The cat does not stop diarrhea what to do. Different causes of the same disease. What to consider when feeding a pet

Diarrhea in cats is a condition that is characterized by frequent bowel movements, a single copious unformed stool. Diarrhea is acute and chronic. In almost all cases, this condition occurs as a result of increased intestinal motility, which can be caused by a variety of irritating factors. Diarrhea is one of the symptoms that may indicate systemic failures, pathologies in the animal body, and possible infectious diseases. By the consistency, color, smell of feces, you can determine the possible causes of malaise. What to do if you notice green diarrhea in a cat? How to treat acute diarrhea?

Diarrhea in cats is a rather infrequent phenomenon that can be triggered by various adverse factors. Loose stools noted in animals after overeating, poisoning with low-quality feed, potent chemicals, as well as when eating stale foods.

Important! An unbalanced diet, feeding a pet with smoked meats, fatty, spicy, spicy foods from our table can also cause acute diarrhea.

In some cases, profuse diarrhea in kittens, adult cats is provoked by individual food intolerance. For example, indigestion is noted in cats after eating dairy products. An abrupt change in the usual diet can also provoke acute diarrhea in animals.

Diarrhea in pets can develop after prolonged use of antibacterial drugs, tetracycline, penicillin, cephalosporin antibiotics, aminoglycosides. Medications destroy both disease-causing agents and the beneficial intestinal microflora, which is actively involved in the digestive processes.

Diarrhea in kittens occurs for the same reasons as in adult cats. By some signs, you can determine what was the root cause of diarrhea in your pet.

Green diarrhea in cats

Green diarrhea in a cat most often indicates the development of putrefactive fermentation processes in the intestines.. Most often, this phenomenon occurs after eating stale, poor-quality feed, rotten foods that contain a large amount of bacterial flora. In the course of their life, putrefactive microorganisms produce toxins that are harmful to the health of a fluffy pet. Perhaps the development of severe intoxication of the body, a violation in the work of internal organs and systems.

Dark green diarrhea is noted with inflammatory processes in the large intestine, gastrointestinal tract, as well as with severe poisoning, intoxication. Black liquid stool indicates bleeding in the upper gastrointestinal tract.

Frequent fetid diarrhea in a cat (more than five times a day) signals the intensity of the development of a viral, bacterial disease in an acute form.

Important! If liquid feces contain a large amount of foam, mucus, bloody clots, blotches, threads, the pet's condition worsens, we recommend that you immediately seek help from a veterinarian.

The specialist will establish the root cause based on the results of complex diagnostic studies, prescribe adequate therapeutic therapy.

Profuse frothy diarrhea, greenish stools of a watery consistency are one of the characteristic symptoms of leukemia, panleukopenia, chlamydia, giardiasis, and viral enteritis. Foamy greenish-yellow diarrhea indicates severe helminthic infestation.

If diarrhea does not go away on the second or third day, diarrhea in a cat is accompanied by other side symptoms, in order to avoid serious disturbances in the functioning of the body, seek help from a veterinarian.

Side effects of diarrhea in cats

In addition to indigestion, diarrhea in cats can be accompanied by other side symptoms that should alert owners of fluffy purrs. cat can refuse food, the proposed delicacies. The general activity decreases, the pet refuses to participate in outdoor games, experiences pain, discomfort during the act of defecation.

Symptoms of diarrhea in cats:

Increase in general temperature;
weakness, apathy, depression;
increased thirst;
weight loss;
pallor of mucous membranes;
deterioration of the coat;
lack of appetite.

Chronic diarrhea can cause dehydration, severe intoxication. Kittens lag behind in growth, development, quickly lose weight, metabolic processes, water-salt balance in the body are disturbed.

Treatment of diarrhea in cats

With short-term diarrhea, cats are prescribed symptomatic, supportive. If, in addition to diarrhea, there are no other side symptoms, the pet should be kept on a starvation diet for 24-40 hours. If the kitten vilifies, the restriction in food should not exceed 10-12 hours.

After the diet, the cat needs easily digestible food, special medicated feed. The diet should consist of boiled chicken meat, schnitzel, broth, oatmeal, low-fat pressed cottage cheese. You can mix a boiled hard-boiled egg into the porridge.

Advice! You need to feed the cat often, but in small portions. As soon as the fluffy's condition returns to normal, gradually transfer the pet to the usual mode, diet. Drinking water can be given to a cat without restrictions.

Normalize intestinal microflora, special pharmacological preparations will help to eliminate diarrhea: probiotics, prebiotics, enzymes, veterinary preparations.

Cats with diarrhea are prescribed:

  • Bifidum.
  • Smektu.
  • Bifitrilak.
  • Vetom 1.1.
  • lactobifadol.
  • Coapectat.
  • Enterosgel.

Important! With green diarrhea, profuse, acute, chronic diarrhea
papaverine will relieve intestinal spasms, eliminate pain, weaken intestinal motility.

Sorbents eliminate the symptoms of intoxication, severe poisoning, help to eliminate toxins, poisons, heavy metal salts from the body of animals.

Activated charcoal, steep rice water will help eliminate diarrhea. Two or three times a day, you can drink a cat from a syringe or with the help of an introducer, which can be purchased at a veterinary pharmacy or pet store, with chamomile, St. John's wort, decoction of oak bark. A decoction of oak bark has an anti-inflammatory, tonic, anti-putrefactive effect. Healing tinctures give the cat 5 ml two to three times a day until the stool returns to normal, the condition of the pet.

With proper medical therapy, the condition of a fluffy pet should return to normal on the second or third day. If the cat continues to vilify, there are other symptoms, show the pet to a veterinary clinic, consult a veterinarian.

Every owner who loves his pet will monitor his health. Diarrhea in cats is a common disease. If the cat has diarrhea, the pet owner should be alerted. Why does disorder occur? How to stop diarrhea in a cat?

Indigestion in adult animals

Why does a cat get stomach upset?

Regardless of the cause, diarrhea must be treated.

The causes of diarrhea in cats are:

  1. Eating poor quality food. If the animal eats spoiled food or waste, he will certainly have an upset stomach.
  2. Eating unhealthy foods, such as fatty foods.
  3. Product intolerance. Diarrhea in cats can occur as a reaction to chocolate, coffee, milk and other foods that the cat's stomach does not digest.
  4. Abrupt change of food. The stomach has not yet absorbed the new food, so diarrhea occurs.
  5. Big portion. Overeating also causes loose stools in a cat.
  6. Taking antibiotics.
  7. Worms.
  8. Viral infection.
  9. Oncology.

There are many causes of diarrhea in cats.

Veterinarians distinguish several varieties of diarrhea - stools of various colors (from yellow to green), blood impurities in the stool, diarrhea with mucus, feces with foam.

If the kitten has yellow stools, then this indicates indigestion of food. An orange tint indicates problems with the liver. Green diarrhea is the result of eating poor-quality food. Watery diarrhea in a cat indicates that a lot of fluid enters the intestines, while the mucous membrane is not damaged.

If cats have diarrhea accompanied by mucus, it means that the intestines of the animal are inflamed. If blood is released, it is best to contact your veterinarian immediately. To know how to cure diarrhea, you need to consult an experienced specialist. Self-medication is not always effective.

The question of what to do if a kitten has diarrhea is of interest to many cat owners. How to feed him in this case? The main rule is feeding in small portions up to 4 times a day. We give low-fat, easily digestible food. Treatment at home is effective if the rules are followed.

Treatment at home

If the animal goes to the toilet up to 4 times a day, it does not have other manifestations of diarrhea (vomiting, fever), it eats normally, then the cat's loose stool can be cured by itself, without the help of a specialist. If the cat has diarrhea, it must be transferred to a starvation diet. It lasts 1 day, the animal is not limited to drinking.

To stop diarrhea in a cat, you can give him activated charcoal.

Crush the tablets, dilute them with liquid, use a syringe or pipette to inject into the animal's mouth or add to water. For every 10 kg, give the cat 1 tablet of coal.

Smekta will also help from indigestion in a cat. From folk remedies, you can give an oak decoction, St. John's wort, chamomile. They will strengthen the body.

After fasting, start feeding him, but carefully. What can you give a cat? First, offer him chicken broth, boiled chicken meat, egg yolk or boiled rice. Portion should not be large. Also, you can buy ready-made food designed specifically for sick animals.

On day 2, the cat will feel better, so it can be transferred to the usual meal. But you should exclude fatty foods and those that are poorly digested. Now you know how to feed a kitten with diarrhea.

It is necessary to monitor how the animal behaves so that diarrhea does not occur again. If the disease reappears, it is necessary to strengthen the treatment. In this case, it is better to visit a doctor immediately.

Diarrhea in a cat treatment involves a complex - and medication, and diet.

This approach makes it possible to quickly eliminate this problem in cats.

Your cat needs to be seen by a veterinarian if:

  • he began to vomit, the temperature increased, fever is observed;
  • defecate more than 5 times a day;
  • the cat vilifies for more than 1 day;
  • liquid stool in a cat is accompanied by the release of mucus;
  • stool smells bad;
  • the animal refuses to eat.

In this case, the cat's diarrhea cannot be treated on its own. Immediately you need to visit the veterinarian and tell about the condition of the pet. The doctor will tell you how to treat diarrhea in a kitten, what to give for diarrhea and how to proceed if complications arise. Depending on the cause of diarrhea in a cat, the veterinarian will prescribe the necessary treatment. You can give a kitten:

  • drug for worms;
  • agents that destroy microbes;
  • sorbents;
  • means against dehydration of an organism of an animal.

Do not give loperamide to kittens - it will worsen the condition.

What to do with a stomach upset in a kitten?

Diarrhea can be observed not only in adults, but also in a kitten. The disease manifests itself with the same symptoms. The reasons are:

  • transition to new food;
  • lure;
  • stress (kittens can hardly tolerate a change of scenery).

If a kitten has diarrhea, what should I do in this case? Infection can occur through mother's milk. To cure the disease, it is necessary to introduce complementary foods gradually, in small portions and monitor its reaction. It is also necessary to clean the house so that furniture bugs do not start. If these measures do not help, you should contact your veterinarian. What to do if the kitten has both diarrhea and vomiting is now known.

The main thing is to follow the rules, monitor the cleanliness of the premises and the hygiene of the animal.


If you follow the rules, the kitten will not have loose stools. Preventive measures include:

  • checking the animal for the presence of worms;
  • timely vaccination;
  • purchase of quality food;
  • frequent cleaning of cat litter, toilet;
  • carrying out disinfection;
  • limiting contact with street cats.

It is necessary to monitor the health of the animal, not expose it to stress, buy quality food and walk in the fresh air. Knowing how to treat diarrhea in a kitten, you can alleviate the condition of the pet for a long time. In order not to harm him, consult an experienced veterinarian. If the kitten has diarrhea, it is necessary to act in the same way as with adults. The causes of diarrhea in adult cats are different. They must be excluded.

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How to treat diarrhea in a cat

A kind and caring owner will definitely pay attention to the condition of the pet and determine if something goes wrong. For example, a cat may have diarrhea. Changes in stool in cats are directly related to the characteristics of the diet. The problem can happen if the cat has tasted stale food, or if his body does not digest some foods. You never know what troubles can still happen to the fluffy. In this case, you need to see a veterinarian. The owner can solve the problem on his own, knowing how to treat diarrhea in a cat at home. But only if the situation does not become critical!

Our beloved cats may, like their owners, suffer from indigestion or diarrhea. In conditions of living in city apartments or even in a house, cats can sometimes experience "human" ailments. Although such failures in the body are not typical for the animal world. When they get sick, they start to heal themselves. For example, many have seen how cats start eating grass, and they know which one to choose. They instinctively know how to take care of their well-being. But this is on condition that pets move freely anywhere: in a field or in a forest. Without such an opportunity, pets seek help from a person.

Diarrhea is the body's signal for problems with digestion and absorption of food. Timely intervention will help alleviate the condition of the cat. Otherwise, severe diarrhea can lead to dehydration. The health of your pet must be monitored. In order to prevent the disease, you need to understand the causes of diarrhea in cats.

What Causes Digestion Failure in Cats?

Cats are "aristocratic" animals. They are very picky about food. But sometimes the habit of trusting their desire can fail them. Therefore, the most common cause of diarrhea remains food poisoning or indigestion. It's not hard to understand. When changing the diet, it is necessary to follow how the cat behaves, how its body reacts to innovations. It is not necessary to give food waste to a domestic cat indiscriminately. Such food is difficult to digest.

Diarrhea can occur from eating canned cat food from a dubious manufacturer. Or it could be food picked up from the street. Diarrhea sometimes occurs naturally. For example, during the transition of kittens from milk to solid food. In order for the cat not to suffer from diarrhea, you do not need to feed him sausages and surrogate products.

How to find the problem

You should pay attention to how much the feces are liquefied, and how often the cat goes to the tray. It is necessary to check the condition of the stool - whether it has a mushy state, whether there is a watery discharge in it. This is necessary in order to discover the reasons for the changes. Problems with stools in animals can occur under stressful circumstances, when, for example, a domestic cat is transported somewhere or simply goes on a trip with him for the first time. Not all pets and do not always endure long trips calmly.

To various external changes in the life of a pet, his body reacts either violently or calmly. Therefore, be sure to watch your pet. Characteristic symptoms due to disruptions in digestion can develop into a disease. It needs to be diagnosed early. At the same time, you need to take the advice of a specialist who will tell you how to treat diarrhea in a cat at home, if the ailment is not so serious.

Causes that may affect the failure in the body

  1. A cat may simply have worms due to intestinal inflammation, for example. Worms can be in the body of a kitten through mother's milk. This will also lead to diarrhea.
  2. A cat's liver or pancreas may not work well. Hence the failures in the body.
  3. Cats also suffer from dysbacteriosis.
  4. Infections (for example, toxoplasmosis) can periodically enter the pet's body.
  5. Some medications can cause allergies in a cat, which will be accompanied by diarrhea.
  6. The pet's body can thus respond to the side effect of the medication.
  7. The worst case scenario, when persistent diarrhea develops, is the development of cancer in animals.

In the vast majority of cases, cat diarrhea is associated with poor-quality or improper food. So don't assume the worst in advance. You need to think about how to help your pet recover. Due to the correct diagnosis, many things can be solved without complications in an adult cat. The main thing is to choose a competent approach to solving the problem. You may need to take medication. When choosing drugs or home treatments, it is better to consult a specialist.

Diagnostic issues

Diarrhea in cats manifests itself in different ways and has characteristic signs. For example, the discharge may have a different shade. Such differences in the manifestations of the disease indicate different causes of diarrhea. Today, the following types of diarrhea are diagnosed:

  • diarrhea of ​​the mucosa (due to worms);
  • diarrhea as a reaction to milk;
  • bloody diarrhea (indicates a disease);
  • diarrhea of ​​a saturated color (from yellow to orange indicates problems with the liver);
  • white diarrhea (be sure to see a doctor);
  • diarrhea as a reaction to medications;
  • vomiting and diarrhea (severe intoxication of the body);
  • green diarrhea (a clear sign of poisoning and decay of food in the intestines).

When you need veterinary help

Consultation and examination of a specialist will help to identify serious violations in the functioning of body systems. True, emergency assistance is not always needed. Cats can cope with morning sickness on their own and return to normal by evening. This can be judged by the pet's appetite and habitual lifestyle. In this case, you will no longer have to worry about the condition of the cat. But it is possible in preventive measures to interfere with activated charcoal in food. If there is a deterioration in the condition, the cat does not eat or drink, this is a direct sign of intoxication. You need to go to the vet urgently.

Severe malaise is often accompanied by severe vomiting. After that, diarrhea with blood begins. Such symptoms without the intervention of a veterinarian can lead to serious consequences. The specialist will help to make an accurate diagnosis, identify problems and identify solutions.

Drug treatment for diarrhea

On the Internet, it is quite easy to find a video from a veterinarian who gives general advice for a non-critical situation.

It is advisable to consult a doctor before use in order to choose the right remedy and calculate the desired dosage, depending on the weight of the cat.

First, the main drug is introduced to provide first aid to the pet. It can be "Veton", "Smekta", "Bifidum" or "Baktisubtil". The drug in capsules is taken ¼ diluted twice a day. Children's "Smekta" is also suitable. The contents of ¼ sachet should be mixed with the cat's food. Taking the drug - twice a day. Kittens also need to be given probiotics. The same "Bifidum". You can use activated charcoal. Many people use a syringe to administer the drug, since it is not always possible to force a cat to eat food with a “supplement”.

From diarrhea and its consequences, decoctions help well. For example, from chamomile or St. John's wort. Herbal collection has an enveloping effect and is distinguished by astringent action. Get rid of worms will help the drug "Itraconazole". It is used to stop the spread of a fungal infection.

Just do not give the drug to a pregnant cat.

If the measures taken do not help, then you will have to take tests. Under no circumstances should you self-medicate a cat with severe diarrhea.

Diarrhea treatment at home

When it is not possible to visit the clinic, you have to find ways to treat diarrhea in a cat at home. Various measures are suitable for this. If the temperature of the cat remains within the normal range during diarrhea, the cat will not refuse to eat. This indicates the normal process of experiencing diarrhea. But still, it is better to protect the cat from the consequences.

1. You should try to limit their consumption of dairy products.
2. Water for the cat should be available at all times, preferably boiled at room temperature.
3. It is necessary to exclude canned food and other foods from the pet's diet (you can replace them with boiled meat and rice or make mashed meat).
4. Normalization of the chair allows you to switch to the usual diet.


Simple rules for handling a cat will help to avoid many serious problems. To prevent the cat from suffering from diarrhea, you need:

  • time to check it for worms;
  • vaccinate in a timely manner;
  • choose only high-quality food from trusted manufacturers;
  • monitor the cleanliness of the place (mat, bowl, toilet).

It is useful to carry out periodic disinfection of cat places. Also, do not forget that during the treatment of the cat, you will have to protect him from communicating with his relatives (especially homeless ones), so that you do not have to treat diarrhea at home for two cats already. And, of course, you should not create stressful situations for your pets in advance, if it is possible to avoid them.

Pet owners often turn to veterinarians to find out why a cat has an upset stomach, how to treat it and what to do. At the same time, when people talk about an upset stomach, they usually mean a complex of unpleasant phenomena associated with a violation of the function of this organ.

Most consider diarrhea to be the main manifestation of the disorder. This is partly true: since the stomach plays a major role in the digestion of incoming food, changes in its activity affect the entire process of digestion as a whole, and the stool most often becomes liquid.

But this is not the only symptom of the disease. Let us consider in more detail the causes of the problem, the main symptoms and methods of treatment.

What is indigestion in a cat

From a medical point of view, the term "indigestion" means not only diarrhea. An upset or indigestion of the stomach, it is also dyspepsia, is a violation of its main functions, namely:

  • moving food through the gastrointestinal tract;
  • secretion of gastric juice and enzymes;
  • normal digestion of food.

At the same time, under the influence of unfavorable factors (high or low temperature, toxins, general intoxication, consumption of salty and spicy foods, etc.), the production of gastric juice and enzymes by the secretory glands decreases.

Food ceases to be digested normally and stagnates in the stomach. Fermentation processes occur, leading to bloating of the stomach, overflowing with gases. All this is accompanied by a decrease in the motility of the organ, which is sometimes accompanied by pylorospasm, which greatly complicates the movement of food through the gastrointestinal tract, causing pain, nausea and vomiting.

If the poorly processed food mass enters the small intestine, then fermentation processes also occur there. This leads to bloating, increased peristalsis and diarrhea.

In case of an upset stomach in a cat, treatment should be prescribed as soon as possible, because this problem affects the work of the whole organism and can lead to sad consequences.

Causes of indigestion

No matter how diverse the factors that disrupt the normal functioning of the stomach, I would like to separately note that a properly and regularly fed animal, vaccinated and dewormed on time, living with loving owners, has minimal chances of getting dyspepsia.

Indigestion in a cat can be affected by the following factors:

Symptoms of dyspepsia may vary somewhat depending on the development of the process. The main features should include:

  • Rapid saturation with food. The cat begins to eat little, up to the complete refusal of food.
  • Vomit. In case of indigestion, regurgitation is observed within half an hour after eating.
  • Diarrhea is quite common in dyspepsia, with stools that become frequent, thin, may contain mucus, or have a greenish tint.
  • Constipation is less common if intestinal motility is impaired.
  • Abdominal distention can be detected by palpation, while the animal is restless.
  • Lethargy. When feeling unwell, the cat will not be as energetic as usual.

Kitten upset stomach

The kitten's digestive tract is not yet fully formed, which is why it is especially susceptible to damaging factors.

Most often, indigestion in kittens occurs in the following cases:

  • With artificial feeding, if the milk mixture is poorly selected.
  • With a sharp transition from mother's milk to an adult diet.
  • When changing the diet after separation from the mother (when the kitten ends up with other owners).

If the baby is not able to suckle the mother's breast milk, he should receive a specialized mixture for cats. Feeding cow's milk, goat's milk, or infant formula can cause severe indigestion in a kitten. Cats produce less lactose than other animals, so excess milk sugar cannot be absorbed by the body, causing fermentation in the gastrointestinal tract.

In rare cases, dyspepsia develops in newborn kittens with abnormal enzyme production. In this case, only feeding with a special lactose-free mixture for kittens helps.

The transition to an adult diet should be gradual. With a sharp weaning from the mother, if the kitten has not yet completely switched to adult food, part of the diet should be replaced with a specialized milk mixture.

It is also important to ensure that after the change of owners, the kitten receives the same food for the first time. The transition to other types of food should be smooth, with a gradual replacement with a new food within 1-2 weeks.

Treatment of indigestion in cats

A condition that is symptomatic of indigestion can occur with a variety of other life-threatening conditions. Repeated vomiting, lethargy of the animal, constipation or diarrhea - this is a reason for an early visit to the clinic.

If the indigestion is caused by a general condition, treatment will be directed at the underlying cause. If tests and examinations do not show pathologies of other organs or infections, then symptomatic therapy is carried out, which includes the following main points with various variations:

  • starvation diet during the day;
  • injections of antiemetic drugs;
  • oral administration of sorbents;
  • with dehydration - infusion therapy.

After stabilization of the condition, the doctor usually prescribes a therapeutic diet, fractional meals, probiotics, and also explains to the owner the basics of proper feeding.

Quick help and the right treatment for indigestion in cats can help avoid many health problems. The main prevention of this unpleasant phenomenon will be only proper nutrition of the pet.

How to treat indigestion in cats at home

Of course, the best solution is a visit to the clinic, but there are situations when the owner does not have such an opportunity. What to do if an upset stomach of a cat or a grown kitten caught you, for example, in the country? How can you help your pet at home?

Diet and drink

Do not try to tempt your cat with delicious food in the hope that he will eat. Only a bowl of clean drinking water should be left.

If repeated vomiting and diarrhea are observed, dehydration of the body should be feared. It is best in this case to drink special solutions, such as Regidron, which are sold in a regular pharmacy.

The contents of 1 sachet should be diluted in 1 liter of water and fed to the animal as often as possible from a 5–10 ml syringe without a needle.


Sorbents, which can most often be found in a home first aid kit, will help to reduce fermentation processes, soothe the irritated gastric mucosa, neutralize toxins and normalize stools.

It is best to use Smecta. 1 sachet is diluted with 100 ml of water and drunk during the day in small portions: 5-10 ml for an adult cat, 1-2 ml for a kitten 4-5 times a day. You can also take "Enterosgel", after diluting it with water to a liquid consistency.


When the animal becomes better, you should start giving him food in small portions, but not earlier than a day after the onset of symptoms. It is useful to drink probiotics, such as the veterinary drug Vetom 1.1 (the dose for an adult cat is 1/10 of a sachet) or another probiotic for animals.

If no veterinary drugs are available, human drugs can be used. The easiest way to dose liquid probiotics, for example, the dose of "Hilak Forte" for an adult cat will be 3-5 drops 3 times a day.

These measures can also be used as first aid in case of illness, even when a further visit to the clinic is planned.

When to contact the clinic

If during the day the animal does not get better, and in addition to the described signs, any other symptoms appear (outflow from the eyes and nose, staining of vomit and feces black, vomiting of bile, yellowness of the mucous membranes), then you still cannot do without medical help .

The lack of timely diagnosis can lead to the development of other dangerous diseases, often the root cause of dyspepsia. If the symptoms quickly subside and the pet returns to its former activity, then most likely the problem was minor, but repeated vomiting and diarrhea quickly lead to dehydration, threatening the life of the animal.

What canned food is best for cats?

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Diarrhea in a cat or diarrhea is a common occurrence. In most cases, the problem goes away on its own, but if the symptoms recur periodically, we can talk about a serious illness. What to do at home, if the cat has diarrhea, you can find out if you understand the causes of loose stools and signs.

Every second owner thinks that diarrhea for a pet is commonplace. However, such a judgment is characteristic of a person who, unlike an animal, is not used to understanding healthy and unhealthy foods.

Cats are fastidious eaters and do not eat food that can pose a threat to the body. A vivid example: liquid and dry prepared food. If the animal constantly ate dry food, it will not be possible to quickly retrain it to liquid food. The pet rejects liquid food: for the body, a sharp change in diet is detrimental.

Symptoms and signs

Treatment of diarrhea in a cat begins with the identification of symptoms:

  • Frequent loose stools. A kitten can go to the toilet up to 10 times a day.
  • Mucus and blood. The presence of scarlet blotches indicates an injury in the intestine or a disease that is accompanied by blood loss.
  • Decreased appetite. A sick stomach rejects food, the pet's weight decreases.
  • Dehydration. This may be due to frequent vomiting, which also accompanies bowel problems.

When a cat swears, diarrhea is divided into three types according to duration. According to this, the type of first aid and primary treatment is determined.:

  • acute diarrhea lasts 2-3 days;
  • chronic is delayed for a period of a week;
  • intermittent can go a month with interruptions.

Short-term diarrhea does not need specialist intervention. In most cases, this is a consequence of malnutrition, the ingress of toxins into the microflora of the body. It is easy to treat a cat: it is enough to keep the pet for 1-2 days on a starvation diet. The main thing is to subsequently give food in small portions so that the pet does not choke and vomit food back.

If the cat's diarrhea lasts not for two days, but for more than a week, this is a signal for action. Prolonged frustration leads to dehydration. This reduces appetite, contributes to general malaise and destroys the immune system. Calling a veterinarian is the only right decision.

Timely access to a specialist is the main condition for the restoration of the body. Cat diseases develop rapidly and delay is a risk of consequences, and in the worst case, a threat to life. Diarrhea may indicate problems with the intestines, infections, allergies, poisoning.

What to do if the cat has diarrhea and water?

Cats vilify with water due to a common malaise. The abundance of moisture does not indicate illness, but if this continues for a long time, a visit to the doctor will not be superfluous.

You can alleviate the suffering of the animal by cutting the diet. Light food is suitable for a cat, and pure boiled water helps to prevent dehydration, which a weakened body will need a lot.

Diarrhea and vomiting: what kind of disease can it be?

Prolonged symptoms are perceived as a consequence of the development of a tumor in the intestines or stomach, as a sign of pancreatitis. These can be problems with the thyroid gland, kidneys, or, more often, obstruction of the intestines or esophagus.

The cause of vomiting and diarrhea is the negligence of the owner. Although a cat is selective in food, the pet's digestive system is different from the human one and needs a qualitatively different approach.

Prevention will help get rid of the problem:

  • the water is changed to clean boiled, the cat's dishes are washed and disinfected;
  • the animal is limited in food for an average of 1-2 days;
  • further nutrition is a special prepared food for cats and cats with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • the use of drugs against loose stools is allowed, but this should be done only after consulting a specialist.

Why does a cat have diarrhea with mucus and what to do?

The problem is different when there is blood. This may indicate colitis - inflammation in the colon. The best solution is to go to a specialist.

Prevention is based on adjusting the daily menu. Refusal of smoked meats and sweets, dairy products will help restore the intestinal microflora. The emphasis is on rice and oatmeal.

Antibacterial and antiviral drugs are used for treatment. As preventive measures, enemas with a disinfecting effect, the intake of enzymes that stimulate digestive function are allowed.

Why does my cat have black diarrhea?

Normal color is brown and light brown. A black tint may indicate a probable disease.

The color changes for the following reasons:

  • iron supplements in food can lead to a change in the color of feces;
  • this is facilitated by the predominance of raw meat in the menu;
  • the cat is given medicines containing iron.

Symptoms of diseases are as follows: refusal to eat, vomiting and diarrhea, pain and fever. You should definitely visit a doctor if red blotches appear in diarrhea. This means that there is bleeding in the sections of the intestinal tract.

The reason for this may be the defeat of worms, traumatic gastritis and colitis, tumors, ulcers. In such cases, you should urgently go to the veterinarian for accurate diagnosis and timely treatment.

What if the diarrhea is white, green, yellow?

Causes and treatment of diarrhea in a cat can be determined by color:

  • Yellow. Yellow stools are normal, but if the mixture starts to turn bright orange, it's a sign of jaundice. In a normal healthy body, bile is processed and turns brown. You can change the situation if you temporarily exclude raw seafood, fatty meat and milk from the menu - heavy ingredients for the cat's stomach.
  • White. A lack of bile leads to a white tint. This is a blockage of the excretory pathways and problems with the formation of the component. White diarrhea is a side effect of a serious chronic disease, the extent of which cannot be determined without the intervention of a veterinarian.
  • Green. A greenish color appears after decay and fermentation. This happens when the cat has eaten rotten food, where there are a lot of harmful microorganisms. To restore the microflora, droppers and antibiotics are used, but their selection can only be trusted by a qualified specialist.

What medicines are used to treat diarrhea in cats?

The selection of drugs is the prerogative of professionals. If a cat develops osmotic diarrhea, you can harm the pet. Therefore, consultation with a veterinarian is a guarantee of the absence of a threat to life.

The following types of drugs are available for treatment:

  • Furazolidone. Purpose - antimicrobial effect. If for a cat diarrhea with mucus is accompanied by green inclusions, Furazolidone will help kill bacteria and rid the body of dangerous microorganisms.
  • Ftalazol. This is a drug that will help with colitis and dysentery. Veterinarians prescribe the drug as a preventative during stomach and intestinal disorders. However, this is a dangerous remedy for pregnant women and for cats with diseased kidneys.
  • Enterofuril. Designed to fight infectious diarrhea. This prevents the formation of bacterial flora.
  • Levomycetin. A highly specialized drug that, if the instructions for use are violated, can lead to inflammation of the oral cavity, rashes and dermatitis.

How do veterinarians work?

A long-term analysis is carried out in a professional clinic. Doctors study the condition of the animal, check the stomach and intestines, the composition of diarrhea. On the basis of this, the side effects characteristic of each individual animal are determined.

Treatment for kittens and cats is different. In adults, infectious diarrhea is more likely than in babies, who often pull everything they see into their mouths. Diarrhea will not cause discomfort to the owner and the kitten, if you contact the veterinarians in time and start rehabilitation.

How to build a diet?

At the first symptoms of prolonged diarrhea, food is completely excluded. It is better not to let the cat eat during the day. In this case, it is worth changing the saucers for bowls with water. It is better to pre-wash and disinfect the dishes.