Macrame essentials for beginners. Macrame weaving pattern for beginners with photos and videos. Macrame weaving patterns

Decorating an apartment, a private house, a work office, using nodular weaving, will create an extraordinary comfort in the room. In this technique, any rooms are made out, many household items are created, and even a child can make some variants of macrame in the interior.

History of appearance

Macrame is one of the most ancient crafts invented by people. It is believed that it appeared on the day when the historical ancestor of man decided to tie together two thin vines or veins of a killed animal. This was the very first knot, later many others appeared, the weaving technique was constantly being improved and complicated. Some tribes had a "knotted letter", abacus. Initially, the complex system of knots had only a practical purpose: this was how fishing nets were woven, individual elements of portable dwellings were made, and on ships sailing in the open sea, knots were generally indispensable.

Over time, macrame became a decorative art - they began to use it as decoration for clothes, home draperies, weave amulets, hats, bags, and more. Each nation did it differently - they used silk, woolen, cotton threads, hemp ropes, gold thread, etc. Macrame was known in many countries of the world - Japan, China, Turkey, India, and then on the territory of Russia. Later, circles teaching this art, master classes in glossy magazines, and the Internet appeared everywhere.

In what styles to use knot decor

A variety of products using the macrame technique can decorate the interior of almost any style:

  • classic - suitable for a colored or plain, wall or floor rug with tassels, fringe, combined with a wicker bedspread;
  • minimalism - openwork wicker elements on the windows diversify the modest design of the room;
  • country - long curtains made of linen, cotton threads, on windows, doorways, will be a great addition;
  • loft - rough abstractions of thick twine on stone walls, "dream catchers" under the chandeliers look very original;
  • Art Deco - "in the theme" will have chic lampshades with many volumetric details, beads, stones, on floor lamps, ceiling lamps;
  • ecological - hanging chairs, wicker made of jute, numerous pots with potted plants on the windows, walls will create a unique design.

It is not advisable to use too much wicker decor in one room - preferably two or three elements that are combined with each other.

Preparatory work - what you need to know about the technique

To get started, you will need:

  • threads, long cord;
  • tape measure;
  • pins, "invisible";
  • wide roller or pad;
  • scissors.

In most patterns, macrame threads are divided into main and working threads - the latter are made four to eight times longer than the intended product, and the former are slightly larger than its width. The working threads are attached to the main threads.

Threads - how, which to choose

Macrame can be woven from a wide variety of materials, both natural and synthetic:

  • hemp;
  • flax;
  • jute;
  • cotton;
  • sisal;
  • soutage;
  • polypropylene twine;
  • cord line, etc.

Many craftsmen use clothesline, wire, ribbons, shoe laces, waxed thread, Mouline thread, flat braid, paper twine.

It is not recommended to use materials that are too fluffy - the pattern of them will be difficult to distinguish.

Mounting methods

The threads are bent in half, by throwing the loop, threading the ends into it, tied on the base, which is attached with pins to the roller. The loop can be thrown both backwards, behind the warp thread, and forward, pulling out from under it - you will get two different knots.

In the third version, one of the previous knots is first tied, then each of the threads is thrown over the base, bends around it, and is threaded into the resulting loop symmetrically to the other.

The fourth option: the thread is placed with the upper end under the base, stabbed, the second end is thrown over the base, forming a loop on the right. The second turn is done to the left of the top. The lower end of the thread bends around the base, threaded into the loop from below, tighten.

Alternatively, the threads are fixed on a wooden base, which is fixed on the table, on the wall using two hooks with suction cups.

All about nodes

Throughout its history, mankind has created a huge number of knots, but not all of them are used in modern macrame. They are conventionally divided into main, decorative, auxiliary.


  • right and left simple nodes;
  • "eight";
  • tie (Slovak);
  • looped left and right;
  • Armenian (sliding);
  • rep;
  • hercules (straight);
  • single flat (helical);
  • double flat (square);
  • triple flat (gourmet);
  • Chinese;
  • "cross";
  • "flower";
  • "Button" (double, flat, sliding);
  • ceiling (well);
  • "Serpentine";
  • "mystical";
  • "lotus".


  • "happiness";
  • Turkish;
  • "Josephine";
  • "turban";
  • Monkey fist;
  • petal;
  • "Marine rug";
  • shamrock;
  • wreath.

Auxiliary (for decorating the ends of the threads):

  • "Capuchin";
  • "Earring".

It is better to try to tie various knots by looking at master classes or pictures.

Variety of weaving patterns

Experienced craftsmen recommend starting weaving with "square" knots, consisting of left and right flat knots. To do this, take four threads - the first and fourth will become workers, the second and third - the main ones. The first is passed under the main ones, the fourth is placed under the first, but over the main ones, its tip is threaded into the loop of the first. From such nodes, both individual strips and whole meshes are woven.

Vertical and horizontal rep knots are also often used. The auxiliary cord makes two turns from bottom to top around the base, is passed into the resulting loop, and tightened. The collection of such nodes is called a brid, which can also be made diagonal. In the vast majority of weaving patterns, there are rep and square knots.

To decorate the product, in the process of weaving, wooden, plastic beads, pearls, stones, coins with holes are put on the threads.

With the help of nets made using the macrame technique, they zone the space of the studio apartment, separating the dining area from the kitchen, highlight the living room or workplace. The mesh is stretched between the slats from floor to ceiling or from the back of the sofa to special cornices. In the arches, doorways, "crumbling" curtains are made, the head of the bed in the bedroom is also framed with a wicker pattern. Bright wickerwork for children's rooms is very popular - for example, sides for a crib, pendants over it. Colored beads of different sizes and shapes can be woven there so that the baby develops fine motor skills by feeling them.

If there is enough space at home, you can weave, hang a hammock. To do this, a grid with cells no more than four to seven centimeters in size is woven from double flat knots arranged in a checkerboard pattern. It is fastened with strong carabiners to special brackets in the wall, in the garden on a special stand, between two trees.

Wall panel

In Soviet times, many apartments were decorated with a large or small panel in the shape of an owl. She symbolized wisdom, wealth in the house. The basis here is a wooden lacquered stick or a metal ring. An obligatory attribute of such a panel is two large eyes, usually made of wooden beads or colored buttons, symbolic wings on the sides, and a wooden perch on which the owl seems to be sitting. The eyes stand out with a fringe in all directions, the beak is also made of a bead or weaved in the form of a pea from flat knots, you can also make paws. The plumage on the abdomen of the bird is also woven from "peas", openwork, from diagonal brides. At the bottom of the structure, a pocket is often made for all sorts of little things, and even below there is a long brush, which is decorated with small beads.

For a medium-sized owl, you need 50-60 meters of twine. You can also make three identical owls of different colors by placing them in a row on the same perch.

Curtains, curtains

Depending on the stylistic design of the interior, the curtains are based on a metal cornice with shiny rings, a slightly curved wooden driftwood. "Summer" curtains will be decorated with flowers and leaves, "winter" - snowmen and snowflakes. Gradient window treatments and lush tassels create a boho look. You can also make a rather rigid curtain out of horizontal brides, and sew on top decorative knots, such as "tree of life" or "Turkish", decorating the bottom with a series of "monkey fist" knots.

In the bedroom, a curtain over the bed and a valance for a dressing table are woven from thin light threads. For the kitchen, curtains made of new, modern, easily washable materials will be an excellent solution.

The main advantages of macrame curtains:

  • do not collect dust;
  • almost do not get dirty;
  • do not lose their shape;
  • a great idea for zoning space;
  • easily made by hand;
  • do not deprive the room of air.

Of the shortcomings, it is noted only that small children, pets are very interested in "hanging" on the curtains, and cats, decorative rats, parrots can get very entangled in them and cut them off.


Rugs are made round, rectangular, less often - asymmetric, complex shapes. A small oval rug is created using the Marine Rug Knot. Using a fairly thick, long cord, it is easy to create a rug of any size. If you take long colored ribbons or just cut old knitwear into strips five to ten centimeters wide, you can weave a carpet of any size for a living room or bedroom with rep knots. And having cut plastic bags into the same strips, they weave a waterproof piece of furniture for the bathroom or hallway.

A round rug is woven on an ordinary gymnastic hoop - as a base, ropes of the required thickness are pulled over it. Any knots are used - rep, flat, tatting, etc. After finishing the work, the product is cut from the hoop, the warp threads are fixed, the edges are decorated with tassels, fringe.

Decor items, accessories

The interior looks original, in which some places are separated by an openwork screen. It does not provide complete privacy, but it zones the room in an original way. To make a full-fledged screen, a wooden frame with holes is bought or made independently, into which ropes, threads, cords are threaded. The "filling" of the screen is made dense or openwork. When the work is finished, the threads are neatly tied at the bottom with decorative knots.

Macrame shelves have a wooden or metal base, are hung on a wall, ceiling, bar. If desired, a swing, a hanging chair, a "hanging" table or a baby cradle are made from strong ropes. It is better to make them from durable natural materials with a persistent color.

Wicker coasters for hot dishes for the kitchen or living room, whole tablecloths are also easy to make. For this, the width and length of the tabletop are measured, the product is woven at least 20-30 cm more on each side. The edges are decorated with tassels or decorative knots. Original pillowcases and pillowcases look organic, especially in retro interiors - for example, stylized as a "grandmother's" bedroom in a village house in the middle of the last century.

For weaving armchairs, chairs, frame benches, an old strong base is taken or "cobbled together" on its own. Cords, ropes, are required strong - capable of supporting the weight of an adult. They should not stretch, and the weaving is made as tight as possible - otherwise the structure will quickly deform, lose its shape, and begin to "sag".

Macrame lampshades are quite popular. They are used to design floor lamps, sconces, ceiling lamps, table lamps, children's bedside lamps. The main thing here is fire safety. The threads should never touch heated parts. The structure is attached to a wire frame or an old base. To make this product, you will need 100-150 meters of rope, depending on the chosen pattern.

But the most common product made using the macrame technique is a planter for flowers. It is hung over a window or on a wall; a strong hook, a special holder, a metal or wooden ring becomes the basis. A cache-pot can become part of a wall panel, have a wooden base, where a pot with a flower is placed, or a flowerpot is braided in knots directly. As a pattern, straight flat knots are most often used, and the upper part can consist of only left or only right ones, forming a beautiful spiral. Instead of a pot with a flower, a beautiful glass jar, vase, decanter, etc. are sometimes braided.

Macrame is one of the most popular types of needlework, which is based on weaving various knots. The macrame technique is used to make various pots, lampshades, women's jewelry, curtains, chair covers, napkins and so on.

Materials (edit)

Weaving macrame is not an easy job that requires special attention and patience. Not all beginners know what materials are best to use for the macrame technique. Schemes for beginners will help you figure out how to weave a beautiful thing in stages. First, you need to choose a non-slip thread, for example, cotton or thick clothesline.

For the manufacture of jewelry and accessories for clothes, floss, linen, woolen iris are used. Things that are made of leather cut into thin strips look very interesting.

Macrame products

Interior decorations are woven from thick threads: ropes, cords, synthetic threads, fishing line. Variegated threads are not suitable for macrame, they look indistinct. An excellent addition to such needlework, you can use beads, beads, wooden rings, balls, sticks.

The product will keep its shape better, if you use a thin wire, you can color. First, a frame is prepared from the wire, and then the threads are hung on it. Many girls and women are interested in how to weave macrame.

On a note

When working with silk threads or twine, you need to moisten your fingers. Cloth gloves should be worn when braiding with stiff ropes. It is better to boil hard natural threads before use - they will be softer and more elastic.

When working, they unravel, to make it easier to weave from them, you need to grease with glue or tie knots, and in synthetic ones - melt the ends over the fire.

When calculating the material consumption, it must be remembered that the working thread becomes 4 times shorter when knots are tied, when weaving with double flat knots - 6-8 times, when weaving a mesh - 3-3.5 times.

What is needed for weaving macrame

When working with fine threads, a pillow is needed, which is filled with sifted sand or foam rubber and covered with a soft cloth. For beginners, you can use the soft seat of an old chair, a foam board, as well as a wooden board (20 * 45, 20 * 35, 15 * 30 cm), on which cotton wool 6-8 cm thick or a layer of foam rubber is placed and then covered with a cloth.

For such work, you still need scissors, decorative pins, PVA glue, "Moment", needles with a large eye.

Macrame alphabet

First you need to learn the names of the threads that are used in macrame. The weaving pattern is simple if you know some tricks.

Carrier thread - in macrame, this is the thread on which all the threads for a given product are hung. Knot thread or warp - knots are woven around it. It must be pulled tight, otherwise the knot will not work. Working thread - knots are tied from it around the base, its length should be 30 cm. Additional thread - is woven additionally into the product, despite all the previously hung ones.

Thread attachment methods

If you want to tackle macrame, the weaving patterns are described in detail below.

Front fastening of threads with a lock. Fold the working thread in half, lower it to the base with a loop down. The resulting two ends of the thread are lowered down onto the base and into the loop. The horizontal bar of the buttonhole should be on the face of the set.

Purl fastening of threads with a lock. The working thread is also folded in half, but under the base it is looped up. Then the loop is lowered down onto the base and both ends are passed into it. The buttonhole bar will be on the wrong side.

Extended face fastening of threads... The thread is folded in half, reinforced with a lock on the base on the front side. Then the threads are disconnected: take the right one, insert it up under the base, then down onto the base and into the loop; with the left, repeat the same actions as with the right. Such fastening of threads is used for a dense row of knots, between them the supporting thread is not visible. If you make more turns with each end of the threads, then the fastening will be even tighter.

Extended purl fastening of threads with a lock... Fold the working thread in half and lock it inside out with a lock on the base. Then the right thread is wound up onto the base, down under it and into a loop. On the left, do the same.

Uneven fastening of the thread is used by performing a chain. In this case, the working thread is reduced 4 times faster than the knot thread.

Main nodes

Hercules knot... Two threads of 10 cm are placed vertically on the pillow, the ends are separately attached with a pin. The right thread is brought under the left, and the left - from the bottom up and into the loop. Then the knot is tightened.

Knotted chain... Take two strands. Alternately, each is either working or nodular.

Reps node... It is knitted from left to right, and from right to left.

Reps knot from left to right. A nodular thread is placed in front of the working thread, the working thread is thrown over the nodular one on the left side and carried to the nodular one, then the thread is again thrown over the nodular working thread, but already on the right side, the end of the thread is pulled through the formed loop. The coils are aligned and tightened. This macrame technique, the scheme of which is described above, can be used to make any interesting thing.

The reps knot from right to left is knitted similarly, only first the working thread is thrown to the right, and then to the left.

Triple horizontal knot... A horizontal knot is knitted with a working thread on a knot. Then the waste thread is re-placed on the knot thread and inserted into the loop downward. From such knots, you can weave patterns in the form of rhombuses, zigzags.

Diagonal rep node... Take three threads, hang them on the knot and weave a diagonal knot. With the left hand, hold the first knotted thread on the right, placing it diagonally. The second is thrown to the right through the nodular and pulled forward, up to the nodular on the left and down into a loop, the knot is tightened. Do the same with the third thread as with the second macrame technique (the diagram will help you figure it out).

Double flat or square knot... It is weaved most often on 4 threads (2 workers and 2 knotted). The leftmost thread is thrown over two knotted ones (they are located in the middle), the right one is passed over the left one and then under the knotted ones and pulled out over the left working thread. The left semi-knot is formed.

Place the rightmost thread over the knotted ones. The left one is on top of the right one, passed under the knotted ones and brought out on top of the right thread. The right semi-knot was formed.

From two such half-knots, a double flat knot is obtained, and by repeating the half-knot, you can get a twisted cord.

Chess... By tying double flat knots in rows and leaving a distance between them, you can get a checkerboard.

Weaving macrame also implies a number of auxiliary knots: simple, "horizon" knot, knot across the hand, tatting, Chinese, capuchin, tie and Armenian.

Beginning of work

Before you start working with macrame, you need to hang the working threads on the knotted thread. There are many different hanging methods:

Braided ring... In order to make a sample, you need only 10 threads: one thread one meter long, two 1.6 meters long, three 0.3 meters long, four 0.15 meters long. One thread should be laid vertically on the pillow, pinned in the middle. From the center in each direction you need to set aside 10 cm.

The second thread should be carefully folded in half and applied from the wrong side to the middle of the first thread. Next, you need to weave a chain of square knots 20 cm long. The chain must be folded in half, the ends of the first thread must be connected together. After that, you should tie a flat knot in the following sequence: second - first - second.

Next, you need to fix the threads using the "trap" technique. The last thread should be folded in half and looped down. The third thread needs to be wrapped around the first thread, 7-9 turns should be made. After that, you need to pull out the loop at the two ends located on top.

Macrame: master class

In order to make a beautiful little thing, you need a frame from an old lampshade, it must first be covered with a new fabric. How to weave macrame for a lampshade?

You need to take a rope with a diameter of about 3 mm and cut the threads 6 times longer than the lampshade itself. The threads should be folded in half and hung with an extended purl fastener on an additional thread, which is equal in circumference to the upper part.

Divide the threads into groups of 4 each and weave flat chains of three double flat knots. On the horizontal thread, it is necessary to braid all the ends of the chains with rep knots - now a border has formed.

In order to weave the central part of the lampshade, the ends should be distributed as follows: 12 ends for fragments of double flat knots. The four medium strands must be braided into flat chains. Josephine knots are laid out on the bundles of free threads under the diagonal brides.

The lower part of the lampshade should be woven into the ends that remain, must be secured using the macrame technique. The weaving pattern of the lampshade will help you to do the job correctly and competently. A beautiful original lampshade is ready to use!

Macrame is a knot weaving technique. You can use different materials for this hobby, there is only one requirement for them - strength. From thick threads, products are more textured, but thin patterns are poorly visible.

Classic macrame is made in white or light beige colors. But you can use other colors as well.

Here are some reasons to do this needlework:

  • You can create home furnishings and accessories with your own hands. There are a lot of options for using macrame. For example, making bracelets, bags, rugs, wall panels, bedspreads, hot coasters, curtains.
  • Macrame-style things are suitable for those who love minimalism or eco-style in the interior. For example, wicker pots will definitely decorate your home. Or not yours - decorative items are a great gift.
  • This hobby does not require large financial costs. Expensive equipment is not needed, the most necessary tools cost a penny.

As a child, I went to a knitting and macrame club. She rarely used the acquired skills in her life. A year and a half ago I wanted to make a pillow for a chair, or rather knit. I quickly remembered all the loops and double crochets. I liked the feeling of the thread in my hands. I decided not to stop and continue to study macrame.

This is a simple technique, there are not very many rules in it, which gives room for self-expression. For me, weaving is a kind of therapy. I concentrate on the process, as a result of which the inner storm calms down, harmony comes. And this is not the only plus of my hobby. Active work of the hands and fingers contributes to the development of memory and attention. I weave from left to right and right to left. This forces both hemispheres of the brain to work at the same time.

What tools and materials are needed for macrame

You can find them in the departments for creativity and needlework, or order in online stores.

  • Cords are made of fabric - cotton, wool, any plant fibers, or even leather. You can also use regular clothesline or twine.
  • Thick safety pins.
  • Scissors.
  • Ruler and measuring tape.
  • Thread Attachment - An old cushion or a piece of styrofoam will do.
  • An awl or knitting needles in case you make a mistake and the knot needs to be untied.
  • Clamps or wooden sticks for fixing the product.
  • PVA glue.
  • Decorative items - ribbons, beads, buttons or buckles.

Marina Sushkova

Macrame master.

The first question that beginners face is: "What kind of rope to use for weaving and where to get it?" Almost any cord will do - it all depends on the idea and the desired result. It is easier to weave from natural cotton. You can find such a rope in hardware and building stores or on the Internet. For the first work, it is better to use a tourniquet with a diameter of at least 5 mm.

Feel free to experiment, use different materials to understand which one is more pleasant for you to work with.

Let's take a look at the basics of macrame, without which you cannot create patterns. Consider knots that are woven from a single thread.

What do you need

  • 3 strands, 30 cm long;
  • 1 thread 50 cm long;
  • sewing pins;
  • working surface - foam or pad.

How to make a simple knot

1. Take 2 strands of 30 cm long and secure with pins on the work surface so that they do not slide out. There are two ways to tie a simple knot. Depending on this, it will be called left or right.

2. The left one is done like this: take the rope in your right hand and pull it slightly. Note that the knot will tie where you hold the cord with your fingers.

YouTube channel "Lyubov Lopantseva"

3. With your left hand, grasp the free end of the rope and place over the stretched rope from left to right to form a loop.

YouTube channel "Lyubov Lopantseva"

4. Now drag the end of the rope from top to bottom into the loop formed and tighten. You will get a knot.

YouTube channel "Lyubov Lopantseva"

The right knot is done in the same way, only the main hand that holds the rope changes to the left. See the video below for details.

How to make an eight-knot

1. Use pins to secure the 30 cm thread to the work surface. Take the middle of the rope with your right hand and the end with your left.

YouTube channel "Lyubov Lopantseva"

2. Bring the end of the rope from left to right over the middle of the cord to form a loop.

YouTube channel "Lyubov Lopantseva"
YouTube channel "Lyubov Lopantseva"
YouTube channel "Lyubov Lopantseva"

How to make a capuchin knot

1. Attach a 50 cm cord to the work surface. Take it in your right hand. Grab the end of the rope with the left and make a loop as in a simple knot.

YouTube channel "Lyubov Lopantseva"

2. With the fingers of your left hand, hold the place where the threads intersect. Take the end with your right hand and wind 3-5 turns around the right side of the loop.

Macrame is a type of needlework based on weaving knots.

In ancient times, needlework was an integral part of a woman's life. The ability to create beauty with their own hands for girls was a must, and sometimes even helped to get married successfully.

Today, applied art is back in fashion. Needless to say, do-it-yourself openwork napkins, wicker tablecloths and even woven carpets not only decorate the interior, but also warm our souls. Macrame is one of the most beautiful types of creativity. We offer the simplest macrame lessons for beginners, thanks to which you will learn how to quickly and easily create handmade masterpieces.

A bit of history

Mastering the alphabet of weaving macrame for beginners, you should get acquainted with the history of original art. Its roots go back centuries, taking us to the shores of the mysterious East. The name is of Arabic origin, which means "braid, fringe, lace". According to historical evidence, unusual handicrafts appeared in Europe in the 7th century. It is believed that such art was known in Ancient Egypt, Iran and China. The secret letters of the ancient Incas were very reminiscent of modern macrame. With the help of elaborately tied knots, they conveyed important information. Scientists are still puzzling over the secret of the nodular writing of the Incas. The first reliable artifact that clearly tells contemporaries about the existence of unusual creativity is the painting of the talented Botticelli "Adoration of the Magi", where one of the characters in the canvas is wearing a hat woven in a similar way.

The famous painting by Botticelli "Adoration of the Magi"

Art is a knotted knitting technique. Having mastered the basics of the simplest patterns for macrame for beginners, you can weave macrame in the form of bracelets, fashion accessories, tablecloths, clothing items and even an interior.

A new era of craft came in the 19th century, technology acquired new features. It was at this time that art finally got its name. Samples of products of that time are of particular value today and are kept in museums dedicated to the history of handicrafts. In the twentieth century, the peak of popularity comes again, handicrafts are becoming fashionable, themed leisure clubs are created, where craftswomen master new weaving patterns, share experiences, tell those who wish about how to weave all kinds of jewelry. Many have associations with Soviet wicker owls and flower pots. Today macrame takes on unusual forms, craftsmen are in an active search for new design solutions, creating masterpieces of amazing beauty and sophistication.

A little about macrame

Where to begin?

Hand-made products are often presented at all kinds of creative exhibitions, where experienced craftswomen and beginners are happy to share their secrets, their successes in various creative directions. Using the knotted technique, it is easy to create openwork tablecloths, panels, lampshades, vases, curtains and napkins. This brings notes of original style, warmth and spiritual coziness to any interior. In addition to interior masterpieces, using the macrame technique, you can knit amazing jewelry, accessories that will become the highlight of a fashionable image. To understand how to make a particular product, to master a craft, you need to learn the alphabet and the simplest techniques.

Preparation lesson

And you should start with the selection of tools and materials:

  • The basis of any product is threads. This can be clothesline, cords, soutache or twine. The main condition is the absence of pile on the surface. Increased "shaggy" will hide all the beauty and relief of the pattern. To make it easier for beginners to learn how to knit basic macrame knots, it is recommended to use medium-thick cotton rope.
  • Weaving pillow. A handy tool that will help beginners quickly and easily master the knot technique. Instead of a pillow, they use cardboard planes, boards covered with foam rubber and covered with fabric. Experienced craftswomen do without her at all, performing work on a sofa, armchair, or whatever is more convenient.
  • Stationery and sewing kit. In work, you can not do without sewing accessories, pins, stationery glue or PVA, sharp scissors. In some situations, they resort to using lighters, scorching excess threads.

The weaving process should always start with one thing: you need to determine the length of the threads.

The length of the thread is easy to measure: it should be eight times longer than the product that is planned to be woven.

The length of the rope is also influenced by its thickness, the larger it is, the longer the working thread should be. Often, beginners in the process are faced with a situation where the thread ends unexpectedly. In this case, you should not be upset, you can just carefully glue the thread, continuing weaving.

Threads for work

To understand the features of macrame and patterns for beginners, you should learn how to properly prepare for the weaving process.

Multicolor threads

Everyone who begins to master macrame lessons should remember that there are two types of weaving threads with different functions:

  1. Main thread. Its edges are tied with a simple knot, pinned with pins to the working base. At the same time, it performs the function of a place for fixing knots, which are tied with a working cord, and does not take part in the process. The length of the base should be no less than the width of the finished work.
  2. Working threads or cords. The length of the working segments is equal to at least twice the length of the future product. At first, it is not easy to determine the exact length, so the diagrams contain comprehensive information on the necessary measurements.

Threads and cords in macrame

Determining the optimal length of cords is not only the key to success, but also comfort during the weaving process. Cords that are too long become tangled, causing a lot of inconvenience. To avoid discomfort, you can wind the excess on a spool, attaching it to the base. Resourceful needlewomen resort to tricks, using curlers with an elastic band instead of coils. If the working thread runs out, you can always lengthen it by unwinding the spool or gluing end to end.

Mastering the basics: varieties of nodes

The most common use of the macrame craft in the modern world is in the creation of distinctive jewelry. Having mastered knitting of the simplest knots, you can weave beautiful shambhala bracelets, friendship baubles, lace necklaces, earrings.

The main nodes of macrame

Square knot

In most schemes, it is located at the heart of the product.

The master class is as follows:

  • We fix two cords on the working base so that four free edges are obtained at the exit.
  • We take the extreme right thread in our hand, draw it over the central segments, winding it neatly towards the end on the left.
  • The one on the left is under the central segments. We stretch it into the hole formed between the central threads and the right from the edge. The left thread is laid on top of the right one.
  • The one that is now on the right starts under the central ones, but on top of the one that is already on the left.
  • The left part fits in the center, penetrating into the hole on the other side, under the right thread.

As a result of simple manipulations, a beautiful square knot is obtained.

Square knot

If you use half of the element in weaving, then the resulting chain twists beautifully in one direction.

A long row of square knots with multi-colored threads will form the basis of a simple yet stylish piece. If you wish, you can weave beads or beads.

Lesson on knitting a square knot

The simplest patterns for beginners often involve weaving primitive knots. This does not mean that such products are not beautiful or original. On the contrary, it is often from simple elements that complex openwork is created.

The simplest scheme for beginners: weaving a bracelet

Learn to knit a buttonhole knot:

  • We will fix the base cord on the working base, we will tie the knotted part. You can take cords of different colors, this will help the beginner not to get confused.
  • A working thread is applied to the nodular part, turns counterclockwise, the end is launched into a loop and tightened.
  • We put the thread located on the right under the knot, start the working part to the right of the knotted one, perform the maneuver in the same way, but in a mirror image.

Such knots are the simplest basis for creating exclusive products using the macrame technique.

DIY shambhala bracelet

Weaving is a laborious but exciting process. It is not recommended for beginners to take on large-scale projects right away, having honed their skills on miniatures.

The Shambhala bracelet is one of the most popular jewelry worn by people of almost all ages.

A hand-made shambhala bracelet is not only a stylish decoration, but also a talisman for good luck. For work you will need beads, a Tibetan cord, waxed or leather, second glue.

Weaving Algorithm:

  1. Cut off two lengths of 40 and 80 centimeters from the skein of thread. The length of the working thread depends on the girth of the wrist. The short section will become the base, and the longer one will become the working thread. Let's tie them together with a simple knot.
  2. Let's start weaving. Draw the right end under the base, and then over the left end.
  3. We take the left end of the working part, move it over the working part under the right end. We "dive" right into the loop and begin to tighten. We repeat the maneuver, but now we start from the left. In order not to get confused, you can repeat the mantra "right under-over-dive, left under-over-dive." Speaking aloud the algorithm, weaving is easier to bring to automatism.
  4. Having knitted several knots, we string a bead onto the working part. So we repeat until the end of weaving.
  5. To prevent the ends of the thread from fraying, you can gently singe them or grease them with clear nail polish.

A metal carabiner can be used to make a convenient lock. But a true shambhala bracelet is woven only with a thread lock. To do this, to the end of the working thread, we tie another piece of cord of 40 centimeters with a simple knot. We weave according to the algorithm "right under-over-dive, left under-over-dive". Do not tighten too much so that the bracelet opens and closes easily.

Shaumball's Bracelet

The world of macrame weaving is many-sided, it can take any shape and shape. It all depends on the skill, imagination and desire of the craftswoman. Having tried it once, it is impossible to stop, the knotting process relaxes, calms and helps to put thoughts in order.

Macrame is an ancient form of textile craft. The main principle of weaving is tying knots. The birthplace of macrame is China. Novice craftsmen can master the simple technique of weaving laces, while experienced needlewomen can create real masterpieces.

What is macrame?

Macrame is a knot-tying weaving technique that allows you to create interesting crafts, bracelets and other unique items. This is one of the most ancient types of handicrafts, the roots of which come from Asian countries. Today macrame has become very popular. Art schools are open all over the world where you can learn this weaving technique.

What is needed for macrame?

The main material used for work is any thread. You can use rope, cords, etc. as them. True, it is not recommended to take filaments with pile , since due to their fluffiness, the pattern becomes less pronounced. They look much more attractive silk cords , however, weaving from them is not very convenient, since they slide in the hands. To make a strong knot when weaving using the macrame technique, you need to make enough effort. Therefore, it is not recommended for novice needlewomen to use silk threads. For them, it would be preferable to cotton rope ... It is convenient to use when creating various chains and nodes.

Macrame uses two types of threads . The first is for the basis, the second is working. The base is necessary for attaching the work cords. There are certain requirements for it. First of all, the warp thread should be of the optimal length, which exceeds the width of the work. It is she who is tied and pinned to the base.

In addition to the main material, you will need:

  • fastening for threads,
  • pins with balls at the ends,
  • measuring tape,
  • scissors.

And beginner craftswomen for weaving using the macrame technique with their own hands will need and step-by-step instruction ... It is desirable that it be written in an accessible and understandable language, and also be accompanied by a photo.

On a note! It is important to take care of the fastening of the work in advance. The base must be stable, but it is great to let the pins pass through. In the case of small-sized items weaving using the macrame technique, a regular pillow is quite suitable as a base.

Macrame weaving patterns for beginners

It is convenient to master weaving macrame for beginners according to the schemes.

The simplest knot, which is used in almost every pattern of a macrame product, is a simple Herculean knot. To do it, you need to take two threads and secure each with a pin. Then the right cord is wound under the left one, and the left one is braided into a loop, as shown in the diagram. So it is necessary to weave until the product of the required size is obtained. At the end, a knot is performed.

The "Spider" pattern is often used in weaving macrame. For her, you will first need to perform several square knots, then one is tied on 3-6 threads in the second row. As for the base, it will be 4 and 5 cords. Performing the third row, according to the scheme, you need to braid 1 square knot using a similar warp, as well as adding 7 and 2. Threads 4 and 5 are used for a square knot, which is performed in the fourth row, using also 8 and 1.

Also, using the macrame technique, you can make a double flat knot with a left crossbar, as shown in the diagram.

Macrame weaving master class

Using a master class with step-by-step photos and a detailed description of each action, you can weave anything you want with your own hands. Weaving macrame allows you to realize any fantasies, to bring to life the most unexpected ideas. Such products will definitely become the main decorations of the house.

Master class 1: pots

To weave pots using the macrame technique, you need to prepare a glass round vase, scotch tape and white nylon threads. Then you can start to weave the product.

The work is done as follows:

Thus, an interesting pots of knots and chains are obtained, which will become a decoration of the house, and also suitable as a gift.

Master class 2: belt in macrame technique

Weaving a flat belt using the macrame technique for beginners will not be difficult if you follow our master class exactly. For work, you need a base on which 6 cords (threads) are fixed.

Further, weaving macrame continues in a similar pattern. This pattern is simple and suitable for beginner needlewomen. Despite the simplicity of manufacture, the belt turns out to be quite attractive. When the required length of the product has been reached, all cords or threads must be tied in one knot. The belt can be dyed with beads by attaching them with glue.