Eid al-Adha is a blessed holiday of Muslims. Muslims celebrate Eid al-Adha, the holiday of the end of fasting Treats on the Muslim table in Eid al-Adha

The holy month of Ramadan ends, during which all devout Muslims kept a strict fast, when it was not allowed to eat or drink during daylight hours. The end of Ramadan is the most important event in Islam, which is called the Feast of Breaking the Fast. Eid al-Fitr or Eid al Adha... The followers of Islam believe that it was on this day that the prophet Muhammad the first verses of the Qur'an were revealed.

In 2017, the celebration of Eid al-Adha will begin in most Russian regions June 25... Accordingly, the last day of Ramadan and the eve of Eid al-Adha will be June 24... (In Chechnya, Dagestan and Adygea, as well as in many Muslim countries, the holiday will begin a day later - on June 26).

In Russian republics with a Muslim population, Eid al-Fitr is a day off, In some republics of the Russian Federation, where Muslims are the majority, as well as in most Muslim countries, holidays are three days - this is how long Eid al-Fitr lasts.

On the eve of Eid al-Adha, on the last evening of Ramadan, the followers of Islam gather for a common prayer, followed by a festive meal. Early the next morning, when the holiday itself begins, the believers, having bathed and put on their best clothes, go to the mosque for common prayer.

This tradition of collective holiday prayer is very important. So in Moscow and St. Petersburg, tens of thousands of Muslims who do not have enough space in mosques, all pray together right on the streets.

After a common prayer, the believers go to celebrate the holiday with a feast, where, of course, there is no alcohol prohibited in Islam, but there are many delicious sweets, fresh fruits and meat delicacies. It is customary to gather relatives at festive tables, neighbors and friends of other confessions are also invited, therefore Eid al-Adha is traditionally considered an interfaith and international holiday.

On Uraz Bayram, it is customary to pay festive visits to parents and relatives, to make gifts to children, as well as relatives and friends. Also, believers these days visit the graves of their ancestors.

Integral part Eid al-Fitr but is charity, these days the followers of Islam make voluntary and obligatory donations, according to the tradition laid down by the prophet Muhammad.

A voluntary donation is called sdaka (sadakat-al-fitr), its size is determined by the donor himself. The obligatory donation is called zakat (zakat al-fitr), its amount is calculated depending on the income of the donor. All collected money goes to help those in need.

Read more about the traditions of Eid al-Adha celebration in Federal News Agency.

If you want to congratulate your Muslim friends on the holiday of Eid al-Adha, we offer several options for poetic congratulations that can be sent, for example, in the form of SMS or MMS messages or via social networks. Universal congratulations for this day are the words "Eid Mubarak!", Which means - "Happy Holidays!"

On a glorious, clean, bright holiday
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart.
In Uraz-Bayram, let there be
Your thoughts are pure.

And let it be peaceful in the house
In happiness, loved ones live.
In faith strong and deep
They will find inspiration.

Following Ramadan, he comes to us -
The holiday is bright, joyful - Eid al-Adha!
Gather close and familiar to your home,
Break the fast with them at the festive table.

Congratulations on the holiday, Allah protects you,
He will always help, strengthen in faith!
May there be happiness and peace in the family,
And I wish you good luck in everything!

Completed the test
Holy Ramadan
Urazu Bayram!

May he bring joy
And fun in the house
So that good is forever
He settled in it.

Let the house be a bowl
Full to the brim
Where let everyone be
Happy and healthy.

I wish you cleanliness
In souls and hearts
May you be tender all my life
Allah protects.

Eid al-Adha is the most important holiday
Great day, the end of the fast,
To the poor, to the beggars, to different people
We will show you what kindness is.
"Eid Mubarak", faithful Muslim,
For children and relatives, exemplary,
Glad to see you on Uraz-Bayram,
I invite all friends to the festive tables.

The sacred fast is over,
Meet Urazu-Bayram
"Eid Mubrak!" to all friends
Wish you heartily.

To namaz with sunrise
The whole family go to the mosque,
And, honoring the memory of the departed,
Sadakat al-fitr pay.

On Uraz Bayram I wish -
Let the table be rich
Treats to taste
For everyone to find there.

May Allah bless you
Your house and family will be
Peace, joy and happiness
I wish everyone a holiday.

As in Orthodoxy, in Islam once a year there is a period when a true believer refuses food, fun and other attributes of secular life in the daytime - Ramadan. The start and end dates of this Muslim holy month are different each year because they are aligned with the lunar calendar. Ramadan ends with a great holiday of breaking the fast, which is called Eid al-Adha. In order not to miss this celebration, you should know what date Eid al-Adha will be in 2017.

There are about 20 million people in Russia who preach Islam. And each of them knows the date of one of the two main Muslim holidays - Eid al-Adha. In 2017, Ramadan will last from May 25 to June 25 - this is the 9th month of the year according to the lunar calendar. And on June 26, there will be a great celebration of breaking the fast - Eid al-Adha. This holiday has been celebrated since the distant 624 year.

In several republics of the Russian Federation, Eid al-Adha is recognized as a non-working day at the republican level. Among them are Tatarstan, Chechnya, Ingushetia, Bashkortostan, Karachay-Cherkessia, Crimea, Kabardino-Balkaria, Dagestan.

During Ramdan, according to the Qur'an, all Muslims who have reached the age of majority must. Children and sick people are exempted from fasting. But Eid al-Adha is celebrated by absolutely everyone.

Eid al-Adha traditions

For the celebration of the end of Ramadan, Muslims should prepare in advance. For the holiday, you should buy new things for children and adults, as well as update your home environment. Delicious food, gifts for relatives and simply poor people, textiles for home decoration are bought. Therefore, you need to save up money for Eid al-Adha.

On a holiday it is customary to visit the mosque in the morning.

During the holiday, the following will happen:

  • On the day of Eid al-Adha, Muslims try to wake up as early as possible, take a bath with incense and essential oils, dress up and go to the mosque, where the morning prayer will be performed. Everyone tries to come early in order to be at the forefront of the prayer.
  • On the holiday, Muslims greet each other with the words "Eid murabak!", Which in Arabic means "Blessed holiday!" By the way, in some Muslim countries this is a universal greeting for any special day.
  • On this day, Muslims must give alms to those in need. There is even a special name for this action - "zakat-ul-fitr". According to the Qur'an, the first person to give zakat-ul-fitr was the prophet Muhammad himself. Imitating him, Muslims try to show generosity on Eid al-Adha. You can donate both directly and through a mosque, various foundations and charitable organizations. They give money or various dry food.
  • The afternoon of this day is time for a large festive meal. After a long period of abstinence, Muslims eat a lot and eat well. The hostesses try to set the tables as beautiful and rich as possible. To do this, they buy expensive products and get the most beautiful dishes. In Islam, they believe that the better the table is set on Eid al-Adha, the richer the family will be for the whole next year.
  • They try to invite many relatives and friends to the table. Each should have a gift and congratulations in store. On this day, everyone should be in a good mood, so people forgive each other old grudges.
  • Another tradition of this celebration is visiting the graves of deceased relatives. You can also come to the tombs of the saints. But on this day, even a cemetery is not a place for tears and sadness. On Eid al-Adha, living people rejoice that their deceased loved ones have passed to a better world. Muslims are sure that on this day the souls of the departed also celebrate and have fun.

It is customary to invite all family and friends to the festive table.

  • Children especially love Eid al-Adha. The fact is that Muslims try to please the little ones on this holiday, give them the most delicious treats, entertain, play with them. All this, according to the beliefs of Islam, brings a person closer to Allah.

But the adults themselves do not get bored on this day. They organize fairs, attractions, attend artist performances, sing and dance themselves.

Treats on the Muslim table in Eid al-Adha

Since a solemn and magnificent feast in Eid al-Adha is the main part of the holiday, special attention should be paid to this. On this day, Muslims try to invite as many guests as possible to the house. It is good if among them there are needy and beggars who should be fed and benefited.

Advice. If a family has distant relatives in other cities and countries with whom it is impossible to dine on that day, they should definitely call or write a letter.

Traditionally, the following dishes are served on the table:

  • shorba;
  • meat rolls with prunes;
  • rice with pumpkin and raisins;
  • lamb stuffed with feta cheese;
  • pies with different fillings;
  • goulash with beans;
  • a variety of salads with vegetables and meat, and much more.

A separate place at the holiday is given to sweets. There should be a lot of them and they should be very diverse. In addition to nuts, fruits and honey dates, the following is served on the table:

    • sugar fudge;
    • watermelon honey;
    • roll with nuts;
    • cakes and cookies;
    • marmalade;
    • baked apples.

Advice. Desserts on this day can be donated as alms and presented as gifts to your family, friends and neighbors.

Since the Koran does not welcome alcohol at all, mocha, egg drink, tea, compote, uzvar are among the drinks on the table in Eid al-Adha.

Traditional dishes

The meal itself also requires a certain approach. It begins with the washing of hands, which is carried out already at the table. To do this, the children of the owners of the house with a jug of water and a basin bypass all the guests. After ablution, the host with the guests read the motive with gratitude to the Lord. After the prayer, a meal begins, the owner of the house eats the first meal. He has to finish the festive dinner.

Advice. The host is not a toastmaster on this day, but it is he who must maintain the fun at the table and make sure that the guests do not get bored.

You also need to be able to eat during a feast in Eid al-Adha. For this, cutlery must be held in the right hand, as well as bowls, glasses and any other vessels with drinks. Traditionally, it is best to eat with your hands, but never with two fingers. Dinner is not started with soups, but with bread or flat cakes, which are also broken by hand, not cut. But you need to drink very slowly, in small sips.

After the meal, you should go to the mosque and perform the evening prayer. At this time, Muslims ask for forgiveness of sins, happiness and peace for all.

Eid al-Adha is a big and cheerful holiday. During the month of Ramadan, Muslims earnestly pray and fast in order to thank Allah for everything on the holiday.

How to spend Eid al-Adha: video

06/25/2017 TASS 982 views

Eid al-Adha, which marks the end of the holy month of Ramadan, is celebrated on Sunday by Muslims around the world. Traditionally, the head of the Council of Muftis of Russia Ravil Gainutdin will address the believers from the Moscow Cathedral Mosque.

history of the holiday

According to legend, the holiday was established by the founder of Islam himself - the prophet Muhammad in 624. Since then, the ummah, that is, the worldwide community of believers, celebrates this day every year.

Eid al-Adha is important in the Muslim world, because the date of the most important Islamic holiday - Eid al-Adha is calculated from it. Eid al-Adha is also called a small holiday, and Eid al-Adha is called a big or sacrifice holiday.

Traditionally, Eid al-Adha is celebrated for three calendar days. Since the date of this holiday is floating (the lunar Islamic calendar and the traditional Gregorian calendar do not coincide), it falls on different dates every year. Eid al-Adha is celebrated by Muslims throughout the country. It is officially a day off in Adygea, Bashkortostan, Dagestan, Ingushetia, Kabardino-Balkaria, Karachay-Cherkessia, Tatarstan, Chechnya and Crimea.

Traditions and customs

Believers believe that these days you need to do as many good deeds as possible in order to cleanse your soul: take care of your neighbors, help those in need, and show compassion. Also, this holiday is a time for comprehending the spiritual experience accumulated by a person.

On the eve, Muslims are putting things in order in their homes. Then the women start cooking all kinds of festive dishes traditional for a particular area. And then the representatives of the youngest generation of the family treat their relatives and neighbors with this food.

Before the holiday, the followers of Islam perform a full ablution and put on smart clothes. An hour after dawn, everyone performs a festive collective prayer. Most believers gather in mosques, and those who perform namaz at home do it not alone, but together with all family members.

After that, every Muslim must honor the memory of the deceased relatives. To do this, they go to the cemetery.

Before performing the Eid Prayer, one must distribute the obligatory alms - zakat al-fitr. This is done in order to atone for possible mistakes and omissions made during Ramadan, as well as to help those in need. According to Islamic theologians, it is preferable to pay zakat al-fitr with food, not money.

08:52 - 4.6.2019

Muslims around the world celebrate one of the most significant religious holidays in Islam, Uraza Bayram (Eid al-Fitr). It marks the end of fasting in the holy month of Ramadan, which began on May 5 this year. During fasting, believers should refrain from bad words and thoughts, not eat and drink during daylight hours, pray fervently, engage in godly deeds and charity.

On the holiday of breaking the fast, which fell in 2019 on June 4, Muslims perform morning prayer (eid-namaz) namaz in the mosque, commemorate their dead relatives and friends, visit cemeteries and older relatives, visit each other, exchange treats and distribute alms.

In most Muslim countries, the day of Eid al-Adha is considered a day off. In Russia, a holiday on different days - June 4, 5, 6, 7 - is officially a non-working day in the republics of Adygea, Bashkortostan, Dagestan, Ingushetia, Kabardino-Balkaria, Karachay-Cherkessia, Tatarstan, Chechnya, Crimea, reports TASS.

Eid al-Adha is directly related to the ideas of spiritual development and good deeds. On the eve of the holiday, you need to forgive each other's insults, try to visit your relatives and friends and ask them for forgiveness.

In Eid al-Adha, Muslims of Russia pray to Allah for peace, mercy, blessing and prosperity, said the head of the Spiritual Directorate of Muslims of the Russian Federation, the Council of Muftis of Russia Sheikh Ravil Gainutdin, congratulating fellow believers on the holiday and expressing the hope that the whole Muslim world is praying for the gift of peace today.

"Today we also remember our brothers living on the land of Palestine, Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan, where, unfortunately, blood is still shed, peace and justice have not yet been established," Gainutdin said (quoted by RIA Novosti "). He hopes that Muslims who make up "2 billion of the world's population" are asking God "so that human blood is not shed, that there are no terrorist attacks" and that no one takes human life.

Russian President Vladimir Putin, in his congratulatory message published on the Kremlin website, noted that "Muslim organizations make a worthy contribution to the development of interreligious and interethnic dialogue, the unity of the peoples of Russia, consistently and decisively oppose manifestations of religious intolerance and extremism."

Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev noted in his telegram that the Russian Muslim community "pays serious attention to educational and educational activities, participates in charity, helps everyone who especially needs support. And of course, makes a significant contribution to countering extremist ideology and intolerance, does a lot to strengthen interethnic peace and harmony in our country. "