Plush toy puzzle. Synopsis of the GCD "Introduction to the folk rag doll" for children of the preparatory group. Riddles about the train

You need to constantly take care of the kids and their development. For this purpose, loving parents use various creative games, and, of course, set tasks for their beloved daughters and sons. You can come up with riddles about dolls on your own or read them in ready-made sources. Both boys and girls will like these puzzles.

You can draw inspiration and take note of the following creations.

1. It can be soft, it can be hard.

Sometimes silent, sometimes speaking.

She loves sparkly dresses.

2. Different height, differently dressed.

They sleep and play like children.

3. There are blacks, there are whites.

The costumes are sewn and knitted.

You can put them to sleep

And you can feed.

Then go outside

And play around there together.

4. And who do you dress up,

Are you eating and having fun?

Putting to sleep, babysitting

If you get sick, you heal.

Who is this

Smart and funny?

5. You have too many

The house of similar sisters is full.

They have arms and legs

Bright eyes and eyebrows.

With these girlfriends

Like soft toys.

Feel free to play, eat, walk.

6. You know her very well

She lives in your house.

Looks like real

How to eat wants - calls.

And she often sleeps with you

The child is yours.

Come on, let's go with you

We will announce her name.

Prose riddle about a doll for children

Rhymed, poetic options are very popular with kids of different ages. But there are still wonderful riddles about dolls in prose. Parents can compose them on their own or read them online:

  • You often take her for a walk, dress her in different outfits, do her hair and often ask to buy her a girlfriend in toy stores.
  • Whom do you prepare food from plastic products, create dresses from scarves and pieces of fabric and put to sleep like a child?

Come up with an interesting reward for the baby or baby if the child has guessed riddles about dolls. Thus, you will increase motivation and increase interest in classes.

Why make riddles for a child

  • Tasks help crumbs develop.
  • Toddlers learn perseverance.
  • Children focus and think logically.
  • Become attentive to your words;
  • They react joyfully if they guessed it, which helps to charge the child with positive emotions.

The child will appreciate your efforts and preparation for classes. Children love to spend time with their dearest and closest people, so the process of guessing puzzles will leave only good and vivid impressions.

Mornings and evenings
reread books
Bunny, elephant and... (Mishke)

Dolls Ninochka and Nastya,
Ira, Olenka and Katya
My friend and I very often
We measure ... (Dress)

It is both light and thin!
A lot of girls
And without hands they rotate it,
And don't drop it on the ground!(Hoop)

There are so many board games
What can not be counted!
Well, me and brother Sasha
We play all day...(Checkers)

With brother Misha from him
Lots of different stuff
We collected in a day
And not tired at all!(Constructor)

In the smallest children
Favorite toys
Without any difficulties, undertakings -
Simple... (Rattles)

And Kolya is ours until the very night
Plays and plays
From different little pieces
Collects pictures.(puzzles)

There is a cabin, box,
Folding side on it,
Has wheels and tires
At the toy...(Cars)

Lies in the corner - and clumsy,
But just get up - very quickly
It suddenly turns...(Yula)

Bears, cubes, cars
And the designers are big,
And balls and trinkets -
These are all mine...(Toys)

Dancing baby, just one leg.(Yula)

Ask me how I work?
I spin around my axis.(top)

Very fast two horses
They carry me through the snow
Through the meadow to the birch,
Pull two strips.(Skis)

She doesn't need a driver at all.
You start it with the key -
The wheels will start spinning.
Put it on and she will rush.(Clockwork machine)

The doll cries: "I'm old,
It's time to throw me out!"
But the hostess came
- Wipe your tears!

I will save you now
I'll take it to the workshop!
You will be like new
Beautiful, healthy!
You can't leave who you love
Otherwise you won't be happy! (Old doll)

What is a fidget toy
Dancing, running around? -
I pressed, started,
Suddenly swirled... (Yula)

Touch your head
I will deftly spin -
colored skirt,
I myself am a clockwork!
I spin - and all the cases,
What is my name? (Yula)

Touch - immediately thunder
And the baby will be surprised.
What is a bright toy?
For baby (Beanbag)

She looks like an actress
In a beautiful silver dress
I'll tell her a story
She will close her eyes
Let's play - let's sleep
I'll put her to bed.
What a cute toy
Daughter in the morning, girlfriend in the afternoon? (Doll)

Beat - do not moan,
Doesn't sink in water
colored side,
Rubber bun. (Ball)

I like to play with him
Jump, run, chase!
What kind of ball is jumping briskly? -
It's my favorite... (ball)

colorful bun,
He will give you a side
He is not afraid of pain
Loves to jump and roll!
Who is jumping like that? -
My cheerful round... (ball)

I'll build a house out of them
Pyramid, spaceport.
What kind of bricks
How are the matchboxes? (Dice)

Want to see:
I am a future builder!
How do I get the assignment?
I will lay bricks
exactly on top of each other
Like logs in a house.
What kind of square bricks
Colored, neat? -
Like paints in tubes
Multicolor ... (Cubes)

I'm just a rope
Short stature,
Instead of hands - two sticks,
What's my name? (Jump rope)

I'm holding on to a thread
rainbow flashlight
And I'm afraid that it will fly away
My air ... (Balloon)

Smiling at each other
One is put into the other
Wooden like spoons!
Do you know who it is? (Matryoshka)

Here is a car with a long neck,
With a hooked head
Lifts a huge load
Get out, don't stand under him!
It has a driver, like a captain.
What's this? (Crane)

Who cannot live without cargo,
Who has a huge body?
Anything you want will take away
Never gets tired.
Straight on the road
The cargo will deliver... (Truck)

What a strange car -
Big tank not for gasoline?
There is also an inscription on the sides.
Let's read in syllables?
Simple, delicious - "Mo-lo-ko"!
Now I know for sure -
The car is... ("dairy")

If there is a fire somewhere,
The car is moving fast there.
An alarm signal is given -
And the people are falling apart!
Not cargo, not commodity,
What is it? ("Fire")

What is an ambulance
With a siren rushes through the city,
Hurry to help the sick
Both old and young? ("Ambulance")

For cement and concrete -
To build a cottage, a house -
Barrel stirrer machine
It's called... (concrete mixer)

What kind of car is this
Covered body and cab?
She brings us fresh bread
For breakfast, dinner and lunch.
Save from hunger and trouble
The car called... (Bread)

On parade and in battle
Power will show everyone its:
Instead of a body - a rocket,
What kind of car is this? -
The car is extraordinary
Green - ... (military)

You need to constantly take care of the kids and their development. For this purpose, loving parents use various and, of course, set tasks for their beloved daughters and sons. You can come up with riddles about dolls on your own or read them in ready-made sources. Both boys and girls will like these puzzles.

You can draw inspiration and take note of the following creations.

1. It can be soft, it can be hard.

Sometimes silent, sometimes speaking.

She loves sparkly dresses.

2. Different height, differently dressed.

They sleep and play like children.

3. There are blacks, there are whites.

The costumes are sewn and knitted.

You can put them to sleep

And you can feed.

Then go outside

And play around there together.

4. And who do you dress up,

Are you eating and having fun?

Putting to sleep, babysitting

If you get sick, you heal.

Who is this

Smart and funny?

5. You have too many

The house of similar sisters is full.

They have arms and legs

Bright eyes and eyebrows.

With these girlfriends

Like soft toys.

Feel free to play, eat, walk.

6. You know her very well

She lives in your house.

Looks like real

How to eat wants - calls.

And she often sleeps with you

The child is yours.

Come on, let's go with you

We will announce her name.

Prose riddle about a doll for children

Rhymed, poetic options are very popular with kids of different ages. But there are still wonderful riddles about dolls in prose. Parents can compose them on their own or read them online:

  • You often take her for a walk, dress her in different outfits, do her hair and often ask to buy her a girlfriend in toy stores.
  • Whom do you prepare food from plastic products, create dresses from scarves and pieces of fabric and put to sleep like a child?

Come up with an interesting reward for the baby or baby if the child has guessed riddles about dolls. Thus, you will increase motivation and increase interest in classes.

Why make riddles for a child

  • Tasks help crumbs develop.
  • Toddlers learn perseverance.
  • Children focus and think logically.
  • Become attentive to your words;
  • They react joyfully if they guessed it, which helps to charge the child with positive emotions.

The child will appreciate your efforts and preparation for classes. Children love to spend time with their dearest and closest people, so the process of guessing puzzles will leave only good and vivid impressions.

Svetlana Bitel
Synopsis of the GCD "Introduction to the folk rag doll" for children of the preparatory group

Synopsis of the GCD "Introduction to the folk rag doll"

Making a doll "Comfort"

Educator: Svetlana Sergeevna Bitel

Integration of educational areas:

"Social and communicative development", "Speech development", "Cognitive development", "Physical development", "Artistic and aesthetic development".


Acquaintance with the history of folk dolls, the development of interest in the cultural values ​​and traditions of their people.


1. To form an interest in folk traditions and spiritual values ​​of the Russian people. To form in children interest, emotional responsiveness, a sense of joy from meeting with dolls. (“Social and communicative development”);

2. Enrich and activate the vocabulary of children (“twirl” a doll, faceless, amulet, rite, rvanka, develop coherent, grammatically correct speech. Form the ability to compose a descriptive story, achieve emotional expressiveness of speech, activate adjectives in speech. (“Speech development”)

3. To introduce the history and types of folk rag dolls. ("Cognitive development");

4. To promote the development of fine motor skills of the hands (winding, tying knots, coordination of speech with movement, coordination of actions, dexterity (“Physical development”);

5. To continue the development of aesthetic and artistic taste, creative activity and thinking in children, the development of a sense of proportion, a sense of composition, the ability to select colors that shade each other. To develop the perception of music, to expand the musical horizons on the basis of folklore. To develop the ability to coordinate movements with music, to cultivate an emotionally positive attitude towards the performance of figurative movements to music ("Artistic and aesthetic development").

Methods and techniques:

Practical: doll making, outdoor game "At Malanya, at the old woman";

Visual: viewing the presentation "Folk rag dolls"; looking at dolls, material for making dolls.

Verbal: folk proverbs and sayings, riddles, questions, answers, game - song.


Russian folk costumes, video projector, laptop, chest, dolls (charm, game, ritual, background Russian folk music, screen, cards with doll making patterns, recording of the game - the song "At Malanya, at the old woman"


A white square piece of fabric, a colored rectangular piece of fabric, a colored triangular piece of fabric, a piece of cotton, thread, ribbon, candy.

Preliminary work:

Conversation "Where do toys come from?"

Reading the fairy tale “Vasilisa the Wise”

The course of directly educational activities

I. Organizational moment

Children play with toys, preferably made of different materials (iron car, rubber bunny, white rooster)

A Russian folk song sounds and the teacher comes out from behind a screen in a Russian folk costume.

Hello kids, girls and boys!

(bows low)

Let's get acquainted. My name is Maria the Artisan.

Look at my outfit. (Whirling)


And now they wear such outfits?

But before, a long time ago, all women and girls wore such clothes.

Oh, what is that in your hands?

Here's a marvel! What kind of toys are these, what material are they made of? Let's sit on the chairs, and you tell me about them.

Vanya, tell me, please, what kind of toy do you have in your hands? (typewriter)

What material is the machine made of?

(The machine is made of plastic)

So what is the machine?

(Plastic machine)

(ask 4-5 children)

Where are these toys made?

But in our time, toys were made by hand. I want to tell you about one toy. About what, you will find out by guessing the riddle.

flaxen hair,

They have colored ribbons.

Twisted it from shreds

Dressed up in a sarafan.

Cloth sarafan.

Guess who she is? (doll)

(shows a rag doll)

You can’t buy such a doll in a store, I made this doll with my own hands. In the whole wide world you can not find the second same doll.

Today I came to you to introduce you to the very first dolls that your great-grandmothers played with.

My doll is called Bereginya.

Want to learn more about these amazing dolls?

Then, I want to invite you to visit me and show you my workshop.

But in order to get to my workshop, we will go behind the magic curtain.

How beautiful you all are, how do these outfits suit you!

Let's hit the road! (everyone goes to the corner of the Russian hut)

(Russian folk music sounds, everyone goes to the workshop)

II. Introduction to the workshop.

Come in, dear guests, do not be shy, make yourself at home!

Here is my dwelling, but simply a hut. And this is my workshop, here I make my dolls.

Here I have a lot of different bright fabrics, ribbons, lace, threads. I will need them when making new dolls.

And I also have a magic chest, want to see what's in it?

But it's not that easy to open it.

You need to kindly ask him.

"The chest is my chest

Open your barrel for us"

(Open chest)

See how many dolls the chest holds?

Do you know that dolls are different (show dolls), you can not only play with them, you can give them to each other, with the help of a doll you can express your gratitude, protect your home and your loved ones. For each occasion, a special doll is needed. I will tell you all about them now and show you.

You follow me, and take the dolls with you.

We will seat the dolls in a place of honor and we will get to know them.

Let's sit side by side and have a good conversation.

Let our eyes see everything.

Ears hear everything.

The head remembers

But her mouth doesn't bother her.

III. The teacher's story.

(View presentation)

"Folk rag dolls"

(history of dolls, types of dolls)

Would you like to learn how to make dolls with your own hands?

Today we will make a Comforter doll.

Look how pretty and bright she is.

Do you know why they call her the Comforter?

With a little tomboy during the games, all sorts of troubles could happen.

The kid could fall, hit, scratch his knees, he could just be naughty. At the cry of the baby, a mother or a nanny came running, calmed the baby, and then they took out such a doll from their pocket, wiped the last children's tears with a skirt and offered to play with the doll. Parents tied sweets to the doll, the baby ate sweets, but candy wrappers were left on the doll in order to wrap new candies in them later. Later, when the child stopped crying, the doll was discreetly removed behind the stove or behind the incense icon to clean it until it was needed again.

Before we start making the doll, we will stretch our arms and legs a little.

IV. game - song

The game "At Malanya, at the old woman's"

And they also liked to play in Russia, I invite you to the carpet, please stand in a circle, repeat the words and movements after me:

At Malanya at the old woman's (clapping)

Lived in a small hut

(sit down fold your hands like a house)

Seven sons (seven fingers)

All without eyebrows, (outline eyebrows with a finger)

With such ears, (spread your palms, bring to your ears)

Here with such noses, (show the nose with two outstretched hands)

With such a mustache, (draw a mustache with your finger, spread your arms to the sides)

With such a head, (outline a big head)

With such a beard, (show with hands tilted down)

They didn’t eat anything (bring one hand to your mouth - a cup, the other - a spoon)

They looked at her, (holding hands to her eyes, flapping her fingers like eyelashes)

And everyone did like this ... (Any movement)

V. Productive activity.

Now I invite you to the workshop. Come in and sit down at the table.

When we make a doll, we need to think about the good, imagine how your brother or sister will smile and rejoice while playing with the doll. And we will succeed.

1. First, let's make our doll's head. To do this, take a white chintz. What shape is the patch? (Square)

Now we take a cotton wool and form it into a ball, put it in the center of our square.

3. We take a colored fabric, we will make a sarafan out of it! What shape is the patch? (Rectangle).

We put it in front of the wrong side and put our doll exactly in the center. We cover the doll with one side of the fabric, then the other. We fix the skirt with a thread, make three turns and tie it into three knots.

4. You have two ribbons of the same color, but different lengths, take a short ribbon. Tie a ribbon around the doll's head.

5. It remains to tie a scarf on the head of the Comforter. What shape is the scarf?


Now we put the doll with her head on the middle of the handkerchief. We cover it on one side and on the other. Take a long ribbon and tie it in front.

Oh. What beautiful dolls you have turned out. But see what is missing? (no candy)

7. Look under the napkin, what is there? (Candies)

Tie the candy to the ribbon. Our doll is ready! Now they are yours, you can take them to your play corner or give them to your little brother or sister.

VI. Total Zan Yatiya

Kind people! Our Russian people

Forever and ever led a round dance!

Let's start a round dance, as in the old days,

We'll show you our new doll!

Well, tell me the whole truth, don’t hide it, did you like visiting me?

And what did you like the most?

What new did you learn?

Today you did a great job, did a great job. I see that you enjoyed making dolls. Therefore, in memory of our meeting, I want to give you these little cards. With the help of them, you and your mother or grandmother can make other dolls. So that your doll has a girlfriend. Thank you for your work, for your efforts.

Children love their toys very much and of course they can easily guess puzzles about them. Here are some very simple riddles about the most beloved children's toys:

That's a stubborn man!
Do not force to lie down forever!
Do you meet this?
He doesn't want to sleep at all
I put it - rises again
And it stands - swings.
What is it called?

I'm holding him on a leash
Although he is not a puppy at all.
And he got off the leash
And flew away under the clouds.

blue eyes,
golden curls,
Lips are pink.

Near different girlfriends,
But they are similar to each other.
They all sit next to each other
And just one toy.

your ponytail
I held in my hand
You flew - I ran.

Hit the wall - And I'll bounce.
Throw it on the ground - And I'll jump.
I'm flying from palm to palm
I don't want to lie still.

These miracle bricks
I received as a gift.
What I make of them - I will break,
I start all over.

He is slim and handsome
He has a thick mane.
Too bad you can't ride it.
You can only swing.
rocking horse

Fall - jump
Hit - do not cry.

Like in a circus, circle after circle
Horses run after each other.
And the kids rush on them,
Very hard to resist!
Only children hide their fear
And laugh, not cry.

On an empty stomach
They beat me unbearably;
Aptly pour players
I'm kicked.
Soccer ball

They blow air into it
And they kick him.
Soccer ball

They beat him with a hand and a stick -
Nobody feels sorry for him.
Why are they beating the poor guy?
And for the fact that he is inflated.

Gray flannelette animal,
Clubfoot long-haired.
Well guess who he is.
And give him a carrot!

He is funny and funny
Together he jumps with me
Deftly jumping like a bunny
Striped, round……

I'm spinning, I'm spinning
And I'm not lazy
Spin around all day long.

Small in stature, but daring,
Jumped away from me.
Though he is always inflated -
It's never boring with him.

He is a rocking chair and a bed
It's good to lie on it.
Is he in the garden or in the forest
Shows on weight.

I lie huddled in a corner
While you are sitting with a book.
When the lesson ends
And I'm jumping with you.
I am colorful and resilient
Though not alive, but still a friend!

The little one is dancing
And just one leg.

Hit the wall -
And I'll jump back.
Throw on the ground -
And I'll jump.
I am from the palms
I'm flying in the palm of my hand -
lie still
I don't want to!

Up down,
Up down,
Do you want to ride -
Sit on us.

In this youth
The sisters are hiding.
Each sister is
For a smaller one, a dungeon.

The animal is funny sewn from plush,
There are paws, there are ears.
Give the beast some honey.
And arrange a lair for him.
Teddy bear

When April takes over
And the brooks run ringing,
I jump over it
And she - through me.
jump rope

Spin on a sharp leg
Buzzing like a bug
If he wants, he will jump a little,
Wants - will lie down on the barrel.

Round, smooth, like a watermelon...
Color - any, for different tastes.
When you let go of the leash,
Fly away for the clouds.

Tied to the tail
He flies behind us under the clouds.

She doesn't need a driver at all.
You start it with the key - the wheels will start spinning.
Put it on and she will rush.
clockwork machine

I'll be the master
Like our uncle Evdokim:
Make chairs and tables
Paint doors and floors.
In the meantime, sister Tanya
I myself do...

On a deer, on a horse
It's good for me to ride!
Not on the tundra, not on the meadow -
I'm going in a circle.
I jump, I fly
I am delighted to laugh!

Other topics from the section Riddles for children, with answers see here.