Kindergarten Graduation Tips - A Parenting Experience. Graduation in kindergarten: script, original ideas, songs, congratulations Kindergarten graduation in style

Graduation in kindergarten - a memorable and emotional day for adults and children... Recently we have already written about what are the main points in which parents should pay attention.

Today we would like to focus on ideas for a festive program. After all, it is boring to hold graduation in kindergarten the same from year to year, because children live with emotions and impressions.

We have selected for you several options that can surprise and entertain your "almost schoolchildren".

Favorite Toy Holiday

The essence of the idea : Each kid has his own. And, of course, if the graduation ceremony in the kindergarten is dedicated to his little friend, any child will gladly support this idea. It's great if the toy character is the same for everyone, for example, a favorite teddy bear. Children will be able to visit each other with toys, introduce their cubs, arrange competitions for them, have tea, make various clothes for them, draw, sew, roll their pets out of wool, and much more.

Dress code : We support the theme and decorate the outfit of each participant with a small bear-shaped accessory (a badge, a handbag, a brooch, a sticker, a hairpin).

Decor : as many big and small teddy bears of different shapes and colors as possible, tea sets, cookies, sweets and cakes in the theme of bears and honey, various props for themed contests.

Holiday Country of fairy tales

The essence of the idea : "Fairy Land" - an inexhaustible theme for the graduation in kindergarten! You can take one as a basis, but a much better and brighter idea, so that each kid presents his favorite fairy tale or hero. Usually, such a masquerade ball is organized by children for the New Year, but if you remove Santa Claus, the Christmas tree and the "rain", then the holiday will have a completely different character.

For example, each participant can prepare a short speech for 5-7 sentences and present his role to other characters. Children will be able to recall the heroes of familiar and not so fairy tales by passing a literary test that will tell about the characters of the characters. The aerobatics of the holiday is to create a new fairy tale with the participation of all heroes, where each participant will come up with a plot, his role and words. Here you will get the original symbiosis of Kolobok, Buratino and Batman! You can also ask the children to illustrate the created work and collect a new fairy tale from their drawings. The main thing is not to forget all this splendor to capture in photos and videos.

Dress code : costumes of the heroes of favorite children's fairy tales.

Decor : illustrations from various fairy tales on the walls, books with fairy tales, stationery, one big decoration for dialogues, a book with fairy tales as a gift for every child.

Celebration Circus family

The essence of the idea : if your kindergarten group is active and cheerful kids, offer them a scenario of graduation in kindergarten in the style of "Circus family". The program of a successful holiday should include a lot (throwing rings or pebbles into a container, children's bowling) and dancing, and the use of face painting will also be a great idea.

Dress code : outfits with funny circus accents - fluffy skirts, big-dot ties, multi-colored suspenders, bright vests and scarves.

Decor : many colorful balloons, garlands, foam red noses, colorful wigs, bright hoops and hats.

Holiday Chocolate Pranks

The essence of the idea : All kids love chocolate, and their parents do not lag behind them in any way, so the idea to hold a graduation ceremony in a kindergarten in the style of a chocolate day will go with a bang! At such a holiday, children and adults will be able to taste different types of chocolate and create chocolate treats with their own hands. "Lvivska Mysternya Chocolate" will help you to make your holiday excellent, by holding a master class on making chocolates.

Each child will have at his disposal a bar of delicious chocolate, various molds, powders and fillers, with the help of which he will create his own chocolate masterpieces. After making children's works of chocolate art, it is necessary to send them to the refrigerator for a while (the reality of fulfilling this condition should be taken care of in advance). While the sweets are chilling, experienced chocolatiers will tell the children what the chocolate is made of, hold a fun quiz, and the animators will help arrange a hands-free eating contest or blindfolded Potato cake to learn the kind.

Dress code : optionally in chocolate colors, or without restrictions. You can support the theme of the holiday with a small accessory in the form of a chocolate or candy.

Decor : various paper and wooden images of sweets, chocolates and other goodies, cocoa or a milk-chocolate cocktail in convenient cups, fruits, many dry and wet wipes for young chocolatiers.

Of course, for the proposed options for holding a memorable holiday, you will need to pay for the help of at least two animators, but children's pleasure and joy are worth it.

And what is the scenario for your kid's graduation in kindergarten? Share with us in the comments to the material.

Farewell to kindergarten is the very first and probably the most touching graduation party in everyone's life. And absolutely all the participants in this celebration want the holiday itself to be beautiful and memorable. So that even after many years, flipping through the pages of the photo album and watching the video with the graduation record, a pleasant warmth from the memories spills over in my soul, and tears of affection appear in my eyes. In our today's article, we tried to find the best contests and congratulations, original dances and songs, as well as other useful ideas to make your graduation in kindergarten a really bright and interesting event.

Kindergarten Graduation Scenario: Party Ideas

You need to start organizing the holiday, of course, with the development of a script for the graduation party. As you know, it should be based on a theme - bright and interesting, which will be perceived with equal enthusiasm by both children and adults. A fairy-tale theme is best suited for this purpose: the heroes of well-known fairy tales, children's films or cartoons miraculously find themselves at a holiday and need the help of graduates. This help can manifest itself in different ways: in guessing riddles, incendiary dances, beautiful poetry, funny contests and relay races. As a result, children successfully pass all the tests and complete difficult tasks - the holiday is saved. Here are some ideas that we hope will inspire you to write a bright and original script for your kindergarten graduation.

Idea # 1: Detective Story

At the heart of this garden prom option is a real detective investigation. Little graduates, as well as their parents, as real detectives, will have to investigate the disappearance of an important attribute of the holiday. Anything can play its role, for example, graduation certificates or a “portfolio with knowledge”. During the "investigation", children will have to solve riddles and demonstrate the skills they have learned in kindergarten.

Idea # 2: The Stolen Party

This is one of the classic kindergarten graduation scenarios. Its essence is that a certain villain (Shapoklyak, Baba-Yaga, Barmaley, Koschey), angry, decided to steal the festive mood from everyone present. The task of the children is to "return" the fun and joy on their faces with the help of beautiful greetings, fiery dances and funny songs.

Idea # 3: Time Travel

An original option that is great if you are planning to have a very nostalgic and touching prom. The script is based on a time machine that allows you to travel through time space. During the celebration, children and parents now and then move into the past and the future, remembering the years passed in kindergarten and wondering about the success of the kids in the near school future.

Idea # 4: Superheroes Rush to the Rescue

To implement the scenario with superheroes, you can use both the organizers of the holiday themselves and the invited animators. In this version, real superheroes help little kindergarten graduates to save the festive evening from another villain. Whether these will be traditional heroes or comic book heroes depends only on your imagination. The main condition is that the images must be well thought out and really like children.

Kindergarten prom songs

Songs are an integral part of the script at any graduation, including in kindergarten. As a rule, the songs are sung by the young graduates themselves and their parents. The main task of such songs is to express gratitude to the preschool institution and its wonderful team for the wonderful years they have spent. Often, the educators, nannies and other members of the team themselves speak out with gratitude for the upbringing of wonderful children. And at the graduation in kindergarten there is always a place for a beautiful farewell song that touches absolutely everyone to the depths of their souls. Well, for the holiday to be really bright and interesting, you should definitely include in the script a few humorous rework songs from your parents, which will cheer you up.

The song is an adaptation from the parents to the tune "Our Youth Team". App .: L. Gurchenko

Thanks to the wonderful educators,

You were a second family for the children,

And all mothers and fathers know

Sometimes it's hard with children.

To captivate and teach children,

Surround with your attention

And always be an example in everything,

How difficult it is to be educators.

We have already trodden paths here,

We walked both summer and winter,

And you raised our children,

Always (Hearts) they were warmed by kindness.

And it's a pity that we are parting so soon

But the time will not be appeased and held back,

A team of the best teachers,

Could you always surprise us.

Talents are tested for loyalty

We have something to thank fate for

And if, what, then immediately to this kindergarten,

We will bring all the children to you.

The song "Childhood" at the graduation ceremony to the melody of the song by Y. Shatunov

Childhood, childhood - a wonderful time,

We have fun in the morning.

We come to kindergarten every day,

We are not too lazy to sing a song about the kindergarten!

And I love,

I love my kindergarten!

I love adults too,

And your guys!

I love to run here

Jump and play

And get a lot of new knowledge!

All the employees in our garden are -

(Our kindergarten teachers are an option)

Trust us, just top class!

They will never fail

And they take care of our health!

Song for the graduation in kindergarten to the melody "Song of the giraffe"

There is a carefree place in the world

This is our favorite kindergarten!

They walk according to the regime here, work,

According to the regime, they eat and sleep here!

To what, to what

We don't want to, brothers,

With kindergarten, with kindergarten

Parting forever!

How we would like to stay!

We want to confess this to you!

We spent the time pleasantly

There are many friends left here!

And when something was not clear

We ran to the adults as soon as possible!

Kindergarten Graduation Competitions

Contests are the most fun and anticipated part of kindergarten graduation. Moreover, not only children and their parents, but also other guests of the holiday can take part in such an event. The theme of the contests must certainly overlap with the main idea of ​​the script. For example, if the basis of the graduation in kindergarten is a detective story, then the contests should be aimed at solving riddle charades and searching for "clues." Another important point: the number of competitions should take up no more than 1/4 of the entire prom in time. Otherwise, the children simply will not have time to rest, and the holiday itself risks turning from prom into a continuous relay race. Below are some examples of contests that would be appropriate for kindergarten graduation.

Competition "Time to School"

This is a competition for attentiveness, ingenuity and logic. Each participant is given a set, which includes: a briefcase, books, notebooks, pencil case. In addition to the listed attributes, the set should also contain things that are not at all related to the school theme. For example, toys, balloons, fairy tales. The task of each participant is to put everything you need to study at school in a portfolio, eliminating unnecessary items. The competition is held on time. Instead of a real portfolio and other stationery, you can also use cut-out paper templates of these items.

Contest "Guess"

This competition is open not only to graduates, but also to their parents. All participants must be divided into 2-3 teams. The task of each team is to be the first to answer the leader's riddle. The topic of riddles should be relevant to graduates and kindergarten. For example, you can pick up rhymes about different members of the kindergarten team, and the guys have to guess who the verse is about.

Contest "Collect the Word"

For the competition, you need to choose 3-4 participants from among the graduates. Each of them is given two pairs of pictures. The first is a cut image. For example, it can be a fairy-tale hero, an animal, an event that echoes the theme of the graduation ceremony. The second set - letters from which the participants will have to collect the name of what is shown in the first set. First, the children assemble the picture, and then choose the letters to write its name. The winner is the one who is the first to correctly complete the task.

Kindergarten prom dance

Prom dancing is always relevant. This is a great way for children to change their activity, and for parents and educators a rare opportunity to enjoy a beautiful dance performed by kids. In addition to the graduates themselves, adults - parents and teachers - can also prepare the dance. Here are some interesting videos with ideas for prom dance in kindergarten.

Dance of graduates "Little country"

A very touching dance of young graduates who forever say goodbye to their carefree years in the garden. Children dance to the well-known song of N. Koroleva along with toys symbolizing farewell to childhood and the beginning of the school stage of life.

Kindergarten Graduation Dance for Parents

In this version, dads and daughters are dancing. The dance itself is simple, but at the same time very touching and sweet. If there are a lot of girls in your graduation group, then be sure to take note of this dance!

Farewell waltz of graduates

This option is perfect as a final dance at a graduation party. A beautiful waltz performed by graduates will look sophisticated and touching.

Kindergarten Graduation Dance for Employees

The next number - the fiery dance of the garden staff - will help to cheer up the graduates and add variety to the celebration. All other employees of the kindergarten can safely join the teaching staff, because it is also important for them to leave warm memories in the memory of graduates.

Kindergarten graduation gifts for the teacher and children

Gifts are just that "sweet pill" that can sweeten the sorrow of parting at the prom. And it is also an opportunity to thank the teachers for the hard work done and leave the memory of the graduation group.

There can be a lot of options for suitable gifts for the graduation in kindergarten, but we advise you to choose those things that will truly remain in your memory for a lifetime. For example, a teacher can be presented with a beautiful piece of furniture (a vase, a painting, a lamp, a set of photo frames), looking at which he will always remember his graduates. Dishes (expensive and of high quality!), Small household appliances, good textiles are also suitable for this description. Another original option is a gift made by the hands of graduates. For example, any teacher will be pleased to receive a beautiful photo collage designed by kids.

As for the graduates themselves, their gifts should be practical. For example, you can present to kids colorful books, stationery sets, children's watches. And of course, we shouldn't forget about traditional gifts, which both graduates and educators will be glad to see. It's about flowers, balloons and sweets.

Congratulations from parents at the graduation in kindergarten to the teacher and children

In addition to gifts, parents of graduates should also take care of beautiful congratulations for children and educators. Such wishes can be both in poetry and in prose. It is good if words of gratitude to teachers are also expressed in congratulations on the graduation. After all, seeing off their kids to the first grade, each teacher experiences grief from parting. And a beautiful congratulation from the parents, in which there will be a place for words of gratitude, can soften the sadness and cheer up the teacher. Well, it will be important for kids to hear congratulations from their parents, in which there will be their support and approval. You will find options for such congratulations from parents at the graduation in kindergarten to the teacher and children below.

Congratulations to you guys

Happy First Graduation!

We are, of course, happy for you,

But we are a little sad.

You will not come to the kindergarten anymore,

New things await you

But toys and cribs

They will always remember you.

We wish that at school

You all studied at the "five".

And, of course, with warmth

Remember the kindergarten!

It's so hard to be cool today

A festive holiday in your favorite garden.

And it's impossible not to smile at all:

How babies grow! They are already going to school.

And so the educators do not want with you

To part, to let go of your hands!

After all, they have become relatives to you, like mothers,

They taught you to be the best children.

Guys, we sincerely congratulate you!

You have grown up and learned to be friends.

We wish you success in your studies,

And try not to forget your garden.

Everything changes quickly in the world

Days flicker and years go by.

Children are celebrating graduation now,

They are leaving the kindergarten!

Here are words of gratitude by the way,

Children say this in verse.

And the teacher looks with a smile

For a little embarrassed guys.

Dear and lovely faces!

You will never forget the kindergarten.

We wish to study well

And with each other, as before, to be friends.

Already graduation,

Finish your favorite garden

I'm proud of my dear baby

And soon the first class is waiting.

And on this wonderful, bright day,

I wish you new victories

I wish you brightness, goodness,

Do not know baby, no evil or troubles!

And may everything be fine

In the future, you have a baby

Don't be afraid only of nothing

After all, I am your wall forever!

As eagles fly from the nest,

Spreading your wings,

Guys are coming from the kindergarten,

Proud of their first prom.

On uncharted paths

Go forward to your dreams,

And do not give rest to the legs,

Holding my breath from dreams.

Go without knowing sorrow,

We wish you through life,

We celebrate with you today

The beginning of the school path.

To be the manager

There is a lot to love:

Documents from different mountains,

Numerous controversies

Heating, walking,

Bookkeeping nooks.

Know that in the kitchen, in the yard,

What are the stains on the carpet ...

But there is only one duty

And she is more important than everything.

And it sounds like this -

You just need to love children.

Recognition we dedicate to you our

For experience and wisdom, for your qualities,

After all, to make good people out of children -

Your profession is not more complicated in the world.

And we are grateful to those kind hands

Warmth that was given to both children and us.

And children grow up and they grow up,

After all, time flies, a string of days ...

Thank you also that with the help of books

You taught the numbers, the letters of the kids

And they gave them something that cannot be taken from books:

You left your light in their souls.

And in the fall, the children will go to school,

But they will bring you their gratitude

For work and patience, for that comfort,

In which their childhood lives forever.

We want to say thank you

We are our dear nanny.

I wish you health,

Let the trouble go by.

Dreams come true more often

Let the salary please you.

And life will be brighter and sweeter

You have strength and patience!

Elena Aksenova
Tips for parents on organizing kindergarten graduation

Tips for parents on organizing kindergarten graduation

The very first high school graduation in the life of your baby - this is a serious and at the same time exciting event. Ahead is the school with its joys, new discoveries, small and big victories. Until then parents there is a great chance to give children an unforgettable kindergarten graduation- a holiday of farewell to the most carefree time childhood.

Making plans.

The first step in preparing the future holiday is the creation of a kind of creative committee. It usually includes parents, administration representatives and educators. Pre-holiday preparations take a lot of time and effort, and therefore it is wiser to calculate and distribute time and financial costs in advance.

It is best to distribute responsibilities based on preferences and capabilities. parents... Some will take over graduation album for children garden and preparation of letters of gratitude for employees. Others will think over the design of the music hall. Still others will take care of the festive table for children and adults. With this approach, all the preparatory nuances will be taken into account and no misunderstandings will arise on the holiday itself.

We decorate the hall.

The decoration of the hall in which the celebration will take place, and the group itself, should be thought out to the smallest detail. For these purposes, it is not at all necessary to invite professional designers. With the help of simple decorating techniques, you can independently transform the room and give it a look appropriate for the event. A group of 2-3 can cope with such a task. parents.

The main thing is to show imagination and creativity. Items with which you can decorate the room for kindergarten graduation, a lot of multi-colored flags, funny drawings, photographs and baby applications, posters and garlands. Great helpers in creating a festive atmosphere are balloons that children love so much. They can be inflated by themselves or using a special pump. By tying together 4-5 balloons, you will receive an original balloon "flower", which can be secured to the curtain fabric with threads and pins. Helium balloons can play a completely independent role in the scenario of the celebration. Purchased in advance by quantity graduates, balloons throughout the ceremonial part kindergarten graduation I will play the role of decorating the hall. And at the end of the holiday, children can go outside and release balloons into the sky symbolically saying goodbye to kindergarten.

We order gifts for graduates.

No holiday is complete without gifts. And the first in life high school graduation should not be an exception. Original gifts for kindergarten graduation will bring a lot of positive emotions to children and will be remembered for a long time. Often graduates donate sets of stationery. Also, children can be presented with beautiful alarm clocks or educational board games. An interesting gift will be children's wrist watch... However, it is better to give preference to memorable gifts - those that, years later, will remind those who have already grown graduates and you - parents - about carefree kindergarten years.

A great gift - kindergarten graduation album - bright, colorful and positive. Such an album, made of high quality materials, you will be able to leaf through with your child even after many years.

Question with order graduation the album is better to decide in advance. Making them is laborious. A photo session for your kids, design and layout of albums, printing - everything takes time. Moreover, graduation in children gardens take place at about the same time. And it may happen that the studio simply cannot accept your order due to the high workload. Therefore, you should take care of memorable gifts for your children first of all.


1. You need to order a photographer to create a folder graduate, where there will be photographs of all pupils of the group and employees kindergarten.

2. You can order a photographer for high school graduation, then every festive moment will remain in the memory of your children.

We shoot on video and photo.

Main part organization holiday - filming. The skill of a videographer largely determines the quality of those video impressions that will remain with your children and you for many years. You can invite a specialist - a professional to the holiday. Or you can do it on your own. Agree with someone from parents or friends about shooting a holiday with a home camcorder. And later, send the footage to professional editing and replicate the resulting video. Thus, in everyone's family graduate there will be a memorable video.

Choosing a treat for the festive table.

No less important than gifts for kindergarten graduation, and treats for a sweet table. The latter, as a rule, completes the solemn part of the holiday and requires a particularly responsible attitude towards itself. You can put together a solid menu with hot dishes and desserts. But it is better to stop at an easy option, including in the list of treats, fruits, cakes, juices and pizza so beloved by children.

If you are planning an adult buffet for parents and caregivers, then you will need to create another menu option.

Graduation outfits

Dear parents, don't forget about holiday outfits. They will be appropriate not only for girls, but also for boys. And it is better to choose the time with the child and go to the store for a dress or suit, so that he himself feels all the solemnity of the moment.

Thanks to the staff.

It's a good tradition to give thanks to kindergarten staff graduation who have taught, developed and raised kids for several years. Be sure to take care of vibrant flowers for them. By the way, the abundance of flowers at the holiday will give the whole atmosphere a special touching and solemnity.

It is customary to give gifts to kindergarten graduation not only to the heroes of the occasion themselves, but also to the manager, educators, junior educators and other staff.

An obligatory addition to flowers and gifts are sincere words of gratitude to those who helped your children to become more mature and smarter. Thank you speeches can be printed and pasted into original frames. Receive such letters of gratitude in a decent design to employees children's the garden will be especially pleasant.

Preparing a speech.

If you have the opportunity to speak at the celebration on behalf of parent committee, then it is better to prepare a speech of thanks in advance. It will be useful to take with you a small "Cheat sheet"... Natural excitement experienced parents at graduation celebration of your children can prevent you from pronouncing even a well-learned and rehearsed text. Having a hint at hand will help you feel more confident.

Instead of a conclusion.

Dear mums and dads, grandmothers and grandfathers! Remember that your mental costs, time and effort that you invest in organization of the celebration, will pay off handsomely with the happy eyes of your children and their joyful smiles. And for a long time they will enthusiastically tell their friends about what a cool holiday was in their kindergarten and what wonderful gifts for kindergarten graduation they got.

Kindergarten Graduation Tips(experience parents)

- Organizers from among the parents easier to distribute responsibilities. So that everyone is responsible for their own scope of work.

It is better to decorate the group in the evening, so that when they enter in the morning, the children can already feel the atmosphere of the holiday. And it is better to decorate the hall in the evening.

Congratulations and gratitude to garden workers are best done at the end of the holiday, so as not to interfere with the celebration and to pay enough attention to the employees.

It is better to order a cafe where you can celebrate the holiday until late in the evening and invite an animator for children. If it is not possible to order a cafe, then you can always set the table in a group kindergarten... True, there is a time limit - kindergarten is open until 19: 00. So, if the final part takes place in a group, then it is better to set the tables for the children while they are throwing balloons into the sky. 2-3 people will successfully cope with this. Bring food in advance in the morning (can be left in the refrigerator in the kitchen)... Arrange tables and dishes 2 hours before graduation, and then give the opportunity to educators organize and gather your children.

When seating at tables, it is advisable to take into account the preferences of children. (who is friends with whom, or how they usually sit).

If invitees participate (photographers, videographers)- do not forget to treat them as well, and continue working during the feast. In general, very interesting and funny shots happen just in an informal setting.

Prom progress:

1. Solemn part (Music hall kindergarten... Start in 16 :00)

Children's performance (songs, dances, poems, dramatizations, slideshows, etc.)

Speech by the head of the d / s

Giving gifts to children

Reply word parents.

Launching balloons on the street.

2. The final part (cafe or group kindergarten)

Tea drinking for children and adults

Photoshoot in an informal setting

The first graduation party in the life of children is a holiday of farewell to the carefree life in kindergarten - let it be bright, dynamic, give the children an opportunity to feel the importance of the moment and show their achievements and talents.

What is the best way to arrange this wonderful children's party?

It is desirable that, in addition to concert numbers, a well-thought scenario, games and a delicious feast, parents and teachers make, for example, a clip "How It Was" from the photographs accumulated over the years against the background of a lyric song (modern children will appreciate this) or after a matinee they organize a collective trip to theater, museum or excursion. Unlike a program in which children participate, this can be a pleasant surprise for young graduates.

It would be nice if the script kindergarten graduation fairy tale characters loved by children were involved, and a fun adventure, travel or even a detective story became a form of holding or a graduation ball.

1. The idea of ​​a scenario for a kindergarten "The investigation is being conducted ..."

Any detective story is a great option for a kindergarten graduation scenario. For example, "hide" some word: "school", "class" or "bell". The task of preschoolers: completing various intellectual and creative tasks, solve this word (for each correctly completed task, they receive one letter, it is better not in the order of their sequence in the word). You can divide the children into groups who will independently "get" letters for their words.

Let the tasks be for attentiveness or for checking theoretical knowledge - according to the principles of "what is superfluous", "continue the topic", etc. A quiz on the knowledge of poems, songs or fairy tales will not hurt.

Appropriate in "detective story" and "chase" - small sports competitions for agility and speed (the letter is received by those who are faster, higher and stronger).

Add cartoon characters as the hosts of each competition (for example, Koloboks or Baba Yaga can lead such an investigation) - and an exciting holiday is guaranteed for little graduates!

(to download - click on files)

Specially for site

Graduation in kindergarten is the first outcome in a child's life and, of course, a great holiday for parents. How to organize it correctly: foresee everything, not miss anything and even enjoy the preparation process? I want to give some advice to parents from my own experience.

To begin with, you need to start early discussions of the upcoming graduation at the parent meeting. In order to find out the wishes and suggestions of parents, the budget of the holiday, the program of the solemn matinee, the "requests" of the kindergarten staff in terms of gifts and other important things.

1. Location of the holiday

In our kindergarten, it was not allowed to hold a banquet for children after the matinee, and we had to look for premises for the celebration. We were looking for a budget cafe next to the garden when we accidentally turned up an economical option with a restaurant in the city center. Children, by the way, really liked it! And there was a lot of space, and it turned out very solemnly - they breathed and said: "We are going to the RESTAURANT!"
It is important to take care of the decoration of the hall. We ordered the simplest flower decoration of 100 balloons. The hall immediately became smart and the children were happy, then they took these "flowers" home to remember the holiday.

2. Gifts for children

Everyone knows that “A book is the best gift!”, But our parents strongly objected to such a wording, since only a few read in the group, and the process of learning to read was not joyful for many. The meeting decided - to present the game "Scrabble", with an eye to its wide age range and family pastime.
It is important to take care of the gifts in advance. We had a lot of time, so we ordered in the online store with mail delivery. It turned out very inexpensively, and there were no problems with the number of identical gifts in stock.

In addition to the main gift, the children were awarded medals of a kindergarten graduate and beautifully designed folders with creative works for all years of study, carefully collected by the teacher.

3. Gifts for kindergarten staff

The manager warned in advance that she would definitely not accept any gifts. Therefore, they presented a living palm tree for her study.
Gifts to the rest of the kindergarten employees were divided into two categories: teachers (they gave certificates + flowers) and the rest of the employees (a pair of tea in a beautiful package + flowers).
The teacher and the assistant to the teacher received certificates to the jewelry store as a gift.

It is important to consider the number of employees who are expecting gifts from you. Most often, parents never see some of them, but this does not mean that they do not need thanks.
Important: it is better to buy flowers in bulk, this will allow you to save a lot.

4. Photo and video filming

Unfortunately, our parents did not agree to pay for the services of a professional. It's a pity. As a result, there were no good quality photographs left from good angles or a memorable video film, correctly shot and edited.
On the other hand, we ordered an album in the photo studio, where there was a general photograph, several individual ones, a child's drawing and two pages in the form of a collage from frames previously taken by the parents and the teacher. The album was presented to children, they really liked such a surprise!
It is important to take care of the collection of photo and video material in advance..

5. Entertainment program

During the official part - the matinee, everything was organized by the efforts of the teachers. Here, parents only spoke with words of gratitude to the kindergarten and educators and parting words to the children.

After the matinee, everyone went outside and launched into the sky a huge cardboard sun tied to balloons. The children themselves made this sun in advance, each made his own ray and signed it.
It is important to think in advance where to get the balls and how to deliver them. In this touching part of parting with the garden, there can be various options: letting out pigeons or butterflies, planting bushes or trees in the garden, watching a bubble show or magic tricks, and so on.

In the restaurant we had an hour-long pirate program ordered. While waiting for the invited artists, the parents showed the children a funny fairy tale in their own performance.
Important: children are just happy when their parents perform in front of them, dress up in costumes or just fool around! Give them pleasure!

The animators have worked in good faith. It's just great that now there is an opportunity to entrust the holiday to professionals! The children had fun, and the parents had the opportunity to rest and eat.
It is important to decide in advance on the creative team, date and program you want to order. Take into account such nuances as: where the artists will be able to change their clothes, whether there will be a music center or they need to bring their own, where is the nearest outlet, how many meters of free space will be in the hall for outdoor games, what will the artists use to get to your holiday, whether any small ones are needed gifts for the program and so on.

And then there was a disco. The children raged heartily to the music.
It is important not to forget to prepare a musical selection for the disco!

I will give as an example our graduation budget for 20 kids:

  • each photo album - 1200 rubles.
  • each game "Scrabble" - 288 rubles.
  • gifts to employees - 13 sets of "mug + saucer" in a beautiful box - in the amount of 1700 rubles.
  • gifts for teachers - 4 certificates, 500 rubles each. in a perfumery and cosmetic store - in the amount of 2000 rubles.
  • gifts to the teacher and nanny - certificates to a jewelry store - in the amount of 8000 rubles.
  • flowers of 17 roses (one for each employee) - 850 p.
  • flowers 3 bouquets of 5 roses each (teacher, nanny, manager) - 1100 p.
  • a gift from the manager - a palm tree - 2500 r.
  • animators in the restaurant - 4000 r.
  • decorating the restaurant with balls - 1500 r.
  • restaurant hall rent - 4000 r.
  • dinner in a restaurant for an adult - 650 rubles, for a child - 450 rubles.

The total amount for each child is 4000 rubles.