If the child is a vampire what to do. How does it all start? Children's vampirism. How to protect yourself from negative influences

Traveling children in the metro in Moscow topic relevant to many residents of the capital. After all, the vast majority of them are parents and regularly use the services of the subway. Do I have to pay for a child on the subway? And if so, at what age and how much? This is what primarily worries Muscovites in this context. How are things going in 2017?

Rules for the passage of children in the Moscow metro, what does the law say?

The rules for the passage of children in exactly the same as in other types of public transport. That is, in city and suburban buses, fixed-route taxis, trolleybuses and trams. The standards were developed in accordance with the law providing for preferential travel for children (Civil Code of Russia, Article 786). And this is where misunderstandings often arise between drivers and conductors of vehicles and parents who, referring to this document, refuse to pay for the child.

The above article simply states that minors are entitled to benefits. But to what exactly - there is no answer. More specifically, the rules are spelled out in Federal Law No. 259-FZ, which states that the state guarantees free travel for children in the Moscow metro, as well as in other types of public urban and suburban transport. And of course, not only in the capital. But only a child under the age of seven enjoys such a right. And he is not provided with a separate seat in the vehicle.

Important nuances

Here are some important points that parents should be aware of. Firstly, according to the regulations, one adult can carry only one child in this way! If, for example, two children under seven years old are traveling with their mother, one of them will have to be paid for, since it will not be possible to take both of them in their arms - this will be contrary to the rules of safe transportation.

Second moment. The right to free use of the metro is given not to an adult, but to a child. Therefore, from the point of view of the law, it does not matter at all who exactly the baby is traveling with - with a parent, grandmother, grandfather, aunt, older brother or a stranger.

Well, the third moment. In order for a child to use the right to free travel, an accompanying adult must present a birth certificate. And in this case, only the original is suitable. A photocopy is not good.

Children of unprotected categories can also use the metro free of charge: those brought up in large families, orphans and the disabled. As for minors older than seven and not belonging to the above groups, then you need to pay for them. Moreover, the fare for children in the Moscow metro is exactly the same as for adults.

How does children's vampirism manifest itself?

Parents often admit that the child literally “sucks” all the strength out of them. Requires constant contact, begging for expensive gifts and things, being capricious, blackmailing (by leaving the family, by suicide). Many adults deep down regret the appearance of a little man in their lives, reproach the child, get angry.

Why is he like this?

From birth, the baby needs close contact with adults. He is waiting for the manifestation of love, care, affection. He wants to listen to songs and fairy tales, play and walk with his parents.

With the advent of the crumbs, the life of mother and father changes dramatically. All attention, strength and time are given to the baby. Not everyone is ready for such upheavals. Responsible and loving parents are happy to fulfill their new responsibilities, while adults who are not ready for a new role do not want to come to terms with the lack of personal time and freedom.

A child is sterile and innocent from birth, his energy field is pure and formed in the family. Emotional health depends on how full the childhood of the baby is, how satisfied his needs for love and affection are. A parent should know that children's vampirism is an unconscious phenomenon and reflects the atmosphere in which a little man develops.

What to do?

An energy vampire is an unwitting consumer of other people's foreign energy. In addition to strength and emotions, it absorbs diseases and negative energy. This confirms the danger of such a condition for the child.

Raising children is a painstaking work that requires strength, time and unlimited patience for your child. Children's vampirism is a consequence of an incorrect and irresponsible attitude towards the pupil. Fortunately, the problem is fixable.

The fate of a little man, his health and peace of mind is in the hands of a parent, which every adult should remember and realize.

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Who among us does not remember himself in childhood. It is at this age, from birth to graduation, that vampirism is born. Every person goes through this phase of development, but it cannot yet be called a disease. The child is clean, this is an Angel sent to us by God, and only we are responsible for the fact that he may develop the disease of vampirism.

While the child is helpless, he just needs us to pay attention to him: play and walk with him, tell him stories and sing songs, teach him to draw, build, craft, etc. Remember how your parents treated you, constantly drove you away or patiently worked with you?

A child in a family is the sacred duty of parents, especially a mother, to devote themselves to his upbringing, to give the child the warmth of his soul, to teach him to rejoice and love. But you can teach this only by loving your child, and this is precisely what children often lack. Quite often we see parental indifference and irritation. It is in this field that vampirism is born.

Children's vampirism is a punishment for parents and adults. A child is an indicator of the soul of the family, a “litmus test” of the quality of the energies in which he lives, with which he comes into contact. It is known that a child is always drawn to a pure, bright and joyful person, and begins to act up in the presence of a bad person with a difficult character. And if your child annoys you all the time, admit that you are a difficult person, that you are always better off without him than with him, that he is like a stone, like a burden, crushing your soul. This means that you are a vampire to your child, and not vice versa. Who admits this? But after all, from the side you can see how you treat your child, how you scream, scold, beat him in front of everyone. And at this time your face becomes bestial, predatory, your voice is barking, and a nervous trembling runs through your body. You are no longer a person, Remember this, because from the outside you can see it better.

We must help the child to learn about the world, charge him with interest, captivate by personal example. If we do not give our child our love, joy and knowledge, if we say - leave me alone, tired, go play by yourself - then he is capricious, and grows up - argues, grows up - rude.

In these contradictions, we break down and throw out hatred and irritation on the child. Instead of pure energies, you dumped the accumulated dirt of your soul on him, and he calmed down, he recharged. But what?

This is how a child lives, charging at home, at school and on the street with the energy waste of adults and peers. He receives the contemptuous label of "thug", "idiot", "redneck", etc. He himself is looking for the forces due to which he is used to living. He needs to break and destroy, swear and be rude, drink and smoke, and all this for show in order to cause obvious or hidden irritation of others in order to recharge. He does not understand this, here the instinct of self-survival operates unconsciously in him. And then the whole life will be subordinated to this animal instinct of self-preservation, most often with a primitive mind. It is good if on his way he meets a teacher, friend or girlfriend who will show him the joy of life, love for his neighbor and knowledge, if they open the spiritual world to him, then he will be saved.

Children's vampirism manifests itself through early bitterness towards plants and animals, towards peers and parents. Frequent grievances inflicted on the soul of a child form in it that niche in which negative energy accumulates.

Now it has become fashionable to keep a dog in a city apartment. But do parents see their children hanging out with their “beloved” friend? If a child is not loved in the family, this is immediately evident in his relationship with the dog on the street. These actions of the child show an early manifestation of vampirism. And then the more frequent cases of dog attacks on children become clear.

If not parents, then who will take upon themselves the moral education of children? Kindergartens, schools, church or colonies? Who? Perhaps only an early Christian upbringing of a child can prevent the development of vampirism.

How can we evaluate a teacher who has many students - losers? He does not like his work, he cannot captivate with his subject, interest and prove that his knowledge is the most important in a person's life. Not to force, but to carry away into the world that you have built for yourself. If this is not the case, then the student unconsciously begins to bring the teacher out of balance. Not receiving the joy of knowing these subtle and pure energies, the student shakes out at least some energy from the teacher. He unconsciously does not allow himself to be robbed and begins to vampirize from the teacher. And then another hidden meaning of the “winged” phrase of teachers becomes clear: “Either I, or ..!”

A student's grades are an indicator of his relationship with the teacher. If from two to three, then this student does not want you to teach him. You are disgusting to him, because there are no uninteresting objects. Maybe that's why in American schools only he, the teacher and parents know about the student's grades. Telling everyone in a row how your student is studying, you thereby reveal your attitude towards him: are you a friend and assistant to him or ...

Education is a path of service. And therefore, children's vampirism should be the first signal of trouble for the future citizen. If at home, in the family they don’t work with him, then this is your holy mission before the Motherland, before God.

By the age of twelve, a child can freely reason, defend his interests and views. He should have his natural interest in life: sports, technology, art, nature, books, etc. But here we see that he is not interested in anything, does not care, he does not want to make efforts for his spiritual and intellectual development.

His desires fit into only two terms: "give" and "I want." All your attempts to captivate a teenager into the world of spiritual joy are broken on the carnal: “What will I get from this?” Here is a fully formed vampire. I met adults with vampirism, and with a long clarification of the circumstances of their lives, I found that the cause of this condition was the school and even a specific teacher. Indeed, some of our teachers are already in the habit of humiliating and insulting the student in front of the class, peers, school and even parents. But I don’t want to be angry, but to put everything in its place, to speak directly and openly. Such teachers need to be driven away from children, from kindergartens, schools, technical schools and universities, so that they do not infect children with the virus of vampirism. By the age of fourteen, many children are sick with chronic vampirism. And ahead of a great life, but what? The trouble is for the family in which the child-vampire grows up, but thrice woe to the family that he will create for himself. This will be discussed below.

Children and energy vampirism

Little children are always full of energy. They jump, run, have fun. They just radiate energy. She sprays from it like a fountain, which allows you to be active both physically and creatively. This energy fountain is visible to everyone around and it is quite possible that someone will want to drink from this fountain ... We will talk about energy vampirism.

In childhood, the child's aura is not fully formed, and he is under the energy protection of his parents, especially his mother. This protection is valid until the child's own biofield is formed. It is formed during puberty. And until this moment, you need to ensure that the child does not become the object of an energy attack. Namely, children often fall victim to the attack of energy vampires due to their low security and lack of life experience.

Energy vampires in the yard

Who can cling to the energy of our children? In any case, this is a man with a lack of love in his soul. Most often, vampires are older people. They have already used up their natural energy reserves, and if they are not true believers and do not engage in spiritual practices, then they have nowhere to take energy from, except from other people. Children are just a tasty morsel for them. You can easily pick on them. They are always having fun, making noise, disturbing others. Therefore, there are plenty of reasons. The vampire approaches the child and begins to scold him, scold him, pacify him, and call him to order. After that, the vampire leaves peacefully, and the child no longer wants to have fun, play and jump. There was an outflow of energy from the donor to the vampire. The vampire feels relieved, while the donor feels weakness and loss of strength. The behavior of children is just a pretext for an energy attack, and the goal of a vampire is to receive a dose of energy. If you are nearby, you need to take the child aside without coming into conflict with the vampire. If your child walks alone, then in this case he must be taught to play so that he does not interfere with others. Of course, in practice this is difficult to implement. Therefore, if you notice that the same person finds fault with your child, then warn the baby to stay away from him and not enter into disputes with the vampire. Distance is the best prevention of energy vampirism.

Energy vampires at school

Another typical place where your children may be exposed to an energy attack is the school. Some teachers may, due to a lack of energy, feed on the energy of schoolchildren. The principle of its action is the same - aggression. In addition to the fact that the child is subjected to energy depletion, which in itself can lead to diseases, insults and indignation of the teacher can also injure the child's psyche. In childhood, the basic principles of the worldview are laid, and if you inspire that the child is a loser, lazy, clumsy, this can be deposited in his subconscious and he can really become what they are trying to present him. If a vampire teacher appears in your child's class, then measures should be taken to ensure that he is suspended from working with children for any reason. There is no need to unnecessarily complex about the methods of dealing with such people, because they destroy the psyche and the fate of children, and the fate of dozens of people is more important than pity for one person. It is necessary to be guided by cosmic laws, and not by conventional norms of morality. In addition, allowing a vampire to consume someone else's energy, we are already corrupting his soul. And for this we are already responsible. The policy of appeasement has never led to good.

Home vampirism

And finally, the most dangerous type of vampirism is family. The appearance of a vampire in the family speaks of a lack of love. Husband and wife, after sucking each other's energy during scandals, can switch to a child. Instead of giving him their love, parents inflict wounds on the child's soul with scandals and abuse. Evil begets evil. Having received negativity from parents, the child also wants to get rid of it. He goes outside and looks for a "victim" to give away the negative energy he received from loved ones. The discharge of negativity can manifest itself in cruelty to animals and peers, rudeness to others and any other hooligan act. Thus, often the reason for the bad behavior of children lies in the wrong attitude of adults towards them. They are just victims of circumstance.

And if parents want their children to grow up successful, talented, with the right worldview and a strong psyche, then instead of scolding, they should encourage them to behave correctly and encourage them in case of failure. So the child will not have an inferiority complex in case of failures, and he will be able to overcome his shortcomings, and in the future he will actively manifest himself in one area or another. What he received from his parents in childhood depends on what he will carry to people in adulthood. Therefore, the task of parents is to cultivate noble qualities in a child - good nature, understanding, unity, disinterestedness and compassion.

The fate of the child is formed primarily by parents, as well as educators, teachers and people around them. How he will do, think, treat others - depends on us. Therefore, parents and teachers have a huge responsibility for the future generation. They can lay the foundation for both a happy life for their child and an unhappy one. Therefore, I urge everyone to treat children not as objects for manipulation and manifestation of power, but as free people who have been entrusted to us so that we lay in them only the best that is in ourselves.

© Roman Osharin

vampirism in children

Imagine that you met an old friend on the street ... We got talking ... From the first minute of communication, she begins to complain: she does not like her job, her husband hardly earns money, she is all sick, she has no friends, the child does not want to study, she is rude to everyone. And, it seems, you need to sympathize and regret, maybe you can help with something, but you don’t want to. The only desire is to say goodbye as soon as possible and leave, never to see each other again. And she continues to talk about her hard life, suggesting that “of course, everything is wonderful with you, you look good, even rejuvenated.” You are not at all pleased with these compliments, because you do not really believe in their sincerity. Familiar story? Probably, each of us more than once in our lives found ourselves in such a situation.

There is a part of people who always complain about their lives. They do not swear and do not quarrel, they do not prove anything. They always "wine" about the problems that haunt them and never change. During communication with the “whiner”, a person may begin to actively yawn and feel pressure in the lungs. After such communication, you first experience irritation, and then great fatigue, weakness, emotional devastation. Someone calls himself a "squeezed lemon", someone - an "empty jar". The favorite phrases of “whiners”, such as: “I try for them, I’m exhausted, but no one takes pity on me ...” they need to be pitied, reassured, and reassured. Usually, the interlocutor costs a lot of work to withstand the pressure of such a person. Thus, the “whiner” consciously takes away emotional strength and energy, demanding constant attention to his person, receives nourishment in the form of the positive energy of the interlocutor.

The second type of people, who take energy from others, is also aimed at causing an irritation reaction in the interlocutor. But they operate in a completely different way. Probably, you have met people in your environment who are capable of developing a grandiose scandal because of a tiny reason. Such people openly go to conflicts, without even making an attempt to extinguish them. Their harsh statements cause quarrels and scandals. They are not afraid to cause emotional distress to their loved ones, and sometimes bodily harm. It seems that they are incredibly unnerving state of peace and harmony, which they seek to destroy. After communicating with such people, devastation and weakness are also felt. The culprit of the conflict, on the contrary, quickly calms down, begins to smile, can ask for forgiveness, and the next day will repeat the same thing.
Both of these two types are referred to as "energy vampires" (let's call them "energy dependent people"). Such people try to evoke some emotions in the interlocutor (whether it be a colleague, or an acquaintance, or a family member, or just a fellow traveler on the bus) in order to subsequently take possession of them. In the first case, he will be saturated with pity and sympathy, and the second participant in the conversation may also have psychosomatic headaches. In the second case, when an energy-dependent person arranges an unreasonable scandal, he will be fueled by negative emotions (anger, irritation, anger, resentment). His interlocutor may, in addition to general weakness, feel pain in the abdomen, which will pass after contact is interrupted.

People are arranged in such a way that during communication (even by telephone) they exchange energy. Probably, everyone noticed that after communicating with some people, the mood improves, the general tone of the body rises, you want to create and move forward. And after communicating with others, it seems that the person has “loaded” you so much with his problems, and everything has become bad for you yourself. Some people are generally very dependent on the emotional state of the interlocutor, taking on part of his mood.

Already at the age of two, a child can show character traits that in adulthood will contribute to the formation of “bad, heavy” energy in them. Such children, in the absence of emotional support from significant adults, will later grow up as "energy dependent people."
Which child is already energetically dependent on the emotions of another person, and what can be done to save him from this fate?

A whimpering, dissatisfied child all the time can piss off even the most patient parent. Many children from time to time are in a bad mood, crying and whining. But those who are accustomed to satisfy their own needs only in this way do it all the time. Endless whining irritates parents, so reactions to such behavior are very harsh and intolerant. Parents complain that at such moments they experience great anger and at the same time powerlessness, they simply do not know what to do with their own child and their negative emotions. Don't yell or get angry at your child. Try to find the reasons for this behavior of the baby. The most common reason for whining is some real need, a real problem that moms and dads may just not notice. The child himself is also not aware of the source of his own anxiety, and whining for him becomes a way to ease internal tension. Often the reason for the described behavior of the child is the need for attention. Unfortunately, the child unconsciously makes a choice - it is better to receive a portion of irritation and anger from the parent, but not indifference. Even a slap does not upset the baby because he has already been noticed, he has already been paid attention to. The task of parents is to have time to deal with the problem of the child’s endless whimpering so that such behavior does not become a permanent, stable form of protection from internal experiences. Do not doom your child to the fate of "an eternally whining person who only knows how to attract attention to himself in this way." If your baby has already developed a stereotype of "nagging" behavior, think about what is happening within the whole family, since the child is usually the bearer of intra-family problems.

Adult lovers of scandal grow out of little lovers of throwing tantrums with screams and sobs. There can be several reasons for tantrums with falling to the floor and loud screams. Often the child in this way checks whether such behavior will affect the parents, whether they will do what he would like. It happens that as soon as the demand is fulfilled, the hysteria immediately stops. And then, the child receives either the required toy, thing or TV viewing, or, as in the case described above, the attention of adults. Such tantrums are a manifestation of the child's ability to manipulate you and your feelings. Try to figure out why your child is trying to get your attention (or possession of some thing) only in this energy-consuming way, why he does not act in other ways. If you notice that tantrums occur when the baby is no longer able to control his emotions (he is very tired or overloaded with impressions), treat the child’s condition no longer as whims. Each child has his own signs that precede the appearance of a tantrum. It can be increased irritability, spoiled mood, or excessive activity. Try to learn to anticipate them and be able to help the baby in advance, protecting him from unnecessary emotional experiences.

Remember that any children's scandal is an inept attempt to ask for help, causing only negative adults! No child will be able to realize that no one will ever love a pushy whiner or an avid tantrum lover. The problem is that they behave this way because they really want to get the love and attention of their loved ones. Teach your child other ways to get attention and love. And then he will not grow into a person who takes energy and strength from his interlocutor at any cost. If the baby is loved, he will trust more not only his loved ones, but also the world around him. He will be open for communication and contacts, and people will definitely reciprocate!