Getting ready for the new year in a month. A step-by-step plan for preparing for the new year without haste and with pleasure. Holiday self care

The last days of the outgoing year an unusually exciting time for us women!

Isn't it, my dears?

Especially for those who live a conscious life and strive to fill their every step with joy, and every moment of their life with meaning.

And, of course, we want to be in time for everything, not to forget anything, to cover everything around with our attention and ... finish, complete, put in order, prepare, cleanse, release, harmonize in order to in a good mood to meet the long-awaited New Year with its new energies, new opportunities, the realization of our cherished desires and pleasant surprises!

I know from my own experience that pleasant New Year's Eve chores and festive bustle can also be accompanied by not very pleasant sensations. When the porridge is in your head, you don’t know what to grab onto, what to do first and what to do later, what to do today and what tomorrow.

All this is accompanied by internal dissatisfaction, a feeling of lack of time, as well as irritation and fatigue.

As a result, we meet the New Year with a feeling of inner tension, incompleteness, and we cover our load with noisy joy and fun, which we will have to return to as soon as the holidays are over.

But! All this can be avoided! And start a new stage of your life in a harmonious female state! It is easy, joyful and inspirational to open a new, clean and bright page of your life!

With a sense of calmness and confidence, let go of everything old and let in the miracle that is already ready to enter our lives on the magical New Year's Eve!

We just need a little preparation. Free up space, energetically cleanse your feminine world and with a feeling of deep joy and satisfaction, accept into your life everything that we want!

It is for this purpose that I have prepared a plan for you that will help you complete the outgoing year without unnecessary worries, and you will enter the New Year renewed, light and free!

And this, in turn, of course, will entail the fulfillment of all your desires and dreams in the coming year, the necessary doors will open, the necessary people will enter life and the stars will converge in the right place at the right time! =)

The plan has three parts!

♡ Part 1. Spiritual and psychological

♡ Part 2. Creative and dynamic

♡ Part 3. Magically inspiring

So, before you start learning the plan, I want you to take note of a few recommendations!

a) The plan is not a dogmatic instruction that you must follow strictly! For a woman, there are no strict rules and strict restrictions at all! This is just an auxiliary material, my personal experience, which will help you navigate! Feel free to add to it at your creative discretion everything that your soul asks for!

b) Remember that your harmonious internal state is more important than achieving a result and fulfilling any plan by 500%! Be merciful and kind to my s fuck! The pleasure of the process is more valuable than the result itself. Any plan simply simplifies the task for us, streamlines the thought process, and calms us down. If this does not happen, then this is not a woman's plan! As a woman, pleasure and joy come first!

c) After you have fully read the plan, write down on a piece of paper what you will take note of and will do. Have your personal plan written down in your own handwriting and on your own piece of paper! So nice and calm! =)

So here's our plan! Let's get started!

Step 1 Cleansing Negativity
Analyze the outgoing year by month. A diary, if you keep one, or photographs will help you with this. Remember everything that you didn’t fully accept, all the situations from which there was a residue, disappointment, etc. Remember all the people who were in your life or entered your life in the past year. Thank them for the lessons, forgive and internally let go of the situations associated with them that weigh on you.
The following practices will help you with this:
♡ Practice "Healing Writing"
On a piece of paper, write a letter to the person with whom you have an unfinished situation - resentment, misunderstanding, disappointment, and so on. Write everything that comes to mind, pour out all your feelings and experiences on paper. Thus, you discharge this situation by re-living it again, and it no longer has such a strong influence on you and does not draw energy, your energy resource is released. After you write a letter, you can write yourself a response from the person you wrote to. In the answer, write everything that you would like to hear from him in response.
This practice can be done for relationships with departed people with whom you cannot communicate in real life. Or, for example, with those with whom the connection is lost, but the sediment remains inside. Of course, if possible, then clarify all the situations personally, with the person whom it concerns, it is much more effective. But there are situations in which we can independently and unilaterally perform the practice and it will also have a very good effect.

♡ Practice "Gratitude"
Write 10 (as many as possible) thanks to the person with whom there is some kind of misunderstanding or alienation. For example, you feel that there is not enough warmth in some relationships, and you would like to improve them. Imagine how your gratitude envelops the bright and pure energy of that person and you along with him, clears the field of your relationship.

♡ Practice "Return of Balance"
If in some relationship you feel that it is not possible to complete a lesson or solve a problem with some person. It could be someone from the distant past or from your present. You feel dependence or guilt, or some other unpleasant feeling, and this lasts for a very long time, then you need to complete the energy union with this person by mentally imagining how the energy strings that bind you break. You can add in words: “I take everything that is mine from you, I give you yours. With love and gratitude, in the highest and best way."
Thus, you, again, release energy and in the future a person with whom you will solve your problems will enter your life much easier and faster. In the meantime, just free yourself and cleanse yourself so that it is easier to move forward and nothing interferes with your inner harmony.

Step 2 Return of debts

It is necessary to return all debts material and spiritual.
Material debts it's not just money. These are books, any other people's things that are in your house. Be sure to take the time to contact their owners and get them back before the New Year. Even if, for example, in your house there are things of your mother or sister, which, in fact, are not strangers to you, but this also applies to their things. Especially if there are or there were some unresolved tasks between you.

For example, you have long been dependent on the opinion of your mother, or there is an unresolved issue between you and your mother-in-law. The absence of their things in your house does not mean the absence of these people in your life and does not at all mean your neglect of them. It just means that you are self-reliant and whole for the moment, and that is how you will enter the New Year. At the same time, your feelings for these people can be the warmest and most tender.

As for money, if there is no way to repay the debt, then imagine that this money that you received and which you cannot give back is credit of trust to you personally from this person! This is his disposition, benevolence, and it is very important, if there is a situation with debts, to perceive it this way. In a deeper sense, we can say that you do not trust the World so much that it gives you a credit of trust through people. In general, if there are situations with money debts, then you need to work out the topic of trust and open your heart. But this is the topic of other articles and my projects.

spiritual debts- these are all unfinished "promises" and obligations. If you promised something to someone and didn’t do it, took on an obligation and didn’t fulfill it, energetically didn’t accept someone’s noble gesture, a gift, and you have a need to give back, thank, and so on, then it’s necessary to complete such situations . How you do it is your choice. You can simply resolve the issue within yourself, mentally taking the necessary steps, or contact the person and voice what you are concerned about. It often happens that the person in relation to whom we feel an obligation has already forgotten about the existence of this duty, and it is only in our head. And these efforts of yours that you will make to free yourself from spiritual debts will once again convince you that the sense of duty is a useless cockroach that lives in our heads and which it is high time to expel!

Step 2 Backlog

Write a list of all the unfinished business that you did not complete in the past year. It could be an unfinished book, an unfinished project, an unfulfilled plan or script for someone or something.

Then divide this list into three parts.

The first part is those things that you will have time to complete and complete this year.

The second part is those things that you leave unfinished, refuse to complete them and let them go unfinished into oblivion! =)

And the third part is those things that you do not have time to complete this year and write them down in your plans for the next year, with the desire to complete them.

Step 4 Summary or conclusions about life

Write 5 main conclusions that you made about life in the past year (more than 5 are possible). It can be some lessons that you have learned, everything that life has taught you and thanks to which you have become even more holistic, happy and harmonious. Then, if you conduct this practice annually, all these conclusions and results of yours for each year can be added to your personal book of female wisdom and be inherited =) Or just read from time to time and realize the significance, value of each step, each lived years and feel the special meaning of your life and your mission in the female body.

For example, I started doing this practice last year and wrote 5 conclusions about life in my book of women's wisdom. One of them was that you never have to wait for happiness in the future, it either happens to you now, where you are and with those people who surround you, if you want it, or it never happens.

In the past year, I felt this very well several times, and this phrase written down in the diary became a kind of anchor that made me feel satisfied with the present and freed me from the illusion that happiness awaits me somewhere beyond the horizon!

Step 5 Return to the home of your soul

The purpose of this practice is to tune in to your personal rhythm, get out of all other energy structures and egregors that influence you and return to yourself to the maximum by the time of the transition from one year to another.
To do this, choose for yourself some kind of ritual that returns you to a state of presence, when you do not chase the future and do not think about the past and do it every day until the very moment of the new year. It can take from 5 minutes to 30-60 minutes, as you please. For example, this year I have chosen for myself the contemplation of clouds for 5-15 minutes, breathing practice for 15-20 minutes and the Sun Salutation "Surya Namaskar" complex. You can choose what you want. It can be some kind of needlework, any kind of activity that brings you balance and peace. Most importantly, before you start, for a few seconds, express your intention to return to yourself and your harmony, and then proceed. This setup works very well and you will really feel the results if you do it for several days in a row and tune yourself before doing it.

You can include walking in your daily practice.
Walking can be called dynamic meditation, because when we walk, a certain rhythm arises and this helps us tune in to harmony, structure thoughts, calm down, make some decision, resolve some kind of internal conflict. Walking triggers special processes in our psyche that help us to properly tune in to the current moment in life, without freezing either in the past or in the future! You can visualize any process in walking, for example, that you are moving into a new stage of life and leaving the past behind.

Step 1 Plan New Year's Eve

In order to prevent the pleasant pre-holiday bustle from turning into exhausting chaos, plan New Year's Eve affairs. You can write down exactly what and when you will do. For example, cleaning the house at that time, decorating the Christmas tree at that time, buying food and putting yourself in order on such and such a day, practices and your useful preparatory work also on certain days or at certain times.
And most importantly, let your plan be tailored to you, not you to it! And as I already wrote, be sure to add such an important element as pleasure - this will help you stay in a feminine state and maintain inner harmony.

Step 2 Cleaning

The most natural and well-known, still "grandmother's" method of bringing oneself into harmony is, of course, cleaning.
Cleaning and clearing all the blockages on the physical plane and bringing to order the entire space that surrounds you.
Cleaning starts internal processes that help you let go of the past. Everything that surrounds us is a part of us at the energy level, and if there is a disorder, then this is reflected in our sense of self.
It is necessary to put in order not only your house, bag, wallet, but also your phone, computer, e-mail box, profiles in social networks.

Move the closet behind which dust has accumulated and wash, burn unnecessary papers, ventilate all the rooms, let the sunlight into the house if the sun has come out of the window. After cleaning, you can light candles in the house, turn on beautiful music and start the energy of creation.

Delete unnecessary people in social networks, unnecessary contacts in the phone, photos that do not correspond to your worldview now. For example, you haven’t eaten meat for a year, and your photo with barbecue is hanging on the social network and the like. Or some frank and provocative photos that no longer fit your lifestyle.

Pay special attention to your wardrobe, the things you wear (or no longer wear), and the household items that surround you.
Our things are powerful anchors of energy that store energy memory and launch and hold us in certain states of the past, which they correspond to. Therefore, if possible, get rid of everything unnecessary and obsolete on the physical plane, and you will feel how much easier it has become to breathe and live!!

Be sure to part with unnecessary cosmetics and personal care products.

And, as I wrote above, be sure to remove from your space, return things that do not belong to you.

Step 3 Self care treatments

Be sure to include in your New Year's Eve to-do list the daily grooming routines for your loved one. It can be anything - massages, wraps, baths with aromatic oils, masks for the face, hair, legs, hands, and so on. So that you come to the New Year in a state of a blossoming and fragrant rose, and not an exhausted squirrel in a wheel, which on December 31 jumped into a beauty salon, externally put itself in order, but internally and energetically did not have time to be filled with a state of beauty and brilliance.

Step 4 Cleansing the body

Take care of cleansing the body from the inside. One of any available ways, but not radical. For example, fasting day, bowel cleansing, exercise or jogging to disperse blood, breathing. Also drink enough water every day.

Now that we have cleared the space to a greater extent, launched the necessary energies and approached the female harmonious sound, we need to add a little magic in order to sound even clearer at the harmonious frequency!

Step 1 Practice "Wishing"

Take a few sheets of paper and write down all your desires and dreams that you want to come true in the coming year. There should be at least 50-70 of them, and more is better. Be brave! Don't stop them with phrases like "I can't do it," "It's not for me," "It's too 'cool' and impossible." Get ready for miracles and write whatever you want!
Then you need to check your desires and dreams for truth! What does it mean? This means to understand whether this is your desire or someone else's, for example, mom or husband.
Take the wish sheet in one hand, place your other hand over your heart, and start reading each wish out loud in turn! Read the first wish, close your eyes and watch the reaction of the body. What do you feel? If joy, inspiration, a slight tickling, if you see some beautiful and lively picture before your eyes, warmth spreads through your body, something stirs in the region of the heart, then your desire is yours! If the body is silent, the imagination does not lead anywhere further than the line read, there is no movement, and inside it is as if a stupor, silence, deaf or suddenly a portrait of a loved one appears before your eyes (who may be the owner of this desire), then the desire is not yours, feel free to cross it out it from the list and move on to the next one! And do this with every wish!
Pay special attention to material desires, we women must be aware of them. Women's nature is material, from the word MOTHER! Highly spiritual women who neglect the material are very uncomfortable in the physical material world, and the world reminds of this with illnesses, problems with money and men.
After you make a list of your true desires, put it in a secluded place until next year. Then, when you read them a year later, you will be pleasantly surprised!

Wish box practice (from Irishenka's comment)

This practice was reminded to me by my beloved friend Irishka, I wanted to try it last year, but it didn’t work out. I will definitely try it this year and recommend it to you.

On December 31, while preparing something and preparing for the holiday, write your desires on small sticky notes all day long (prepare them in advance, a pen and any beautiful small box). The box can be decorated with your own hands, for example, pasted over with foil and ribbons. And the whole day between chores, dreaming and writing desires in the form of already fulfilled ones (everything is absolutely from dresses to realizing oneself in something), all this without wasting separate time, but entering the state of this desire, then fixed by the state here and now (by doing any household chores) - this gives anchoring of the states of the desired and does not allow flying into the future. Put it under the Christmas tree and put it away after the holidays until next year. Then look through the wishes in a year and thank you for the fulfillment!

Choose any practice of making wishes that suits you and create your new life!

By the way, an important addition about making wishes, which I did not mention, but you may not know about it! It is better to feel, to understand the true desire or not, to enter the state of desire will help writing it in the form of a fulfilled one!
For example, I want a new inspiring job that will delight me, reveal my creative potential and bring material benefits. In the form of the completed one, you can write like this - "I rejoice and enjoy the new work, which reveals my creative potential and brings material benefits!"

Step 2 Get in the holiday spirit

Decorate the Christmas tree with the appropriate holiday music and the whole family.
Decorate the windows with the snowflakes you and your kids cut out.
Make New Year's crafts with the children, if there are no children, then be children yourself and do it!
Stroll through the evening city and admire its festive decorations.
Go to holiday events with family and friends.
With pleasure and leisurely go shopping and choose souvenirs, soak up the atmosphere of general pre-holiday awe.
Write greeting cards to family and friends, with your own hand and with all your heart.
You can write a congratulation from Santa Claus and send it to your loved ones without a return address. For a couple of years in a row, I practiced such wonderful congratulations. Imagine yourself as Santa Claus and write whatever you would like to wish this person. Children are very happy and sincerely believe in such letters. Even adults begin to believe in miracles. I had such amazing stories with these letters from Santa Claus. One letter saved my friend from deep sadness, because it came at the right moment and was noticed by her quite by accident, the other made one girl believe in Santa Claus again after her parents were declassified in the performance of the duties of a magical old man. Another of the letters made an adult friend feel like a child and be moved to tears, because I accidentally called her by her name in a letter, as only one person, dear and dear to her heart, called her.
In general, all participants in the process received a huge amount of joy and love! Moreover, the stories with guessing who is this mysterious Santa Claus were also the most amazing! Since my goal was not to receive gratitude for this congratulation, but she still found me, through incredible situations in which the congratulators suddenly guessed who it could be!))) Some, of course, guessed right away!)) In general, this is a whole New Year's adventure for all participants in the process. The pleasure is incredible!)

Read books on the New Year theme, watch movies. It is especially cool to read fairy tales with children and watch cartoons or fairy tales about the New Year.

Hang a special toy on the Christmas tree, which will symbolize the most cherished desire. Maybe you make it yourself or you suddenly see it in a store window.

Make a New Year's menu taking into account the wishes of all relatives and friends who will be present at the New Year's table.

Come up with a signature dish for the New Year's table, which will symbolize the coming year in your understanding, and put all your feminine creative energy into it. Let everyone present at your holiday try this dish.

Make a script for entertainment for the New Year's Eve. In addition to watching holiday TV and eating delicious treats, there should be something else that will bring your company together. It can be a round dance around the Christmas tree with a song or pulling wishes from a magic hat for the New Year. Yes, anything that will cheer you up and cause joyful laughter and fun.

Step 3 Holiday outfit

I put this item separately so that it would be noticeable!
Be sure to remember that you are primarily a woman and an elegant festive dress is an essential attribute of a true woman who lives a conscious and spiritually rich life!
Take the time to buy a new outfit for New Year's Eve. As I wrote above, our things are anchors that store and retain energy, so if possible, the dress should be new so that no energy from the past prevents you from entering a new future. As they say, in a new dress in the New Year!
Well, as a last resort, if you choose from existing outfits, then choose one in which you not only look good, but also evoke pleasant memories and associations.

Step 4 Practice "Writing the Universe"

This practice is best done a couple of days before the New Year.
Retire and ask for some time not to disturb you. Take a sheet of paper and a pen, imagine the image of the one who created us all, the image of God or the infinite Universe, mentally connect with this energy and write everything that comes. Just relax and your pen will start writing by itself. Imagine that the God or Universe you are writing to is as eager to communicate with you as you are. Communicate as with someone close and dear, tell your most intimate thoughts and secrets, thank, ask for support, explain something, trust, confess, express your love and appreciation for what you are, for everything that you have what you have and what you don't have. If there are tears, do not be afraid, these are tears of purification. After you write everything, sit in silence for a while, do not rush to go somewhere right away. Keep this letter in a safe place.

And most importantly, remember the purpose of this whole plan - to bring yourself into a harmonious state in order to launch new energies into your space! Enjoy the process of creativity in your life! Love yourself and what you do! Appreciate every day you live and your experience in this day! Years and our life are made up of our days!

♡ ♡ ♡

I sincerely congratulate you on the upcoming New Year!
And I wish you a pleasant preparation!
With love, Julia Belikova

The second hand of the clock is restlessly running in a circle, every moment bringing us closer to the onset of the most joyful, beloved holiday by many - the new 2018. Let it be a couple of months before New Year's Eve, but the daily routine will quickly and quietly turn over the remaining few pages of the calendar. Preparing for the New Year is an important, even responsible matter, because there are so many things to do: decorate the Christmas tree, prepare outfits, and think over the festive menu ... How to do everything and happily celebrate this magical holiday, read below.

How to prepare for the new year

It is necessary to spend the New Year's Eve beautifully, solemnly and always in a good mood, because, following a popular saying, the meeting of the New Year depends on what all the next 365 days will be like. To make the festive night special and unforgettable, you need to carefully prepare for it. The preparation plan will include many important points, but the first thing to do is to finish all the projects that have been started, pay off debts, ask for forgiveness from those who have been undeservedly offended.

When to start preparing

As soon as the first frost binds the earth and it wraps itself in a warm white blanket of fluffy snow, everyone will inevitably feel the mysterious, truly exciting atmosphere of the holiday. Shop windows will shine with bright stars of electric garlands, colorful reflections of all kinds of Christmas tree decorations will begin to shimmer, and the city air will smell of something mystically pleasant. This will be a signal that it is time to start preparing for the new year in order to have time to accomplish everything planned, and with the chimes to step into a new, certainly happy stage of your life.

December to-do list

It is better to start preparing for the new year from drawing up a plan, where absolutely all the actions that need to be done before the holiday will be spelled out. The main preparation period is December, so this month is worth:

Choose a place where you will celebrate the holiday, draw up a program for the New Year's Eve, invite guests.
Clean up the house, create a festive atmosphere in it, using New Year's decor.
Buy gifts for family and friends, prepare postcards, parcels.
Decide on the design of evening dress, hairstyle, makeup.
Think over the menu of the festive table, purchase the necessary products. If the plans for the new year include meeting the holiday outside the home, then book a table in advance, clarify the list of dishes and drinks that you would like to see on it.
Getting ready for the new year

New Year is one of the main winter holidays, with which old interesting traditions are associated. It is believed that it is necessary to cross the threshold of the next 365-day earthly cycle in a clean house, with a pure soul and thoughts, having left all grievances, disputes, and failures in the past year. It is better to decide most of the important moments of preparation for the new year in advance so that a calm celebration does not eventually turn into a chaotic shopping run, standing in endless lines, throwing around the kitchen just before the arrival of guests or cosmetic manipulations five minutes before the cherished chiming clock.

Selection of gifts

Children firmly believe that on a magical New Year's Eve, the kind Santa Claus with a red nose and a fluffy white beard gives gifts to everyone. Adults, although they don’t believe in fairy tales for a long time, are still waiting for themselves a nice present under a smart New Year tree, so one of the most important points of the pre-holiday plan is buying gifts for relatives and friends. In order not to leave anyone unattended, to give everyone cute, pleasant, useful little things, you should make a list of gifts by name, and it is better to buy and pack them before the start of the last week of December.

New Year's entertainment and events

To fully feel the delightful atmosphere of the approaching New Year, to provide yourself with an upbeat New Year's mood, take care of regular pre-holiday entertainment. For example, start a telethon of good Christmas films, go for ordinary walks around the city flickering with lights more often, try yourself in the role of one of the fairy-tale characters at a children's party.

If you have children, be sure to think about when and where you will arrange a New Year's party for them, draw up a program of contests and round dances, or simply invite Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden to your home on New Year's Eve. If you plan to celebrate the long-awaited holiday with friends, take care of an interesting "adult" program with appropriate entertainment and characters.

What to do before the new year

The to-do list during the pre-holiday preparation includes several important items. This is cleaning and decorating the family nest, buying gifts, planning a New Year's menu, choosing a festive outfit and accessories that match it. In all this whirlwind, you can’t forget about yourself, because you only need to step into a new stage of life with the proud gait of a self-confident beauty, so during December you also need to have time to improve your appearance to the maximum.

Preparing your home for the new year

Among the pleasant chores on the eve of the new year, one of the main tasks is always preparing at home. Cleanly cleaned and beautifully decorated, it gives us not only a feeling of home comfort, but also helps to feel all the magic of this wonderful holiday. To properly prepare your home for the start of the new year, you need:

Conduct a general cleaning, looking into every secluded corner of the apartment.
Throw away the old unnecessary rubbish, and along with it, get rid of the negativity inside yourself.
Arrange all the necessary things in their places.
Beautifully decorate the house with Christmas decorations.

Gift ideas for family and friends

An obligatory attribute of the new year is gifts under the Christmas tree in beautiful bright packages. It is better to think about what and to whom to give in advance, focusing on the preferences and hobbies of each individual person. The most win-win option for loved ones is soft slippers. You can present something fun and useful at the same time to your friends. Girls will appreciate it when their beloved men put some original decorations for them under the Christmas tree. It is better for employees, bosses, companions to give something modest, but with taste.

Since the symbol of the upcoming 2018 is a yellow dog, a small addition to the main gift can be not only a postcard with the image of a cute dog, but also an original souvenir:

piggy bank;
soft toy;
fridge magnet;
desk calendar;
notepad, etc.

How to decorate a house

New Year is a family holiday, so most people prefer to celebrate it with their families, closest and dearest people. Of great importance for creating a festive atmosphere is the special design of the house. It consists not only in the installation of a green beauty, but also in all sorts of bright decor, which, as a rule, uses shiny garlands, serpentine, spruce twigs, colorful Christmas balls. Here are some ideas for using holiday decorations for your home:

You can hang colorful lights on the windows or paint the glass with special paints.
It would be appropriate to decorate the front door with a wreath of spruce branches, bells, bright bows.
The walls in the house will look beautiful in a scattering of different-sized lacy snowflakes.
Bright sunny tangerines, bagels, sweets in shiny candy wrappers will decorate the Christmas tree in the best possible way, give the overall design a touch of childhood and fairy tales.
Room decorated for the New Year

Holiday self care

Every girl wants to look beautiful and well-groomed, and not only on holidays. To meet a magical night in all its glory, you should take care of your appearance in advance. Be sure to refresh your hair, go for a manicure, do depilation, tighten the body, renew the skin of the face. This can be done at home using the usual care products, or you can go to an appointment with a professional beautician.

If you have problems with your figure, it will not be superfluous to go on a diet and sign up for fitness in early December. Special attention should be paid to the color of the skin and think about whether the pale limbs will look very contrasting against the backdrop of a bright festive dress. If the skin is too light, it is better to sunbathe a little in the solarium in order to be completely sure of your irresistibility at the New Year's party.

When and how to put up a Christmas tree

Preparation for the new year is always accompanied by the installation and decoration of a green forest beauty - an obligatory symbol of this wonderful holiday. As a rule, the Christmas tree is put up somewhere in the middle of December, when the street already “smells” of New Year's magic with might and main. However, this only applies to artificial trees. It is better to put a live fragrant Christmas tree in the house closer to the holiday itself, so that it does not crumble due to dry home air even before New Year's Eve.

What to wear for new year

Choosing a New Year's outfit is a separate issue for the fair sex, because every girl wants to look her best on New Year's Eve. If you pay attention to the nature of the patron animal of the upcoming 2018, it becomes clear that you need to celebrate the new year in a beautiful, but modest and comfortable dress. Screaming revealing outfits are best left until better times. As for the color of clothes, shoes, jewelry, for this year's meeting it is better to choose them in soothing yellow-brown tones, without excessive glamour.

New Year's menu planning

Preparing for the new year must necessarily include planning a festive menu. The favorite treats of the dog, under whose patronage the next 12 months will pass, are meat and fish, so in order to please the dog, look in advance for new interesting recipes for meat dishes. Be sure to cook fish in different variations, meat salads and snacks. However, this does not mean that you need to completely abandon vegetables - they perfectly complement the meat, bring bright colors to the overall picture of the festive table.

Buying products

If you have already decided what you will treat your guests to on New Year's Eve, make a menu and a list of the necessary products. It is better to make the necessary purchases of provisions for the preparation of holiday delicacies in advance. If these are ready-made packaged products with a shelf life of more than a week, they can be easily purchased as early as early December. Meat, fish, vegetables and other perishable products should be bought a day or two before the holiday in order to be sure of the quality and freshness of the food prepared from them.

Cooking New Year's Eve

The preparation of treats for the festive table should be started in the last days before the holiday, because the food on the New Year's table should be not only tasty, but also fresh. Preparations for salads, desserts, some snacks can be prepared already on December 30th, but everything will have to be mixed, smeared, fried and baked only on the 31st. If you are going to serve hot dishes, make sure that they have time to cook before the guests arrive.

Festive table setting

The last stage of preparation for the new year is the decoration of the festive table. Think ahead about the color scheme of the tablecloth, napkins, additional decor elements. Among the plates with mouth-watering snacks, colorful compositions of spruce twigs, multi-format candles, tangerines and bright New Year's balls look very original. If you want to make friends with a yellow dog, get its favor, decorate the table with fragrant cookies in the form of bones and fish.

Preparing for the new year with your own hands

If you have enough time for all the pre-holiday chores, and you just cannot live without creativity, do your own pre-holiday preparations in the truest sense of the word. With your own hands, you can make not only home decorations, but also gifts for your relatives - they will bring your loved ones much more joy than trinkets bought in a regular store. Presentations made on your own, from the heart, have the strongest positive energy, so they are always valued more than even the most expensive purchased souvenirs.

Christmas decor ideas

If your first step in preparing for the new year is decorating your home or workplace, try making simple but very cute interior decorations yourself. A variety of materials are suitable for them, from old magazines to ordinary cones. You can, for example, do:

A vase with multi-colored cones: collect the cones, wash, dry, and then paint with watercolors, pre-mixed with bright sparkles. After complete drying, put the cones in a transparent plastic vase, pouring them with small shiny balls or confetti. Wrap the vase in a spiral with ribbon, tie a large bow in front.
Soft Christmas trees in miniature pots: cut out patterns of Christmas trees from bright durable fabric, sew them, filling the middle with cotton wool. Stick long wooden skewers inside the toy trees, place them in small pots for seedlings. Pour containers with silicone glue, cover with beads or cotton balls on top. Sew decorations from multi-colored small beads or small bows from a narrow satin ribbon to the Christmas trees.
New Year's balls from buttons: sew balls of different sizes from pieces of bright fabric, fill with cotton wool, sew on ribbon loops. Decorate the top of the balls with buttons of different colors and diameters.
Homemade Christmas ball from buttons

DIY gifts

New Year's presents, made with love and a piece of soul, will not leave anyone indifferent. If you have been fond of one of the types of needlework since childhood, it will not be difficult for you to prepare gifts for the New Year for your relatives, because when you know how to do something, you will happily knit soft mittens or a warm scarf, sew a cute amulet figurine, make a tree from beads or decorate the kitchen board.

If you have never done needlework before, but really want to present your loved ones with handmade gifts, it is never too late to learn. On the World Wide Web, you can find millions of workshops that will help you make, for example, a cute frame for photographs from shells or even ordinary pasta, decorate a jar of cereals using decoupage technique, knit an original cover for a mug or make a cute origami figurine. Create for yourself and for the joy of your loved ones!

I think it's obvious that I love New Years! For me, it starts (the sooner the better) with decorated streets and houses, with Christmas songs in the house, with gingerbread cookies for tea, with thinking through the menu, with selecting films to watch, with the smell of cinnamon and cranberries, with a bunch of pleasant mood trifles. , in general, yes, from all these well-worn clichés! And if it were possible and not completely ridiculous in the forty-degree heat, I would start preparing for the New Year in August, honestly. In September, I timidly allow myself to listen to the Christmas playlist, and in October, you can start collecting pictures on Pinterest and looking at holiday recipes. The New Year is practically the only justification for snow and winter in general in my eyes, so thank you Peter I from the bottom of my heart!

But most of the time I'm too busy for all this. When you choose whether to make cardboard stars or answer mail, whether to bake cookies or write technical specifications for the site, whether to dismantle a closet or launch an advertising campaign, the choice somehow seems obvious. And I've decided - it's really obvious, all these things surround me around the clock, and the New Year will pass and be missed.

So I want to live this month for myself, like this. Hope you enjoy it too! And so I share the plan of a fabulous month and a recipe for a quiet day on the eve of the holiday, as well as finds and ideas that you can devote time to this month.



I will only say three words: place, company, gifts. This is something that, if you do not start thinking about it now, risks spoiling your holiday. My place and company are stable, but I will share with you about gifts in the very near future!

And, of course, you can already decorate the house. In our family, they always put up a Christmas tree closer to the holiday itself, sometimes even right in the morning. But why bear the ancestral curse when you can do it now? :) So in the near future we will go in search - it's not so easy to find a live Christmas tree here!

And somewhere else, all sorts of DIY projects begin. If you are making an Advent calendar, you probably already have it ready, but you can speed up a little and still have time to make it today or tomorrow.

And suddenly you want to bake a dundee cake? It's about time! Although I confess that I was not at all imbued with its taste, but the very idea of ​​\u200b\u200ba cupcake, which is waiting for its hour somewhere on the mezzanine for a month, seems very festive to me.



The middle of the month is the perfect moment to go to Christmas markets in Europe (or, for example, New York on New Year's Eve). The atmosphere is special, it charges you with 100% mood, but it’s better to do it before the 20th, when Europeans come en masse for the Christmas holidays. There will be fewer people, prices will be lower, and the experience will be much more pleasant. I seem to have canceled plans for Germany, but I believe that I will be able to get to Barcelona, ​​let's consider this my New Year's wish!

And if you can’t go anywhere, you can still find the most atmospheric places in your city and visit there more often. And if I stay at home, then for me this place will be under the Christmas tree - I will be there more often, and also cook mulled wine, roast chestnuts and light bulbs in the evenings.



If you're celebrating at home, it's time to think about the menu! There is time to rehearse new recipes, those who wish can have time to order some special farm products that are not always easy to find in the store.

And don't forget about the green peas :) Somehow the New Year didn't come in our house, because I forgot, and our Olivier was defective! But sweets, perhaps, do not buy yet. Usually, the turron that lives up to the festive table with us is its third or fourth purchase during the season.

When the menu is ready, you can think about serving. Will you decorate the table in a special way? If so, it's time to rethink the concept, on December 31st nothing is ever impromptu!

And you can safely start general cleaning. All secret cupboards and far corners, revisions of wardrobes, disposal of products stale in the kitchen, dust on the mezzanines - all this needs to be done now, otherwise it risks moving into the “never” category or, at least, “until spring”.

And, of course, we are already baking this most gingerbread cookie! Let the house smell like holidays.



Low start! We listen to holes in Christmas playlists, collect and check whether everything is ready for the holiday: gifts, menus, outfits, mood.

If not, we run around shopping in soap, having time to look at Christmas markets and all kinds of festivals (you can buy gifts there too!).

We continue to drink clay wine, eat it with gingerbread cookies, and in this elevated alcohol-carbohydrate mood, we easily turn the final cleaning a little earlier than the 31st and even the 30th of December.



I want to write to you - we are relaxing, walking, making snowballs and admiring a clean and elegant house, but who am I kidding? There is the last (though the last, let's not spoil our holiday) day for cleaning or in order to refresh the house and square the holiday decorations. And also for culinary preparations, so as not to hang around in the kitchen all December 31st.

Don't forget to wrap your gifts (or even buy wrapping if you haven't already). Or you can make it yourself, the Internet is teeming with ideas on this topic, and it's so cool and sincere!


DEC. 31

If everything went according to plan, then this day, of course, is worth getting enough sleep! And then, right from the very early morning, we bring beauty. Yes, why wait for the evening? I'm used to spending December 31st with a muzzle on my head and flour on my apron, where is the miracle here? It's worth trying something new. And if we behaved well all month, then on the eve of the holiday there will be nothing left but, having conjured no more than a couple of hours in the kitchen, go for a walk with the dog, watch a couple of good films, perhaps even meet friends and certainly call relatives, and then calmly finish the kitchen chores, bring your own beauty to perfection and sit down at the table or go to visit, in general, enjoy your favorite day of the year!

And this day is the best moment for those very results of the year. Most of us, with all our desire, will not be able to get rid of the corresponding mood and thoughts about how it went. So give yourself to this process and even write down your thoughts (sharing with the world is not necessary). These notes are so fun to read. By the way, if you have such preserved from past years, then read them along with New Year's resolutions for this year. Get a lot of food for thought! Thank the year for everything that was in it - good or bad, this is part of your life experience, a stage in your path, and this is the key to who you will become in the future.



When all the salads and cakes are eaten, all the films are reviewed, and the weekend is still not over, we have a happy opportunity to deal with strategic issues. The days after the New Year are filled with creative energy, and it is worth using it for the most peaceful purposes, for example, to think about what you want from life and what you are ready to do for this. I always plan at the beginning of January, set big goals for the year and try to take at least small steps in this direction right away, while there is strength, fuse and warmth in my soul!

And it’s too early to disassemble the Christmas tree - let it stand at least until March. After all, the next New Year is so far away!

I understand that my beautiful holiday plan, accompanied by the sound of Jingle Bells, is not quite suitable for those who work in the office. To be honest, it doesn’t suit me too much, because I also work 10-12 hours a day. But let's dream, and then at least partially make our dreams come true. I hope that this post set you on a festive wave, reminded you of some important pre-holiday moments and inspired you to implement some of them in the conditions that you have.
Share your plans and ideas for this holiday! Tell us what traditions you have and what you definitely do on the eve of the New Year, perhaps I urgently need it :)

Many agree that the New Year is the most important holiday. That is why they begin to think about how to meet him in advance. How to prepare for the New Year 2017, given that it will be held under the sign of the Red Rooster?


The experience of celebrating the New Year suggests that, first of all, it is worth resolving the issue of gifts. Pre-holiday days, as a rule, are full of worries and turmoil, so there will simply not be time to find, purchase or do it yourself. What to consider when looking for gifts for 2017?


In preparation for the New Year 2017, one should not forget about decorating the apartment. Of course, first of all, you should take care of purchasing a Christmas tree. It must be remembered that the Rooster prefers only natural materials, so there can be no talk of an artificial New Year's tree. The ideal option is a Christmas tree in a pot, which will remain after the holidays and will come in handy in another year. How to decorate it and the whole house as a whole?

Those who have the time and desire can be advised to bake an edible decoration - cookies. As a rule, they make it in the form of horseshoes, bells and stars, hang it on a Christmas tree (or make a garland out of them), and at the end of the holiday they distribute it to the children.

The symbol of 2017 will love everything bright. But do not overdo it with the decor. A decorated Christmas tree in the doorway, a wreath on the door and a beautiful festive table setting are enough.


When choosing an outfit for the New Year 2017, one must take into account not only its color, but also the material from which it is made.

  1. As for the palette, it is worth taking a closer look at red, ruby, burgundy, scarlet, red, gold, yellow and orange. But this does not mean that you should dress in one color from head to toe. Be sure to dilute these shades with white, black or mother-of-pearl.
  2. As for materials and fabrics, it is better to give preference to something natural. Let it be an outfit made of fine wool, silk, linen, cotton, etc.
  3. Both men and women are advised not to wear anything tight. The spacious shirt and the flowing silhouette of the dress are just right.

For women, of course, preparation for the arrival of 2017 is unthinkable without the selection of accessories for outfits. Large earrings, pendants, necklaces are not only the trend of the season, but also suitable jewelry for the Year of the Rooster. They can be shiny or just bright (for example, scarlet, fuchsia, etc.).

Festive table

Both the festive menu itself and the serving should correspond to the symbol of the coming year. Therefore, you need to take care of such things in advance:

How to prepare for the New Year 2017 and not make a festive menu? It's just impossible! The menu should not include dishes from chicken meat and eggs in its natural form. But there must be vegetables, fruits, rice, peas, corn, etc. It is necessary to decorate dishes as brightly as possible.

Considering how much there is to do before the holiday, you need to start preparing for it a month or even earlier. And in order not to forget anything, it is worth making a to-do list and strictly following it.

December, you need to make an appointment at a beauty salon. 4 weeks before the holiday, there are still no queues for specialists, you can choose procedures and carry out a whole course of rejuvenation, tightening, correcting the oval of the face, lightening the skin, use the solarium. In addition, there is time to experiment with the type of haircut, length and hair color.

If you don’t want to spend money on a beautician and hairdresser before the New Year, you can ask someone close to you to give you a certificate for salon services. Or make an "exchange" with your friends - buy gift cards for procedures for each other a month before the holiday.

Regular visits to the Russian bath or sauna can replace a trip to a beauty salon. But you will need at least 5-6 "procedures". Make it a rule to spend a couple of evenings a week in the bath in December, and the result will amaze you. There will be no trace of fatigue and nervousness, the skin will become fresh and elastic, fat deposits and traces of cellulite will disappear.

Try to eat right in December, so as not to go on a strict diet a week before the holiday. Perform a simple set of exercises in the morning and evening, fall asleep and wake up on time. And most importantly - eliminate cigarettes and alcohol from your life. These "joys" will be enough for the holidays.

3 weeks before the holiday

Start taking a smart bath every night 20 days before the New Year. Add 100 grams of soda and 150 grams of sea salt to the water. Such a bath, subject to daily use, will help to lose from 1.5 to 5 kg of excess weight.

To naturally restore hair and shine on a festive night, use moisturizers regularly. Try to wash them only with shampoo marked "facilitates combing."

The restoration of the epidermis occurs while we sleep. Go to bed at the same time. Make sure you get at least 8 hours of sleep. Stock up on caring cosmetics for night use with the maximum amount of vitamins and minerals. Do not be lazy, thoroughly cleanse your skin of makeup, do masks, massage, steam baths for the skin of the face, neck and décolleté.

2 weeks before...

It's time to start actively using thermal water and clay masks. You can apply water every evening. Remember that it is forbidden to spray your face with thermal water before going outside, especially in winter.

The composition of the clay includes a huge amount of mineral salts and trace elements useful for the skin. It has been scientifically proven that such masks are most effective in terms of rejuvenation and lifting of the epidermis.

Do not look for new caring "super effective" cosmetics. Ingredients that are unusual for the skin can cause an allergic reaction, which will be completely out of place before the New Year.

One week before New Years

During this period, you can make daily nourishing and moisturizing masks, alternating them. Before applying the product, it is necessary to carefully prepare the skin. And after the mask is removed, be sure to apply a cream that matches the age and type of skin.

If it was not possible to sign up for a massage with a beautician, then you can and should do it yourself. Make it a habit, at least twice a day, to "pass" the skin of the face with the pads of your fingers, but without pressure, only lightly patting.

Unexpectedly appeared pimples do not need to be cauterized or removed mechanically, smeared with medicines that helped acquaintances, girlfriends or mother. Use aloe juice - a simple, inexpensive and reliable remedy.

Manicure should be done no earlier than 2-3 days before the festive night. Do not forget about hand skin care - baths, masks, cleansing, nourishing and moisturizing.