Why do pregnant women reduce the muscles on their legs. What to do if during pregnancy it reduces the calves of the legs at night? Decoction of hawthorn for leg cramps during pregnancy

Cramping during pregnancy in the calves of the legs is a common occurrence among women that occurs for various reasons. The main causes of seizures are toxicosis, vomiting, decreased appetite. They appear mainly in the early stages. Substances in small quantities entering the female body are retained there. In the future, there is a general weakening of the body, on the basis of which convulsive conditions arise. In pregnant women, they are more often observed at night.

Cramps - muscle contraction, accompanied by a general state of body discomfort and pain. The sensitive body of pregnant women is prone to such conditions, spasms can harm the normal course of pregnancy and the development of the fetus. In the second month of pregnancy, the legs are reduced due to a lack of vitamins and microelements. During this period, there is a rapid development of the fetus, the beginning of the formation of the body and organ systems.

Why does it bring legs down in the third month of pregnancy

During this period, the uterus enlarges, the risk of the “inferior vena cava” syndrome, blood flow disturbances, and the appearance of a feeling of heaviness in the legs increase. An additional reason for the reduction of the legs is low blood sugar. Low hemoglobin is an obvious reason for the appearance.

There are a number of factors leading to leg cramps in pregnant women. If the expectant mother is found to have frequent muscle spasms, the woman is advised to follow the rules that maintain tone and maintain the body in a stable state:

  • Avoid drinking caffeinated drinks;
  • Smoking will lead to a lack of oxygen and cause muscle spasm;
  • Wearing uncomfortable clothing, including trousers, is prohibited;
  • Reception of diuretics is excluded.

Leg cramps in pregnant women are not recognized as a danger, they are not accompanied by too severe consequences. They are able to signal metabolic disorders in the body or varicose veins.

The factors and causes of the reduction of the legs at different stages of pregnancy are named. Convulsions are characterized in most cases by a short duration of the course and a facilitated character. With leg cramps, it is better to consult a doctor, find out the cause, and conduct an accurate diagnosis.

Permissible legs occurring during the daytime and at night. If the pain occurs in emergency situations, you need to urgently and independently cope with the spasm, apply the following measures:

  • Make a massage, warming up the muscles of the legs. Let's use hot water. It is possible to try to restore blood circulation in the legs, try walking around the room, stepping from toe to heel.
  • The old way of getting rid of leg cramps in pregnant women is considered to be a simple lying position, stretching the legs up to full length.

Features of the treatment of leg cramps

If leg cramps are observed in pregnant women, it is recommended to take immediate measures for treatment, elimination and diagnosis. Seizures are not particularly dangerous, but relapses cause complications. Spasm affects the stable development of the fetus, causing disturbances of various levels, starting from the early stages of occurrence.

If he brings his legs together, regardless of the time of day, day or night:

Seizures can manifest early and late, day and night, causing discomfort, preventing sleep, already uncomfortable during pregnancy. To restore and normalize blood circulation, baths with sea salt, foot massage are recommended.

Why do pregnant women often cramp their legs at night

Leg cramps in pregnant women are more likely to occur at night. The calves of the legs are reduced at night for the reasons already voiced. A pronounced cause of the manifestation of leg cramps at night is the presence of flat feet or a malfunction of the thyroid gland.

Avoid the appearance of convulsive conditions at night. If a woman wears tight shoes that can cause cramps, disrupting the circulation in the legs and causing muscle fatigue, it is better to immediately discard such shoes. Sometimes pregnant women acquire the habit of malnutrition, refusing vital foods - cottage cheese, dairy products, foods containing more protein and less carbohydrates, sugar.

With legs and a feeling of discomfort, it is not recommended to get rid of the phenomena on your own. Seeing a doctor is a necessary condition that maintains a stable condition of a pregnant woman, preventing undesirable consequences. It is undesirable to experience loads of all kinds at any stage of pregnancy. It is shown to categorically refrain from smoking, drinking alcohol, which deprive the body of nutritional vitamins and minerals, which become the causes of the manifestation of convulsive conditions.

If convulsive conditions are observed at night, forcing you to wake up, preventing you from falling asleep peacefully, try to get rid of the spasms yourself. Success comes from exercise. Classes will be a quick way out when the attacks become more frequent.

With varicose veins, convulsions in pregnant women appear more often than other causes. With a diagnosed disease, it is recommended to use special ointments and creams that tighten tights.

Cramping pain is the result of involuntary muscle contraction. The peak of leg cramps in pregnant women is the second month of pregnancy, when the developing fetus requires vitamins. Vitamins are often not enough, with the help of the attending physician, the correct selection should be made and consumed in the form of tablets, food.

Sour-milk products, cabbage, yolks, nuts, melons, seeds, bananas, spinach, greens should be eaten. Products contain substances to replenish the vitamin balance of the body and maintain. It is undesirable for pregnant women to overeat. It is better to eat several times a day and little by little, try not to feel hungry, do not overeat. Sugar and carbohydrates are junk food that fills the body with unnecessary trace elements. During the day, it is advisable to eat a vegetable salad with a glass of kefir.

The more vitamins a pregnant woman consumes, the less likely the manifestation of convulsive conditions. Spasms can occur separately from possible causes, on their own, or in concomitant diseases. Remember, when seizures occur, it is forbidden to panic. It is permissible to proceed directly to the exercise, the use of baths or massage, choosing a way to get rid of short-term, but straining convulsive conditions.

Remember, during pregnancy, it is only possible to exercise or use baths. The use of drugs without consulting a doctor is excluded, self-treatment will harm, without relieving seizures, and interfere with the normal development of the fetus. It happens that convulsive conditions are not limited to a short-term course, intensifying against the background of complications.

The appearance of leg cramps is best prevented in advance. Proper nutrition is the first necessary precaution in the occurrence of seizures. The diet necessarily includes foods that include potassium, magnesium and calcium, which are often not enough at times of convulsive conditions.

When establishing a proper diet, convulsive conditions will inevitably bypass the body. At the slightest manifestation of seizures, you should try to apply independent measures to eliminate them, performing the techniques carefully, then consult a doctor. The doctor will conduct a complete examination, diagnose the causes of the manifestation of convulsive conditions, and prescribe the correct treatment. After a course of treatment, the condition will improve, convulsions will be less disturbing, especially at night.

The key to getting rid of is a positive attitude, proper nutrition, activity in moderation, compliance with the treatment points prescribed by the doctor.

During pregnancy, a woman is more than ever subject to changes - both externally and internally. In addition to weight changes, constant weakness and back pain, the expectant mother often encounters such an unpleasant phenomenon as leg pain from cramping them.

Signs and symptoms:

  1. Pain in the foot or calf muscles.
  2. Reduction. The leg is difficult to relax.
  3. The leg becomes numb, unpleasant sensations appear, as if it were petrified.
  4. The foot is stretched or vice versa, compressed, it cannot be returned to its normal position.

Causes of leg cramps in a pregnant woman

Cramps of the lower extremities, as a rule, occur at night, during sleep. Due to the pressure of the enlarged uterus on the pelvic organs, blood circulation in the legs is disturbed, which leads to such unpleasant sensations. In addition, due to the increase in body weight during pregnancy, the load on the woman's legs increases. Additional load, respectively, leads to a suspended tension on the muscles. This phenomenon is unpleasant and even painful, but, alas, not unique - in most pregnant women, the legs become numb during sleep during pregnancy.

In addition, there are several causes of cramps in the calves:

  1. Varicose veins are a common ailment among pregnant women. As the fetus grows, the uterus increases in size. There is pressure on the blood vessels, the process of outflow of blood in the legs is disturbed, as a result of which convulsions occur. On the other hand, the appearance of seizures may indicate the development of varicose veins. A pregnant woman should pay attention to whether she feels, in addition to muscle numbness, constant fatigue in the lower extremities.
  2. Lack of vitamins and minerals - it is not surprising that the expectant mother now needs twice as many nutrients. After all, the child inside it grows and needs nutrients in the same way. If a woman does not get enough calcium, potassium and magnesium, there is an imbalance of biochemical substances, since these three elements are interconnected. In addition, it is important to consume the amount of B vitamins necessary during pregnancy, in particular folic acid. Deficiency of useful elements leads to cramps and pain in the legs.
  3. Diuretics - often prescribed by doctors due to swelling of the lower extremities. With excess fluid, useful minerals also leave the body, and their absence, as already known, provokes convulsions.
  4. Improper nutrition - you should refrain from foods containing caffeine, highly salty and peppery foods, carbonated drinks - in a word, foods that cause dehydration.
  5. Uncomfortable shoes - the more prolonged stay in them causes severe tension in the legs of a pregnant woman. Shoes should not be tight, especially high heels. Muscle fatigue at the end of the day can cause spasm.

Time to see a doctor for spark cramps in a pregnant woman

If a woman during pregnancy reduces her legs at night, whatever the reasons, you should consult a doctor. Report the problem and together try to find the best solution. Moreover, cramps in the muscles of the legs can be not only for the reasons listed above.

The presence of seizures can be a manifestation of a disease, such as thrombophilia - with this disease, the body is prone to the formation of blood clots, due to a violation of blood clotting. The disease is dangerous not only for a pregnant woman, but also for the fetus, so it is better to get additional advice from an obstetrician-gynecologist. Perhaps additional tests will be ordered.

Another important point when urgent specialist help is needed is if the convulsions do not go away for a long time, they cause severe numbness and swelling. This indicates the occurrence of a complication that would be wiser to prevent than to try to fix.

Treatment of calf muscle cramps

During pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes changes. The occurrence of calf cramps in a pregnant woman requires treatment. However, it is strictly forbidden to prescribe drugs on your own, because. their effect on the gestating fetus is not known. That is why most drugs are not available for pregnant women. However, there are ointments and gels that have no contraindications and can calm tension and relieve pain. Be sure to consult your doctor before use.

In the age of high technology and intellectual progress, there are still fans of traditional medicine. Those who like to help themselves with folk methods can alleviate suffering using the following "grandmother's" tricks:

  • Intensively rub the calf muscles and ankles of a pregnant woman with soap containing glycerin.
  • Apply the cabbage leaf, after cooling it. Cabbage draws excess fluid from the calves of the legs and pleasantly cools the skin.
  • Take a foot bath with sea salt. Water should be at room temperature. This procedure relieves fatigue and stress.

Despite the verification of folk recipes, a pregnant woman should be careful with their use, as well as with medicines.

Doctors note that one prescription may be suitable for a woman, while another pregnant woman will cause a complication. In view of this, consultation with the observing obstetrician is paramount in making a decision.

Preventive measures: gymnastics for pregnant women

If you are one of those lucky few who are not disturbed by cramps in the calf muscles, then you can only be sincerely happy for you, and, nevertheless, even you are recommended to do prevention of this disease. It is important to eat right, to lead an active, of course, to the best of your ability, lifestyle. Include more fresh fruits and vegetables, legumes in the menu. Be sure to consume fermented milk products, as they are a source of much-needed calcium. Greens and spinach are rich in magnesium, dried fruits and nuts are rich in potassium, so include them in your diet. Additionally, take a vitamin and mineral complex, because. Nutritional deficiencies cannot be filled with food alone.

Avoid wearing tight clothing and uncomfortable shoes. If you suffer from varicose veins, then consult your doctor about compression underwear.

Take a contrast shower, paying special attention to the shins. It is useful for pregnant women to swim in the pool or the sea, naturally, during the summer season. Today, water aerobics for pregnant women and yoga classes are popular. Give up a passive, sedentary lifestyle, try to move more and be in the fresh air, do gymnastics.

Do these simple exercises every day:

  1. Rise up on your toes 10-15 times. Repeat occasionally throughout the day.
  2. Do lunges forward with each leg in turn.

When performing these simple exercises, be careful not to overdo it. Excessive physical activity is useless. Check with your doctor about the presence of contraindications for the period of pregnancy.

Quick relief from cramps in a pregnant woman

If at night a pregnant woman reduces the calves of her legs, then you need to know what to do in such situations. And next time give first aid. Doctors recommend transferring this knowledge to your spouse, because. at a long gestational age, a woman experiences difficulty in reaching the calf muscles.

  • Take a sharp object (hairpin, scissors, in extreme cases, a needle) and prick into the cramped muscle. You can also pinch the spark with your fingers. Then, you should get up and walk.
  • Massage the cramped leg with quick warming movements, this will improve blood circulation. In this case, the help of relatives is needed.
  • Stretch your leg, pull the sock towards you.
  • If possible, apply a warm compress to improve blood flow.
  • If you have pain from cramping in the calves, but not too sharp and piercing (it happens), try just walking around the room.

After you get rid of the cramp, lie down and put a roller or pillow under your feet.

Pregnancy and childbirth are physiological processes conceived by nature. But, despite this, the woman's body during the entire period of bearing a child is faced with increased stress. Leg cramps during pregnancy are a fairly common problem.

Periodically, almost every woman who is expecting a child faces them. Why do leg cramps occur in pregnant women? There can be several reasons - ranging from a lack of vitamins and trace elements in the body, ending with a sedentary lifestyle and stagnation of blood flow in the legs.

First of all, considering the problem of leg cramps in pregnant women, you need to pay attention to the quality of nutrition of the expectant mother. A chronic lack of certain vitamins and microelements most often causes the development of cramps in the calf muscles during pregnancy.

Often, convulsions appear in response to. Repeated vomiting and salivation lead to excessive excretion of essential nutrients from the body, which are important for the full functional activity of the muscular system.

Venous diseases cause leg cramps during pregnancy not too often, however, they should not be discounted. After carrying out diagnostic manipulations, the gynecologist usually prescribes medications that are safe for the developing fetus and life-saving for the expectant mother.

The lack of calcium, like magnesium, negatively affects all metabolic processes in the body. These trace elements closely interact with each other. Caffeine and many medications impair calcium absorption.

Together with magnesium and calcium preparations, foods such as milk, hard cheese, cottage cheese, nuts, greens, eggs and fish are recommended for the expectant mother to prevent cramps in the calves during pregnancy.

Potassium deficiency causes inhibition of the functional activity of the nervous system, since this trace element is responsible for the transmission of nerve impulses to muscle fibers. Calf cramps during pregnancy are the first and quite understandable sign of a lack of potassium in the body. In addition to the convulsive syndrome, which appears at any time of the day, but mainly at night, a woman may note such accompanying symptoms as general weakness, drowsiness, slowing of the heart rate, and.

Hypokalemia often manifests itself already in the 2nd trimester, but more often expectant mothers experience this condition in the last weeks of pregnancy. In addition to potassium supplements, a woman is recommended to supplement her diet with dried apricots, nuts, legumes, seaweed and potatoes.

A lack of vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) can also cause calf cramps during pregnancy. This microelement takes part in the synthesis of amino acids, which are important for the formation of protein compounds. In the body of the expectant mother, the amount of vitamin B6 should be increased by 30% compared to the level of its content before pregnancy.

The lack of pyridoxine causes increased irritability, disturbances in the digestive tract, the appearance of caries, the occurrence of early toxicosis and convulsive phenomena in the calf muscles. Nuts are rich in potassium, especially hazelnuts and cedar, sea buckthorn, chicken, fish and pomegranate.

Accompanied by swelling and slagging of the lumen of the venous vessels, it also leads to cramps in the legs during pregnancy at night. In addition, the pressure of the growing uterus on the inferior vena cava causes seizures in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy.

There are other provoking factors that affect the occurrence of leg cramps in expectant mothers:

  • uncontrolled intake of diuretics;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • lack of glucose in the body;
  • smoking;
  • swelling;
  • caffeine.

First aid for seizures

What to do if you experience leg cramps during pregnancy? First of all, you need warmth. A woman should relax her limbs and apply a heating pad or a bottle of warm water wrapped in a towel to them.

If there is no heat at hand - for example, a cramp caught the expectant mother on the road or late at night - you need to stretch the muscles of the legs, stretching the feet towards you, then relax and pull again. These manipulations must be repeated until the convulsions subside.

Often, leg cramps during pregnancy at night appear due to long lying on the right side or back, as the fetus puts additional pressure on the inferior vena cava. In this case, it is recommended to sleep only on the left side.

If the cramps are too intense and last for a long time, you can remove them with the help of a warm bath. Such cases should not be ignored; if they are repeated, consultation of such specialists as a gynecologist, phlebologist, gastroenterologist, etc. is necessary.


Treatment of leg cramps during pregnancy depends entirely on the identified cause of this pathology.

The lack of individual trace elements in the body is replenished by taking multivitamin complexes, a properly selected diet and giving up bad habits. Walking in the fresh air helps to better absorb calcium and vitamin D.

Taking multivitamins and preventing their deficiency should be carried out at the stage of pregnancy planning, as well as throughout its entire duration. Do not neglect synthetic vitamin complexes. The fact is that not all nutrients and trace elements from food are absorbed in full, especially if there are problems with the digestive tract or metabolic disorders.

Anemia is eliminated with iron preparations, the course of treatment depends on the severity of the disease. There are situations when a woman is forced to fight anemia throughout her pregnancy and take these drugs.

Varicose veins require the appointment of venotonic drugs, the wearing of special stockings, the application of elastic bandages. All this is prescribed by a doctor, depending on the degree of varicose veins.

Adequately selected therapy leads to the elimination of convulsive phenomena in the legs, a decrease in the symptoms of toxicosis, and the normalization of the nervous system. Thanks to this, the unborn child receives a sufficient amount of trace elements necessary for its normal growth and development.


With the help of timely preventive measures, you can avoid the occurrence of cramps in the legs in the future.

Text: Olga Korotkova

Undoubtedly, each of us at least once in his life cramped his leg. The feeling is not pleasant, especially when it happens in a dream or in cold water. Why does this happen and why does it often bring legs together during pregnancy?

Causes of leg cramps during pregnancy

The mechanism of the occurrence of pain and discomfort can be explained in a nutshell: it reduces the legs during pregnancy due to a strong and sudden muscle contraction. Especially often leg cramps in pregnant women occur during sleep, and the pain, alas, manifests itself in a more severe form than when awake. The reasons why pregnant women cramp their legs are different.

  • A pregnant woman is practically two organisms, therefore, she divides all the nutrients and vitamins that her mother receives in two. Reduces legs during pregnancy due to lack of magnesium, potassium and calcium in the body. Therefore, if a sufficient amount of minerals does not enter the body, an imbalance of metabolism occurs, and this is reflected in the relationship between nerves and muscles. The result is night cramps.

  • It also reduces legs during pregnancy due to the development of varicose veins in the expectant mother. With an increase in the weight of a woman, the pressure of the uterus on the vessels in the pelvis and legs increases. In this case, the outflow of blood in the veins is disturbed and convulsions appear.

  • Reduces legs during pregnancy, if the expectant mother has developed flat feet or has thyroid diseases.

  • Also, uncomfortable or too narrow shoes can serve as a cause of cramps, because of this, blood circulation is disturbed and, when worn for a long time, the muscles get tired, and then cramps are quite expected.

What to do if you cramp your legs during pregnancy?

Since the main cause of leg cramps is a lack of minerals and vitamins, in order to restore it, you need to change your diet. In particular, it is necessary to include in it such products as onions, cheeses, dairy products, sesame. Potassium is found in bananas, legumes, dried apricots and potatoes, and magnesium is found in carrots, buckwheat and nuts. Sometimes a doctor can prescribe vitamin complexes for you, but their intake must be consulted with a doctor so as not to harm the baby.

So that your legs no longer cramp, you need to exclude tea and coffee from your diet, or at least reduce their consumption. These two drinks stimulate the muscles, which keeps them in constant tension.

If it's all about the beginning of varicose veins, then you need to wear special tights and stockings, you can also use special creams and lotions against varicose veins that are safe for the unborn child.

If your legs are tired, take a bath with sea salt and massage. Do simple leg exercises regularly. Sleep with a pillow under your feet.

If your legs cramp during pregnancy regularly, then this situation should be discussed with your doctor. As you can see, the cause of cramps can lie not only in fatigue and lack of vitamins and minerals, but also in some diseases that can affect pregnancy.

Convulsions are an unpleasant phenomenon in and of themselves. During pregnancy, they often disturb a woman. But you should know that this is not the normal state of the pregnant body, but a bell that something is missing.

What are seizures?

Cramps are voluntary muscle contractions. In this case, a person feels a strong reducing pain in the lower leg and foot. In rare cases, other muscles of the legs, arms, and neck may also spasm. During a cramp, the sock is pulled out, as if a person, imitating a ballerina, wants to stand on his fingertips. In pregnant women, they occur mainly at night (during falling asleep) or in the morning (at the time of awakening). Usually, cramps are most pronounced in the middle of pregnancy, when the fetus is actively developing and its needs are growing.

Causes of seizures during pregnancy

The main cause of convulsions in pregnant women is recognized as a lack of microelements (primarily potassium, calcium and magnesium) and vitamins (in particular, vitamin B) in the body. If in the first trimester of pregnancy their shortage occurs as a result, accompanied by vomiting and a decrease in appetite, then in the second and third, as we have already said, due to the increased needs of a growing child.

In addition, contribute to the development of seizures and the use of a large number of drinks containing caffeine, including strong tea.

In the last trimester of pregnancy, the causes of calf cramps can be not only a lack of vitamins and minerals, but also. Sick veins of the lower extremities are not able to cope with the increased load, the blood begins to stagnate in them, and edema appears. Impaired blood circulation leads to the fact that muscle nutrition is difficult: nutrients do not get in the right amount, the metabolic product is not completely excreted. All this serves as a favorable background for the development of seizures.

"Syndrome of the inferior vena cava" also contributes to the occurrence of cramps in the muscles of the legs. In this case, while lying down, the woman's uterus compresses the inferior vena cava. This leads to weak venous outflow, and, consequently, to calf cramps.

Improper use of diuretics (to relieve swelling) can provoke the effect of washing out minerals, which also causes muscle cramps.

First aid for cramps during pregnancy

When convulsions occur, it is necessary to ask outsiders for help. In principle, it is quite possible to do everything yourself. To do this, it is recommended to pull the muscle in which the spasm has developed. Do not panic: breathe calmly and deeply. If a cramp occurs in the calf muscle, pull your toes towards you. Repeat several times until the pain subsides. It is necessary to make the muscles, thereby warming it up and restoring blood circulation. You can pinch the calf muscle or prick with a sharp object (without breaking the integrity of the skin, of course). When you feel better, lie down with your legs elevated. This will ensure the outflow of blood and help to avoid repeated convulsions.

Keep in mind that cramps due to a lack of substances are no joke. For example, a magnesium deficiency affects not only the appearance of convulsions, but also lower back pain, an increase, sometimes a miscarriage occurs against this background.

How to treat this condition in pregnant women?

First, not alone. See your doctor as soon as possible. If necessary, you will be assigned additional laboratory tests and will be advised to consult specialists (therapist, neuropathologist, endocrinologist). Usually, the doctor prescribes medications or vitamin complexes designed to make up for the deficiency of substances. If the examination does not determine anything serious, then the doctor will give some advice that alleviates the condition and is a preventive measure.

Second, you must keep in mind that:

To avoid cramps, pregnant women are not allowed to wear high-heeled shoes: a maximum of 4-5 cm.

If a pregnant woman is forced to stand for a long time, when a large load is placed on her legs, she is obliged to perform simple ones that will help normalize blood circulation in the calf muscles. To do this, you can alternately roll the foot from heel to toe and vice versa. You can simply rise up on your toes a few times and lower your foot back to the floor.

While resting, try to elevate your legs. You can do a foot massage, and the movements should be performed taking into account the direction of venous blood through the vessels of the lower extremities, that is, from the foot to the thigh.

In the case of varicose veins, it is necessary to wear special anti-varicose tights and stockings.

Take contrast showers more often.

Baths at room temperature with sea salt will be useful. To do this, dilute three tablespoons of salt in five liters of water.

Try to lead an active lifestyle: walk more often, do joint exercises for pregnant women, visit the pool.

Also, to prevent cramps in the calf muscles, it is recommended to wear woolen socks at night.

special diet

To prevent the occurrence of seizures or their recurrence, it is recommended to consume more than the body needs in this condition. As we have said, it is mainly potassium and magnesium.

Potassium is found in any product. The richest in them are: dried apricots and apricots, raisins, beets, melons, bananas, beans, potatoes, broccoli, beef liver,. Potassium can also be obtained from baked or boiled "in uniform" potatoes. The daily requirement of potassium for an adult is 4-5 grams.

Sources of calcium are dairy products, green leafy vegetables (broccoli, kale, turnip leaves, cauliflower, asparagus), egg yolks, all kinds of legumes, nuts, figs. Calcium supplements are best taken after a light meal.

A pregnant woman needs about 450 mg of magnesium daily. It is found in almost all foods. Particularly rich in magnesium are whole seeds, nuts, sunflower seeds, all legumes, green vegetables, carrots, green onions, and spinach.

You can quickly fill the glucose deficiency by using the so-called "simple carbohydrates". These are sugar, sweets, cakes.

Specially for- Ksenia Dakhno