Watery discharge during pregnancy: normal or pathological? Transparent discharge in women during pregnancy: causes

The period of bearing a long-awaited baby is one of the most crucial stages in a woman's life. In her world, cardinal changes are taking place, in particular - in the body. Any changes alarm the expectant mother. The most common phenomenon, which is accompanied by numerous questions, is various kinds of vaginal discharge. The norm and at the same time pathology are watery discharge during pregnancy. Let's figure out in which cases the appearance of such a sign is worth worrying about, and in which not.

Causes of watery discharge during pregnancy

Gynecologists-obstetricians claim that they are mostly transparent and are the norm, provided that they are not bloody and are not accompanied by painful sensations. They can be odorless or with its presence, viscous or like water. The latter are the most common.

Having found such in yourself, you should immediately exclude them. Amniotic fluid has a specific sweet smell and a pronounced yellow tint. If these characteristics are present, you should immediately consult a doctor, since we are talking about a threat to the fetus and mother. Not all women are able to detect amniotic fluid leakage, so if you have detected intense discharge, read the article “how to distinguish amniotic fluid from normal heavy discharge”

The mucous membrane covering the female genital organs produces mucus throughout life. Such mucus, which is produced by the secrets of the cervix, is called cervical. In different periods, these secretions have a different consistency.

So, for example, the first day of the menstrual cycle is characterized. It is he who contributes to the easy penetration of spermatozoa for the fertilization of the egg. With the onset of ovulation, these are already thicker transparent secretions that perform a barrier function, protecting the internal environment from microbes, various infections and bacteria, which makes it possible to protect the future embryo.

Discharge at different stages of pregnancy

Depending on the gestation period, watery discharge during pregnancy takes place and changes its character. Clear discharge during pregnancy is considered normal throughout the entire period of bearing a baby. All these changes are due to a shift in the balance of the hormonal background and the dominance of certain hormones.

Liquid secretion in the first trimester (1 - 12 weeks)

It is under the active influence of the hormone progesterone that they have such an abundant character. The secret in the period from 5 to 10 weeks of pregnancy becomes thicker and more viscous thanks to this hormone.

Watery discharge in the early stages should not be excessively liquid. Women who have watery discharge during early pregnancy should be aware that the presence of such may indicate inflammation or another ailment. At this stage, the secret should not differ from the usual one, it is odorless, not viscous, does not have a curdled consistency, and is rather scarce. The presence of this symptom is a reason to contact a gynecologist.

Please note that the first month of pregnancy can sometimes still be accompanied by spotting. In 8% of cases, it is possible to maintain menstruation until the fifth - seventh week of this situation.

Watery discharge in the second trimester (13 - 27 weeks)

But the discharge during pregnancy in the second trimester becomes more liquid, and there is no need to worry about this. Mucus at week 13 begins to be produced by secrets already under the active influence of estrogens, which make it thinner and more watery. It is odorless, as a rule - not accompanied by painful sensations and other uncomfortable symptoms. Secretions released under the influence of hormonal changes make them more watery, and this is normal.

Do not forget that the eleventh and 25th week of pregnancy are the two most important, critical stages, and it is at these moments that special attention should be paid to the nature of the secret secreted.

Discharge in the second trimester usually does not have a specific odor. If there is an unpleasant odor, it is better to consult a doctor.

Allocations like water in the third trimester (28 - 40 weeks)

In the third trimester, the amount of secretion products continues to increase. The mucus produced is still under the control of estrogen, the level of which will increase by almost twenty times and increase the amount of liquid secretions at 35-37 weeks of pregnancy.

This hormone affects the cervix, where mucous secretions are located. As a result, the mucus becomes liquid, and more like urine, as it acquires a slightly yellow tint.

Allocations at the 25th week of pregnancy and all subsequent - the result of the active production of estrogen. They are abundant and reach their maximum thinning at 38-39 weeks.

When is watery mucus a pathology?

The above changes in the nature of the secreted mucus at all times of the “interesting situation” are the norm. If you notice any deviations or changes, then this may be a pathology.

Mucus can be of a certain nature and be accompanied by such signs:

  1. Acquisition of a certain shade. It can be dark yellow, brown, green, reddish. Transparent discharge during pregnancy is the norm, all the rest is a reason to contact a specialist.
  2. Change in consistency and structure. If noticeable, curdled or with lumps, these are signs of pathology.
  3. An unpleasant odor (rotten, sweetish, milky) may indicate an infection.
  4. Painful sensations, swelling, itching, burning, irritation, neoplasms in the mucous membranes also indicate abnormalities.
  5. Pain when urinating, pulling sensations in the lower abdomen, an increase in body temperature can also be a reason to see a doctor.

Hygiene with intense liquid secretions

During the bearing of a child, the female body is especially vulnerable to the attack of infections, bacteria and microbes. It is extremely important to prevent them from getting inside, which most often occurs through the genitals. Therefore, if a clear discharge is established during this special position, be sure to observe the following hygiene rules:

  1. You need to take a shower at least twice a day. Since secretions block and trap foreign organisms, they must be washed off and eliminated as often as possible. If it is not possible to take a shower, then you should at least wash yourself every 3-4 hours.
  2. Change your underwear as often as possible.
  3. Use special intimate hygiene products with natural ingredients that maintain the ph balance of the skin and mucous membranes.
  4. The use of daily sanitary napkins is recommended. But their choice should be approached with special attention. You should choose the highest quality products that do not contain artificial impregnations and synthetic materials.

The presence of clear discharge in women at various stages of pregnancy is considered the norm. However, if the discharge changes color, smells, or if the discharge is accompanied by pain, then this is an alarming signal and having received it, the woman should immediately consult a doctor.

Carrying a child, waiting for him, all this is a wonderful period in a woman's life. However, this period, among other things, imposes a huge responsibility on a woman.

Caring for her baby, the expectant mother constantly listens to the voice of her body and tries to notice even the smallest changes in his work.

And, of course, the transparent discharge that appears literally from the first days of pregnancy will not go unnoticed.

True, such discharge is not yet a cause for alarm, provided, of course, that they are normal. Let's look at transparent discharge by trimesters of pregnancy.

Clear discharge in the first trimester

When they appear, many inexperienced women get scared. However, this is quite normal. This discharge is the result of the action of the hormone progesterone, which regulates the work of the uterus.

If everything is fine, then in the first trimester of pregnancy, in a healthy woman, the discharge is slightly whitish and does not have any smell, all the more unpleasant.

Similarly, they do not cause any discomfort. In view of this, all a woman should do is follow the usual rules of personal hygiene, as she did before.

If a woman suddenly notices, you should not be scared either, since this is a completely natural process, which is explained by the fact that there is a slight rejection of the tissues of the inner lining of the uterus (endometrium), which causes implantation of the fetal egg.

If suddenly you notice that the discharge has acquired a different color (reddish, yellow) or they are characterized by an unpleasant odor, then you should definitely consult a gynecologist. After examining and conducting the necessary tests (usually a smear), the gynecologist will be able to assess the degree of danger of your problem and, if necessary, prescribe the appropriate treatment for you.

Clear discharge in second trimester

When the second trimester of pregnancy comes, the discharge becomes more and more abundant. Their appearance also changes: they become more transparent and watery and lose their somewhat milky tint. And this is also quite normal, because if in the first trimester progesterone was the first violin among the hormones affecting pregnancy, then in the second trimester, estrogen becomes more and more significant.

Thanks to this hormone, the secretions are liquefied, which determines their more liquid consistency and increased abundance.

These secretions can cause considerable inconvenience, mainly due to their abundance. This problem can be solved with the help of sanitary pads. It should be ensured that the pads are the most common and do not have any fragrances, which often provoke allergies in the expectant mother.

During this period, the discharge, as well as in the first trimester, is not accompanied by an unpleasant odor and does not cause itching or burning.

Clear discharge in third trimester

In the last months of this amazing period of life, a woman expecting a baby should carefully monitor the color and consistency of the discharge. Approximately two weeks before the expected birth, the color of the discharge may turn brown.

This is not scary and is explained by the fact that the mucous plug has begun to move away and the time of birth is approaching.

But if brown shades appeared earlier, then this is a cause for alarm. Such changes can cause cervical erosion or infection.

If the discharge is bloody, and even accompanied by pulling and / or cutting pains, then this indicates placental abruption. In this case, you should call an ambulance as soon as possible!

However, with whitish or transparent secretions, not everything is clear either. The expectant mother should carefully monitor their number. It happens that there are no pronounced contractions, the waters leave gradually, and an inexperienced young woman absolutely does not understand what is happening, writing off a large amount of discharge for other reasons. In no case should a waterless period and “dry” childbirth be allowed! In such a situation, it is better to raise an unreasonable alarm than to be late and then "bite your elbows."

This is exactly the case when the expectant mother is better to play it safe. This will benefit not only her, but also her unborn child, who is about to be born!

Discharge during early or late pregnancy is not always a manifestation of certain diseases. During the period of gestation, the female body undergoes various changes. They are visible not only externally. Changes occur in the hormonal background. As a result of increased production of hormones, transparent whites appear. They differ from those that appear in the normal state of the body. Many women are afraid of the abundance of whiter. But this also does not always indicate the presence of a threat to the life of the mother and baby.

Clear discharge during pregnancy, according to gynecologists, are not pathological. They are considered the norm, provided there are no painful sensations, blood impurities and other unpleasant signs. In addition, transparent whites should not be accompanied by a smell, have a viscous or too watery consistency.

When the nature of the discharge changes, a woman should exclude leakage of amniotic fluid. They have a specific smell and yellow color. In the presence of such a condition, you should immediately consult a doctor, since leakage of amniotic fluid is a threat to the life of the child and the expectant mother.

Liquid transparent discharge during the gestation period appears as a result of increased production of mucus, which protects the genitals from the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms. Depending on the gestational age, whites have a different consistency.

In the absence of pregnancy, the discharge is liquid and facilitates the process of sperm penetration. But after conception, they change their consistency and become thick. They create a barrier and protect the mucous membrane of the genitourinary system from bacteria. This process allows you to protect the embryo.

In early pregnancy discharge should not have an unpleasant odor, color. They are completely transparent, and the consistency resembles raw egg white. Thus, whites during the gestation period should be thick enough and resemble jelly in appearance. In rare cases, they contain inclusions in the form of white clots.

After conception, there are no external changes, but the body is already beginning to increase the production of progesterone. This is a female sex hormone responsible for the process of formation and development of the embryo. In addition, the hormone is involved in the formation of a special mucous plug. It protects the woman's body and the fetus from the effects of pathogenic microorganisms. That is why the appearance of transparent mucous discharge during pregnancy is not considered a deviation from the norm.

In certain cases, this process can cause some discomfort to the pregnant woman. In this case, it is recommended to use special daily sanitary pads. In the early stages, it is important that there are no bloody inclusions, burning and itching.

In the second trimester whites change their character. They become thinner as estrogen production increases. In addition, more mucus is secreted, which negatively affects the comfort of a woman. At this stage, it is necessary to pay special attention to the nature of the secretions, their color, smells, consistency.

During pregnancy, the liquid discharge that appeared in the 2nd trimester remains practically unchanged. A woman should not worry if there are no blood impurities or other inclusions in the whites, and the discharge is not accompanied by burning, itching or painful sensations.

Mucous discharge can have a fairly thick consistency or be watery, liquid, viscous. This is also not considered a deviation from the norm.

Third trimester of pregnancy is an important stage in the development of the fetus. If there are any changes, a woman should consult a doctor. The appearance of blood inclusions may indicate placental abruption. This condition is accompanied by painful sensations that are localized in the lower abdomen. In the absence of medical attention, profuse bleeding appears. In this case, the expectant mother needs urgent medical attention.

But it is important for a woman to know that the nature of whiter may change in the last weeks of gestation. This is due to the fact that the body begins to prepare for the upcoming birth. The entrance to the cervix was securely closed with a special mucous plug. At 38-39 weeks, she begins to leave the body. Mucous discharge is clear, but then becomes pink or red. This is not a reason for panic, but a signal that the child is ready to see the world with his own eyes.

The leakage of amniotic fluid at this stage of gestation is indicated by abundant discharge. In this case, diagnostic measures and a course of therapy are required. Lack of medical care will cause a violation in the development of the fetus, the process of childbirth.

If a woman has a gestational age of less than 22 weeks, unfortunately, it is not possible to save the baby if the amniotic fluid leaks. In the presence of such a condition, an artificial termination of pregnancy is performed. But if the period is 23 weeks or more, the expectant mother is sent to the hospital for therapy. A course of antibacterial drugs is prescribed, which help the baby's respiratory organs develop faster. This is followed by an operative delivery.

That is why you should carefully consider your health, observe the nature of the discharge and, if there are changes, immediately contact a specialist. Timely treatment, especially in the later stages, will help eliminate the development of a number of consequences and complications.

The volume of discharge during pregnancy in the early stages and at a later stage is an individual indicator. The absence of various inclusions, itching, burning and pain will tell about the health of the mother and child. The degree of profuse whiteness has no special indicators and expresses only the activity of the secretory activity of the vagina and cervix.

The amount of leucorrhoea secreted depends on the level of progesterone synthesis, which is the hormone of pregnancy. It is he who is important in the development and preservation of the embryo, especially in the initial stages.

Progesterone begins to be actively produced at the moment when the fertilized egg has not yet attached to the wall of the uterus. The hormone contributes to its preservation and excludes the possibility of spontaneous abortion.

Transparent abundant discharge indicates a significant level of progesterone. When it affects the body, an increase in the tone of the uterine walls is observed, and the contraction of its muscle tissue is significantly reduced. The discharge becomes more viscous and resembles egg white in appearance. Even a slight yellow tint is not a deviation from the norm. A woman should be concerned when the whites become yellow or green, have pink or blood inclusions, are accompanied by pain, burning and itching. In other cases, there is no cause for concern.

The cervix of the female body systemically produces mucus - this is a natural and natural process. During the menstrual cycle, several types of secretion are generated - a rich / liquid secret that facilitates the penetration / movement of spermatozoa for conception (first half, estrogen dominates) and an opaque / rather viscous secret that protects the uterus from pathogens (second half, progesterone dominates).

In the first trimester of pregnancy, the functioning of the uterus with appendages is supported by progesterone, respectively, from the thirteenth to fourteenth weeks, estrogen plays a dominant role. It is the above hormones that are responsible for the process of secretion from the vagina.

The following list of changes in the structure, viscosity and intensity of secretions is associated with natural physiological processes during pregnancy and is normal, but may vary within the specified time intervals due to the individual characteristics of a particular female body.

1st week

2nd week

The secret becomes slimy, sometimes with small impurities of blood. During this period, ovulation occurs / the installation of the egg to the walls of the uterine cavity.

3rd week

Light or moderate implantation bleeding, sometimes accompanied by pulling pain in the lower abdomen. As an alternative, creamy secretions of pink, brown or yellow shades, which stop after a few days after the start of the process.

4th week

The fixation of the implantation process is accompanied by an abundant thick transparent or slightly whitish secret without an unpleasant odor, sometimes with an admixture of blood. From this period, a global hormonal restructuring begins, and an increase in mucus occurs due to a large blood flow to the organ.

5th week

The norm is transparent, odorless discharge in a small amount, any other color of the secret indicates infectious, sexually transmitted problems, or a threat of abortion (in the presence of blood clots).

6th week

In pregnant women during this period, a transparent or slightly white secret is usually secreted in small volumes, odorless and of a standard structure.

7th week

Changes in the hormonal background entail an increase in the flow of secretions, they become not only more abundant, but also thinner. A thick secret of any shade may indicate pathology.

8th week

The discharge is moderate, mostly light in color and slightly sour in smell, not liquid, of the usual consistency. A brown secret is very dangerous, usually accompanying the separation of the fetal germ from the walls of the uterus, followed by termination of pregnancy.

9th week

The secret has a liquid watery consistency, is odorless, has a light shade and should not cause any discomfort.

10th week

During this period, a pregnant woman often undergoes an initial gynecological examination. The discharge is similar to the 9th week, but in rare cases there may be a small bloody smearing secret - it is not dangerous if there are no abdominal pains and can be caused by microdamages that have become loose, the walls of the uterus due to mechanical impact during the gynecological examination, after intercourse or due to cervical erosion.

11th week

The secret is thin, colorless or light, stands out in a small volume.

12th week

Good discharge of a moderate nature, light or whitish, sometimes with a slightly sour smell. During this period, sexually transmitted diseases are very dangerous, manifested by itching, burning, mucus / pus and whites of unnatural colors.

13th – 25th week

The secretions remain transparent, but their volume, due to the increase in the influence of estrogen, begins to increase, to acquire an increasingly liquid consistency. Beli acquire a slightly sour smell.

25th – 36th week

Moderate or abundant discharge of light, less often white shades with a pronounced sour smell. In rare cases, there may be a partial withdrawal of amniotic fluid (yellowish tint, liquid consistency), which is a pathology and requires immediate medical attention. With severe constipation / hemorrhoids, the secret may include blood clots, if the discharge is brown or any other color - this is a signal of a serious pathology.

36th - 40th week

Moderate discharge of a whitish hue may alternate with a secret of the mucous type, sometimes with the addition of blood clots, signaling the process of preparing for the passage of the cork and the onset of labor. Translucent liquid discharge in large quantities is a waste of amniotic fluid or a change in the structure of the membranes. In any case, if they occur, you should contact a gynecologist as soon as possible.

Below, the main types of vaginal discharge are described, most often appearing in the fair sex during pregnancy.

Light, white discharge

The causes of occurrence are the generation of mucus by the glands of the GI gland, the renewal of the epithelium of the walls of the genital organs, and the reproduction of microflora.

The norm is:

  • Thick and viscous secret of a light milky shade.
  • Abundant discharge of a watery consistency.

The amount of secretion secreted depends on the concentration of a certain type of hormone - progesterone or estrogen.

As a rule, doctors associate this type of discharge with the menstrual cycle (corresponding to the days before the onset of pregnancy) - in its first part, a low-flowing secretion of a watery consistency is observed, which is later replaced by a thick and viscous substance, completely white or beige. By the end of the cycle, the volume of secretions increases again.

Also, white, light discharge can form after intercourse or the use of hormonal contraceptives. An abundant secret of white color, a curd structure with a sharp sour or beer smell is already a pathology, usually caused by candidiasis. White, translucent liquid watery discharge in large quantities with an unpleasant odor - most often vaginosis of a bacterial nature.

Is this type of discharge accompanied by a pulling feeling in the lower abdomen or a pain syndrome? Seek medical attention immediately!

yellow discharge during pregnancy

The causes of occurrence are an allergic reaction to intimate hygiene products, inflammatory processes, leakage of amniotic fluid.

A small amount of opaque light yellow discharge without a pungent odor, itching, pain and discomfort is considered a relative norm.

Yellow discharge from the fair sex is not considered natural, but if they are not accompanied by other pathological symptoms and disappear on their own after a while, then they should not cause serious concern. You should definitely contact a gynecologist immediately if the secret has a pronounced dark yellow tint - this is a possible sign of spontaneous abortion or a serious allergic reaction.

If the yellow discharge changes its hue to green, this usually indicates the presence of some kind of sexually transmitted disease. Often in this case, there is a corresponding additional symptomatology, in particular pain and itching when urinating, burning in the genital area.

The bright yellow color of the secret also indicates a connection to the pathology of a bacterial infection with inflammation of the ovaries, appendages or fallopian tubes. Very abundant light yellow watery discharge most often means a partial withdrawal of amniotic fluid, which is considered the norm immediately before delivery - in any other situation, a pregnant woman requires immediate hospitalization.

Green discharge during pregnancy

The causes of occurrence are sexually transmitted diseases, bacterial infections, the threat of abortion, inflammatory processes, the gestation period is over 42 weeks. An unequivocal pathology, discharge cannot be considered normal.

Green discharge during pregnancy is always a pathology and can cause a number of reasons.

First and second trimeter

Here, colpitis and cervicitis are most often diagnosed. The former are of an infectious nature (streptococci, gonorrhea, chlamydia, etc.), while the latter are an inflammatory process in the cervix. Less commonly, women with green secretion are diagnosed with bacterial vaginosis, which is considered a violation of the normal balance between beneficial and pathological microflora in the internal cavity of the vagina.

Generalized bacterial infections, in the absence of proper treatment, can overcome the placental barrier and cause serious pathologies in the developing fetus (flesh until the termination of pregnancy and the death of the unborn baby), therefore, if green secretion occurs, you should contact a gynecologist as soon as possible.

third trimester

In the third trimester of pregnancy, chorioamnionitis, an acute inflammation of the fetal structural membranes of an infectious nature, which almost always turns into endometritis, which is inflammation of the inner walls of the uterus, can be added to all of the above factors that contribute to the appearance of green discharge. The infectious-inflammatory process, accompanied not only by the secret of the above color, but also by fever, in the absence of effective conservative countertherapy, affects the amniotic fluid and can infect the fetus itself.

With a significant delay in the delivery process, over 42 weeks, even normal amniotic fluid turns green, indicating the processes of acute / chronic hypoxia. In this case, doctors carry out an artificial invocation of the birth process, in extreme cases, in its absence, a caesarean section.

brown discharge during pregnancy

The causes of occurrence are approaching childbirth, ectopic pregnancies, violations of placental structures, severe inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system, a direct threat of miscarriage, erosion of the 2nd and 3rd type, microtrauma of the mucosal walls, precursors of bleeding.

The relative norm is considered to be small volumes of medium-consistency light brown secretions before childbirth, after implantation of the fetal egg, as well as microtraumas of the mucous membranes during intercourse / examination by a gynecologist.

Most often, the discharge of this shade refers to pathologies. So, this type of secretion is the basic symptom of an ectopic pregnancy with egg rejection. In addition, in pregnant women with normal indicators, brown discharge of dark shades of medium or high intensity indicates a threat of miscarriage - in this situation, you should immediately contact the hospital for conservative treatment or surgical assistance.

A translucent liquid secret in an extremely small amount, appearing regularly throughout pregnancy, usually accompanies cervical erosion, a fairly well-known gynecological problem, which is disposed of after delivery by cauterization.

Red strong discharge with brown local areas, blood clots and a rare intense pain syndrome in the lower abdomen usually indicate an incomplete miscarriage and the need for a procedure for curettage of the uterine cavity and removal of a dead fetus.

In late pregnancy, but before the start of the 36th week, a brown secret of a viscous consistency, released in small volumes, indicates placental abruption or a violation of its work. A very profuse discharge of any brown color after the 36th week requires immediate hospitalization - the most likely cause is uterine rupture.

Bloody issues

The causes of occurrence are physiological hormonal changes, extraction of the fetal egg into the uterine wall, infectious diseases, the threat of interruption, ectopic or missed pregnancy, placental abruption, microtrauma of the mucous membrane of the uterine walls.

The norm is considered to be discharge of this type during the menstrual period (corresponding to the days before the onset of pregnancy), a small translucent secret after intercourse or a gynecological examination.

Bloody discharge is a frequent physiological phenomenon in pregnant women in the first trimester and is primarily due to hormonal changes, too active blood supply to the genital organs with an increase in their sensitivity, as well as loosening of the epithelium of the uterine cavity. In all the above situations, little secretion is released, it is translucent and does not have blood clots.

Certain concerns may be caused by an increase in the intensity of secretions and a change in their color to a more saturated one. So, in the middle and late periods, a pink secret of medium intensity may indicate placental abruption. The appearance of large blood clots in the secretions, as well as the secretion of mucus with saturated shades, closer to brown, signal an ectopic / missed pregnancy or a hematoma of the uterine structure.

In rare cases, gynecologists diagnose the so-called hydatidiform mole - structural changes in the fetal container with the growth of placental tissue. In this case, the discharge may not be of an intense red hue, but they are very plentiful and last for weeks, while pain does not occur. In the absence of professional medical care, the fetus may die.

The most dangerous spotting is in the second and third trimester of pregnancy and can indicate a number of pathologies, from genital injuries to fibroids.

Additional Emissions Evaluation Criteria


The absence of such or discharge with a slight sour smell is considered the norm. In case of sharp unpleasant odors (beer, purulent, sulfuric, etc.), it is better to contact a gynecologist to diagnose the problem and identify pathology.


  1. Minor - usually are the norm, regardless of the color of the secret with a normal consistency.
  2. Medium - the norm with transparent and whitish secretions of normal consistency.
  3. High intensity - only clear discharge from the 13th week of pregnancy is the norm and is caused by an increase in estrogen production. Also, a short-term powerful flow of a yellowish secret from the 36th week indicates the departure of amniotic fluid and the beginning of the birth process.


  1. Liquid - are considered the norm in most cases. Usually appear from the thirteenth week after fertilization and continue almost until delivery.
  2. Thick - indicate the direct effect of progesterone, are the norm in the first weeks of pregnancy.
  3. Mucous, pasty - may indicate a variety of diseases (for example, candidiasis), are the norm after intercourse, during the period of removal of the placental plug.

Immediately after delivery, for a month, a woman has a special type of dynamically changing discharge, characterized by secretion of a bloody nature and the presence of so-called lochia. The appearance of the latter is due to the process of natural healing of the internal structure of the uterus and the physiological rejection of excess tissues. Main stages with descriptive characteristics:

  1. Profuse bleeding with blood clots, bright red. It usually lasts up to three days after the immediate delivery.
  2. Serous-sanitary secret with a predominance of pinkish and brown hues. The discharge itself turns pale, normally there are no hemorrhagic clots and bright red blotches. They begin on the fourth day after childbirth and disappear by 10–11 days.
  3. The discharge is yellowish in color with an admixture of white tints, smearing, mostly liquid and odorless. Disappear by the third week after delivery.

From the third week after birth, the above-mentioned lochia begin to disappear, and the discharge becomes more scarce and watery with admixtures of vitreous mucus from the cervical canal, leukocytes are absent or appear in isolated cases. After the sixth week, the uterine discharge should completely stop, but the secretion at the same time returns to the prenatal norm only by the second month after the normalization of the woman's hormonal background.

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