The road through the eyes of children pasta crafts. Amazing pictures of cereals, pasta, coffee, shells. DIY pasta crafts - photos and ideas

Most believe that it is possible to create from strictly defined substances: clay, paints, stones, textiles, fabrics, sewing accessories, wood, and recycled materials. But extraordinary people can create a masterpiece out of anything. Even from what you can find ... in the kitchen cabinet. As a result, looking at a painting depicting a flower bouquet, a tea set with gilding, beads or Christmas angels, few people would think that these are pasta crafts. Real creativity is not limited to anything.

Pasta is great for crafts

For many seriously keen on horns, snails, bows, spaghetti, it began with "pampering", with the joint fulfillment of kindergarten or school assignments with children. And over the years it grew into a passion and even into its own, quite successful hand-made business. The secret here lies both in a creative outlook on life, and in the wonderful properties of these simple flour products, whose unusual and varied forms seem to be specially created not only to one day be in boiling water.

Material properties

History is silent about when macaroni first broadened people's views on creativity. But most likely the masters drew attention to them because of the unusual properties that best contribute to a riot of fantasy. As a hand-made starting material for children and adults, pasta is attractive because it:

  • simple and massively available (including the price);
  • incredibly durable;
  • safe (in every sense);
  • durable;
  • extremely diverse in shape, size, color;
  • practical.

Pasta is extremely diverse in shape, size, color

It is difficult to find a cuisine in our country without pasta. They are not a shortage, but their affordability leads to the fact that both beginners and experienced craftsmen do not lack source materials.

Pasta is not easy to break and is a big plus for preserving finished crafts. The safety of the horns is unconditional: there are no preservatives, harmful substances, chemical dyes in them. The variety of pasta only increases every year. And this applies not only to shape and size, but also to color. Today, thanks to natural vegetable additives, you can find yellow, red, green, black, brown products. The shelves of modern stores are literally bursting with spaghetti, horns, bows, stars, snails, shells, curls, tubes, alphabets, cobwebs. And there are clearly no reasons for stopping this species riot.

What can be made from pasta

Pasta, like any other source for creativity, has no age limit. You can tinker with them, starting from two or three years and, in the literal sense, to infinity. An impressive variety of techniques, types of crafts, from which everyone can pick up something according to the level of skill, and according to the emotional state, and according to the festive theme, also disposes of this. So, from macaros you can make:

  • paintings, panels, applications on a flat surface;
  • new Year decoration;
  • Easter pasta crafts;
  • decoration of vases, boxes, photo frames, tea sets;
  • beads;
  • figurines of animals;
  • flower bouquets;
  • topiary.

Each type of pasta has a specific shape, which greatly facilitates their selection for one or another handicraft. Some of them are ideal for flower bouquets, others -, and others - for beads and bracelets for babies. And it is precisely the constantly emerging new varieties of products that make it possible to simultaneously expand the specific list of creative works. By the way, DIY pasta crafts can look even more interesting if, in addition to them, you use cereals, sewing accessories, fabric and leather, dried fruits, dried flowers, leaves, cereals. But this is already within the power of experienced, experienced craftswomen.

Methods for gluing and staining

When creating a flour masterpiece, the author always carefully selects the initial details in shape: which of them will be better suited for depicting a particular part of the animal's body in a picture or part of an object when decorating it. Less often, elements are selected according to shades. Today, multicolored pasta is no wonder. But most of them, unfortunately, are imported, which is why they are much more expensive than domestic ones. And for creativity, of course, affordable yellow or whitish species will be chosen. This raises the question of how best to paint the product so that it looks more spectacular and more interesting?

On a note! You can paint in three ways: food dyes, ordinary acrylic paints, graffiti paints in spray cans.

The dyes can be diluted in hot water and the required amount of pasta parts can be lowered there, or the craft can be sprayed with a ready-made solution. The brightness of the color is easily adjusted by the amount of dye added to the water.

When using acrylic paints, arm yourself with a brush and turn into a real artist. Metallic, silver, bronze, gold colors are also present in many painting sets, as well as pure white paint. At the end, the finished craft can be varnished.

In terms of gluing with pasta, everything is much easier than with many other materials. They are held together no worse than any paper with ordinary PVA glue. But the method of connecting pasta can be different, it all depends on the type of work chosen. If you choose a flat picture, you can use glue or a thin layer of plasticine. If the work is voluminous (for example, such a pasta craft like a dog), you can choose a small plastic or rubber dog as a basis and then decorate it with pasta and cereals using glue. You can make a figurine from plasticine as a basis or use balloons.

Pasta is held together no worse than any paper with ordinary PVA glue.

If you are very serious about safety, you can weld the glue (or rather the paste) yourself using a water bath. An ordinary syringe is filled with the finished composition, from which adhesive droplets will be squeezed out, like from a tube.

Pasta for the little ones

Everyone has creative inclinations. And you need to develop them from early childhood. In this sense, pasta is a fertile material for several reasons. They will teach kids to see "miracles" in the most ordinary objects, that is, to think outside the box. They will perfectly develop the fine motor skills of still fragile fingers, help to master counting, sorting the same objects by shape, color.

On a note! Before you start creativity, you can just play with preschoolers or first graders.

You can give each a box with empty cells and ask them to arrange the pasta in shape and color, you can learn how to count and even the alphabet if you put letters out of ordinary straight pasta. Then you can proceed to the simplest crafts.

There are several options for the development of pasta creativity for kids:

  • beads;
  • simple flat pictures;
  • coloring pasta bows;
  • registration of paper blanks.

Of course, this list can be expanded. Macaroni beads and bracelets for little fashionistas are fun and beautiful, especially if you pre-paint the blanks in different colors. And if you have gold and silver paints, you can get excellent handmade beads for the New Year. Seeing your crafts on the tree for a child is not just a pleasure, but also a real pride.

Beautiful pasta beads

The technology of pasta pictures on paper is similar to: a sketch is made, a thin layer of plasticine or glue is applied, pasta is laid out. In this type of work, you can go a little further. Prepare a finished figurine out of thick paper or cardboard, for example, a Christmas tree, a house or an angel, and ask the baby to decorate it with pasta. The tree can be pre-painted green. If, with age, interest in handmade pasta has only increased, you can move on to more complex and impressive products.

Themed crafts for the holidays: tea service

The most powerful stimulus for imagination is, of course, the holidays. And the good thing about the horns is that you can make thematic gifts for almost every one of them. For example, what can be made from pasta? Start from the main symbol of the holiday - pancakes. Where there are pancakes, there is tea. Such a meal is simply impossible without a tea set, which can be made from pasta of different shapes and sizes. For its manufacture (depending on the chosen technology) you will need:

  • different pasta;
  • air balloons;
  • foil;
  • PVA glue (or gun);
  • paints, varnish.

Pasta tea service

Here you can go in two ways: paste over the finished set with pasta and then paint it, or first make base items from foil and balloons and paste over them already. Pasting the finished teapot and cups is not difficult, so let's go straight to the second method of creating a service.

A tea set starts with a tray. To make it, take several types of pasta, lay it out as you need, for example, in the form of an oval or circle, and then glue them together. If the edges are uneven, decorate them with curly pasta around the entire circumference. Color the finished tray in any attractive way.

You can add any cereal products to the design of the service

To make a kettle, inflate a balloon, paste over it with minimal voids between parts. There is no need to glue the oval at the top in place of the cover. When the product is dry, the ball must be pierced and removed. Make a lid too with a ball, pasting over only part of it. Customize the handle and spout of the kettle to your liking. If you have already mastered crafts from cereals and pasta, you can add any cereal products to the design.

To make a cup and saucer, you will need to prepare foil molds. To keep them strong, fold the foil in several layers. After the form, they are pasted over and painted in the same way. Moreover, it is better to paint it twice, and then varnish it on top. Did it turn out nicely? Enjoy your tea!

Any mother knows how difficult it is to cook dinner when a child is always nearby. Either he takes out the saucepan, or he calls to play in another room. But before abandoning the planned tasks in favor of the game, invite your child to make a pasta craft.

This activity is so exciting that even adults begin to improve and create real masterpieces, for example, vases and boxes. Today, by the way, we will also consider them.

Well, if you want to diversify family evenings, then I suggest making appliqués from cotton pads or buttons.

So why do I advise you to take these products as a basis? Because they have many different forms. Long feathers, horns, spaghetti, butterflies, spirals and other types. The child's imagination begins to work better and he begins to select the forms that he needs.

If he glues the car, he will choose a round shape for the wheels, and a long vermicelli to create a body. Learn to distinguish between short and long objects in this example.

Another important reason is that pasta is absolutely harmless, because we eat them. And, if the child suddenly swallows, softens the spiral in the water, then nothing terrible will happen.

An additional plus of this type of creativity is the development of fine motor skills. And, as we know, it directly affects the baby's ability to start talking earlier. That is why for children 1-3 years old, in developmental games, so much attention is paid to finger games and working with small objects.

And of course the idea is not yet beaten, it is new and interesting for children. So I guess she was convincing.

How to glue and paint pasta

So, let's start with the question of how we will glue pasta. There are many options here. I'll start with the safest ones that are suitable for very young children.

  1. PVA glue. It is absolutely harmless, but it will only hold the details if they are fixed on a base, for example, cardboard. More suitable for appliqués.
  2. Paste. Also safe and suitable for creating 3-D shapes. But it hardens for a long time, so it is rarely used for crafts with babies.
  3. Plasticine. Yes, my dears, it will hold feathers and spaghetti very well.
  4. Double sided tape. It will perfectly hold the part if it was attached to cardboard, which will become the basis for creativity. Alternatively, when nothing is at hand.
  5. Hot glue. When the glue sticks are inserted into a special gun. The details you need melt and glue in it. They can be used by children from the age of four. Attention: under adult supervision.
  6. Super glue. The most undesirable option for creativity. Suitable for very difficult folds where a glue gun cannot handle.

So, we figured out this issue. Now it remains to understand how to color pasta.

There are two options here. You can manually paint every detail with a brush, or you can make many blanks of the same color.

Take liquid food coloring and a plastic bag. Put the pasta in it, fill it with the desired color on top. Then we tie the neck of the bag well and start rolling the contents with our hands.

Then let it dry and it's time to create!

You can also use acrylics, gouache, watercolors and sprayers.

DIY ideas for kindergarten children (5-6 years old)

You need to start with the simplest ideas for preschool children. Here there are the simplest options for the smallest, and there are for those who are older.

Of course, additional materials may be needed for creativity: cardboard, colored paper, plasticine, wire and other devices. For example, like this plasticine snail.

And here is an applique in a nautical theme. They came up with a very funny idea to make air bubbles in the form of flowers.

Salted dough will hold the spaghetti in place. And after baking, such a craft can be painted.

To develop fine motor skills, it is often advised to play with cereals and grains. This panel contains all the techniques.

If there is only one type of pasta at home, then you should not despair. There are many uses for them.

The idea was impressive. for boys who are addicted to dinosaurs.

This example can explain how grass and crops, such as wheat, grow. At least they will know where the flour comes from.

A funny sun will cheer everyone up.

Application on the theme of autumn, when you need to quickly create something to take it to the kindergarten.

You can also shape animals using spirals and other types. Look at what a cute hedgehog turned out.

Bows can be used to decorate a garland or make a kite cord.

You can give your mom such a pasta-plasticine bouquet.

And dad will make a train. See, even the lasagna slabs came in handy too. By the way, here everything was held together by hot terminals.

Lightweight topiary with bright heads.

And here all modern technology is shown: from airplanes to trains. The boys will definitely appreciate it.

Shell chamomile looks very realistic.

I found this beauty. The toys are made so much like the original that you don't even need to paint them.

The smallest will be pleased with such snakes. To keep them in shape, insert the wire inside.

Another idea with a fish.

If you stick feathers in plasticine, you can get a hedgehog. For better fixation, toothpicks were inserted. But I would not give sharp objects to small children.

In order to give a similar shape to the animal sludge of the fish. You must first draw a contour on a piece of paper. Then the details are already fitted to it.

Bright levushka.

Where is without a rainbow? With this example, it's easy to learn the seven primary colors.

A very simple but cute applique idea.

Here, algae was unusually made from a strip of paper, which was folded into an accordion.

Also a very simple panel. It seems to me that it is not a shame to give this to a grandmother.

If you like to cross-stitch and at home there are many pieces of canvas or linen. Give it to the children, let them print their palms in paint.

Or insert chamomile and cornflowers from pasta.

Caskets can also be made from pasta. And used for its intended purpose - to store small gizmos.

If you fix the parts well, then the box will turn out to be very strong and durable.

Maybe a round box.

This decoration is complemented by seeds, grains and cereals. For some reason it reminds me of the sun.

The houses will add coziness to the living room. And also they will constantly attract little children, because it is so interesting what is inside.

Technique, cars, all this can be the beginning for a collection.

Place bulky piglets in the garden or on the veranda.

A goldfish will take its place in the hall for the fulfillment of all desires.

An edible tree will decorate your dining table.

And this lotus can be put in the bathroom if the petals are varnished in advance.

As you can see, pasta can not only be eaten, but also put on public display as a decor.

Flowers for March 8

It is customary to give flowers. But after all, they do not have to be cut, which wither quickly. You can make those that will remind you of the holiday for many years in a row.

It is not at all a shame to put this bouquet in the kitchen.

The composition will captivate the child. And you can donate it to a kindergarten or school.

Place asters and cornflowers in the vase.

Products are glued to the wire.

Do not take too thin, otherwise it will sag under the weight of the pasta.

Form different buds and color them.

And it's time to collect the flower.

It turned out aster. It is better to paint the finished bud from a spray can or separately each petal.

Here is how cornflowers look separately. Millet can be glued to the center, which will become the core and hide the junction of the petals.

Idea combined with pom-poms.

Bouquet in pots.

Thank you for your attention. I think that in this article everyone will find inspiration and ideas for creativity. I look forward to your comments!

You can not only cook from pasta, but also make original products. There are many ideas for which you can spend an interesting time. There are many photos of pasta crafts on the Internet. The main thing is to follow the instructions to achieve a good result.

Pros of using pasta

  • Not a high price.
  • Variety of forms.
  • Easy to paint.
  • They stick quickly.
  • They persist for a long time.

DIY pasta crafts can be different:

  • Paintings.
  • Vases and cups.
  • Flowers, trees.
  • Animals.
  • Souvenirs.

Crafts from pasta for children

To work with children, you need to choose light jobs. If the child does not succeed in the job, he will lose interest. The simplest options include vases, beads for mom, paintings, animals.

Fabulous hedgehog

You will need plasticine, long pasta: spaghetti or spirals.

We make a torso from plasticine. We roll up the ball and pull the muzzle on one side. The eyes are also made of plasticine or beads. Then we do the "hairstyle" for the hedgehog. We insert the pasta into the body to hold it well.

So that the hedgehog is not bored, it can be placed on a maple or grape leaf.

Cups and vases

Round pasta in the shape of a wheel is used for the manufacture of volumetric tableware elements. The saucer or cup from the outside must be wrapped in a plastic bag, foil or cling film so that the product can be easily removed from the mold. Using PVA glue, glue the pasta together on the base. Leave until completely dry, remove from the mold.

You can decorate with decorative elements, paint. Vases, plates, chests are made according to this scheme.


Not very difficult to manufacture. You will need a stand or pot for a tree, spiral pasta, a ball-shaped base on which we will place pasta. For children, it is easier to cope with plasticine. Make a medium-sized ball, attach parts to it to hold well. You can take a real branch as a trunk. Combines with cones.

Paint, use different colors, at your discretion.


Small sizes can decorate a New Year tree. For manufacturing, you will need glue, pasta: wheels, small and large tubes, bows, a small ball. The ball will serve as the head of an angel, placed on a large macaroni-tube, which serves as a body, fastened with a wheel, it is a collar.

We make curls from small tubes. We make the wings from pasta bows. Make handles from thin bent flour products. To paint with paint, it is better to use a spray can.

Crafts from pasta in kindergarten

A rainbow is suitable for kids to get acquainted with this technique. You can use pasta of various shapes. They are glued to cardboard in a semicircle. Paints are painted in the colors of the rainbow. Very simple and fast craft.

Beads for mom

Long and curly pasta are used. String on the wire in sequence. Then you can decorate with different shades.

The picture will delight my mother on March 8. Used as a decorative element. This product has several advantages:

  • Easy to manufacture. The child will do the work on his own.
  • Variety of ideas. You can depict anything: flowers, animals, landscapes, abstractions.
  • Availability.
  • Uniqueness.

When creating a picture, the child can draw the outline of the picture with a pencil on a sheet of cardboard, and he himself can glue the pasta of his choice.

Different cereals are ideally combined with pasta. They are used for decorative panels. Take cardboard of any shape as a basis. It is executed in the form of abstraction, as many types of pasta and cereals as possible are used, you can paint it with paint.

DIY pasta crafts for Easter

For this holiday, children can make an Easter egg or basket.

Master class Easter egg with pasta

For the product you need glue, a balloon, pasta of various shapes: bows, turtles, a spiral. For a golden color, you need paint.

Inflate a balloon of the size that the final egg should be. Attach the pasta with glue to the ball, but not until the very end. Dry well, when the frame is strong, pierce the ball. Continue to shape the egg. Drawing, you can choose whatever you like.

At the end, cover with paint, for older people use aerosol. To prevent the egg from rolling, make a stand. An Easter basket is made in a similar way.

Using all your imagination, you can embody many ideas using pasta, both as the main material and as an additional decor. Such an activity diversifies the creative process of children, the smallest children in kindergarten can cope with it.

Photo of pasta crafts

In the existing world of various crafts, with which educators and parents try to keep their kids busy, sometimes there are rare and completely exotic options for using improvised materials. These options include DIY pasta crafts, allowing you to show your talent in working with flour products and at the same time have fun with your child, creating wonderful things.

Material properties

Definition pasta crafts, speaks about the main thing - to harmonize relations and familiarize children with the magical world of craftsmanship, you can use all the materials at hand. Especially if these materials are in the kitchen and, as it turns out, are a chic product for doing creative work.

Simple flour material, has:

  1. * sufficient strength, which ensures reliable safety of the finished product;
  2. * perfect shapes and a variety of ready-made elements (stars, bows, horns, tubes, etc.), allowing you to get graceful, stylistically verified compositions;
  3. * excellent bonding properties, thanks to which all pasta elements are reliably attached to each other using PVA, which does not limit the size of forms and allows you to create any compositions, of all levels of complexity.


The use of various varieties of flour products for crafts allows you to create:

  1. * trinkets, jewelry, flowers;
  2. * New Year's toys and elements for decorating a Christmas tree;
  3. * wall drawings, panels, creative inscriptions, postcards;
  4. * boxes, clocks, thematic compositions, which not only become decoration of a separate wall or room, but can also serve as a model for sending entertaining things made by hand to the children's exhibition.


Since pasta, for the most part, are of the same color, then created pasta crafts will be the same. In connection with this feature of the material, paints are needed to obtain bright, colorfully painted and not leaving anyone indifferent, products. Any crafts are suitable for coloring - watercolors, acrylics, gouache, water-based, etc. Pasta, "tolerate" everything, and therefore creating pictures, obeying the artist's own talent, will be a sheer pleasure, and for a child it will become the next stage of creativity. Creativity, in which he will be a full-fledged creator of his own craft, which can be varnished and kept as a memory of the joint creative tandem - children and parents.

To understand that all ingenious is simple and to do pasta crafts maybe everyone, we will consider a step-by-step master - a class of making various products.

Pasta service

The first product we have will be a tea set.

1. For work, you will need Ruote pasta, which is produced in the form of a wheel from a cart. The type of product was not chosen by chance, since only this form of structural elements can harmoniously look in the created items of the tea set.

2. The main item of the service is the teapot and therefore you need a balloon to make it. Inflate the balloon to the size of the intended teapot and tie the tail hole. We begin pasta pasta pasta from the bottom. First, we apply PVA glue to the surface and then we begin to carefully lay the pasta elements, in rows, upward. We glue the joints between the "wheels of the cart" more carefully, controlling the process so that the glue does not spread. Not reaching 3 ÷ 4 cm to the knot on the tail hole of the ball, we stop the pasting process. We give the PVA time to dry and carefully remove the ball from the already formed teapot shape. The bottom of this object, from the outside, is additionally pasted over with pasta of a different type, resembling the shape of a spring (Rotini).

3. Using the second ball, approximately the same size as the first, we make the teapot lid, which should be slightly larger than the opening of the finished teapot. A handle is glued to the top of the lid, and springs are glued to the sides.

4. Leaving the finished elements of the teapot to dry, proceed to the saucer. The porcelain analogue greatly facilitates the task, which only remains to be wrapped in foil. After making the background of the product, we glue the edges of the saucer with shells (Conchiglioni or Conchiglie).

5. Let's start creating a mug. The whole process is similar to making a saucer. The basis is a cup that does not have a handle, which is wrapped in foil. On this structure, pasta is stacked row by row. The joints between these products are treated with an adhesive more carefully.

6. Handles for the mug and teapot are made from any kind of available pasta, the main thing is that they are in harmony with the objects. You can, of course, dream up and pick up some other materials, but still they will most harmoniously correspond to the chosen creative direction - only pasta.

7. The spout of the teapot is made of spaghetti.

8. The last element of the tea composition, the tray on which the resulting set will be placed, is the easiest to perform. On a flat, flat surface, we lay the "cart wheels" in rows and glued together with PVA glue. Along the edges of this shape, with the help of shells, create a border and let the resulting structure dry. After the final drying, resulting in the course of creative torment, the tray can be used for its intended purpose. It will be necessary to exclude, only the installation of hot objects on it.

9. The last step on the way to creating a unique tea set will be coloring. The color of the paint to decorate the resulting pasta crafts selected according to personal preference. It will be easier and faster to paint products with paint from spray cans, which are sold everywhere today.

Despite the fact that it is impossible to drink from such a tea service, it is quite possible to decorate the kitchen with it and boast of the beauty of its performance.

Pasta decorations

Except for kitchen utensils, pasta crafts you can also coincide with some kind of holiday. For example, to such as the New Year.

Making a Christmas tree - a gift.

1.To create a herringbone shape, you need to select a conical object on which the composition and pasta bows (Farfalle) will be glued.

2.Promazov the surface of the cone with PVA glue, from the bottom up we begin to glue the pasta in a checkerboard pattern. The order of laying the structural elements will resemble the natural arrangement of tree branches and therefore the upper "paws" of the pasta should "hang" over the lower ones. The height of such a Christmas tree depends on the number of rows that fit on the product and therefore, keeping this in mind, you must immediately mark the required distance, or then you will have to fantasize in order to hide the resulting "emptiness". In our case, we begin to fasten the material from the very bottom. After pasting, we leave our Christmas tree so that the glue dries.

3. The stages of coloring this figurine are somewhat different from the previous composition. In this case, the spray can is applied after the final stage, while gouache paints will need to be applied at the very beginning. Having painted the structural elements before their "installation" on the product frame.

4. The stand becomes a separate element of the Christmas tree. It is better to pick it up right away, like the tapered part of the structure.

5. After completing work with a small Christmas tree, you can start creating large Christmas tree decorations. The simplest and most effective will be macaroni stars.

6. You can complement the decoration of a small "forest" beauty, created just now with your own hands, with toys and a crown. To do this, you need to search in kitchen bowls or in stores for pasta in the form of figurines. They will serve as the most suitable types of toys.

In principle, the gift tree is ready, you just have to hand it over and you can start creating something else original.

Pasta box

In addition to an effective gift, you can try to create something useful from raw pasta. For example a casket.

1. As a "building" material, you will need pasta in the form of shells, tubes and half rings. In accordance with the intended pattern, they are all pre-painted.

2. The basis for the created box will be cardboard. You can independently make a box of certain sizes from it, or the easiest way is to take a finished product and work with it.

3. Let's get to work. We begin to fold a voluminous flower, the shape of which will somewhat resemble a female kokoshnik. But this is only in something.

4. While the first element dries, proceed to the second. Along the perimeter of the box, we begin to lay out rows of half rings, alternating them with tubes. Fill the gaps between the created pattern with shells.

5. The flower made at the beginning, glue it in the middle of the lid. From it, we send tubes and shells in beams in different directions. The lid of the box is made in the style of a tea service tray, only on a prepared platform, of certain sizes.

6. While the structure dries up, select the legs for it. The best solution would be plastic bottle corks. They are attached at the corners of the bottom of our box, on PVA.

7. As another option for spectacular design pasta crafts, you can apply paint with a spray can only after all work is completed. In this case, experimenting. you can combine for example gold with silver. Such a connection, as well as a perfectly formed pasta pattern, will immediately turn into an item similar to crafts made from real expensive materials. It will look much richer and more elegant. The only thing, however, is the need to play around with such a craft, since in order to prevent various paints from getting to neighboring areas, they will have to be sealed with tape or covered with something for the duration of the painting. But here you have to choose who likes what.

Regardless of which option is preferred, the finished box will always be a good repository of jewelry, various knick-knacks, toys, stationery and sewing accessories. Both for little fashionistas and for their mothers and grandmothers.

Making crafts with your own hands is a rather fascinating process that makes it possible to make something beautiful with minimal costs. Crafts from pasta are a great way to create elegant decorative compositions, ornaments, as well as an opportunity to have a great time with your family, which will bring great pleasure to the kids. In this article, we will look at decorative pasta crafts of varying complexity, children's products, as well as ways to create New Year's decorations.

Getting ready to work with pasta

First of all, it is necessary to prepare the material and means for gluing, painting products. If you intend to make spherical products, you will need a balloon, and for some voluminous crafts, for example, Christmas trees, you need to prepare cardboard and scissors. The advantage of pasta crafts is their low cost, since the material is quite inexpensive, and you can buy pasta of various shapes in any store.

The best glue is the silicone-filled hot gun available at craft stores. It provides reliable, durable adhesion. Since the drop from the gun comes out quite large for small pasta, it is simply squeezed out first onto cardboard, and then applied to the parts with a toothpick. But you need to take into account that the drops of glue freeze very quickly, so for a start it is better to practice folding the form without it and, when everything will work out quickly, start gluing. In addition to the pistol, you can use the well-known PVA glue to all of us, however, it will not ensure the reliability of the product - any push can lead to the fact that the craft will disintegrate.

You can paint pasta in different ways - before or after gluing. If you decide to make a large, colorful craft, such as a vase, you can dye the pasta ahead of time using food coloring for Easter eggs. It is diluted in water, as stated in the instructions (it is necessary to add vinegar, which fixes the color), put a batch of pasta there, stir until the color is obtained and spread to dry. You can paint the pasta after gluing with a brush and acrylic paints or a graffiti spray can.

Decorative pasta products

Various decorative elements help to significantly transform the interior, add a certain peculiarity to it. Since there is not always enough money to buy expensive jewelry, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with how you can make them yourself from simple pasta.


A tea or coffee service is a great decoration for a kitchen or living room, which will fill the atmosphere with the special comfort of home warmth. Made with your own hands, it will also become a real pride of the owners of the home and will certainly cause considerable surprise among the guests. Since such a craft will require the manufacture of several elements at once, it will take a lot of time and painstaking work, but the result will be excellent.

So, the first step is to form the tray. To do this, you need to take cardboard, give it the necessary shape at your personal discretion (rectangular, round). Next, we lay out and glue the edges of the same flat pasta throughout the shape, and along the edges we form an additional border with shells. Next, we make the details of the service as follows:

1. Kettle. To form it, you need a balloon, which must be inflated to the desired size, but not too much, so that when it bursts, the structure does not suffer. We glue the pasta together along the entire surface, leaving a couple of centimeters on top for the lid. It is better to use gears (wheels) pasta that can fit snugly together. When the structure dries well, pierce the ball and remove it. A stand can be glued to the bottom for stability, as shown in the photo.

2. Cover. To form a lid, you need to inflate an elongated ball again and glue a small fragment with wheels. Remove the ball and use two curly pasta to glue the handle, and decorate the edges with spiral pasta or shells.

3. Saucer and cup. Here you need a real saucer, covered with foil on top. As in the case of the ball, the pasta needs to be glued together in the shape of a saucer, and the contours should be drawn with shells. The calyx is formed in a similar way.

When the details are formed, additional elements need to be glued to them - a handle to the cup, and a spout to the teapot. We are waiting for the craft to dry completely and start painting. It is better to arrange the service in one color, for example, white or silver. In this way, we get a magnificent product that can be a decoration of a room or a worthy gift.

Panel from pasta

To make such a decorative decoration as a pasta panel, you will need a photo frame. First, you need to sketch a sketch of the future picture on the cardboard surface and select the necessary forms of pasta. Spaghetti can be used to make rays of the sun, plant stems, and "bows" can turn into cornflower petals or butterfly wings. It is better to paint them in advance, since then it will be difficult to paint each element without staining the substrate and adjacent parts.

Sometimes, in addition to pasta, other elements are involved in creating volumetric paintings - cereals, coffee beans, etc. When the drawing is ready and the material is assembled, it is glued to a cardboard base, forming a picture. Such work is quite within the power of a child, only plasticine can be used instead of glue.

Jars of colored pasta

The simplest type of pasta crafts. Such jars will become an unusually original decoration of the kitchen, and it is quite simple to make them. It is necessary to pick up several small jars (preferably of different shapes), wash and dry. It is better to choose pasta with different shapes. They must be painted in different colors with food coloring, as we said at the beginning of the article, thoroughly dry and put in jars. In this case, you can make one color, which is most suitable for the interior of the kitchen, dominate, so that the decoration looks harmonious. It is better to cover the lids with pieces of burlap and tie them with thick thread.

Kids pasta crafts

Making products with your own hands is very useful and interesting for children who acquire many skills during work. Such creativity develops imagination, improves motor skills, perseverance, the ability to bring the job started to the end and get an excellent result. It is also a great way to spend your leisure time together. Children's crafts will be distinguished by their simplicity to give the child the opportunity to work on their own.

Jewelry for girls

A simple craft that a child can do on their own. To do this, you need to select products of the desired shape, paint them and dry them. Next, we take a strong thread or fishing line with a needle and string each piece one by one. Beads can be made in multi-colored or solid colors. Any fashionista will like this decoration. In the same way, it is easy to form a bracelet - then you get a complete set.

With the help of pasta-butterflies, you can make many original hairpins, rings, decorating them in bright colors and patterns. Here you will need the help of parents, since you need to glue it with a hot gun.


This is a fairly popular type of children's creativity, which is often used in kindergartens. Depending on the age of the child, you can choose an application of varying complexity so that the kid does most of the work on his own. For example, make funny sheep, as shown in the photo. To do this, it is necessary to cut out the bodies from white paper (the sketch can be drawn by the parents), stick them on cardboard, and add volume with the help of pasta.

Plots can be very diverse - animals, flowers, water world, etc. Moreover, they should be colorful and varied. To make it easier for the child to work, you can put a layer of plasticine on the cardboard, to which the details of the picture will be molded.

DIY Christmas pasta crafts

With the help of spaghetti and pasta of various shapes, you can make a wide variety of New Year's decorations. Most often, aerosol paints are used for their coloring, such as bronze, gilding, silver, which will give the product an unusually beautiful and solemn look. You can also use snow-white paint, reminiscent of the snowy winter.

Ball of pasta on the Christmas tree

Christmas balls are the most popular Christmas tree decoration. To make it with your own hands from pasta, you need an ordinary balloon or a round blank, which you can buy at a craft store. If you choose the second option, things will go much faster. The surface of the workpiece is simply pasted over with pasta, and then painted (do not forget to first make a loop for which the toy will be hung on a branch).

If you have chosen the method of manufacturing with a ball, you need to inflate it and fix it with a thread. Then we begin to gently glue the pasta. Here you need to take into account an important point - the parts cannot be glued directly to the rubber surface, all elements are neatly glued together. It is better to give preference to small pasta, with which it is more convenient to paste over a round surface. When the New Year's ball is formed, you need to pierce the rubber mold, deflate and carefully remove. Next, we glue the thread to the ball and paint.

Christmas tree

To make a small but very beautiful Christmas tree, you need thick paper or cardboard from which a conical base is formed. Next, we select the material. As shown in the photo, the herringbone can be made from different shapes of pasta.

The easiest way is to use spaghetti, but in this case, volumetricness will not work. If you want to get your hands on a fluffy beauty, you can use bows, feathers, and other types. Since the tree will be in a single color, it is better to paint the pasta in advance. We simply glue the prepared material to the base in tiers using a glue gun (PVA glue will not work here). The finished Christmas tree can be supplemented with beads, beads, rain and other decorations.

Christmas angels

To make cute angels for the Christmas tree, we need the following details: a small ball-head (you can buy a foam blank), large pasta tubes (body), small ones for hairstyles, wheels (collars), horns (handles), bows (wings). We glue all the details one by one, starting with the head and body. When the figurine is ready, you can draw the facial features, and decorate the torso-mantle with macaroni stars. Before styling your hairstyle, you must remember to glue the loop.

DIY pasta crafts - photos and ideas

Finally, we suggest visiting our photo gallery. Here we have tried to collect a wide variety of examples of beautiful products made from pasta. The review will provide an opportunity to get a better idea of ​​such crafts and make your own masterpiece. Happy viewing!