Home use of cosmetic oils for facial rejuvenation. Oils for dry skin

Cosmetic oils are very popular among the fair sex. And for good reason - they moisturize and nourish well, help restore freshness to fading facial skin. They are also completely natural, which makes them even more in demand.


Oils are:

  • Base oils are those oils that are obtained by hot and cold pressing - coconut, avocado, shea, mango and many others.

  • Essential - oils with a characteristic odor and taste that do not leave marks on clothes and surfaces, because they evaporate immediately. They are also called "volatile". These are esters of orange, cloves, cinnamon, lavender, mint, patchouli, eucalyptus, and so on.

Beneficial features

The positive effect of oils on the skin of the face can not be overestimated. So they are:

  • Helps to produce collagen, which leads to the prolongation of youth and the later appearance of wrinkles;
  • Includes vitamins and minerals that nourish;
  • Suitable for skin hydration and color improvement;
  • Keep the skin toned and improve blood circulation;
  • Get rid of inflammation and redness;
  • Certain species have an antiseptic effect;
  • Almost all have a hypoallergenic effect;
  • Protect from the harmful effects of environmental factors, including ultraviolet radiation.

How to choose according to skin type

Many women and girls are guided when choosing a well-known brand or good reviews and are upset that the purchased product did not have the desired effect. The thing is that it is best to focus on what type of skin you have.

Dry skin

It should first be moistened with tonic or pink water - this will improve the effect. The best thing you can do for this type of skin is to moisturize it as much as possible. Oils that do this:

  • Avocado. Champion in moisturizers. It nourishes well, makes the skin elastic, and also provides protection from ultraviolet radiation;
  • Macadamia nut. Often used in anti-aging creams. Excellent moisturizing, making it suitable even for very dry skin that has experienced acne;
  • Jojoba. It is perfectly absorbed, protects the face from any harmful external influences;
  • Wheat germ. Rich in antioxidants.

Oily skin

Here you need to give preference to those means that protect the face from the production of subcutaneous fat and oily sheen. Therefore, fatty products are not suitable in any way, here you need something light, such as:

  • Grape seed oil. Often used in cleansers for oily skin. Regulate the water-lipid balance, tighten and relieve oily sheen;
  • Hazelnut. Reduces inflammation, suitable for sensitive skin;
  • Jojoba. Suitable for oily skin too. Eliminates blackheads, nourishes. With this oil, the scars from old pimples disappear, and new ones do not appear;
  • Hemp. Recent studies tell us that it has a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect. Helps to cope with irritations;
  • Japanese camellia. Gently moisturizes, does not give a greasy shine, cares for the skin.

Normal or combination skin

  • Jojoba. Valuable and effective oil for all skin types, moisturizes, but does not give a greasy sheen, takes good care and nourishes;
  • Almond oil is good not only for care, but also for UV protection. Therefore, it is best to use it in the warm season;
  • Grape seed and its ether moisturizes well and is often included in creams and scrubs;
  • Coconut almost entirely consists of saturated fats, and also has a bactericidal effect;
  • Sea buckthorn products were made many years ago. It is known for healing wounds, coping with inflammation and is good for dermatological problems.

Anti-aging care

Over the years, our face needs more and more care. It should be better nourished and saturated with vitamins and antioxidants. Oils that do this well:

  • Argan. Indispensable in skin care. Normalizes the water-lipid balance and contains acids that nourish mature skin;
  • Apricot oil is famous for regenerating cells and giving the skin youth, and also saturates it with vitamins and acids;
  • From rice bran. Rich in antioxidants, acids and nourishes the skin with vitamin E;
  • Mosque roses. Contains a lot of vitamin A and is the best suited for care around the eyes;
  • Borago gives the skin youth and elasticity. Not surprisingly, this oil is often used in anti-aging cosmetics;
  • Evening primrose eliminates wrinkles, but is only suitable as an addition to basic care.

Oils for skin diseases

For diseases such as psoriasis, dermatitis and eczema, special skin care is needed. In this case, you can help:

  • Kiwi, blackcurrant and hemp;
  • Apricot, soybean, grape and baobab;
  • Borago.

It is worth starting with applying a few drops to the fingertips and gently spreading with light circular movements over the face and around the eyes. A facial massage will also help. You should start it in the cheeks and forehead, and then gradually go down.

An important nuance: you should use the remedy only if you are not allergic to it. It's pretty easy to find out. Before use, apply a few drops to the sensitive epidermis of the wrist or bend of the elbow, and if there is no irritation or redness within five minutes, then everything is fine.

Recipes for masks at home

First of all, you should know a few rules for the proper preparation of masks from oils. After all, if you do not follow them, the effect may not be.

  • Be sure to warm the mixture before use. Otherwise, it will not properly absorb into the skin. Heating should be done strictly in a water or steam bath, without using a microwave;
  • Mix all the ingredients before heating them and in equal proportions. An exception applies only to mixtures of base oils with essential oils;
  • Vegetable oil with essential should be mixed in proportion to one spoon two or three drops;
  • The product should be applied after washing, preferably on a steamed and clean face;
  • It is worth making masks in the evening, when you definitely will no longer paint and apply other products to the skin;
  • Oils do not require rinsing, but if you feel uncomfortable, you can clean your face with tonic or micellar water.

Making masks at home is easy and rewarding because you choose the ingredients and know exactly what each product contains.

  • Dry skin care. First of all, you need to take some vegetable oil and heat it up. Take gauze, after cutting holes for the nose, eyes and mouth, soak it in warm oil and put it on your face. After fifteen minutes, remove the napkin and rub your face with water. Take dried chamomile flowers and string - a tablespoon each - and pour three tablespoons of olive oil. Put the resulting mixture in a water bath for ten minutes, cool, then take a teaspoon of the mixture and rub it with the yolk. The mask is ready, now you just need to apply it in a thin layer on the face and leave for fifteen minutes. And then wipe your face with tea leaves.

I am reading an amazingly useful book "Tibetan medicine for modern man."

With each chapter I discover a lot of new and interesting information. For example, about which oils are good for the face.

It turns out that the majority of Tibetans, despite the difficult living conditions, look on average 20 years younger than their peers.

Therefore, their secrets of caring for their appearance can be safely taken into service.

Today we will look at one of the main Tibetan secrets - skin care with oils and learn how to properly use vegetable oils for the face, depending on its skin type, from the point of view of Tibetan medicine.

From this article you will learn:

Facial oils - stock recipes

Once I knew a woman who rubbed her face with vegetable oil and considered it the best cream.

It turns out she was very wrong.

From the point of view of Tibetan medicine, the most useful oils for any application are vegetable oils obtained by cold pressing and pressing:

  • sunflower
  • corn
  • sesame
  • castor
  • olive
  • coconut
  • almond
  • grape and apricot seed oil

All these oils are basic, serve to dissolve essential oils in them and are used for massage and self-massage of the body.

But, not all of them can be applied to the skin of the face and neck!

For example, the most affordable sunflower oil is very hard on the skin and can block pores, so it is better not to use it on the face. Corn oil has the same properties, it is also not recommended to be applied to the skin of the face.

If you decide to use olive oil, only unrefined, first pressing is suitable, then it is able to restore the water-fat balance of the skin.

What oils are good for dry and normal skin?

The most useful oils for a face with normal and dry skin, from the point of view of Tibetan medicine, are:

  • almond,
  • coconut,
  • sesame,
  • grape and apricot kernel oil.

Coconut oil

This oil deeply moisturizes and nourishes the skin, relieves inflammation from sensitive skin.

It is able to restore cell membranes, heal damaged areas of the skin (burns, wounds).

Ideal for normal and sensitive skin care.

Apricot Kernel Oil

Promotes good nutrition, softening, and hydration of the skin, preventing its dryness, irritation and flaking.

Especially, this applies to oily skin.

You can read more about the mass of apricot pits in this one.

Almond oil

Very light in nature, it is well absorbed by the skin and does not create a greasy effect.

It perfectly nourishes and moisturizes the skin, has powerful antioxidant properties.

Ideal for dry skin.

Read more about almond oil.

Grape seed oil

This oil has the ability to retain moisture in the skin, regulate sebum secretion, tighten pores and soothe inflamed skin.

In addition, it has a powerful antioxidant effect, tightens and smoothes wrinkles.

Suitable for combination, oily and normal skin.

Sesame oil

This oil contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals, perfectly nourishes and moisturizes dry skin.

In addition, this is an excellent hair product, read more about this in this

What oils are good for oily skin?

Great for oily skin:

  • almond,
  • grape seed oil,
  • mustard oil.

In which the essential oil of ginger, bergamot, sage, cinnamon, juniper, clove and patchouli is added, at the rate of 4 drops per 10 ml of base oil.

Also, to care for oily skin, you can mix base oils with ginger powder, calamus root, cardamom.

How to apply oil on the face correctly?

Oils should be applied to moistened clean skin of the face and neck in small amounts along the massage lines.

Can be added to masks, lotions and homemade, you can make oil compresses with them.

From myself, I could add the best oils for the face to this piggy bank and, since I was personally convinced of their magical effect on the skin of the face.

Facial oils are becoming more and more popular. For dry skin, they can be a real salvation. can help even in cases where the most expensive creams are powerless. That is why more and more women are turning to folk cosmetology.

Why does the skin on the face dry

Dryness of the skin of the face is a fairly common problem that can occur for a number of reasons:

  • malfunctions of the sebaceous glands;
  • problems in the field of digestion, as well as susceptibility to stress;
  • changes due to age;
  • lack of vitamins and nutrients in the body;
  • aggressive exposure to direct sunlight or ultraviolet radiation;
  • abuse of aggressive scrubs and peels;
  • hard water with a high content of chlorine;
  • washing with ordinary toilet soap.

Cosmetic oils for dry skin

Despite the fact that more and more new cosmetics appear on the market every day, girls are increasingly turning to natural substances, among which oils occupy the first place. So, the most popular and effective are the following:

  • avocado oil is rich in vitamin A, as well as B vitamins, due to which the skin is quickly restored;
  • apricot oil is an indispensable source of fats for the epidermis, and therefore it is simply necessary for those who struggle with dryness;
  • sesame oil - quickly absorbed, moisturizes the skin and saturates it with valuable vitamin E;
  • olive oil is a universal remedy that is suitable for absolutely all types;
  • fights irritations and inflammations, which are indispensable companions of dry and sensitive epidermis.

Essential oils for dry skin

Basic cosmetic oils are not always able to have a pronounced effect, and therefore it is recommended to combine them with essential oils. In this category, the undisputed leaders are the following:

  • carrot seed ether helps to eliminate toxins, as well as increase the protective reactions of the skin;
  • rose ether makes the skin soft and velvety to the touch;
  • a feature of neroli ether can be considered that it helps to retain moisture inside the epidermis, and also eliminates pigmentation and irritation.

It should be noted that these substances are practically not used in their pure form. They are very concentrated, and therefore can cause irritation and even burns. It is better to combine them with base cosmetic oils.

Castor oil

Increasingly, women are resorting to using facial oils. For dry skin, it is recommended to use castor oil. Despite the fact that this oil is extracted from a poisonous plant, during the processing all harmful substances leave and only the benefits remain. It lies in the fact that dry and aging skin receives the necessary nutrition, as a result of which it becomes smooth and elastic. It is also worth noting that this tool will help you cope with wrinkles. Due to the fact that castor oil can cause allergies, it is better to use it not in its pure form, but diluted with other base oils.

Olive oil

Folk cosmetology recommends that women use facial oils. For dry skin, olive oil is considered one of the best. Its feature is that it is very quickly absorbed into the epidermis and does not allow moisture to evaporate for quite a long time. At the same time, this oil has a fairly light texture, so that the pores do not clog and oxygen continues to flow into them.

Olive oil is a real elixir of youth. At the same time, it can be used not only for prevention, but also for combating age-related changes. Thanks to the huge concentration of vitamins A, E and B, your skin will always be moisturized, supple and tender.

Olive oil for dry skin can be used both on its own and as a component of moisturizing masks. You can simply apply it in a thick layer on the skin for a few minutes, then wipe off the residue. This component works well in combination with cottage cheese, egg yolks, as well as all kinds of essential oils.

Jojoba oil

Jojoba oil is a versatile moisturizing oil. For dry skin of the face, it fits perfectly and can bring the greatest benefit. This miraculous product not only fights flaking and tightness, but also helps to restore firmness and improve the contour of the skin.

It is worth noting that jojoba oil has a rather dense consistency, which can be somewhat heavy for the skin. In its pure form, it is used only pointwise on the most problematic areas, where the strongest peeling is observed. In the event that you want to apply it to the entire surface of the skin, then first dilute it with apricot or olive oil in equal proportions.

Almond oil

An increased concentration of vitamin A is one of the main advantages. For dry skin, this component is simply irreplaceable, because the speed and quality of regeneration processes depend on it. Also, this product is able to slow down the aging process and quickly eliminate wrinkles.

Almond oil not only provides superficial hydration, but also gradually normalizes the water balance of the epidermis. If you have wrinkles and cracks on your face due to dryness, then be sure that this substance will quickly cope with them. It is also worth noting that almond oil is simply necessary for those who work hard and are prone to stress, which adversely affects the quality of the skin. By applying almond oil at night, the next morning you will find your skin completely rested and restored.

Coconut oil

Listing the best oils for dry skin, you can not ignore coconut oil. Its main value lies in the fact that its composition contains a large amount of fatty acids, which are simply necessary to maintain the water balance of the epidermis. With regular use, it can solve the problem of dryness completely. And due to the fact that it is incredibly quickly absorbed, you will not feel any discomfort when applying it. All this leads to the conclusion that coconut oil can be an equivalent alternative to any moisturizer.

Applying coconut oil to your skin is extremely easy. You need to break off a small piece and apply to your face. From contact with warm skin, it will immediately begin to melt and be instantly absorbed. If this option seems unsuitable to you, then in the pharmacy this remedy can also be found in liquid form.

Features of the use of cosmetic and essential oils

In order for oils to bring maximum benefit to dry skin, it is necessary to take into account a number of features when using them:

  • before applying the oil, the face must be thoroughly cleaned with a special gel or foam;
  • it is better if the skin is well steamed (in this case, it will absorb nutrients well);
  • if after a few minutes after the procedure not all the oil has been absorbed, then remove the remnants with a paper towel to avoid the formation of a greasy film;
  • do not use too fatty, as well as essential oils in their pure form (this is only permissible in certain areas).

Dry facial skin delivers no less inconvenience and discomfort than oily or combination skin. Therefore, it is wrong to assume that she does not need careful care. Thin and dry skin ages and wrinkles faster, especially if it is not properly cared for. Face care with a tendency to increased dryness includes the use of components that are able to retain moisture in the cells for a long time. Vegetable oils have good moisturizing properties. The main thing is to learn how to use them correctly for cosmetic purposes.

Dry skin of the face, what to do?

The skin can be dry for a variety of reasons. But the main factors are:

  • - disruption of the sebaceous glands;
  • - diseases of the nervous system and gastrointestinal tract;
  • - changes associated with age;
  • - deficiency of vitamins;
  • - prolonged exposure to direct sunlight;
  • - frequent peeling;
  • - washing with hot chlorinated water using soap.

Before you begin to deal with increased dryness of the skin of the face, it is necessary to determine what caused it. This is the only way to get rid of it effectively and quickly.

Dry skin care tips

  1. Wash only in the evening. It is undesirable to do this in the morning, so as not to deprive the skin of a protective barrier of fat that has accumulated on it overnight.
  2. Wash with water at room temperature, not hot.
  3. It is better if the water for washing is filtered, settled or cooled after boiling.
  4. Use creams, lotions and tonics that have a moisturizing effect. Do this in the morning and evening.
  5. Apply moisturizing masks twice a week.
  6. Use special cosmetics for dry skin types that do not contain alcohol and do not have a drying effect.

If you follow these simple tips, and also regularly use cosmetic oils for the face, the skin will receive sufficient moisture and become beautiful and healthy again.

Castor oil, unique in its beneficial properties, is produced from a poisonous plant - castor bean. However, when squeezing, harmful substances are filtered out and remain in the cake, which makes it possible to obtain a truly valuable product - a product that perfectly cares for both sensitive and dry and aging skin.

Health benefits of castor oil:

  • - nourishes the skin of the face;
  • - moisturizes it;
  • - takes care of dry and aging skin;
  • - gives flabby skin elasticity;
  • — smoothes small and makes deep wrinkles not so noticeable.

Since castor oil contains ricinoleic acid, which often causes allergic reactions, it is not recommended to use castor oil in its pure form when caring for the face. As a precaution, it is better to combine it with other useful components.

Nourishing mask with castor oil

Mix in one container 2 teaspoons of castor oil, 1 teaspoon of raw potato puree, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of fresh milk and 1 egg yolk. The mass is slightly heated and applied in a warm form to the cleansed skin of the face. Can be applied in a thick layer on the face and décolleté. It is better to carry out the procedure in a horizontal position. Wash off after 15 minutes with warm water.

Moisturizing lotion with castor oil

In 1 cup of calendula infusion, add 1 teaspoon of castor oil. Mix the ingredients well and wipe the skin of the face with this lotion daily. It is not necessary to wash after the procedure.

Useful face oils, of course, include oil extracted from olives in their list. This product is especially recommended for dry and aging skin. Olive oil wonderfully softens, nourishes and moisturizes the skin, retaining moisture for a long period of time. The pores do not clog when using the oil.

What else is special about this product? Olive oil accelerates the regeneration of skin cells, and this contributes to its rejuvenation. The skin remains young, supple and elastic for a long time. This is due to the high content of vitamins A, B, D, E and K, monounsaturated fats and other beneficial elements in the oil. Regular use of olive oil prevents the appearance of wrinkles and smoothes those that have already appeared on the skin of the face.

The cosmetic almost never causes allergic reactions, so it can be safely applied even to sensitive skin.

Olive oil mask for dry skin

With increased dryness of the skin of the face, it is necessary to use masks from a mixture of olive oil and the pulp of berries, fruits or vegetables. You just need to mix 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vegetable or fruit mass with 1 tbsp. a spoonful of olive oil. Apply the resulting mask on the skin of the face for about 20 minutes.

For dry skin, foods such as banana, persimmon, melon, apricot, gooseberry, lingonberry or blackcurrant are perfect. You can also use a grated mass of raw vegetables: potatoes, radishes, cucumbers, carrots, cabbage, zucchini or bell peppers.

Softening face mask with olive oil

Thoroughly grind 1 tbsp. a spoonful of fatty cottage cheese with 2 tbsp. spoons of olive oil. These components can be replaced with 1 tbsp. a spoonful of butter and 1 egg yolk. Apply the resulting mass on the face for 20 minutes. Wash off with warm water.

Video of making olive oil masks for dry skin

Jojoba oil can be used in the care of any type of skin, but it shows its effectiveness especially on dry and flaky skin. It is shown to use this oil and with loss of elasticity, withering and flabbiness of the skin of the face. Obvious signs of aging (wrinkles) are also a reason to buy jojoba oil.

The oil itself has a fairly thick consistency - it will be convenient to use it in its pure form only on small areas of the skin. For example, if peeling appears on the face in some places, you need to lubricate these areas with jojoba oil several times a day.

To use the product for a complete facial care, you can use it instead of a cream for dry skin. In this case, it is better to dilute it with oils that have a lighter consistency, in a ratio of 1:2 or 1:3. As an additional component, grape, peach or apricot seed oil, as well as almond oil or rosehip oil, are suitable.

Winter face mask with jojoba oil

Mix the following ingredients in one container: 1 tbsp. spoon of jojoba oil, 1 teaspoon of beeswax, 1 teaspoon of homemade sour cream, 7 drops of lavender essential oil and 1 egg yolk. Make the mass homogeneous and apply a thick layer on the skin of the face for 20 minutes. It is advisable for this period of time to lie down and relax as much as possible. The rest of the mask can also be applied in a very thin layer to the area around the eyes and massaged with it on the lips.

Essential oils, like vegetable oils, are useful natural products that are widely used in cosmetology. Unlike vegetable oils, the first ones are almost never used in their pure form, as they cause severe skin irritation. Exceptions include only those moments when the essential oil in undiluted form is applied pointwise to problem areas of the skin (herpes, acne, blackheads, cuts, wounds, etc.). In all other cases, essential oils must be diluted with base vegetable oils or added to a natural homemade cream or mask.

Cosmetologists strongly discourage mixing essential oils with ready-made purchased creams. They explain this by the fact that the essential oil, which can penetrate into the deepest layers of the skin, can pull harmful substances into the body, which are part of the cream.

If after applying the product, which includes essential oil, there is a slight redness, you should not worry - this is a normal skin reaction. But if, in addition to redness, itching or irritation bothers you, it is better to stop the procedure. Perhaps the dosage of the oil was exceeded or it is simply not suitable for this type of skin.

When caring for dry skin, you can use essential oils of such plants:

jasmine, rose, sandalwood, patchouli, blue chamomile and myrrh.

Mask with essential oils for dry skin

Take 10 ml of avocado oil as a base and add a drop of orange essential oil, 2 drops of sandalwood essential oil and 1 drop of blue chamomile and rosewood essential oils to it. Mix well and apply to the skin. Wash off after 15 minutes.

The composition of almond oil contains a fairly large amount of vitamin A - it is because of this that the product is often used for the preparation of cosmetics with a strong moisturizing effect. For dry and aging skin, this tool is simply irreplaceable, while it can be used for other types of facial skin.

Indications for the use of almond oil:

  • - dry skin (water-lipid balance of the skin is normalized);
  • – damage and microcracks (oil has restorative and wound-healing properties);
  • - tired skin (recovery after stress);
  • - acne (the oil has an anti-inflammatory effect);
  • - withered skin.

Nourishing mask with almond oil

Take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of cocoa powder and dilute it with warm milk - you should get a homogeneous mass (medium in density). Add 2 teaspoons of almond oil and 1 teaspoon of honey to the mixture. After mixing, apply to the skin of the face. Wait 20 minutes, rinse with lukewarm water. The mask can also be used for the area around the eyes, but in this case it must be washed off after 10 minutes after application.

Moisturizing mask with almond oil

Rub 1 tbsp. a spoonful of cottage cheese with kiwi pulp (in the same amount). Kiwi can be replaced with grapes, watermelon or apple. Add 2 teaspoons of almond oil to the mass. Apply the mask on the face. After 20 minutes, rinse with room temperature water.

Coconut oil comes in refined and unrefined. Both are used for cosmetic purposes, but refined refined oil is considered more useful and valuable. It has a more transparent color and a less pronounced coconut flavor.

The oil extracted from coconuts is very useful, primarily due to its composition. The main percentage is lauric, myristic and many other saturated fatty acids. Thanks to these substances, the oil has a solid consistency. Despite this, it is quickly absorbed into the skin. If you regularly use coconut oil for facial skin care, it will always be soft, smooth and velvety.

Applying solid coconut oil is very easy. You just need to hold a small piece of oil in your hand and wipe the skin with it. From contact with it, the oil will begin to melt and be absorbed into the skin. Then it is necessary to evenly distribute the product over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe face, and remove the remnants with a paper towel.

Pure coconut oil is recommended by cosmetologists instead of a nourishing night cream. It can also be used as a protective agent for the skin of the face, both in summer under the sun and in winter with wind and frost.

Nourishing mask with coconut oil

Take 1 teaspoon of coconut oil and mix with 2 tbsp. spoons of rice flour. Then dilute the mixture until thick with freshly brewed green tea. Steam the skin of the face and apply the finished mask on it. Leave for 15 minutes. Rinse with lukewarm water afterwards.

Video of making face masks for dry skin with coconut oil and honey

Without exaggeration, we can say that peach oil is able to "revive" the skin of the face. If used regularly, it will prevent dehydration of skin cells, help smooth fine wrinkles, maintain firmness and elasticity of the skin. With prolonged use, peach seed oil helps strengthen skin vessels, which has a beneficial effect on its color and cleansing of pores.

Useful properties of peach oil:

  • - nourishes, moisturizes and softens the skin of the face;
  • - tightens the skin, makes it firm and elastic;
  • — smoothes not too deep wrinkles;
  • - eliminates peeling and increased dryness of the skin;
  • - improves complexion;
  • - relieves inflammation and irritation (suitable for sensitive skin).

Peach oil mask for dry skin

Mash half a ripe peach into a puree. Add to it 1 tbsp. a spoonful of peach oil and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of moisturizer. Mix the components thoroughly, then immediately apply to clean face skin. Wash off the mask with warm water after 15 minutes.

Moisturizing Peach Scrub Mask

Grind a few pieces of ripe peach, after removing the peel from it. Add to puree 1 tbsp. a spoonful of bran and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of warm peach oil. Mix all the ingredients and apply the mask on damp skin. Gently massage the skin for a minute. Leave the product to soak for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

With the correct and regular use of grape seed oil, the skin of the face becomes not only well hydrated, but also elastic, elastic and very tender. If you add grape oil to a cosmetic product, it will contribute to the normalization of the sebaceous glands and prevent clogging of pores. The face will radiate freshness and have a healthy look if you use oil-based cosmetics and eat a healthy product at the same time.

Grape seed oil has a light texture and can be used neat undiluted. Moreover, it is allowed to use both all over the face and in the area around the eyes. Under the eyes, the oil is applied in a thin layer.

Grape seed oil mask

Mix equal proportions of jojoba oil and grape seed oil. Then add a couple of drops of rose and lemon oils to the mixture. Warm the mixture to a warm state and apply to the skin with a cotton swab. Apply a film on top of the face, while the areas of the eyes, nose and mouth should remain open. Cover with a towel and leave the mask on the skin for 2 minutes. Rinse without soap, using only warm water.

Shea butter is a great helper in facial care with dry, sensitive or tired skin. Also, this product is suitable for healing aging skin. Just a few applications of an effective product can smooth out fine wrinkles, even out the tone of the face and make the skin velvety and supple.

The effect of using shea butter for the face:

  • — improvement and clarification of skin color;
  • — giving the skin smoothness, smoothing the texture and increasing elasticity;
  • — elimination of small and reduction of deep wrinkles;
  • – acceleration of the process of skin regeneration, elimination of tightness, peeling and redness of the skin;
  • - maintaining a normal level of skin hydration for 8 hours;
  • - effective protection of the skin from winter frosts and summer sun rays.

Nourishing cream with shea butter

In a water bath, melt 1 tbsp. a spoonful of shea butter and 1 teaspoon of beeswax. Add to the mixture 1 tbsp. a spoonful of grape seed oil. In a separate container, heat 1 tbsp. a spoonful of rose water (can be replaced with a decoction of chamomile). Combine the ingredients and beat thoroughly with a mixer.

Place the container with the resulting mixture in cold water and continue to beat until the mass thickens. Then add 1 capsule of vitamin E, 2-3 drops of D-panthenol, 2 drops of benzyl alcohol and 2 drops of chamomile and lavender essential oils to it. Transfer the finished cream into a glass jar. Store in refrigerator for 3 months.

In the shortest possible time, using flaxseed oil, you can relieve the skin of dryness and flaking. Flax seed oil has firming properties, which significantly increases the firmness and elasticity of the skin, tightens the oval of the face and smoothes out shallow wrinkles on it.

You can simply lubricate your face with flaxseed oil to get quick hydration, or you can use it as a base for making homemade cream. It is important to know that opened flaxseed oil or the product containing it can only be stored for 15-20 days. If the bottle of oil is not opened, the shelf life is significantly increased and is 1 year. Storage temperature - no more than 10 degrees. It is best to use a refrigerator for this.

Facial and body care at home includes the use of many cosmetic products, among which natural oils stand apart. Their effect on the skin is completely safe, and the effect is no worse than from “synthetic” products. But for this purpose, you need to select options only for a certain type of dermis - oily, dry, combination, sensitive or mature. We have compiled a selection of the best oils for the skin with this important nuance in mind.

Means from ingredients familiar to your region can also be bought from a domestic manufacturer. For example, for Europe it is grapes, in Asia it is coconut, in the USA it is jojoba, etc. But in this case, the order will be very expensive, so you can offer the following from budget brands:

  • Aromatics;
  • Flora Secret;
  • ENJEE;
  • Aroma kraina;
  • cocos;
  • Celandine.

Rating of the best oils for different skin types

The main emphasis in the analysis of information was placed on how well the product is suitable for the type of skin indicated on the package. In descending order of importance, the following points were taken into account:

  • Results;
  • Side effects;
  • Duration of exposure;
  • Chemical composition;
  • Smell and color;
  • Safety, including hypoallergenicity;
  • Availability in the market;
  • Release form.

The best products for different types of dermis

There are 4 types in total - dry, oily, combined and problematic, but in practice very often mature and sensitive ones are taken out separately, since in these cases the agent should act gently. Oils can be raw or essential oils, the latter being quite rare in the cosmetic industry.

Best product for dry skin

coconut- is a source of fatty saturated, polyunsaturated and unsaturated acids (oleic, palmitic, etc.). The composition includes vitamin E, which gives the product bright moisturizing properties. Due to this, it quickly eliminates dryness, nourishes the dermis and saturates it with nutrients. As a result, it acquires a natural color and shine, becomes smooth. The product is suitable for use as a soap, face wash or shower gel.


  • Rarely causes allergies;
  • Does not have a strong odor;
  • The cosmetic is usually thick and easy to apply;
  • Deeply gets into fabrics;
  • Gives a beautiful tan;
  • Softens rough heels.


  • Too oily;
  • Clogs pores on the face;
  • Rinse off badly.

For cosmetic use, it is recommended to buy raw-pressed products, in which all vitamins are preserved. You can distinguish them from heat-treated ones by their thick consistency and white color. Sri Lanka and Thailand are considered the best producing countries.

Price: on average, about 100 rubles. for 300 ml.

Among inexpensive, but good products, you should pay attention to the product from the Aromatica brand.

The most effective remedy for oily dermis

Grape- it is made from grape seeds, contains useful Omega-3 and Omega-6 acids, vitamins A, E, K and B. Its action is aimed at normalizing the work of the sebaceous glands, eliminating ugly oily sheen, cleansing pores from impurities. In addition, the color and relief of the skin improves. The oil is suitable for regular use; it almost never causes allergies, it is liquid in consistency, therefore it is used only for preparing compresses or for rubbing the face.

Price: about 120 rub.


  • Rich composition;
  • Soft impact;
  • No side effects.


  • Not detected.

According to user reviews, the products of the manufacturer "Chistotel" would be a good choice.

The most worthy choice for problematic dermis

Almond- This is one of the most versatile products, because it can be used for both body and face care, from the skin around the eyelids to the lips. Its minus lies in the exoticism and, in connection with this, in a high price. After applying the product, the number of acne, blackheads and pimples is reduced. It is relevant for the preparation of homemade masks, washing and massage. Among its properties are cleansing, regenerating, scrubbing, soothing, toning.


  • A large number of useful substances;
  • Nice smell;
  • Versatility;
  • Various effects;
  • Rapid absorption.


  • More expensive than similar products;
  • Too liquid;
  • Uncomfortable to use;
  • Doesn't last long after opening the jar.

Price: from 100 rubles for only 50 ml.

For more information on the benefits of almond oil, watch this video:

The best oil for normal dermis

Jojoba- a natural remedy with a high content of Omega-3, alpha-tocopherol, B vitamins and retinol. With its help, the effect of moderate moisturizing and deep cleansing is achieved, nutrition and elimination of peeling of the dermis is carried out. It protects well from the negative effects of UV rays. This option is suitable for any age, whether teenagers, adults or the elderly. Thanks to him, you can effectively remove makeup, eliminate irritation after shaving and do a massage.


  • Sufficiently long stored;
  • Does not clog pores;
  • Does not harden at low temperatures;
  • Instantly absorbed into the skin.


  • Expensive;
  • Not sold everywhere;
  • Shine may appear after use.

Price: from 140 rubles per 50 ml.

Against the background of competitors, the Aroma kraina brand stood out favorably, under which natural jojoba oil is produced.

Best choice for sensitive skin

avocado- it is an effective antioxidant that slows down aging, accelerates the process of regeneration of dermal cells and contributes to its tightening. Its moisturizing and soothing properties are also impressive, thanks to which the skin is reliably protected from exposure to low temperatures and sunlight. It can be safely applied to the face in the lower eyelids, where the skin is the most delicate. The tool has proven itself as an assistant in obtaining a beautiful tan.


  • Various effects;
  • Rapid absorption;
  • Easy distribution;
  • Possibility of use in various compositions;
  • Not aggressive, gentle composition.


  • Almost impossible to buy on tap;
  • Most often sold only in pharmacies;
  • For dermatitis and other skin problems, it can do more harm than good.

Price: from 90 rubles. for 50 ml.

The best oil for mature skin

- quite exotic, belongs to the group of essential, has a sharp smell of citrus fruits, so it is contraindicated for allergy sufferers. The composition is liquid, pale yellow in color, it is recommended to include it in the care of people over 35 years of age or at the first signs of aging of the dermis. The product increases its elasticity, stimulates blood circulation and the production of its own collagen in tissues, removes toxins and accelerates recovery. It can be used for both dry and oily and combination skin.


  • It is actively used to enrich creams and masks;
  • Can be added to the bath;
  • Actual in massage compositions;
  • Gives a powerful antiseptic effect.


  • Harmful with frequent use;
  • After application, the skin may bake;
  • Expensive;
  • Not suitable for violation of the integrity of the dermis.

Price: from 150 rubles. for 5 ml.

Which oil is best to buy for different skin types

  • If you are prone to allergies, you should avoid any ethers that can provoke irritation.
  • In the case of a normal skin type, absolutely any options are suitable.
  • To care for dry dermis, it is necessary that the composition includes fatty acids, and just such a product is coconut oil.
  • If it is oily, then you will need products that draw moisture out of it, for example, grape oil.
  • Owners of a mature dermis require compositions with a large amount of antioxidants that tighten the dermis - and this is what neroli oil does.

How to choose a face oil, you will see in this video:

All the best skin oils in our ranking are safe, effective in their own way and versatile, solving several problems at once. That is why they can and should be used in complex body and face care on an ongoing basis and without fear for your health.