How to invite a girl to walk in VK for the first time and where is it better to go? How beautiful it is to invite a girl on a date: successful phrases

The strong half of humanity on the eve of a date is no less worried than the girls. Realizing the responsibility of the moment, many do not dare to invite on a date the one they feel sympathy for, hesitate, think, choose the right words. Especially when the girl sunk into the soul so much, and I want to not only invite her for a walk, but to see her as my wife. Fear of rejection gives rise to doubts: what is the right thing to do so that the girl accepts the offer to meet - call her, write SMS or limit yourself to a delicate message on VK, and when is it better to do this.

There is no single, one hundred percent “working” phrase or single approach that will ensure success, however, there are certain general principles that will help make the invitation original and properly prepare for a conversation with a girl:

  1. First of all, the invitation must be original. With the help of a non-standard approach, you can make it clear to the girl that she is dealing with an outstanding, interesting and cheerful man, with whom it will not be boring to spend the evening.
  2. You need the right situation and environment for the conversation:
    • the absence of curious “ears” on both sides;
    • adequate call time (not early in the morning, when the girl can still sleep and answer "on the machine", not understanding even half of what she hears on the phone);
    • the absence of extraneous noise, various distractions (a girl can ride in transport, stand in line at a store, walk along a noisy avenue, etc.).
  3. The girl should not just be called to a meeting, but interested: invited to the cinema for the film she is waiting for, to a concert, to a cafe with her favorite cuisine, to a skating rink, if she loves this type of entertainment.
  4. The time and place must be clearly marked. “Maybe we’ll go somewhere, take a walk?” - worthy of the same answer as the voiced proposal.
  5. You need to make sure the girl knows how to get to the meeting point.
  6. You should not say directly that this is a date, using exactly this wording (so as not to frighten the girl with too fast development of events), but come up with some more veiled reason and phrases:
    • "I have a surprise for you. I know one amazing place that you will certainly like because of your subtle mental organization. Let's go?"
    • “Going to the skating rink on Sunday? I promise you will laugh at my clumsiness, but I will try."
    • “Do you know who will perform at the bottom of the city? Your favorite "Quest Pistols"! I hope you don't mind if I keep you company?"
    • “I know a great place where they make absolutely divine hot chocolate. You must try this. Shall we have a sweet tooth day?
    • “I want to ask you for a small favor. Friends invited to the celebration, and you need to choose a butterfly, can you help me? And then we’ll go for a walk and eat ice cream.”
  7. A man should radiate calmness and confidence (do not mumble, voice the invitation rather in an affirmative form than in an interrogative one).
  8. You should not be dumbfounded immediately, after a greeting, with an offer to meet: it is better to first clarify whether it is convenient for the girl to talk, chat a little, and only then move on to the main thing.
  9. It is necessary to prepare fallback options if the girl says that she cannot meet on the proposed day and time, and immediately determine the date of the meeting. “Well, then we’ll call you / then we’ll agree / then somehow,” is a question postponed until never. It is necessary to specifically decide on which day the girl will be able to set aside time for the meeting, and first remind her of this promise.
  10. If the girl does not directly refuse, but comes up with excuses one by one for the umpteenth time, but still is of irresistible interest, you can turn to a sense of humor and still “pull out” her: “Well, you have a busy schedule, you always busy that she has already refused to meet with me 4 times. Maybe you will agree for a change?
  11. After the conversation, the girl should have a more or less clear idea where she is invited - so that her outfit matches the place and atmosphere (this is especially true for various options for active leisure, walking around the city - not knowing the upcoming cultural program, the girl can come in heels).

The best option for an invitation is personal communication, but this is not always possible. If a guy and a girl are neighbors, work colleagues, classmates, then it is better to give preference to just such a dialogue option. Eye contact and non-verbal cues will help you understand each other better and increase the chances that the girl will agree.

How to invite a girl on a date on the phone

An invitation to a date over the phone has its pros and cons. It’s more effective to get agreement over the phone than when exchanging SMS or messages on VK: the girl doesn’t have time to think, to come up with excuses and circumstances why she can’t - which means there are more chances that she will accept the offer. If a guy has a pleasant timbre of voice, a call is an ideal option to awaken romantic moods and anticipation of a meeting in a girl’s soul.

Women are characterized by irrational actions and feelings - they can fall in love with only one voice and go crazy from this sound.

Another advantage of a telephone conversation is that it is much easier to accept the rejection - the girl will not see a frustrated expression on her face and an extinct look.

If the lady, according to her, has a busy schedule, but there was no direct refusal to meet, you can send some cool, intriguing SMS some time after the conversation, start a correspondence. This will help "warm up" her interest, and for sure next time she will more willingly agree to take a walk.

How to invite a girl on a date on Vkontakte

When communicating on VK or exchanging SMS, a girl has more ways to retreat. She may corny not respond to the message, leave it unread and, as they say, there is no person - there is no problem. Therefore, when texting on Vkontakte, you need to show a lot of ingenuity, a sense of humor and originality in order to interest her and achieve a positive response. If a man has creative abilities and is “friends” with rhyme, you can try to compose a beautiful message in verse, slightly romantic or humorous. The girl will first of all appreciate not the perfection of the style, but the unusual approach and the fact that the verse is not from the Internet, but is dedicated specifically to her:

I got into trouble:

Lost peace and sleep

So somehow it happened -

I have been invited to the banquet.

Where to go, I do not understand

I'm not good at clothes

I only rely on you

Help me choose a style.

Bow tie and shirt

I have to go buy

Tomorrow! Station "Daisies"!

I'm due at six to ten.

The girl will surely react positively to such a comic message, will gladly help with the purchase (you can ask for help in choosing a gift, etc.) and accept the invitation to take a walk.

However, Internet communication, in addition to the ability to chat easily and cheerfully, is fraught with some pitfalls: people do not see each other, so they may not always correctly interpret the interlocutor's emotions, his mood, feelings and experiences, which greatly complicates communication. Communication in VK, especially from fake pages, is perceived by some girls as the presence of a skeleton in a man’s closet in the form of a girlfriend or wife, and therefore they often respond with a refusal.

Vkontakte invitations are suitable for those cases when the guy is not familiar with the girl he likes or he does not have her phone number. To start a conversation and get a chance to meet her “in real life”, you can use the whole arsenal of amenities: compliments, postcards with bouquets, poems, or just an original text that will make her heart melt.

Romantic walks under the moonlight, going to the movies or cafes, timid hugs and kisses - this is what many loving couples remember with rapture over time. Probably, all young people remember very well the exciting feeling experienced before inviting a girl on a date. Our simple tips will help you take the first step towards rapprochement in an original way and without getting rejected.

How not to get rejected: beautiful ways to ask on a date

Being timid before asking a girl out on a first date is normal. And if you feel awkward before starting a relationship with the opposite sex, you should not reproach yourself. Not all ladies like self-confident gentlemen. Following popular recommendations, your meeting proposal will not go unnoticed:

  1. Pick the right moment to talk. Observe the behavior of the girl you like. Is she upset about something? All people have daily tasks, worries, problems at work, etc., so you should not plan a pleasant evening together in the middle of the week. To make it difficult for you to refuse, make an appointment at the end of the working week or on the weekend.
  2. Think over your phrases before asking a girl out on a date. Do not give an official tone to the invitation. Some of the fair sex may be confused by the seriousness of your intentions if they do not yet consider you as a partner. A non-binding walk will be regarded differently.
  3. Make eye contact with the girl. Your gaze should be friendly and soft. Keep your distance while not violating the girl's personal space. Watch how she reacts to your direct gaze. If he smiles embarrassedly or tries to look away, this means that you have a chance.
  4. A confident low voice will give you courage. You can practice in front of a mirror at home and choose the optimal intonation.
  5. It is best to voice the invitation in a calm, relaxed atmosphere in private, so that no one interferes. Otherwise, it may confuse both of you.

“How to invite a girl on a date so that she can’t refuse? What words to choose? is a question that is relevant for many young people.

Brave guys who want to develop relationships should not forget that all girls love surprises. That is, the invitation should be beaten and behave in an original way. If you already know a little, then try to predict what exactly will please her. Consider the interests of the girl. Intrigue her with your proposal, let her be interested in what you have in mind.

Thus, in order to beautifully invite a girl to take a walk, you have to show imagination. If you find it difficult to do this, then you can use the following examples of phrases:

  1. “I want to invite you to meet the sunset in the most beautiful place on earth. I love being there and I want you to see it.”
  2. “Hi, I have a great offer. The stadium is flooded with a skating rink. Maybe we’ll go for a walk, at the same time we’ll try to learn how to ride?
  3. “I know one very beautiful place that such an attractive girl like you should definitely visit. Agree, it will be interesting.
  4. “Hi, I have a great idea how to spend the weekend. I'm going to learn how to ride horses. Maybe we can try together?
  5. “Hi (name of the girl), (name of the group) will perform today, I have two tickets, can you keep me company?”.
  6. “I know a great way to relax. A new interesting film came out in the cinema, I heard a lot of good reviews about it. Maybe we can watch together?

The following tips will help you correctly invite a girl on a date:

  • be tactful and gallant;
  • smile;
  • let the lady know that you are interested in her;
  • prepare witty answers in case of a possible rejection.

Having shown ingenuity and resourcefulness, you will definitely achieve the location of the person you like.

Invitation to a date by phone or social network

If it is not possible to personally invite a girl on a date or you are just shy, then by phone it can be done beautifully and in an original way. . Moreover, by the voice of the chosen one, it is easy to determine her reaction to the invitation and attitude towards you. Keep the following in mind when speaking:

  1. Speak confidently and without unnecessary pathos so that the girl does not regard your call as a joke.
  2. Speak clearly, don't beat around the bush. Just feel free to invite her.
  3. Do not make long pauses in the conversation so that the awkward silence does not drag on.
  4. Do not use slang and jargon, these words sound unpleasant in speech.

Be friendly and unobtrusive so that your dialogue acquires ease and ease.

During a conversation, think less about how to properly invite a girl to take a walk, just be inventive and resourceful. For example, ask her about her tastes: “Do you like ice cream? I know a beautiful place where it is decorated so beautifully. I only tried this when I was a kid."

Offers to look at the stars together or walk around the city at night will help to add romance to your image, unless, of course, she does not mind.

You can also invite a girl on a date by SMS. If you do this immediately after a personal meeting, such a sentence will look very touching: “After I saw you, all the words evaporated in my head. I want to invite you for a walk, I really hope that you will agree. Or please her with a nice picture with an unambiguous caption "Let's go somewhere?". She will definitely be very pleased.

In addition, now it has become popular to invite girls on a date through social networks such as VKontakte or Odnoklassniki. During a virtual conversation, the girl will not notice your excitement, but at the same time hide her embarrassment about this. Try to behave with maximum correctness during correspondence, so that the chosen one does not consider you unceremonious. Start a conversation from afar. Be sure to ask at the beginning of the dialogue her plans. So you can understand whether the interlocutor will have free time today. Chat on abstract topics, and then ask a direct question: “It’s very fun to chat with you, maybe we’ll talk in reality? Let's go somewhere together, I want to get to know you better. No matter where, I'm sure it will be interesting with you everywhere.

Try to make the invitation unobtrusive and at the same time unexpected. For example, on the morning of the weekend, write her a message: “Good morning, (name of the girl). Did you wake up yet? To make the day successful, I suggest to cheer up and taste a cup of aromatic coffee. What do you think about that?".

If your passion is not easy to rise, show moderate perseverance: “Stop sitting at home, then I invite you to dinner. I know a great restaurant where they cook amazing (specify a dish).”

Most likely, the girl will be flattered by your attention and will definitely agree to take a walk.

If you really like a girl, do not delay the correspondence with her, go to action. Long virtual communication can be regarded as a reluctance on the part of the young man to move on to the next stage of the relationship.

Your originality will definitely be appreciated. Using simple recommendations on how to beautifully call a girl on a date, you will definitely achieve her disposition and a positive response. Good luck!

How to invite a girl on a date - 3 most common ways

How to invite a girl on a date: step by step instructions

- How to invite a girl on a date: step by step instructions
- 3 most common ways to invite a girl to a meeting
Method number 1. By phone
Method number 2. In social networks
Method number 3. In person
- Principles that will increase the chances of a date with a girl
- Conclusion

Step one.
Think of at least 2 places where you would like to go with this girl. It can be a cafe, an exhibition, a walk in the park, a trip to some event. Of course, it is better if it is something interesting, and not a banal cafe, but if you can’t think of such a place, the cafe will do. Remember that it is the company that paints the place.

Step two.
Think of a place and time to meet. To get to the exhibition, it is better to meet at the nearest metro or in the square near the famous monument. Speak to yourself a description of the landmarks: how will you explain to the girl exactly where and what time you are meeting.

Step three.
Sell ​​your meeting with her. Say out loud a phrase for 30 seconds that will interest her and help you get her consent to a date. Say this phrase several times about each of these two places, soon you will be saying the same thing to her.

Now boldly call her and offer to meet. The sooner you do this, the more likely it is that she will agree. Talk to her for a minute, find out how she's doing. Then boldly offer your first prepared option (place 1, time 1). If she is uncomfortable or not interested, you have a fallback option (place 2, time 2). If that doesn't work, say goodbye and call her in a week.

3 most common ways to invite a girl to a meeting

Method number 1. By phone.

An invitation to a date over the phone has its pros and cons. It’s more effective to get agreement over the phone than when exchanging SMS or messages on VK: the girl doesn’t have time to think, to come up with excuses and circumstances why she can’t - which means there are more chances that she will accept the offer. If a guy has a pleasant timbre of voice, a call is an ideal option to awaken romantic moods and anticipation of a meeting in a girl’s soul.

Another advantage of a telephone conversation is that she will not see your face, which means she will not understand that you are blushing, turning pale and terribly embarrassed.

Do not start from the very first minutes rattling about the fact that you want to meet her. Start with questions about how she is doing, what she did today. Gradually move on to finding out the young lady's plans for the day when you planned a date.

In no case, if you want to invite a girl on a date by SMS, you should not be afraid of rejections and defeats. It is never unnecessary to give up on your set goal. And girls' refusals can be a simple test of a guy's strength. Since all girls love strong and brave guys, and if you pass their test and do not give up, then you will achieve great success and experience in relationships.

You don't see her, she doesn't see you and your embarrassed face, she doesn't hear your stammering voice.

The written text of the invitation, before you sent it, of course, you can correct and bring it to perfection as many times as you like.
In general, a great way, perfect for young guys.

However, there are also disadvantages here. When communicating on VK or exchanging SMS, a girl has more ways to retreat. She may corny not respond to the message, leave it unread and, as they say, there is no person - there is no problem. Therefore, when texting on Vkontakte, you need to show a lot of ingenuity, a sense of humor and originality in order to interest her and achieve a positive response.

If a man has creative abilities and is “friends” with rhyme, you can try to compose a beautiful message in verse, slightly romantic or humorous. The girl will first of all appreciate not the perfection of the style, but the unusual approach and the fact that the verse is not from the Internet, but is dedicated specifically to her.

To get the girl's consent, come up with some kind of non-banal invitation text.

If you impress a girl with a creative, romantic and competent invitation, then she will definitely agree to go with you to a meeting.

Method number 3. In person.

This is very difficult, because you can no longer hide behind a telephone receiver or a computer monitor - all your emotions and fears will be visible to the girl.

And yet, you should not be afraid to invite a girl on a date in person, for example, by going to her on the street.

This method allows you to take advantage of:

  • Smile.
    If you have a beautiful smile, healthy teeth and a pleasant smell from your mouth, then you simply have to demonstrate all this to the young lady you are approaching.
  • Sight.
    Practice looking at the interlocutor captivatingly, envelopingly, sexually, promising her eternal happiness with a glance. Look in the mirror how you look.
  • Appearance.
    Not only men love with their eyes, ladies also prefer handsome men, rather than unkempt scarecrows.

If you are a handsome person, then your chances of getting a positive answer will increase.

Principles that will increase the chances of a date with a girl

There is no single, one hundred percent “working” phrase or single approach that will ensure success, however, there are certain general principles that will help make the invitation original and properly prepare for a conversation with a girl:

1. First of all, the invitation must be original. With the help of a non-standard approach, you can make it clear to the girl that she is dealing with an outstanding, interesting and cheerful man, with whom it will not be boring to spend the evening.

3. The girl should not just be called to a meeting, but interested: invited to the cinema for the film she is waiting for, to a concert, to a cafe with her favorite cuisine.

4. It is necessary to clearly indicate the time and place.

5. Make sure the girl knows how to get to the meeting point.

6. You should not say directly that this is a date, using this particular wording, but come up with some more veiled reason and phrases.

"I have a surprise for you. I know one amazing place that you will certainly like because of your subtle mental organization. Let's go?"

7. A man should radiate calmness and confidence.

8. You should not be dumbfounded immediately, after a greeting, with an offer to meet: it is better to first clarify whether it is convenient for the girl to talk, chat a little, and only then move on to the main thing.

9. It is necessary to prepare fallback options if the girl says that she cannot meet on the proposed day and time, and immediately determine the date of the meeting. It is necessary to specifically decide on which day the girl will be able to set aside time for the meeting, and first remind her of this promise.

10. If a girl does not directly refuse, but comes up with excuses one by one for the umpteenth time, but still is of irresistible interest, you can turn to a sense of humor and still “pull out” her: “Well, you have a busy schedule, you are all time is so busy that she has already refused to meet with me 4 times. Maybe you will agree for a change?

11. After the conversation, the girl should have a more or less clear idea where she is invited - so that her outfit matches the place and setting.

The best option for an invitation is personal communication, but this is not always possible. If a guy and a girl are neighbors, work colleagues, classmates, then it is better to give preference to just such a dialogue option. Eye contact and non-verbal cues will help you understand each other better and increase the chances that the girl will agree.


Many men are hesitant to ask a girl they have feelings for on a date. Especially if they want to see her as their wife. The fear of rejection gives rise to doubts in their soul: what to do so that she agrees to a date - call, write VK or send SMS, and what time is best to do this.

I think I will not be mistaken if I say that the question "How to invite a girl on a date?" has long been interested in the male half of humanity. This question remains relevant to this day. The thing is that not many guys know how to invite a girl to agree to a date.

First of all, you should start by choosing the girl you want to date. Then you need to decide why you want to ask her out on a date. Thus, it will be easier for you to work out your next steps. And this article will certainly help you with this.

The material was prepared by Dilyara specifically for the site


Remember that the content of the letter should be in harmony with its design, unless your idea implies otherwise.

Unusual delivery to add originality to your letter. Beat this important point, depending on the content of the letter and who the addressee is.

The letter can be delivered by a special courier who will sing a song while handing it, tell a funny story or be dressed unusually.

You can hide the letter in a certain place, and send riddles to the addressee. Solving each of them, he will approach the message.

Your task in organizing delivery is the addressee in the right way.

The moment when you propose to the girl you love to connect your lives should be special. Make it memorable using original ideas and finds.

You will need

  • Ring.


Some girls love traditional proposals, which they constantly see in films, and dream of being in the place of heroines. Invite your beloved to a restaurant, ask the musicians to play your favorite song. After that, kneel in front of her, take her hand and say touching words about your feelings. Ask her to marry you and when she agrees, put on the ring and kiss.

If you are an actor, a musician, a person who has access to the stage, ask for her hand in public. Invite her to a concert, and at the end of the performance, ask the audience for attention. If possible, shine a spotlight on her so that everyone knows who your words are intended for. Confess your love from the stage, tell about your feelings, then go down, approach her, kneel down and ask to be your wife. It is desirable that at this moment the microphone is in your hands.

Surprise a sentimental girl by giving her a photo album of your relationship. Gather photographs showing the development of your feelings. If there are no photos, try to draw stories. For each illustration, make an original caption that will clarify the event. At the end of the story, attach a photo of the ring and a cherished question.

Get out with your beloved on the river or seashore and propose there. Pre-put a leaf with a declaration of love and a ring in the bottle. Fix the vessel on the shore in the water and, when you walk, pay attention to this. Let the lady open the bottle so that she herself reads the message and speaks of her decision.

Consider the interests and hobbies of your girlfriend. If she likes extreme sports, take advantage of this and link the sentence to the appropriate activity. For example, jump down with a parachute, and on the way to the ground, confess your love and ask her arms. Present the ring on the ground so as not to accidentally drop it during the flight.

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People have different temperaments and types of characters. There are very positive and cheerful people who will seem like a fairy tale to date, anywhere. But, besides such people, there are also bores who are difficult to please with anything.

Unexpected Trouble

In life, sometimes it happens like this: you get to know a person, with him, he seems to have a pleasant appearance, and he is a good person. But suddenly one day it turns out that he is a terrible bore. What to do in this case? And abruptly stopping communication will not be too beautiful, and it is very difficult to communicate with him. He is constantly dissatisfied with something, and "drips on the brain." A person, even with iron patience, can break loose and say nasty things in the direction of a newly-made bore friend. You need to have a great imagination in order to somehow entertain the bore and have a good time in his company. It is worth going through all the options first before deciding to take the first step.

Often you want to quit everything and stop communicating with this person, but something stops you, either affection, or feelings that have already flared up.

It is impossible to remake a person, especially a bore, but you can get used to any character, if only there is a desire. To impress a bore, you need to invite him on a date and not once reproach him for being boring. But where to invite a person who is always dissatisfied with something and with whom, in fact, it is not easy to talk? This issue must be taken very seriously.

A wise decision

A person with whom it is not possible to talk about something can be invited somewhere where it is not necessary to talk at all. For example, cinema is a place where there is no need to have a conversation. But patience will be needed after the session. After all, after watching the movie, you need to go to a cafe, drink coffee and discuss the movie. Here the bore will express everything he wanted to say. But while watching, he will most likely be silent and these will be the most beautiful moments of the whole date.

You can also invite a bore to the pool, it will turn out, firstly, very unusual, and besides, he will be busy and will not be able to get bored.

But there is a nuance, if the bore does not know how to swim, you are unlikely to be able to arrange a date in this particular place.

Going to the ski base will be a winning date. If your boring friend loves skiing, your date will be a hit. And you can have a good time and everyone will be happy. Skiing on the slopes, there will be no time for talking, and not everyone wants to spend energy.

In general, there are no special places for bores, of course. But there is always a way out. You can go with a bore to any place where you need to move a lot and talk less, or where you can’t talk at all - a cinema, a philharmonic society, an opera, a theater. Not bad to spend time, even with a bore, you can on the rink. If he does not know how to skate, this will be an excellent opportunity to teach him how to skate, and, perhaps, if the bore likes it, you can even get his gratitude in return and less boring conversations.

Appointing a meeting has become so familiar and banal that many treat it with a degree of disdain. But the invitation is the first step towards a relationship. Therefore, you need to think about how to originally call your new friend on a date.

You will need

  • - the envelope;
  • - paper;
  • - the Internet;
  • - flowers;
  • - card.


Use extraordinary means. This includes regular paper letters. How long ago was the last time you received a message in this way? The effect of surprise can have a positive effect on your future relationship. To make sure that your letter does not get lost in the mail, put the envelope in the mailbox yourself. However, there will be no postage stamps on it, which can spoil the idea a little.

If you want to do everything perfectly, then do not indicate the exact date of the meeting in the letter. Let your chosen one decide for herself when the date will take place. After such an invitation, most likely, her answer will not be long in coming.

Ask acquaintances or friends to invite your chosen one on your behalf. However, this should not be seen as cowardice or indecision on your part. Plan in advance how the invitation will be carried out. For example, you can call, introduce yourself as an employee of some service and convince her that by going to a meeting with you, she will solve a global problem. If you consider yourself a sensitive person, you can think of something more romantic.

Use social networks. However, sending a message with a proposal to meet the original is difficult to call. But things change radically if your girlfriend receives a similar invitation from completely different people, convincing her that she should meet with you. This is easy to do by asking your friends registered on social networks to help you. If there are no volunteers, ask for the support of a variety of groups dedicated to love and relationships.

Use the most banal way to meet. A card and a large bouquet of roses sent to work are sure to impress her. Unfortunately, not many men use this method, and therefore, in reality, it becomes original.

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  • how to invite a girl to meet in verse in 2019

There are a lot of questions and answers around dating, but how to invite a girl to your date with her - we will find out today! But stop, first things first! Do not be afraid of such an abundant amount of "How ?!" In fact, the truth is nearby, I would even say “within you”!

A huge number of pretty girls are waiting for the prince, and it may well be you!

Good advice from Pasha - the first date is almost in your hands:

  • Hello! Tell me how to have fun? Came to a friend, but he has things to do. Keep me company tonight!
  • Oh sorry, when will you be free? I want to have dinner with you, give me the number - I'll call!

In fact, girls love it when they ask their competent opinion, it should not be difficult to come up with a question.

  • You have a great walk! Let me take you, and will you show me a good cafe in the evening?
  • Hello! It's my "Birthday" tomorrow, let's have a cocktail with you?

Everything ingenious is simple, and be sure - this is exactly where you can start your acquaintance

In the park:(or wherever you happen to be)

  • Listen why are you alone. Join me for dinner! I treat =)

But before you start making acquaintances, you need to be able to create and maintain a conversation!

Girls love to talk, much less often - to listen. They love the active attention of the interlocutor.

Starting from asking in the area in which she specializes and ending with advice on your plans. In communication, the communication itself is not so important, but how it takes place.

2. Body language

If you didn't know this existed, now you know. You know that your timidity and tightness all these years did not pass without a trace, but were expressed and expressed in you constantly.

Shot from the film “This Stupid Love” - Be sure to watch!

Do not think that this is a physical problem, on the contrary - metaphysics! If you are an insecure and notorious young man about yourself, then no physical changes will do any good. Love yourself the way you are! You've heard it before, so let's hear it again!

Take care of yourself, your state of mind and remember that nothing in this world is worthy of your experiences. Be more confident in yourself, but do not allow too much (this line is not so difficult to find) and changes will begin.

The main way to overcome insecurity is a gym: a boxing section or just athletics, but sports treat a lot of mental problems and shortcomings in general.

3. Phone call - 6 rules of communication

But what if you can only rely on yourself? No hairstyles and expensive wardrobe, you can’t see it!

There is a separate method. It is not difficult and, like everything else, requires practice:

  1. Be smart
  2. concrete,
  3. speak easily and in high spirits.
  4. The girl should feel your smile.
  5. Stay a man on the phone, don't give a girl a reason to think that you're running after her.
  6. Speak unobtrusively, gradually leading to the desired result - a meeting.

Correct example:

  • Listen, how about we continue our conversation tomorrow at 18:00? I think that I will be free already, however, if it does not work out, we will reschedule.

It's the most important! Give her a reason to be nervous, say so. Let her know her place, and don't expect feedback from you 24/7

An example of what not to do:

  • Hello, you know that, and maybe continue our conversation, let's say tomorrow, well, at 7 pm, what do you think, you can come?

The difference is obvious, she sees how dependent you are on her decision, how weak you are and you are unlikely to continue

How to invite on social networks?

This is one of the easiest ways. Here you allow her to know yourself exactly as much as you want. You are not seen or even heard, you cannot even feel the body language, so all that is required is competently and interestingly for the interlocutor to conduct a dialogue. But the chances of agreement are very low!

Compliments are especially pleasant to the opposite sex (she probably has a lot of photos), but you should not overdo it either. It should be sincere and in no way should it seem flattery.

Support your words with funny pictures or photos. No need to load the girl with smart and philosophical conversations, be lighter and simpler. But remember to prepare!

Where is the best place to have a first date?

The best options would be: cafe, bowling, walk, hookah. You don’t need a lot of pretentiousness, you should fall in love not for money, but for originality and positive traits.

In the end, when a pleasant evening comes to an end, you must make a new date. Tell:

  • It was nice, we had a good time, we will need to meet again. I'll call!

Does appearance matter?

Here we can safely say - no! Of course, this will give chances, but if you have the qualities listed above, then this is all that is required. Of course, no one canceled self-care!

Facial expressions and gestures:

  • Smile. Try to smile more often, while watching how “neatly” you laugh. Excessive laughter is not pleasant.
  • Sight. He should be kind, gentle and bewitching your lady. You don't have to stare at her. When talking, you need to look into the eyes.
  • Arms. Do not make sudden and rough movements. Do not allow too much and forget for a while about touching. It's too early for touches, but don't be afraid, you will feel that it's time when the time comes.


Also a good and more productive way to communicate is to act as a lecturer. Give the girl the bait to talk, draw her attention to your words, and answer her questions as much as possible. It can be anything, it does not have to be limited to routine problems.

Less excitement, don't be afraid to sound stupid or not good enough for her. Relax, only YOU are worthy to be with her.

Good advice from a beautiful girl, look at what the opposite sex reacts to: