If there is discharge during pregnancy. Additional criteria for evaluating excretions. What do spotting at the beginning of pregnancy "say"

In most cases, mucous discharge during pregnancy, which is not accompanied by pain and discomfort, is considered the norm. Their appearance is due to hormonal changes in the body. Depending on the consistency, color and smell of vaginal discharge, it is possible to diagnose the normal state of the expectant mother and her child, as well as timely detect the development of possible pathologies of pregnancy.

For this reason, mucous discharge at any stage of pregnancy should be controlled by the woman herself and her doctor. Even a slight change in their nature is a signal of a possible pathology.

Viscous, abundant mucous secretions completely block access to the cervical canal, protecting the fetus from pathogenic microflora from the genital tract. That is why mucous discharge, which usually appears in early pregnancy, is considered normal.

If this process brings significant discomfort to the pregnant woman, daily sanitary pads will come to the rescue. A sign of well-being during this period is the absence of concomitant discomfort in the form of itching and burning, as well as the appearance of bloody and other colored discharges.

In the second trimester, the mucous secretions during a normal pregnancy change, becoming more liquid due to the intensive synthesis of estrogen. From this moment on, the discharge becomes larger, which also affects the discomfort of the expectant mother.

It is important in the early stages of pregnancy to monitor the nature of mucous secretions, pay attention to changes in their structure, smell and color.

Mucous discharge in the later stages

In the last trimester, the nature and consistency of mucus during pregnancy remain almost the same as at the beginning of the second trimester, or may change slightly. If there is no blood or other negative changes in these secretions, there is nothing to worry about.

Mucous discharge during pregnancy in the third trimester is thick and viscous, or, on the contrary, more watery, and both of these options are considered to be the norm.

In the event that mucus discharge during an ongoing pregnancy contains blood layers, this often indicates premature. This condition is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen with further development of bleeding. The situation requires urgent help.

But even with a normal pregnancy, some time before the upcoming birth, a woman may notice changes in the mucus from the vagina. If throughout the entire period of bearing the baby, the entrance to the cervix was reliably protected by a mucous plug, then at 38-39 weeks changes begin, signaling the imminent onset of labor.

Discharge from the genital tract will be the same as mucus during pregnancy, but with a reddish or pink tinge. This is not a cause for alarm: a woman should know that her cork is coming off, and childbirth will begin any day.

Sometimes copious mucous discharge during pregnancy that occurs in the third trimester is actually a fact.

This is a dangerous condition, so it must be accurately diagnosed in order to avoid problems for the mother and child. The expectant mother is analyzed for the nature of the discharge, and if necessary, the doctor chooses further treatment tactics.

If the gestational age is less than 22 weeks, unfortunately, it is not possible to save her, and the woman is offered to do it. If the period is more than 23 weeks, the woman is hospitalized in a hospital. Treatment consists in prescribing antibiotics and drugs that help the child's respiratory organs mature faster, after which they are carried out.

When is it necessary to see a doctor?

If the discharge of mucus during pregnancy changes its character, that is, it acquires an unhealthy color or smell, most likely we are talking about an infection.

Not in all cases, pathogenic microflora causes an infectious and inflammatory process in the genital tract, sometimes, against the background of its reproduction, the mucous membranes are simply irritated. This state is called. But if it is not treated, it will turn into more serious complications.

During the development of the inflammatory process, mucous secretions during pregnancy become purulent-mucous, green in color, they are accompanied by a bad smell, itching and burning in the genitals. In this case, the cause may be infections such as ureaplasmosis, trichomoniasis and others.

Thus, if normally during pregnancy, discharge in the form of mucus is transparent and colorless, then as a result of infection, they turn green and change their character to mucopurulent. With the appearance of itching, burning, bad smell from linen, there should be no doubt about the infection of the genital tract. Seek immediate medical attention to avoid unnecessary risk to mother and baby.

Treatment of infections that cause mucous discharge during pregnancy

Any infectious factors that were found in a pregnant woman in the process of bearing a child should not be ignored. If in the past, the treatment of infections was postponed until later, prescribing therapy after the birth of the baby, since there were no drugs that were safe for its intrauterine development, now this approach is not practiced.

If the infection is not treated during pregnancy, complications such as sepsis, pneumonia, liver, kidney and brain damage in the unborn child can occur.

Any pathological mucous discharge from the vagina during pregnancy, caused by an infection, needs medical intervention. Currently, there are special methods for the treatment of expectant mothers, with the help of which therapy can be carried out with approved medications, focusing on the timing of gestation.

Women should not be afraid of the treatment prescribed by the doctor. Modern drugs have passed all the necessary clinical studies and are safe for pregnant patients.

It turns out that the abundant mucous discharge that occurs during pregnancy is completely normal. Thanks to them, the optimal ratio of microflora in the vagina is maintained.

If burning, itching and other unpleasant signs appear, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible and undergo the treatment prescribed by him.

Useful video about thrush during pregnancy

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As soon as fertilization occurs, the woman's body changes, it begins preparation for bearing a child. In addition, the level of the female sex hormone progesterone rises, which contributes to the flow of blood to the pelvic organs and is the cause of the appearance of more abundant and mucous membranes than usual.

Intimate discharge in women can be translucent, white or yellowish, which are called whites. They indicate changes in the body. At the same time, the discharge should not cause discomfort, irritation and have a pungent odor in a woman.

The smell is what the expectant mother needs to pay attention to in the first place. Only pathogenic organisms can cause the formation of secretions with a sharp, unpleasant odor. This should alert you, since the appearance of various infections in the first trimester of pregnancy is very dangerous and can cause.

If there is no smell, you should not be afraid of secretions: with their help, the body protects the fetus from possible infections and other harmful effects. Also, the discharge forms a mucous plug that closes the entrance to the cervix.

Gradually, the amount of progesterone decreases, the amount of another hormone, estrogen, increases, and the discharge during pregnancy becomes more liquid.

To prevent intimate discharge from causing you discomfort, you can use pads. The main thing to remember: you can not use tampons. Tampons may not absorb all of your intimate secretions (especially thick ones) and this will speed up the growth of harmful bacteria.

However, not all discharge is normal during pregnancy. Consider the cases when you should urgently consult a doctor.

Bloody and brown discharge during pregnancy

Bloody discharge is often associated only with menstruation, and since it stops with the onset of pregnancy, the appearance of something similar to menstrual flow during pregnancy during pregnancy should alert.

But spotting in pregnant women is not always a signal of a malfunction in the body. In the very early stages of pregnancy, small discharge may coincide with the timing of a possible menstruation. They say that fertilization was successful and the embryo is attached to the wall of the uterus, but at this moment capillaries and blood vessels may be damaged. Safe secretions should be small and short-lived, they can go on for literally a few hours (maximum up to two days), while they should not cause any physical discomfort and be accompanied by pain. This process is called implantation bleeding.

Otherwise, any spotting (of any shade - from pinkish to brown) during pregnancy is very dangerous. The reasons for such allocations may be:

  • Placental abruption (at the same time, it is important that the discharge does not last long. Then, perhaps, they will not bring sad consequences with them).
  • Hormonal disruptions.
  • Injuries to the vagina (this is especially likely if there is erosion of the vagina or polyps in it).
  • Sexual infectious diseases.
  • Cervical erosion.
  • Hematomas in the placenta.
  • Ectopic pregnancy.
  • Frozen pregnancy.
  • Beginning miscarriage (in this case, the discharge, as a rule, is accompanied by cramping pains in the lower back and perineum and heaviness in the lower abdomen).

The sooner you see a doctor when bleeding occurs, the sooner their cause will be determined and the necessary assistance provided.

White discharge during pregnancy

The expectant mother may also detect white discharge. As with others, they can be normal as long as nothing bothers you. In this way, mucus can gradually separate from the protective mucous plug.

But in most cases, white and at the same time curdled discharge indicates a disease such as thrush (candidiasis). Thrush develops due to an increase in the genital tract, and then in the vagina and on the skin of the Candida fungus, which is present in a small amount in everyone. As a rule, thrush worsens with reduced immunity (which is typical for pregnant women), an increase in the acidity of the internal environment of the vagina, and a change in hormonal levels.

Thrush discharge is easy to recognize. They are plentiful, cheesy, with a sour smell, and are accompanied by itching and burning, which intensify during intercourse and after water procedures, as well as redness of the skin.

After receiving a positive test for the presence of thrush, pregnant women are prescribed treatment with local preparations (usually suppositories), which cannot harm the child, but at the same time quickly cope with the fungus.

Many expectant mothers worry about thrush during pregnancy again and again, even despite her treatment. This is because the fungus that causes it is quite difficult to treat completely, especially since the choice of drugs for pregnant women is very narrow. The reason may also be that expectant mothers themselves stop taking medication too early, doing it immediately after the main unpleasant symptoms pass. This cannot be done: the drugs must be taken in the full course, which the doctor will prescribe.

It is important to understand that untreated candidiasis can lead to complications in childbirth (ruptures of the cervix and perineum, premature rupture of amniotic fluid, impaired healing of ruptures in the postpartum period, and infection of the child when passing through the birth canal affected by the fungus).

A white (or yellowish) discharge that is not accompanied by a strong odor may also indicate the presence of sexually transmitted infections such as chlamydia, gonorrhea, mycoplasma.

White-gray, sticky discharge with a pungent odor may be a sign of bacterial vaginitis (violations of the normal composition of the vaginal microflora). The causes of vaginitis are the abuse of panty liners, wearing thick synthetic underwear, a lack of fermented milk products in food (they are a source of lactic acid and beneficial bacteria in the body), long-term antibiotic treatment, chronic bowel disease, and a decrease in immunity in expectant mothers.

Only a doctor can identify violations in the microflora of the vagina by prescribing the necessary tests.

Other discharge during pregnancy

In addition to the above, there are other types of intimate secretions. They often indicate a deviation from the norm.

Dangerous discharge in pregnant women can be yellow, gray, with an unpleasant fishy smell, green, transparent with foam, bubbles, mucus and an unpleasant odor.

Such secretions indicate the presence of microbial infections or vaginal dysbacteriosis. Having noticed them, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor who will take a smear to determine the pathogenic microflora.

Fortunately, modern medicine allows you to treat all the inflammatory processes that have arisen without harm to the health of mother and baby. In case of infection of the body with infections, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory therapy is prescribed in the form of vaginal tablets or suppositories.

Small yellow intimate discharge in women can even indicate an allergic reaction to underwear or personal hygiene products. Try changing the pads you use and see if the discharge goes away.

If the discharge is beige, this may indicate the appearance of small malfunctions in the body of a pregnant woman, such as a lack of the hormone progesterone. The lack of this hormone is easily replenished by treatment.

What can be dangerous discharge in pregnant women

Since intimate discharge is often the result of infections, it is necessary to treat them even at the stage of pregnancy planning.

If the tests show that the expectant mother has genital infections, the doctor prescribes medications not only for her, but also for her partner. After a full course of treatment, it will be necessary to take tests again.

Untreated infections in the genital tract are very dangerous. First of all, they affect the walls of the vagina and perineal tissues, as well as the uterine mucosa, making them looser. This can lead to tears during childbirth, suppuration and inflammation.

Infections can also contribute to preterm labor. Some of the pathogens are able to penetrate the fetal membranes and infect the baby. The baby can also become infected during childbirth, when passing through the inflamed birth canal of the mother. This can lead to health problems for the baby. So, for example, genital herpes threatens a child with visual impairment (up to blindness) and a lag in intellectual development, and if the mother has cytomegalovirus, the baby may suffer from deafness, epilepsy, cerebral palsy, heart defects, hepatitis, jaundice and underdevelopment of the brain in the future .

Prevention of discharge during pregnancy

To prevent violations of the microflora of the vagina, the development of inflammation of the genital tract and, as a result, the appearance of certain secretions, you should follow simple rules:

  • Get checked regularly both before and during pregnancy. When sexual infections appear, you should not blame only the partner: you can pick up some of them even without sexual contact.
  • At the slightest discomfort (itching, pain, burning, irritation on the skin), consult a doctor.
  • Keep clean. It is best to wash in the morning and evening. At the same time, use special means for intimate hygiene. Their acidity level corresponds to the acidity level of the vagina changed due to pregnancy. If you prefer conventional products, choose those that do not contain fragrances and a large number of additives.
  • Wear underwear made from natural fabrics and give up thongs at least during pregnancy. Synthetic fabric, from which thongs are often sewn, can negatively affect the microflora of the vagina, leading to infections. In addition, the back, the thinnest part of this model of underwear, is an excellent carrier of bacteria from the anus to the vagina.

It is very important for every woman to take care of her health, and during pregnancy it is necessary to carefully monitor all possible secretions and not be shy about telling the doctor about them. Remember that the health of your unborn child depends only on you!

Are the waters leaking?

Abundant watery discharge should also alert the expectant mother, especially starting from the second trimester. Abundant clear discharge with a sweet smell can indicate leakage of amniotic fluid, which is dangerous primarily because the infection is accessible to the baby, and secondly, because premature birth can occur at any time.

With strong watery discharge, it is necessary to pass a test for leakage of amniotic fluid. This can be done by a doctor, or special test pads can be purchased at a pharmacy: if there is amniotic fluid in the discharge, they change color. If it is in fact leaking water, it is usually necessary to go to a hospital.

Pregnancy is always wonderful and exciting at the same time. With her onset, a woman experiences a bouquet of indescribable emotions and sensations, and we are talking not only about moments of joy. After all, this state of expectation of the baby implies a lot of experiences, especially in the early stages.

It is very important for a future mother to monitor her health, listening to every change taking place in the body in order to consult a doctor in a timely manner and exclude possible pathologies. One of the most common concerns is discharge. Their character is somewhat different than in the pre-pregnancy state, so it is so important to know what kind of discharge occurs during pregnancy, what is normal and what is a sign of a serious illness.

What should be the discharge during early pregnancy

Can there be vaginal discharge during pregnancy? What discharge during early pregnancy is considered normal?

It is no secret that with the onset of pregnancy, the female body begins to actively rebuild due to a change in hormonal levels. It has a special effect in the first weeks: it is under its influence that discharge during pregnancy becomes whitish, watery or clear and sometimes quite thick with a slight yellowish tint.

Such light mucous discharge is the norm during early pregnancy, and they also perform an important function in the body. The fact is that at the beginning of the first trimester the placenta has not yet formed, which will have to protect the fetus from various external influences throughout the pregnancy. However, nature, as always, provided for everything, and she assigned this important role to secretions. They are form a mucous plug in the cervical canal, which closes the entrance to the uterus, thereby preventing infections from entering its cavity.

In addition, discharge at the beginning of pregnancy actively moisturizes the vaginal mucosa, which eliminates the feeling of discomfort in a woman. However, remember that these allocations should not have a strong smell and a pronounced yellow or green color, and you should not experience itching or other unpleasant symptoms during pregnancy.

Before the delay of menstruation during pregnancy in the first weeks, dark brown or bloody(pinkish) discharge. This happens at the time of attachment of the fetal egg to the wall of the uterus. During this period, the uterus, as it were, loosens, and new plexuses of blood vessels are formed, which is why discharge occurs. They do not pose a threat to either the expectant mother or the embryo. At the same time, you should not experience pain, and the discharges themselves are of a short-term nature and contain only streaks and specks of red shades and nothing more.

One of the most common pathologies of the first trimester of pregnancy include the following discharge:

  • brownish (beige) spotting;
  • (pink) discharge during early pregnancy.

As we noted above, short-term discharge with slight echoes of such shades may well be the norm when it comes to the process of implantation of the fetal egg. However, these signs can be symptoms of various troubles.

Let's see what they're talking about brown discharge during early pregnancy.

  • Smearing brown or beige discharge (especially after a missed period, when the test shows a sure two stripes) may indicate detachment of the fetal egg. You must immediately see your doctor, who will conduct an examination and, most likely, send you to see what condition the fetal egg is in, and if necessary, hospital treatment under the supervision of specialists may be required.
  • In addition, "daub" can signal early pathologies such as. In the first case, this means that the embryo did not reach the right place and attached, for example, in the fallopian tube or ovary, while the woman experiences pain in the lower abdomen. A frozen pregnancy is a condition when the embryo stops developing for some reason. Ultrasound will also help diagnose the pathology. If suspicions are confirmed, the woman is prescribed antibiotic therapy and cleaning from the dead fetus.
  • It is possible that such discharge may occur for several months on the expected date of menstruation. This speaks of hormonal imbalance, which may also be a signal for a possible . In this case, it will be necessary and in case of deviation from the norm, the doctor will prescribe a course of therapeutic measures aimed at raising its level to the norm.
  • Light brown discharge during early pregnancy can sometimes appear if a woman has a history of a disease such as. For the purpose of treatment, it is usually cauterized, but in a pregnant state, the procedure is prohibited, and the doctor may offer a medical solution to the problem.

Even more, a woman is frightened by plentiful bloody (red) discharge during early pregnancy. And it’s not without reason: almost always it speaks of a miscarriage that has actually begun. In this case, the pregnant woman may feel pulling pains in the lower abdomen or in the lumbar region.

The main thing in this situation is not to panic. Needed immediately call an ambulance and take a horizontal position until the arrival of the medical team. In the hospital, you will undergo an ultrasound scan, as well as donate blood and urine for analysis, in particular to determine the level of hCG. Medicine is constantly developing in this direction, and in the vast majority of cases, pregnancy can be saved. Treatment consists in observing bed rest and taking hemostatic and reducing the tone of the uterus drugs.

The only situation where doctors are powerless is when it comes to a very rare pathology. "bubble drift". This is a deviation that occurred even at the time of fertilization of the egg and consists in the absence of maternal genes. In this case, the development of the embryo is impossible, and the problem requires surgical intervention. Fortunately, the phenomenon is extremely rare.

As in the normal state, and during early pregnancy, a woman can detect yellow or green discharge, they may be brightly colored and may foam and bubble. Most often this is a sign of a sexual infection.

What are these discharges during pregnancy, and what their appearance indicates, we will consider below.

  • Light yellow discharge during pregnancy. If such discharge is accompanied by itching, but does not have a pungent odor, most likely, we can talk about the manifestation of an allergic reaction. The allergen can be washing powder or the material from which the linen is made. The problem of yellowish discharge during early pregnancy is solved by eliminating the irritant.
  • Bright yellow highlights odorless during pregnancy. If at the same time there is an increase in body temperature and pain in the lower abdomen, then we are talking about inflammation of the appendages.
  • Dark yellow discharge. Such discharge may indicate the presence of staphylococcus and E. coli in the microflora of the vagina.
  • Yellow-green, green foamy discharge with an unpleasant odor during pregnancy signal a sexually transmitted disease.

If you are experiencing any of the symptoms listed above, please visit your doctor. The sooner you do this, the greater the chance that the fetus will not be under the harmful effects of harmful microorganisms. After all, until the fourth month, the placenta is just being formed, which means that your baby is still vulnerable, which requires careful attention to your health.

The doctor will take a smear for analysis, and also send you for blood donation if we are talking about greenish discharge during pregnancy. Based on the results, you will be prompted optimal treatment, based on the characteristics of the gestational age. Pharmaceutics does not stand still and is constantly developing safer medicines specifically for pregnant women.

With the onset of pregnancy, immunity decreases, both in general and specifically in the microflora of the vagina. In this state, nothing prevents the development and reproduction of bacteria that cause or scientifically - candidiasis.

The greatest likelihood of the disease in women with a history of chronic thrush. In addition, hormones play an important role in the development of candidiasis: under the influence of progesterone, the vaginal environment changes to a more acidic one.

Thrush symptoms during pregnancy in the early stages - these are abundant white curdled (thick) discharge with a sour smell, while there is itching, burning and redness of the genitals.

In the pharmacy you can find many effective remedies for this disease. You may have used some of them before and without consulting a specialist. However, now, given your interesting position, it will be right if you contact your doctor. Most often, pregnant women are prescribed Pimafucin or Hexicon suppositories. Treatment, as a rule, is of a course nature, and it is necessary to treat both partners to exclude relapses.

The problem does not require an immediate solution, and alleviate the condition you can by following some simple rules.

  • Eliminate fresh pastries and sweets from the diet. Give preference to fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as dairy products.
  • Use underwear made from natural materials.
  • Avoid intimate hygiene products containing fragrances and artificial additives.
  • Shower twice a day and try to avoid high temperatures.

Thrush at the initial stage is not so dangerous, however, in a situation where the symptoms are vivid, infection of the fetus may occur, which entails the risk of detachment of the ovum and miscarriage.

  • The most important thing - avoid stressful situations. It is no secret to anyone that this is what provokes or exacerbates many diseases, including such as thrush or the threat of miscarriage. An interesting book, favorite music, outdoor walks - all this will help you get your mind off bad thoughts and tune in to a positive mood.
  • Pay attention to your. It must contain to ensure the effective functioning of the immune system.
  • If any suspicious signs are found, in no case do not self-medicate: so you can harm yourself and your child even more. In the near future, visit a doctor, and if the situation is critical, then call an ambulance.

Should alert the woman, but not cause panic. Any of us understands that you just need to visit the gynecologist regularly and tell him all your complaints in order to find out the cause of the anxiety and not worry in vain, because such experiences are harmful to the child. However, it doesn't hurt to be vigilant.

Such secretions can be of various colors: from transparent to dark brown. Our task is to talk about those that are the norm during pregnancy, and in the presence of which medical care is needed.

So, the discharge at the beginning of pregnancy should be clear in color, odorless and not abundant. As a rule, in their characteristic features, they are similar to the liquid that appears in the second half of the standard cycle. As an option, it is possible to secrete mucus, similar to the protein of a chicken egg. The mucous membrane of the reproductive system synthesizes secretions in order to protect it and for many other things. In particular, they perform a transport function: they help the sperm get to the egg.

Every woman knows what should be. In addition to the transparent color and lack of smell, they should not cause discomfort and itching. In the first trimester of pregnancy, an active restructuring of the body occurs. Basically, it refers to the hormonal background. The fact is that progesterone contributes to the appearance of viscous and thick mucus, which is also allowed during this period of time. Its active production contributes to the attachment of the embryo and the formation of the placenta. During this period, the discharge is viscous and not abundant.

Allocations in the first weeks of pregnancy create It is formed in order to close the entrance to the uterus and protect the embryo from infection.

Very often, whitish mucus appears on a woman's underwear, which has a curdled consistency, a sour smell and is released in large quantities. This is (ie vaginal candidiasis). In addition, there is discomfort in the perineum, which intensifies at night, after intercourse and bathing. As a rule, the disease is often found in pregnant women, because the protective functions of the body are reduced, which contributes to the activation of fungi. Sometimes there are cases when it is not cured during the entire pregnancy, and after the baby is born, it is eliminated by medication or on its own.

If a woman is concerned about spotting at the beginning of pregnancy, then there is a risk of developing pathology and spontaneous miscarriage. An ectopic pregnancy can also be a possible cause. As a rule, such discharge can be both abundant and almost invisible, both pale pink and bright red. If they are plentiful and are accompanied by pain in the abdomen, you should immediately call an ambulance.

The appearance of brown color is generally considered normal. They occur when a woman should have had her period.

If the discharge at the beginning of pregnancy is yellow, this indicates an exacerbation of the inflammatory process. When they also have an unpleasant odor, it is believed that the development of pathogenic microflora occurs. A woman should remember that the inflammatory process in the first trimester can cause spontaneous miscarriage, because it can also affect the uterine mucosa, where the embryo develops.

Also, sometimes cervical erosion begins to bleed. This can also happen after sexual intercourse or a gynecological examination. This happens as a result of the fact that the mucosa becomes very sensitive, because there are changes in the synthesis of hormones. But because of this, you should not cancel your visits to the doctor. If you do not have pathologies, there should be several examinations for the entire pregnancy.