Paid social assistance to pensioners at home. They are given the right. Eastern administrative district

One of the most important functions of the state system is to support people who are unable to solve their problems on their own. This is needed by lonely elderly citizens, low-income families, orphans and others. Law No. 178-FZ of July 17, 1999 enshrines the right of any person to apply to state social security agencies for help.

Depending on the situation and income, it will be provided on a paid or free basis. So, social assistance at home for the elderly in most cases is provided without charging money.

To become a recipient of social services, a citizen is obliged to independently apply to a state agency and provide documents confirming the status.

What is included in social assistance

The elderly are supported through specialized institutions - territorial centers. The amount and type of services depends on the needs of the applicant. In particular, poor people can count on the following gratuitous services:

  • home care;
  • inpatient care in boarding houses, boarding schools and other specialized institutions;
  • urgent support measures of a one-time nature;
  • getting advice;
  • otherwise.

New methods of state social policy are built on the principle of comprehensive service. In practice, this means that the client of the social center must receive all possible types of support from a specialist:

  • household (if necessary);
  • on interaction with government agencies;
  • for medical care;
  • for employment;
  • in solving psychological problems.

Moreover, the person served at the first stage should only interact with the social worker. The latter becomes a personal assistant for an elderly citizen in solving various problems. To organize such a large work it is necessary:

  • train social workers;
  • create powerful support centers (the problems of the persons served are very diverse);
  • establish interaction of social workers with other state services and institutions.
Hint: at the local level, territorial centers interact closely with local administrations and self-government bodies.

What services are available to retirees?

The amount of assistance to a person in need is determined based on the needs. For example, if a lonely person is very sick, then he needs to bring food, clean up, escort him to the clinic, and more. The recipient can count on the following maximum amount of assistance:

  • support in domestic matters:
    • cooking food;
    • purchase of products and essential goods (including medicines);
    • organization of leisure;
    • residential cleaning;
    • washing clothes;
    • carrying out cosmetic repairs;
  • furnace firebox (if there is no central heating);
  • supply of drinking water in the absence of running water;
  • payment of utilities and other bills;
  • doctor's call;
  • escort to places of rest;
  • otherwise.
Important: the social worker makes purchases and pays bills at the expense of the person served.

Disabled people are given special attention. After all, these people are often not able to carry out hygiene procedures on their own. They are supported by a social worker.

His responsibilities include the following:

  • accompanying the ward to the medical facility;
  • carrying out hygiene and other procedures;
  • support during the passage of medical and social examination, including the collection and submission of necessary documents;
  • legal advice.

Who cares about pensioners

Social service centers operate in municipalities. There may be several, including:

  • municipal;
  • private.

According to the new rules, the function of caring for the elderly can be transferred to a specialized enterprise or individual entrepreneur. Such structures are financed from the budget. Therefore, their activities must be licensed. As a rule, a list of structures providing support to those in need is posted on the official portal of the municipality.

By law, the responsibility for organizing support for people in need has been transferred to regional authorities. Consequently, each subject of the federation solves organizational issues in its own way.

For information: a needy citizen can obtain the necessary information in:

  • social protection;
  • multifunctional center.

Provision procedure

The procedure for formalizing cooperation in order to provide / receive social assistance is described in Article 8.1 of Law No. 178-FZ of July 17, 1999. There is a contract between the parties. The document describes the following important points:

  • validity period (from three months to a year);
  • list of services and their scope;
  • preferred result;
  • rights and obligations of the parties;
  • order of changes;
  • grounds for termination.

The initiative to draw up an agreement belongs to the citizen. The applicant for social assistance must independently declare this in writing. The state body was given ten days to make a decision. If an additional examination of the applicant's living conditions is necessary, the answer is provided in a month.

Hint: the answer to the application will come:

  • generally after 10 days;
  • in some situations - in a month.

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To whom services are provided

An enterprise providing social services is given the right to choose applicants by law.
So, in a mandatory order, people of retirement age are subject to service:

  • women who celebrated their 55th anniversary;
  • men after 60 years;
  • disabled people of all ages.
For information: orphans, low-income families in a difficult situation, wards and guardians, and other categories of citizens can also apply for social support.

Who will be denied

The law allows not to provide social support to persons potentially dangerous to the health of others. In general, these include:

  • mental patients prone to aggressive behavior;
  • people suffering:
    • contagious diseases, including venereal;
    • tuberculosis of an open form;
  • addicted:
    • alcoholic;
    • narcotic.
Hint: in the absence of free employees, the company may also refuse to provide social support to the applicant.

Special cases

Law No. 122 contains a provision that allows the placement of an elderly person in a stationary institution. The procedure for making such a decision is as follows:

  • if a person is single, then it is required:
    • his written consent;
    • or a court decision;
  • if he has relatives, then consent is taken from the latter.
Hint: people who are not able to:
  • move independently;
  • take care of yourself.
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Rules for drawing up a social contract

The law provides for the drawing up of an agreement between the social service and the recipient of services. The algorithm for generating document conditions is as follows:

  1. A person writes an application and provides documents confirming the need for third-party care.
  2. The package is transferred to the appropriate institution (depending on regional regulations):
    • department of social protection;
    • territorial or regional complex center.
  3. Documents are considered by the commission. The body has the right:
    • request additional information from a citizen;
    • conduct a survey of living conditions;
    • make a decision on the conclusion of the contract or refusal.
  4. The commission is obliged:
    • develop a program for solving the stated problem;
    • determine the amount of assistance needed;
    • prepare a draft agreement.
Hint: get acquainted with the draft contract:
  • service recipient;
  • social worker taking care of an elderly person.


The contract is drawn up between two parties:

  • an enterprise providing such services;
  • recipient:
    • directly by an elderly person;
    • his loved ones.

By law, the contract is valid until the end of the year. Then a new decision must be made. However, in the case of pensioners, the validity of the document is automatically extended. After all, the problems of the recipient of social assistance will not disappear within one period.

Hint: the decision to extend the social contract is made by the commission. The pensioner does not need to write a new application and collect certificates.

Do I need to pay for services

The law defines that persons with a small monthly income can become recipients of gratuitous social assistance. The income of a family or a single pensioner is compared with the subsistence minimum established for the region of residence. If the pension is less, then no money will be taken from the elderly person.

Reference: the pension allowance of the majority of recipients has been brought up to the subsistence level in the region. Such persons are entitled to social support without charging a fee.

In addition, the social service has no right to take money from other beneficiaries. The complete list is determined by the regional authorities. As a rule, it includes:

  • invalids of the Great Patriotic War;
  • people over the age of 80.

Other recipients of social assistance are required to pay for it. In this case, the amount of payment is prescribed in the contract. Usually, the amount does not exceed 250.0 rubles per month.

List of documents

An applicant for social assistance must submit an application (drawn up on a form with the help of a social worker) and the following documents:

  • passport and its copy;
  • a certificate from the Federal Migration Service on the place of registration (or a document on the ownership of housing);
  • income statement (except pension);
  • document confirming benefits:
    • certificate of participant or invalid of the Great Patriotic War;
    • certificate of disability;
    • other;
  • information from the hospital about the need for rehabilitation (for the disabled).

The representative of the pensioner is obliged to provide the first copy of the power of attorney. In addition, a document confirming family ties is required. For example, a child of a pensioner provides his birth certificate.

Hint: Retirees submit additional income documents. The state agency will take information on the amount of the pension on its own. Other types of income may include:

  • salary;
  • property rental income;
  • royalties and more.

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February 17, 2018, 18:53 Mar 3, 2019 13:39

The most socially unprotected category of citizens are people who are unable to work because of their age, living on social benefits. The question of what benefits are available to single pensioners in Moscow, whether there are other groups that enjoy privileges, worries older people who count every ruble until retirement. Finding this out is not easy, as legislation changes regularly. To determine the amount of social benefits, discounts on utility bills due to individuals receiving an old-age pension, you need to know what benefits are established for pensioners in Moscow in 2018.

What benefits are provided to pensioners in Moscow

The country is aging, the number of pensioners is increasing, the economic crisis, creeping inflation depreciate pension benefits, forcing older people to cut needs to a minimum. Understanding the situation, trying to remedy the situation, the state is introducing a number of measures aimed at supporting the normal standard of living of the elderly. All options for the privileges due are divided into two types - provided at the federal level and sponsored by the local budget. Preferences are divided into several types:

  • tax benefits for pensioners in Moscow;
  • discounts on utility bills;
  • social targeted assistance provided to needy citizens;
  • benefits for the purchase of medicines, trips on intercity, urban transport, the provision of treatment, the purchase of vouchers.

At the federal level

For an elderly person receiving old-age benefits, regardless of place of residence, the state guarantees various types of preferences that can be used if necessary. These include:

  • Cash monthly payments established for certain groups of citizens - heroes of the Great Patriotic War, veterans of the defense of Moscow, military operations.
  • Preferential rights for exemption from certain taxes - on property, personal income tax.
  • Compensation for payments for utilities, contributions for the overhaul of an apartment building.
  • Tax deductions when buying an apartment.
  • Benefits for disabled pensioners in Moscow and other persons for the purchase of expensive medicines according to the approved list of medicines subject to compensation.

Local Benefits

The federal budget cannot bear the burden of fully providing pensioners in need with the required benefits. Some obligations for payments, discounts and benefits to pensioners in Moscow in 2018 were shifted to local authorities, which are obliged to provide the following privileges to needy elderly citizens:

  • targeted social and material assistance;
  • privileges for the payment of transport tax, contributions for a land plot;
  • compensation for the use of a landline telephone;
  • opportunity not to pay for garbage collection;
  • free medical care at home, if health does not allow visiting the clinic;
  • receiving dental care under a social program;
  • a trip once a year to a place of sanatorium-resort rest according to the relevant medical indications.

Legal regulation

Pensioners in Moscow, as well as other subjects of the federation, enjoy the benefits based on the articles of various regulatory documents. Officials rely on the following prescriptions when determining the amount of discounts and cash payments:

  1. Articles 159-160 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, stipulating the receipt of benefits for payment of housing and communal services.
  2. Decree of the Government of Russia dated July 17, 1995 No. No. 710, stipulating the rules for providing preferential medical care to pensioners.
  3. Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia No. 225 dated November 22, 2004, establishing the rules for preferential receipt of medicines.
  4. Letter of the social insurance fund No. 07 44SHSH dated February 9, 1996, providing benefits for the treatment of war veterans.
  5. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 14, 2005 No. under No. 761, which provides for benefits for paying utility bills and other payments for housing.

What are the benefits for pensioners in Moscow in 2018

Residents of the capital who receive state old-age pension benefits enjoy extensive privileges. These include:

  • tax incentives;
  • deductions for property tax when acquiring real estate;
  • cash monthly and lump-sum payments provided to needy individuals whose minimum income “does not reach” the subsistence level in Moscow;
  • compensation for utilities, gasification, major repairs;
  • free or subsidized medicines;
  • medical care, including dental services, compensation for rehabilitation facilities, travel to the place of sanatorium treatment.

Tax preferences

Retirees are exempt from certain taxes. Benefits are given for the following types of tax payments:

  • Tax on immovable property owned by a pensioner, if the cost of housing does not exceed 200 million rubles. Real estate refers to residential and non-residential premises (garages, outbuildings, registered in the name of this individual).
  • Transport contributions, if the power of the car is not higher than 100 hp, rowing or motor boat - below 5 hp.
  • Land tax. The right not to pay is given to disabled people, participants in the Second World War, the Chernobyl accident.
  • personal income tax. Pension, other income of an elderly person is not subject to this fee.

Tax deduction for working pensioners

If an individual who is on a well-deserved old-age rest continues to officially work and has acquired real estate, then he has the right to tax deductions when buying an apartment. You can apply for a benefit for the previous three years, if there is evidence of the acquisition of real estate. The deduction is given upon presentation of a certificate of ownership or a contract on equity participation in housing construction.

Social supplement for pension up to the subsistence level in the capital

If a non-working resident of the capital provides local social security authorities with information that the amount of pension received is lower than the subsistence minimum (PM) in Moscow, then he is entitled to monthly cash compensation payments up to the minimum amount established by federal law. In Moscow in 2018, the amount of the PM was 11,560 rubles, in the Moscow region - 9,160 rubles. When paying money, the targeted assistance received by the pensioner, all types of subsidies are taken into account.

Subsidies for utility bills

Paying for utilities places an exorbitant burden on the shoulders of an elderly person. The federal authorities provide benefits to pensioners in Moscow in 2018 for utility payments. If the total amount of utility payments paid by a citizen who has presented a pension certificate is 3-10% of his income, then he is provided with a subsidy. The amount of compensatory payments is determined individually, taking into account the amount of the pension, paid utility bills, and is subject to review every six months. You can also compensate for the gasification of the house carried out at your own expense.

Phone reimbursement

Elderly citizens who use a landline telephone, permanently residing in Moscow and receiving pension benefits, enjoy benefits when paying for communication services. The amount of the discount is 190 rubles. To receive it, you must apply. The benefit is provided upon presentation of a pension certificate and applies to payment for intracity telephone lines.

Free and subsidized medicines

An elderly person who is on a well-deserved rest can claim to receive free medicines according to the established list approved by the Moscow Government. If an expensive drug was purchased at his own expense, then a resident of the capital once a year can compensate for the amount of money spent by contacting the FSS at the place of residence. You can find out the list of medicines prescribed free of charge or at a reduced cost from the attending physician, who is obliged to provide information about the preference to the patient.

Medical service

The list of benefits for pensioners in Moscow in 2018 was significantly expanded due to the introduction of privileges for receiving medical care. Seniors are entitled to the following benefits:

  • Free medical care out of turn in polyclinics at the place of residence of the pensioner.
  • Providing vouchers for sanatorium treatment according to the doctor's indications.
  • Discounts in pharmacies when purchasing medicines.
  • Full or partial compensation payments for the purchase by an elderly person of means of technical rehabilitation, according to medical prescriptions.
  • Compensation for the cost of dentures made in public clinics.
  • Other types of social targeted medical care provided individually.

Monthly compensation payments to working pensioners

Officially employed citizens are often unaware of the additional payments due. Compensatory preferential payments can be received by working elderly people whose income, including pension benefits, varies between 12,000-20,000 rubles. You can count on additional payments when working according to the approved list of professions, where there are librarians, nurses, paramedics, janitors, kindergarten teachers and other citizens. Monthly compensation payments are assigned to people with proven health problems, regardless of profession and position.

Luzhkov's payments

In the list of benefits for pensioners in Moscow in 2018, there is a Luzhkov's allowance. Getting it is associated with some difficulties, since the amount of assistance is tied to the size of the social standard of Moscow and the PM. Pensioners living at least 10 years in the capital, with a low level of income, receive an additional payment up to the social standard adopted for this period, which is 14,500 rubles for 2018. If a pensioner has been living in Moscow for less than 10 years, then he can only claim an additional payment to the PM, the amount of which is smaller and amounts to 11,560 rubles.

There are no automatic charges. To receive a surcharge, contact the MFC or the PF branch at the place of residence with the necessary documents. Required to present:

  • a passport with a residence permit proving a ten-year residence in Moscow;
  • SNILS;
  • pensioner's ID;
  • application for a supplement.

Transport benefits for Moscow pensioners

Persons receiving pension payments can travel free of charge in Moscow using buses, metro, trolleybuses and trams. These benefits for pensioners in Moscow in 2018 are possible upon receipt of a social card of a Muscovite, or a ticket issued by the social security fund. To get it, you must have a permanent Moscow registration. Pensioners present the required package of papers to the employees of the RUSZ Moscow for the right to preferential travel. This includes documents, a complete list of which can be obtained by calling the social security hotline.

Features of preferences for certain categories of pensioners in 2018

Certain categories of residents of the capital have advantages in accordance with the rules established by federal and regional legislation. Preferences differ from the basic privileges of Moscow citizens receiving age-related pension benefits. Social protection measures for such Muscovites are extensive and include a variety of discounts, compensations and cash assistance. There are several groups that have individual benefits:

  • lonely people;
  • persons receiving "military pensions";
  • disabled pensioners;
  • labor veterans.

Lonely and underprivileged

Infirm elderly citizens living alone, without the help of close relatives, can count on the following list of benefits:

  • Discounts on utility bills, capital repairs. Pensioners over 70 are provided with 100% compensation.
  • Free production and installation of dentures, incl. from expensive materials.
  • Free medicines or discounts on the purchase of medicines.
  • Extraordinary medical care in hospitals, clinics, at home.
  • Targeted household assistance for the purchase of products, necessary things and medicines.
  • Assistance to carers for the care of the elderly, deprived of the possibility of self-care, citizens.
  • Free or discounted housekeeping services for apartment cleaning.
  • Funeral services with discounts.

Benefits for military pensioners in Moscow

Citizens who served in the army, former military, have special prerogatives, even if they have not reached the age required for the calculation of social state age benefits. They are given the right:

  • Receive compensation for housing and utility bills. Persons who have reached retirement age can apply.
  • Do not pay land, road, property tax payments.
  • Arrange a child in a kindergarten or other pre-school institution within 30 days after the application is submitted.
  • Free travel on city and intercity transport.
  • Rehabilitation once a year in a sanatorium type institution free of charge according to medical prescriptions and health conditions.

Disabled pensioners

Regional legislative authorities established special benefits for pensioners in Moscow in 2018 who have a certificate of the presence of a disability group. These citizens have the following privileges:

  • do not pay property taxes;
  • receive a special regional pension supplement;
  • enjoy free travel on any public transport, except for fixed-route taxis;
  • are provided with free rest in a sanatorium based on the instructions of the attending physician.

Labor veterans

The state encourages long work experience and active professional activity, rewarding individuals with special privileges. The following benefits have been established for pensioners-veterans of labor in Moscow in 2018, if they have confirmed data on work experience of more than 40 years:

  • free travel on all types of urban transport, with the exception of minibuses;
  • compensation up to 50% of payment of utility bills;
  • the right to an unpaid two-week additional leave for employees;
  • preferential dental services of state polyclinics;
  • discounts on medicines, medical care services;
  • regional surcharges to PM in Moscow;
  • monetization of discounts if a person refuses privileges.


By law, a social worker is required to visit the pensioner twice a week.. If more visits are required, then he will walk more, but then the pensioner will pay a little more. There are additional services that we were allowed to introduce. These include, for example, issuing prescriptions - the cost of such a one-time service will be 50 rubles. As well as taking tests (50 rubles), taking out the garbage (10 rubles) or making an appointment with a doctor (50 rubles). Employees spend a lot of time in medical institutions, even with a certificate it is often impossible to get in without a queue. The regime is as follows: 7 people are served on Monday and Thursday, 7 people - on Tuesday and Friday. Wednesday is a working day when the Center's employees visit various institutions on behalf of clients.

To do this, the pensioner or his representative must provide a list of documents. These include: an application, a copy of the passport, an extract from the personal account from the house management, documents on the income of the citizen and his family members for 12 months, a copy of the disability certificate and, finally, a copy of the insurance certificate of the pension fund (SNILS).

Who is eligible for free social worker assistance

Please note that services (see below) will have to fork out for those who are not eligible for free assistance from a social worker. These are elderly Muscovites and disabled people living in families with relatives of working age and having children of working age, as well as in other cases at their personal request. For a fee, social services are also available to citizens who are home-based and wish to apply for assistance in excess of the territorial list of state-guaranteed social services (the full list of prices and services is on

- purchase and delivery for the ward of products, hot meals from the trading enterprises neighboring the house, manufactured goods and medicines at his request. At the same time, the following rules for one-time delivery apply (according to the norms for maximum permissible loads when lifting and moving weights manually, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 105 of February 6, 93): for one person - no more than 4 kg, for a family of two - no more than 6 kg, for a family of three - no more than 9 kg;

Social services at home for the disabled and the elderly

  • Assistance in obtaining the necessary medical care;
  • Implementation of hygienic and medical procedures and manipulations;
  • Assistance in passing medical and social examination, medical and social rehabilitation;
  • Provision of psychological assistance, assistance in hospitalization and hospital care, sanatorium treatment;
  • Visiting with a citizen of stationary health care facilities;
  • Catering, leisure or everyday life, buying groceries, assistance in cooking, purchasing essential goods, medicines;
  • If a citizen lives without water or heating, then this is a furnace firebox, water delivery;
  • House cleaning, laundry, assistance in redecorating housing, assistance in arranging and organizing everyday life;
  • Assistance in paying utility bills, assistance in visiting places of recreation, spa treatment;

Active work is carried out by social workers to expand the volume and nature of personal services. Much attention is paid to the quality of social services in accordance with state standards. The quality of social services largely depends on the personality of the social worker, his responsibility, decency, responsiveness, and the level of professional skill.

The types, volume, frequency, terms for the provision of social services are determined by an individual program for the provision of social services (hereinafter referred to as the individual program), drawn up in accordance with the procedure approved by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the Stavropol Territory (hereinafter referred to as the Ministry).

How to apply for a social worker to care for a pensioner

How often a social worker will come and what work to do depends on the degree of need of a pensioner or disabled person and his physical condition. This takes into account the help of relatives, as well as other citizens who can provide all possible assistance. This can be a maximum daily visit (except Saturday and Sunday).

Social services at home are provided free of charge or on the basis of partial or full payment. So, from January 1, 2015, citizens whose average per capita income is equal to or lower than one and a half of the subsistence minimum established in the region for pensioners receive free social services at home. In addition, participants and invalids of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 have the right to free social services at home.

Services of a social worker at home cost

The conclusion of the Agreement for the provision of paid social services is provided for by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. In terms of the provision of social services on a full payment basis, it is provided for by the Decree of the Government of Moscow dated 12.10.2010 No. No. 919-PP "On the provision of paid social services to citizens by state institutions of non-stationary social services in the city of Moscow."

Price list of tariffs for social services provided to elderly citizens and the disabled by institutions of non-stationary social services of the city of Moscow, provided for by the Territorial list of state-guaranteed social services

Help for money: how much do social worker services cost?

Often people of retirement age are no longer able to cope with household chores on their own. In this case, you can resort to the help of a social worker. It is enough to call the State Institution “Territorial Center for Social Services” and say that you need help. Employees of the center will come themselves, collect all the necessary documents, and conclude an agreement with the client. Edit

For urban couples, the cost of social assistance at home per person is 0.81 rubles; for single couples, it is 0.51 rubles. For rural couples, the cost of social assistance at home per person is 1 ruble 18 kopecks, for single couples - 0.74 rubles.

Reduction of social workers in the field of social services at home

To perform the control function in the Territorial centers of social services, a Department for quality control of the provision of social services was created and, in general, the priority function of the administrative and managerial staff takes the form of an overseer of an exclusively social worker, which is their main activity today, forgetting about the implementation of the state policy of the Russian Federation in the field social protection of needy citizens.

The above information raises the question of the excessively bloated staff of the administrative and managerial staff of the TCSO and its revision towards a significant reduction in such positions as deputy director, social work specialist, head of the CSO, specialist in the personnel department.

Social worker

It is good when a social worker has a specialized secondary education or a higher professional education, but, unfortunately, at present, persons who have no professional training at all are involved in servicing the elderly and the disabled. To perform this work, the presence of many spiritual qualities is required, and most often people come to this profession at the call of the heart.

The social worker must have a thorough knowledge of state laws, ordinances and regulations on social services for the disabled and the elderly. He must also impeccably comply with the labor internal regulations and job descriptions. Guided by the rules of labor protection and basic safety rules, sanitation and fire safety standards, a social worker can provide all possible assistance at the place of residence of his wards. It is very important that this is done, not only without causing discomfort or irritation on the part of an elderly person, but also competently.

Social worker

  1. Apply to the regional comprehensive center or to the community care center of the capital. These centers are located all over the country.
  2. Then, within 3 days, the authorities of the center must carry out a study of the material and everyday condition regarding residence and, accordingly, create a protocol.
  3. After the beneficiary gives his written agreement, a request is submitted for an extract to the engineering service of the region in order to receive a material personal account, in addition, a decision regarding the state of health and the absence of a medical restriction to public service at home from the medical unit.
  1. Extraordinary beneficiaries
  • disabled people and WWII veterans.
  • single citizens at least 70 years old, as well as single disabled people at least 60 years old.
  • members who have been in combat.
  • single citizens and disabled people who are no longer able to independently provide themselves with services without outside support or from relatives.
  1. Spouses who have deceased participants, disabled veterans of the Second World War, combat veterans, provided that they did not remarry.
  2. Citizens who were exposed to radiation as a result of the Chernobyl tragedy.
  3. Persons who have undergone rehabilitation, similarly to citizens who have suffered from political retribution.
27 Jul 2018 4706

Today, in addition to monthly pension payments, the legislation provides for additional assistance in the form of a set of social services. This includes the provision of medicines, a voucher to a sanatorium and free travel on some modes of transport.

Who receives state social assistance

There is no exact definition of what social services are, but the concept implies the support of individuals who are eligible or who have issued a monthly cash payment (UDV). In accordance with the law on state social assistance, the categories of citizens who are granted benefits through the state are defined:

  • disabled citizens who have been assigned a disability, regardless of group;
  • combat veterans;
  • citizens awarded with the badge "Inhabitant of besieged Leningrad";
  • disabled children;
  • participants of the Great Patriotic War;
  • persons who have received a disability as a result of hostilities;
  • juvenile prisoners of the Second World War;
  • family members of the fallen or deceased participants of the Great Patriotic War, the dead invalids and combat veterans.

What is included in the NSO

Social services for pensioners and the disabled, included in the NSO, can be provided to the beneficiary in kind or in cash - the beneficiary has the right to choose. This means that the citizen independently determines whether to use the benefit or receive compensation in the amount established by law:

How to issue

The process of obtaining state support consists of several successive stages and is the same for all regions, whether it is Moscow or another locality:

  1. Contact your local branch of the Pension Fund or the Multifunctional Center in person or through a legal representative. It is possible to submit an application through a personal account on the PFR Internet portal.
  2. Write an application for the provision of EDV. Since the NSI is automatically assigned to the recipients of the monthly payment, there is no need to make a separate application. The exception is persons who have been exposed to radioactive effects.
  3. Obtain a certificate entitling you to receive an NSO, which indicates the category of the beneficiary, the term of appointment of the UDV and the list of services.

List of required documents

To provide a monthly payment, which is the basis for the appointment of social services, you must provide certain documents:

  • completed application;
  • passport or other equivalent document;
  • documentary confirmation of the right to receive the EVD (certificate of disability, certificate, etc.).

After the appointment of the EDV to receive social services at railway ticket offices, when buying a ticket or when issuing a ticket, you will need to provide:

  • a certificate issued by the FIU, which confirms that the applicant is entitled to receive the NSO;
  • the passport;
  • a document certifying the right to receive a EDV.

When contacting pharmacies, you will additionally need a prescription that is written by the attending physician.

Social assistance at home for the elderly and disabled

In addition to the fact that the legislation provides for a set of social services for pensioners and the disabled, as well as other vulnerable categories of citizens, the state provides them with additional support. It is for people who cannot take care of themselves on their own. Assistance is provided by social workers in the form of:

  • inpatient care in nursing homes for the elderly, veterans, and the disabled;
  • semi-stationary service in departments of night or day stay;
  • social services at home;
  • provision of rehabilitation services;
  • emergency social service.

Taking into account the characteristics of each applicant, the following types of social services are provided:

  • medical;
  • pedagogical;
  • legal;
  • household;
  • legal;
  • labor.

Social services

Social workers provide assistance to pensioners and the disabled in such areas as:

  • purchase (made at the expense of the beneficiary) and delivery of food, periodicals, books, essential goods;
  • cleaning of residential premises;
  • cooking food;
  • assistance in paying utility bills and other payments;
  • assistance in carrying out repairs;
  • assistance in organizing housing maintenance services;
  • delivery of drinking water and heating of boilers and stoves, if the housing of a disabled person or a pensioner is not equipped with central water supply and heating;
  • delivery of clothes and things to dry cleaning, for their repair (payment is made by the beneficiary);
  • subscription to periodicals, etc.

Medical services

Social workers have the right to provide medical assistance, which consists in:

  • conducting medical procedures (injections, dressings, etc.);
  • provision of sanitary and hygienic services;
  • health monitoring (measurement of pressure, temperature);
  • provision of first aid;
  • purchase and delivery of medications and medicines;
  • assistance in visiting medical institutions, hospitalization;
  • visiting a pensioner or a disabled person who is being treated in a hospital;
  • providing comprehensive support in the design of spa treatment.

Psychological and legal assistance

Social services for the elderly and disabled assist in providing legal and psychological assistance. Among the main services are:

  • assistance in obtaining education;
  • assistance in finding employment;
  • assistance in organizing the assistance of lawyers and notaries;
  • assistance in writing letters and statements;
  • assistance in obtaining benefits and social support.

Who needs a social worker

The assistance of social workers is provided on a declarative basis. It can be applied for:

  • citizens who have reached the generally established retirement age;
  • disabled people of all categories;
  • WWII participants.

Social services for pensioners and the disabled are provided by social workers free of charge to all those whose monthly income does not reach one and a half times the subsistence level established in the beneficiary's region of residence. All other categories of applicants are charged a fee, the amount of which is regulated by law.

The procedure and conditions for concluding an agreement

For the provision of social services to pensioners and the disabled, it will be necessary to conclude an agreement. The parties to the agreement are the beneficiary himself and the social protection authority. The agreement comes into force from the date of signing until the end of the calendar year. There is no need to re-conclude an agreement for the next period - it is automatically extended, but only if neither party has announced its termination.

The level of pension provision in Moscow is higher than in the regions. And if a citizen's pension is below the minimum established in the subject of the federation, then he is entitled to bonuses. Special benefits and preferences are also provided for pensioners, which are aimed at maintaining their health and a decent standard of living.

Pension payments in the capital

The right to receive a pension not lower than the subsistence level is reserved for all pensioners. Both working and non-working citizens can apply for a surcharge. Unemployed citizens have to count on an insurance pension if they have lived in Moscow for at least 10 years. The average indicators of the insurance pension payment in the capital reach 14,000 rubles, and in the Moscow region - 14,200 rubles.

If the applicant for insurance payments has not lived in Moscow for 10 years, then he will receive about 11,428 rubles. If this indicator does not correspond to the minimum subsistence level, the city budget undertakes to pay the difference.

Moscow belong to the category of beneficiaries, who retain the right to index benefits. Again, the inflation rate is paid from regional funds. As for the funded pension, its accrual is carried out according to the tariffication.

What does it include for needy pensioners in Moscow?

Appointed to pensioners in Moscow in order to improve their quality of life. Consider the main preferences:

  • (bus, metro, trolleybus, tram). Minibus and taxi are not included in this list;
  • a voucher to the sanatorium is issued free of charge, if there are medical indications for rehabilitation/improvement;
  • prosthetics of teeth on a free basis;
  • social care is due to single pensioners who have lost the ability to self-service;
  • day care by a social worker as part of a social program;
  • material targeted support to persons who find themselves in a difficult life situation;
  • patronage program, which is due to pensioners living alone, it includes a comprehensive cleaning of the home;
  • discounts on funeral services;
  • discounts (50% for pensioners) and exemptions (for individuals) from overhaul contributions.

Monthly compensation

Compensation payments of a regular nature or EKB (monthly compensation payments) are a type of material assistance to working pensioners. Individuals with an income level of less than 20,000 rubles can count on it. The circle of people who most often need such an additional payment includes librarians, janitors, nurses, pharmacists, drivers, educators. The list of professions for which support is provided is established at the legislative level.

The amount of this allowance is set on an individual basis, it depends on the size of the basic pension payments and compensations.

Benefits on rent

Capital pensioners, along with other citizens in need, can draw up. If the total amount of utility bills is higher than the amount equivalent to 10% of the total family income, then the pensioner has the right to take advantage of the preference. The expediency of providing a subsidy is reviewed monthly, confirmed by income statements. It is canceled as soon as the level of income rises.

The category of persons that falls under the above conditions is entitled to a 50% discount when paying debts for electricity, water supply, and heating. Also, metropolitan pensioners pay only 50% for the cable TV service. The discount is valid for single pensioners or families who have issued a subsidy.

Citizens of retirement age receive monthly compensation of 230 rubles to pay for fixed telephone communications.

Medical Benefits

As part of the social program, Moscow pensioners are entitled to receive the following medical services:

  • extraordinary free visits to medical institutions in the registration area;
  • free vouchers to sanatoriums, if there are medical indications;
  • discounts on medicines that are valid in all retail pharmacies of the city;
  • partial reimbursement of expenses for technical rehabilitation facilities (if there are medical indications);
  • production of dentures, with the exception of expensive structures, free of charge in public institutions;
  • home health care as part of a social program.

Tax preferences

Tax deductions are provided to Moscow pensioners on the same basis as for other Russian citizens. For them, there are preferences when paying property, land, transport tax.

So, the pensioner is exempted from paying tax for one vehicle. Also, there are discounts for him when paying off tax fees for one land object, if the application is submitted before November 1.

As for tax deductions, Moscow citizens are guaranteed:

  • when acquiring a property;
  • standard deduction for the category of employed persons;
  • professional deduction;
  • a deduction in the amount of 120,000 thousand for own education and 50,000 rubles for paying for the education of close relatives (children, grandchildren);
  • deduction for expensive medical procedures.

General procedure for granting benefits

Let's figure out how you can claim the right to a particular benefit. You need to act in this order:

  1. Appeal to the social protection authorities of the district of Moscow;
  2. Collection of papers. Each individual benefit has its own list of documents. You can clarify which set is needed for a particular case by calling or visiting a social service department;
  3. The reply is in process. Within the time limits established by law, service specialists must decide on the appropriateness of assigning preferences. The citizen is notified of the refusal in writing within the agreed time frame. With an affirmative decision, he is assigned a benefit on legal grounds;
  4. If the applicant believes that his application was rejected illegally, he has the right to complain to higher authorities.

Benefits for working pensioners

Old age pensioners, even if they work, have the right to claim all the benefits guaranteed to this group of citizens. Consider additional preferences due to workers:

  1. Additional unpaid leave. For different categories of pensioners, it is different:
  • persons with disabilities are guaranteed 60 additional days;
  • WWII participants are entitled to plus 35 days to the main vacation;
  • all other pensioners are given 14 unpaid days to rest.

The employer is obliged to release employees that belong to this category without explanation. The dismissal of an employee due to reaching retirement age is prohibited by law. And to work out a two-week period, if he wants to quit, the pensioner is not obliged.

Employees who work in the field of education can count on a pension supplement for titles and degrees, as well as the defense of a PhD thesis.