How to do facial peeling at home. Facial peeling at home with calcium chloride. Home peeling: recipes

Facial peeling at home: 26 TOP effective recipes

Are you afraid of complications after salon types of peeling? Do you think that they will bring serious, long-term non-healing burns and other damage to the skin? Do you want to find a recipe for a natural composition that can effectively cleanse the skin of dead cells? Do not know how to care for your face after such a procedure? We will tell you everything you wanted to know.

What information will you learn:

What is peeling for?

The processes of regeneration, rejuvenation and effective renewal are launched

Daily washing with soap, and even more so with cosmetic milk or lotion, does not remove the dead cells of the stratum corneum that have accumulated on the surface of the skin, preventing it from breathing, absorbing nutrients from masks, creams, and also being actively renewed, thereby contributing to its withering and premature aging. .

Deep and effective removal of the dead layer is provided by special compositions - peelings, which clean off everything superfluous from its surface. After such treatment, the epidermis begins to increase the production of its own collagen and elastin, which serve as the basic framework of the skin at the cellular level. The processes of regeneration, rejuvenation and effective renewal are also launched.

What is the difference between home peeling and salon peeling?

You will never get burns and red spots from home peels.

You need to understand that homemade natural formulations are the safest for the skin, since they carefully and carefully remove the dead stratum corneum, while ensuring the supply of vitamins, minerals and trace elements that are important for the health of the epidermis.

However, they act only on the surface and in the upper layers of the epidermis, while chemical types of peels are able to penetrate deep, reaching the middle layers of the dermis itself. For this reason, home peeling will not rid your skin of wrinkles, age spots, scars left after acne, but with regular use it will noticeably improve its condition, increase turgor density, elasticity and provide a healthy complexion. In addition, you will never get burns and red spots from home peels that do not disappear within 2 to 3 weeks.

In order for the peeling to go without consequences, pay close attention to the following tips and recommendations.

  • Always perform a session on clean skin, devoid of daytime pollution and makeup residues, otherwise they can penetrate deep into the pores and lead to unwanted inflammatory reactions.
  • Prepare the mass for peeling in small quantities, best for one use, since such natural formulations have a short shelf life.
  • Do not peel if your skin has wounds, cuts, herpes, fungal infections and other dermatological problems that require treatment under the supervision of a specialist.
  • Before applying any new composition to the face, be sure to test for an allergic reaction to avoid complications in the form of swelling, redness of the skin, peeling and itching.
  • Always avoid the area around the eyes and lips when applying such products.
  • If a rejection reaction occurs to the composition of the peel, immediately drink any antihistamine (anti-allergic) and visit a doctor.
  • This procedure is best done in the evening, so that the skin recovers overnight and is not sensitive to any weather conditions.
  • Keep peeling compositions on the skin for 5 to 15 minutes, after which they are thoroughly and gently washed off first with warm and then cool water (boiled or filtered).
  • In conclusion, a light moisturizing gel or cream is applied to the skin according to the type of skin, which contains anti-inflammatory and nutrients.

To obtain a visible effect, the selected recipe is used in courses - 2 times a week for 1-2 months.

Recipes for home peels

It is not difficult to make such compositions, but do not neglect the recipe and add other ingredients as you wish that can react chemically with the main components of the mixture.

With alpha hydroxy acids

First, cane sugar is mixed with lemon juice and homemade unsweetened yogurt (proportion 1:1:1). These products contain citric, lactic and glycolic acids, which have a deep cleansing effect.

With beta hydroxy acids

In advance, you will need to prepare a neutralizing solution in a separate, non-metal container, consisting of soda and water, taken in the same proportion.

Aspirin tablets - acetylsalicylic acid, which belongs to beta-hydroxy acids, are mixed with a small amount of lemon juice until a liquid slurry is formed.

The composition is applied to the face with light circular movements along the massage lines, left for 10 minutes, after which it is washed off with a neutralizer solution prepared in advance using a cotton pad.

Fruity with Glycolic Acid

For this recipe you will need: gelatin powder, honey (optional), pineapple and papaya.

Fruits are prepared first - grind them in a blender to a puree state (1: 1). Honey and gelatin powder (2 tablespoons) are added to this mass. Gelatin is a source of natural collagen needed to restore skin elasticity.

You will need to heat the composition in a water bath or in a microwave until the gelatin is completely dissolved, then cool in the refrigerator.

Apply this composition on the skin of the face and leave for 15 - 20 minutes.

With oatmeal and almonds

Keep the product on the face for 15 minutes

Oatmeal and almonds (1:1) are ground in a coffee grinder to a powdery mass. In a separate container, milk fat cream is mixed with a strong infusion of green tea (1: 1), 1 drop of rose oil is added to the mixture. Both compositions are mixed until smooth, let it stand for 20 minutes, after which it is applied to a wet face with massaging and light movements strictly along the massage lines. Keep the product on the face for 15 minutes.

For oily skin, this recipe is slightly modified by adding skimmed milk instead of cream, and replacing rose oil with lemon or tea tree oil.

Based on dried citrus peel

Any dry citrus zest is ground in a coffee grinder to a powder state. With oily skin, kefir is added to the composition, and with dry homemade fatty yogurt without sugar and additives. The mass should turn out to be thick, convenient for applying peeling to the face.

With coffee grounds

Apply the product to a moisturized face, wait for it to dry and rinse off.

Coffee beans or wet grounds ground in a coffee grinder can be used as an effective exfoliating compound. With dry skin, it is diluted with a small amount of fat milk cream, sour cream or any vegetable oil, and with oily skin - with kefir, whey or homemade yogurt. Apply the product to a moisturized face, wait for it to dry and rinse off.

With clay and eggshell powder

Clay is an excellent natural adsorbent, deeply cleansing pores from all kinds of dirt and sebaceous plugs. You can make a composition for deep skin peeling by diluting the clay powder with eggshell powder, taken in equal proportions.

With rice and cottage cheese

Rice crushed in a coffee grinder is mixed with cottage cheese (1: 2), olive oil (1/2 teaspoon) is added to the mass, heated and the composition is applied for 15 minutes.

With a freshwater sponge (badyaga)

Exfoliates dead cells from oily skin

Effectively, deeply exfoliates dead cells from oily skin peeling from badyagi, dried and ground into powder. It is diluted with hot water to a slurry state, 2-3 drops of hydrogen peroxide are added, applied to the skin and kept for 10 minutes.

With fresh strawberries

Puree fresh strawberries (take a tablespoon), combine with ½ tablespoon of honey and 3 drops of almond oil. Apply the mass on the skin with rubbing movements, allow to dry, then rinse.

With lemon, orange and sea salt

Squeeze the juice from 1 lemon and 1 orange, add a heaping tablespoon of sea salt and the same amount of milk. The resulting mass is applied to the skin with rubbing movements for 2 minutes. Leave on the face for 10 minutes and wash off.

From salt or sugar

They take a teaspoon of salt or sugar, mix them with cream or olive oil, apply with massage movements and keep on the face for up to 5 minutes.

From dried herbs

They take dried chamomile or sage herbs for oily skin, and for dry mint or linden, grind them in a mortar, apply to the face, heated over steam with rotating movements, leave for 10 minutes, rinse off.

With cucumber, sea salt and oatmeal

Keep the composition on the face for 10 minutes

You will need to grind oatmeal in a coffee grinder, take a tablespoon of them, add fresh cucumber juice and a tablespoon of sea salt until a porridge-like mass is formed. When applied to the skin, actively massage problem areas. Keep the composition on your face for 10 minutes.

From cranberries and essential oils

Crushed cranberries combined with almond oil

Cranberry berries (20 pieces) crushed to a pulp are combined with almond oil (5 ml), ½ tablespoon of chopped oatmeal and a teaspoon of granulated sugar. Quickly, until the sugar has dissolved, apply the mass to the face in a circular motion. Wait 15 minutes and rinse well.

From soda and laundry soap

For skin with a greasy sheen, a peeling performed on a face soaped with laundry soap with soda powder is perfect. The procedure is continued for no longer than 2 minutes and immediately washed off.

Whitening with beans

A few boiled beans are kneaded with a little olive oil and lemon juice (3-4 drops). Rub this composition into the skin for 3 minutes, after which it is immediately washed off.

With soda, oatmeal

For combination skin, the following peeling will have an excellent effect. Ground oatmeal (a tablespoon) is mixed with raw chicken yolk, honey and baking soda (each in a teaspoon). When applying the composition to the face, it is necessary to carefully massage the problem areas of the skin, and then rinse everything with cold water.

With carrot juice and oatmeal

Peelings based on cereals deeply cleanse the stratum corneum from dead cells

This peeling not only effectively removes the stratum corneum, but also gives the skin the color of a natural tan.

You will need fresh carrot juice, ground oatmeal (a tablespoon), sea salt (a teaspoon). The more carrot juice you add, the more intense your tan will be. Apply the composition to moistened skin, massage well, hold for 10-15 minutes.

Peelings based on cereals deeply cleanse the stratum corneum from dead cells, help cleanse pores, and start the processes of cell renewal and rejuvenation.

With grains of wheat

You will need to crush a tablespoon of wheat grains with the same amount of birch buds in a mortar, adding 50 ml of fat homemade sour cream at the end. Apply this composition to wet skin with massaging movements for 2 minutes, then stand for 10-15 minutes and wash off.

With oat grains

A tablespoon of oat grains crushed in a mortar is mixed with the same amount of plantain seeds, 40 grams of homemade fatty cottage cheese are added and everything is thoroughly mixed.

With sprouted grains of wheat

Sprouted grains of wheat are ground in a mortar with onion seeds (1: 1), 40 ml of fatty fermented baked milk are added and everything is mixed. Apply to the face, massage, leave for 15 minutes, rinse.

with banana

One banana is crushed to a mushy state, 3 tablespoons of sugar and a few drops of your favorite essential oil are added. The mass should be thick. The composition is applied to the skin with active massaging (rubbing) movements, kept for 15 minutes and washed off with warm water.

With chocolate

Take quality cocoa powder (3 tablespoons) and mix it with 100 grams of brown sugar. After that, olive oil (1 teaspoon) is added to the mixture and everything is thoroughly mixed again. Apply to the skin in a circular motion, leave for 15 minutes and rinse with warm water.

Compositions with natural cocoa powder contain vitamins of groups A and B, as well as trace elements - potassium, magnesium, iron, which strengthen skin cell membranes, improve metabolic processes, blood circulation and promote rejuvenation.

Tomato-sugar for deep cleaning

Leave the mass for 5 - 10 minutes and rinse well with cool water

Ripe tomato (tomato) is washed under running water, cut into 2 halves. Take a small saucer, pour granulated sugar into it. Half of the tomato is lowered cut down (into sugar), wait a few seconds for the sugar to penetrate into the pulp, after which they begin to clean the problem areas of the skin of the face with rotational movements. Leave the mass for 5 - 10 minutes and rinse well with cool water.

Ripe tomatoes contain a substance called lycopene, which is a powerful antioxidant that rejuvenates, regenerates, protects from ultraviolet radiation and renews the skin at the cellular level. In addition, they contain components that eliminate inflammatory processes on the skin, acne, narrowing enlarged pores, toning, tightening, and evening out the complexion.

Sugar is a strong exfoliant (exfoliating dead cells) containing glycolic acid. Combining sugar with tomato organic acids, you get an effective composition that deeply cleanses the skin by simultaneously performing physical and chemical types of peeling, so the result of this procedure is doubled.

Video: Peeling at home based on apple cider vinegar

We wish you youthful skin!

A few years ago, at the mention of peels, women thought about the heroine of the Sex and the City series: after an unsuccessful procedure, Samantha Jones could not cure her reddened and inflamed skin for a long time. But the danger is in the past, since dermatologists have abandoned aggressive cleansing in favor of gentle formulas. Careful and effective means will even allow you to peel your face at home. Do you want to know how to do it? Then get ready to get answers to all questions.

What problems will the procedure solve?

In the process of exfoliation, also called exfoliation, you remove the layer of dead skin cells from your face. The procedure will be beneficial if you suffer from acne, notice the appearance of wrinkles or want to narrow the stretched pores. Facial peeling will also get rid of freckles, age spots and hyperpigmentation.

Normally, the covers cope with cleansing without your help. But due to the aggressive external environment that affects the inhabitants of the metropolis, additional measures have to be taken to rejuvenate. The skin condition also worsens the following:

Although healthy integuments are renewed naturally, the influence of external factors affects your appearance. To shine with beauty, you need to learn how to properly exfoliate your face.

Before using any means, keep in mind that without a careful approach, you risk harming yourself. To prevent unpleasant surprises, heed the advice of cosmetologist and dermatologist Giordanna Matioli. Since she has been in the beauty industry since 2001, her comments are based on years of observation.

How is it anyway instantly remove wrinkles and bags under your eyes?
Oddly enough, the answer to this insoluble question was found in one remarkable article. Its author, a young 38-year-old woman, described in detail how she managed to almost instantly get rid of deep wrinkles and bags under her eyes, without cosmetics, Botox and other well-known rejuvenation methods.

Before doing facial peeling at home, consult a specialist. If you decide to experiment on your own, choose lines designed specifically for your skin type.

DIY: sugar scrub recipes

Prefer mechanical? It will please with simplicity, since many scrubs (as exfoliators are called) can be made independently. But dermatologists warn that particles of substances that create friction should not be large. To avoid microtrauma of the integument, use sugar: even famous brands use the ingredient.

The following options are at your disposal:

The use of sugar for home treatments will minimize injuries: scrubs will win even over ready-made options, the formula of which includes crushed apricot seeds or walnut shells. After all, grains of a sweet substance do not have sharp edges, and the effect will be gentle.

Natural remedies: take advantage of the gifts of nature

You can make a light peeling for the face at home by using products from the refrigerator:

Additional recipes for physical facial peels at home can be found in the video:

Contraindications include individual intolerance to the components, increased sensitivity of the integument, the presence of skin diseases.

Chemical exfoliation: can it be done at home

You had a chemical exfoliation at the dermatologist and were satisfied with the result. The only complaint is related to the cost, since a professional with experience will not work for a penny. And now you are wondering if you can do a chemical facial peel at home: recipes can be found on the net, so why pay more? Alas, on the Internet you will also find reviews of upset women who tried to save money on the procedure.

Problems appear even when you use ready mixes. The consequences can be assessed on the example of a vlogger (as video bloggers are called) Chrissy Dixon, who is fond of beauty topics. Deciding to do a deep cleansing without the help of a dermatologist, she bought a product based on trichloroacetic acid in an online store. The girl knew that this component is used in professional salons and clinics, and the price of the drug did not arouse suspicion ($ 26).

Chrissy had already done similar procedures in the salon and did not expect unpleasant surprises. According to her, she was ready for tingling and burning, but after applying the product, she felt that her face was on fire. The girl quickly washed off the exfoliator, but the skin was damaged: a chemical burn and uneven marks remained for a long time. What to say about the use of funds prepared by you yourself?

Chemical peels at home are often unsafe, because their action is based on the decomposition of intercellular bonds. Simply put, you apply a product that dissolves the top layer of cells. The more active acid you use, the more tissue will be destroyed. Without professional supervision, the result is often burns that are accompanied by pain. If you are preparing the mixture yourself, then it will not be possible to determine the proportions and make an adjustment for the type of covers. Exfoliation at home is possible only when using ready-made products from well-known brands: cleansing will be shallow, but harmless.

To do a facial chemical peel at home, use the products recommended by Ellie Flynn, a beauty expert who collaborates with fashion publications. She offers options for every wallet:

  1. Elemis has developed a product with papaya enzymes that promote gentle exfoliation. Papaya Enzyme Peel softens the skin, smoothes wrinkles and eliminates small imperfections, while delighting with a pleasant smell.
  2. If you're willing to shell out, choose La Prairie's Cellular 3-Minute Peel. The tool has an effect in 3 minutes, and the result will be a velvety and smooth face. The texture of the skin also improves as the pores become less visible. Although the purchase will hit the pocket, in the long run the costs will be justified: the economy of the product is due to the fact that it needs to be applied once a week, and the effect lasts for 7 days.
  3. Avon offers a product based on glycolic acid: its concentration is harmless for home use. The formula of Anew Clinical Retexturizing Peel is also enriched with plant extracts that cleanse and moisturize the skin. The product is convenient to use: the jar contains 30 pads impregnated with a composition for light chemical peeling of the face. Wipe the skin before going to bed, and notice the result in the morning.
  4. The Skyn ​​Iceland brand specializes in natural products that do not contain any parabens or sulfates. He adhered to this rule when developing the impregnation for Nordic Skin Peel exfoliating discs. The option is suitable for owners of sensitive integuments: use the product 3-5 times a week.
  5. Treatment Enzyme Peel from AmorePacific will be useful for women with problem skin. Suffering from breakouts and acne? This usually complicates the procedures, but the product in the form of a powder will please with a mild effect. Upon contact with moistened skin, the granules dissolve, forming a foam. It contains the mineral zeolite, which absorbs pollution, and papaya enzymes, which gently remove intercellular bonds in dead layers.

Decided to do a chemical peel at home? Refuse independent experiments with components and use finished products that have been tested.

Should I buy peeling kits from a beautician?

Looking through the offers of online stores, you will see sets for professional peeling. Similar options can be found with cosmetologists: wanting to save money, women decide to carry out the procedure on their own. But employees of the American clinic The Skin Clinic Welness warn that a large part of the clients are people who have tried to do deep exfoliation at home with disastrous results. The harm is sometimes irreversible, because the result is:

  • hyper- and hypopigmentation;
  • chemical burn;
  • scars.

Deep chemical exfoliation should not be carried out even by a person with a diploma in cosmetology who has taken a course. Entrust the task only to a dermatologist who is able to assess the situation in a complex: a professional will ask more than one question before getting down to business, and will identify possible contraindications. For example, if you often have herpes on your lips, then aggressive peeling can lead to its rashes all over your face. It will not be possible to take into account the subtleties without special education, because in addition, the covers need special care before, after and during the procedure.

Saving money by trying to do a deep peel at home will not work: you will spend more money on restorative treatment.

Recipes based on natural acids: beauty from your refrigerator

Are you wondering if it is possible to carry out chemical exfoliation without harming the integument? Although you will have to forget about intensive exposure, sparing methods are at your disposal. To achieve the result, use products from the refrigerator:

The listed procedures can be repeated every 1-2 weeks, after making sure that you are not allergic to the ingredients.

Things to remember after exfoliation

To give yourself beauty, you need to not only know how to do peeling at home, but also take into account the rules for subsequent care:

  • in case of excessive sensitivity of the integument, refuse exfoliation;
  • during the recovery period, use sprays and creams to protect against ultraviolet radiation;
  • after chemical exposure, do not resort to physical exposure, otherwise damage the epidermis;
  • apply moisturizer regularly;
  • wash with a gentle foam;
  • do not carry out the procedure in the presence of wounds and severe inflammation in the treated areas.

Make an amendment to these rules, and you won’t have to complain about redness and irritation.


The process of removing dead cells is good for the skin if you follow the rules. You will have to forget about the deep impact during home procedures, because you do not have sufficient competence. Choose gentle mechanical methods or use the chemical properties of natural products to make your own blends. Also at your disposal are lines from cosmetic brands designed for gentle cleansing.

And to learn more about facial peeling at home, watch the video:

We do peeling - we give the covers freshness and youth

Let's take a very short look at why experts advocate for peeling (exfoliation). The session is aimed at removing, exfoliating dead (obsolete) cells of the upper layers of the epidermis. Extinguished particles clog pores, do not allow the epithelium to fully absorb oxygen, saturate with moisture, trace elements, vitamins. Also, the skin membranes lose their natural attractiveness under the influence of sunlight and dust, exhaust gases, various ailments, and age-related changes.

Why does the face become so attractive?

  • Firstly, the removal of the keratinized layer allows you to wake up the regeneration processes, accelerate the production of the body's most important proteins - elastin and collagen. It is these substances that are responsible for the elasticity and density, youth and elasticity of our integuments.
  • Secondly, scrubbing makes it possible to say goodbye to black dots, rashes of various etiologies, blackheads, and improve the light-reflecting ability of the skin.

After conducting cleansing sessions, which are not at all burdensome (and even pleasant!) To carry out at home, the covers become:

  • shining;
  • silky;
  • fresh;
  • tender;
  • smooth.

Numerous photos on the Web of girls of different ages updated after exfoliation confirm the real magic of the procedure. With easy ways to remove skin defects, we also wrote in the material about how effectively and quickly.

Features of the

At home, there are two types of exfoliation – mechanical or chemical. Any of the types will imply only superficial cleaning, which has a minimal damaging effect on the epidermis. What is the difference between them?

With mechanical action, old scales are “expelled” with the help of scrubs, gommages. Abrasive components - essential components of scrubs - clean off dead cells, remove sebaceous secretion, mud plugs. It is preferable to use gommages for dry skin - a creamy product is applied for a few minutes, gently rolled up with wet fingers.

In chemical exfoliation, acid-containing compounds are used. Acids - for example, malic, tartaric - penetrating into the epithelium, contribute to the exfoliation of dormant cells, the restoration of turgor.

How often to exfoliate? Cosmetologists advise treating oily skin 1-2 times in 7-8 days, and dry skin - 1 time in 2-3 weeks.

Features of preparation

How to properly prepare for an exfoliation procedure? It consists of three consecutive steps:

  • Step 1. Do make-up removal in the usual way for you - with the help of lotion, milk, tonic. We recommend wiping your face with micellar water as well.
  • Step 2. Apply a peeling agent. Doubt what to choose? Do not experiment, especially with sensitive skin - seek advice from a dermatologist, cosmetologist.
  • Step 3. Remove (wash off) the drug. Apply your favorite (suitable) oily cream, healing ointment.

Our advice: the results will increase if you steam the skin a little before cleansing procedures.

Home beauty salon - it's easy

Dear readers, do you want to carry out procedures on your own, like in a salon? It's up to you! So, the most popular beauty cleansing procedures that can be done in your favorite kitchen:

  • Glycolic. In a specialized store (pharmacy, supermarket), purchase a mask based on glycolic acid. Keep on the face for no more than 8 minutes.
  • with calcium chloride. Get a solution of calcium chloride (Solutio Calcii chloridi) and baby soap. How to do? First, apply the solution, wait for it to dry, treat your face again. Soap with soap pads. Apply soap foam over the layers, carefully roll up clots of dirt.
  • With lemon. Prepare a teaspoon of lemon (lime) juice. Apply 2-3 layers, hold for a quarter of an hour.
  • Soda. In the washing gel (any one is suitable), add 0.5 teaspoon of soda (you can use a little less), gently massage the problem areas.

Our Golden Recipes

What could be better than using folk remedies for exfoliation - the refreshing effect is sure to please. Finding them in the kitchen is easy! For you, our repeatedly proven recipes.

We use semolina

The sequence of the procedure with semolina:

  1. Pour into a bowl 2-3 tbsp. tablespoons of warmed olive oil.
  2. Pour semolina into a separate bowl (it is convenient to use a saucer).
  3. Moisten the skin with water (ideally - chamomile decoction).
  4. Soak your fingers in oil, then dip in semolina.
  5. Do a light and smooth face massage - try not to stretch the skin!
  6. Wash your face with warm boiled water, apply your favorite oily skin care product.

We use bodyaga

Guest from freshwater contains silica needles. Penetrating into the upper layers of the dermis, they increase blood circulation, increase the activation of bioactive substances. As a result, the epidermis is renewed, rejuvenated.

The sequence of the procedure with bodyaga:

  1. Dilute the (pharmaceutical) bodyaga extract with hydrogen peroxide to a creamy state.
  2. Apply with a sponge (brush) on the epidermis, gently rub.
  3. Keep the greenish composition for 10-15 minutes. Be prepared for a slight tingling, burning sensation.
  4. Wash your face with warm water, dry your face with a towel, napkin.
  5. Apply slightly chilled kefir (homemade sour milk) for 10-15 minutes.
  6. Wash your face, treat the reddened cover with a greasy cream.
  7. After 3 days, pamper the shaken skin with a mask of yolk, honey, milk (homemade), birch sap.

Our advice: Do not peel off peeling scales - scars may remain. For the first 2-3 days, lubricate the renewed epithelium with boron vaseline - it will have a calming effect.

When sessions are banned

Please note that exfoliation (even with a number of benefits!) Is not always possible.

Cosmetologists put a ban on cleaning if:

  • skin is hypersensitive;
  • they have wounds, cuts, pustules;
  • there are diseases - ichthyosis, eczema, psoriasis, etc.;
  • there is individual immunity to the components used;
  • there are moles, warts, other neoplasms;
  • the vascular network appears;
  • You are waiting for a baby.

Friends, thank you for being with us! Beauty to you, irresistibility, perfect and radiant skin! Write questions, wishes in the comments. Was the material helpful to you? Tell us about your secrets of impressive appearance. What are your signature scrub masks? We will be grateful if you share information with your friends in social networks - everyone wants to be beautiful! Smiles, positive and sunny mood to all of us!

Facial peeling is one of the most common cosmetic procedures that allow the fair sex to preserve their own youth and beauty. Of course, you can get it in any beauty salon, but why pay more? Peeling at home has the same properties, but costs several times cheaper.

The reason for the wild popularity of homemade peeling is its versatility. And, really, no other salon offer is able to cope with such a set of problems. What are the properties of home peeling?

  • Cleanses the skin from sebaceous plugs;
  • Removes the keratinized layer of the epidermis;
  • Improves the outflow of sebum;
  • Eliminates pigmentation;
  • Smoothes wrinkles, scars and scars;
  • Accelerates metabolic processes in the upper layers of the epidermis;
  • Activates the work of immunocomplete cells.

Features of homemade peels

Experts in the field of cosmetology distinguish three types of peels: superficial, median and deep. Most home remedies are of the first type. They remove the granular and horny layer of the skin, reduce pigmentation and smooth out small scars and wrinkles.

The procedure does not require a long recovery and does not take much time. At the end of the peeling, the skin may swell a little and turn red, and after a few days you may notice slight peeling. Do not worry, all these problems will disappear in no time, leaving behind a soft, silky and visibly rejuvenated face.

As for medium and deep cleansing, these are more serious procedures that can only be carried out by a professional cosmetologist.

Types of home peels

Acid peeling is considered the most popular for the face. It allows you to treat skin at any age and get amazing results. There are many acids used for this peeling. Interested? Well, it remains only to choose the right recipe and take the first step towards perfect beauty.

Fruit peeling

Most fruits known to us contain biologically active components. They remove old ones and promote skin rejuvenation. But before you start cleansing your skin, make sure that a particular fruit is well tolerated.

Papaya + Pineapple: Squeeze the juice from the pulp of papaya (100g) and pineapple (100g). Mix with a spoonful of honey and apply to the skin wiped with tonic. After five minutes, wash your face with cool water and blot your face with a clean napkin.

Strawberries + Apple: Blend 2-3 strawberries and 1 small apple in a blender. Lubricate the face with this mixture, leaving the area around the eyes untouched. Wash off with clean water after 5 minutes.

Lemon + Water: This peeling has a stronger effect, suitable for wrinkled skin. Mix equal parts of filtered water and lemon juice (necessarily freshly squeezed). Apply the mass on the face and wait for about five minutes. Then wash your face and lubricate the skin with a light cream without Vaseline. Carry out the procedure three times a week. After 14 days, the amount of lemon juice can be doubled.

Results should be expected in three months.

Glycolic peeling

Until recently, this type of peeling was inaccessible to most ordinary women. But with the advent of special products based on glycolic acid in pharmacies, the situation has changed radically. Now every woman who wants to bring herself into a divine form can purchase the treasured tube with a mask or scrub. They are applied to the face wiped with tonic and kept for about five minutes. The area around the eyes and lips is left untouched.

An alternative to ready-made products will be sugar and yogurt, taken in equal quantities. Mix both components to a paste-like consistency and apply not only on the face, but also on the neck and décolleté. Wash off with water after 15 minutes. Repeat twice a week.

Glycolic acid acts very gently, but the result of such cleansing is truly admirable - the skin becomes fresh and even.

Keep in mind, peeling can cause a slight burning sensation, this is an absolutely adequate reaction. Avoid direct sunlight and do not use other cosmetics for about four hours. This will help you avoid irritation. Do not forget about contraindications, which include acne, wounds and inflammation present on the face.

Salicylic peeling

Another sparing procedure that works only with the upper layer of the epidermis and does not provoke its inflammation. With this procedure, you will cleanse the skin of acne and improve its color, remove the stratum corneum and stabilize the sebaceous glands.

Recipe: Dissolve 2 tablets of aspirin (salicylic acid) in 2 teaspoons of plain water. In the resulting paste, you can add a couple of drops of freshly squeezed lemon juice. Be careful, it is contraindicated for owners of sensitive skin. Apply the mixture for 10 minutes, wash your face, wipe the skin with soda tonic (1 tsp per glass of water) and rinse your face again with clean water. At the end of the procedure, use a moisturizer.

Enzyme peeling

The essence of this method is the use of scrubs containing enzymes. These are special enzymes that dissolve and remove the dead layer of cells. Enzyme peeling is suitable not only for the face and neck, but also for the décolleté area. Apply it exactly for a quarter of an hour on cleansed skin.

Contraindications are damage to the face and the presence of acne.

Retinoic peeling

Retinoic acid, which is part of the peeling, removes age spots, evens out the skin and improves its structure. For the best effect, the product is used once a week for about a month and a half. Leave on for half an hour, then wash off with cool water.

Milk peeling

Useful peeling based on lactic acid is available to everyone. It is enough to lubricate the face with kefir or sour cream, leave the product for 15 minutes, and then remove the film with light circular movements.

Almond peeling

This peeling will benefit not only the face, but also the body. It is especially good in summer heat, when enlarged pores literally absorb all the dust and dirt.

To prepare almond peeling you will need:

  • kaolin - 1 tbsp. l.,
  • water - 2 tbsp. l.,
  • juice squeezed from the pulp of aloe - 2 tbsp. l.,
  • lavender oil - 10 drops,
  • almonds (chopped) - 2 tbsp. l.,
  • oatmeal (ground) - 2 tbsp. l.,
  • almond oil - 1 tbsp. l.

Pour kaolin, almonds and oatmeal with warm water (about 70 degrees). Then add almond oil and aloe. Stir the resulting mixture and let it thicken. It remains to add lavender oil and apply the mixture for ten minutes.

Repeat the procedure twice a week for oily type and once every 10 days for dry. Avoid bright sunlight for the next few days.

Chemical peel

For this peeling you will need a solution of calcium chloride (5-10%). If you are doing the procedure for the first time, give preference to a weaker option. Apply the solution to the skin in a not too thick layer. Wait for it to dry and apply another one. Repeat this four to eight times. As soon as the last layer dries, lather your hands with baby soap and roll the mask in a circular motion.

Together with it, you will remove the keratinized layer of the epidermis, as well as all the dirt that has accumulated in your pores. At the end of the procedure, rinse your face with water and apply a soothing or moisturizing mask.

Remember, a chemical peel should not burn or sting your face. Otherwise, wash immediately with plenty of soap and water.

Salt peeling

A simple, affordable, but at the same time very effective way to cleanse the skin. After salt peeling, the face becomes soft and smooth, and existing pigmentation and freckles become less noticeable.

  • Oily and acne prone skin - 2 tbsp. l. cream or 1 tbsp. l. sour cream (preferably homemade), mix with a teaspoon of salt (fine). Spread the mixture over the entire face, leave for 5 minutes, and then treat every centimeter of skin with gentle movements. Repeat twice a week;
  • Dry skin - fine salt + the same amount of soda. Repeat two to three times a month;
  • Thin and dry skin - oatmeal (1 tbsp.) + vegetable oil (1 tbsp.) + fine salt (1 tsp.). Repeat once every three weeks;
  • Sensitive skin - oatmeal (1 tablespoon), diluted with warm yogurt, water or low-fat kefir + soda (1/4 teaspoon).
  • Decollete and neck - once every 30 days.

At the end of the peeling, lubricate the skin with a cream (with a nourishing or moisturizing effect). You can also use a ready-made cosmetic mask. Experts recommend having a beauty session before going to bed, this will give you more time to recover.

And the last thing: with the advent of the summer heat, owners of thick and greasy skin should limit the use of salt peeling. But women with dry, thin and sensitive skin can completely refuse it.

clay peeling

Clay is a natural material with remarkable cleansing and adsorbing properties. You can use it as a single product, or you can mix it with natural abrasives (coffee grounds or ground eggshells).

Oat peeling

A very soft and pleasant way that tired and sensitive skin will surely like.

Recipe: mix a handful of hercules or bran with warm water. Apply the resulting porridge on a wet face, walk along the massage lines and rinse with water. Do the course - every evening for 14 days.

Coffee peeling

Love brewed coffee? Excellent! Collect the thick remaining in the Turk or coffee maker, dry it and pour it into a clean jar. Mix coffee with water as needed, apply to face and rinse in circular motions.

Home peeling - contraindications

Each type of peeling has its own “forbidden” list, but the total number of contraindications includes:

  • pregnancy;
  • period of breastfeeding;
  • allergic dermatoses;
  • blood diseases;
  • the presence of damage and inflammation on the intended area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin;
  • sunny weather - fraught with hyperpigmentation;
  • individual sensitivity to peeling components;
  • conducting treatment courses (telangiectasia or hirsutism).

Self-peeling of the face - how to fix the effect?

To keep the skin in perfect condition, it is necessary to provide it with proper and complete care.

First, use lotions or tonics. They will clean and tighten enlarged pores, as well as restore the acid-base balance.

Secondly, moisturize your face with moisturizer.

Third, remember about nutrition and recovery.

As you can see, you don't have to spend a lot of money to take care of yourself. Each of you can create beauty at home, and our homemade recipes are the best confirmation of this.

Many factors affect the condition of our skin: age, nutrition, poor ecology. First of all, these factors affect the skin of the face. Therefore, careful care is important.

Peeling is a simple cosmetic procedure, but it can transform a woman. The fact is that the chemically active substances that make up the peels exfoliate the stratum corneum. The procedure also promotes the natural production of elastin and collagen. It is these substances that rejuvenate the skin.

There are two types of peeling: mechanical and chemical.

Scrubs and gommages are used for mechanical peeling. The former contain abrasive particles of the smallest size, which literally exfoliate dead skin particles and cleanse pores. Scrubs are more suitable for oily skin, however, they are also used for normal skin.

For dry skin, it is better to use gommage, which appeared in Russia relatively recently (“gomme” in translation “eraser”). The word "gommage" refers to both the procedure for cleansing the skin, and the cleanser itself. It is applied to the skin and after a few minutes simply rolled up with your fingers.

Mechanical peeling is, in fact, grinding, when the stratum corneum is simply cut off. Painful sensations with this method of cleaning do not happen, the infection is excluded.

The main indications for the use of mechanical peeling are:

  • acne (acne);
  • age-related skin changes;
  • hyperpigmentation;
  • photoaging of the skin.

Chemical peeling involves the use of special acid-containing products. This is one of the most popular procedures. It eliminates dry skin, age spots, fine wrinkles.

Acid peeling treats inflammation of the sebaceous glands, and as a result, acne disappears. The acids included in such products, penetrating deep into the skin, promote cellular regeneration, as a result of which the skin becomes more elastic.

The chemical method of facial cleansing, in addition to elastin and collagen, contributes to the production of natural hyaluronic acid. With the help of a similar procedure, pigmentation, scars or irregularities formed after acne disappear.

Peeling can be superficial, medium and deep.

Superficial peeling

The penetration depth is only 0.06 mm. In this case, only the stratum corneum is damaged. For this type of peeling, acids obtained from fruits are used, as well as pharmaceutical products with a small concentration of these same acids.

Superficial peeling takes a little time - half an hour is enough, since the procedure is simple. First, sebum and dirt are removed with a lotion or tonic.

Then a cleanser is applied, which is washed off after a certain time. After consultation with a cosmetologist, this procedure can be safely carried out on your own, preferably 2-3 times a year.

Median peeling

The depth of damage during median peeling is up to 0.45 mm. With it, you can get rid of acne, fine wrinkles, age spots.

Median peeling can cause mild flushing, which is not of particular concern to women. Light peeling of the skin disappears after a few days. After the procedure, it is recommended to treat the face with creams and sunscreen.

Deep peeling

Carried out with the use of phenol. This method helps to smooth out even deep wrinkles, providing a lasting lifting effect.

As a rule, deep peeling is carried out in beauty salons and under the supervision of a specialist. At home, this method is used in a sparing mode with a minimum concentration of the active substance in the product.

Deep peeling, like the middle one, should be carried out in autumn or winter, when the sun is not so active.

Features of home peeling

Facial peeling at home involves a small concentration of active ingredients to ensure that chemical burns of the skin are avoided. To do it yourself, you need to decide how you will do it: chemical or mechanical, will you use a home remedy or buy it in a specialized store?

If you have normal or oily skin, scrub and gommage can be safely applied every day. Pharmaceutical products have a stronger effect, so they should be used closer to thirty years and no more than once a week.

For home peeling, there are special devices. For effective facial cleansing use:

  • massager for ultrasonic peeling;
  • vacuum cleaner;
  • ultrasonic device;
  • multifunctional device for deep cleansing of the face.

Today, the choice of peeling products is wide and varied. If you decide to do it at home, then products containing alpha or beta hydroxy acids are best suited for this. They are designed for superficial and median peeling.

The following acids are used:

  • glycolic;
  • dairy;
  • apple;
  • wine.

Salicylic acid dissolves fat well, so it is useful for those who have oily skin, as well as young people suffering from acne. In addition, it has anti-inflammatory properties.

Deep cleansing of the skin is most effective.

This method solves several complex problems associated with facial skin at once. Among them:

  • effective cleaning of pores;
  • increased blood supply;
  • elimination of dryness;
  • getting rid of hyperpigmentation;
  • removal of the stratum corneum.

In addition, a deep cleansing method removes dead cells that prevent skin rejuvenation and gives it elasticity.

On the surface of the skin there may be various kinds of irregularities that have arisen after acne or scars. Deep peeling helps to eliminate them, smoothing, smoothing the skin. After such a thorough cleaning procedure, the skin becomes silky, and the woman looks younger.

Deep peeling in beauty salons is not a cheap pleasure. Therefore, many people prefer to carry it out at home. Independently embarking on a radical cleansing of the skin, you should use the same techniques that are practiced in beauty salons.

First you need to treat the skin with disinfectants. The acid is then applied in a thin layer. After a certain time (depending on the type of product used), the skin is cleansed with an acid neutralizer. After that, a moisturizer is applied.


  • thin, hypersensitive skin;
  • pustules;
  • wounds, scratches;
  • the presence of skin diseases;
  • pregnancy.

Peeling recipes

Do not neglect the advice of experienced cosmetologists! Failure to do so may result in chemical burns. If acids up to 30-70% concentration are used in salons, then for self-peeling it should be much less.

An effective method of peeling at home is the use of calcium chloride. First you need a 5% solution of the substance, later you can use a 10% solution. Higher concentration is contraindicated.

Before peeling with calcium chloride, it is necessary to test the skin by applying it to the arm (for example, to the crook of the elbow). If there are no painful manifestations, redness, burning, then the substance is suitable for application to the skin of the face.

The face with a swab is treated with a solution of calcium chloride. After the first layer has dried, proceed to apply the second, third, and then the fourth layer. Subsequently, their number can be increased to eight.

After the last layer has dried, it is necessary to roll up the mask applied to the face with circular movements of the fingers. Together with it, you will remove the stratum corneum. Then rinse your face with warm water. The moisturizing cream completes the procedure.

Recipes for homemade peels:

  1. In a tablespoon of sour cream, add a teaspoon of soda and salt. Apply the solution on the face and wash off after five minutes, after which - a moisturizer.
  2. You can use Fig. Grind a teaspoon of cereal in a coffee grinder. In what happened, you need to add cottage cheese (two tablespoons) and a teaspoon of olive oil. After thorough mixing, the mask is applied to the face for 15-20 minutes.

Today, the possibilities of different methods of skin cleansing have increased markedly and allow you to effectively fight skin aging. And not only for middle-aged people, but also for those who already have age-related manifestations: dryness, flabbiness of the skin, wrinkles on the face.

Facial peeling at home is quite affordable for every woman. Its benefits are undeniable! It can and should be used at any age. This is a good alternative to plastic surgery because it is safe. At home, peeling can be done 2-3 times a week, and it's not difficult at all.

Useful video about peeling at home
