A one-year-old child hit the back of his head what to do. What to do if a child falls and hits his head

A seemingly insignificant blow to the back of the head can actually be a serious injury and lead to unexpected consequences for the victim. In the brain structures of the occipital part, bundles of nerve fibers responsible for the functioning of the visual system are concentrated. Even a slight bruise to the back of the head, not to mention more significant and serious injuries to this part of the head, can lead to the development of visual impairment or complete blindness, as well as the appearance of consequences associated with a violation of the nervous system over time.

If you hit the back of the head, then in order to reduce the likelihood of complications, the person who suffered from a head injury should be diagnosed by specialized doctors and, if violations are detected, follow their further recommendations.

Consequences if you hit the back of the head

A head injury, like all traumatic brain injuries, in the absence of proper treatment and a recovery period, can lead to irreversible and serious consequences. An imaginary improvement in the first months and the absence of symptoms characteristic of a head injury often leads to the fact that the patient returns to his usual lifestyle immediately after treatment and at the same time ignores the doctor's recommendations for a sparing regimen. The consequences of such actions begin to appear months or years after the bruise of the back of the head in the form of the following signs:

  • Visual disturbances in the form of unilateral spatial agnosia. The patient does not perceive part of the space from the side of the trauma that occurred earlier, as a result of which he cannot orient himself in the objects surrounding him, for example, distinguish their correct location and the distance between them.
  • Post-traumatic asthenia, which manifests itself in the form of an unreasonable change in mood (from irritability to apathy), absent-mindedness, sleep disturbance, decreased performance, memory, concentration and mental activity.
  • and headaches arising from bad weather, alcohol intake or nervous overexcitation.
  • Susceptibility to the emergence of depressive moods, unreasonable fears and anxieties.
  • Clouding of the mind and the occurrence of hallucinations.

To reduce the risk of manifestation of the described consequences, even with a slight blow to the back of the head on a hard object, you should consult a doctor for advice. This recommendation especially applies to children in whom the main vital systems and brain tissues are in the stage of growth and formation.

First aid for head injury

If a person hits the back of the head, then the nature of the actions that must be performed in case of an injury to the back of the head directly depends on the severity of the blow and the symptoms that appear in the first minutes.

With a slight blow to the back of the head, the presence of consciousness, as well as the absence of nausea and signs of disorientation, the victim should be given the following assistance:

  • put it on a sofa or bed;
  • ensure silence;
  • apply a cold compress to the back of the head in the form of ice wrapped in a towel every 15 minutes with a break of half an hour;
  • treat an abrasion or hematoma if the skin is damaged as a result of the impact;
  • show the victim to the doctor to rule out a mild concussion.

Loss of consciousness even for a short period of time, nausea, dizziness and disorientation in space may indicate a more serious traumatic effect: or the formation of intracranial hematomas. In such cases, those who are with the injured people should promptly take the following actions:

  • Carefully transfer the victim to a flat and hard surface. If there is a possibility of damage to the vertebrae of the neck or back, then it is not recommended to move it. In this case, you should turn the gently injured person on his side so that he does not choke on the masses in case of vomiting, and raise his head a little.
  • Call the medical team immediately and do not let the victim fall asleep until they arrive.
  • Measure the injured pulse and ask him about his well-being, then to report this information to the doctors.

With severe symptoms, the victim should not be applied to the site of injury compresses and give painkillers. Reducing symptoms and dulling sensations as a result of taking them can make it difficult to diagnose an injury and lead to the appointment of inappropriate treatment.

Are you worried about something? Illness or life situation?

Treatment of an injury to the back of the head

Treatment of an occipital injury is prescribed by a specialized doctor (neurologist, traumatologist or neurosurgeon) after diagnosing and determining the severity of the injury.

After a certain time, even if you feel well, you need to visit a doctor for a preventive examination. This will reduce the likelihood of complications and subsequent manifestations of unpleasant sensations that interfere with a full life.

Today we will talk about what to do if the child fell and hit the back of the head. In this article, you will find out what such a fall can lead to, what consequences can occur if you do not see a doctor in time, what symptoms indicate the seriousness of the condition of the peanut. You will also learn how to give first aid and what to do to try to prevent possible bruises on the back of the head.

Anxiety symptoms

It is possible that a blow to the back of the head will pass with little or no characteristic symptoms. Or maybe it just hurts the place of the bruise. But parents should know when any signs and features appear in the behavior and well-being of the baby, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor, and sometimes urgently call an ambulance.

  1. The baby's limbs were numb.
  2. In the eyes of the peanut, everything forks.
  3. There was nausea, which may be accompanied by severe vomiting.
  4. Identification of differences in the size of the pupils, short-term twitching of the eyes.
  5. The skin turned pale. A blue tint may appear.
  6. The child cries a lot, do not calm down for more than 15 minutes.
  7. There were seizures.
  8. There was a nosebleed, hemorrhage in the eyes.
  9. Change in coordination of movements, imbalance.
  10. Clear discharge from the ears, mouth, or nose.
  11. It is difficult for the child to turn his head to the side.
  12. Speech retardation.
  13. The child hit the back of the head, the lump grew very large - be sure to see a doctor.

Possible impact results

Parents should be aware of what injuries, in addition to a minor bruise, their child may have as a result of a blow to the back of the head:

  1. Brain injury. This can happen if the child hits the back of the head on the floor. Since in small children the skeletal system is not yet fully formed and not strong enough, and in particular the bones of the skull, a brain bruise may occur after a fall. If the form of such an injury is mild, the doctor will prescribe medication, in case of severe injury - surgery.
  2. Concussion. It occurs quite often with blows to the back of the head. As a rule, treatment takes place without complications, with the help of medications.
  3. Fracture. Often accompanied by discharge from the ears or nose of the child. They can be presented as a clear liquid or blood. Treatment is conservative.
  4. Traumatic brain injury. Can be closed and open. The treatment process is the longest. Symptoms of the presence of this pathology are severe drowsiness, fainting, vomiting, convulsions.

Once my son fell on the street and hit the back of his head. At the same time, there was even an abrasion with slight bleeding, which was successfully stopped. Everything went well without medication.

Once, when my friend and her daughter were returning home from kindergarten (in winter), they slipped, fell and hit their heads. Everything worked out for her mother, and the girl was diagnosed with a concussion and appropriate treatment was prescribed.

There was also a case with a neighbor boy. He was visiting his grandmother and one day she washed the floor in the hallway and told him not to leave the room until it was dry. But then the cat Vaska jumped out from under the sofa and rushed into the corridor. Sashenka, who had been trying to get the cat for a long time, ran after him, forgetting about his grandmother's warning. He slipped, fell and hit the back of his head hard. At the moment, a big bump jumped out, he cried for about five minutes without stopping, either from pain, or from resentment that Vaska managed to escape again. Mom took Sashenka to an appointment at the clinic, where, on the recommendation of a doctor, they underwent x-rays. Fortunately, everything worked out. They were prescribed medication to dissolve the bumps.

The child hit the back of the head, the consequences

It is important to know that as a result of a blow, the child may develop certain consequences. Depending on how serious the injury was or with what delay the parents went to the hospital (that is, assistance was not provided in time), the following consequences can be distinguished:

  1. The child has problems with the perception of the environment. What is typical: if the blow was delivered from the left side of the back of the head, then problems will also be observed on the left side.
  2. The child may become distracted, he will have trouble concentrating his attention. Which will adversely affect the learning process in kindergarten and school.
  3. There may be problems with both short-term and long-term memory.
  4. The child's sleep is disturbed, he constantly sleeps badly, often wakes up, may even cry or fight in hysterics.
  5. The child is tormented by constant headaches, possibly the appearance of pressure problems.

As a rule, if assistance was provided in a timely manner, it is possible to avoid almost all possible consequences. Of course, if we are talking about a traumatic brain injury, then a child cannot do without tangible consequences, too severe an injury.

First aid

  1. The first step is to calm down and not panic.
  2. It is important that the baby is at rest after the impact.
  3. Examine the site of injury, check for abrasions and bruises.
  4. When a hematoma appears, it is necessary to apply a cold or ice object to the site of the bruise, but do not forget to wrap it with a cloth first.
  5. If the site of injury is bleeding, you need to disinfect it, for example, with hydrogen peroxide. Use cotton swabs.
  6. If visual damage is invisible, explain to the child that he now needs peace and only quiet games. And keep an eye on his well-being for several days.
  7. If you have identified any symptoms that characterize the complication of the baby's condition, you need to call an ambulance. This should also be done with severe bleeding, fainting and other alarming symptoms.
  8. It is important to know that if the baby loses consciousness, it must be put on the barrel. It is also important to do this in the presence of vomiting, so that it does not accidentally get into the path of the respiratory system.
  9. Even if, at first glance, the child is doing well, sometimes it is better to play it safe and go to the doctor.


Try to do everything possible to make your child's time as safe as possible:

  1. Take care of special pads on the corners of furniture.
  2. Wash the floors when the child is not at home or he is sleeping.
  3. When there is ice on the street - put on the child and on your feet special shoes that will resist falling.
  4. Get rid of the paths in the apartment, which can "ride" on the floor, thereby endangering the child.
  5. If the little one moves around the apartment with the help of a walker, watch his movements.
  6. Do not leave your baby unattended on the bed. If you leave the room, it is better to put him on the floor. At the same time, you need to be absolutely sure that all the corners in the room are already safe and nothing poses a threat to the health of the child.
  7. If the baby is learning to skate, rollerblade or bike, take care to purchase special equipment, including a helmet.

You already know that you cannot be completely sure that nothing will ever happen to the baby. Children are very active, they like to run, jump, they are not always attentive. Therefore, no one is immune from a possible fall and from hitting the back of the head on a hard surface. Remember how to behave in the event of such an injury in order to alleviate the condition of the baby and prevent the consequences from developing.

Often, the mobility and curiosity of children leads, through an oversight of parents or by accident, to falls and injuries. Such injuries are especially alarming at the age of up to three years, until children can accurately describe their feelings and condition, and only external data and approximately the strength of the injury can be assessed if it occurred in front of their parents. The most alarming falls with blows to the head, since the children's brain is vulnerable to traumatic effects, concussions, bruises and other damage. Almost no child can do without falls and minor injuries as he grows and develops, he learns the world and his activity and freedom cannot be limited. But it is important to ensure maximum safety and to know what head injuries are dangerous for, how to help with them, and which of the symptoms for certain types of injuries, especially if the baby fell, hit, forehead or back of the head, are dangerous, and which ones are not?

The structure of the baby's head

Nature took care in advance to protect the child in certain ways in case of possible falls and injuries. At an early age, in order to avoid trauma in childbirth, and then partly as it grows, the crumb head has a special structure. Head at birth relative to the body of a large size, disproportionate to the rest of the parts. And therefore, when babies fall from beds, sofas or changing tables, they fall forward with it. But there are also special positive, compensatory mechanisms.


The brain of crumbs with possible falls, if it is not an extreme height, is relatively reliably protected from injury. The bones of the head are relatively elastic, not completely ossified, at the joints they have sutures, as well as a fontanelle, which, due to its elasticity, can compensate for pressure changes in the cranial cavity.

The brain itself is surrounded by hard, soft and arachnoid shells, floats in a fluid that compensates for shocks to a certain limit. These environments dampen the force of impact quite strongly, so either a large impact force or a high altitude is needed for a young child to receive dangerous brain damage.

Hazardous surfaces and falls

For a baby, falls from a height equal to or less than his own height can be considered relatively safe. That is, this distance is about 50-60 cm. In addition, it is important, and how the child did it, whether the body was accelerated or it was a fall under its own weight. The surfaces on which the head lands during falls are also important.

As the baby grows, when he begins to walk, falls happen:

  • from the height of one's own height when walking and running,
  • when walking in walkers, jumping in jumpers,
  • when riding wheelchairs, children's bicycles, sleds
  • from chairs, when climbing on them,
  • furniture elements, when trying to climb higher,
  • various sports equipment, street slides, swings and carousels.

There are many options for falls, but the higher the distance from the place of the fall to the surface on which the child lands, and the denser, harder this surface, the more dangerous the injury.


If the fall occurred on a carpet or carpet, it will partially mitigate the injury, but if it is tile, linoleum or uneven surfaces, this is worse.

The probability of falls and injuries is directly proportional to the age of the young "pilot". In an early return (the first six months), falls are possible due to oversight or negligence of the parents who left the baby unattended, or with improper care for him, rough care and upbringing, domestic violence.

When learning to turn over from side to side and gradually mastering crawling, pulling up with hands, falls are likely from sofas and beds, for the most part, such falls are accompanied by more fear of parents than really dangerous injuries to children. Further, as the development of walking. the risk of falls increases and vigilance needs to be increased. From the moment of mastering the space on foot, when children are already walking, running and jumping, climbing everywhere, you need to increase your vigilance to the maximum.


Remember, even from your own home, not to mention the street, a child can get dangerous, and even fatal injuries. Plastic windows with mosquito nets are especially dangerous in the warm season. They will not hold the weight of a child who, having climbed onto the windowsill, can lean on them. This threatens the death of the baby who fell out of the window.

But this does not mean at all that the baby needs to be locked within four walls and not allowed to actively develop and explore the space. You have to be alert and alert.

For children under three years old, the arm's length rule should apply; in dangerous places, the baby should be in the zone of the outstretched arm of the parents, so that, if necessary, they have time to insure him.

The child hit his head: what to do?

The first thing to do if a child falls and hits his head is not to panic and scare the child even more with his actions. Often, after a fall and bruise, children cry more from fear and surprise than from pain. If there is only a small bump in the area of ​​impact, the child is conscious and quickly calmed down, you need to create an atmosphere of peace around him, as if nothing had happened . You should not let him scream loudly, jump and run a lot, observing his behavior and general condition. The first 24 hours are important in assessing injury if a dangerous fall is suspected. There are different types of injuries in their localization, and from this they differ in tactics.

What to do if the child hit his forehead

Often, when hitting the frontal region, where the tissues are very pliable and richly supplied with blood, bumps appear. This is not dangerous, but it can scare parents. Small capillaries can burst at the site of injury, causing blood to leak into the tissue, forming a bruise and swelling. There are many subcutaneous vessels in this zone, as elsewhere on the face, due to which the edema can be pronounced and strong, but the bone itself is strong enough, so most of these injuries have no consequences. . However, the age of the baby is important, if it is an infant in the first months of life, and he has a hematoma on his forehead, it is worth showing the baby to the doctor to assess the degree of injury.

What to do if the child hit the back of the head

Falls on the back and blows to the back of the head are more dangerous than the previous ones, it is important to show the child to the doctor with such an injury, because usually such falls come from a sufficient height.


With such blows, vision, coordination of movement and other functions can be impaired; there are many important centers of the brain in the region of the occipital cortex. Such a fall with the formation of a bump is especially dangerous if there is weakness and lethargy in the child, trembling in the legs and.

In this case, you should immediately call an ambulance. Such injuries in the area of ​​rather soft and pliable bones of the occipital zone can lead to cracks in the skull and concussions, bruises of the brain.

Traumatic brain injury in children

In the presence of a head injury, it is important to closely monitor the child and identify dangerous symptoms that may indicate the presence. In this case, it is the role of parents that is great, they are well aware of the characteristics of the child and will immediately notice deviations in his behavior and condition. The gender and age of the child are relative, as opposed to the height from which the child falls. The size of the bruise or the resulting bump does not always correlate with the strength of the injury, as well as the presence or absence of blood and abrasions, and skin lesions.

Signs that are important are:

  • Clouding of consciousness or its loss, even if it was short, just a few seconds.
  • Any inappropriate actions and behavior, abnormal crying and screaming
  • Disturbance of normal falling asleep, unusually long and deep sleep after a stroke
  • if the baby is older, attempts to grab the head, not passing for several hours.
  • Sudden or profuse regurgitation with a fountain without fever and signs of infection
  • Unsteady gait, staggering to the sides, problems with coordination of movements
  • General spasms or twitching of limbs
  • Sharp weakness in the arm or leg, hanging arm or leg with a whip, movement disorders on one side.
  • The appearance of secretions of a bloody or bloody nature from the ear or nose.
  • Decreased hearing or vision, different icon sizes, strabismus in one or both eyes, impaired muscle tone in the face, sagging of part of the face
  • Cold extremities, a sharp change in skin color (redness, pallor, marbling), especially on certain parts of the body.

All of these symptoms point to brain damage of varying severity.. The appearance of any, even one of them, is a reason for an immediate call for an ambulance and hospitalization in a hospital with a full examination. According to the severity of the injury, head injuries can be divided into concussion, contusion and compression, their clinical symptoms differ, as well as severity, forecasts for subsequent health and life.

Signs of concussion in children

It is believed that this is a relatively simple and mild injury (but this is for doctors and its treatment in a hospital). For him, a short-term disturbance of consciousness is typical, loss of consciousness for no more than 5 minutes. There may be seizures and vomiting dizziness. There is no damage to the brain, it just experiences a kind of shake-up, due to which "interference is induced in the ether", that is, the work of certain brain centers or cells is temporarily disrupted. Usually, all brain functions return to normal within a week. The basis of treatment for concussion is observation and rest, taking vitamins.

Signs of brain injury in children

A brain contusion is a more serious injury, with it the membranes of the brain and its substance directly suffer, deep subcortical structures, vessels with the possible formation of hematomas, the formation of pronounced edema-swelling of the brain. In many ways, the prognosis and further treatment tactics will be influenced by the fact how long the loss of consciousness was. According to the severity of brain bruises, doctors sometimes divide into three stages, based on the duration of the unconscious period. If it is a mild bruise, consciousness usually returns within five minutes, with moderate severity, the unconscious state lasts from 10 minutes to an hour (plus or minus), with a severe brain bruise, consciousness may not return for several hours, or even days, even weeks - coma occurs.

What is brain compression in children

Compression of the brain is usually formed against the background of damage to the bones of the skull, compression is formed inside its cavity, and the normal anatomical ratio of the brain, its membranes and bones is disturbed. With such a pathology, there may be vomiting of a cerebral nature due to an increase in intracranial pressure, periodic loss of consciousness with the manifestation of "light" gaps. During this time, the child may behave quite normally without showing signs of a brain problem. They last up to two days, after which a coma may occur.

The consequences of TBI can be different depending on which centers are damaged, and how dangerous the injury was, how the first aid was provided, and then the treatment was carried out. With a bruise and compression of the brain without full medical treatment, a fatal outcome is possible. Therefore, it is important that parents know how to provide first aid, recognize dangerous symptoms and go to the doctor in time, without attempting self-treatment.

Alena Paretskaya, pediatrician, medical commentator

Little fidgets get out of strollers, fall out of high chairs, knock when they reach their favorite toy on a high shelf. Bruises, crying, bruises and bumps accompany the childhood of any active toddler. What to do if the child fell and hit his head, when you urgently need to see a doctor, we will tell in our article.

From this article you will learn

Are headbutts dangerous?

Bumps, abrasions, scratches and bruises on the head after a blow or fall seem harmless only at first glance. Among the serious consequences are the following:

  • visual impairment;
  • skull trauma;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • hematomas;
  • epilepsy;
  • traumatic meningitis;
  • encephalitis;
  • increased intracranial pressure.

Whether they appear or not depends on the physical condition of the child, the strength of the blow. In any case, parents need to carefully monitor the behavior and well-being of the baby for a few more days after receiving even a slight injury. Visit a doctor to be safe, to exclude bruises of the brain or spinal cord.

Important! How much to observe a child without serious external manifestations of a blow to the head, the therapist or traumatologist will tell.

Types and symptoms of head injuries

Head injuries due to falls, collisions with a hard surface can be divided into several groups:

  • Light damage. They are not particularly dangerous, they pass in a couple of days. These are bruises, bumps or small hematomas. In this case, only the tissue of the epidermis is damaged, small vessels burst. The child usually quickly forgets about the bruise, does not experience severe pain.
  • Moderate injuries. Open wounds, deep scratches, abrasions, bleeding. The brain, the bones of the skull with such bruises are not damaged. The kid cries for a long time, complains of a headache, short-term clouding of consciousness, dizziness. After 1-2 hours, alarming symptoms disappear, skin wounds heal after 1-2 weeks.
  • Severe injuries. These are concussions, open and closed craniocerebral injuries. The child loses consciousness after a fall, blood flows from the wound, the bones of the skull are crushed in serious cases. Such injuries heal hard and for a long time, accompanied by unpleasant consequences for children's health. A concussion does not fully manifest itself immediately, after 1-4 hours or 1-2 days. The baby's coordination of movements is disturbed, the skin of the eyelids darkens, vomiting is observed.

Important! If the baby flew down the stairs or tubing, does not get up, does not cry, urgently call a doctor. It is not necessary to lift him unconscious. Wait for an ambulance. Possibly damaged cervical spine.

What to do if a child hits his head

With strong blows, visible damage to the bones of the skull, heavy bleeding, no action can be taken by parents. Call for help, urgently take the child by car to the emergency room.

If the blow is light, the baby himself gets up, complains, cries, if there was a fall from a height of his height, first aid is as follows:

  1. Pick up a crying baby.
  2. Lay on a hard surface such as a bed or changing table.
  3. Examine the forehead, the back of the head, the top of the head. Gently touch the bump, head, nape, check the child's reaction. You will have to determine the degree of danger of the wound in the first minutes on your own.
  4. Ask how he feels. Pay attention to the expression of the eyes. If the look is distracted, the child really wants to sleep, he has a faint, do not delay calling an ambulance.
  5. Examine the limbs for dislocations and fractures. When a baby falls, the collarbone is more often broken, and the joints are dislocated. In this case, you need to help get up carefully, but it is better to wait for the ambulance to arrive.
  6. Take care of the hematoma. If the bump is poured high, hard, then the damage is external, there is no need to panic. Apply a cold spoon, ice, compress to the swelling. A huge bruise on the forehead, cool the back of the head too.
  7. Shallow scratches and abrasions should be anointed with hydrogen peroxide. If the baby fell on the pavement while walking, wash the wounds. Iodine, green wounds can be smeared a little later or the next day.
  8. If there are deep wounds, stop the bleeding and call for medical help.
  9. When vomiting starts, lay the baby on its side. Nausea will not go away soon if the baby has received a concussion.
  10. Keep your child calm. But do not let him fall asleep for several hours if he is sick, his head hurts a lot. Let it just lie down.
  11. Give an antipyretic if there are no serious injuries. "Nurofen", "Ibuprofen" will relieve pain.
  12. Watch him closely for a few days. If the baby complains of a headache, vertigo (dizziness), nausea, faints, go to the doctor for an additional examination.

How to check if you have a concussion

First day after injury

On the day of the fall and a day after, observe the behavior and well-being of the victim. Pay attention to:

  • Clarity of consciousness. The baby should respond to voice, touch, cry if wet, etc. For older children, ask simple questions, ask them to bring an object, talk about the day they spent.
  • Movement coordination. Traumatologists advise waking up the baby in the middle of the night, putting him on his feet. If the baby is standing well, he can stretch his arms straight, you don’t have to worry about his health.
  • Appetite. Refusal to eat, nausea - negative symptoms. The child vomited several times, he complains of a severe headache, he cannot walk on his own - call a doctor.
  • Speech. Talk to the child, listen to the babble. Slowness of the pace of speaking, stuttering is a reason to seek medical help.
  • Behavior. Decreased activity, apathy, constant crying should alert parents.
  • Injuries. Watch for bruises, bumps. If they do not heal, become redder, more extensive, make an appointment with the doctor.
  • Appearance of the child. Pallor, blue lips, the difference in the size of the pupils are signs of serious consequences of a bruise.

anxiety symptoms

It’s great if the baby, after falling off the couch, feels good and quickly forgets about what happened. Parents can relax.

The following signs become the reason for panic, calling a doctor (Important! The table can be scrolled to the right and left):

Physical condition, appearance of the bruised areaExternal warning signsFrom the CNSFrom the gastrointestinal tractBehavior
There is a dent in the skull that was not noticed immediately after the impact. The bruised place hurts, bleeds.The skin became pale, cyanosis appeared around the eyes, lips, and nose.The baby cries for a long time, is naughty.During feeding, the baby often burps, the one-year-old baby vomits repeatedly.Maladaptation.
The bump on the forehead has increased to a huge size, there is swelling.Eyes squint.Speech is stunted, babble is absent.Food and drink are disgusting.Psychoses. Wants to cry for any reason, even a minor one.
The baby does not turn his head, moves his neck with difficulty.Pupils enlarged.The baby can not fall asleep, he began to sleep badly.Increased nervousness.
Spinning and headache.There is bleeding from the nose, ears, there is a discharge of a different kind.A child after a year complains of double vision. Inadequacy.
Back hurts. Possibly damaged spinal cord.The temperature has risen.Numb limbs.
After hitting the temple with the corner on the side, a bruise formed. Short-term loss of consciousness, disadaptation in space.
It hurts to move my arms and legs. Check the bones for fractures, take x-rays. There is drowsiness.
Limping. Lethargy.
When walking, a one-year-old toddler constantly falls.

Important! The cause of falls for newborns is often the inexperience and negligence of young parents. For a baby, ordinary household items are dangerous: a changing table, a sofa, a wooden cabinet, a cast-iron battery, a tiled floor, even a low step. You need to monitor a child starting independent steps and a helpless baby 24 hours a day.

Here is what Dr. Komarovsky thinks about head injuries. Watch the video:

Negative consequences

Hitting any part of the head is dangerous. The consequences of falling and bruising depend on the place of injury, the force of impact, and the age of the baby.

Consequences of a forehead blow

Children fall forward when they run and stumble over a pipe, a step, fall out of a walker, crash a bicycle or a scooter into obstacles. First of all, the frontal part of the head suffers. This area is hard, the bones are strong, but serious injuries are life-threatening, the unborn child.

Injuries are divided into two types:

Closed injuries

The bones of the skull remain intact, the skin, internal parts of the head, and brain structures are damaged. The consequences of closed injuries appear after a few hours or days. Recognizing them at home is quite difficult. There are several types of such invisible and visible damage:


It is characterized by a short-term loss of consciousness. After a couple of hours, the child will become ill, vomiting, nausea, dizziness will appear. The face may turn pale, the lips turn blue. Concussion treatment is carried out in a hospital, at home later you will need bed rest, restriction of activity.

If symptoms are not observed during the day, pay attention to the child's sleep. If he does not sleep well, insomnia, anxiety appear, consult a doctor.

brain contusion

Severe complication for young children. A fallen child does not regain consciousness for 5-10 minutes. Dark circles form around the eyelids, blood leaks from the nose and ears. A brain contusion is received from strong blows on a hard surface: concrete, furniture, tile on the floor, wall. The height of the fall must be more than a meter.

Soft tissue injuries

The most unpleasant, but less dangerous head injury. In children, large bruises appear on the forehead, large bumps the size of a pea, bruises, and shallow cuts. The child cries after being hit, but quickly calms down.

It is almost impossible to identify internal damage to brain structures without x-rays, ultrasound, MRI and laboratory tests. If you notice symptoms of serious complications of a fall, do not hesitate to contact your doctor.

open injuries

There are bleeding, deep wounds, bones are crushed. The skin and face should turn white. Requires medical attention, in severe cases, surgery. The consequences of complex open head injuries are difficult to predict.

Consequences of a blow to the back of the head

Falls back, on the back of the head, are painful and dangerous even from a small height. The consequences of a blow can be the following:

  • Visual impairment. Behind are the nerve endings that are responsible for vision. Their damage leads to a decrease in this function or complete blindness.
  • Decreased concentration level.
  • Disorientation in space. If one of the sides of the occipital lobe is damaged.
  • Speech disorders. Delayed articulation, ONR, ZRR, stuttering.
  • Migraine. The head will hurt for several days or weeks after the injury. Chronic migraines are observed in school, adolescence due to overwork.
  • Insomnia. It is difficult for the baby to fall asleep due to dysfunction of the central nervous system.

Important! Newborn babies are more likely to get bumps due to the fault of adults. From the serious consequences of hitting the floor, their hard surface is saved by the fontanel. It plays the role of a shock absorber. A five-month-old baby and older children do not have such protection. Normally, the fontanel overgrows at 6 months.

How to avoid injury in the future

Fall prevention is essential for children of all ages, especially those who have had serious head injuries. First, let's figure out what places and actions are dangerous for babies up to a year old and older. It is forbidden:

  1. Ride a wheelchair without seat belts.
  2. To remain alone in infancy on high sofas, beds, tables.
  3. Running on the wet bathroom floor after bathing.
  4. Close doors in front of other children during active play.
  5. Swing strongly on the swing.
  6. Run around the apartment, not looking around.
  7. Pick up long sticks and play catch-up at the same time.
  8. Ride a bike or scooter without a helmet.
  9. Climb on high horizontal bars, Swedish walls, slides in wet shoes, in the rain.
  10. Lean out of the windows of the house, cars, to look down, ahead.
  11. Get up on chairs, tables.
  12. Jump into deep holes, into the river with a running start.

Knowing the most common dangers, parents are obliged to tell their children about them, control walks and insure the kids when making active maneuvers. And also follow a few more tips for arranging a safe area at home:

  • Buy a crib, playpens with high sides. Even with this type of furniture, it is impossible to leave young children alone at a height. A six-month-old baby, a newborn can easily fall out through the side.
  • Paste the door jamb, sharp corners of wooden furniture with soft pads. A small child can hit the corner with the crown or temple.
  • Cover radiators with blankets.
  • Put on walking crumbs special socks for the house, with a pimply surface, they will not slide on linoleum. Or lay down a carpet.
  • Remove glass furniture, floor vases from the house until the baby grows up. Breaking your head on the corners of fragile tables and chairs is even more dangerous.
  • Take care of the safety of the child on the street. Hold the baby firmly by the hand for up to a year, insure on the stairs during the first steps.
  • Fasten seat belts in strollers, cars.
  • Put the children's transport on the brakes, if you stop to drink, chat with a friend.
  • Do not allow older children to carry a stroller with babies. A car may suddenly jump out onto the road or a hole may meet. The stroller will turn over, the baby will fall.

Not every person manages to fall without consequences at least once in a lifetime. Bumps, bruises, scratches, head injuries justifiably scare parents. In order to reduce troubles and health problems, it is worth telling children from infancy how to behave at home, on the street, and be attentive yourself.

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Excessively active children become a headache for parents. It is difficult to keep an eye on the baby, he constantly climbs somewhere and tirelessly studies the world around him. Such activity in some cases leads to trouble. For example, a child will fall and be injured. Should loved ones be concerned? Doctor Komarovsky will help you figure it out.

Don't panic

First of all, Komarovsky advises parents not to panic. A well-known doctor emphasizes: cases of falling usually do not lead to dangerous consequences. For the most part, only parents suffer, or rather, their nervous system. When a child falls, the body reliably protects itself from serious injury. Headbutting will not necessarily cause damage. Protect against defects

  • "Fannels" of the skull, protecting against sharp fluctuations in pressure in the head;
  • large volumes of cerebrospinal fluid that can absorb shocks;
  • softness of the bones, due to which there is little danger of fracture, and so on.

But attention to such situations will not be superfluous. A child who hits his head needs special supervision. Komarovsky emphasizes that parents should watch for warning signs. If you find them, you will have to consult a doctor as soon as possible. What symptomatic manifestations are especially important?

Dangerous Consequences

There are a huge number of negative consequences of "landing" a child not on his feet, but on his head. They appear extremely rarely, so parents should not fall into hysterics. Komarovsky names the following symptoms, which should make you alert.

  1. Disturbances of consciousness. If the child has ceased to adequately respond to what is happening, the help of a specialist is required.
  2. Difficulties with speech. This is important for children who have already begun to speak normally.
  3. Drowsiness and unusual for the baby indifference to the environment.
  4. Severe headaches that are not localized specifically at the site of the bruise and last for several hours.
  5. Repetitive vomiting. One bout of vomiting after falling and hitting your head is not a bad symptom. A few attacks is already a big risk.
  6. Difficulty with balance or control of limbs lasting more than an hour.
  7. Any discharge from the nose or ears, including blood.
  8. Blue spots under the eyes against the background of blanching of the skin of the face.

Having noticed the symptoms, it is impossible to delay calling an ambulance. Delay is fatal.

How to help

The first priority for parents is to keep calm. The more coolly they can behave, the higher the likelihood of a favorable outcome. What to do after the crumbs fall on the head? Here, again, Komarovsky gives excellent recommendations.

  1. The described symptoms indicate very serious damage. Therefore, it is necessary to immediately call a doctor, without delay. Prior to arrival, the injured child should be provided with calm conditions. Any stress factors are excluded. It is better to put the child on its side. The resulting vomiting will begin to depart unhindered.
  2. If there is no obvious damage, it is enough to put a rag soaked in cold water on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe head where the blow fell. Then the pain will decrease. Such an effect will stop bleeding and prevent severe swelling from developing.
  3. Are there any visible effects of the impact? All the same, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the child for the next day. He needs peace and constant control. To make sure that there are no serious injuries, you should check whether the child is able to adequately answer questions. It can also be done according to the coordination of the baby. There should be no dizziness and repeated falls.

The occurrence of noticeable disorders during the first day after falling on the head Komarovsky considers an important diagnostic criterion. A blow does not necessarily result in a concussion. Possible brain injury or spinal injury. And these effects are not easy to see. If you suspect a serious injury, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible. He will make sure that the "flight" does not affect the development of the baby.