All the tips for a first date with your boyfriend is awesome! First Date: Tips for Women and Men

The first date is always exciting. There are no definite criteria, since one person expects to spend a few happy hours, and the other - to find a partner for a serious relationship. In any case, everyone wants to make a good impression. A competent approach to meeting a stranger can change your future life forever. To do everything right, you need to heed the advice of experienced psychologists.

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    First meeting with a guy

    The first date with a boyfriend always evokes feelings of excitement and even fear. In this case, you should concentrate on mentally preparing for this step. It is important to remember that both sides feel insecure. Perhaps the guy is even more afraid of the meeting, so you should not set yourself up as if this date is the most important exam in life. Even with the most negative outcome, you may simply never see this person again.

    How to invite a guy for a walk

    Moral preparation

    If the first meeting has already been scheduled, then people already have little experience of communicating with each other by correspondence or by phone. The general impression can be summed up by the manner of conversation and the facts that have already been learned. The right decision is to find out more about the person before the first date. You shouldn't go to a meeting without even knowing the guy's real name. It would be nice to get acquainted in general terms with his place of residence, family composition and production activities. The maximum amount of information will allow the girl to morally tune in to the meeting.

    The next step is to have a positive attitude. Only confidence in the right choice will allow you to fill the date with positive emotions. An indifferent attitude will bring disappointment, and the meeting will be doomed to failure. Therefore, it is recommended to cheer yourself up by watching a funny movie or video, reading a fascinating book, pleasant communication with loved ones, etc. This will help to distract yourself a little, relieve the feeling of fear and tension in order to go on a cherished date in a great mood.

    How to behave on a first date


    Every girl feels much more confident if she looks impeccable. The hairstyle is of great importance. Cleanly washed, neatly styled hair always looks attractive. The face needs cleaning and unobtrusive makeup. The hands of a woman attract particular attention of men, which is why there must be a perfect manicure. It is enough to give the nails a neat shape, cover them with colored or colorless varnish, apply a little cream on your hands.

    It is recommended to choose clothes that are appropriate for the season and weather outside the window. Clothes out of season will look ridiculous. In addition, items must be laundered and ironed. Also, do not dress up in a very revealing outfit with a deep neckline or a skirt that is too short. High heels can get in the way of walking. This also applies to tight new clothes that hinder movement. Overly flashy, provocative outfits and bright makeup can scare a guy.

    How to behave with a girl


    The right to appoint the place and time of the meeting belongs to the girl. This must be used in order to arrange everything as conveniently as possible for yourself. It is advisable to choose the time no later than 19 hours in winter and 20 hours in summer. It is recommended to choose a relatively crowded area that is close to public transport stops. It is undesirable to use the services of a man's personal car during the first date. In order not to find yourself in an awkward situation, you must carefully ask in advance if the guy will be driving. Then tactfully hint about your desire to take a walk without the presence of a car.

    Personal safety is the most important condition for a successful meeting. A completely unfamiliar man, even if there is some information about him, should not inspire a feeling of complete trust in a girl. To avoid bitter disappointments and undesirable consequences later, it is worth considering such nuances as carefully as possible. Therefore, it is necessary to think in advance of a way in which you can go home as quickly as possible or call for help.

    Walking place

    In the first minutes of the meeting, a problem arises: where to go. If the guy has prepared a date plan in advance, you should ask him to voice it. This moment sometimes becomes fundamental, since many girls, out of excitement and fear of doing something wrong, are embarrassed to ask this question. But you should listen to the man's plans and accept his proposals if they are acceptable to the girl. When the initiative is given to a woman, it is recommended that you choose a walk in the park or offer an inexpensive cafe in a crowded place.

    It is recommended that you bring a small amount with you when you go to your first meeting. You may need money on the way back home, and if you have to pay for yourself in a cafe. That is why you should not offer or accept an invitation to go to an expensive restaurant. This can be done only if you have a large amount with you, which you will not be sorry to part with.

    First conversation

    A well-chosen place for a walk will provide conditions for a relaxed conversation. In a park or cafe, where a couple is surrounded by many people, but there is an opportunity to communicate calmly, the place itself will be conducive to a pleasant conversation.

    How to conduct a conversation properly

    To make the conversation pleasant, the girl needs to try to relieve the tension from herself and her interlocutor. This is where tact comes in handy. Even if you don't like the guy, you should remain polite until the end, and then leave with dignity. A few tips:

    • The girl is encouraged to behave modestly and restrained, smile, be sincere and benevolent.
    • A very reasonable decision would be to find out as much information as possible about the guy, but this must be done unobtrusively and correctly.
    • Answer his questions, but do it in general terms, leaving out details.
    • Try not to allow long pauses and awkward silence. Suggest new topics of conversation.
    • Actively participate in the conversation, tactfully directing it in a direction that is convenient for you.
    • It is very important to find out what the guy is doing, what he likes to do in his free time. He will be pleased to see sincere interest, so clarifying questions should be asked. If a man is interested in football, you can ask what the rating of his favorite team is and when the next game is planned.

    Forbidden tricks

    There are several wrong aspects of behavior that can completely destroy your next date hopes. Being in a state of excitement, even the best girl in all respects may not behave very correctly. Therefore, you should calm down and use the advice of psychologists:

    • You do not need to constantly talk only about yourself - this will make your companion bored. There is not much time on the first date, so the girl runs the risk of not knowing anything about the guy.
    • Also, don't keep asking questions endlessly. A young man may feel like he is in an interview or an exam. Nobody will like to be immediately under such interrogation.
    • You don't need to immediately talk about your problems or complain about life.
    • If a guy asks a question about relatives or work, you should not describe your working day to him in detail using incomprehensible terms or tell the stories of all members of the family tree up to the fifth generation.
    • You can't talk about the former. If a similar question follows, it is necessary to correctly and playfully turn the conversation into another direction. We can say that the relationship once was, but now they are not.
    • No need to criticize a man: this is unacceptable on the first date.
    • If the girl begins to constantly seize the initiative and interrupt, this will indicate her bad manners.
    • You shouldn't ask about a man's income on the first date. If he deems it necessary, he will tell about it himself. Otherwise, you can be considered a mercantile person who only needs money.
    • Talking about global plans for a joint future is not the best topic. You shouldn't even do it jokingly, because a man perceives such conversations as an encroachment on his freedom.
    • Demonstrating that the guy doesn't like it is a bad idea. This can cause violent reactions. In order not to provoke a scandal and insults in your direction, it is necessary to tactfully shorten the evening.
    • It is recommended to part with a courteous and peaceful way to leave a good impression.

    You do not need to invent stories about yourself that do not correspond to reality. If a serious relationship is planned, the hidden truth will still come out. After that, you can lose not only the guy's trust, but also part with him forever. The most important thing is to be yourself, because playing the other person will get bored very quickly.

    After the date

    If everything went perfectly and the guy called right away, you should thank him for a great evening. You can arrange the next meeting or call. Even if the girl is disappointed, there is no need to answer rudely or to put an end to the relationship on this day. It would be wiser to do this the next time you call or correspond.

    If a man does not call and does not write for several days, then there is a reason for that: either he did not like the girl, or he is simply too timid, or an unforeseen event happened. Here you need to analyze how much you liked him. If there is a desire to continue communication, you can find an unobtrusive reason and get in touch yourself. For example, just ask if everything is all right with him. Do not remember a past meeting or suggest a next one. Probably, the guy was just waiting for such a call, and then he will do everything himself. If he doesn't answer, then he didn't like the evening. In this case, it is recommended to accept the situation and not bother him anymore.

    Date with a girl

    A successful first date is the beginning of the next stage in a man's life with a possible continuation of a romantic relationship. An unsuccessful meeting will be an experience of communication with the fair sex.

    If the girl he likes is really dear to the young man, it is necessary that the evening be held at the highest level. If you adhere to some rules of conduct, the date will turn out to be pleasant and relaxed.

    Moral attitude

    The first meeting with a girl is always accompanied by excitement. It is this that sometimes interferes with revealing your true face and demonstrating real feelings. Therefore, the main recommendation would be to discard unnecessary emotions, go on a date in high spirits. If the people they meet are both agitated, anxious and shy, nothing good will come of it. A real man should behave naturally, try to remain calm and take care of removing the anxiety from his companion.

    You should not immediately build long-term plans for life together in your imagination. Normal, calm communication will allow the situation to develop naturally. It is for this reason that it is not recommended to think over every word and movement. During this lesson, you can miss all the most important.


    The first impression is not an indicator of further relationship, but it is still worth paying attention to your appearance. Take a shower, wash your hair, put your hands and feet in order. Cleanliness and freshness of the body, clothes and shoes are the main condition for the first and subsequent dates. The guy who came to the meeting with greasy hair, casually dressed and in dirty shoes, shows disrespect not only for the girl, but also for himself.

    Special attention should be paid to clothing. It should be appropriate for the season and weather. A girl will feel uncomfortable next to an elegant, but frozen guy. In cold weather, you need to provide even an element of clothing that will help the lady keep warm. It is recommended to wear a suit with a tie only if a trip to the appropriate institution is agreed in advance, and the companion is dressed appropriately. It is necessary to warn the girl about plans to walk in places with an uneven surface (seashore, rivers, etc.), since her outfit may not be suitable for such a walk. Don't wear beach shorts, a T-shirt, overly revealing shoes, or provocative clothes on your first date.

    It is not recommended to go to the first meeting empty-handed. A huge bouquet will be inappropriate, since you will have to walk with it all evening. A great idea would be a small bouquet, a chocolate bar, a book (if in the process of correspondence it was possible to find out the girl's favorite author), a souvenir, etc.


    The time and place of the meeting is determined by the girl herself. If you have your own car, you can offer her to pick it up at the place where she says. After agreeing on a date, it is recommended to come there a little earlier. If unforeseen circumstances arise, be sure to warn about your delay. When you meet, you need to say hello, gently taking the girl by the hand. This gesture is a traditional greeting, but at the same time the first tactile contact occurs, which is conducive to communication. Next, you should lead the girl along. A man is inherently a leader, so he must be in front. This is especially true for narrow paths or stairs.

    As a sign of bad taste, he will ask on the first date: “Where are we going? ". A man should think over a plan for holding a meeting in advance, since this mission should not be entrusted to a woman. A girl may get confused or suggest an institution in which the young man cannot afford. If you come up with an idea of ​​unusual leisure time, you need to talk about it before the meeting. An inexpensive cafe or just a walk in the park would be ideal.

    It is not recommended to invite the girl to visit an expensive restaurant. The relationship is at stage zero, so you shouldn't spend so much. But even if there is such a material opportunity, this idea is unreasonable. A decent girl will feel uncomfortable because she will not be able to understand what kind of payment they want from her. The specific audience and high etiquette of such establishments can simply confuse an already agitated woman.

    Communication methods

    There are certain rules for a man on a first date. Even if the girl did not make the expected impression, you should not ignore them. The main role in society is assigned to a man, so this evening must be spent with dignity, respecting the woman's aspirations to please. Fundamental rules:

    • You need to speak correctly, without obscene words and vulgarity.
    • It is not necessary to shower a girl with compliments, but it is still worth saying a few words about her appearance.
    • There is no need to deceive a woman and try to present yourself as different from what a man really is. If the girl agreed to come on a date, it means that she liked exactly those features that were revealed during the correspondence or conversation. Moreover, the falsity is always visible, and sooner or later the lie will come out.
    • The conversation should take the form of a dialogue, not a monologue. The behavior of a guy who constantly speaks, not allowing the girl to insert words, is very tiring.
    • You should not brag about your financial situation, even if it is above average.
    • It is very important to learn more about the girl. This applies to her hobbies, work, family, etc. But you should not be interested in her previous relationship or remember your former love. These conversations will be extremely unpleasant for the girl.
    • It is not recommended to constantly amuse your companion by telling her funny anecdotes or life experiences.
    • Prolonged pauses in a conversation can be interrupted by a frank admission of your excitement if you really like the girl.

    After a date with a girl

    At the end of the date, you need to invite the girl to accompany her home. If she refuses to be escorted, you need to check her boarding. Do not immediately after the words: "Thank you, I will finish it myself", turn around and leave.

    You need to get in touch on the same day. The right decision would be to call or write an SMS to ask how the girl got home and to thank her for a great evening. If the date is disappointing, you don't need to talk about it right away or ignore her. First of all, this speaks of the bad manners of the young man. If you absolutely do not want to continue the relationship, you should write about it the next day in a tactful manner. For example: “I will be very busy soon. I'll get in touch a little later. " If the girl is too persistent, you can block access.

Prepare for your first date by all the rules! It is imperative to think over what you will say to the guy. We offer quite interesting topics and a list of specific questions that will help you get to know a person and tell about yourself. Also, you will find forbidden topics that absolutely cannot be brought up. They can spoil the opinion of you. Choose the options that suit you and increase your chances of a second date!

Choose versatile, positive phrases to make conversations easy and comfortable:

  • Hello, it's great that we met on such a sunny (rainy) day!
  • Thank you for inviting me to the cinema! I love comedy (horror, crime).
  • I hope our meeting will be as interesting as our acquaintance.
  • Finally, we have met and we can get to know each other better.
  • Hope you have a good time with me.

Do not rush to inundate the guy with questions, first of all, greet him and wait until he is the first to be interested in you.

Most Relevant Dating Topics

Here is a list of suitable conversation topics:

  • Cinema... Almost everyone watches films. Discuss the latest in rental, sensational and classic films from the past.
  • Sports and hobbies... Unobtrusively find out what the young man is fond of (fishing, hunting, cooking, theater, billiards or wood burning). You can compliment him that he has many interesting hobbies.
  • Work... Ask about his occupation, in what area the man works, but not about the position and level of income. You can ask questions about his attitude to the fact that the girl is in business.
  • Family... Find out about his brothers or sisters, parents. Enter into a dialogue by talking about your loved ones. Perhaps both of you are the eldest children in the family, or have brothers.
  • Animals... How does he relate to animals, does he have a pet, who exactly, breed, age.

Try to talk about nothing (the weather, food in a restaurant, if the date is in it, tell funny stories from your life). This will help you bond and avoid discomfort.

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Concrete questions

When trying to ask specific questions, find out what interests you.

  • Where did you go last summer?
  • How did you spend this weekend?
  • What book are you reading now?
  • What kind of cuisine do you prefer?
  • Do you like to travel?
  • Why this particular course (direction, profession)?
  • What is your favorite place in our city?
  • Do you like winter, winter holidays, skiing?
  • What pets are there?
  • Do you go to concerts, nightclubs? What kind of music do you listen to?
  • How do you feel about hiking?
  • Did you have to forget things (wallet)?
  • What flowers do you give your mom for her birthday?
  • The brightest New Year from childhood?
  • Do you watch cartoons? Which animated character do you like?
  • Favorite color?
  • Prefer to call or write an e-mail (sms)?
  • Have you ever performed in front of a large hall? How does it feel?
  • What attracted you to me?

What you can't talk to a man about

Taboo topics that should not be touched upon when communicating with a guy:

  • Neither on the first nor on subsequent dates should one talk about health or financial problems.
  • In no case should you ask and talk about past relationships. Even if he is very interested, this additional burden complicates the development of new relationships.
  • Do not interrupt or criticize him, stick to a neutral-positive line in your statements.
  • Don't turn a date into a one-man show. Dialogue is the only correct version of the conversation.
  • The topic of loneliness is also not worth discussing on the first date, especially with a subsequent comment in the style of “It's so good that you called me on a date, otherwise I haven't met anyone for six months and started to yearn for loneliness.” Don't be surprised if you don't get asked for a second date.

If anything, the site has an article about. She will help you properly prepare, tell you how to captivate the interlocutor, what mistakes should be avoided.

Not sure where to go to your first meeting, what to wear, how to overcome your fear? Take advantage of our tips on how to.

In order not to miss your chance, find out in advance why. Here we answered the questions: how long to wait for a call, what can prevent a guy from making it, how in this case it is better for a girl to act.

Whatever clever things you say, you need to decide on the outfit to help a separate article on the site. It provides advice on choosing clothes depending on the weather and the location in which the meeting will take place.

If after the first walk the guy disappears and does not show a desire to meet again, feel free to invite him on a second date. , we figured out other stuff. Collected here are suitable phrases and methods.

A well-known video blogger offers his talking points in this video:

If you are confident in your charisma and sociability, it is better not to use templates at all and improvise.

Olga Kuznetsova

A psychologist and linguist by education, currently she teaches languages. And he is looking for his soul mate.

I was once in a relationship with a wonderful man and was happy. And then everything collapsed. Not right away, of course, but more on that some other time. Of course, I was worried. And for quite a long time. And then I decided that it was time to create a new relationship. And about a month ago I registered on a dating site.

There was a time when I listened distantly about my friends' endless unsuccessful attempts to "find something decent there." They often complained that the first dates with “amazing men” were the last ones in the end. Therefore, starting this stage, I tried to foresee, if not everything, then a lot. And to my surprise, everything went well every time!

1. Be real

Remember the ad? A girl comes on a date and accidentally hears a waiting young man talking to someone on the phone: “No, I haven't found it yet. After all, I'm looking for a real one! " The girl quickly changes her appearance, becomes "real" and makes a wonderful impression on the young man. Who would have thought that everything in life is exactly the same?

From personal experience

Every time, getting ready for a meeting, I tried, let's say, not to get ready. Already on the first date, I realized how right I was! I was met by a man in a sweater and jeans, slightly immersed in work problems. I would be nice if I came in an evening dress or a sexy blouse with a luxurious neckline!

It's amazing, but what I chose from my entire wardrobe absolutely corresponded to the place, time, my interlocutor, and most importantly -. Which significantly influenced the course of the entire meeting, because it allowed us to immediately be on the same wavelength. After all, we both came in what we are comfortable in walking, sitting, communicating. And it was so natural! In general, I recommend it.

Although perhaps your favorite and most comfortable outfit is a sexy blouse? Well then, go ahead!

But remember: take-me-now war paint and erotic outfit are more suitable for looking for dubious adventures, and not for your soul mate.

You may be asking: what about the advice that a woman should be attractive in the first place? Yes that's right. The question is: who do you want to attract?

For your potential husband, most likely, your femininity and inner beauty will be attractive, which modern men perfectly notice at first sight. And attraction at the level of basic instinct will leave your relationship at that level and, most likely, forever.

2. Smile sincerely.

The smile of the Mona Lisa will not suit us. Sometimes men fall into a strange stupor from such "female tricks" with a claim to the notorious mystery. A Hollywood smile with all 32 teeth will not work for us either. Psychologists have long since explained why.

The only requirement for your smile is that it must be sincere. You ask, how can you even smile at a stranger, and even sincerely? Just think that you are something sincere now! You are sincerely glad that you came to the meeting, and here he is, already waiting for you, and you are really happy to see him, aren't you?

And I'll tell you one more secret: there is nothing worse than a polite smile on the first date. Think for yourself, what can she say to your chosen one? Personally, I see something like this: “Well, it’s very nice, of course, that you came, but I’m all so polite, and that’s why I smile at you so politely. I'm sure you already liked me, because I'm so polite. "

From personal experience

To use this technique successfully, it is enough to create a special elated mood within yourself, which I like to call "quiet delight". Why quiet? And why delight? On the one hand, you do not gush with uncontrollable emotions, on the other hand, you do not exhaust your interlocutor with disturbing thoughts about your inner trouble. That is, we are looking for a middle ground.

If your delight is quiet, then it can be contained, but it is still present. He inevitably makes himself known from time to time and first of all breaks through in yours, in a smile. And your smile is really joyful and sincere. Because at this moment you let your inner sun out.

A sincere smile disarms and invites you in a special way. It forms a space of trust, into which your interlocutor falls.

Using just this one technique, you will go most of the way towards each other in one date.

3. Be simpler

Be light on what is happening. Experience shows that a person who is too fixated on the result, the chances of achieving it are drastically reduced. It is inexplicable, but it is a fact. Although, perhaps, the whole point is in the excessive tension. She does not decorate anyone. And our task with you is to present yourself in such a way that a person wants to see you again. Or even more than once!

It's also important not to try to showcase only your best sides. This will allow you to see the different reactions of your potential partner and see if he will be able to cope with your little flaws in the future.
Surprisingly, men also respond positively to such openness. They also have something that they want to hide, there is a fear of spoiling. Realizing that you are allowing yourself not to be perfect, they themselves relax a little. And we remember that the main thing is to create an atmosphere of trust and comfort.

From personal experience

Basically, I tried to be the same as in life, to behave as usual, including permission to be imperfect. And this gave us the opportunity to immediately get to a different level of communication than the standard bowing and bowing.

For example, being 15 minutes late, I simply excused myself and explained the reason without wringing my hands. And then I sincerely rejoiced at the calmness and loyalty of my interlocutor. And she was so happy that he noticed this joy. And she mentally set herself a plus, seeing how he was inwardly drowsy from the feeling of his generosity. And then he told me that this happens to him, and finally relaxed. By the end of our communication, we already knew that both are imperfect. And if you look closely, it is this knowledge that creates a feeling of greater intimacy.

Men love girls with whom it is easy to breathe, with whom you do not have to build anything out of yourself, follow your every word, gesture, in other words - strain. Don't strain men on the first date. After all, if they are in search, it means that someone has already strained them very much before you!

4. Don't be afraid to ask

But ask about what is really important or interesting to you. Psychologists say that people love to talk about themselves. And it is a sin not to take advantage of this! Seeing your genuine interest, the man cheers up and becomes more calm.

Plus, while he speaks, you can look into his eyes for a long time, putting in him any feeling you want. Your gaze can be alluring, thoughtful, mysterious or perky, intriguing, with a twinkle! But most importantly, he must be open and benevolent. For me personally, the last option was enough.

Also, it is on the first date that you stand, which will set the stage for your future relationship. Do not be afraid to discuss with your interlocutor the goals of acquaintance, ask him what he expects from communication.

Tell us about yourself. And here do not talk about what you expect from the person himself or from the relationship as a whole: “You should be (hereinafter a list of 48 items) and then I'll marry you! " Talk about what attracts you to the prospect of continuing to communicate with him. If it is difficult to tell a potential partner about it, tell yourself about it. Let a clear picture form in your head. By the way, this will help you keep the dialogue in the right direction.

From personal experience

Openness and mutual interest allowed us to talk with enthusiasm throughout the meeting. Without tortured pauses, awkward silence, without the need to tensely think about what else to ask.

And for difficult cases, there is one little secret, which I call the "loop-hook". Let's say you asked a question and received a detailed answer. And you notice that your interlocutor is frantically looking for in the nooks of his own brain what to ask you now. Help him out! Start talking about yourself by answering the same question that was asked to him. He will have time to silently admire you (personally, I always say smiling). And there will be time to figure out what to talk about later.

We really love it when others are interested in us, in our life, in our thoughts. Give your potential partner this joy!

Especially if you see that your questions do not confuse him and do not make him want to hide somewhere. And at the same time you can find out for yourself everything that seems important to you.

5. Believe in yourself

This rule should become an axiom for you. Self-love, adequate self-esteem and self-confidence are the main components of your future success. And not only on the first date. These qualities form your inner core of a person who is stable in life. And it is they that lie at the heart of your charisma and attractiveness. If you are the proud owner of this great combination, feel free to set a date. The date will be successful!

And in conclusion, I would like to say: read articles, study trends, ask for advice, seek information. But listen to yourself first! Your heart, your intuition will never fail you.

Be simple, real, sincere, ask, smile, believe in yourself!

Life is unpredictable. You can never guess in what situation you need this or that knowledge. For example, young ladies often have the question of what to talk about with a guy. And such a question may arise not only at the first meeting, but also after several months of communication.

The first meeting is understandable, people do not yet know each other, they have a bad idea of ​​the interests of the interlocutor. And they are still embarrassed to be frank and discuss some very personal or intimate topics. Therefore, when they first meet, girls are more often faced with the problem of choosing a topic for conversation.

Although after several years of marriage, when feelings cooled down a little, general topics of conversation may not be added... On the contrary, there is often a crisis in communication, when there is nothing to talk about. But you should not be afraid of this, this happens when all the generally accepted topics have already been discussed, you know every letter of your biographies, all funny and funny stories have long been learned by heart.

First date: what to talk about with a guy.

Finding the right topic of conversation when you first meet is not so easy. After all, the interlocutors do not know each other at all. But there are some rules, adhering to which, the conversation will be interesting and exciting.

7 socializing rules for a first date.

  1. When you first meet, try to be natural and. Communicate openly and honestly answer all questions asked by the interlocutor. This way you will be able to win over your partner.
  2. Be sure to look your partner in the eyes, in no case look past. Do not be afraid to show your facial expressions, it is thanks to her that the guy will understand that you are really listening to him.
  3. When the interlocutor tells something, ask leading questions, show that this topic is interesting to you. If you are discussing an event, try to appear competent and express your opinion (it should not radically differ from his position).
  4. All guys want to take leadership positions, so leave it to him to choose a topic and start a conversation. But by no means remain passive. So you will show that you are not at all interested.
  5. Try to remember as much of what the guy tells you as possible. If you get some kind of attitude, then you will thank yourself for it.
  6. On the first date, try to find out more about the guy's interests so that you can learn the basics of a particular topic later. It will help you bond.
  7. When communicating, try to avoid long pauses. Keep the conversation going, ask questions, be interested in the guy's persona.

What is better to be silent about on the first date.

On the first date, of course, you won't be silent, you have to talk about something. But there are forbidden topics that should not be brought up at the first meeting:

  • it is better to leave stories about relatives for later;
  • the history of your illnesses since kindergarten is also better not to remember;
  • you should not talk about all the ex-boyfriends, and even more so, you should not criticize their habits and manners, although you can tell about the first one;
  • it is also better to remain silent about your own failures;
  • you better not complain about life, so as not to seem like a whiner.

Topics for conversation with a guy at the first meeting.

If you can't talk about yourself, relatives and ex-boyfriends, then what to talk about with your boyfriend? In fact, there are many interesting topics for discussion. For example, you can discuss the following topics for conversation with a guy:

  • last news;
  • travels;
  • movies;
  • books;
  • hobby;
  • entertainment;
  • sports, etc.

In addition, all people, including men, consider themselves to be great specialists in two topics, politics and personal relationships. And if it is better not to conduct a conversation on political topics at the first meeting, then it is possible to discuss various aspects of interpersonal relations. Only desirable in theory, without being particularly tied to your personal past experience.

Communication crisis: what to say to a guy.

As mentioned above, a communication crisis can occur between people who have been communicating for a very long time. But, as they say, there are no hopeless situations. From this seemingly serious problem you can fight, it is enough to delve into.

Which is better not to discuss.

If the conversation doesn't work out, then it's best not to discuss the following topics:

  • You should not touch on a topic that is interesting only to a guy, because over time you will get bored and the guy will figure you out. Believe me, this will not lead to anything good. On the contrary, the beloved will be upset because you tried to "sacrifice yourself."
  • Better not ask him about the past. The guys are very secretive. If he wants, he will tell him himself.

What to talk about.

It’s impossible, I don’t know anything about it, so what should I tell the guy? In general, there are many topics for discussion, there would be a desire.

  • The safest option is to discuss the past day. Try asking your loved one how his day went, how his work, etc. Tell us about your day, but choose the most interesting moments for it.
  • Discuss any common interests. If you both enjoy skiing, dream of a vacation to some ski resort. If you both love hiking in the woods, plan your next weekend. And you can have a lot of such interests: from computer games to origami. Believe me, both of you will get a lot of pleasure from such communication.
  • Talk about your plans for the future. Ask your loved one what he expects from life, what success he wants to achieve. Guys love to talk about future plans.
  • Another safe bet in any situation is a new book or movie. Start talking about the emotions that the new film caused you, and you yourself will not notice how the guy picks up. And if he was not impressed by this film, it will be possible to find out why. Agree, not a bad topic of conversation.

But if a loved one does not want to maintain a conversation, he does not like topics for conversation with a guy, better not touch him, maybe he is not in the mood. In addition, let him think about what questions to ask the girl to keep the conversation going.

Here are some topics that you shouldn't ask your boyfriend about:

  • Don't ask why the guy is silent, or what he thinks about. You still won't wait for the truth from him, you will only force him to lie.
  • Stop constantly asking him about your shortcomings. After all, he cannot constantly lie and say that you are beautiful. But you will still be offended by the truth.
  • Don't repeat that you are stupid. If you keep repeating this, the guy will take it and believe it.
  • Don't complain to your boyfriend about life, poor health, constant illness, etc. You can hear about it once, well, twice, but not every day. Everybody gets bored with constant complaints. Put yourself in his place.

Talking to a boyfriend is very different from talking to a girlfriend. Those topics that seem very important to you can be empty chatter for a guy. Therefore, listen to your beloved, take an interest in his hobbies and you will succeed.

The first date is one of the most exciting experiences in a girl's life. Especially if this is a meeting with a man of dreams. It's no secret that the beauty of a first date is that it never happens again. That is why the girls prepare so carefully for it, are nervous and dream that everything will go perfectly.

To be on top on this fateful evening and to conquer her chosen one, a girl must think through everything to the smallest detail. And this applies not only to clothing and jewelry, but also to the manner of communication and etiquette.

The first impression will play a huge role in the development of subsequent relationships. Therefore, before going on a date, you need to be positive and try to please the chosen one not only externally, although this is very important, but also internally, to be an interesting interlocutor and a self-confident person.

There is no need to be afraid of everything and try to please the chosen one in everything, as a rule, this behavior has a negative effect. Remember! A man likes to be a conqueror and a hunter.

Relax, imagine all the possible options for the development of your date. Prepare mentally for the fact that your second meeting may not be. Try to be natural and relaxed. After all, body language and gesture are the most powerful weapon in the hands of a woman. But only its correct application can defeat and forever bind to you a man conquered by your beauty.


What to do if the long-awaited moment has come, and the man invites you on a first date? Select if it was not suggested by your partner.

When making a choice, you should first of all think about whether it will be affordable for your chosen one. After all, it may turn out that, having once treated you to collection wine, he will decide to find a lady with more modest requests, which he can easily satisfy and not lose face.

If the place is chosen by a man, and you are invited to a luxury restaurant, first of all, you need to take into account the laws of expensive service. In such an environment, when a person becomes part of the system and behaves like everyone else - prim and arrogant, it is very difficult to establish relationships and understand what kind of person is sitting next to you.

Uncomfortable atmosphere

If the date takes place in a coffee shop with many small tables, loud music and children's screams, it will be simply impossible to tune in to each other. Therefore, when choosing a place, you should think in advance whether you will have the opportunity to form a joint personal space where no one will interfere.

When the space is organized, it is important for the woman to sit down correctly at the table. If this is the first date with a man, the counselor's advice can be extremely contradictory. For example, some believe that a woman should sit to the side of a man, at an angle of ninety degrees, while others insist that partners should sit opposite each other. Many women deliberately avoid the second option, finding it more intimate and suitable for those who have known each other for a long time, and considers dating only a formality.

Choice of activity

What to do on a romantic evening, because conversations can quickly get boring, and sitting in silence is not a good idea for those who want to continue the relationship? Try to write down what he enjoys in his free time. And then, if there is an awkward pause, it can always be filled with conversations about your favorite movie or book. Discuss possible options for your next dates, suggest something unusual. For example, a picnic in the woods or kayaking. Listen to the desires of your chosen one. Perhaps, without realizing it, he will give you an idea.

Girl behavior

So you're on a first date to please him? It is very important to behave naturally and openly. If you really need this relationship, and you didn't go out on a date out of boredom, give up the hypocrisy and desire to embellish your life. After all, sooner or later a man will find out the truth, and you will have a reputation as an inventor or even a liar.

While working on yourself, do not forget to look at the behavior of the gentleman. Assertive, impudent, or vulgar behavior suggests that his intentions towards you are not serious, and he is motivated only by the desire to spend the night with you without obligation. In this case, the decision is only yours. If you want to conquer the impudent person, surprise him. If you do not want to become one of his numerous list of mistresses - run, do not pick up the phone and do not make a second date, do not be afraid to refuse.

They are greeted by clothes

Choosing an outfit for a first date, and not making him run in horror or ashamed of his passion? Every girl asked herself this question at least once in her life.

You need to start preparing for the event in advance. It is especially important to go to bed as early as possible a few days before a romantic evening to get rid of dark circles under the eyes. If the appointment is in the evening, start preparing in the morning, take a bath, freshen up your manicure and pedicure, and think about hair and makeup. You should not experiment with your appearance a couple of hours before the date, it is better to do it in advance. Prepare your clothes and carefully consider accessories for them.

If you are going on a first date with a man, a psychologist's advice on choosing the right clothes will come in handy. Moreover, for this it is not necessary to make an appointment with a specialist; it will be enough to open any thematic magazine or talk to a free internet consultant.

When choosing a festive outfit, you should first of all think about where the event will take place - in a cafe, restaurant, theater, museum, park, forest or at a stadium.

Do not dress up too much for a trip to the forest or square. Otherwise, the meeting can turn into real torment, because you will not think about the beauty of nature and the chosen one, but about how not to break the heel, and how to imperceptibly correct the skirt that has slipped to one side.

The hairstyle, as well as the clothes, must match the image and the place. Avoid overly elaborate hairstyles or a lot of hairspray on your head. Try to look natural but well-groomed.

Well-groomed and natural - this is what every man considers sexy. A woman, on the first date trying to impress, sometimes acts on the principle of "all the best at once", so she often comes in vulgarly made up, which only scares off a potential gentleman.

On time or late?

Punctuality is not a quality inherent in every woman. When planning a romantic meeting, psychologists advise not to rush and be a little late. This should be done in order not to come first and thereby not embarrass the young man who made you wait. However, if you do decide to be a little late, remember: do not be more than ten minutes late. Otherwise, the gentleman may simply not wait for you. If a man comes in or picks you up at home, there can be no question of being late.

What questions to ask a man on a first date? Those that he will easily answer. For instance:

If it turns out that your marital status does not bother you, and you do not apply for a serious relationship, but only want entertainment, the advice of a professional will come in handy. How to behave if your first date is with a married man? Psychologist's advice:

  • Do not demand a divorce from your chosen one and do not interfere in his family affairs. Listen carefully to everything he tells you about his wife without expressing your opinion.
  • Do not advertise your connection with a married man, do not force him to take joint photos or attend social events with you.
  • Don't be too annoying, let the young man choose the date and time for your next meeting.
  • Don't beg for gifts or money. Otherwise, the chosen one will lose confidence in you.
  • Do not forget that your chosen one is not free. You should not build serious plans on him, dreaming that one day you will take the place of his wife.

The most common mistakes on a first date with a man

If the evening comes to an end, and the date of the next meeting has not been set, this may mean that the man considers further acquaintance with you pointless.

Why did this happen? There may be several options:

While there won't be a sequel, keep your cool, say goodbye and thank you for a great time. Do everything to make your meeting end on a pleasant note.

When you are going on your first date with a man, the advice of a psychologist can be very useful, but you should not blindly trust books and experts. Do what your heart tells you. Try to make a pleasant impression on your partner so that he, without hesitation, invites you not only on a second, but also on a third date.