How to choose the color of the dress? How to choose the size of the dress: non-standard solutions. What to wear with red leather dress

Most likely you have already seen this dress, and you probably have your own opinion about its colors. But the whole world still cannot come to an unambiguous opinion. For some, it is invariably blue and black, for others it is white and gold and nothing else!

There were even cases when at first it seemed to a person that the dress was of the same color, and then after some time he was sure of the opposite!

This dress has already done too much trouble. It's time to face the truth and find out what color it really is.

The same photo of the dress, because of which there are so many disputes:

According to some, the original dress, if the lighting was better, should look like this:

The rest believe that if it were not for the excessive light, the dress would be like this:

But why do people see different colors in the same photo? There is one version on this subject, and it has nothing to do with the monitor settings, nothing depends on them, we checked.

It's all about how the eyes of each individual person react to the illuminated object. Some decide that the dress is underlit (or that its surface reflects a lot of light) and their brain signals to their eyes to compensate. Hence the white and gold color. Others think that there is too much light falling on the dress (or the surface is less reflective) and their eyes show them that it is blue-black.

Everything is like in the famous Adelson optical illusion. In the picture, square "A" is the same color as square "B", although it seems that this is not the case.

In general, it turns out that the human eye sees the image as the brain perceives it. Past experience is also important. If a person has seen a fabric with a similar texture or a similar dress in a certain color, this will most likely affect what color they see in the photo with the dress. Little is known about this phenomenon called "difference in perception" by scientists.

Here is a photo of the actual dress. It still turned out to be blue and black.

It is important for women with a full figure to choose clothes that will not only emphasize the merits, gently hiding individual flaws, but also help to look stylish and attractive. It is dresses that are a chance for each of us to become a little more feminine, graceful and elegant even with extra pounds.

A dress that is suitable in style and size changes everything in a woman - gait, look, self-awareness, because in a beautiful outfit the world around looks different. How not to get confused and find the ideal dress for yourself among hundreds of styles and colors?

Below we will consider the following colors: white, black, gray, beige, blue, turquoise, purple, emerald green, red, yellow, brown, green.

Color variety of dresses

As a rule, overweight women choose their clothes according to the principle “darker to slim”. But this approach is fundamentally wrong, because if a black strict dress really slims one of them, then the other, on the contrary, can be enlarged and made more cumbersome. In addition, not every dark dress should be considered a good option for visually reducing your size: for example, loose boho style models can easily add a few pounds to an already imperfect figure.

Advice. When choosing a dress for a full figure, you should forget about its shortcomings and get rid of the desire to look slimmer at all costs. A full woman can also be beautiful and seductive precisely in her weight. Therefore - down with black and dark hoodies, we choose spectacular and harmonious models of outfits.

Dresses with flowers

How to choose the perfect color for a dress for a full woman? What should you pay attention to? First of all - on your color type. And this is the opinion of most stylists: no matter what color you like, it is important that it suits your type. In order not to get lost in dozens of shades, you should remember some simple recommendations:

  1. winter woman should choose cold saturated shades (brown, blue, green, gray).
  2. summer woman may pay attention to softer and more restrained pastel shades (blue, gray, dark pink, olive).
  3. spring woman will be harmonious in warm, radiant colors (lilac and blue-gray, apricot and sand).
  4. autumn woman should choose for themselves warm and saturated colors, as if gilded in autumn (vegetable green, indigo, burgundy).

Neutral shades

Colors: white, black, grey, beige

The basic colors of dresses in the wardrobe of obese women are still neutral shades that allow you to build unique images on their basis. These options include:

  • White. Despite the general opinion that this color is contraindicated for full women, you should not refuse white dresses in your wardrobe. it doesn’t have to be evening, wedding or dressy at all: either an elegant one made of snow-white fabric is perfect for creating a stylish look for a walk. In addition, white allows the use of a variety of accessories that can radically change the mood and image as a whole.
  • Gray. Solid gray dresses for a full figure are not very common. Probably, such models are not so popular, because neutral gray is inexpressive and banal. In order for this color to play in a new way in a dress, it is important to choose a harmonious frame for it: that is why most models using gray need to add a stylish print and additional decoration.

    Gray dresses for obese women

  • Beige. This controversial and problematic color, many obese women immediately dismiss, thinking that it will only emphasize the imperfection of the figure. But with the right choice of style and material, a beige dress can be luxurious and gorgeous. For example, evening dresses with, and rhinestones look royally luxurious. Although such outfits are not suitable for daily wear: beige is too “naked” and easily soiled.

Any of the models of dresses of such colors can become the basis of a dozen different mood images. The uniqueness of these products lies in the fact that different accessories, shoes and details can change the dress itself beyond recognition.

Cold shades

Colors: blue, turquoise, purple, emerald

Most stylists advise overweight women to pay attention to dresses in cold shades, rightly believing that it is these colors that can visually slim a curvaceous figure. Cold colors are ideal, which seeks to look stylish, but at the same time not to focus the attention of others on the individual details of its image. Having abandoned the dominance of dark boring shades, you should turn your attention to muted cold colors.

  • Blue. Muted, not too bright, matte noble blue in all versions is ideal for a full figure. Instead of boring black, deep black and blue, rich and luxurious in its monochrome, will do. choose to create business and evening looks, because for all its neutrality, it is quite expressive and able to be attractive in combination with well-chosen accessories.

    Blue dresses for obese women

  • Turquoise. This gentle cold shade is actively used in the wardrobe of overweight women: dresses of this color are suitable for special occasions and for everyday use. A feature of models of this shade is their visual lightness and grace - which is why the most harmonious style for an outfit of this color is a fitted dress with a flared skirt.
  • Purple in all its shades - from light lilac to deep indigo, it is also well suited for full ladies. A cold tone is able to correct the figure, hiding individual flaws, especially if it also takes into account the physique of its owner. Purple is suitable for self-confident persons who are not afraid to be visible in a crowd of people. Business dresses of this color are ideal for negotiations, evening dresses for dinner parties, and cocktail dresses for romantic dates.

    Purple dresses for obese women

  • Emerald in all its cold variety it is able to transform a full figure: jade, sea green or coniferous - this is not a complete list of its deep and luxurious shades. Such colors are suitable for a full figure, because they are able to emphasize its grace, highlight attractive sides, focus on the merits. A classic sheath dress of this tone is suitable for creating a stylish image of a self-confident woman.

    Emerald dresses for obese women

    warm colors

    Colors: red, yellow, brown, green

    Despite the fact that warm colors are traditionally not considered successful for a full figure, you should not completely refuse to use them. Warm shades help create soft, graceful and feminine images, filled with light and nobility. That is why many lush beauties sacrifice the ghostly opportunity to look slimmer in a cold-colored dress in favor of true femininity and warmth.

    • Red, namely its warm variants - classic red or scarlet - are ideal for creating juicy and expressive festive looks. Long luxurious outfits of such shades will make a plump woman the star of any event. Those who do not want to draw attention to themselves so openly should pay attention to more restrained options: pomegranate, rusty, carrot or cinnabar. can be used for both business and casual wear.

Choosing a dress is perhaps the most important procedure for any girl, and it should be treated with great responsibility.

You should objectively evaluate your own figure, you need to know all its advantages and disadvantages. Also, you need to choose the right color for the dress, you need to determine which colors of clothes are right for you. After all, everyone knows that visually, color affects the perception of the shape and size of an object, the same applies to clothing. How to choose the color of the dress, to this question, one answer - you should start from the features of your figure.

We select the color of the dress

Pastel, warm, as well as light colors - make the figure visually much fuller. Therefore, if you do not have a model appearance, the physique is not slender and fragile, you should abandon dresses in light colors. It is also known that dark, cold colors make the figure more slender, hide its small flaws. It should be noted that on a fragile and thin girl, a dark dress can emphasize the angularity of her figure. When choosing a dress, it is also necessary to take into account the combination of colors, the dress should not be monophonic. If you choose the right color of the dress, it can emphasize well enough, as well as highlight all the advantages of the figure. Here, for example, if a girl has beautiful breasts, but she is a bit overweight, you should choose the color of the dress so that the neckline is light (has a V-shaped neckline), and the rest of the dress should be dark. Choose the color of the dress so that it goes well with the color of the hair, eyes and skin of the face.

How to choose the color of a dress for brunettes

Girls who have dark eyes and a pale complexion should choose a dress in light colors. Saturated colors can also look good. For example, the thick yellow color of the dress, combined with a dark finish. But you should not choose dresses of dark colors and cold shades, as this can emphasize the pallor of your face. And having dark skin, and the color of the eyes is brown or green, you should know that black dresses are perfect for you.

How to choose the color of a dress for blondes

If the color of the eyes is green or blue, and the skin is light, it is necessary to select dresses in fresh and soft colors. And if the skin is dark, then you can safely choose any blue and green colors. But chocolate tones should be avoided, as they can emphasize the darkness of the skin quite inappropriately.

But if the eyes are blue, green or gray, and the skin of the face has a healthy blush, then these girls have a fairly wide choice of colors. Both dark and light colors will look great on them, as well as saturated bright colors.

How to choose the color of a red-haired dress

Girls with red hair can easily choose dresses of any color. But only except for those that can shade the hairstyle inappropriately enough. You should not buy dresses of red and brown shades, as well as very bright colors.

It should be remembered that when you choose, and also choose the color of the dress, this thing should please you. Because, feeling comfortable in it, respectively, and you will look great. So don't focus too much on how to choose dress color right - the main thing is that it be harmonious with your inner self-awareness.

Many girls often dream of having an evening dress in a certain color, for example, purple or red. But, it happens that a fashionable, bright, beautiful color, as a result, does not look as beautiful on a certain girl as she expected. It’s good if this is clarified during the fitting, and it also happens that everything seems to be fine during the fitting, but in reality, when the dress has already been bought and the girl went out in it, it turns out that it doesn’t suit her at all. And the thing is that, choosing the color of the dress, you must be guided not only by what color you like. First of all, it is necessary to consider what color type the girl belongs to. And only then order the vending evening dresses. There is a whole theory of color types, which will tell you the answer to the question - which color of an evening dress is better to choose. If you take into account these rules, then your evening outfit will delight everyone around you and, of course, emphasize all the advantages of its owner.

Winter type girls

Such ladies are characterized by dark eyes, light skin and dark hair. In this case, dresses of cold shades are ideal: black, gray, as well as any blue, light blue, purple tone and lemon. You should not wear pink, beige and brown. White will fit well. As a result, such a girl will look in a black dress with a deep neckline, the image will turn out to be very extravagant and even dramatic.

autumn girl

Lovely representatives of this wonderful type are most often either swarthy or completely white-skinned, there may be freckles. The hair is dark, but with a unique red sheen, and perhaps even bright red. Eyes brown, blue, green, gray. Autumn girls should not wear white at all, it is better to choose dresses in blue, olive, yellow, red, brown and orange.

summer girls

Such madams have a pale pink or even white skin, light hairs, gray-blue or gray-green eyes. Lady - summer will look spectacular in a pale pink dress, you can use blurry shades, namely pink-lilac. Also, dresses of blue, light blue, light gray, light red and gray-green shades are suitable for such a lady. In no case should you wear yellow outfits.

spring type

Ladies have green or blue eyes, they have pleasant pink skin, light or fiery reddish curls, and there may be freckles on their faces. Ladies of this type are not recommended to wear white, as well as black and gray-blue colors. Such a girl will look incredibly cute in pale pink, lilac, as well as blue, pale beige dress.

There are simple rules that will help you choose the right color for the dress:
A scarlet, red dress will certainly look perfect on a brunette with fair skin, black or white will also suit such a girl, some bright accessory can wonderfully complement the whole image, for example, a small red handbag with black accents.
On dark-skinned black-haired ladies, outfits of yellow shades will look spectacular, a very interesting option is a black and yellow dress.
Green outfits are best suited for red-haired beauties.

Becoming the star of the party is not so difficult - the main thing is to follow all these simple rules.

An incorrectly chosen color of a dress can do a disservice to a woman - she can get lost against a bright background of clothes, acquire an unwanted skin tone (reddish, green or bluish), look fuller than she really is. So how to choose the color of the dress so that this does not happen?

What colors and shades are right for you

Each girl has her own palette based on her natural data - the color of her hair, skin and eyes. Based on your natural parameters, you can easily understand which color of the dress to choose from all those presented in the store.

There are different schools of coloring types of appearance. According to the Eastern School, absolutely all tones that do not spoil her are suitable for a woman. To determine if a particular shade suits you or not, place a piece of cloth against your face. It is desirable that there be bright daylight, because. artificial lighting can give an unwanted skin tone.

If you are not lost behind a piece of fabric, the skin does not acquire a gray or green pigment, redness or excessive pallor, bruises under the eyes are not visible, then feel free to buy a dress of this color. The main principle of the Eastern School is to emphasize and enhance the virtues:

  • eyes;
  • hair;
  • skin tone.

There is also a classification of appearance colors according to the time of year. According to her, female types can be conditionally divided into contrasting - "Autumn" and "Winter", and non-contrasting - "Spring", "Summer". To determine your type, you will need four pieces of fabric in peach, soft pink, dark green and fuchsia. The test goes like this:

  1. Lighting should not be too bright, it is advisable to use daylight.
  2. It is necessary to remove all decorative cosmetics.
  3. If the hair is dyed, then you need to tie a scarf.
  4. First, alternately apply peach and pink handkerchiefs to your face.
  5. If peach suits you, then next apply a dark green handkerchief to your face. Peach tone indicates that your coloring is warm, i.e. "Autumn" or "Spring". It remains to determine the degree of contrast of your type. If against the background of a dark green scarf you are not lost, the skin looks good, then you are “Autumn”. If the handkerchief clearly comes to the fore, then you are “Spring”.
  6. When the pink handkerchief suits you best, apply the fuchsia handkerchief to your face next. Here you also determine how much this tone adorns you, whether you are lost behind it, whether your skin has acquired unwanted shades. If you liked everything, then you are “Winter”. Is the result inspiring? In this case, you are Summer. "Winter" and "Summer" are cold types.

Further, everything is as simple as possible. For each type of appearance there is a palette of colors. All shades in it are selected in such a way that they are harmoniously combined with each other and are the most suitable for this type.

What else is worth paying attention to

The color of the dress directly affects the overall perception of the appearance of others. And it is worth considering not only your color, but also color illusions, and your type of figure. Here are a few secrets that will help you decide how to choose the right dress color:

  1. emphasizes the outline, while white blurs. Therefore, contrary to popular belief, to hide excessive fullness, use dark blue, dark gray, dark brown, but not black. Use white if you are confident in your figure.
  2. Girls with a rectangular body type should not wear light and white outfits, even if they themselves are slender. For women with such a complexion, the main task is to emphasize the waist. And white, instead of correcting the figure in the waist area, will create a blur effect, i.e. will make it even bigger.
  3. Girls with a thin figure often have a desire to add volume in the chest or hips. A large print will help in this matter in the place where you want to visually increase the volume.

If you wish, you can use a dress of any color you like. But in this case, the face must have an accessory from your palette. It can be a scarf, necklace, earrings.

Deciding on evening wear

For many, the answer to the question of how to choose the color of an evening dress comes down to bright and saturated colors. However, when choosing a costume for a celebration, you should rely primarily on the color palette that suits you. Another thing is that manufacturers like to emphasize the purpose of the thing with color.

For example, it can be difficult for the “Summer” type to find in stores the shade of evening dress that is right for them. In this case, you can bet on accessories. They can either be shades that suit you and be located near the face, or, on the contrary, be catchy and bright against the backdrop of pastel shades.

It is also worth remembering the following points:

  1. All shiny textures give the fabric a cool shade. Matte ones seem warmer.
  2. Glitter and sequins may glare when photographed.
  3. It is considered universal and is used for all colors of appearance.
  4. attracts attention. It's perfect if you want to stand out from the crowd.
  5. White and black are often used for solemn images. But remember that black and white go only to "Winter".

When choosing outfits for a celebration, there are rules. And many forget about them, remembering only their desire to stand out. But it is a solemn occasion that makes you the object of close attention. And this evening, more than ever, it is worth paying attention to exactly what suits you the most.

Secrets of choosing a wedding dress

It is advisable to select the outfits of the bride and groom taking into account the concept of the wedding. When there is an understanding of the color scheme of the celebration, then it is easy to choose the outfits of the newlyweds in harmony with the surroundings. And of course, do not forget about the physiological parameters of the couple - the type of figure, the color of hair, eyes, skin. It is these nuances that will help you understand how to choose the color of a dress for a wedding.

Many brides prefer beige shades. Their advantage is that, unlike white, beige suits almost everyone. Despite the deep-rooted fashion for black tailcoats for the groom, this color is not suitable for all men. In most cases, Russian men have blond hair, and gray, brown are more suitable for their appearance. These colors go well with cream shades that would be appropriate to apply to the bride's attire.

An important moment in the wedding history -. Therefore, it is worth choosing a matte fabric for suits so that it does not glare when photographing. Otherwise, gloss can add shine and shimmer, making the suit look cheaper than it actually is.

Often grooms prefer white. From a psychological point of view, this approach is undesirable, because. white symbolizes purity, openness, a new stage, which is more suitable for the bride. It is she who, as a rule, changes her surname, enters a new family.

A woman always wants to choose an outfit for herself that will make her more beautiful, emphasize her dignity and hide individual features that she would like to hide. And in this case, not only the form of clothing, the texture of the material, but also the right tone of the suit help.