you for who you are to me.

I will take care of you, respect and protect you.

I give you my life my friend and my (I) beloved (th).

wedding vow 10 :

Thanks to you, I laugh, I smile, I'm not afraid to dream again.

I look forward with great joy to spend the rest of my life with you,

Caring for you and helping in all the difficulties that life has in store for us,

I vow to be faithful and devoted to you for the rest of my life.

Wedding vow 11:

We promise each other to be loving friends and partners in marriage.

Speak and listen, trust and appreciate each other, respect and cherish each other's uniqueness;
Support and make each other stronger throughout life's joys and sorrows.
We promise to share hopes, thoughts and dreams as we value our lives together.
Let our life forever be connected, our love helps us to be together.
We will build a house in which harmony will reign.
May our home be filled with peace, happiness and love.

Wedding vow 12:

I promise to give you my best. what I have and ask you no more than you can give me.
I promise to accept you just the way you are.
I fell in love with your qualities, ability, outlook on life, I will not try to remake you.

I promise to be open to you, to share with you my inner fears and feelings, secrets and dreams.
I promise to grow with you to be ready to face any change as we both change in order to keep our relationship vibrant and exciting.
And, of course, I promise to love you in joy and sorrow and give you everything I have ... completely and always.

Wedding vow 13:

And finally, I discovered the meaning of true love.

As long as I live, I will love, respect and honor you.

I will cultivate myself and improve our relationship.

I promise to be honest and discuss all of my needs and feelings.

I also promise to listen to you.

I will be faithful (faithful) to you soul, body and spirit.

Today I make this promise to you.

Wedding vow 14:

I love you so much...Enough to do anything for you.
To give my life, my love, my heart and my soul to you and for you.
Enough to willingly give you all my time, efforts, thoughts, talents, trusts and prayers.
Enough to want to protect you, care for you, guide you, be with you, comfort you, listen to you, cry for you and with you.
Enough to be stupid around you...
Never hide anything from you
And be yourself next to you……..
I love you enough to share with you all my feelings, dreams, goals, fears, hopes and anxieties.
All my life with you...
Enough to wish you the best, strive for your success and hope to achieve all your goals...
Enough to keep my promises to you and my devotion and loyalty to you...
Enough to cherish our friendship, adore your individuality, respect your values ​​and you, just the way you are.
I love you enough to fight for you, to yield to you, to sacrifice myself for you if need be...
Enough to miss you unbearably when we're not together, regardless of time or distance.
Enough to believe in our relationship despite the worst of times, believe in our strength as a couple, and never give up on our relationship...
Enough to spend the rest of my life with you, to be there for you when needed.
Never in my life to leave you and not to live without you ...
I love you so much…

Wedding Vow 15:

You are with me in the morning, you are with me at night,

you are with me in joy, you are with me in sorrow,

in my thoughts, in my dreams,

but most of all, baby, you are in my heart.

Forever! (from the movie "Sex and the City")

Wedding vow 16:

“All my thoughts are of you, my immortal love.
I can live only with you or not live at all ...
Love me and never judge the devoted heart of your beloved.
Forever yours.
Forever mine.
Together forever. »

Wedding vow 17:

“Wearing this ring, I call you my wife (husband).

I promise to love you faithfully and faithfully until the end of my days.

I promise to share with you all the good and protect you from the bad.

I promise to respect your opinion, take care of you and our future children, and I swear: no matter what happens, I will always be there for you.”


I take you ....... as a lawful husband.
I promise to encourage and inspire you, to laugh with you
And comfort you in your sadness.
I promise to love you in good times and bad
When life seems easy and when life seems hard
When our relationship will be as cloudless as the sky, and even if lead clouds appear on the horizon.
I promise to protect you and always deeply honor you.
All this I promise today and all the days of our life together.
I promise to speak and listen, trust and appreciate, respect and cherish
Support and make each other stronger throughout life's joys and sorrows.
Share hopes, thoughts and dreams
I will cultivate and improve our relationship.
I promise to be honest and discuss all my needs and feelings,
I promise to listen to you. I will be faithful to you in soul, body and spirit.
Today I make this promise to you.

I take you ........ as a legal wife.
Knowing that in my heart you will always be my one and only, my faithful partner in life, and my true love,
I promise to give you my best. What I have and ask you no more than you can give me.
I promise to accept you for who you are, because that's how I fell in love with you.
I promise to respect you as an individual with your own interests, desires and needs.
And understand that sometimes they are different from my own, but they are no less important than my own.
I promise to be open to you, to share with you my inner fears and feelings, secrets and dreams.
I promise to grow with you to be ready to face any change as we both change in order to keep our relationship vibrant and exciting.
And, of course, I promise to love you in joy and sorrow and give you everything I have ... completely and always.


I love you very, very much.
I am glad (glad) that I waited (waited) for this day, because it is special.
This is truly the best day of my life.
Once you were only a dream, and I was waiting (waiting) for our meeting,
But today you are my life and my reality.
I thank God that I have you
And I am grateful for every minute that I spend next to you.
I swear that my love will not run dry, will not thin.
She will be your bright sun during the day and the mysterious moon at night.


At that moment, when I first saw (saw) you, I realized (-la) that it was with you that I wanted to go hand in hand through life.

You make me better, kinder, brighter, so I want to promise, no matter what happens, to be true (true) and honest (honest) with you. To love and respect you, relieve adversity and help in everything. I ask you to walk with me through life. And let the people gathered here become witnesses of my sincerity and straightforwardness.

Updated May 08, 2017. Created 18 Sep 2013

Newlyweds vow this is the final chord of the historical block that I spend at the wedding. If we have not met yet, I will say that this is an exclusive moment, I have collected it piece by piece from several wedding episodes. Here there is a dance of the father with the bride, the lighting of the hearth, the handing of the sword of the father to the groom, the oath of the young. Separately, all these moments are boring and not dynamic, but in the context of this theatrical block, they are quite romantic and melodramatic. The girls are jealous and sometimes even cry at the end. Well, my parents love it too.

There are several options for the oath of the newlyweds - if you wish, you can edit and embellish them. True, this text is also not worth dragging out. Here I add variants of poems from the newlyweds themselves.

We record these words in the studio, as it should be IN ADVANCE!!! We process the voice and put it on the music. The studio is located on the territory of the ZIL plant, Avtozavodskaya metro station. The route will be specified in advance.

We read the text in turn , about 2-4 lines groom then bride. You arrive, try your speech skills a couple of times in front of a microphone, and then we record. Recording cost at the moment: 1500. And you can easily tell everyone that you recorded in LOVE-radio or Europe-PLUS studios. The recording can be downloaded from us right during the wedding, if you bring your flash drive. But you still need to bring it. There will be the first dance and some of your favorite disco songs.


My hand is yours forever

In one boat, sail through life

Even if the rivers rush back,

That can no longer be changed.

Let the cold bind the earth

Heat autumn rains

I do not accept another fate

Forever what lies ahead.

Years will pass, changing pictures

And we will change keeping

Testament - I'm only for my beloved

Testament - I'm only for you


Bridegroom: I take you, name, as a lawful wife,
Bride: I take you, name, as a lawful husband,
Bridegroom: and I promise to love and protect you,
Bride: understand and respect you
Groom: help and believe you
Bride: always, no matter what the future holds for us,
Groom: I will defy any obstacles we are destined to face
Bridegroom: In the name of everything that we created together,
Bride: and all that will be created,
Groom: I offer you my love and loyalty

Bride: I love you

Groom I love you


He: I found you in the city of dreams Beloved
She: I understand for a long time everything without words, my beloved
He: You took possession of my soul Beautiful
She: You are like air everywhere with me
He: I will love you forever my soul
She: I can't live without you now, my destiny

He: I dissolve in your love
She: Save my tenderness forever
He: Be my wife, my friend
She: I'm yours for the rest of my days

He: I swear to you to be with you
She: We will always be happy together, my love


Beloved, since you entered my life, my days have been filled with the light of happiness. And now this light has flared up so brightly that it is possible to warm the whole world in its rays. I will forever keep in my heart this golden moment when you became my wife.

Beloved, I bring you my love as a gift. I swear to be a faithful and tender wife, to share with you joys and cares, the hopes of a dream.

I swear like the apple of my eye to protect the light of our love. I swear to be a loving and gentle husband, an honest and reliable friend, take care of you, support you and share with you everything that fate sends us.

Everything I have in my life will be yours from now on. I will dedicate my whole life to you and carry my love to the end of my days.

I love you.

I love you


In your eyes I found my home.
In your heart I found my love.
In your soul I found my friend.
With you I am whole, complete, alive.
You make me laugh. You let me cry.
You are my breath, you are every beat of my heart.
You are my inspiration and the fire of my soul.
You are the magic of my days.
You help me laugh, you teach me to love.
You give me a peace of mind that I didn't know before.
You free me to sing my own song
You are the greatest of my surprises, every day I rediscover you.
You are the most amazing gift for me.

I swear, my dear, by the Sun and the Moon

Heart and soul always be with you

Joy and sorrow, share everything with you

And ask God for happiness for you.

I swear I will love you forever.

Keeping loyalty, never betraying

And live with you sincerely and cordially,

To be together forever

You know that there is no in the whole world,

Tender and affectionate of your wonderful words.

That you are the best on the big planet,

And my love for you is stronger than all

And remember that we will overcome everything together

We can overcome all obstacles

For you, my love, I can do anything

Nothing is impossible in life

And sadness and joy I will share with you,

Feelings will smooth out the caress I.

And in a moment the problems will all go away by themselves,

And our feelings will become stronger than ever.

I love you

For many people, the concept of "church marriage" means something different, but its essence does not change from this. This is the legitimization of their relationship in the Church before the eyes of God, according to Today, this type of marriage is more of a moral and cultural connotation, since it has no legal force.

In pre-revolutionary Russia, on the contrary, this was the only way to legitimize your relationship. But we will return to this a little later.

church marriage in the Russian Empire

During the time of Emperor Nicholas I, marriage was considered a Christian sacrament, blessed by the Church and turning into a marital union in the image of the union of Jesus Christ and the Church. In other words, church marriage on behalf of the Lord blessed the bride and groom, who expressed their desire to live together, for the right to be husband and wife. The traditional formal procedure, which at that time must have been performed before the wedding, - Its essence was to notify the surrounding people that a man and a woman, by mutual agreement, were ready to become one family.

Divorce of a Church Marriage

In general, it is believed that a marriage entered into in the face of God cannot be terminated, because if the young people got married in the Church, they swore an oath of fidelity to each other before the Lord himself, and the dissolution of the union is a failure to fulfill this oath, which is regarded as a deception of the Almighty.

It's not good to deceive him. The Church does not welcome debunking; moreover, it condemns such people. Church marriage is eternal love and fidelity to each other. The Lord God certainly did not mean their termination. But nothing is impossible! No matter how much church divorce is condemned, it is considered the Lord's condescension to human weakness, therefore the right to conduct such a procedure remains with the bishop. He will remove the previous blessing if there are motives for divorce, as well as all the necessary legal documentation: divorce certificates, passports. Today there are enough motives for debunking, but in the Gospel God indicated only one - adultery. By the way, the Church allows up to three attempts to legitimize its relations.

Civil marriage - what is it?

Contrary to the misinterpretation by some people of the concept of civil, there is no cohabitation. Civil marriage is the official entry into family relations, registered by the registry office. What some today call this phrase has its own clear name - "unregistered cohabitation."

People, let's correctly call a spade a spade!

Church and civil marriage

It is interesting that today official marriage (civil marriage) can take place without a church wedding, but on the contrary - no way! Since an Orthodox wedding has no legal force in modern Russia, it cannot act as an independent procedure for registering a new unit of society. However, in pre-revolutionary times, church marriage was the only official way to create one's family. What can I say, time is changing, eras are changing, people's spiritual values ​​are changing ...

It is believed that giving solemn and heartfelt promises before the first kiss at the wedding ceremony is a tradition of European weddings. However, the wedding vow existed at all times in the territory of the former USSR. It was just that the registry office worker said it, and the newlyweds either repeated the words or answered questions.

When to speak

Modern promises at the altar are like little lyric pieces, in verse or prose. And the groom, the bride, who decided that there will be a moment of exchange of vows at the wedding, prepare them in advance. A vow of love is usually included in the script as follows:

  1. During official registration - in the registry office or the wedding palace. Before the bride and groom are declared husband and wife, they utter words of love and promises of fidelity. After that they exchange rings.
  2. During the wedding or registration according to the religious confession. In Christianity, the words of the oath can be suggested by a priest who confesses the future newlyweds before the wedding. In Islam, young people do not say words, but only agree with what the imam says. In Judaism, only the groom speaks the word vow. The whole clan to which the bride or groom belongs is responsible for the promises of the young in Japan.
  3. Wedding feast - humorous vows in verse are usually pronounced here. Usually they are included in the script by the toastmaster and given to the newlyweds to read. Or the young must prepare their words.

To understand how to write your wedding vow, you first need to be alone with yourself. You can turn on the recorder and say words of love. Then listen and write down what you like. If the writing process is at an impasse, postpone it to the next day. Sometimes the best wedding vows are an impromptu confession. But just in case, it's worth having a hint sheet.

What are wedding vows

In addition to the fact that the promises and confessions that a couple shares with each other can be in poetry and prose, they can be conditionally divided into several categories.

  • Solemn - pronounced during an official ceremony. Usually the oath consists of 2-3 sentences and ends with words about loyalty and the desire to go hand in hand until the end of your days.
  • Religious - the words for making a vow are taken from the Holy Scriptures, consulted with the clergy. Such an oath must meet certain standards.
  • During outdoor ceremonies, at themed weddings, the newlyweds choose a vow style that will fit into the wedding day. Words are also chosen in line with the wedding.
  • Comic oaths are more like ditties if written in poetic form.
  • Borrowed vows from your favorite movies and theatrical productions. The most popular of them are Carrie Bradshaw's vow from the movie "Love in the City", Monica's and Chandler's vows from the television series "Friends".
  • Staged - the oath turns into a mini-performance. For example, the bride and groom exchange keys - as symbols of the keys to the heart and pronounce the words of the oath. Or they plant a rose bush, a tree - as a sign of their love and loyalty to each other.

Groom vow examples

It is easy to say words of love and tenderness in private. It’s quite another thing to talk about your feelings in front of witnesses. Therefore, it is better to prepare the words of the oath in advance. Below are possible options for a solemn vow of love and fidelity for the groom.

  • I, (name, surname) at this hour swear to love you (Name of the bride) until the end of my days. I promise to protect, nurture and cherish our feelings. I have chosen you as my wife and I swear that I will always be a faithful husband and a devoted friend.
  • In front of everyone here, I vow to love you forever. I swear that my tenderness and my fidelity will never disappoint you. I will cherish our happiness and do my best to make it eternal.
  • I love you and will love you forever. You are the one I chose to be my wife. I will be with you in joy, sorrow, sickness and old age. You are my destiny, my happiness, my life.

Bride's vows

It is easier for brides to write an oath. Women are naturally ready to talk about love. To write your oath, you can remember the first meeting, a kiss, memorable events and meaningful words. Below are examples of a bride's wedding vows for inspiration.

  • I take you as my husband and declare - you are my only one and you are in my heart forever. I swear to love you forever, I swear to be faithful until the end of my days. I promise to be a true friend and a good hostess. May our happiness grow stronger day by day.
  • Darling, I swear to you in this solemn moment in my endless love. The happiness that you gave me will last as long as we are together. We are at the beginning of the journey, and I see our future only with you.
  • I accept your oath and in return I ask you to hear mine. I swear that I will love you forever. I promise to protect our happiness. I promise to give my tenderness and affection to you - my only man until the end of my days. I swear to be a faithful wife and a good housewife.

In recent decades, our newlyweds have adopted many traditions from the West - these are exit registrations of marriage, thematic style of events. One of the traditional parts of the Western marriage ceremony is the vows of the newlyweds to each other. This is always a touching and beautiful event, because, as a rule, a speech is a declaration of love, a promise of fidelity, devotion. The heroes of the occasion can agree to come up with a text for the oath, and after pronouncing it during the ceremony - this event will not leave anyone indifferent.

How to write the text of the words for the oath?

The wedding vow is usually held in public among the guests, right before the moment of official registration. Both spouses must understand that her utterance is a solemn moment that will not happen again, so the choice of words for speech should be taken seriously. In order for the oath to sound really beautiful during the ceremony, it is necessary to start writing long before the wedding celebration. In addition to the fact that the written version will insure against unexpected forgetfulness, if the words fly out of their heads, the spouses will be able to keep touching pieces of paper with a speech as a keepsake for a long time to come.

When deciding how to say an oath, one must avoid overconfidence. Some young people may think they are great speakers and think they can find the words in any situation, so they choose to improvise when taking the oath. But even if this is the case, it won’t hurt to make sure, because who guarantees that at such an exciting moment in life it will turn out not to be speechless? Uncertain muttering can spoil the solemn moment of pronouncing the wedding vow a little, especially if the partner is much better prepared.

When choosing words for oaths, the bride and groom need to remember that the speech should not be too long - to say the most important, you need only a few words. A short but capacious text expressing sincere feelings can be remembered forever by those present. While pronouncing the oath, it is worth looking into the eyes of the bride / groom, because these beautiful words are addressed to him / her. A few small recommendations to help write beautiful speeches for the bride and groom:

  • For the bride

During the preparation of the wedding vow, it is necessary to spend the evening in a calm atmosphere so that nothing distracts from your own thoughts. Coming up with a text, you need to remember: how did you meet, was this love at first sight or a gradual realization that without this person you can’t imagine your future life? Remember the moments that made you happy - first dates, feeling in love, kisses.

Think about what has changed in your life when the groom appeared? After focusing on these thoughts, let them come out on a piece of paper. The first version of the words of the wedding vow will probably be too long, there may be a lot of repetition and emotional digressions, but do not worry. Over time, careful editing will help choose the words that will become the most important - this will be the oath speech.

  • For the groom

Many men are not as emotional as women, but if you agreed to a wedding vow, you need to try. When thinking of a speech, be sure to avoid awkward comparisons, such as: "You are the best woman I have ever known" or "You take care of me like a mother." Even if theoretically this is good news, the bride may not be happy about such words.

You need to focus on what makes the hero of the occasion your beloved, say a sincere oath, from the heart. Even if the wedding vow is not too poetic, it will definitely touch the hero of the occasion, because the best words are words spoken from the heart. Believe me, after many years she will remember a sincere confession coming from the heart.

Examples of wedding vows for the bride and groom

Considering that the tradition of taking vows when entering into a legal marriage has not yet taken root in Russia and the CIS countries, the bride and groom may not have a good idea of ​​what it looks like. To give an understanding of what wedding vow speeches are, what is usually said during them, a selection of examples of various texts has been made. You can see classic, traditional bride and groom vows, religious variations and funny speeches known to many from TV screen appearances.

Traditional oath

I take you (name of the bride or groom) as a legal husband / wife. I swear that I will remain faithful to you, love, respect, until our death. I promise to make every effort to constantly inspire you to show your best qualities that the Lord has given you, tirelessly support you during illness and in health.

Before all those present here and before God, I (Name) solemnly swear that I will try to protect you from all the hardships and hardships that will fall to our lot, support you in joy, help you in new endeavors. I promise to become a faithful, loving husband (wife) and be him until death separates us.


  • Groom:

My beloved, I know that we were predestined to each other by the Lord, our love is the highest goodness. Even though difficulties sometimes come our way, and the future is unknown, I believe that God will protect our marriage from all adversity. In turn, I swear to be a faithful, loving husband, to protect and protect you, as the Lord protects the entire Christian church. We are all one, sisters and brothers, so I swear to love you, following the fifth commandment, all my life.

  • Bride:

Dear husband, I love you with all my heart. For many years I have been looking for you, hoping for the help of the Lord, asking him for someone who can become my faithful companion, and now I see that you have become it. Despite the difficulties that we encounter along the way, the uncertainty of the future, I swear to be a caring, faithful wife, listen to you throughout my life, raise a child with you. As we submit to God, I will submit to you as a wife. I give myself completely to you and wish us eternal love!

Touching in verse

  • Bride:

My husband, I dedicate an oath to you

and sincerely for everyone here I promise:

be faithful, kind, affectionate always

and help if trouble comes.

And if this path is difficult,

heavy that you can not rest,

I'll be glad to go with you,

with my love - pure and big.

I give you care and warmth

and sincerely thank you for everything.

I swear I'll try this life

worthy for you to live with you.

  • Groom:

My dear, dear wife,

I have found in you a companion and a friend.

Thank you for being my happiness

and warm you in fierce bad weather.

I swear to protect you from pain

with my great sincere love,

and I promise to be your support:

together with you we will move all the mountains!

I swear to be faithful, kind, patient,

keep your peace extremely carefully.

Swimming in our pure happiness sea,

I love you in joy and in sorrow.

Funny from movies

Wedding vows from the television series "Friends":

From fiance Phoebe:

I had to grow up without adequate parents and a real family, so I was always haunted by the feeling that there was nothing important in my life. But, standing here, I understand - that's all I need. You are my family.

From fiance Mike:

Phoebe, you are amazing! You have a wide soul, you are generous, you are strange in a good way. You make my every day an adventure with you. I can't believe I've been so fortunate. I'm ready to live with you all my life!

Funny and comic

  • Bride:
  1. Being engaged in needlework, I will never knit "hedgehogs"!
  2. I will educate my spouse according to the great principle “where you put it, you will take it there”.
  3. I'll get myself a hundred books about delicious healthy food, because the way to a man's heart is through his digestive tract.
  4. I will allow my husband to go to all training sessions so that he does not interfere during cleaning.
  • Groom:

I solemnly swear before the noisy company present here that:

  1. Love to give to your desired wife (but not brotherly).
  2. Keep it as the eye's apple (and from someone else's eye!).
  3. Cultivate devotion, love in your beloved (but only away from your neighbor).
  4. Praise all the culinary experiments of the spouse, if it can be eaten!

My wedding vow will never be forgotten! I swear!

Video: the oath of the bride and groom at the exit registration

The best wedding vows of the bride and groom are those that describe the real relationship between the spouses, revealing the individuality of the couple. Formal and traditional options are also good, but speeches that include cute details of the life of the newlyweds become much more pleasant and memorable. Just such wedding vows were prepared by the couple for the next video: the heroes of the occasion decided to create a video with the moments of the wedding, on which they superimposed the text of unique oath speeches. Watch the beautiful recording with touching words: