Oatmeal face scrubs. How to make an oatmeal scrub? How to make an oatmeal face scrub

Attractive, well-groomed facial skin is the dream of every woman, regardless of age. One of the most important stages on the way to beauty is the correct systematic cleansing of the epidermis. After careful removal of dead skin cells and elimination of dirt and fat from the pores, the face acquires softness, delicate texture, healthy color.

To do this, it is not at all necessary to buy expensive advertised cosmetics, it is enough to prepare an oatmeal scrub. This product is an economical yet highly effective remedy that fights breakouts, blackheads and other imperfections.

Beneficial features

The composition of oatmeal contains many healing components that have a beneficial effect on the skin. Consider the main "ingredients" of the product.

  • Fatty acid. Activate metabolic processes, bringing them to normal. Pantothenic and nicotinic acids soften the skin, prevent the development of pathogenic microorganisms.
  • Vitamins. They provide full-fledged protective functions, smooth and even out the skin, increase the amount of ceramides.
  • Useful trace elements. Oatmeal facial scrub, enriched with zinc, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, saturates the cells with oxygen, promotes their rapid recovery.
  • Vitamin E. A natural antioxidant that successfully fights inflammatory processes.
  • Amino acids. Moisturize and soothe the deep layers of the epidermis.

Positive results are observed after the first application of oatmeal.

Recommendations for the preparation and use of the product

In order for cosmetic procedures to be as effective as possible and justify your expectations, you should follow a few simple rules.

  • The best time to use the scrub is evening. If absolutely necessary, you can perform the procedure during the day, but not earlier than a couple of hours before going outside. The protective layer of the epidermis after exposure to abrasive particles should recover at least a little, and UV rays can cause serious damage to the skin.
  • Before applying the product, the skin should be thoroughly cleansed of decorative cosmetics and impurities. It should be doused with cool water, always soft - mineral, melt or spring.
  • Another useful preparatory step will be steaming the skin to open the pores. For this, compresses or water baths are used. The latter are prepared from decoctions of medicinal plants: mint, chamomile, sage. It only takes a couple of minutes to hold your face over a container with a hot composition.
  • Oatmeal scrub is prepared according to the selected recipe. The type and other individual characteristics of the skin should be taken into account. For a dry, fading-prone variety, it is worth preparing a product with milk, for oily and normal varieties - with water.
  • The finished scrub is spread over the face with your fingertips. Make gentle massage movements from the bridge of the nose, then along the eyebrows towards the hairline. Particular attention should be paid to the nose, chin and forehead, where the most keratinized cells are located. Additionally, it is recommended to scrub the neck, as well as the décolleté area. For massaging the skin, 3-4 minutes are enough. The composition should be left for about 15 minutes, and then washed off with clean water, gently pat the skin dry with a soft towel.
  • Peeling of oatmeal ends with the application of a night cream with a moisturizing and soothing effect. To care for mature skin, you should alternately apply anti-aging scrub masks and whitening products.

Peelings using oatmeal are considered the safest and most delicate. Despite these advantages, it is not recommended to use the product more than once a week for dry skin types and no more than two times for oily and combination skin types.

Popular Recipes

Oatmeal facial scrubs are a versatile remedy that can solve numerous skin problems. Consider the most effective recipes, among which each representative of the fair sex will be able to choose something for herself.

  • Peeling against inflammation and acne

To treat skin that is prone to rashes, it is worth grinding 20 g of oatmeal with a blender. About 30 ml of milk should be heated to a temperature not exceeding 35 °. Both components are mixed. Then the resulting composition is applied to the entire surface of the face or only to areas with imperfections. Make massage movements for several minutes, and then remove the composition with a cotton pad soaked in infusion of chamomile or calendula.

  • For acne

An oatmeal scrub with baking soda will help clear clogged pores and brighten the skin. To do this, dissolve 5 g of this component in 20 ml of hot boiled water. This solution is filled with pre-crushed hercules. After 10 minutes, the product is mixed and used to cleanse the skin. After peeling, rinse your face with cool water and apply a moisturizing cream.

  • For dry skin

This recipe is especially relevant for lovers of the aroma of natural grain coffee. To prepare the scrub, grind oatmeal (20 g), mix it with the same amount of sour cream and grounds left after brewing coffee. The ingredients are mixed and distributed over the face. For too dry skin after the procedure, it is recommended to additionally apply nutrient mixtures. Such a homemade oatmeal scrub gently affects the cells of the epidermis without injuring or causing irritation.

  • For combination and oily types

To clean the pores, eliminate oily sheen and make the skin attractive, it is enough to perform a simple procedure. 1 protein is thoroughly beaten and then mixed with 10 g of oatmeal. After that, juice squeezed from a small slice of lemon is added to the mixture. Put about 2 g of table salt there. It is necessary to apply peeling a couple of times a week to normalize the production of sebum and improve the condition of the epidermis.

  • For sensitive type

It is sometimes difficult for owners of this type of skin to find the right cosmetics. If the cells of the epidermis respond with redness and irritation to the sun's rays, temperature changes and other environmental factors, it is worth using oatmeal facial scrubs for care.

The product (10 g) is ground in a blender; oatmeal can be used to prepare the composition. 1 egg is thoroughly beaten and mixed with 10 g of slightly warmed honey. All components are combined and applied to gently massage the skin. After the peeling is completed, the mixture is left for another 3 minutes. Then you need to wash with warm water.

Face scrub with oatmeal will become an indispensable care product for every woman. An affordable inexpensive product helps to keep the face in perfect condition. Mixtures with the addition of hercules prevent the development of inflammation, eliminate black spots, restore the health and beauty of the skin.

Oatmeal is a product that can be found in almost any home. However, not everyone knows that it can be used not only for preparing a healthy breakfast, but also as an ingredient in all kinds of body care products. Hercules occupies a leading position in its healing effects on the skin.

Useful properties of oatmeal for the face

The popularity of the use of oatmeal in the cosmetic field is determined not only by the availability of the product: due to the presence of vitamins (A, E, C, groups B, K, choline), macro- and microelements and amino acids, it is able to improve the condition of the skin in general, cope with acne and wrinkles.

Oatmeal also successfully fights problems caused by dry skin: peeling, itching, rashes or irritation. It will help the skin stay hydrated for a long time, maintaining the natural water balance in the cells of the dermis.

Homemade oatmeal scrub:

  • exfoliate dead cells;
  • get rid of black dots;
  • soften and moisturize the skin;
  • remove dirt;
  • deeply cleanses and narrows pores;
  • makes the complexion even.

Scrub rules

You can use an oatmeal scrub for any skin type, but when choosing a recipe, you should pay attention to whether it suits yours.

Use cleansers with caution if capillaries are close to the surface of the skin.

Hercules scrubs act gently, so even people with sensitive skin can use them.

If there are unhealed wounds on the face, it is better to wait until they heal so as not to provoke irritation.

Use an oatmeal scrub no more than twice a week, but if your skin is dry, reduce the use to once every 7 days.

It should be remembered that such cosmetics should not be applied to the area around the eyes.


The skin of the face, with an oatmeal scrub applied to it, is massaged, if there are no special reservations in the recipe, for several minutes, after
which are washed off with warm water.

Suitable for all skin types:

  • Soak a handful of oatmeal in water. For dry skin, use milk instead of water.
  • 2 tsp combine ground oats in a coffee grinder with sugar, aloe and lemon juice (take 1 tsp each). Add some mineral or ordinary water.
  • To 1 tbsp. l. oatmeal flakes, mix in a few crushed sweet grapes (if there are seeds, they need to be removed). After adding warm water, let the mass brew for 5 minutes.

To save time, you can make a long-stored scrub base, into which, if necessary, you will need to pour 2-3 tablespoons of water:

  • Mix together ½ cup brown sugar, ground almonds, 1 tbsp. l. oatmeal, a pinch of dried calendula leaves, 1 tsp. nutmeg and 2 tsp. vanilla extract. Keep the mixture in a closed container.

Scrubs prepared according to the following recipes are suitable for normal and oily skin:

  • 2 tbsp. l. ground hercules flakes with a blender, mix with 1 tsp. soda, a little cinnamon and water. After washing off the scrub, it is advisable to rinse your face with water with lemon juice added to it.
  • Taking 1 tbsp. l. boiled oatmeal flakes and sugar, add a little lemon juice and 2 tbsp. l. olive oil. Dilute the resulting mixture with warm water to a paste consistency. The best effect will be if you use this scrub before going to bed.
  • Mixing rice and hercules in equal proportions, grind them in a blender. Add kefir or yogurt to it.

For normal, dry or mixed type:

  • Take ½ tbsp. l. corn and oatmeal and 1 tsp. granulated sugar, dilute with olive oil.

For sensitive skin:

  • To whipped with 1 tbsp. l. honey egg white mix 1 tbsp. l. oatmeal. After applying the scrub, do not rinse, leave it for 10 minutes as a mask.

Scrub that will reduce inflammation and help get rid of acne:

  • 2 tbsp. l. ground hercules, beat with 1 tbsp. l. sea ​​salt, the yolk of one egg and 1 tsp. olive oil.

Regularly using, in compliance with all of the above recommendations, an oatmeal facial scrub, you will minimize acne marks, improve the appearance and texture of the skin of the face and keep it supple and smooth.

Oatmeal Facial Scrub is an all-in-one skin care product. Oatmeal is a great weight loss aid. It contains a lot of fiber and other beneficial substances. How to make an oatmeal scrub and cook it at home - read our article!

0This most beneficial cereal combines healing properties to improve the functioning of skin cells and intestines

Oatmeal is a simple ingredient for making homemade peels. Products based on them deeply cleanse pores, remove dirt from the surface of the skin, soften and moisturize it, and have a gentle exfoliating effect.

An oatmeal face scrub can do a lot of things:

  • eliminate acne and oily sheen;
  • narrow pores and make acne scars less noticeable;
  • moisturize dry skin and give it a healthy look;
  • smooth wrinkles, give elasticity.

The mixture can be used both as a peeling and as a mask, leaving it on the face for 10-15 minutes.

How to make an oatmeal scrub

Oatmeal promotes regeneration and restoration of the body, has a positive effect on metabolism, softens and moisturizes the skin.

It's no secret how to make an oatmeal scrub. Its simplest recipe will take a few minutes, and all the ingredients can be found in any kitchen.

To make an oatmeal face scrub, take a handful of cereal and soak it in warm water. Then massage your face with this mixture for about 2-3 minutes and wash your face with water at room temperature.

A big plus of such cosmetics is also its affordable price.

How to use oatmeal facial scrubs

The peeling effect will be almost instantaneous. But in order for the procedure to bring real benefits, it is worth using oatmeal peels correctly.

  1. Warm up the skin of the face - wash it with warm water or make a steam bath.
  2. Make soft and gentle movements, following the lines of massage.
  3. Avoid areas of skin around the eyes and remember about the décolleté area - the mixture will not interfere with it.
  4. Massage the skin for about 5 minutes, then leave the product on it for another 2-3 minutes.
  5. Finish off by washing with room temperature water and applying moisturizer.

Oatmeal bowel scrub recipe

Oatmeal is good for the gastrointestinal tract. They remove toxins from the body and help in weight loss.

Oatmeal colon cleanse

Oatmeal colon scrub , the recipe of which is given below is a healthy healthy breakfast. To prepare it you will need:

  • 5 tablespoons of oatmeal;
  • 5 tablespoons of boiled water;
  • 1 tablespoon of boiled milk;
  • 1 teaspoon of honey;
  • 5 pieces of walnuts or hazelnuts.

Oatmeal bowel scrub - recipe:

  1. Pour the flakes with chilled boiled water. They can be soaked overnight or in the morning for about 20 minutes.
  2. Add milk, honey and nuts to them. Mix well. All other ingredients should be added before eating porridge.

In order for the peeling for the stomach of oatmeal for weight loss to be effective, follow these recommendations.

  1. Eating porridge for the intestines is necessary in the morning on an empty stomach. It should be chewed thoroughly and should not be washed down with anything. It is better to drink a couple of glasses of water before taking it.
  2. The second full breakfast can be consumed no earlier than 3 hours after porridge. You can eat - everything that is usual.
  3. To get rid of excess weight - eat porridge every morning for a month. If you do not set yourself the goal of losing weight, two times a week with an interval of a couple of days is enough to cleanse the intestines.

Those who are losing weight will have to acquire a healthy oatmeal habit. Peeling will remove metal salts and other toxins from the body, which will improve skin condition and complexion. With its regular use, acidity will decrease, the functioning of the nervous system will improve.

But you should not get carried away with this product - it is not suitable for all diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Oatmeal only contributes to weight loss. To make the stomach and sides go faster - do additional sports.

Homemade Oatmeal Scrub Recipes

Oatmeal face scrub at home is an almost universal remedy, suitable even for sensitive skin. There are many different ways and recipes for its preparation.

Oatmeal Facial Peeling with Cane Sugar

  • To cleanse your face of acne and reduce inflammation - use an oatmeal facial scrub with cane sugar. Mix together 2 tablespoons of cereal, 15 grams of brown sugar, 40 ml of aloe juice and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice. Apply the mass with massage movements on the face for 3-5 minutes and rinse with cool water. A simpler recipe is honey and salt peeling. Use for it 1 tablespoon of oatmeal, a teaspoon of liquid honey, 5 grams of table salt and a teaspoon of olive oil.
  • You can clean your face from black dots or comedones with an almond scrub. Grind 1 tablespoon of almonds and add 25 grams of oatmeal, a teaspoon of honey and the same amount of aloe juice to it. If the composition is very thick, dilute it with a little warm water.
  • To eliminate age spots and whiten the skin, a lemon scrub will be effective. Mix 25 grams of hercules with a teaspoon of lemon juice and a small amount of low-fat yogurt or kefir. An oat-cucumber mixture is also good to deal with this problem. Combine half a tablespoon of fresh grated cucumber with 16 grams of oatmeal, for oily skin - add a teaspoon of wheat flour to the mixture.
  • Oatmeal nourishing moisturizing peel is also suitable for all skin types. To prepare a baking soda peel, use one tablespoon each of baking soda and flakes. Let the mass brew in a sealed container for 5-7 minutes. As soon as it hardens into a paste, it can be applied to the face. For the rosehip recipe, you will need more ingredients - 40 g of freshly grated cucumber, 6 ml of argan oil and rosehip oil, 2 tablespoons of hercules and 16 ml of milk. The mixture should also be infused for 5-7 minutes.

Scrub for normal skin

An oatmeal facial scrub is versatile. But still, it is better to use recipes that match your type. For normal skin, the following will be effective:

  1. pumpkin scrub - mash 1 tablespoon of pumpkin pulp with 1 teaspoon of oatmeal, add the same amount of walnut flour with vegetable oil, rinse with warm water;
  2. sour cream peeling - stir a tablespoon of sour cream with the same amount of flakes, after using the scrub - wash with warm water;
  3. tonic mixture - pitted grape berries (5-6 pieces) rub with 1 tablespoon of oatmeal and add a little boiled water, when the mixture is infused under the lid for 5 minutes - massage your face with it and leave it for 10 minutes, rinse everything with room water temperature.

Scrub for dry skin

Dry skin needs more gentle treatments. For her, the best would be:

  • egg scrub - mix half a tablespoon of oatmeal and any ground nuts with egg yolk and a teaspoon of sour cream, apply the mass on your face, massage and rinse with warm water;
  • gentle peeling - combine a tablespoon of oatmeal with half a spoonful of powdered milk and pour everything with a small amount of hot milk, let the mixture brew for 5-7 minutes and use the gruel while still warm, as an option - replace the milk components with carrot juice;

Almond peeling for dry skin

  • almond scrub - mix a teaspoon of ground almonds and ground flakes with a tablespoon of fat sour cream and yolk, carry out the procedure, and upon completion, apply a moisturizer.

Scrub for oily and combination skin

Oily and mixed skin also needs some care. They will be very useful oat scrubs with the addition of natural ingredients.

Peeling flour and oatmeal

  • Rice and oatmeal scrub. Grind equal amounts of rice and oatmeal in a coffee grinder and add kefir or yogurt to this flour to make a thick cream. Gently apply the mixture and after the massage, leave it for 3 minutes, then rinse with cool water.
  • Cereal and flour scrub. Use half a tablespoon of wheat flour (can be replaced with starch or oatmeal) and oatmeal. Pour dry ingredients with a small amount of boiled water and add a couple of drops of lemon juice. Rinse off with cool water.
  • Egg-hercules scrub. Mix 1 egg white with half a tablespoon of oatmeal, a pinch of salt and a teaspoon of lemon juice. Scrub your face and leave the mixture on for a couple of minutes. Wash with water at room temperature.

Contraindications to the use of oatmeal scrubs

No matter how useful oatmeal peels seem, like any cosmetics, they have their contraindications. For example, with frequent use of a scrub for the intestines, calcium is washed out of the body. It contains phytic acid. Which is not good for health at all.

It is worth noting that such cleaning procedures must be carried out regularly.

General contraindications to the use of oat scrubs are as follows:

  1. individual sensitivity - allergic reactions to the components of the product.
  2. dermatological diseases - dermatitis, psoriasis and others.
  3. hypersensitive skin - thin epidermis is easy to injure during peeling.
  4. skin lesions - wounds and cuts, ulcers and burns.
  5. circulatory disorders - venous diseases and rosacea.
  6. fresh tan - the appearance of age spots and irritations is likely.
  7. pregnancy - facial scrubbing, cleansing the stomach and intestines with folk remedies are prohibited.

If they do not apply to you, then you can safely use the recipes for oatmeal scrubs for your beauty and health.

Many cosmetologists are of the opinion that there is no better way to care for the dermis of the face than cleansing based on oatmeal. It is the oatmeal scrub that makes the skin softer and more tender. It is not difficult to prepare it at home.

Oatmeal has the following properties: reducing toxins and increasing metabolism in the dermis. Thus, the best ingredient for the preparation of a cleanser cannot be found. The article will cover the following topics: the benefits and contraindications of oatmeal cleansing and skin moisturizing, as well as recipes for its preparation.

As already mentioned, cleansing and moisturizing the skin based on oatmeal is a quality way to care for the dermis of the face. The list contains its main properties:

  • Cleansing from harmful substances;
  • Toning;
  • Maintaining the balance of water in the dermis;
  • Reduction of wounds;
  • Beneficial effect on blood circulation;
  • Getting rid of edema;
  • Wrinkle reduction;
  • and acne;
  • Hydration.

The list of properties shows that this skin care is a storehouse of deep and high-quality cleansing of the dermis.

Contraindications to the use of oatmeal scrub

Oatmeal, although it is a natural product, still has contraindications. In the following lists, the main contraindications for this care for the facial dermis are indicated. If at least one point is found in a person, then the use of oatmeal is not advisable.

  • Pregnancy - during this period, the skin becomes more sensitive, and oatmeal can cause allergies.
  • Sensitive skin - this type of dermis is very easy to injure.
  • Skin diseases (eczema, psoriasis) - oatmeal can only worsen the condition of the skin.
  • Wounds - when oatmeal gets into the skin, inflammation and purulent formations form.
  • Burns or ulcers - oatmeal slows down the healing process.
  • Venous diseases.
  • Couperose - oatmeal improves blood circulation and dilates blood vessels.
  • Tanned Skin – Oatmeal reduces bronzed skin tone and also increases sensitivity. Pigmentation may occur.
  • Allergy to the product.

To check how the skin behaves after using oatmeal, do a test. Apply the mixture to the back of your elbow, wait a couple of minutes and rinse. This test can use, to determine the sensitivity skin and allergic reaction.

Components of oatmeal

Oatmeal contains the following beneficial ingredients:

  • Selenium - reduces skin aging;
  • Amino acids - soothing and moisturizing;
  • Zinc - normalizes the work of hormones, preventing the rash of acne;
  • Vitamin B - skin protection;
  • Vitamin E - healing;
  • Polysaccharide - elasticity;
  • Absorbent - reduces the formation of blackheads.

Basic rules for using an oatmeal scrub

To prepare and apply the oatmeal mixture, you must adhere to all the rules that are presented in the following list:

  1. First you need to cleanse your face with herbal steam baths.
  2. Scrub should be applied in a circular motion for about 5 minutes.
  3. Do not apply the mixture to the eye area.
  4. Treat the facial dermis with the resulting mixture and let it soak in for 2-3 minutes.
  5. The mixture can be easily washed off with warm water. Next, you need to moisturize your face with a cream.
  6. It is necessary to prepare the product a few minutes before use. After the procedure, the remnants of the product must be disposed of.

Applying all the rules, you can harmlessly and painlessly make a cleansing and moisturizing scrub.

Milk promotes nutrition and hydration of the dermis. With the help of this ingredient of the oatmeal cleanser and moisturizer, the result of the procedure is increased.

Scrub with warm milk

To prepare such a tool, you must use:

  • 4 tbsp. l. oatmeal
  • Glass of warm milk

The mixture should be infused for about 20 minutes. Then you can apply it on the face, according to the rules.

Scrub with sour milk

To prepare such a facial dermis care product, mix the following ingredients:

  • 4 tbsp. l. rice flour
  • 2 tbsp. l. herculean flakes
  • Fatty, slightly sour milk

The ingredients are mixed and immediately applied to the skin.

Scrub with dry milk


  • 3 art. l. oatmeal
  • 2 tbsp. l. powdered milk

The mixture must be diluted with slightly warmed milk. You should get a mushy solution. Next, use it as a scrub.

Milk scrub with olive oil

To prepare the scrub, use:

  • 2-3 tbsp. l. oats
  • 2 tbsp. l. whole milk with high fat content
  • 2 tsp olive oil
  • 4 tsp lightly warmed honey

Everything is mixed until smooth.

Milk scrub with sea salt

To prepare this scrub, use:

  • 2 tbsp. l. oatmeal
  • ¼ cup warm milk
  • ½ cup dry milk
  • ½ tsp sea ​​salt

The mixture is infused for half an hour. To make the remedy more effective, add 2-4 drops of essential oil.

There are many recipes for making oatmeal scrub. When adding different ingredients, you can affect the dermis in different ways.. For example, when adding a fresh cucumber, the face will be both cleansed and moisturized. Basic and easy recipes are presented later in the article.

Egg-oat face scrub

The scrub contains:

  • 2 tsp herculean flakes
  • 1 egg yolk
  • 2 tsp vegetable oil
  • 1 tsp Sahara

To prepare a face care product, you need to shake the yolk by adding sugar to it. Next, pour the oil into the resulting mixture. Cover everything with oatmeal. Let the mixture sit for about 5 minutes. The prepared mixture can be applied to the dermis.

This cleanser is great for all skin types.

Oatmeal Rice Scrub

Ingredients you need to make the mixture:

  • 1 st. l. rice
  • 1 st. l. oatmeal
  • 1/3 cup kefir or low-fat yogurt

First, grind the rice and oatmeal. Pour the mixture with kefir or low-fat yogurt. Thus, a sparse mass is obtained. Then we distribute it over the face.

This product moisturizes the skin very well.

Oatmeal Salt Scrub

From the ingredients you will need:

  • 1 st. l. hercules
  • ½ tsp sea ​​salt
  • 2 tbsp. l.

The components are mixed and immediately applied to the dermis of the face.

An oatmeal salt scrub is a quality exfoliating treatment.

Protein Oat Scrub

  • ½ tsp chopped almonds
  • ½ tsp oat flour
  • 1 egg white
  • ½ tsp fat-free yogurt

All ingredients are mixed and whipped until smooth.

Such a tool is suitable for each type of dermis. But after the procedure, it is advisable to lubricate the skin with a cream.

Cucumber-oatmeal scrub

This type of oatmeal skin cleansing and moisturizing at home is prepared on the basis of the following two ingredients:

  • 1 st. l. cucumber, finely chopped
  • 1 st. l. oatmeal or oatmeal

You need to mix the ingredients.

Be sure to wash your face before the procedure so that the skin is moist. After scrubbing, cream should be applied to the face.

For those who have oily skin, you can add wheat flour (1 tablespoon).

Corn and oatmeal scrub

Scrub Ingredients:

  • 1 tsp Sahara
  • ½ st. l. corn flakes
  • ½ st. l. herculean flakes
  • 1 tsp olive oil

We combine two types of cereal and sugar and pour them with oil. Stir until you get a thick mixture.

Such a tool is considered an excellent peeling.

Wheat-oatmeal scrub


  • 1 st. l. herculean flakes
  • ½ st. l. wheat flour
  • Warm boiled water
  • 3 drops lemon juice

Mix flour with cereal. Add water to the resulting dry mixture, as well as lemon juice. Mix everything thoroughly. The resulting product can be applied.

After the procedure, it is required to lubricate the skin with a moisturizer.

Oatmeal scrub with baking soda

Use the following ingredients to prepare the mixture:

  • 1 st. l. baking soda
  • 1 st. l. hercules
  • 1 st. l. warm boiled water

The components of the scrub are mixed and covered with a lid in order to infuse for 5 minutes. The mixture, after tincture, should resemble a paste.

Scrub-mask with aloe

The scrub mask contains the following ingredients:

  • 2 tsp hercules, ground into flour
  • 1 tsp Sahara
  • 1 tsp aloe juice
  • 3 drops lemon juice
  • Warm boiled water

Flour and sugar are mixed until the mixture becomes like porridge. Lemon juice and aloe are added to them. Everything is diluted with water and mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

This tool is a high-quality peeling.

Egg Cream Scrub


  • ½ tsp chopped almonds
  • ½ tsp hercules
  • 1 egg yolk
  • ½ tsp heavy cream

All ingredients are combined and mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

After the procedure, a cream is applied to the face.

Scrub for deep cleansing with aloe

To prepare the scrub you will need:

  • ½ tsp chopped almonds
  • ½ tsp oat flour
  • ½ liquid honey
  • ½ aloe juice
  • Boiled water

Pour water over almonds and flour. Add honey and aloe juice and mix everything thoroughly. The mixture should look like porridge.

Instead of water, a decoction of herbs can be used to prepare the mixture.

Protein Lemon Scrub

To prepare a high-quality protein-lemon remedy, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 2 tsp hercules
  • 1 egg white
  • 2 tsp lemon juice
  • 1 tsp sea ​​salt (finely ground)

The protein must be pre-whipped. Add sea salt and lemon juice to it. We mix everything thoroughly and pour the herculean flakes with the resulting liquid. After the scrub is infused (5 minutes), it can be applied to the face.

This tool has the properties of peeling.

You can prepare a remedy for moisturizing and cleansing the dermis of the face from oatmeal, even at home, quickly and at no cost. Most of the ingredients are available for every hostess.

Before the procedure, first check if any contraindication is suitable for you. Better yet, before using any masks or scrubsalways consult a beautician.

Frequent use of such cleansing and moisturizing of the dermis of the face based on oatmeal will help get rid of most of the imperfections (pimples, blackheads, wrinkles, etc.).

Oatmeal has long been famous for its properties. It is an ideal product for permanent skin care. Many cosmetic products are made with its addition, for example, a matting mask or scrub. You can also do something similar at home with your own hands. Let's figure out why oatmeal is so useful for the face.

Oatmeal is rich in trace elements. For the face, vitamins A, B and E are the most valuable. What exactly is the benefit of oatmeal?

  • softens;
  • regenerates cells;
  • gently whitens, removes blackheads;
  • oatmeal scrubs help remove the stratum corneum of the epidermis;
  • soothes inflammation;
  • eliminates peeling and itching;
  • removes acne;
  • restores complexion;
  • inhibits the aging process.

Hercules scrub is suitable for any skin: it soothes and nourishes dry skin, and it regulates sebaceous secretions and cleanses problem skin.

home cosmetics

Recipes for making high-quality oatmeal care products at home:

1. Scrub for problem skin: prepared from boiled oatmeal with the addition of sour cream. To dry acne, additionally use finely crushed salt or lemon juice.

2. Recipe for fatty type: mix vodka and boiled water in equal proportions. Add crushed hercules and bring the scrub to the desired consistency. You can also mix hercules with fresh grape juice, kefir, white wine. Lemon juice has a matting effect.

3. For dry skin: the scrub is prepared with fatty dairy products in proportions of 1:2. It is best to pour the crushed oatmeal flakes with warmed milk and leave to swell for 5 minutes. This composition nourishes the face, gently removes dead scales.

4. Face whitening: mix fresh grated cucumber, ground oatmeal and crushed almonds in equal proportions. You can take lemon juice, peroxide or green parsley instead of cucumber. And in a scrub for irritated facial skin, you need to add a decoction of chamomile or linden.

5. Scrub for the normal type: Combine dry oatmeal and olive oil in a 2:1 ratio. Grape seeds are added for intensive cleansing, and peach oil and jojoba oil are added for additional nutrition.

6. Universal recipe: finely grind half a glass of oatmeal. Mix in equal proportions with cosmetic clay. The best option is blue or green. The finished mixture is used as needed, diluting it with warm water. This glass is enough for a full course.

Oatmeal face masks gently affect the epidermis, nourish it at the cellular level, and activate protective functions. This scrub is ideal for regular home care for any skin type.

The finished scrub should be applied to a clean face with smooth movements along the massage lines. For a few minutes, you need to massage it, and then you can leave the mask for a while. When the layer of oatmeal begins to dry out, you need to wash your face with water at a comfortable temperature.

According to the rules, such masks are applied 2-3 times a week, it is enough to apply a scrub once every 7-10 days. The oilier the skin, the more often they should be done. One course lasts approximately 2 months. After such caring procedures, the face is smoothed, tightened, acne and age spots disappear, the cells are completely renewed.

Possible contraindications

With such special properties, oatmeal scrub has no obvious contraindications. Its use has a beneficial sparing effect, soothes inflammation, eliminating acne. At the same time, it does not cause irritation or an allergic reaction even on hypersensitive integuments. But the auxiliary components of the masks are not always hypoallergenic. Therefore, the rule is relevant here: the fewer components, the better.

Scrub, which includes oatmeal flakes, is a proven and effective tool for prolonging youth and caring for the body. If you regularly carry out such cosmetic procedures, acne and wrinkles will disappear, and the face will become more elastic and shine with health.