Is the ambulance lucky to the chosen maternity hospital? Paid ambulance for pregnant women

Based on medical data, the approximate birth time for primiparas is 10 to 12 hours, and for multiparous about 8 hours. Therefore, you should not worry that you will not have time to get to the hospital.

Which maternity hospital will you be taken to if you call an ambulance

An ambulance will take you to the maternity hospital to which you are attached, or to an institution by registration. If you are in some remote area, and the situation on the roads is bad, then you will be taken to the nearest institution.

Many women prefer to go to the hospital in advance and stay there until the moment of delivery. This is especially true for primiparous mothers. In the hospital, doctors will prepare the uterus and, when the pregnancy is "re-paced", stimulate the contractions of the uterus and induce labor. It is worth noting that calling them at home is strongly discouraged.

If you are at home and experience cramping attacks of pain in the lower abdomen, it is likely that a natural process begins, which should be under the attention of a doctor.

The question of when to call an ambulance during pregnancy is important, so you need to know the recommendations about the time of travel to the hospital for childbirth.

Pregnancy for a woman is a happy time, where she prepares with special impatience for the upcoming birth. In the later stages, the expectant mother may be concerned about a very important question, how to understand that labor is beginning and when to call an ambulance to the hospital during contractions.

What are contractions and how do they start

Contractions are a painful contraction of the uterus, for the subsequent expulsion of the fetus from the birth canal. It is necessary to distinguish between false contractions (occur periodically and do not end with childbirth), as well as real ones. In the latter case, the pain is wavy in nature, starting from a small area and gradually spreading wider. Later, the pain syndrome subsides before the onset of the next "wave". If time permits, before calling an ambulance, you can take a shower and be with loved ones. In this case, do not forget about these recommendations.

Rendering not required. It should be understood that in the absence of reasons, this process is natural, which just needs to be experienced.

While on conservation, there is a school for expectant mothers in many childbirths. There, pregnant women are told about how to care for a child and important issues are discussed, up to and including.

In what case you need to call an ambulance urgently

For every pregnant woman, the child's well-being is a priority. With a normal pregnancy and the absence of pathologies, the question of when to call an ambulance during childbirth is resolved. But it is worth noting several reasons, as a result of which it is necessary to call an ambulance and go to the hospital immediately:

  • contractions started less than 37 weeks;
  • the amniotic fluid has departed even with the absence of labor, while it is worth noting the time and their appearance (cloudy, transparent or green);
  • there is bleeding from the vagina;
  • the interval between contractions is less than 7 minutes, and their duration is more than 1 minute;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • there is a scar from the KS on the uterus;
  • the contractions are painful, the uterus is in constant tone without relaxation;
  • high blood pressure is observed;
  • the child actively moves and delivers pain to a pregnant woman;
  • The woman has a second pregnancy (second birth, etc.);
  • impurities of blood are observed in the leaking amniotic fluid.

Pregnancy is a sure reason to know when and when. Any alarming changes in the body of a pregnant woman should not be ignored by the doctor.

With the approach of childbirth, a pregnant woman inevitably raises many questions: where to give birth, and what to buy for the baby for the first time, how to breathe correctly during childbirth, ... It is undoubtedly important to think over the answers to them in advance. In addition, before giving birth, you should determine the sequence of your actions directly on the "X day" so as not to get confused and not panic. For example, decide in advance how you will get to the hospital: call an ambulance or go by car. It would seem that an ambulance is the most obvious and reliable option. But many women associate a ride on it with anxiety, illness, and it is not clear which maternity hospital she will take. Maybe it's better to use a taxi service? Or safely drive your car? Let's figure it out.

How to get to the hospital?

There are not so many options on how to get to the hospital. Probably everyone understands that public transport (metro, bus, tram, trolleybus) in this situation is not an option. What is left?

  1. Walking distance to the hospital ... This way to get to the hospital is ideal for those who live within a 10-15 minute walk from it. Movement relieves the woman experiencing labor pains, distracts and calms. But you need to go accompanied - for example, with your husband or mother.
  2. Call an ambulance ... By number 03 (or 103 for mobile devices) you need to inform that an ambulance is required for a woman giving birth. This will speed up the arrival of the medics. If necessary, they will help the woman down or even use a stretcher. The indisputable advantage of the ambulance is the speed of movement - all cars give way to it. In addition, with the rapid development of labor, doctors will be able to deliver, unlike a husband or a taxi driver. However, the ambulance, most likely, will not be lucky for anyone except the woman in labor (this is prohibited), and the accompanying person, if any, will have to get to the hospital on their own. And the choice of the maternity hospital remains with the ambulance attendants, and not with the woman in labor - although, as practice shows, different options are possible.
  3. Drive your car ... A personal car provides a familiar environment without "hospital" paraphernalia. Naturally, it is by no means possible for a woman to give birth herself to drive - it puts both the mother and the baby at risk. The woman in labor should sit in the back seat in a reclining position. As for the attitude of maternity hospital workers to those who arrived on their own, everything is individual here. But the maternity hospital is obliged to accept a woman in childbirth.
  4. Call a taxi ... In this case, you get almost the same comfort as when traveling in your car. In addition, taxi drivers are usually well-versed in the city and know how to detour in case of traffic jams.

Which maternity hospital will be taken by ambulance?

In theory, a birth certificate gives a woman the right to choose health care institutions where pregnancy, childbirth and dispensary observation of the child will take place in the first year of his life. However, reality makes adjustments to this wonderful theory. As for maternity hospitals, the lack of places or sanitization (the so-called "washing") gives the medical institution the right to refuse a woman's admission.

An ambulance is taking the woman in labor to where she received an outfit from the dispatch center. If the maternity hospital to which the woman herself wants to go is overcrowded, closed, the dispatcher will not give an ambulance order. This means that no bribes (forums often advise pregnant women to give doctors "money") will not help to get there. The movement of all ambulances is monitored, and doctors will not risk their work.

Women are usually taken to a maternity hospital that corresponds to their registration. An exception is the option with the presence of a contract between the pregnant woman and a specific maternity hospital or the presence of a visa for the head physician / deputy head physician on an exchange card. It is possible that the doctors will go to meet the pregnant woman and take her to the maternity hospital of her choice - but again, only if they receive an order from the dispatcher. Some women, in response to their request for a specific maternity hospital, hear the phrase: "An ambulance is not a taxi for you."

If doctors see that the baby is about to be born, the woman in labor is taken to the nearest maternity hospital, notifying the dispatcher on the way.

What is the best way to go to the hospital: by ambulance, by your own car or by taxi?

Consider the advantages and disadvantages of all ways to get to the hospital in a comparative table.



Own car


Waiting time

She usually comes to women in labor faster than to other patients, but it happens that you have to wait.

Always at your disposal.

Most often, it arrives quickly, since the speed of movement, in principle, determines the income of a taxi. However, it is better to immediately inform that a woman in labor needs a car and clarify how long you will have to wait.

Travel speed

The presence of flashing beacons ("flashers") and the status of the ambulance allows it to move faster than other cars.

They are not insured against standing in traffic jams, unlike an ambulance. However, early clarification of bypass roads in the direction of the hospital (knowledge of them by the taxi driver) or the absence of "traffic jams" - for example, at night - negate the advantages of the ambulance in speed of movement. By the way, most childbirth begins at night.

Travel comfort

The spacious interior allows the woman to sit in a comfortable position.

When traveling, the woman in labor must take a reclining position - for this, you need to put a pillow under the lower back.

The psychological state of a woman in labor

Being close to medical workers can instill in a woman both calmness and confidence that she is safe, and panic due to unusual conditions.

It soothes the presence of a close person (or loved ones) nearby, the familiar atmosphere of your car. Delays on the way and the panic of relatives can be unnerving.

Traveling in a taxi can be as relaxing as in your own car. Taxi drivers carrying babies are often very nervous - and some women are even amused by this.


Carriage of accompanying persons with the woman in labor is prohibited.

Anyone can accompany a woman.


The ride is safe enough.

Having a woman in labor in the back seat can distract the driver (especially if it is her spouse) and cause an accident.

Rapid labor on the road

The ambulance is equipped with the necessary minimum of equipment that allows you to take delivery right in the car. There is an obstetrician in the team.

To give birth in an ordinary car is a dubious pleasure. Still, it is worth noting that childbirth usually takes quite a long time.

Choosing a maternity hospital

The ambulance attendants are aware of which maternity hospitals are currently open for admission, and to which maternity hospital it is necessary to deliver a woman if she has certain diseases. A woman will be taken to a specific maternity hospital with documents confirming the contract with the selected institution. Otherwise (or if the condition of the woman in labor does not tolerate delay) she will be taken to the nearest maternity hospital - by registration or to the duty officer.

You can go to any maternity hospital by car. It is possible to refuse admission in the absence of places, as well as in cases when the maternity hospital is closed for "washing" or the woman has diseases in which she needs to be in a specialized maternity hospital.

Reception at the maternity hospital

The ambulance is taking the woman to the hospital according to the outfit, i.e. the woman in labor will definitely be accepted where she was brought. Even if for some reason the maternity hospital refuses to accept a woman, an ambulance is obliged to deliver her to another maternity hospital. Some women believe that the treatment of those who arrived by ambulance is better than those who arrived on their own. In any case, first of all, those who arrived by ambulance are registered.

It is better to clarify whether there are places in the desired maternity hospital in advance, before the trip. Since, in theory, it can be closed for "washing" or overflowed. You should also find out in advance if they can refuse admission due to the presence of chronic diseases in the woman in labor that require hospitalization in a specialized maternity hospital.

Women arriving by car may be less well-disposed to women than those delivered by an ambulance.

We hope our article will help you decide how best to get to the hospital. We wish all pregnant women a comfortable journey to the hospital and, of course, an easy delivery!

In 2012, having met the appearance of more than 134 thousand young Muscovites, Sergei Sobyanin stated with satisfaction: "For the second year we have seen natural population growth in Moscow, when the birth rate exceeds the death rate." The demographic situation in 2013 is also pleasing: in the first half of the year alone, 65,708 children were born, when at the same time last year there were 63,806. "

But numbers are more of a hypostasis than officials. Muscovites are much more concerned about the question: where to give birth? Where is the ambulance lucky? Or buy a contract in advance? The observer of "RG", whose gestation period exceeded just the middle, looked closely at the Moscow maternity hospitals. It's time to choose.

Where will they take?

In Moscow, there are more than two dozen state hospitals and obstetric hospitals at hospitals, private clinics and research institutes. In addition, in the coming years, perinatal centers will be built on the basis of the 67th city hospital, as well as in Troitsk and Kommunarka - in the annexed territories.

The obstetric care system in Moscow is debugged down to the smallest detail. Even if there are no contracts and agreements with doctors, you are guaranteed to "give birth" - so the midwives say. Contractions started? Call a gynecological ambulance and let them carry you where there is free space. This is how the absolute majority gives birth. According to the health department, only 12% of women in childbirth enter into contracts in Moscow maternity hospitals. With contractions, any maternity hospital in the capital will accept everyone, even without Russian citizenship, without documents and exchange cards with the results of tests and examinations. This, by the way, is actively used by residents of the CIS countries and Russian regions, where obstetrics are not as good as in Moscow. Every month in the capital, about 600 births are taken from visitors who have specially rolled over to give birth. Previously, for some reason, those who came in large numbers especially loved the 36th maternity hospital, and after it was closed for repairs, they were dispersed throughout Moscow. But the baby boom continues among Muscovites. In my home edition this summer I will be the third.

Mom wants to sleep

Quality standards in maternity hospitals are the same. Everywhere new equipment is the result of the healthcare modernization program, which has been going on in the city for 2.5 years. Every maternity hospital has been renovated, ventilation has been put in order. Where possible, climate control systems or central air conditioning are supplied. "This year there were no complaints about the heat," says Irina Kalinovskaya, head of the department for organizing medical care for mothers and children of the Moscow Department of Health.

With the exception of infectious hospitals, due to their specificity, in each maternity hospital, mothers can lie with the child. True, according to the statistics of the Department of Health, not everyone enjoys this right, which ten years ago had to be achieved. About 30% of women in labor, producing an heir, prefer to get some sleep.

Delivery by contract

"Under the contract, you can choose a ward of superior comfort, individual supervision of childbirth by a doctor and midwife, observation and follow-up examination in the selected maternity hospital starting from 36 weeks. The contract starts from 50 thousand rubles.

Future mothers, judging by the forums on the Internet, are primarily looking for the quality of medical care, comfort and courtesy of the staff. However, the list of requirements could be continued. "I want to choose a doctor myself, a maternity hospital next to the house, and so that there is children's intensive care in it," Anastasia Zueva, who is expecting her second daughter, shared with "RG". And she continued: "And the main thing is free behavior during childbirth, so that there is a ball and a shower to wait out the contractions, and after giving birth, the baby is put to the breast."

“Most often I am asked about which maternity hospital is good, where there are good doctors,” says Nadezhda Pavlovskaya, a psychologist who leads classes in preparation for childbirth. “As the course progresses, other details begin to emerge: for example, it turns out that it is not always possible to give birth with But it is precisely the desire of a woman in labor to have a loved one next to her during childbirth that most often prompts them to take care of the contract in advance. The second reason is the possibility of visits. And in general, many women simply feel more confident when they have paid for the contract, they ask questions more boldly, demand that their interests were taken into account. All this is possible without a contract, but psychologically it is more difficult for women in labor. "

Ekaterina Zhitomirskaya, another psychologist who accompanies childbirth, said that, for example, the perinatal medical center is chosen for its high comfort and superprofessional doctors - according to some reviews, childbirth here is no different from foreign clinics. The 1st maternity hospital is famous for free partner deliveries, in the 4th they practice vertical childbirth, and about the 15th it is known that childbirth is also accepted there after a cesarean section.

The quirks of the seasoned

But, despite all the wealth of choice in the capital's maternity hospitals, every year there are dozens of women in Moscow who prefer to give birth at home. In 2010, there were 394 of them, in 2011 - 372, and in the past, when the area of ​​Moscow itself increased by 2.5 times - 457. Most often, this desire of women is explained by the fact that women in childbirth are unhappy with the treatment of staff with them. “With the first pregnancy, most Muscovites prefer to give birth in the maternity hospital, but with the second and subsequent pregnancies they think about childbirth at home more often,” says Nadezhda Pavlovskaya. “But the situation with home births in Russia is not at all rosy due to the lack of legislative assistance, and therefore some of those who are preparing for home birth, then leave Russia to give birth to countries where there is an institution of such assistance, for example, to Israel. "

Moscow does not promise changes in this area in the near future. "The opening of a state medical organization accompanying home births is not expected," Kalinovskaya said. In addition, outside the hospital it is difficult to provide conditions for monitoring all vital signs of the mother and fetus. "

Maternity hospitals, which are most popular among women in labor, according to the Department of Health: Center for Family Planning and Reproduction, maternity hospitals N 1, 3, 4, 15, 17, obstetric hospitals N 29 and 72.

  • Maternity hospital at the Central Clinical Hospital, an average score of 4.58 on 154 reviews.
  • Maternity hospital at Tuberculosis Clinical Hospital N 7, average score 4.57 for 21 responses.
  • Perinatal medical center, average score 4 on 328 reviews.
  • Maternity hospital at GB N 8, an average score of 4.48 based on 610 reviews.
  • Maternity hospital N 20, average score 4.47 based on 367 reviews.

When it is necessary and how to choose the right maternity hospital, not all expectant mothers know.

In Soviet times, our parents went to the nearest medical institution from home. Modern medicine gives pregnant women the right to choose any maternity hospital, depending on their requirements and taste preferences. A woman is not limited in her choice, it is only necessary to fulfill several conditions.

Can you choose a maternity hospital yourself?

In the last months of pregnancy, a woman is puzzled by the question - will the ambulance take her to the chosen maternity hospital.

Many parents-to-be agree with the doctor in advance during the pregnancy's stay on the register. It is considered normal practice to have a preliminary acquaintance with your doctor and obstetrician 1-2 months before the PDD (estimated date of birth).

During such a period of time, you can have time to meet with the doctor several times, he will be able to carefully look at the medical (exchange) card and learn about possible complications. At the same time, it will be possible to establish contact with a professional doctor.

At the first visit to the maternity hospital, the expectant mother is often asked to conclude a contract on a paid basis, she is being introduced to the list of additional services. They presuppose a comfortable stay, the necessary medicines and an attentive attitude of workers. So, it will be possible to choose a separate ward and be in it with her husband, mother and other close relatives.

In the process of getting to know the doctor, it is strongly recommended to take his phone number, and also to clarify the possibility of calls at any time of the day if necessary. Such an arrangement implies a monetary reward.

It is important to understand that even paid childbirth does not guarantee easy resolution. Often, on a paid basis, the conditions for finding a future mother in a maternity hospital are improved.

In the absence of an opportunity to pay for childbirth, you can use the birth certificate, which allows a mentally vulnerable woman to be confident in the future and not worry about the upcoming event.

In 2006, a state program was adopted that allows pregnant women to choose a consultation and a maternity hospital. Its action has significantly improved the medical care of the population.

At the same time, young mothers and their children are provided with quality medicines completely free of charge. The presence of a birth certificate greatly simplifies financially the management of pregnancy, childbirth and further supervision of children by pediatricians in the first year of their life. It allows a woman to choose in which maternity hospital she wishes to give birth to her baby. The expectant mother has the right to come to any medical institution and declare her desire to become its patient.

When is it impossible to choose a maternity hospital on your own?

Today, there are a number of cases that do not allow a woman in labor to choose a maternity hospital at her will.

  1. The first reason is the lack of a birth certificate when labor starts. In this case, the ambulance will take the woman to the nearest institution. The occurrence of such a situation sometimes leads to the most unfavorable consequences in the form of a lack of urgent qualified assistance from health workers and the necessary equipment.
  2. Secondly, all maternity hospitals are forced to close one or more times a year for sanitization. Therefore, when the day of birth coincides with this procedure, then the expectant mother will not be able to get to the chosen clinic.
  3. Many maternity hospitals specialize in providing certain types of care. In the event of complications during pregnancy, it will be advisable to contact an institution that meets the necessary requirements. Not all clinics are equipped with everything necessary for delivering women with diabetes, problems with the cardiovascular system, and so on.

The essence and purpose of the generic certificate

The state program "Health" organizes competition between medical institutions that seek to provide comprehensive assistance to a large number of pregnant women. At the same time, it is possible to improve the quality of the provided medical services in all clinics.

Registration of a birth certificate helps to stimulate the desire of all healthcare institutions to provide assistance in gynecology, obstetrics and pediatrics. Hospitals are becoming interested in equipping them with certified medicines and modern equipment.

To obtain a certificate, you must perform the following steps:

  • register (in the 1st trimester) in the antenatal clinic;
  • regular visits to the clinic (for at least 12 weeks);
  • a monthly visit to a pediatrician with an infant.

Who can issue a generic certificate:

  1. All citizens of the Russian Federation, regardless of age, the fact of official employment and registration.
  2. Women with any condition of the fetus, with or without a legal spouse.
  3. Citizens of other states with a TRP or residence permit are also eligible for a certificate.

The need to obtain a generic certificate

The birth certificate is a kind of material incentive for modern clinics, maternity hospitals and antenatal clinics, which provide the population with high-quality medical care on favorable terms. They receive from a special fund (FSS) cash payments of a set amount, ensuring interest in each expectant mother, as well as her baby.

According to the birth certificate, a woman chooses a maternity hospital for herself, taking into account the characteristics of the course of pregnancy. The presumptive nature of labor (complicated or uncomplicated) is also taken into account. When choosing a maternity hospital, it is strongly recommended to take into account the territorial feature (to the nearest place where the contractions began).

You can get a birth certificate absolutely free of charge at 28-30 weeks of pregnancy in a consultation or an obstetric center registered with the expectant mother. The document allows you to choose the best medical institution.

It will be necessary to obtain a generic certificate to select:

  • consultations for monitoring pregnancy;
  • maternity hospital;
  • children's polyclinic for patronage supervision of your child up to 1 year old.

Having a certificate in her hands, a woman has the right to contact any maternity hospital she likes (with an exchange card) and agree on the upcoming birth. The manager is obliged to sign the card, so the expectant mother can come to the chosen hospital on the expected day of delivery. When contractions come at home, ambulance doctors will take the woman in childbirth exactly there.

It is impossible to sell or cash out the certificate, it is not material assistance. The main purpose of the document is to pay for medical services in public institutions. The certificate will not be accepted by commercial private clinics.

Is an ambulance required to take to the hospital and admission without a certificate

A birth certificate protects a pregnant woman from the provision of low-quality and hazardous medical services. She has the right to choose any antenatal clinic (maternity hospital) even if a medical facility is located in another city or region of our country. Issuance of a document helps women to receive comprehensive support during pregnancy and at first after childbirth.

Even in the absence of a certificate, a pregnant woman will not be denied medical care. She will be able to go to the maternity hospital only at the place of residence. The document gives the right to choose any maternity hospital, regardless of registration. Moreover, in the hospital itself, if the woman has all the necessary documents, she will be helped to issue a certificate on the spot. If a document is lost, it can be easily restored. The women's consultation will be interested in the efficiency of this process, since on the basis of it, the funds for the services provided are transferred to the institution's account.

Modern maternity hospitals are divided into 3 types:

  • the predominance of uncomplicated childbirth (up to 500 babies are born per year), they do not provide for a round-the-clock stay of an obstetrician;
  • the birth of up to 1500 children per year (the department has an intensive care unit and intensive care units);
  • regional and federal institutions with assistance during pregnancy and the postpartum period (often there is a department of pathology).

Depending on the characteristics of carrying a child, the gynecologist issues a referral to the maternity hospital of one of the above categories. With such documents, you can go with contractions to the selected hospital. With a post-term pregnancy (from 40 weeks), you can go to a hospital in such an institution until you wait for the onset of labor.

How to choose a maternity hospital?

Which is the best to choose a maternity hospital - many women in labor are puzzled by this question since the first trimester of pregnancy. Parents-to-be often visit several institutions, learn about the offered conditions, talk to doctors and choose the most optimal option. It is important that a contract is concluded between the pregnant woman and the maternity hospital. The attending physician makes appropriate notes on the pregnancy chart. Only in this case, when the waters drain or the beginning of contractions, it is possible to demand from the ambulance to take the woman to the maternity hospital of her choice.

To understand how to choose the right maternity hospital, you need to study its following criteria:

  • the proximity of the institution to home;
  • living conditions (having a separate shower, cleanliness, sterility, etc.);
  • availability of good medical equipment;
  • staff qualifications and experience;
  • the possibility of partner (joint) childbirth;
  • round-the-clock stay with the baby.

When choosing a maternity hospital, it is necessary to study the attitude of all staff towards natural childbirth.

Domestic medical institutions are guided mainly by natural delivery. In this case, a planned cesarean is used exclusively according to indications.

Sometimes there are emergency situations when weak labor occurs during the discharge of waters. In this case, additional stimulation is indispensable, and the life of a newly born person will depend on the high qualifications of the personnel and the availability of modern medical equipment. After a successful birth, it is desirable that experienced gynecologists, neonatologists and courteous medical personnel take care of the mother and the newborn.

Expectation of a child is a wonderful state that makes a woman happy. In order to think only about the good for all nine months, it is worth taking care of qualified and prompt transportation to the maternity hospital or hospital. Every expectant mother should have an ambulance phone for pregnant women in Moscow and the Moscow region. Fast transportation will help to avoid serious health problems for both the woman and the child. Commercial ambulance for pregnant women of the medical service "Doctor 03" is safety, professionalism and maximum comfort for paid hospitalization.

When you may need a paid maternity ambulance

During the nine months of pregnancy, situations arise repeatedly in which a woman needs the help of doctors. However, it is not always possible to figure out on your own whether it is worth calling an ambulance or it is enough to visit your doctor. If you encounter any of the symptoms listed below, immediately call an ambulance for pregnant women in Moscow:

  • bleeding during pregnancy or early labor;
  • severe cramping pains in the lumbar region, lower abdomen, genitals;
  • surgical pathologies (ectopic pregnancy, appendicitis, acute cholecystitis, acute pancreatitis, etc.);
  • somatic diseases that can sharply worsen during pregnancy (urolithiasis, bronchial asthma);
  • the onset of labor, accompanied by regular contractions or outpouring of amniotic fluid.
  • It should be understood that in any of these situations, qualified medical care should be provided as quickly as possible. A taxi driver or even a loved one driving is not the best option, as they will not cope with the difficulties that have arisen. The most comfortable and safe way to transport pregnant women to the maternity hospital is the paid obstetric ambulance of the Doctor 03 medical service.

    If you have a generic certificate, a commercial contract or in the case of a personal agreement with a doctor, our ambulance will take you to any maternity hospital.

Benefits of paid ambulance for pregnant women in Moscow service "Doctor 03"

Efficiency. The teams of the private ambulance "Doctor 03" work around the clock. Our dispatchers will accept the application and draw up the best route to arrive on call as soon as possible. Paid ambulances at the Doctor 03 maternity hospital are equipped with special signals, which increase the speed of medical transport in dense city traffic.

Technical equipment. Each car of a paid ambulance for pregnant women is equipped with modern devices that allow maintaining a stable condition of the expectant mother and baby. If necessary, our doctors will take delivery or carry out resuscitation measures. For the transfer and transportation of pregnant women in our ambulance to the hospital or clinic, a comfortable stretcher is used, in which a woman can be lying or reclining.