How to determine a woman's temperament. Sexual potential - how to determine by appearance

If you are a single and free from relationships man, then when choosing a place for a future trip on vacation or on an excursion, you can, as an option, focus not on climate conditions or attractions, but even gastronomic delights. It is possible to determine the vector of travel on the beauty and sexuality of local women. After all, they will delight the eye, and also excite the mind. Definitely, while on vacation, a man will be able to turn his head around with no obstacles and aesthetically enjoy seeing the fair sex.


It makes no sense to choose a woman on the basis of her belonging to a particular place of residence. All people are different. Such a comparison and comparison, as mentioned above, gives only a general characteristic, which it makes sense to take into account.

List of cities where passionate beauties live

Amsterdam in Holland

Slender and athletic, mostly tall, very fashionably dressed blondes are everywhere, literally on all the streets of this city. The main bonus can be considered the fact that most of the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity do not drive cars at all, but bicycles. They are very feminine, pedaling gracefully. Local ladies are quite liberated, therefore they are always not against dating.

Rio de Janeiro in Brazil

As soon as you go down to the beach, you simply will not believe the happiness that has rolled over. Still - to be among the abundance of beauties. Undoubtedly, these are the hottest and most passionate ladies in the world. Brazilian young ladies are good, because in them nature in the form of parents mixed representatives of different races, and it turned out, I must say, the best. This is chocolate skin, excellent hair, and mouth-watering, rounded shapes.

Kiev in Ukraine

It's hard even to believe that there is such beauty at all. There are beauties for every taste here. There are very sultry women, there are women with rather curvaceous forms, and there are enough fragile slender women. There are many blondes with sky-blue eyes and burning brunettes with gooseberry or cornflower-colored eyes. Almost all women have very beautiful and thick hair, as well as long eyelashes and very beautiful, well-groomed skin. Ukrainian women are sociable, cheerful, seductive and inviting. It's even hard to believe that there is such beauty at all. There are beauties for every taste here. There are very sultry women, there are women with rather curvaceous forms, and there are enough fragile slender women. There are many blondes with sky-blue eyes and burning brunettes with gooseberry or cornflower-colored eyes. Almost all women have very beautiful and thick hair, as well as long eyelashes and very beautiful, well-groomed skin. Ukrainian women are sociable, cheerful, seductive and inviting.

Caracas in Venezuela

Venezuela is the state that has given the world the largest number of winners in the Miss Universe pageant. This fact speaks in favor of the fact that there are more than enough beautiful ladies here. Women from Venezuela are also good because it is extremely easy to communicate with them, they definitely know a lot about how you can have fun. These are temperamental and passionate ladies, they, if they really love, so from the bottom of their hearts, but they hate, they hate so much.

Los Angeles and California in the USA

Such women will differ from American women in other cities even in the way they look. And I must say that they look stunning. Not having a slender figure, perfect hairstyle and manicure for the locals is bad manners. Therefore, in Los Angeles, beauties, if not every first, then, certainly, every second. This is the reason why all Americans are trying to move to California, and all Californians want to live in Los Angeles. This is done either by handsome men or by the rich.

Varna in Bulgaria

True Slavs, they are educated, polite, very scrupulous about their face and body. Beauty combined with charm is the hallmark of all Bulgarians. You need to look at this at least once.

How to choose the most appropriate woman by temperament?

Having familiarized yourself with the characteristics of the character and sexual behavior of the fair sex from different parts of the world, you need to decide which characteristics are most important to you in the first place.

Buenos Aires in Argentina

There is simply a huge number of beautiful women. All of them are beautiful, not always natural. This is the effect of the fashion and popularity of plastic surgery and the increase in everything that can be increased. True, they are still very harmonious and active, and also charismatic. This is what makes them desirable. These women are busy constantly looking for the right man. For this purpose, many city clubs have even been opened, where it is possible to easily get to know each other.

Copenhagen in Denmark

Residence of the vast majority of blue-eyed blondes. By the way, Copenhagen is the city in which, in comparison with other world cities, there is the largest number of sexually liberated women. There are many of them and they are literally everywhere. Why, they are always ready to go to the bar with you and have a cocktail or two, and then, in a quiet atmosphere, continue a closer acquaintance. It is pleasant to be in Copenhagen, because you will almost always catch the admiring glances of several women at once. And the free-spirited behavior here will be perceived with a bang.

Stockholm in Sweden

It seems that it is in Stockholm that literally every woman is a written beauty. You can walk into any local store or cafe and you will see an almost top model behind the counter, as if from the cover of a fashionable, glossy magazine. Moreover, this state of affairs will be ubiquitous. In addition, such women definitely know a lot about various parties and how to simultaneously receive and give pleasure to their partner. They are very educated and outgoing, and also friendly. Conveniently, they speak English with no prohibitions on sex. These women are literally created to give a man intimate pleasure. Tall and blond, mostly blue-eyed, they're just goddesses.


No, and there is no exact guarantee in nature that if a woman comes from a certain region, she will definitely have certain qualities. In this case, it is rather a characteristic, to one degree or another present in the overwhelming majority.

The most beautiful and sexy girls - video

You want to know the sexual nature women what can you expect from her and what does she expect from you? Find the one that suits you and that you can like. Here you can find out the different subtleties of each sign.

Aries: It is necessary to seduce the Sheep energetically and quickly. Either she will give everything at once, or nothing ever. The best way to seduce is to perform some outstanding feat. Aries women themselves are very hot and passionate, therefore they prefer intelligent and flexible partners. It may seem that they are completely devoid of coquetry and are indifferent to the manifestations of gallantry in their address.

For example, they do not require a coat to be served and a door open warningly. But! Remember that all of this is not necessary just because something more is expected of you. The Sheep's body to the touch resembles a warm elastic ball, their hair is usually with a dark tint, and the skin is with a dark tint. Even if there are no southern ancestors in the pedigree.

Taurus: When have women of this sign there is a thought, she thinks of it, doing it in great detail. Another characteristic feature: a sexually mature Taurus woman must be “in the body”. If she is “not in the body,” it means that something is wrong here. In order for everything to be as it should, it must be properly cared for.

It should be fed with sneakers and meat, it is best to drink sweet liqueurs. Simultaneously caress in erogenous zones. If a Taurus woman is deprived of this, she is unhappy and suffers greatly. If she has it, she is happy and loving. In the pauses, you can tell erotic anecdotes, read something entertaining aloud and sing songs. The greatest chances of success are with businessmen and the military.

Gemini: With Gemini, everything is easy and not boring, although sometimes it is too rational. Some people like it, and some don't. A matter of taste. Despite the seeming frivolity and non-seeming inconstancy, Gemini is quite calculating. Often they mislead the partner with an increased interest in his person.

In Gemini, such an interest may simply mean their inherent curiosity, and not the presence of any far-reaching plans. Under this sign, there are often vociferous partners who love to clearly express their attitude to what is happening with a variety of words and sounds. Great pleasure can be obtained from joint viewing of erotic pictures, learning new sexual positions and discussing mutual acquaintances.

Cancer: Inherent in women of this sign natural tenacity is developed so strongly that there is no hope of an easy parting. They gently grab men with their graceful "pincers", and hurt bad behavior in some tender place. For good behavior, you will be provided with family comfort and delicious homemade food.

If you are a poet, you will get the opportunity to enjoy daily the study of the secrets of life and death, hidden in the gray haze of your girlfriend's eyes. However, it should be remembered that Cancer women Poets who have no money are not favored too much. They are more attracted by the solidity of the partner and his ability to create a full-fledged family. They show a special sensitivity to ritual trifles, they are very jealous, there are vampirists and insidious.

Leo: Since bargaining is not appropriate here, the right to access the body will have to be fully proven. The chosen one must have a courageous figure, a prestigious car and a bright reputation in society. You can't do without serenades under the balcony and a duel with an opponent. Always imposing and self-confident, the Lioness most of all loves everything to be spectacular and dramatic, like in a movie.

And her partner should be the main subject of her pride. At least at first. The dignity of Lionesses is that they rarely "saw" the stronger sex and generally do not bother with trifles, preferring to show themselves in close-up. The disadvantage is their weakness for everything bright and shiny. It is often used by marriage swindlers and sex athletes.

Virgo: Love with Virgos improves health and broadens your horizons. Women of this sign very interesting. They know the rules well. And they also know well how to break them correctly. Express your innermost desires to the Virgo not with loving glances and timid hints, but in plain text. After some thought, you will be given a reasoned answer - maybe positive, or maybe obscene.

The immaculate prim appearance characteristic of some young Virgins should not be deceived. It happens sometimes,
young Virgos are ashamed of their erotic inexperience. But mature Virgos are devoid of complexes and are not shy about anything. They are the best at a variety of sexual techniques.

Libra: A woman born under the sign of Libra wants to please everyone. Being around her is important to understand that sex and flirting are two big differences. Otherwise, you can wither away ingloriously from erotic suffering. In choosing a permanent partner, Libra is very picky and in order to make a fateful decision, they must, well, not only weigh everything in detail, but, probably, feel something very important.

By and large, the representative of this sign I want a man who would lead her along; and not only herself, but everyone else too. For a small one - such a partner, from whom there is no inconvenience when communicating with others. You need to live with Libra beautifully, in comfort, from time to time giving flowers and serving coffee in bed. Courageous temperament

Scorpio: An exalted Scorpio spirit fights a lustful Scorpio body. Because of this, a powerful sex appeal and a harsh aura of severity emanate from the Scorpion at the same time, as if talking about the fact that if you make love, then on a serious matter. The Scorpio sign is distinguished by such qualities as greed and a desire to do everything for real. Therefore, Skopions most of all love strong men - in every sense. In erotic games they are very passionate and do not neglect elements of healthy sadomozachism.

A woman born under this sign must be able to love for a long time and a lot, at worst - expensive. Assess your strengths and financial capabilities. Vegetarian romantics who are pacifistically incapable of slitting a chicken's throat need not worry. It is necessary to live with Scorpios beautifully, in comfort, from time to time giving flowers and serving coffee in bed. Courageous temperament they value their half no less than compliments and sophistication in handling.

Sagittarius: The Sagittarius woman does not look directly at the "target", but as if a little into the distance. And if in the distance that can be seen behind you, nothing interesting shines for her, she will not have any etusiasm in communication. This is a centauric cross between a proud young lady with an athlete and a Komsomol member. Aristocratic nobility naturally coexists with rustic rudeness.

To constantly have (next to you) such an Amazon, you need a continuous flight of the spirit and a movement of the body directed somewhere. It is best to make love on the Cyprus beaches, in between presentations at a scientific symposium, as well as on a fishing or hunting trip. Most of all, she is excited by the hunt for a partner. And after reaching the goal, he has a desire to switch to something more difficult to access.

Capricorn: In early youth, Goats are somewhat dry. To live a full erotic life, they need to work up fat, grow up and gain experience. For those over 35, such a life friend can be a pretty tempting option. Of course, a young Goat may be suitable for marriage, but from a mature one you will get more pleasure.

In addition to sexual attractiveness, a mature Goat has another unique advantage, especially valuable for domestic and impressionable men - her shoulder can always be used as a reliable support in various life troubles.

A dissatisfied Goat can patiently hide his dissatisfaction until the time when someone really suitable turns up for her. When he turns up, she will be persistent. The techniques of seduction in her performance are not always exquisitely elegant, but they are backed up financially and are well calculated in place and time.

Aquarius: It's not enough to be just a physiological man. First you need to become a Friend and Like-minded person. There is also one more necessary condition - to be independent and stand out from the general mass by peculiar individual characteristics. Under the sign of Aquarius, not the most sensual, but the most interesting and unpredictable partners are born.

They are extravagant, freedom-loving and not jealous over trifles. Show an unobtrusive inclination towards feminism and non-traditional forms of sex. Love takes place against the background of mutual friends, and sometimes right in their apartments. You will regularly discover new facets of her elusive nature. Aquarians' favorite colors are from the cold palette of a winter landscape. Bright red roses may be out of place here.

Pisces: It's easy to feel like a drug addict with a Pisces woman.

Both men and women are temperamental. Hearing about herself "temperamental girl", not everyone fully understands what exactly this means. What is the peculiarity of temperamental persons and how to define such a girl? All the answers are already waiting for you in our material.

Types of temperament

Temperament and character - these qualities are possessed by all people, without exception. For some they are quiet and modest, for others they are hot-tempered and mischievous. Temperament is a certain property of the human psyche that directly affects his behavior in society, his communication with people around him.

Temperaments are different, but in society there is an established opinion that a "temperamental person" is a hot-tempered, emotional, active and passionate individual. Therefore, when we hear the expression "temperamental girl", we do not think about what type of temperament she belongs to. We do not think whether she is choleric or sanguine, we immediately understand that this is the owner of a special and unique character.

If we consider the traditional classifications of temperaments, which are guided by professional psychologists, then such girls can be classified as choleric.

Girls with a choleric temperament are most suitable for the description of "temperamental", as these are women who are active, emotional and decisive.

What does a temperamental woman mean?

Temperamental girl - what does it mean? Let's look at the very meaning of this word in order to understand what kind of person he is. Of course, we will consider the very description of the "temperamental woman", which has already taken root well in society.

A temperamental person is a bright and emotional person. Such a girl always behaves very actively, she is not afraid of any experiments, new acquaintances and other innovations. She is ready to take risks, ready to try herself in something new. In addition, a temperamental woman always and everywhere manifests herself very actively. She violently and emotionally expresses her opinion, can be quick-tempered, and sometimes even a little aggressive. It is under this description that this type of woman fits.

How to define it?

It is very easy to understand that it is a temperamental girl in front of you. Sometimes external signs easily betray a female character of this type. Recently, the term "temperamental" has been applied not only to women and men, but also characterizes some nationalities in general. And after all, temperamental nations really exist.

For example, if you have an Italian woman in front of you, then you will understand from the first minutes that she is a very emotional and temperamental person. But the Japanese nation, for example, is less passionate, more restrained and less emotional.

Therefore, in part, nationality affects the temperament. Although they say that the character is influenced by the sign of the zodiac and even the blood type.

Zodiac sign

There are representatives of certain signs of the zodiac, which can be safely called temperamental women. For example, this Scorpio, Sagittarius and Taurus. But signs such as Cancer, Aries or Capricorn are the opposites of temperamental ladies.

Of course, the leading positions in this kind of rating can be safely given to Scorpio women. They are very passionate, impulsive and emotional natures. If they want something, they actively act and achieve their goal. If such a woman falls in love with someone, then she will completely give herself to her beloved. Scorpios are very active and passionate, they are used to dominate always and in everything. In any spheres of their life, they manifest themselves as decisive, purposeful and strong natures.

Women born under the sign of Taurus are also more passionate and temperamental. To someone outwardly, such a girl may seem overly shy and modest, but, as they say, appearance is sometimes deceiving. Behind the mask of modesty, there is a passionate and liberated nature, which is ready to reveal all her temperament only at the right time. With such an unexpected trait of their character, Taurus girls often win the attention of the opposite sex.

Sagittarius women are very active, liberated, emotional persons who value freedom most of all in this life. Such girls always clearly set goals for themselves and know exactly how to behave in order to eventually achieve their goal.

In appearance and behavior

It is very easy to recognize a temperamental girl by her appearance and her behavior in society, since such women always stand out from the crowd. As a rule, such women have a very striking appearance. They are not shy about standing out, they are not afraid of revealing outfits and bright makeup. In any society, even an unfamiliar one, they behave quite relaxed and confident. Therefore, if among the crowd of strangers you see a cheerful, bright and positive girl, then be sure that this is the same temperamental person in front of you.

Separately, it is worth mentioning that this category of girls does not at all shy away from male society. On the contrary, they feel relaxed and comfortable in the company of men. They like the increased attention from men, they know how to flirt, they know how to be friends and it is interesting to talk with them on various topics.

As soon as such a girl sees a stranger, she always looks him straight in the eye and smiles. A temperamental person will never act stiff, shy, or awkward. She is always open to new acquaintances and this is evidenced by her radiant and friendly smile.

In communication, such a woman is very simple and easy. She adequately perceives criticism and jokes addressed to her. Such a girl will never take offense at a joke, she knows how to laugh at herself, thanks to which many people like her. Especially for members of the opposite sex. In addition, a girl can easily agree to any adventure, if it is interesting to her. She is easy-going and ready to spend a day outside the house in the interesting company of her new acquaintances.

If such a girl faces any difficulties in her life, then she never falls into despair. Her brain is activated, and she easily finds a way out of any difficult and even hopeless situation.

For the types and characteristics of temperament, see below.

Often, “temperamental” is added to the number of epithets most often accompanying a woman. But not every representative of the fair sex understands what this really means. What should be a temperamental woman from the point of view of psychology, is this how society interprets this concept?

How connected is sexuality and temperament, and what do men think about it?

Temperament in psychology

From the point of view of science, temperament represents certain properties of the psyche that determine the dynamics of behavior and reactions, while not changing under the influence of time factors, motives, goals and content. Thus, in psychology, temperament is a kind of innate constant that persists throughout a person's life - from cradle to death. Therefore, if we consider the adjective “temperamental” as “a person with temperament,” there is no point in trying to understand what a person who has received this label should be like - temperament is inherent in every person. What it will be - that's what you need to find out.

  • Isolation of a particular type of temperament is carried out after studying sensitivity (assessment of the degree of influence of external factors), reactivity (strength of an instant reaction to a stimulus), activity, the ratio of the last 2 moments, as well as flexibility, rate of reactions (including the rate of speech and gestures), emotional excitability and extra or introversion.
  • The expression "temperamental person" in society is understood as a special type of character that reacts sharply to everything, gets started with one word. Moreover, such a label can be hung with both benevolent and negative colors.

If you look back at the traditional classification of psychologists, a temperamental girl is a "choleric". Such a woman is characterized by activity, high dynamics of speech, quick response to stimuli and external factors, efficiency, energy, low sensitivity. But at the same time, she is extremely impatient, sometimes not restrained, quick-tempered, speaks before she thinks, can be harsh. She has a wide range of interests, but she does not go far in any of them, endlessly changing the field of activity.

Male gaze

If we talk not about dry scientific definitions, but about how they are interpreted and modified in ordinary life, then the male point of view deserves special attention. Often they share a slightly different feminine temperament for themselves, primarily assessing the girl's attitude to the male sex as a whole, her availability, behavior in a force majeure situation, and sociability. How to add up of these parameters for yourself, what kind of temperamental woman she is?

  • Likes to be in a male company, willingly communicates with representatives of the opposite sex. Important: does not flirt with everyone in search of a sexual partner or life partner, but shows sympathy and friendly interest.
  • Smiling, open to contact. A woman who does not lower the mask of seriousness will be perceived as closed, distant, and is unlikely to arouse interest.
  • Flirts, is embarrassed, is not afraid to laugh at himself - i.e. alive, not pretended.
  • Impulsive, prone to momentary weakness, easily agrees to adventures, does not get lost in a force majeure situation.
  • Appreciates physical contact and the intimate side of relationships, is uninhibited in bed. It is worth emphasizing here that we are not talking about promiscuity, but about getting pleasure from sex and the desire to deliver it to your partner. Often, such girls act as an initiator, an experimenter. Sexual position is one of the components, but not the only defining moment.

A woman's temperament, her love mood is a thing that is not fully understood and not explained, which psychologists around the world do not tire of being amazed at. And it is no coincidence that a woman's temperament is regarded as one of the most mysterious phenomena in nature, however, like a woman herself. And indeed, speaking on this topic, which is far from always unambiguous, men, as a rule, mean a woman's temperament during intimacy, love passion and attraction. In fact, this subject is much broader and is not limited to only one area of ​​our existence. This concept often includes such aspects as the lust for life, the ability to enjoy every day, strive for the best and want a lot in life.

Naturally, both love and ardor of feelings also fall into this category, thereby making up an unforgettable, unusually attractive female image. A lot has been said about female temperament, and even more - about the often deceptive impression that other ladies create.

Hence the well-known proverb: "In the still waters there are devils." Often, a cursory glance is not at all enough to determine how passionate and temperamental nature is hidden under the shell of external melancholy and poise.

In fact, temperament is a fickle quantity. She can be completely absent from a woman exactly until real love or an ardent interest in some subject appears in her life - career, science, business, hobby.

And “wake up” such a woman can only be done by the one whom she really loves, while continuing to remain indifferent to people and events of little interest to her.

And even the most peaceful housewife will suddenly turn out to be a passionate tigress in everything that concerns her personal interest and aspirations.

Thus, it turns out that, most likely, non-temperamental women do not exist at all in the world?

So, meeting a phlegmatic and inactive person on her way, we can assume that her feminine temperament is only "sleeping" so far.

And it is not at all necessary that a woman who has lost interest in life, who day by day overcomes the annoying ordinariness of everyday life, is completely devoid of inner fire, optimism and irrepressible energy. Such women are immensely sorry, but it is quite possible that suddenly finding a purpose in life or love, they will change, and their feelings will heighten.

What then can we say about women whom we consider to be temperamental from birth. Burning brunettes and red-haired beasts, bravely throwing themselves into the whirlpool of events, playing a fatal role in the life of most men - such persons are naturally endowed with a temperament, which, however, may well turn out to be ostentatious.

And it’s probably just heightened emotionality, exaltation of feelings, which we just got used to taking for true passion. And most of all, the man who, under an ardent and hot shell, suddenly discovers a banal feminine fearfulness, notoriousness and restraint, will be disappointed.

And it turns out that for any representative of the stronger sex, an eternal seeker in the beautiful Lady of riddles and mysterious magic, it is much easier to be in captivity of a calm and outwardly balanced woman, in whose soul volcanoes invisible to the outside eye are bubbling than too obviously temperamental person