Morning hygiene procedures for babies

Whatever aspect you touch on, you can always say about newborns that they are not a reduced copy of an adult, which means that their body functions according to its own laws. This even applies to the skin. The skin of a newborn baby has its own characteristics, which sometimes cause anxiety in young parents. The skin of the crumbs is delicate and prone to irritation, therefore it requires special attention. In order to avoid problems and inflammatory processes, it is necessary to carefully care for it. When a child has clean skin, no diaper rash, rashes, the newborn feels comfortable, sleeps well, does not worry and is not naughty.

Skin Features

When the baby is born, his skin is covered with a layer of cheese-like lubricant. This lubricant acts as a barrier, because in the mother's tummy the baby was surrounded by amniotic fluid. In the old days, this lubricant was washed off immediately after birth, now it is believed that it should be absorbed into the skin.

When the issue with lubrication on the skin is leveled, the mother may notice that the baby's skin is too red. This is completely normal. Firstly, in the blood of a newborn child, erythrocytes are contained in an increased amount. Secondly, the layer of subcutaneous fat in the crumbs is still very poorly developed, which means that the blood vessels are very close to the skin, and they are clearly visible. In addition to a red tint, a vascular pattern may simply appear on the skin.

The weak development of the subcutaneous fat layer "rewards" the baby's skin with another feature. Newborn babies are easily supercooled and freeze. At the same time, a "marble" pattern appears on the skin.

All mothers note that the skin of a newborn baby is very soft and velvety to the touch. A special velvety skin gives baby fluff, which covers the shoulders, back, and sometimes the hips of the baby. However, already on the 2-3rd day of life, the baby's skin becomes dry and begins to peel off. Thus, the adaptation of the skin to the air after the water environment is manifested. The work of the sebaceous glands has not yet been established, so the skin is deprived of a protective lipid film that helps retain moisture. Most often, the skin of the extremities is shelled: palms and heels.

Often on the skin of a newborn, you can notice different rashes. Small white dots resembling pimples are milia, sebaceous cysts. They are completely safe, appear in the process of establishing the work of the sebaceous glands and disappear without a trace without any intervention. Red, inflamed pimples, sometimes called “blooms,” are the result of hormonal changes. After the physical separation from the mother's body, the baby's body begins to produce its own hormones, which naturally affects the external condition of the skin.

It turns out that most of the alarming symptoms are phenomena that are completely normal for a newborn child. The older your little one gets, the more his skin becomes similar to that of an adult, both in appearance and in the way it functions.

Skin care rules

  • In order not to injure the delicate skin of the baby, the nails of an adult should be cut short and filed;
  • If an adult has any sores on their hands (eg, boils, nail fungus, sore hangnails), then it is better to entrust the care of a child to a healthy person;
  • It is not recommended to abuse hygiene products: use baby soap without allergenic fragrances, use water-based baby cream ();
  • Use only high-quality children's cosmetics.

We wash the baby

Every morning, after the baby wakes up, it must be washed with boiled water.

Morning care is more convenient to carry out on the changing table, as it will steadily accommodate the necessary items. The water temperature in the first days is 36-37⁰C, it can be gradually reduced and brought to room temperature (25⁰C).

  1. We start with the treatment of the eyes: with a cotton ball dipped in boiled water, with smooth movements without pressure, wipe the eye from the outer corner to the inner. For each eye we use an individual cotton ball.
  2. Wipe the outside of the nose with a damp cotton ball. From the inside, the nostrils are cleaned with a cotton flagellum, making rotational movements. The flagellum is pre-moistened with boiled water.
  3. We process the ears with a cotton flagellum, cleaning off the sulfur from the skin of the external auditory canal. It is not worth pushing the flagellum deeper, since the sulfur is not removed, but pushed inside the ear canal. It is enough to clean the ears 2 times a week.
  4. We wipe the face and behind the ears with a cotton ball.
  5. The umbilical wound should be treated 2 times a day with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide, then with brilliant green (about proper handling).
  6. After each stool, the baby must be washed with warm running water.


Body care

Moms take note!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me, but I’ll write about it))) But I have nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too ...

Capital truths:

We look at how to bathe, how to wash, how to care for the umbilical wound, how to do air baths:

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Treatment of the umbilical wound:

Air baths:

After bathing the child, spread the perineum and inguinal folds with baby cream. Because the composition of creams includes castor oil, glycerin, beeswax, it softens and nourishes the skin, and also protects it from all kinds of microbes. Immediately after bathing, it is necessary to treat the baby's skin with cosmetic oil for newborns, lotion or powder.

Skin problems

Most often, parents are afraid of the appearance of crusts on the scalp of the crumbs (seborrheic crusts). This is not a disease, it is easy to deal with it. Before each bath, the crusts are lubricated or with baby cream, and during bathing they are wiped with a sterile gauze cloth. The movements should be light without pressure, strong friction will lead to the appearance of wounds. (We read)

  • Prickly heat. If the child's body has prickly heat, then you just need to prevent overheating, avoiding excessively warm clothes. At an early stage, normal hygiene for a newborn baby is quite enough. While bathing, you can add chamomile infusion to the water, or a decoction of oak bark - (about treatment);
  • Diaper rash. With the appearance of diaper rash, special attention is paid to skin care after each trip to the toilet. Let the baby's skin “breathe” more often (the same air baths that we wrote about above), diapers and diapers should be changed every few hours. After changing diapers, the child must be washed with running water, in extreme cases, wiped with baby sanitary napkins - in detail;
  • Proper hygiene from the start! We read a large article about the organization.

We also read:

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If you take the minimum - then 2 times a day. However, it is advisable to wash the little one every time you change a diaper. After birth, you need to wash your baby up to 8-9 times a day

When performing work, special attention is paid to the folds, as it is possible to infect the urinary tract.

Pediatricians advise washing with plain water. And only when the parents with the baby are on the road, that is, outside the home, you can carry out a wet wipe with the help of special wipes, which were made using soft material that does not leave lint on the skin. The lotion used for cleansing must be alcohol-free.

Washing a newborn girl

You can learn how to properly wash a newborn girl from special literature, from videos, where highly qualified pediatricians, neonatologists and, of course, a newborn child play the main role.

In a newborn girl in the area of ​​the labia, you can notice the accumulation of the original lubricant. Know it needs to be removed. To do this, just take a cotton swab and wipe all intimate areas with gentle touches. Delicate care for children's genitals allows you to support the correct formation of the reproductive system.

Negligent and inattentive attitude to hygiene issues can lead to fusion of the labia minora in a girl. Only experienced surgeons can restore them to their original structure.

  • The water jet must be directed from front to back. This rule helps prevent infection from the anus into the vagina.
  • After washing, dry your intimate areas with a towel.
  • Wait a while for the baby's skin to dry.
  • Put on a clean diaper.

The concept of hygiene for the oral cavity of a newborn

Care is needed not only for teeth. The mouth also contains the tongue and cheeks, which can accumulate a large number of microbes and food debris on their surface. Such components violate the acid-base balance of this environment. Timely hygiene will help prevent the development of the situation in a negative way. The procedure must be performed twice a day. Thanks to this, it will be possible to minimize the likelihood of stomatitis, thrush and other dangerous manifestations. In the future, the child is guaranteed not to have caries.

Mom needs to know how to properly care for the mouth of a newborn baby. Today, almost all parents use the old proven method. However, there may also be modern devices in the arsenal that will significantly speed up this process. For example, in a pharmacy you can buy special preparations that are designed to care for the baby's mouth immediately after birth. Tools include special wipes, pastes and other accessories. Remember that it is allowed to buy only those drugs that are completely composed of natural ingredients. They should not only clean well, but also not harm the health of the baby in infancy. Sanitary napkins are very popular among parents from all over the world. They are shaped like a fingertip, so they are easy to use.

Healthy teeth are not only part of the aesthetic beauty of a person. They represent good health. The incisors are an indicator of proper nutrition and personal hygiene. A child, even at an early age, should regularly visit the dentist's office

At home, it is important to brush your teeth every day with a brush and paste. If necessary, a special thread can also be used.

Thanks to this simple process, you will be able to maintain a great smile until old age.

Basic Rules

The intimate hygiene procedure for a baby girl differs in technology from a similar procedure for a boy. And this is obvious. The significant difference is due to the fundamental difference in the structure of the organs of the reproductive system. But there are a number of general rules for care, regardless of the sexual predisposition of the crumbs.

These rules are simply vital to know for all parents, future and present.

  1. Change of diapers. A disposable diaper should be changed after every bowel movement. In terms of time, this is (at best) every three or four hours. After each bowel movement, changing a diaper or diaper, the child must be washed with clean water. In the first days of life - only boiled.
  2. Washing during the day. Washing the baby under running water after each removal and change of the diaper is not at all necessary if the contamination is insignificant. It is enough to wipe the skin areas with baby wipes, cotton pads, cotton swabs, after wetting them in warm boiled water. All movements must be carried out in the direction from front to back.
  3. Hygiene rules for adults. A person carrying out the procedure for caring for children's intimate areas, before washing a newborn girl or boy, must wash their hands using soap or gel.
  4. Washing a baby. If washing is carried out under a stream of warm running water, then the child should be placed on your arm with his tummy down, on his back or side so that his head touches your elbow. It is very important that the body of the baby is fixed. To do this, it is necessary for parents or the one who washes him to hold the baby by his hips or buttocks. And with the second, free hand, rinse the genitals with gentle tangential movements.
    If the cleansing of the skin from minor impurities occurs with cotton pads or wet wipes, then it is enough to lay the child with his back on the changing table.
  5. Water temperature. It is very important that the water with which the child is washed is not too cold or too hot. The optimum temperature is 36 degrees. If there is no special thermometer, then the old, but proven folk method will help in this situation. Dip your elbow in the water that is meant to wash the baby. If you do not experience any sensations, the water is ready for use.
  6. baby soap, towel and sponge. Soap can be used to wash the baby, but on condition that the contamination on the body is significant, for example, after a bowel movement. If it's just a diaper change, it's best to limit the use of detergent. You should also pay attention that soap should not contain cosmetic fragrances. It is desirable that it be "childish". Towel, soap, sponge for washing the body must be for individual use.

If soap was used when washing the baby, after the procedure it must be thoroughly washed off from the children's skin.

Pay special attention to the folds. Sometimes the remnants of the soap solution can provoke allergic reactions, irritate the delicate children's epidermis, or lead to a cosmetic burn.

It's important to know! Constant use of soap harms children's delicate skin. The gel does the same. Pediatricians recommend ordinary running water for frequent use.

If feces have dried to the skin of the baby, it is necessary to prepare a compress from heated baby oil. Apply warm oil to the baby's skin and gently wipe off impurities with cotton pads or swabs.

Care in the first month of life

It is necessary to monitor the oral cavity much earlier than the first teeth appear in it. Thanks to this, it will be possible to avoid their early blackening in the future. Although milk teeth will fall out later, neglecting their cleaning is considered unacceptable. In this case, the risk increases that the root version of the incisors will begin to grow immediately with defects. Hygiene is also essential to keep breath fresh. In this case, the teeth are guaranteed to be less prone to the formation of dangerous plaque and caries on their surface. Until quite recently, it was believed that the cleaning procedure can begin at the age of seven. However, modern dentists warn parents about the need to care for the child's cavity immediately after birth.

Infants are at an increased risk of developing thrush. The disease develops against the background of the accumulation of a large amount of harmful fungus. This is the first signal that it is time to pay more attention to this area. Otherwise, in the future, the baby may suffer from the consequences of complications.

Special tip for cleaning teeth

Procedure algorithm

The first steps in the baby washing process are identical for both girls and boys.

  • Wash your hands first.
  • Take the baby and put him on the changing table
  • Remove the diaper, gently removing the remaining feces from the skin with a tissue. Wait a minute or two. Usually the baby immediately begins to write.
  • Take the baby in your arms so that the head is on your elbows, and the back touches the place along the arm.
  • Fix the leg along the child's thigh with your fingers, holding the baby's ass with the other hand.

It is these actions that a parent should carry out when washing a newborn child, regardless of gender. Further, the difference in the conduct of the washing process depends on the structure of the genital organs. It is this difference that dictates the rules.

Basic rules for washing the baby

Washing a newborn baby begins with preparation for the procedure. Mom should wash her hands with soap and water, preferably warm water, so that contact with the baby's skin does not cause discomfort, and put the newborn baby on the changing table. The baby needs to take off the diaper.

Algorithm for washing a newborn:

  1. After the diaper is removed, the baby's bottom must be cleaned of feces.
  2. Then you should take the baby in your arms so that his face is turned up, that is, the back should lie along the mother's arm, and the head should be placed approximately in the elbow area.
  3. It is necessary to fix the leg of the little one along the thigh, and hold the ass with your free hand.

Such manipulations should be carried out when washing young children, regardless of gender. And then it is necessary to observe the features of washing girls and boys.

When changing diapers

When changing a diaper, it is important to properly treat intimate areas:

  1. First you need to clean the cleanest skin, then gradually move to places that require thorough cleansing.
  2. When washing boys, special attention should be paid to the penis, scrotum and the area around the anus. You can wash in any direction.
  3. In girls, the outer folds and perineum are cleaned first, then the buttocks. It is important to wash from front to back so that the remains of feces do not get into the intimate area.

At the end of washing, it is recommended to give the baby's skin a little rest, and only then put on another diaper. If redness is noticeable on the skin, it is important to treat the damaged areas with special products and apply powder.

Before bedtime

Before putting the child to sleep, it is important to carry out a hygienic washing procedure. It is necessary. The technique is similar to regular washing, only this should be done after feeding. The clean skin of the child will avoid discomfort, and the baby will sleep soundly, nothing will bother him.

How to wash a child in the hospital?

It is also desirable to wash a small toddler in the maternity hospital under the tap, with warm water, using cosmetics no more than 1-2 times a day. If soap is used more often, it can dry out the baby's skin. If the maternity hospital does not have such an opportunity, you can use sanitary napkins.

morning toilet

This is a mandatory procedure that is recommended to be carried out every day after your baby wakes up. Before treating a newborn, you need to prepare everything necessary for the procedure in advance so that later you do not leave the baby alone unattended. It is necessary to undress the baby and fully examine him. A daily examination will help to detect any external changes in the child in a timely manner and tell your pediatrician about it in time.

  • Eyes - it is necessary to start the morning toilet by wiping the eyes and face with a damp swab dipped in boiled water. The eyes are washed individually with two sterile swabs from the outer edge towards the bridge of the nose. It is recommended to use a different swab to wipe the face.
  • Folds - then cervical, axillary and inguinal folds are processed with special lotions or baby wipes. If these funds are not at hand, then you can perform the procedure with an ordinary cotton swab and boiled water.
  • Spout - should be cleaned with pre-prepared cotton flagella made of sterile cotton wool. Vaseline oil is applied to them, after which they are gently rotated around the axis in the nasal passages.
  • Ears - should also be wiped with cotton flagella, only dry. It is not recommended to use hard sticks and cotton wool wrapped around matches, as they can damage the delicate mucous membrane of your child.
  • Mouth - a healthy oral cavity is usually not processed, it is enough just to examine it. To do this, gently press your chin with your fingers and gently pull it down. A clean, pink and moist mucous membrane indicates that the child is healthy. Whitish plaque - indicates the presence of thrush, as well as the need to consult a doctor.
  • When carrying out the morning toilet, remember that your baby has very delicate and sensitive skin, and that is why any hygiene measures must be carried out very carefully and carefully to avoid any damage.

With an extract from the hospital, new parents take care of the baby. The main goals of hygiene of the child is to maintain the cleanliness of the skin, its sufficient moisture. Thanks to this, the skin is cleansed of impurities and waste products of the sebaceous and sweat glands. With special care, it is necessary to monitor the folds of the baby's skin and process them. But inexperienced moms and dads may have a question about how to wipe the folds of a newborn and how to do it right.

Wrinkle care for babies

The inguinal and knee folds of the crumbs require care. Mandatory is daily morning and evening bathing in boiled water. Once a week, the baby is washed with baby soap. After washing, the delicate skin of the baby should be dried with gentle blotting movements with a diaper or a soft cloth towel. This is followed by the treatment of folds in newborns.

How to treat the folds of a newborn?

Previously, our mothers and grandmothers sprinkled the folds of children with talc or starch. But for a baby, a moisturizer is better, because its delicate and fragile skin in a state of dryness is easily damaged and open to infection. How to lubricate the folds of a newborn? Boiled refined oil, vaseline oil, in general, any baby oil, is suitable for this. The main thing is that the product does not cause an allergic reaction. Moisten the important disc with oil and gently treat the newborn's knee and groin creases.

Symmetry of the folds in newborns

Each mother needs to carefully examine how evenly the folds are located on the hips and buttocks of the baby. The fact is that asymmetrical folds in a child may indicate dysplasia - a congenital underdevelopment of the hip joints. To reveal this, lay the baby on his stomach and straighten his legs. The asymmetry of the folds in a newborn should alert parents. Especially if it is accompanied by different leg lengths, limited abduction of the hips and a click emitted at the same time. Sometimes the asymmetry of the folds is a consequence of the tone of one of the legs. At the same time, uneven folds do not always indicate pathology: in some children, diseases of the musculoskeletal system are not detected. In any case, you should make an appointment with an orthopedist. If this defect is not detected in time, the child will not only limp, his abilities may be limited. The specialist will examine the child and, if necessary, refer him for an ultrasound or x-ray.

Baby sticks out tongue

The protruding tongue of an infant causes tenderness and awe of his parents. But, if this phenomenon is repeated often, and the tongue of the baby is constantly visible, many begin to worry. We hasten to reassure, in most cases such a phenomenon does not indicate anything serious.

How long is a baby considered a newborn? It turns out that pediatricians have a clear figure - 28 days from the date of birth. And this whole period is called neonatal. We will talk about the early and late neonatal period and the changes that occur with the baby at this time in our article.

The noisy, sometimes whistling, breathing of a newborn makes many parents worry, drawing terrible pictures of possible diseases in their imagination. Even the very diagnosis of doctors - stridor - adds fear. In fact, most often, extraneous sounds when an infant breathes are a common occurrence.

Fracture of the clavicle in a newborn

Fracture of the clavicle in a newborn is one of the most common birth injuries caused by incorrect presentation of the fetus or deviations during childbirth. You should not worry too much, as a fracture is easily diagnosed and treated. Read more about fractures and dislocations of the clavicle in our article.

What to do, if

Sometimes force majeure circumstances lead to the fact that there is no running water in the house. What to do? Stop worries and panic. Nothing bad will happen if you use cotton pads, swabs or wet wipes. The only condition is that they must be moistened in boiled water or lotion.

  • Wipe the penis first, then the testicles, and finally the folds between the legs.
  • Then lift the boy's legs and wipe the entire area around the buttocks.

In order for children's butts to always remain tender, soft and ruddy, parents must follow a number of rules for hygiene and caring for a newborn. By following the tips and tricks, you will give your child a healthy and comfortable childhood.

10 questions about child hygiene

When a baby is born, every mother asks a lot of questions. Childcare seems like a real challenge. In this article, we will try to answer the main questions about the hygiene of the child that worry young parents.

If the baby was born healthy, then this procedure can be started from the second day. But be careful not to get water on the umbilical wound, which has not yet healed. If, despite all your efforts, this happens, be sure to dry it and treat it with hydrogen peroxide.

What areas of your baby's skin are most prone to irritation?

These are folds of skin and neck. It accumulates sweat, milk, which can burp the baby, exfoliated particles of the epidermis. With improper care for such places, diaper rash may appear. To prevent this from happening, every time you bathe, thoroughly pat them dry with a towel and lubricate the skin with baby cream.

How often should a newborn be bathed?

Daily. The baby periodically spits up, sweats, soils the diaper, so daily bathing is very important. But do not forget that water dries out the skin of the child and washes away the protective layer of fat from it, so limit the time of water procedures.

Where is it better to soap a child - on a special table or in a bath?

Both options will work. The main thing is that parents feel confident and comfortable. If you are soaping a child on a table, do not forget that the room must be warm so that the baby does not freeze.

Daily. A newborn baby spends a lot of time lying down. His head often sweats, the baby sometimes burps, and milk can dry out in his hair, so you need to wash your hair every day. You can use special shampoos "without tears" (1-2 times a week) or baby soap, but they must be thoroughly washed off so that the child's scalp does not dry out and there is no irritation.

Is it possible to soap a child with a washcloth?

You can, but keep in mind that the baby should have a personal washcloth that no one else will use. After bathing, it must be thoroughly washed and rinsed so that it does not become a carrier of bacteria and fungi that can cause skin diseases. Washcloths that are made of fabric need to be boiled sometimes

Particular attention should be paid to the rugs that you put on the bottom of the bathroom (so that the baby does not slip). They need to be washed as often as possible with soap and then poured with boiling water.

If dark spots appear on the rug, it should be discarded immediately.

Should I lubricate the skin of the crumbs with oil after bathing?

It depends on the condition of the child's skin. If it is dry and flaky, it needs to be moisturized. In the first month of a baby's life, it is better to use baby oil or baby cream. Later, you can replace them with baby moisturizing balms, which are quickly absorbed and perfectly protect the baby's skin.

What are the best diapers for a newborn: disposable or gauze?

Of course, disposables would be better. They perfectly absorb moisture, and the child's skin remains dry and clean. But do not forget that disposable diapers need to be changed frequently (at least once every 3 hours).

Should I lubricate the baby's face with cream?

Look at the skin, if it is healthy and hydrated, then you do not need any creams. If the child has symptoms of allergies or skin diseases, contact a pediatrician or dermatologist, they will definitely advise special remedies (ointments or creams).

Daily. Combing improves blood circulation in the scalp and strengthens the hair follicles. Try to pick up a brush made of soft natural bristles for your child, then his hair will not be electrified.

Nuances in hygiene procedures

Washing of newborn boys and girls is different due to the structural features of the genital organs.

Washing up the boy

After completing the procedure, the boy should not immediately put on diapers, it is necessary to let the body breathe a little - take a break for 30 minutes.

Subtleties of intimate hygiene

When caring for the genitals of boys, you need to know the features. The head of the penis, covered from above by the foreskin, is a special, tender place, which, when washed, should be given more attention.

The main stages of the procedure

Washing a little boy is carried out according to this plan:

  1. First, it is recommended to lay the son on his arm so that his face looks down. In this position, it is necessary to thoroughly wash the baby's ass.
  2. At the next stage, you will need to turn the little one on its back and wash the penis and scrotum under running water.

It is important to follow the sequence of actions so as not to infect the baby's genitals. . What to do with the foreskin

What to do with the foreskin

The foreskin that covers the penis is not recommended to be pulled back during washing up to the time until the little one is 1 year old.

  1. However, despite the prohibition of pulling the foreskin, the mother needs to know that white flakes - smegma - constantly accumulate in the bag. They are formed due to the secretion of the sebaceous glands. It is recommended to remove this smegma during the evening washing of the boy. Don't do this often, only when necessary.
  2. Smegma must be removed carefully by moistening the index and thumb in vegetable oil, pushing the skin of the foreskin with them, remove the smegma using a disc also dipped in boiled vegetable oil.
  3. After the end of the manipulations, it is necessary to release the foreskin, and moisten the head of the penis with a drop of oil.
  4. Many parents make the mistake of pulling the foreskin as far as possible while washing. This is not worth doing, because when moving, white flakes rise up on their own, and they can be easily removed with a cotton pad.

On a note! When removing white flakes, it is important to use a material that does not leave lint behind. The fact is that later these villi will lead to rashes, and the baby will experience discomfort.

For a newborn girl

The intimate organs of a girl who has just been born are still deprived of natural protection - the hymen. It is just beginning to form, therefore, when washing, water should be directed from front to back. If this rule is not observed, feces that have entered the vagina will contribute to the development of inflammatory processes.

Features of the physiology of the girl

With each washing of girls, it is necessary to remove pleural lubrication in the area of ​​the labia. The “delicate place” should be wiped with a cotton swab, and this should be done very carefully. If the technique is not followed in the future, you can get such a problem as the fusion of the labia minora, it will be possible to get rid of it only with the help of surgical intervention.

What means to use

To cleanse the skin in the intimate area, pediatricians recommend baby soap or other care products for little peanuts. Any remedy should only be used to treat the outer surface of the labia.

Skin Features

When the baby is born, his skin is covered with a layer of cheese-like lubricant. This lubricant acts as a barrier, because in the mother's tummy the baby was surrounded by amniotic fluid. In the old days, this lubricant was washed off immediately after birth, now it is believed that it should be absorbed into the skin.

When the issue with lubrication on the skin is leveled, the mother may notice that the baby's skin is too red. This is completely normal. Firstly, in the blood of a newborn child, erythrocytes are contained in an increased amount. Secondly, the layer of subcutaneous fat in the crumbs is still very poorly developed, which means that the blood vessels are very close to the skin, and they are clearly visible. In addition to a red tint, a vascular pattern may simply appear on the skin.

The weak development of the subcutaneous fat layer "rewards" the baby's skin with another feature. Newborn babies are easily supercooled and freeze. At the same time, a "marble" pattern appears on the skin.

All mothers note that the skin of a newborn baby is very soft and velvety to the touch. The baby lanugo fluff, which covers the shoulders, back, and sometimes the hips of the baby, gives a special velvety to the skin. However, already on the 2-3rd day of life, the baby's skin becomes dry and begins to peel off. Thus, the adaptation of the skin to the air after the water environment is manifested. The work of the sebaceous glands has not yet been established, so the skin is deprived of a protective lipid film that helps retain moisture. Most often, the skin of the extremities is shelled: palms and heels.

Often on the skin of a newborn, you can notice different rashes. Small white dots resembling pimples are milia, sebaceous cysts. They are completely safe, appear in the process of establishing the work of the sebaceous glands and disappear without a trace without any intervention. Red, inflamed pimples, which are sometimes called “blooms”, are the result of hormonal changes. After the physical separation from the mother's body, the baby's body begins to produce its own hormones, which naturally affects the external condition of the skin.

To know about pimples on the face of the baby >>>

It turns out that most of the alarming symptoms are phenomena that are completely normal for a newborn child. The older your little one gets, the more his skin becomes similar to that of an adult, both in appearance and in the way it functions.

newborn oral care

It would seem, why take care of the baby's mouth if he does not yet have teeth and he does not eat anything except mother's milk. It is not necessary to wipe the newborn's mouth daily, but the condition of the oral cavity should be monitored daily.

The fact is that during regurgitation and feeding milk, residues can accumulate on the tongue and inner cheeks of the child, which will provoke a white coating - fungus of the genus Candida. This fungus can create discomfort in the baby during feeding and even cause intestinal dysbacteriosis. If plaque appears, you should consult with your pediatrician.

Important! To prevent thrush in the mouth of a newborn, it is necessary to carry out elementary hygiene procedures: wash the chest before feeding, disinfect all toys and objects that the child takes into his mouth.

If a white coating appears, the baby should be cleaned at least three times a day. To do this, you can use special preparations recommended by your doctor or a soda solution (1 teaspoon of soda per 250 ml of warm boiled water).

Wrap your little finger with two layers of bandage and soak it in the solution of your choice, then, without too much pressure, wipe the baby's mouth. The course of treatment is usually 5-10 days, depending on the strength of the raid. All daily hygiene procedures take a little time, but allow the child to explore the world around him with a sense of comfort.

Proper care of the newborn's oral cavity, skin and mucous membranes of the nose- excellent prevention of many ailments. How to properly clean the nose and what tools are needed for this, you can see in the following video:

Skin wrinkle care

To treat skin folds, baby or vaseline oil is used. Ready-made baby wipes impregnated with oil are quite convenient. Oil can be moistened with a cotton pad, or you can simply apply it on your palms.

Important! Do not use oil and powder at the same time, because the powder in this case will roll into lumps, which can cause skin irritation and diaper rash.

First, lubricate the folds of the upper half of the body (from top to bottom) - behind the ear, neck, axillary, elbow, wrist. Then, with another swab, the folds of the lower half of the body (from bottom to top) - ankle, popliteal, inguinal, buttocks.

Now, so that the baby does not look like an oil donut, excess oil from the skin must be removed with a dry cotton pad.

Preparation for manipulation

3. Performing manipulation:4. Completion of the manipulation:

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We wash a newborn boy

In order not to violate the laws of nature and not cause significant harm to the development of the genital organs of the future man, it is very important to know how to properly wash a newborn boy. . It is forbidden for a newborn boy to pull back the skin to open the head

  1. It is forbidden for a newborn boy to pull back the skin to open the head. Urologists recommend not touching the flesh at all during the first year. She is so gentle and delicate that her care must be very careful.
  2. It is necessary to wash the boy so that the stream of running water is directed from front to back. Thoroughly rinse the penis, scrotum without touching the foreskin.
  3. When the skin of the crumbs is absolutely clean, you should dry it with a towel and put on a diaper.

Breast care products

To process the folds of a newborn, natural ingredients or special cosmetics are used:

  1. Oils. You can use sterilized sunflower oil, olive or children's series of leading cosmetic companies. The most famous and proven over the years of practical application is Johnsons Baby. It is most acceptable to treat the folds with oil. It perfectly moisturizes, has no fragrances and consists of natural ingredients to the maximum.
  2. Cream. It is best to use medical creams for newborn skin care: diaper cream or Bepanten. Bepanten is more practical, as it relieves inflammation, is suitable for the treatment of any skin diseases of the baby and is used for reddening of the skin throughout the body. These creams are appropriate to use for treatment, not prevention.
  3. Decoctions of herbs. The skin of a newborn is very delicate, sensitive and vulnerable. When washing the folds, it is advisable to use decoctions of antiseptics. The most famous is chamomile. Universal remedy, mild impact, does not cause allergies. You can pick up 3-4 types of anti-inflammatory and antiseptic plants, make tea leaves from them and wipe problem areas - bathing babies in herbs.
  4. Soap. It is impossible to overdry the skin of a newborn, but it is also necessary to disinfect the places of potential residence of microbes. The folds are warm and humid, and these are ideal conditions for the life and reproduction of various sores. Therefore, when bathing in the evening, it is recommended to wash areas with folds with soap. It is not necessary to lather the whole child. Soap can be baby, household (brown) or based on natural ingredients. Some companies produce a line of cosmetic soaps using herbs. They do not dry the skin so much and have an additional therapeutic effect, but you need to be careful with them - they can cause allergies.
  5. "Washcloth". In no case is any of the modern washcloths used on the baby. All of them contain artificial elements and severely injure delicate skin. The first month, it should be replaced by a soft cotton cloth. Donate an old pillowcase or bed sheet. The material should be shabby and very soft.
  6. Talc. Baby powder is relevant in rare cases, since it is undesirable to dry the baby's skin.

How to wash a newborn baby

Why and why? The skin of babies is much more delicate than that of adults, irritation and diaper rash occur very easily, so you need to wash the child every time after he had a stool. In addition, keeping the skin clean helps your baby develop the first skills of neatness.

If you are away from home, you can use special baby wipes instead of washing, but you should not completely replace washing with such a simplified skin treatment.

Little trick. Babies tend to have a habit of having a bowel movement after or during each feed. This leads to the conclusion that washing before eating is a thankless task.

  • First of all, you need to roll up your sleeves, remove rings, watches from your hands, adjust the temperature and pressure of running water. Prepare a thin diaper to dry your skin after washing. Very convenient to just hang it on your shoulder will always be at hand.
  • Unwrap the baby, remove the diaper from him.
  • It is more convenient to hold the child with the left hand, and wash with the right.
  • The boy is held face down when washing. Take the child so that he lies across your forearm with your chest, while you hold his shoulder with the fingers of your left hand. Oddly enough, but hanging in this position, the baby does not experience the slightest inconvenience.
  • The girl needs to be washed only from front to back, so as not to contaminate the genitals. Place the child on his back on the forearm of your hand, so that the head is in the elbow bend, and with your fingers you will hold her left thigh. This position allows you to securely hold the baby, and leaves you complete “freedom of action”.
  • Wash your child by taking water into the palm of your hand, gently moving from top to bottom, carefully removing impurities from the skin. It is especially important to wash all skin folds where dirt can accumulate and cause irritation. Do not use soap unless absolutely necessary; washing with soap once a week is sufficient.
  • Washing the girl, you do not need to "rub" the genitals, as the mucous membrane is very delicate. In addition, washing too vigorously removes the protective lubricant that keeps germs out of the genitals.
  • Dry your baby's skin after washing. First, wrap the diaper over the baby's lower body and transfer him to the changing table. Then carefully blot the genitals, inguinal, gluteal and popliteal folds.
  • If necessary (presence of irritation), treat the skin folds with a small amount of baby oil.
  • Your baby is happy with life again. Now it would be nice to “ventilate the ass” for 5-10 minutes before putting on a new diaper.

Performing a manipulation

  • Moisten a cotton swab with 3% hydrogen peroxide solution

  • Carefully push the edges of the umbilical wound with the index and thumb of the left hand.
  • Remove the contents from the umbilical wound with a sterile cotton swab.
  • Treat the umbilical wound with a sterile cotton swab dipped in a 1% brilliant green alcohol solution in a circular motion from the center to the periphery
  • Make sure the patient is comfortable

4. Completion of the manipulation

  • Wash and dry your hands

4. NEWBORN BABY SWEDNING TECHNIQUE1. Manipulation equipment:

2. Preparation for manipulation:

3. Performing manipulation:4. Completion of the manipulation:5. TECHNIQUE FOR MEASURING HEIGHT IN CHILDREN UNDER ONE YEAR1. Manipulation equipment:

2. Preparation for manipulation:

3. Performing manipulation:

1. Cover the horizontal stadiometer with a clean diaper so that

4. Completion of the manipulation:6. BABY WASHING TECHNIQUE1. Manipulation equipment:

2. Preparation for manipulation:

  1. Adjust the temperature of the water in the faucet
  2. Perform hand hygiene, wear gloves
  3. Explain to mom the course of manipulation, get consent

3. Performing manipulation:4. Completion of the manipulation:7. TECHNIQUE FOR WEIGHING CHILDREN UNDER ONE YEAR1. Manipulation equipment:

2. Preparation for manipulation:

3. Performing manipulation:

  1. Place your child on the scale with their head towards the widest part of the scale.
  2. open shutter
  3. Balance the scales with weights
  4. close shutter

4. Completion of the manipulation:8. TECHNIQUE OF HYGIENIC BATH OF A NEWBORN


1. Manipulation equipment:

2. Preparation for manipulation:

3. Performing manipulation:4. Completion of the manipulation: about 9. BOWL FEEDING TECHNIQUE1. Manipulation equipment:

2. Preparation for manipulation:

3. Performing manipulation:4. Completion of the manipulation:10. TECHNIQUE OF APPLICATION OF THE CHILD TO THE BREASTAT HOME1. Manipulation equipment:

2. Preparation for manipulation:

3. Performing manipulation:4. Completion of the manipulation:11. PATRONAGE OF THE NURSE TO THE CHILD

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The paramedic must know:

  1. First prenatal care must be carried out no later than 7 days from the date of registration of a pregnant woman. Second prenatal care carried out to a pregnant woman at a period of 32-34 weeks. Third prenatal care- to high-risk women at 38-39 weeks. Socio-medical patronage is carried out for pregnant women of high social risk. Every week, the paramedic must report to the Central District Hospital about the results of prenatal patronage.
  2. Perinatal risk factors for the fetus:
    • Burdened obstetric and gynecological history,
    • Extragenital pathology of pregnant women,
    • Complications in the state of intrauterine development of the fetus,
    • Pathology in childbirth
    • Socio-biological risk factors.
  • high,
  • average,
  • short.
  1. Pregnancy risk groups:
  1. - the risk of increased incidence of acute respiratory viral infections and health disorders during the period of adaptation,
  2. - risk of CNS pathology
  3. - the risk of rickets, anemia, dystrophy,
  4. - the risk of purulent-septic diseases in the neonatal period,
  5. – risk of congenital malformations of organs and systems,
  6. - the risk of allergic diseases,
  7. - children from disadvantaged microsocial conditions.
  1. Prenatal diagnosis of congenital and hereditary pathology:
  • Ultrasound at 16-18 weeks And 24-26 weeks
  • Screening of maternal serum factors (determination of alphafetoprotein, choriogonin),
  • Medical genetic counseling.

Preventive prenatal measures when a risk to the fetus is detected in a pregnant woman.

Hygienic basics of nutrition and regimen of pregnant women.

Oral cleansing technique

Most of the dirt is always on the back of the gums. This is the area where parents should clean most diligently. It is enough to make light movements in different directions.

To clean the outer part of the gums, mommy places her finger at an angle. Movements should also continue to be made in forward mode.

It is also important to pay attention to the chewing surface. All teeth will be located on it in the future.

The tip of your finger should also be run over the tongue and the back of the cheeks. Thanks to this, it will be possible to eliminate almost all harmful bacteria.

When the baby's first teeth appear, the area between them will have to be additionally cleaned with dental floss. Up to four years, all manipulations are allowed to be performed only by parents. Otherwise, the risk of gum injury increases.

Toothbrush for milk teeth

Trimming nails

The nails of a newborn child need to be trimmed as they grow on the arms and legs so that the baby does not scratch himself. Convenient and safe special children's scissors with rounded ends.

Little trick. Many mothers are frightened by the mere thought that they will have to cut their nails on such tiny fingers that are constantly in motion. Therefore, everyone will be calmer if you do this “fine work when the baby is sleeping.

Hold the child's hand so that only one finger remains free, on which you are going to cut the nail. Grab the finger with the thumb and forefinger of your left hand, holding it from both sides, and with the rest of the fingers of your left hand you can hold the other fingers of the child.

Nails on the hands are cut in the form of a semicircle, on the legs - in a straight line, in order to avoid such trouble as ingrown nails in the future. You need to trim your nails with continuous movements of scissors, and not “in pieces”. Please check if there are any protruding sharp parts on the nails.

Do not forget to carefully collect the trimmed nails so that they, lost in the folds of clothes and underwear, do not injure the baby's skin.

Newborn nose care

Babies breathe through their nose during feeding, therefore, if congestion or accumulation of dry crusts occurs, the child not only becomes difficult to breathe, but also eat

Newly-made mothers need to pay special attention to the condition of the baby's nose after spitting up, because part of the milk can get into the nasopharynx, make breathing difficult and contribute to the development of bacteria. For the comfort of the crumbs, hygiene procedures should be carried out at least once a day.

To clean the nasal passages, it is allowed to use special solutions.

  • Saline. You can buy it at a pharmacy for a small price, and its quantity will last for a long time. The saline contains water and sodium chloride.
  • saline solution. Budget option for saline solution. One liter of warm purified water requires one teaspoon of salt. Salt should be free of impurities and completely dissolved.
  • Various types of sea water sprays. In pharmacies, there are a large number of options for sprays and drops: aquamaris, aqualor, morenazal.

In order to clean the baby's nose, you must:

  • put the child in a horizontal position or hold it in your arms and tilt your head slightly back;
  • drip two drops of one of the above solutions into each nasal passage and wait at least a minute. The mucous membrane will be moistened and the crusts will soften;
  • take a pre-prepared cotton wool(twisted cotton flagellum), insert no more than 1.5 cm into the spout and gently scroll. For each nasal passage, make a separate turunda.

Newborn nose care must include control of the humidity in the room. If the air is very dry, then crusts can often form in the nose. To avoid this, after cleaning it is desirable lubricate the nose with a couple of drops of peach oil applied to the turunda. In situations where the child has severe nasal congestion, special nasal aspirators that gently remove excess mucus.

Before using the aspirator all parts of the device must be doused with boiling water. Before inserting the nozzle into a child's nostril, test the suction strength on your hand. This will help to avoid strong pressure on the mucous membrane. You need to insert the nozzle not vertically, but at an angle, pointing the tip towards the back wall of the nasopharynx.

Advice! Pull out the snot slowly, inhaling calmly and trying to get into the rhythm of the baby's breathing: your breath together with his exhalation.

In order for the child not to have a stuffy nose and crusts do not appear, you need to follow the elementary rules:

  • monitor the level of humidity in the room, too dry and hot air contributes to crusts, and very humid air leads to a physiological runny nose;
  • carry out wet cleaning to remove dust;
  • walk more often and ventilate the room.

Bathing a newborn

Why and why? Bathing a newborn (hygienic bath) is carried out for all healthy children after the umbilical residue has fallen off. Before the umbilical wound heals, it is recommended to bathe the baby in boiled water or in running water, but a solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) must be added to it.

Until your baby is six months old, it is advisable to bathe him daily; in the second half of life, you can do this every other day. As a rule, children really like to swim, because before birth, water was their native element. In the water, the muscles relax, the child is comfortable and calm. The duration of bathing in the first year of life is 5-10 minutes. Washing with soap is carried out no more than once a week. It is advisable to bathe the child no earlier than an hour after feeding, best of all - 10-15 minutes before evening feeding.

It is more convenient to bathe a newborn child together, most often the father is called to help, and in many families bathing a baby is exclusively father's “honorary mission”. Large and reliable male hands with amazing tenderness hold the tiny body of the baby, which contributes to the birth and development of close contact between the child and the father, who at these moments feels very necessary. But if you have to do without an assistant - do not worry, you will do fine on your own.

Important! If the baby is unwell, has a fever or signs of skin irritation, it is better to postpone bathing until consulting a pediatrician.

You will need: a baby bath, a jug of warm water for rinsing the baby, a special water thermometer, baby soap, a terry “mitten”, a large terry towel, a diaper, baby oil, a changing table with prepared clothes for the baby, cotton buds with restraints or cotton swabs.

If the umbilical wound has not yet healed, prepare two containers with cold and hot boiled water or a solution of potassium permanganate to add to running water. A solution of potassium permanganate should be added to the water "drop by drop" until the water turns a slightly pink color. Before using potassium permanganate, make sure that the crystals are completely dissolved, as contact with a potassium permanganate crystal on the skin can cause a burn.

The air temperature in the room while bathing the child should be 22-24 degrees. You can bathe your baby in the bathroom, if it is spacious enough, or in the kitchen.

  • First of all, you need to prepare a bath - wash with a brush with soap and rinse with boiling water. Place the bath in a stable, comfortable position and fill it with ½ volume of water. First pour cold and then hot water to avoid steam formation. Now you need to immerse the thermometer in water. The temperature of the water in the bath should be 37-37.5 degrees. You can measure the temperature of the water with your elbow only if you have sufficient experience; a thermometer is always more reliable.
  • On the changing table, lay out the clothes for the baby, lay a towel on top, put a diaper on it for wiping. However, the diaper can be placed near the bath to make it more convenient for you to take it.
  • Undress the child, if necessary - wash. Take the baby so that the head lies on the forearm of your left hand, and with your fingers hold the left shoulder joint of the child (the thumb wraps around the shoulder from above, place the other fingers in the armpit). Use your right hand to support the baby's buttocks and legs.
  • Slowly immerse the child in the bath: first the buttocks, then the legs and torso. With your left hand, continue to support the baby's head, the right hand is free to wash. The water level should reach the baby to the armpits.
  • Swing the child on the water back and forth, left and right. Your movements should be smooth, unhurried. Smile at your baby and talk to him gently.
  • If it is supposed to wash the child with soap, then the “mitten” is put on the right hand. Lather the body in gentle circular motions and immediately rinse the soapy areas. First, wash your head from the forehead to the back of the head, then the neck, arms, chest, alive, legs. Rinse skin folds thoroughly. Wash your buttocks and genitals last.
  • Remove the baby from the water with the back up. Rinse the body and wash the baby's face with water from a pitcher. Put the diaper on the baby, put him on the changing table, dry the skin with gentle blotting movements.
  • Dry your ears with cotton buds or cotton swabs.
  • Lubricate the skin folds with baby oil. Treat the umbilical wound if necessary.
  • Swaddle or dress your baby.

Now for your baby to feel complete happiness, it would be nice to eat and sleep.

Treatment of the genitals

  • From the very first days, the genitals of the baby need special, thorough hygiene. In this section, we will analyze how to treat the genitals of a newborn. Up to a year, the genitals must be washed after each diaper change. The procedure is carried out with boiled water, not lower than 37?
  • The main purpose of the treatment of the genitals is to remove feces and urine from the skin of the child. As an addition, it is also recommended to wipe the genitals with a damp sanitary napkin. Before using wipes, you need to make sure that your child does not have allergic reactions to the chemicals that make up their composition.
  • The washing process is recommended to be done with light movements from front to back. Here there are slight differences in the care of boys and how to handle a newborn girl. For girls, this recommendation is especially important, because it is this direction of movement that helps to avoid microbes entering the vagina and developing a variety of infections.
  • In boys, it is important to ensure that when washing, the foreskin of the penis does not move and the head is not exposed. Only in some cases, the tendency to rashes and infections requires regular treatment with warm water and baby oil with a gentle pushing back of the baby's foreskin.
  • After washing, it is necessary to wipe the baby dry, then cover with a towel. When putting on a diaper, make sure that the skin of the perineum is completely dry. Otherwise, a favorable environment created can lead to inflammatory processes and the formation of infections.
  • Dry skin can be lubricated with softening baby cosmetics and kept in the fresh air before putting on a diaper or diaper. An important rule that will ensure the comfort of the baby is the timely replacement of diapers, namely at least 7-8 times a day.

The oral cavity must be properly cared for. Thanks to this, it will be possible to stop the development of serious diseases at the first stage of development. Timely cleaning reduces the likelihood of caries, periodontitis and other unpleasant manifestations.

It is enough for parents to accustom their children to the following rules:

  • It is important to clean more than just the surface of your teeth. Attention should also be paid to the space between them, tongue and cheeks.
  • Fluoride toothpaste has a positive effect.
  • In the arsenal of care products, it is mandatory to have a mouthwash.
  • If the child is already 12 years old, then he should drink water with sufficient fluoride every day.

Parents should not forget that children always adopt their habits. That is why a child should be taught proper oral hygiene from early childhood. The procedure should not cause discomfort.

The task of parents is to turn it into an interesting game and make it as fun as possible. An older child can be allowed to choose all the dental supplies on their own. Thanks to this, the learning process will pass quickly and without unnecessary tantrums.

At the first stage of the process, the child should only brush their teeth with their parents. Only after he performs all the manipulations is guaranteed to be correct, you should entrust him with self-cleaning.

Professional approach

It will come as a surprise to some people, but even an infant sometimes needs specialist advice. There are a number of procedures that can improve the condition of the oral tissue. Thanks to this, it is possible to avoid the development of serious and dangerous health consequences in the future:

  • Fissure sealing with special equipment.
  • Removal of soft and hard plaque from teeth.
  • Application of a special varnish on tooth enamel.

A pediatric dentist should also teach parents how to properly care for the oral cavity of a newborn. It will help you choose the right products for personal hygiene. For example, a brush and paste should be selected depending on the individual characteristics of the child's body. Parents should also heed his basic advice and stick to it in the future.

Properly care for the oral cavity of the child must begin immediately after his birth. Thanks to this, it will be possible to maintain the health of milk teeth, which in turn will become the foundation for molars.

The main task of parents is to give only the best to their children. This is only possible with proper and safe care. Modern means will allow you to cope with this in comfortable conditions that will not negatively affect the psyche of the child.

Crease processing

To keep your baby's skin healthy, you need to bathe him daily, and in hot weather, you can do this twice a day. When bathing a newborn, soap should not be abused (it is optimal to use it once a week). It is better to replace baby soap with milder detergents.

After taking a bath, pat your baby's body dry with a soft towel or diaper, while avoiding rubbing, which can cause skin damage. Then examine all the folds for irritations, diaper rash, allergic reactions, powder and oil residue.

Examine the folds on the neck as the most vulnerable place, pay attention to the place behind the ears, palms, fingers, elbows, armpits, legs, inguinal, gluteal folds and genitals of the newborn - redness often occurs there.

This is best done not only after an evening swim, but also in the morning.

After the examination, it is necessary to process the folds of the newborn, which can be performed by various means:

  • The folds are sprinkled with baby powder or, as our ancestors did, with starch.
  • They are lubricated with a special oil sold in children's stores and pharmacies. Boiled vegetable or vaseline oil is also suitable;
  • Many people use baby cream for prophylactic purposes.

What the folds of a baby look like (Photo)

Preference should be given to what is more like a specific problem. For example, if the baby's skin is dry, you will need oil to moisturize it, and if the folds get wet, it is better to sprinkle them and dry them. It is not worth using both oil and powder at the same time, this can provoke an inflammatory process, since when they are mixed, lumps are formed that contribute to diaper rash and irritation.

  1. In order to treat the folds of a newborn with oil, it is necessary to moisten a cotton pad and lubricate them sequentially from top to bottom. Pay special attention to the neck, armpits and groin of the baby.
  2. For deep skin folds, it is best to use baby powder, the oil in this case can contribute to diaper rash.
  3. The cream is used when the child has a pronounced dry skin, but in order to avoid diaper rash, it is not recommended that they smear the folds directly. Cream and oil should not be applied directly to the baby's skin, since a large amount of it can create a film on the surface of the body and adversely affect its condition. Mom must first apply a little cream on her hands, distribute between her palms and then process the wrinkles.

For the health of the skin of a newborn, air baths are necessary. Do not rush to dress the baby immediately after bathing and skin treatment, give him time to lie down without clothes and a diaper.

About folds on the legs in newborns and everything connected with them

Hello friends! It's no secret that folds on the legs of newborns need to be treated, since it is in these places that diaper rash is most often formed, which can cause a lot of inconvenience to newborns.

At the same time, loving mothers always examine the folds of babies and sometimes notice that they are asymmetrical, but do not attach any importance to this. But in vain!

Leg creases in newborns

Quite often, their asymmetry (irregular outlines on the left and right) on the buttocks or on the thigh indicates a dysplastic syndrome, which appears as a result of impaired connective tissue development.

This syndrome is usually manifested by increased joint mobility, combined with weakness of the connective tissue. There is no need to panic, since dysplasia is not a diagnosis, but a condition that can manifest itself in various diseases.

Asymmetric folds on the legs in newborns are not an absolute syndrome and cannot be taken into account without other manifestations, since with dysplasia they occur in 2/3 of patients and can be observed in very healthy children.

If during examination on the buttocks or legs they are located at different levels, then this indicates the presence of one- or two-sided dislocation, since healthy children have deep symmetrical depressions between the trunk and thighs (legs).

In addition to this symptom, the following may indicate dysplasia:

  • Limited abduction in the hip joint;
  • Clicking or slipping (symptom of Marx-Ortolani), which consists in the fact that during the abduction of the legs there is a click that occurs when the dislocation is reduced and is felt by the hand;
  • Shortening of one of the legs, visible to the naked eye;
  • Rotation of the lower limb.

If at least one of the symptoms listed above appears, you need to visit an orthopedist, who, if necessary, will prescribe an X-ray examination and objectively assess the condition of the joints.

How to handle the folds of a newborn

It should also be noted that these areas in newborns require careful care, since it is there that diaper rash forms. Also, with the friction that occurs during movement, severe damage to the inflamed skin occurs. At the same time, it is of great importance not how, but how to process the folds of a newborn.

Most often they are treated with sterile vaseline or any hypoallergenic oil for children.

It must be remembered that it is best for children's skin to use oils from natural plant materials, such as peach seed oil or wheat germ.

In order to process you need:

  1. Wash the child.
  2. Apply a small amount of oil to your hand and warm it slightly.
  3. With the help of quick stroking movements, distribute the oil over problem areas.

Creases in babies

In order for the child to feel comfortable, it is necessary to process all the folds in babies:

  • On the neck;
  • behind the ears;
  • Armpits;
  • In the elbow bends;
  • In the popliteal folds;
  • at the ankles;
  • On wrists and palms.

After the treatment is completed, you can give the baby a massage and children's gymnastics, which will not only benefit your little one, but also please him.

Be aware that creases in the legs in newborns can indicate diseases of the hip joints, which are best treated in infancy, before the skeleton has had time to fully develop.

Baby skin care

In order to prevent irritation, redness and minor scratches on the baby’s skin, it is recommended not to wipe the baby’s epidermis after washing, but to touch the body with wet movements with a soft terry towel until the moisture disappears altogether.

Attention! Oil and powder cannot be combined. . After washing the baby, it is advisable to treat the baby's skin with either cosmetic oil or baby powder

Under no circumstances should the two be combined. Their practical orientation has a different principle of action: the oil has a moisturizing effect, and the powder has a drying effect.

After washing the baby, it is advisable to treat the baby's skin with either cosmetic oil or baby powder. Under no circumstances should the two be combined. Their practical orientation has a different principle of action: the oil has a moisturizing effect, and the powder has a drying effect.

If the skin of the baby is dry - use oil, if it is prone to diaper rash - choose powder. If you find irritation, prickly heat or diaper rash in the intimate areas of a baby, it is advisable to resort to the help of a special tool - diaper cream.

washing baby

    take your right hand
    cotton ball
    or a napkin pour it over non-sterile
    tray solution (distilled
    or boiled water).

    put your hand on the parietal part
    heads for

    carry out in the following sequence
    forehead, cheeks, around the mouth.

    need to dry the face dry
    cotton ball.

    balls in a container for used

Washing away

1. Adjust the water temperature to
36-37 about S.

2. Remove soiled clothes from the child.

The position of the child when washing

Important to remember! You can not keep
child under running water because of the possible
changes in its temperature. .

Execution of a procedure.

3. Execution of a procedure.

Put the child on the left forearm
so that his head rests on his elbow
the crook of the arm of an adult washing
child, face up, and the hand held
child's thigh;

With another hand, soaped with a napkin
move from front to back
washing away;

Throw a towel over the bottom
child's torso;

Dry the child's skin with blotting

    put the child on clean linen;

Using cotton balls or napkins
lubricate inguinal, gluteal, anal
folds with vegetable oil;

Throw the balls into the trash can;

After a few (3-5) minutes swaddle

    take off
    gloves, wash and dry hands.

What you need to prepare before washing

Before you start cleaning your baby's skin, it is important to prepare the products so that you do not keep the child waiting later and do not run around in search of care items. . Disposable diapers

Disposable diapers

Pampers are designed taking into account the characteristics of the child, exclude contact of the skin of the little one with irritating particles, with water, and prevent chafing. In diapers, the baby feels warm and comfortable.

Wet wipes

Hygiene products are necessary to care for the sensitive skin of an infant, especially when a mother and child travel or are away from home. With their help, you can wipe the baby's skin after bowel movements.

This method of cleaning the skin is very good and fast, but you need to choose a good manufacturer of wipes to be sure that after treatment the baby will not develop skin irritation.

Baby soap

The most common baby skin care product. Parents should know that the best way to wash a newborn is to cleanse the skin with baby soap, but it should be used no more than 2 times a day, all other times you need to wash it with just clean warm water.

Sterile cotton

Cotton wool is needed to treat rashes on the skin of a child, diaper rash. Cotton wool must be sterile so as not to infect.

Antiseptic solution

When buying an antiseptic solution, it is important to read the instructions for use and its composition. A solution that does not contain alcohol can be considered good.

baby oil

The tool is used to lubricate the baby's skin, which turned red as a result of wearing diapers. Do not use oil after each wash, it is advisable to alternate the product with powder.

water thermometer

A thermometer is necessary to determine the temperature of the water so as not to burn the sensitive skin of the child or wash it with cold water. Many mothers determine the temperature of the water with their hand - tactilely.

Creams and ointments for skin regeneration

As a result of wearing diapers, irritations and rashes appear on the soft skin of the baby, that is, the skin is damaged. To regenerate damaged tissues, mothers use creams and ointments designed to care for the skin of newborns. Creams help cells recover and protect against the negative effects of external factors.

How to handle wrinkles

Treating the folds of the skin of a newborn is a monotonous procedure, but not complicated:

  1. The first thing is swimming. Every day, or rather evening, before going to bed, the baby must be bathed in the bath. After water procedures, the body is washed with crumbs, and then they begin to wash the folding zones. It is necessary to lather the “washcloth” and slowly, gently, without pressing, wipe the folds from the bottom up. It is required to take the head and limbs well to the sides in order to straighten the "accordion". After - rinse thoroughly with water. How to take care of baby's skin.
  2. The baby is washed, wrapped in a towel and lies on the couch/bed/changing table. To continue the procedures, you need to dry the body. You can't rub! Up to a month or more, the skin of the child is blotted with a soft towel or a diaper. Now it's the turn of the folds. They are also gently blotted with a cotton cloth. Slowly but surely, the head and limbs are retracted to the sides, and the risk zones are thoroughly dried.
  3. Now you can process problem areas. If you need to moisturize - spread the area with oil or cream. Along the way, the rest of the body is also captured. If it is necessary to dry - talc is used.
  4. Before lubricating the child with moisturizers, it is recommended to apply air baths. Air will naturally dry problem areas and ventilate them.
  5. Processing the folds during the day (in the morning or at lunch) comes down to undressing the newborn child naked and wiping the zones with a "washcloth" dipped in a decoction of herbs or boiled water. If the decoction needs to be diluted, then boiled water only! After the procedure, air baths are also recommended, and after them, treat the folds with oil or cream.

So that the baby does not have any problems in the future, it is necessary to properly handle his navel.

What problems can arise with the skin of a newborn

The skin of a newborn is very delicate and sensitive, so any skin rashes and diseases cause severe discomfort. The child cries, does not sleep and eats poorly, experiencing pain. It is necessary to process folds from the first day of life.

Areas of focus:

  • folds on the neck;
  • behind the ears, armpits;
  • groin area;
  • palms;
  • elbow and knee joints on the inner fold;
  • between fingers and toes.

Treat every crease

In these places, the skin is constantly "accordion". Moisture and microparticles accumulate in the folds during sweating, the natural work of the sebaceous glands, microfiber from clothes, and also after regurgitation, “food” flows behind the neck. Naturally, if delicate skin is not cleansed in time, it begins to get sick. A rash appears, redness, an unpleasant odor, and the child cries, because it hurts.

What are the diseases, and how are they characteristic:

  1. Diaper rash. The diagnosis is made with reddening of the skin, the presence of an unpleasant odor and whitish accumulations in the folds. The skin turns red from pink to bright red. It most often appears on the neck, armpits, in the groin and behind the ears. Treatment requires enhanced hygiene and hydration. Diaper rash tends to develop - the skin becomes saturated red, cracks appear, the affected area hurts and worries the child.
  2. Prickly heat. It is characterized by a rash of pimples. Occurs on the neck, armpits, in the groin. For its treatment, it is recommended to use talc to dry the skin, alternating it with anti-inflammatory ointments. Prickly heat is necessarily washed with herbal anti-inflammatory solutions.
  3. Dermatitis. Skin allergy to a diaper or diaper. Appears if the child has been in a wet diaper for a long time. Places of defeat - inguinal folds and buttocks. It is treated with Bepanthen, air baths, herbal decoctions and diaper cream containing zinc.

It is impossible to completely prevent the development of skin diseases of this kind, but if hygiene procedures are performed in time, they can be easily stopped at the initial stage.

In addition to drug treatment, you need to pay attention to prevention methods:

  • do not overheat the child with excessive clothing - he should not be cold, he should not sweat and overheat;
  • take air baths;
  • regularly bathe the newborn and wash all the folds;
  • use moisturizers every day;
  • clothing that touches the body must be sewn with the seams outward;
  • monitor the fullness of the diaper;
  • immediately wipe the neck if the child burps.

By following these rules, it will be possible to avoid the appearance of diaper rash, redness of the skin and rash.

If you do not know, newborn boys and girls need to be washed in different ways - see the article about this.

Pimples in the baby - how to treat them correctly

Bathing a newborn

print version

How to smear a newborn after bathing? A question that worries all, without exception, newly-made mothers. Immediately after the birth of a child, mothers and fathers are faced with a very important and responsible task - bathing their baby. Almost all parents remember the first bathing of their child: still, it’s a whole ritual: everything must be perfect: water temperature, bath, fluffy towel, diapers. Parents also have to make a choice - to bathe the child in a special bath or immediately accustom the baby to "big" water, namely to a large bath. Modern medicine has recently leaned more toward that. That the baby should get used to the space around him. This applies not only to air, but also to the water element. A separate topic for conversation of newly minted parents deserves the question of how to smear the skin of the baby after bathing? Grandmothers are always ready to help. They will all talk about their methods of caring for a baby, advise in detail on folk remedies that can be applied to the baby's skin after bathing, however, it is worth remembering that the advice of relatives is not always a common truth and an iron rule.

How to smear the baby's skin after bathing. Features of the skin of an infant.

The skin of a baby is very delicate - it is 4-5 times thinner than the skin of an adult. Therefore, care for the baby should be special. Modern cosmetology offers a huge selection of skin care products for newborns. Oils, creams, ointments and powders for every taste, and at different prices. That's just the mother should choose a tool that would suit the baby completely. For example, a child's skin is flaky, then how to smear the baby after bathing? The skin of the baby begins to peel off in the second week of life - this is due to the fact that the skin gets used to the air environment. Sweat and sebaceous glands are just beginning their work, so the protective film on the child's skin is weakly expressed. That is why the baby's skin easily loses moisture. This should not be scary, peeling will pass by itself. But to calm the mother herself, you can anoint the baby's skin with baby oil.

How to smear the baby's skin after bathing. We choose children's cosmetics.

If you doubt the purity of the water, you can add a few drops of potassium permanganate solution. After bathing, do not forget to spread the baby's skin with baby cream - after all, potassium permanganate, in addition to the disinfecting effect, greatly dries the baby's delicate and thin skin. Diaper rash on the skin of a newborn is a common occurrence. In order to prevent them from causing discomfort to the child, use baby powder with the addition of zinc. And bathing your baby is best in plain water, without the addition of gels and foams. Believe me, your child under one year old will be absolutely not interested in foamy mountains. You can add essential oils or a solution of herbs to the water. But in terms of hygiene, you do not need to be zealous with soap. Moreover, use antibacterial, disinfecting and especially toilet types of soap. They are absolutely not suitable for babies! Only special baby soap. It does not contain aromatic fragrances that can cause an allergic reaction. The level of alkali in baby soap is much lower than in any other soap. Try to use it no more than once a week. How to smear a newborn after bathing is a purely individual decision. The choice of funds depends on the condition of the baby's skin, the sensitivity of the skin. And there are a lot of companies and manufacturers of children's cosmetics on the sales market - for every taste and budget. Domestic, foreign manufacturing companies offer a huge selection. Listening to her intuition, mom will make the right choice. The main thing is that the company of children's cosmetics inspires confidence. everything for dle movies and series online hd automatic exchange of webmoney for privat24 android games, applications, instructions, reviews

Proper skin care for your baby from birth

Whatever aspect you touch on, you can always say about newborns that they are not a reduced copy of an adult, which means that their body functions according to its own laws. This even applies to the skin. The skin of a newborn baby has its own characteristics, which sometimes cause anxiety in young parents. The skin of the crumbs is delicate and prone to irritation, therefore it requires special attention. In order to avoid problems and inflammatory processes, it is necessary to carefully care for it. When a child has clean skin, no diaper rash, rashes, the newborn feels comfortable, sleeps well, does not worry and is not naughty.

What problems can occur on the skin of infants

Oil, powder and baby cream are used to prevent newborn skin diseases, if they do occur, they need to be treated by other means.

Most often, the baby is worried about:

  • Prickly heat is a small rash on the body. The cause is overheating. You can fight it by providing the baby with the necessary temperature conditions in the room, using clothes strictly according to the season;
  • Diaper rash - pronounced redness of the skin (most often in the area of ​​​​the buttocks, groin and armpits). The reason is dry skin after bathing, prolonged exposure to a humid environment. The way to eliminate is air baths, reducing the time of using a diaper and drying the skin with special means. You can treat problem areas with Bepanten ointment, zinc ointment, Desitin. If the above measures do not help, then a drying mash with talc and zinc oxide will come in handy. As prescribed by the doctor, ultraviolet irradiation of problem areas is carried out;
  • Fungal lesions of the skin - appear in stubbornly untreated diaper rash. In this case, it is recommended to consult a doctor;
  • Pyoderma - small superficial pustules, the causative agent of which is staphylococci and streptococci. Consultation of a specialist is necessary for adequate treatment;
  • Allergic dermatitis - manifests itself in the form of peeling, red spots, rash. This disease is associated with the immaturity of the immune and enzyme systems of the newborn. For treatment, you need to contact an allergist.

Systematic care and careful processing of the baby's folds helps prevent diseases of the delicate skin of the newborn. It is known that children's health problems, including skin problems, are easier to prevent than to treat.

Healthy babies after urgent delivery are now discharged from the maternity hospital for 4-5 days (those born by caesarean section - from 6 days of life). And if in the maternity hospital, qualified nurses cared for the newborn, then at home, as a rule, this responsibility falls on the shoulders of the mother. Remember that the daily morning toilet of a newborn, which includes the treatment of the umbilical wound, the treatment of the eyes, nasal passages and natural folds of the newborn, is the key to your baby's health.

When to conduct?

In the maternity hospital, the toilet of a newborn is usually carried out at 9-10 in the morning. At home, you can adjust the time of this procedure yourself. However, we still advise you to adhere to a certain schedule, this will help to establish the rhythm of your child's life. If the doctor has already recommended that you start bathing the child, then it is better to treat the umbilical wound not only in the morning, but also after bathing him.

What to cook?

Before you start toileting your newborn, make sure everything you need is ready. So that later you don’t run around and call someone for help if something is missing.

You will need:

  • A bottle of baby oil or cream (sterile vegetable oil is used in the hospital);
  • A bottle with a solution of brilliant green;
  • 3% hydrogen peroxide solution;
  • A container with boiled water cooled to room temperature;
  • Cotton balls and already twisted cotton flagella, a cotton swab on a stick is well suited for treating the umbilical wound (so that possible bacteria from the hands do not get into the open wound).
  1. Wash your hands with soap
  2. Moisten a cotton swab on a stick with 3% hydrogen peroxide solution
  3. Carefully push the edges of the umbilical wound
  4. Treat the umbilical wound with a prepared swab from the center of the wound to its edges (so that the infection does not get inside the wound)
  5. Dry with a clean cotton swab
  6. Treat the wound with 1% brilliant green solution

Eye treatment is usually done in the morning. The recommended time is after the second feeding (at 10 am), because. usually after this there comes a short time of wakefulness of the baby. However, the time of the procedure is still at your discretion, depending on the individual characteristics of your child's regimen.

  1. Moisten 2 cotton balls with boiled water at room temperature
  2. Treat both eyes with separate balls from outer corner of the eye(closer to ear) to internal(closer to the nose), so as not to bring dirt further inside the baby's eye. Use different balls for each eye!
  3. Dry the child's eyes with dry balls to remove excess moisture also from the outer eye to the inner (use separate balls for each eye).

It is usually carried out only in the morning, after eye treatment. We recommend to carry out as necessary, in order to cleanse the nasal passages from crusts that impede the processes of breathing and feeding the baby.

  1. Moisten 2 cooked flagella sterile oil(you can use vaseline or vegetable) - sold at a pharmacy.
  2. Move the flagellum into the nasal passage by 1-1.5 cm with careful rotational movements. Do the same with the other nasal passage. Use separate flagella for each baby's nasal passage!
  3. Clean the nasal passages with dry flagella (different for each stroke)

Treatment of the auricles of a newborn

Treatment of the auricles of a newborn is carried out no more than once a week.

  1. Moisten cotton balls with sterile oil and wipe the outer part of the ear without going into the ear canal of the child's ear. Use a new bead for each ear. Do not forget to wipe behind the auricle itself, because. crusts often form there.
  2. If a lot of earwax has accumulated in the ear canal, take cotton flagella moistened with sterile oil and carefully remove the wax. Do not use cotton buds or other hard objects to remove earwax from your baby!

Treatment of the natural folds of the newborn

The processing of the natural folds of a newborn is usually carried out not only in the morning, but also after the evening bathing of the child. Usually, the treatment of folds is carried out up to 1 month, or longer if the child's skin is very dry.

The birth of the first child is a step into a completely new life for young parents. And from the first minutes of this, they are faced with natural questions, the answers to which come only with time. One of them is caring for a newborn, for his skin, or rather, how to protect the folds in the baby from irritation, diaper rash, etc. Moms get their first skills even in the maternity hospital, when nurses tell them what to do and how to do it. But the care of the baby does not end there, and most of the procedures will have to be performed at home for more than one month.

In the cycle of worries, parents just sometimes forget about the simplest things, and therefore they are even more afraid of harming their baby. If you forget about the folds, then the risk of dermatitis, prickly heat or diaper rash increases several times. As a result, the newborn will be capricious, because such irritations cause pain, and their treatment is not the fastest and easiest process.

The hygiene of a newborn baby consists in daily care for the entire body, and not just the navel and diaper area. Even when bathing a baby every day, natural secretions accumulate in his folds, even behind the ears. In addition, if the child burps while lying down, milk can flow onto the neck and ears. Parents of thin children usually believe that such problems do not concern them, but in fact, even they have folds.

Accordingly, even in the tiniest folds, in the groin, behind the ears, any pollution tends to accumulate, because the baby is not moving yet, and the secretions cannot be ventilated or accidentally wiped off with clothes. And the accumulation of pollution leads to irritation of the delicate skin of the baby. And then, like a snowball, the problems only grow. It is in order to avoid such that it is extremely important to monitor the cleanliness of the folds.

Other causes of irritation in the folds

As a rule, the hygiene of skin folds consists in daily inspection of those and wiping them with a damp cotton swab. Then the skin is wiped dry and lubricated with oil.

But often irritation still arises. And this happens for one of the following reasons:

  • Clothes for the baby are not chosen in the best way: internal seams, too stiff fabric, synthetic fibers - all this can cause irritation on the skin, including in the folds.
  • Untimely change of a diaper or clothes in the heat.
  • After bathing, the folds remained wet.
  • The baby is regularly dressed too warmly - not for the weather.

Obviously, baby skin care is about avoiding such mistakes.

Care rules

From the above, you can derive simple rules for caring for the skin of newborns:

  • Wiping the folds from dirt, they should be dried and oiled with high quality.
  • The clothes of the crumbs should correspond to his age and be spacious enough. For the tiniest ones, undershirts and bodysuits are chosen with the seams outward.
  • The diaper should be changed at least once every three hours. The same should be done with diapers if the baby is on the bed without clothes. Of course, this does not mean that you should get up at night and change your baby's clothes regularly: if the child is sleeping, then nothing bothers him.
  • After each bath, you should gently blot the whole body, especially the folds of the baby.
  • You need to look at the skin of the crumbs regularly - several times a day, when you carry the baby in your arms, change clothes or just play.
  • If you feel that the baby is sweating, be sure to change his clothes. Try to choose outfits for your little miracle according to the weather - a jacket more than yourself.
  • If possible, leave the baby undressed so that the skin breathes: for babies, air baths are also hardening procedures.

Baby Skin Treatments

Traditionally, oil is a universal remedy for dry skin of a baby, therefore, with proper care, such a remedy is enough to keep the skin of the crumbs clean and healthy.

How to care for the baby, if, nevertheless, irritations appear? You should show the child to the doctor in order to exclude serious skin diseases, to more accurately understand what exactly caused the irritation.

Among these are:

  • Diaper dermatitis as an allergic reaction to diapers. Redness is localized in the region of the inguinal folds. As a rule, it appears with an untimely change of diapers, which happens in cases where parents want to save money, because the cost of disposable underpants is quite high today. If the doctor is sure that the redness of the crumbs is diaper dermatitis, procedures using Bepanten, creams containing zinc, and air baths are prescribed. You will not need baby oil during treatment.
  • Diaper rash is a bright red irritation that can look like sores, cracks, or just a rash. These can occur both in the groin and in the armpits, in the neck folds, in the folds of the legs and arms. Most often they occur in the absence of proper care at an early age of the crumbs, while he does not move, or is regularly dressed inappropriately for the weather. They are processed in the usual way - a cotton swab dipped in boiled water and baby oil. Instead of water, herbal decoctions can be used if the baby is not allergic to herbal ingredients. If the diaper rash is running and the redness has turned into ulcers and wounds, it is recommended to lubricate them with ointments that contain panthenol for the speedy healing of irritation.
  • Prickly heat occurs when the baby is overly warmly dressed, and the clothes do not allow the skin to breathe. Such irritation may also occur when using synthetic outfits. Usually, such redness goes away on its own, if the baby is regularly left without any clothes. You can distinguish prickly heat by small bubbles. Obviously, the sores can be damp when they start to burst. For this reason, in this case, it is recommended to sprinkle the skin with talcum powder.

Of course, you do not have to lubricate the baby's skin all his childhood - sooner or later he will stretch out, and the wrinkles will go away. The problem remains with overweight children who, in principle, find it difficult to move around, and they remain inactive for a long time, which only contributes to the accumulation of contaminants in the skin folds, because the skin will not be ventilated and wiped on clothes like more active crumbs.

By about 6 months, caring for a baby will become easier, and sometimes by 4 months, mothers note that it is becoming easier and easier to handle a baby. How to care for a child who has become more active?

  • Start with daily baths, but remember that soap should not be used every day, as it dries out the skin to a certain extent and makes it vulnerable to various factors. As a rule, irritations on such covers occur more often.
  • Examination of the body should be carried out as regularly as before, but now there is no need to lubricate all the folds with oil - it will now be wiped on clothes, because the baby is moving more and more.
  • The older the baby becomes, the less it needs to be wrapped. However, there is no need to overdo it with clothes at an earlier age, but with an increase in activity, it is important to ensure that the baby is comfortable, otherwise prickly heat can occur at any age.
  • It is still important to monitor the condition of the skin under the diaper, because it is unlikely that you will be able to refuse them before the year. In the summer, try to keep your baby naked longer so that the body breathes. In winter, you can also take air baths if the apartment is warm. But do not forget about the proper level of humidity so that the skin of the crumbs does not dry out. The only thing that can get easier is the frequency of diaper changes. But still, make sure that the baby does not stay in underpants that are already filled for a long time.

In general, there is nothing complicated in caring for a baby: it is only important to develop a certain regimen for yourself, and all procedures will be easy. Remember that you do not need to conduct those when the newborn is naughty or crying: a sharp change in temperature when bathing, undressing or rubbing with oil can only worsen his mood.

With an extract from the hospital, new parents take care of the baby. The main goals of hygiene of the child is to maintain the cleanliness of the skin, its sufficient moisture. Thanks to this, the skin is cleansed of impurities and waste products of the sebaceous and sweat glands. With special care, it is necessary to monitor the folds of the baby's skin and process them. But inexperienced moms and dads may have a question about how to wipe the folds of a newborn and how to do it right.

Wrinkle care for babies

The inguinal and knee folds of the crumbs require care. Mandatory is daily morning and evening bathing in boiled water. Once a week, the baby is washed with baby soap. After washing, the delicate skin of the baby should be dried with gentle blotting movements with a diaper or a soft cloth towel. This is followed by the treatment of folds in newborns.

How to treat the folds of a newborn?

Previously, our mothers and grandmothers sprinkled the folds of children with talc or starch. But for a baby, a moisturizer is better, because its delicate and fragile skin in a state of dryness is easily damaged and open to infection. How to lubricate the folds of a newborn? Boiled refined oil, vaseline oil, in general, any baby oil, is suitable for this. The main thing is that the product does not cause an allergic reaction. Moisten the important disc with oil and gently treat the newborn's knee and groin creases.

Symmetry of the folds in newborns

Each mother needs to carefully examine how evenly the folds are located on the hips and buttocks of the baby. The fact is that asymmetrical folds in a child may indicate dysplasia - a congenital underdevelopment of the hip joints. To reveal this, lay the baby on his stomach and straighten his legs. The asymmetry of the folds in a newborn should alert parents. Especially if it is accompanied by different leg lengths, limited abduction of the hips and a click emitted at the same time. Sometimes the asymmetry of the folds is a consequence of the tone of one of the legs. At the same time, uneven folds do not always indicate pathology: in some children, diseases of the musculoskeletal system are not detected. In any case, you should make an appointment with an orthopedist. If this defect is not detected in time, the child will not only limp, his abilities may be limited. The specialist will examine the child and, if necessary, refer him for an ultrasound or x-ray.