The influence of American cartoons on the psyche of the child. The influence of cartoons on children

Cartoons continue to occupy a dominant place in the life of a modern child. However, more and more often, the meaning and quality of animation does not correspond to the goals of children's development and their needs. And this is especially true for the products of the American Dream Factory. Psychologists believe that most foreign cartoons simply cannot be shown to children, and the rest can only be watched under strict parental censorship and with mandatory adult comments. Is foreign animation dangerous for children? What are the criteria for harmful cartoons?

Today's upbringing often looks like this: adults are busy with different things, and the baby, so as not to interfere, is seated in front of a TV or computer screen. And this child watches everything around the clock, and after a couple of months he literally cannot breathe without the usual dose of colorful cartoons. Is it helpful? Psychologists categorically answer: “No!” Let's look at specific examples of popular foreign animated films, what psychological impact they have on children's consciousness and behavior.

Female images: sexuality and cruelty

Experts argue that in modern animation, female images are deprived of romance through endowing them with excessive realism, cruelty and physiology. At the same time, traditional for old domestic cartoons, such feminine qualities as shyness, modesty and chastity are ridiculed.

For example, the Winx animated series about witches, wildly popular among girls, depicts the main characters with huge eyes, abnormally long legs and in very revealing outfits. And if you add here an overly thin waist, then it begins to seem that cartoon girls, with their ambiguous appearance, are popularizing vulgarity and anorexia. Psychologists are sure: stereotypes of adult behavior, especially erotica, cannot be shown in children's cartoons!

In the cartoon "Shrek" the main character from a beautiful princess turns into a green monster. Yes, and behaves not at all in a feminine way: aggressively and even cruelly. And this episode with the murder of the unfortunate bird, which swells from singing and then bursts! Did your children laugh at the dead bird? Can you remember at least one main heroine of Russian fairy tales who would do this with forest animals? In addition, Princess Fiona does it in a very contagious and fun way, as if encouraging children to follow her example.

Destruction of family values

Perhaps there is no more popular cartoon than the series about the eccentric yellow Simpson family. However, many psychologists and parents consider this comedy animated film to be propaganda of cruelty, unhealthy family relationships, and even drug addiction. So, in some episodes, they subtly and, which is especially scary, wittily laugh at the elderly and sick people. For example, a turtle steals old man Simpson's false teeth, but he cannot catch up with her. And there are a lot of similar stories in the series, on which entire generations in the USA and Russia grew up.

Moms take note!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me, but I’ll write about it))) But I have nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too ...

After watching a lot of Disney cartoons, child psychologists have discovered a strange pattern: the beautiful and young heroine is in most cases childless, but for some reason the mothers are portrayed as ugly and noisy, with vague figures. It turns out that after watching such cartoons, little spectators may not have a desire to create a family and give birth to children. So, in the animated film "Beauty and the Beast" the main character is shown as beautiful and carefree, and for some reason, the eccentric woman with screaming babies is disgusting.

Is everything so bad?

Perhaps American cartoons receive mostly negative comments from psychologists. There is a high aggressiveness of Disney cartoons, the introduction of negative patterns of behavior and gender identification into children's consciousness. And even with evil, the heroes, personifying a good beginning, are physically dealt with. In old Soviet animated films, evil characters most often succumbed to persuasion and were re-educated.

Of course, in general, Disney cartoons leave a completely different feeling after viewing than Soviet and even modern domestic films. Ours, of course, are much more sincere, cleaner and kinder. However, it is not entirely correct to consider all American animated production as a single mass. Compare, for example, the cheeky "South Park" and the touching "Gummi Bears" - they are, to put it mildly, not exactly alike and affect children in completely different ways. And how wonderfully the beauty of motherhood and family relationships is shown in such cartoons as Bambi the Deer, The Lion King or 101 Dalmatians.

Signs of harmful cartoons

Each parent can independently determine how harmful this or that cartoon is for his child. The presence of at least one "harmful" feature should serve as a basis for excluding this animated product from children's viewing.

  1. The main characters of the cartoon behave inappropriately: they kill, steal, harm, maim. Even if all this is served in a humorous way.
  2. Such behavior of heroes often goes unpunished or leads to gaining popularity, wealth, or is approved by society.
  3. In the cartoon, the characters demonstrate dangerous behavior, which, if repeated by a child in real life, can be harmful to health and life.
  4. Cartoon characters show non-standard behavior for their gender: female characters behave like men, and male characters behave like women.
  5. In the picture you can see scenes of disdain for people, as well as animals and plants. For example, a mockery of disability, old age or social inequality.
  6. The main characters are repulsive. For young children, there is often an equal sign between the words “good” and “beautiful”. That is, they need positive characters to be not only good, but also likable.
  7. The film promotes an idle lifestyle, the characters achieve their goals in an easy way or with the help of deceit.
  8. The authors ridicule or show family values ​​in a negative light. Children constantly conflict with adults, spouses treat each other disrespectfully, parents humiliate their child.

Each adult is obliged to select cartoons for his child, focusing, first of all, on the children's reaction, the plot of the picture and their own feelings. After all, a good parent always knows what his baby is watching and how long he sits in front of the TV screen. Finally, with a good parent, the child will gladly go to play and communicate, easily tearing himself away from even the best cartoon in the world.

In the minds of adult Russians, cartoon This is what is meant for children. But most parents foreign cartoons raise doubts about their safety. Parents are increasingly feeling anxious when their children watch foreign cartoons. The intuition of parents suggests that while the child is watching foreign cartoons, something is not right.
We claim that most foreign cartoons are not harmless, they should never be shown to a child, and those foreign cartoons, which were not included in the first group, should be viewed under parental censorship and with parental comments. Otherwise, there is a high risk that it is not the parents who will raise their children. Millions of parents let their kids watch cartoons who didn't watch it themselves. After all, a fairy tale, a cartoon for a child, is what forms a model of the world around. These are images of mom and dad, friend and foe, good and evil, all that he will be guided by then all his life. By the way, it depends on this upbringing whether the child will help you in old age or will hand you over to a nursing home, thinking that this is how it should be.
The child perceives almost all information in the form of images, from these images the child subsequently builds his own model of the world, and the most important cube in this model is the image of a woman, girl, girl. Looking at the heroines, the girls absorb the stereotypes of future sexual behavior, and the boys form a matrix, using which he will unconsciously choose a life partner, the mother of his future children. And we are talking more about internal, spiritual qualities, which are reflected in appearance and cartoon character action.

Is there an influence of cartoons?

Researchers on this topic took, looked at a bunch foreign cartoons, selected episodes where female characters act and showed all these episodes to child psychologists. Psychologists were shocked by what they saw, and researchers were shocked by the psychologists' verdict. It turned out that the heroines of the majority american cartoons designed in such a way that systematic viewing by children cartoons with their participation leads to the extinction of the functions of procreation.
This is how it is achieved. The image of a woman is deprived of romance and secrets, it is endowed with adult realism, physiology and cruelty. Along the way, women's qualities traditional for Russian society are ridiculed, the very ones that our domestic good cartoons, this is chastity, tenderness, shyness, selflessness, modesty and motherhood as such.
What American cartoons do to our children can be summed up in a short statement: intellectual corruption . This is the opinion of professional child psychologists.

The influence of cartoons, what are the mechanisms

Let's now talk about the mechanics of changing the child's psyche through the substitution of images. These means are so simple and so common in foreign cartoons and so obvious that one involuntarily wonders how this passes the attention of adults without encountering opposition.
Let's start with a simple one, this is the color of the characters and the color scheme. Check out some cartoons that show on TNT in children's time. I took the cartoon "Winx" - a school of sorceresses, where several sorceresses constantly turn into fairies. The color of these characters has bright, poisonous colors, and the moment of transformation from ordinary girls to fairies is densely accompanied by frequent flickering of different colors on the screen (so that I had a headache at the time of viewing, and my child was so chained to the screen that he did not respond on my question). This technique exploits the properties of the child's psyche to respond to all the brightest. Thus, all the attention of the child is riveted to the character who leads the child wherever he wants, without giving him the opportunity to be distracted and reflect. That is why small children drop everything when an advertisement appears on the TV screen and watch it so attentively.
The face of the main characters. It doesn't take a genius to see that the main characters of all American cartoons look the same. Due to the frequency of flashing this face on the screen, it turns into an acquired aesthetic stereotype. So the girls will be anxious to look like cartoon characters. And the boys will look for a companion, focusing on the same thing. It is the process of creating a new matrix of beauty.
By the way american cartoon characters not only do they have a similarity in appearance, but they also have the same manner of speaking. Here you have another technology for controlling the mass consciousness of your children, an anchor is installed in the child's subconscious.

American romantic heroines are endowed (with the one whom the child sympathizes with and imitates) with the attributes of anger, malice and cruelty. Can you imagine the Russian frog princess who fights like a man or the main character from the "scarlet flower" who gets angry or swears? But the princess from Shrek fights like a man and does it with taste, fun and contagious. There is a masculinization of women in American cartoons, which in adulthood will lead to sexual disorientation. Maybe that's why they have so many feminists and lesbians?

The influence of cartoons and sadism in cartoons

Now let's talk about sadism using the example of the same cartoon"Shrek". If you watched these cartoons, then you may remember how the princess begins to sing and next to it from a nest on a branch, a bird flies up (there are several eggs in the nest) and starts whistling to the princess, but after a while the princess raises her voice and tears the bird. The princess is embarrassed, but not for long, and they begin to fry the very eggs that were left in the nest. If you pay attention to your child at this moment, you will see how the child laughs at this episode, and you probably laughed too. You yourself have witnessed how a shift in consciousness is achieved, how strangers are shifting the psyche of your children before your very eyes. It's not just a beautiful murder scene, it's a devaluation of death. This episode crosses out the entire system of children's ideas about the world. The main character of our fairy tales cannot be treacherous, cruel, she cannot kill an animal, but on the contrary, they show love for animals. And why our heroines from frogs turn into beautiful princesses, and in Shrek from a princess into a troll.

Cartoon influence and sex

cartoon sex . Remember the main characters in Russian cartoons, their femininity is expressed only through spiritual qualities. IN american cartoons women are realistic, physiological, dominated by beautifully developed forms of adult women, there is no chastity in the behavior of American heroines, which distinguishes products for children from films for adults. American cartoon characters showing sympathy for the opposite sex, the multidives are not shy, they do not lower their eyes to the floor, but behave like grated women of known behavior who seduce in a vulgar and concrete way. And children automatically copy the behavior of the hero or heroine.

Touches and kisses cartoons. In our cartoons the greatest erotica is the closed hands of the heroes, and the kiss is hidden from view, it is only indicated. In foreign cartoons, everything is for show, like in adults. Lips are open and lustful, you can touch a woman like a normal thing. Shrek, for example, drags the princess on his shoulder, and then, flirting with her, pushes her so that she flies into the bushes, and she likes all this. In our cartoons, the heroine is not pushed or dragged, because a woman is not supposed to be treated like that. In American cartoons, there is a bookmark on how a woman should be treated. This stereotype of behavior from the point of view of a psychologist further excludes the relationship of love, respect and marriage between the sexes, replacing them with the stereotype of sexual partnership. And sexual partnership, as we well know, does not imply the creation of a family and the continuation of the family. Psychologists warn that adult stereotypes of behavior, in particular erotica, cannot be shown in children's cartoons, this prematurely disinhibits the child's sphere of attraction for which the child is not yet functionally and morally ready. These experiences will cripple the child's psyche and in the future, this will result in sexual problems, difficulties in creating a family and procreation. Pedophiles are responsible for the physical corruption of our children, and American cartoons are responsible for the moral corruption. According to child psychologists, only through romance and timidity in front of the opposite sex can a boy become a real man, only a modest, chaste girl is able to attract real men, and not freaks from cartoons that cities are teeming with today. Our children are exposed to such a massive influence of children's cartoons, namely, non-childish images are created, that more and more children are becoming with a phenomenon that psychologists have called "romantic hunger in children."

The influence of cartoons and the image of a woman

The most important, most sacred image of a woman in the fairy tales of all peoples of the world is the image of a mother. Now remember everything american cartoons that you have seen and this is what you will get: mother, motherhood in the traditional form is shown only in cartoons about animals (the lion king, 101 dalmatians, etc.), they are filled with touching, sentimental and very kind scenes of animal mothers caring for cubs, kittens, etc. In American cartoons, you will not meet a single mother of a person with such qualities, but on the contrary, you can see how with the help of cartoons they inspire children with something completely different. Using visual images that appear for a very short time and the consciousness does not have time to evaluate them critically, such images are immediately introduced into the subconscious, like a hypnotic suggestion (similar to the 25th frame effect), this is noticed only on slow viewing, but on normal playback mode it is visible, as something flashed in the foreground and you did not betray the significance of this. See an example of the hypnotic influence of cartoons:

Here is an example for you hypnotic suggestion cartoons, taken from Beauty and the Beast. These are two frames, on the first one you can see how the beauty is at the beginning of the path, and she moves from right to left, and on the second she is at the end of the movement on the left side of the screen. During this time, the woman with children in the foreground changed several times and her appearance was approximately the same as in these pictures. The beauty moved from right to left for less than a second, and a woman with children took 8 terrible poses during this time. What did we see during slow viewing? And this is what we saw: in the foreground, not a young, not beautiful, very irritated and embittered woman with children, how do you like this image of a mother that is shoved into the heads of our children ??? And in the background: above all this, a beautiful, young, slender heroine is visible. These shots instill in girls an aversion to motherhood in general and to having many children in particular. Here it is suggested either you are an ugly, old and poor mother, or you are beautiful, young, but then do not give birth. What choice will you make? And your girl does not even have a choice, this decision is forcibly and disguisedly laid in the subconscious of the child.

Images of a woman are images of a wife and a mother, and this is how they should be imprinted in the mind and subconscious of your child. For a girl, this is a role model, and for a boy, this is a model that he should choose in the future!

Parents protect their children from the influence of cartoons and they will be grateful to you for it!

Teslenko Egor

The most amazing time in a person's life is childhood. But what is most connected with it? Of course, cartoons! Whole generations grow up on them!

I often asked my mother if she liked watching cartoons as a child. Mom replied that "Very!" For them, children who lived at the end of the last century, it was a huge event. "Mother! Cartoons show!” the kids screamed. And adults abandoned all their affairs, sat down to watch an amazing fairy tale with the children. She wore them along the colorful waves of funny and sad, instructive and mysterious, mysterious and funny stories.

Now we, their children, watch cartoons. These are cartoons of Soviet and foreign production. But for some reason, more and more parents are having doubts about the safety and benefits of foreign animated products for us. Do adults have a feeling of anxiety, a suspicion that something wrong and irreparable is happening?

In my work, I will try to figure out how cartoons affect the child's psyche.



City Scientific and Practical Conference

"Planet of the Erudites"

How cartoons affect the psyche of the child

Man and his health

Teslenko Egor Sergeevich

3 "B" class

MBOU Lyceum №21


Areficheva Elena Valentinovna

Primary school teacher

MBOU Lyceum №21



  1. Introduction…………………………………………………………………………………3
  2. Theoretical part………………………………………………………..……………4
  1. The history of the creation of cartoons…………………………………………………………4
  2. Comparison of domestic and foreign cartoons……………………….……5
  1. Practical part……………………………………………………………………...7
  2. Conclusion……………………………………………………………………………....9
  3. References………………………………………………………………….......9
  1. Introduction.

The most amazing time in a person's life is childhood. But what is most connected with it? Of course, cartoons! Whole generations grow up on them!

I often asked my mother if she liked watching cartoons as a child. Mom replied that "Very!" For them, children who lived at the end of the last century, it was a huge event. "Mother! Cartoons show!” the kids screamed. And adults abandoned all their affairs, sat down to watch an amazing fairy tale with the children. She wore them along the colorful waves of funny and sad, instructive and mysterious, mysterious and funny stories.

Now we, their children, watch cartoons. These are cartoons of Soviet and foreign production. But for some reason, more and more parents are having doubts about the safety and benefits of foreign animated products for us. Do adults have a feeling of anxiety, a suspicion that something wrong and irreparable is happening?

In my work, I will try to figure out how cartoons affect the child's psyche.

Objective: based on work with various sources and practical research, find out what effect modern cartoons of domestic and foreign production have on the minds of children, and find out which cartoons benefit the child.

Work tasks:

  • find out in the special literature how the genre-animation appeared;
  • find out what dangers the fictional world of animation hides in itself;
  • conduct a survey of classmates in order to identify the most preferred cartoons and their characters;
  • to study how Western cartoons affect the anxiety and aggressiveness of younger students;
  • analyze research results and draw conclusions.

Subject of study- cartoons of domestic and foreign production.

Job hypothesis:cartoons of Russian and foreign production, in which there is more kindness, rather than violence, will contribute to the harmonious development of the child, and those in which there is a lot of violence develop anxiety, fears, insecurity in communication with adults and children in the child.

During the work, we used methods:

  • study of literature;
  • watching cartoons;
  • conducting a survey of students in our class and their parents;
  • analysis of the obtained results.

The topic is relevant because today there is a wide variety of cartoons. We all constantly watch cartoons of foreign and domestic production. Many guys prefer watching TV to games.

  1. Theoretical part
  1. The history of the creation of cartoons.

It is not known exactly when cartoons appeared. Since ancient times, people have tried to "revive" the drawings. The first mention of animation (revival) dates back to the 1st century BC.

At the beginning of the second millennium AD. shadow shows appeared in China. They were very similar to future cartoons.

In the middle of the 15th century, artists began to appear who entertained the people with moving images, using special mechanisms for this.

At the end of the 17th century, A. Kisher invented a "magic lantern", which showed a moving image on glass.

At the end of the 19th century, the inventor from France, E. Reynaud, invented a projector that used the principle of sequential transmission of images - one after the other.

In 1906, after the invention of the motion picture camera, the first cartoon was made in America. Its author was J. Blackton. Early cartoons were black and white and silent. The first cartoon with sound was created in 1928 by W. Disney. It was the cartoon "Steamboat Wily".

In Russia, Vladislav Starevich, the founder of three-dimensional animation, begins work on the first three-dimensional animated film "The Development of the Tadpole" in the cinematographic company of Alexander Alekseevich Khanzhonkov, making frame-by-frame shooting of live tadpoles in water. 1911 can be considered the year of birth of Russian animation.

Creating a cartoon is a very time-consuming process. In order for the character to make a simple movement, you need to draw about a hundred drawings. And for a ten-minute cartoon, they need to make about 15 thousand!

But, despite the fact that today all cartoons are created in many countries of the world, it turns out that not all of them are recommended to watch ... What do we see on our TV screens? Why do some cartoons cause a storm of joyful emotions, a wave of imitation of favorite characters and form good emotions of a child, while others cause outright harm, making children angry? Among the creators of cartoons, there are two opinions: those who copy adult life in cartoons, and those who create exactly the children's world with its own laws of life. Modern children are more and more inclined to imitate adult life with its aggression and cruelty, and therefore prefer the first type of cartoons.

We asked in the video salon of Dzerzhinsk which cartoon discs adults buy more often for their children. We were told that most of the purchases are foreign novelties. For many children, Russian cartoons are not so interesting to watch, after the action-packed and colorful foreign ones. All children choose cartoons according to the principle of colorfulness and interest, fashion in the classroom or kindergarten. But many Russian cartoons were created on the basis of fairy tales. Soviet cartoons are inherently interesting in plot and make you think. And how is the situation with foreign cartoons? Almost half of foreign cartoons are built according to the old, proven principle: plot - climax - denouement. Crime - investigation - punishment. Therefore, the main themes of American films are conflicts and crimes.

Most modern cartoons have the following features:

  • bright, the action is very fast;
  • a simple, understandable plot that is repeated in all cartoons;
  • the importance of speech for understanding the cartoon is minimized;
  • the cartoon is dubbed by the same voices of translators;
  • a lot of aggression;
  • monotonous music.
  1. Comparison of domestic and foreign cartoons

In order to have time to do all the homework or have some rest, parents often turn on cartoons for their kids. While a child enjoys watching another animated film, adults do not think that in this way children get used to watching cartoons and very soon it will be impossible to “tear them off” from watching endless cartoon series on TV.

A kid absorbs what he sees on TV like a sponge. He still does not know how to distinguish fiction from reality. For him, all the characters are absolutely alive and real. And it is them that he will copy in his behavior, intonations, games. Abroad, cassettes with the cartoon "Tom and Jerry" are often labeled: "For children over 6 years old." The kid takes it for granted and natural that a cat can be skinned, and at the same time he will be not only alive, but also cheerful. Or the mouse can be hit on the head, blown up, poisoned, and it will remain invulnerable, continuing to intrigue the unfortunate Tom.

Watch your little one watching a good cartoon. On his face - the whole flurry of emotions and experiences. Here he laughs with the hero, here he frowns, empathizing and pitying, here he repeats the words of a familiar song ... Good cartoons have great educational value. They will teach the baby to be friends and sympathize, to help comrades and protect the weak, to be generous and magnanimous, to love parents and grandparents, they will show the way out of many difficult situations, and relieve children's fears. In them, a small viewer will find one more confirmation that evil will be punished, and good will always triumph.

And now, let's take a closer look at what cartoons of domestic and foreign production teach.

  1. Heroes and heroines of modern foreign animated films do not teach respect and are very ill-mannered. Think of any cartoon. How many bad things are there. A mocking attitude towards animals, people, objects ...

What does this lead to:

  1. The brightness of the cartoon makes it easy to attract the attention of the child. As a result, the child does not have to make an effort to learn to concentrate. An inability to concentrate develops, and at school the child cannot sit through the lesson and remember all the material.
  2. A clear, simple plot does not always give the opportunity to turn on the imagination, fantasy. But cartoons are another way to develop thinking, attention and memory.
  3. During the school period, the child's speech develops most intensively. Therefore, it is important to hear the correct, beautiful native speech, to hear all the intonations and feelings conveyed by speech. The lack of correct speech can lead to a lag in its development.
  4. Through cartoons, the child learns behavior patterns, methods of action, learns how to achieve his own. Unfortunately, often this method is aggression. According to numerous studies, children who watch mostly foreign cartoons experience an increase in cruelty and aggressiveness.
  1. Practical part

Questionnaire for students

Class ___________

1. Do you watch cartoons? a) yes b) no

2. When do you prefer to watch cartoons?a) in the morning b) in the afternoon c) in the evening

3. What cartoons do you prefer?a) Soviet b) foreign

4. What is the name of your favorite cartoon?

5. What is your favorite hero?

We conducted a study - a survey in the form of a questionnaire. The study showed that all children like to watch cartoons. The right to choose a cartoon belongs to the child. This is a very worrying sign. Most often, children choose foreign cartoons, giving preference to such cartoons as Shrek, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Woody Woodpecker and his friends, The Simpsons, Tom and Jerry, Winx. They watch cartoons for more than 4 hours a week, which is harmful to vision and health in general. Favorite heroes of children are those who can commit a cruel act and even murder. What will happen if in life the child begins to copy the behavior of his favorite characters?! Children in the questionnaire even find it difficult to name 10 “our” cartoons, and this is our history and culture. I think parents need to think about this and watch what their children watch.

  1. Conclusion

Children like to watch cartoons, but not everything that they like is good for us. Many modern cartoons broadcast on TV can have a bad effect on the development of a child, make him prone to aggression, addictions, and there are even cases when cartoons lead to mental disorders. In many cartoons, the main, positive character is endowed with negative qualities. And imperceptibly, these vices eat into the children's consciousness, because positive characters need to be imitated.

So let's sum it up. In one of the cities, several years ago, psychologists studied the influence of various cartoons on the child's psyche. It turned out that after the "Soviet cartoons" the children calmed down, became more friendly, their sleep and appetite improved.

After American computer cartoons, fears and aggressiveness intensified in children, they began to act up, fight, break toys.

Meanwhile, in recent years, it is very rare to see Cheburashka or Winnie the Pooh on the screen, but aggressive animated series flooded all channels. Of course, it is impossible to unequivocally divide cartoons into bad and good, but since we have a completely different culture, it is better for Russian children to watch Russian cartoons.

Cartoons must:

  • learn to love animals, because cartoon characters are often animals.
  • learn to be friends.
  • help explore the world
  • learn to fulfill their duties; An example to show how to perform certain actions.
  • the cartoon should have a plot, preferably based on the interaction of the team.
  • watch cartoons no more than 2 hours a week.
  • retell the content of the cartoon to mom and dad.
  • read works based on which cartoons were staged (for example, I read N. Nosov's "Dunno and His Friends" - I watched a cartoon based on the work)

In the course of the study, the hypothesis put forward by me was confirmed, we proved that not all cartoons have a good, positive effect on children. Therefore, I recommend watching more domestic cartoons.

  1. Bibliography

"Planet of cartoons", article "My baby", Moscow, 2003

"About our soyuzmultfilm", G. Borodin, 2005

Articles on the Internet

Everyone, from young to old, spends too much time watching TV. But is everyone aware of the impact TV has on people's minds? Some watch it, considering it a banal entertainment, others learn the world through television programs. Most children cannot live without cartoons. But what is the impact of cartoons on the psyche of children? This is a very important question, because their future formation largely depends on what the kids watch.

What is the best age to watch cartoons? The research work of ophthalmologists shows that showing cartoons to babies who are not yet two years old is not recommended. After this age, you can already watch, but you need to adhere to certain criteria when choosing: the change of frames should be slow, for the best perception of the child, and the basis of the plot should be simple and understandable for him. The cartoon should be short.

How do good cartoons affect the child's psyche?

Cartoons with a good message can have a positive impact on the upbringing of a child, thereby serving the parents well. Children often copy the behavior of the characters they saw on TV. Therefore, if it is correct, then the kids will learn kindness, empathy, honesty, understand what is good and what is evil, and learn to overcome difficulties.

Good cartoons will develop the child's imagination, his memory and thinking. While watching, the child establishes a logical sequence, learns to perceive and analyze what is happening on the screen, and at the end, make his first reasoning about what he saw on the screen.

Informative stories in cartoons teach and develop the horizons of kids. Now many animated series are being filmed, in which children are taught to read and count, recognize different colors and shapes, and give general information about the life around them.

In addition, there are special cartoons for children that teach foreign languages. Also, watching animated films, children actively replenish their vocabulary, while memorizing literate speech.

Positive cartoon programs teach the child creativity. Non-standard and bright pictures stimulate the imagination and can be an impetus for the development of creativity.

The danger of modern children's cartoons

  • Vibrant colors and loud sound

The child's psyche is not yet fully formed. Animation, replete with bright colors, constant splashes and loud sound, negatively affects the psyche of the child.

In the evening, such cartoons cannot be watched at all, as this will disturb the baby’s peaceful sleep, and he will not be able to get enough sleep. Also, the brightness and loudness of the animation can have a bad effect on the child's analytical abilities.

  • Aggression

If a child behaves aggressively, perhaps the main characters from his favorite cartoons, which he imitates, are to blame.

The kid can not always figure out who is really bad and who is good. Therefore, he chooses the behavior model that he considers the most logical.

Most of the scenes of violence are present in cartoons with the age limit sign 16+. It is clear that it is not recommended to show such cartoons, where fights are constantly arranged, maimed and injured, and objects of violence are depicted.

  • Gender influence

It has been proven that the influence of cartoons on children is reflected in their gender perception. In modern cartoons, women are depicted as courageous and strong heroes, and men are kind and docile. In this case, there is a tremendous impact on children's consciousness. This is how wrong gender behavior is laid, in which girls believe that they are breadwinners, and that they need to go to war, and not boys.

What cartoons should kids watch?

Of course, these are most of the old, Soviet cartoons, which contain a lot of positive emotions. They are the ones who can teach your child honesty, conscientiousness and love of neighbor. However, modern parents, whose time is constantly occupied by work, are not in a hurry to show children “cheburashkas” or “kapitoshkas”. Like, it's not fashionable, and generally "a bygone era."

Old cartoons don't have as much of the brightness and liveliness of modern films, but they carry a lot of positive and useful information for your children's little ears.

In almost every Soviet animated film, all the best has been invested. Parents, not showing their children old cartoons, make a big mistake, as if they are ashamed of their past. But in this past, with old cartoons, there is true friendship, and strong loyalty, and humanity and morality. It turns out a paradox when parents show evil cartoons to their children, and then they are surprised that their child grows up rude and ill-mannered. At the same time, caring mothers and fathers blame kindergarten teachers for everything, leaving their children at home.

Good cartoons have a positive and educational effect. It is easy to recognize such a cartoon - it is a moderate brightness of the picture, entertainment, an abundance of images, a simple and kind story. All this will be understandable and accessible to children's perception. It is these cartoons that are able to form the first idea of ​​the general concepts of good and evil.

VIIschool scientific and practical conference



"The influence of cartoons on the psyche of children"

Romanova Polina,

student 4 "A" class,

Supervisor: Mambetova L. M.,

primary school teacher

MBOU "Krasnogvardeyskaya secondary school No. 1"

Pleshanovo - 2016



Chapter 1.

1.1. How did the genre appear - animation,…..……………………….5

1.2 . Comparison of domestic and foreign cartoons…………8

Chapter 2

2.1. Questioning classmates ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

2.2. Practical experiment-observation ……………............................14





Childhood is the most wonderful time in a person's life. But what is most connected with it? Of course, cartoons! Generations grow up on them!

Once I asked my mother if she liked to watch cartoons as a child. Her answer was in the affirmative. For them, it was an extraordinary event. "Mother! Cartoon!” the kids screamed. And adults were forced to give up everything and, yielding to persistent demands, watch an amazing fairy tale with their children. She wore them along the colorful, sparkling waves of funny and sad, instructive and mysterious, mysterious and funny stories ...

Now we, their children, watch cartoons. These are cartoons of Soviet and foreign production. But for some reason, more and more parents are having doubts about the safety and benefits of foreign animated products for us. Where does their oppressive sense of anxiety come from, where does the suspicion come from that something wrong and irreparable is happening? In my work, I tried to figure out how cartoons affect the child's psyche.

I consider this topicrelevant because today there is a wide variety of cartoons. We all constantly watch cartoons of foreign and domestic production. Many guys prefer watching TV to games. And this is not good for the health of the child.

Objective: on the basis of work with literature and practical research, to identify the impact of modern cartoons of domestic and foreign production on the minds of children, and find out which cartoons will benefit the child.

Work tasks:

1) find out in the special literature how the genre-animation appeared;

2) find out what dangers the fictional world of animation hides in itself;

3) conduct a survey among classmates in order to identify the most preferred cartoons and their characters;

4) to study how Western cartoons affect the anxiety and aggressiveness of younger students;

5) analyze the results of research, draw conclusions;

6) draw up a memo« How to enjoy watching cartoons».

Subject research is the child's psyche, andobject - cartoon.

During the course of the work, the followingmethods:

1. The study of literature.

2. Watching cartoons.

3. Conducting a survey among classmates.

4. Analysis of the obtained results.

5. Making recommendations.

Job hypothesis: cartoons of Russian and foreign production, in which there is more kindness, rather than violence, will contribute to the harmonious development of the child, and those in which there is a lot of violence develop anxiety, fears, and insecurity in communicating with adults and children in the child.

Chapter 1. All about cartoons.

1.1. How did the genre - animation appear?

Animation is older than natural cinema. Time must be counted from the moment the device was invented, capable of "animating" drawings. On July 20, 1877, a talented inventor, self-taught engineer Emile Reynaud made a report on his work in France at the academy and demonstrated the praxinoscope device he had designed - something like a mechanical toy with a ribbon dotted with pictures and a rotating mirror drum. Later, Emil Reynaud improved his apparatus.

Today there are other techniques: puppet animation, silhouette and collage animation, computer animation. The first animation studios were created by Barr and Bray in 1915. Cartoon characters were borrowed from newspaper comics or invented by studios.

Early animation was silent. To convey the dialogue, either "balloons" were used, as in comics, or credits, as in the movies. A young cartoonist from Los Angeles, W. Disney, produced the first cartoon with synchronized sound, Steamboat Willie (1928). It was also the first cartoon about Mickey Mouse.

In Russia, Vladislav Starevich, the founder of 3D animation, begins work at Khanzhonkov's company on the first 3D animated film "The Development of the Tadpole", making frame-by-frame shooting of live tadpoles in the water. 1911 can be considered the year of birth of Russian animation (Appendix 1).

Creating animation is a long, laborious process. The producer defines the overall idea, the writers develop the plot and script, which is then broken down into episodes and scenes, illustrated by a series of sketches. But despite the fact that today all cartoons are created in many countries of the world, it turns out that not all of them are recommended to watch.

What do we see on our TV screens? Why do some cartoons cause a storm of joyful emotions, a wave of imitation of favorite characters and form good emotions of a child, while others cause outright harm, making children angry?

Among the creators of cartoons, there are two opinions: those who copy adult life in cartoons, and those who create exactly the children's world with its own laws of life. Modern children are more and more inclined to imitate adult life with its aggression and cruelty, and therefore prefer the first type of cartoons.

My mother and I asked the seller of cartoon discs what cartoons adults often buy for their children. We were told that most of the purchases are foreign novelties. For many children, Russian cartoons are not so interesting to watch, after the action-packed and colorful foreign ones. All children choose cartoons according to the principle of colorfulness and interest, fashion in the classroom or kindergarten.

But many Russian cartoons were created on the basis of fairy tales. Soviet cartoons are inherently interesting in plot and make you think. And how is the situation with foreign cartoons? Almost half of foreign cartoons are built according to the old, proven principle: plot - climax - denouement. Crime - investigation - punishment. Therefore, the main themes of American films are conflicts and crimes.

Most modern cartoons have the following features:

1. Bright, the action is very fast.

2. A simple, understandable plot that is repeated in all cartoons.

3. The value of speech for understanding the cartoon is minimized.

4. The cartoon is dubbed by the same voices of translators.

5. Lots of aggression.

6. Monotonous music.

1.2. Comparison of domestic and foreign cartoons.

Now try a little experiment on yourself. See, for example, a series from the TV series« Woody and his friends», which lasts 10 minutes and retell it. What will happen? Well, probably 1-2 sentences like someone hit someone, hit and Woody said his famous:« Ta-ta-ta-ta-ta». Now watch the cartoon, for example,« OH and AH», which also lasts 10-15 minutes. Answer the question: What does the story tell?

A kid absorbs what he sees on TV like a sponge. He still does not know how to distinguish fiction from reality. For him, all the characters are absolutely alive and real. And it is them that he will copy in his behavior, intonations, games. Abroad, cassettes with the cartoon “Tom and Jerry” are often labeled: “For children over 6 years old». Still would! The kid takes it for granted and natural that a cat can be skinned, and at the same time he will be not only alive, but also cheerful. Or a mouse you can hit the head, blow it up, poison it, and it will remain invulnerable, continuing to intrigue the unfortunate Tom.

And now, let's compare the characters in more detail and what cartoons of domestic and foreign production teach. Let's take and consider several domestic and foreign cartoons as an example.

" The smallest gnome - a cartoon about how the smallest dwarf named Vasya learns to do good, in each of several episodes helping the heroes of fairy tales out of trouble: Little Red Riding Hood, seven kids, three pigs ... There is a wonderful image of one "rescuer" in this cartoon.

" Magic bag" . The plot is recognizable: the well-bred bear Spiridon has a grandson Ivashka, who loves to be naughty and do what he wants more than anything in the world. The animals complain, the grandfather worries and, finally, decides on a pedagogical experiment: "If you want to be naughty, be naughty! You won't hear a word from me. But first fill this bag with pebbles." Hooray! Yes hello leprosy! But it turns out that a pebble can be put in a bag only if you do a good deed. There is a well-known spiritual law: when there is no love and mercy in you, do deeds of mercy and gradually educate your heart.

" Biggest friend" . From native latitudes, he takes us to mysterious Africa, where an evil crocodile and an African girl live with friends - a puppy, a chicken, a bell and a hippopotamus. Naturally, the hippopotamus claims the title of the biggest friend. The cartoon (which ends, of course, well) is very intelligible even for the smallest. At the end, the girl “on her fingers” explains to the hippopotamus: “Look how small they are, and they are all my great friends. Well, the hippopotamus has nothing left to do but cry in three streams. But we all understood who is the biggest friend here and how in general, you need to be friends.Well, well, everything is clear with this: friends need to be helped.

Watch your little one watching a good cartoon. On his face - the whole flurry of emotions and experiences. Here he laughs with the hero, here he frowns, empathizing and pitying, here he repeats the words of a familiar song ... Good cartoons have great educational value. They will teach the baby to be friends and sympathize, to help comrades and protect the weak, to be generous and magnanimous, to love parents and grandparents, they will show the way out of many difficult situations, and relieve children's fears. In them, a small viewer will find one more confirmation that evil will be punished, and good will always triumph.

Consider a typical American cartoon "Goofy and his friends. Already from several randomly viewed episodes of this endless cartoon, one often repeated plot can be singled out: there is a certain person who is busy with some very important business for him. As a rule, he is busy with something quite useful, if not socially (employee of some company, serving the population), then for himself personally (building something for himself, growing, etc.). And there is an idle loafer, greatly occupied with the entertainment of his beloved. Considering the above plot plot, the conflict unfolds between the hero - Goofy and objects. Since Goofy is a hero, it is natural for him to win. As a result of the action, it turns out that the hard worker who somehow interfered with the woodpecker in his business of entertainment suffers a crushing defeat, and Goofy is shown as such a brave hero, terribly inventive, and exposing all his "enemies" as clumsy, fools, in general, losers .

Let's take a cartoon as an example. « Ninja Turtles ». Shredder in "Ninja Turtles", all these cyborgs are the modern embodiment of evil. This is not typical for a Russian child, in this cartoon there is always a confrontation with the bad, and the characters kill so much that sometimes you wonder, are they really that good?

In American stories, very often the image of a girl is also very cruel. The qualities traditional for the female image are ridiculed: shyness, disinterestedness, modesty and, most importantly, motherhood. Have you seen the episode of« Shrek» ( when the bird explodes from the singing of the troll). Children are always laughing at this moment. This is how the shift of consciousness is achieved.

Thus, strangers change the psyche of our children. It's not just a beautiful murder scene, it's an example of death. The main positive heroine of our fairy tales cannot be like that, she cannot be cruel, she cannot kill. In all cartoons, there are invariably monsters and mutating people. They are shot at, blown up, killed, they fly in cars, planes and spaceships that are incomprehensible to my brain. Calling these tales good is not even a stretch.

What does this lead to:

1. The brightness of the cartoon makes it easy to attract the attention of the child. As a result, the child does not have to make an effort to learn to concentrate. An inability to concentrate develops, and at school the child cannot sit through the lesson and remember all the material.

2. A clear, simple plot does not always give the opportunity to turn on the imagination, fantasy. But cartoons are another way to develop thinking, attention and memory.

3. During the school period, the child's speech develops most intensively. Therefore, it is important to hear the correct, beautiful native speech, to hear all the intonations and feelings conveyed by speech. Flaw correct speech can lead to a lag in its development.

4. Through cartoons, the child learns behavior patterns, methods of action, learns how to achieve his own. Unfortunately, often this method is aggression. According to numerous studies, children who watch mostly foreign cartoons experience an increase in cruelty and aggressiveness.

Chapter 2. The degree of influence of cartoons on the psyche of the child.

2.1. Questioning classmates.

Together with Larisa Mukhametovna, we decided to conduct a study in our class to find out which cartoons children prefer to watch. Compiled questionnaires and asked students to fill them out (Appendix 1).

Conclusions: (Annex 2)

Analysis of the results of the calculation showed that the question:« Do you watch cartoons? » 79% of students answered in the affirmative.« Sometimes" - eighteen%interviewees and« No» - 3% answered.

To the question:« » answered« in the evening» - 61%students« at lunch"- 37%,"in the morning» - 2%.

Question,« » showed thatmost often, children choose foreign ones, preferring such cartoons as« Enchantress», « Lilo and Stitch», « The Simpsons», « Slugter» , « Fixies», « The Smurfs». But the fact that the cartoon« Masha and the Bear» named by 42% of students.

Analyzing the answers to the question« What is your favorite hero? » we see that lfavorite heroes of children are those who can commit a cruel act and even murder - these are Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, transformers, Eli Shane and others.

To the question:« » 3% answered yes, sometimes 9%, rarely 16% and never 72%.

Question« » showed the following results: always-10%, sometimes-15%, rarely-20%, never-55%.

In this way,The study showed that all children love cartoons. Most parents do not want to limit their children in choosing cartoons. The right to choose a cartoon belongs to the child. This is a very worrying sign. Most often, children choose foreign cartoons. They watch cartoons for more than 4 hours a week, which is harmful to vision and health in general. Negative characters become favorite heroes of children. Can you imagine if in life a child begins to copy the behavior of his favorite characters?! Children in the questionnaire even find it difficult to name 10« our» cartoons, but this is our history and culture. I think parents need to think about this and watch what their children watch.

In this regard, I offer some recommendations for choosing cartoons (Appendix 3).

2.2. Practical experiment-observation.

Based on the results of the survey, an observation experiment was set up in our class.

All students were divided into two groups. The first experimental group - children watching cartoons of foreign production, the second - children watching cartoons of Russian production.

So the first group watched the cartoon« Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles». While watching, the guys were very active, shouting something, constantly talking to each other, fidgeting in their chairs, spinning and accompanying the cartoon with incomprehensible sounds:« thousand-thousand», « cue», « phew» etc. At the end of the cartoon, the children could not calm down for a long time: they ran, jumped, jumped, fought, called names and fired pistols.

The second group was shown a cartoon« Winnie the Pooh». The children behaved calmly, attentively followed what was happening, at times smiled and laughed. And after watching they were peaceful: someone just talked, someone drew, and someone calmly read a book.

Based on the observations, one canoutput : Watching Western animated cartoons with frequently changing pictures, with aggressive scenes, with scary heroes has a negative impact on the psyche of children - they become overly excited and aggressive. And smart, wise domestic cartoons teach children about kindness, justice and honesty. And the notorious villains will certainly be corrected by the end.


Children like to watch cartoons, but not everything that they like is good for us. When a child likes a knife, and he begins to carelessly play with it, his parents take it away, but when you look« bad» cartoon, then moral qualities are brought up, one can clearly trace the disrespect, cynicism, sometimes cruelty of the heroes of some cartoons towards their family, parents, brothers, sisters. In many cartoons, they are endowed with the main, positive character. And imperceptibly, these vices eat into the children's consciousness, because positive characters need to be imitated.

So let's sum it up. In one of the cities, several years ago, psychologists studied the influence of various cartoons on the child's psyche. It turned out that after« Soviet cartoons» children calmed down, became more friendly, their sleep and appetite improved. After American computer cartoons, fears and aggressiveness intensified in children, they began to act up, fight, break toys. Meanwhile, in recent years, it is very rare to see Cheburashka or Winnie the Pooh on the screen, but aggressive animated series flooded all channels.

Of course, it is impossible to unequivocally divide cartoons into bad and good, but since we have a completely different culture, it is better for Russian children to watch Russian cartoons.

During the study, my hypothesis was confirmed, we proved that not all cartoons have a positive effect on children. Therefore, I recommend watching more domestic cartoons.

I want to end my work with wordsBertrand Russell that appeal to all adults« IF YOU DO NOT THINK ABOUT YOUR FUTURE, YOU WILL NOT HAVE IT… »


1. Abramenkova V, Bogatyreva A. Children and the television screen. // play. school - 2006. - No. 6. - p.28« cartoon planet», article« My baby», Moscow, 2003

2 . Aromashtam M. Children watch cartoons: psychological and pedagogical notes. Practice« production of cartoons in kindergarten. / M. Aromashtam. - M.: Chistye prudy.-2006. -32 s..« About our soyuzmultfilm», G. Borodin, 2005

3. Bashova M.V. Pedagogy and practical psychology: textbook. - Rostov-on-Don.: Phoenix, 2000. - 416 p.

4. Grisheeva N.P.« Socio-psychological aspects of the influence of television on a preschooler» / Primary school, Plus before and after, No. 8, 2001. 3. Gundareva I.« On the consequences of the perception of television information» / Vosp.shkola, №9, 2005

Internet- resources

5. http: // artmed. Com. ua /plediatriya/

6. http: // lady / forum5/ topic 690. htm /

7. http://olmi-azarov., htm/

8.http: //ayverso. /news/


Annex 1. How is the filming process. Operator's work - Vladislav Starevich.

Appendix 2 Questionnaire Questions

1. Do you watch cartoons? (yes, no, sometimes)

2. When do you prefer to watch cartoons?

( morning, afternoon, evening)

3. What cartoons do you prefer?

( Soviet or foreign)

4. Do your parents limit the amount of time you watch cartoons?

5. Do your parents control your choice of cartoons?

(always, sometimes, rarely, never)

3. Help to explore the world around you.

4. Learn to fulfill your responsibilities. Therefore, heroes should show by example how to perform certain actions.

5. The cartoon should have a plot, preferably based on the interaction of the team.

And you also need:

1. Watch cartoons no more than 2 hours a week.

2. Retell the content of the cartoon to mom and dad.

3. Read works based on which cartoons were staged (for example, read by V. Nosov« Dunno and his friends» - I watched a cartoon based on the story).

Signs of a "harmful cartoon" , from viewing which it is worth protecting the child:

1. The main characters of the cartoon are aggressive, they seek to harm others, often cripple or kill other characters, and the details of a cruel, aggressive attitude are repeated many times and revealed in detail. The consequence of watching such a cartoon can be a manifestation of cruelty, ruthlessness, aggression by a child in real life.

2. " The bad (incorrect) behavior of cartoon characters is not punished by anyone. No one spanks a character who violates generally accepted rules, puts him in a corner, or says that this cannot be done. taboos are removed, the standards of good and bad deeds, acceptable and unacceptable behavior are shaken.

3. Forms of behavior that are dangerous to the child's life are demonstrated, which in reality is inexpedient, stupid and even simply dangerous to repeat. Viewing such role models can result in a decrease in the threshold of sensitivity to danger for the child, and therefore potential injuries.

4. Unsympathetic and sometimes even ugly characters are used. For a child, the appearance of a cartoon doll is of particular importance. Positive characters should be cute or even beautiful, and negative characters - vice versa. In the case when all the characters are terrible, ugly, scary, regardless of their role, the child does not have clear guidelines for evaluating their actions. In addition, when a child is forced to imitate, to identify himself with an unsympathetic main character, the child's inner self-perception inevitably suffers.