How to recognize a pick-up artist on the Internet and in real life. Pickup rules for social networks

Dating on the Internet has its drawbacks, but there are also very interesting pluses. I will not dwell on them, because if you are reading this article, you have already decided everything for yourself. In addition, any minus can be circumvented, if skillfully, which we will talk about in this article.

For dating on the Internet, the easiest way is to use many specialized dating sites (based on the mamba or loveplanet engine) and, in part, social networks (VKontakte, Facebook). You can just as effectively get acquainted in various forums and just social formations, but there the specifics may differ somewhat. The principles described here are more suitable for classic dating sites, and partly for social networks.

The most important.

Your photo decides, so make sure it's of excellent quality. In this case, the main photo should be better to be with a close-up of the face. Everything else is just a faded background and addition. The dynamics of dating on specialized sites is so high that it will rarely be too detailed to study your profile. On the other hand, dating sites are getting closer to social networks - some people hang out there all the time, maintain some kind of blog, and generally hang out like in a social network. So you still have to fill out a minimal profile.

The principle of acquaintance.

On a dating site, by its type, acquaintance is closest to the street. You approach the girl, talk for a while, and pick up the phone. Then call, chat and go on a date. Hence the recommendation do not delay virtual communication. And here's why: on the dating site there are crowds of men besides you who write and write to girls (without exaggeration, girls receive 100 times more messages than guys). This leads to the fact that communication does not really work, as it could be in a social network.

Where to start dating.

Despite the transience of communication on dating sites, you should not immediately ask for a phone number. And it’s also not worth it on social networks - if a girl wants to be called right away, look at her profile, perhaps her phone number has already been published.

The banal “hello” works much worse than in reality. However, with a pretty photo and a witty profile, it can also work as an invitation to rate you.

The best idea, and the most effective one, would be to study the girl's profile, and start a conversation, hooked on some detail. You can make some kind of non-banal compliment - for example, catch on to her hobbies, and make some assumption about her inner world.

Sometimes the girls write themselves. But you should not flatter yourself that if a girl wrote you “hello”, then acquaintance and seduction will happen by itself now. Usually, if you yourself answer this “hello” to her, then the conversation will come to a standstill. :) Well, she can also ask “How are you?” The sooner you take the initiative, the better. An active and interesting girl who can communicate normally herself is extremely rare.

Some girls are not even able to write you something first. They will just walk around and look at your profile. So do not forget to look at those who looked at you, and if you like the girls, start communicating with them yourself.

And advice - do not troll the girls on the topic that, they say, they are so-and-so, they don’t know how to get acquainted, they don’t show initiative, and they can’t write anything original. First, pull out on a date, and then make fun of it for your pleasure.

How to weed out fake profiles and unsuitable girls.

Sometimes people upload pictures that aren't their own. It also happens that they pursue some of their goals that run counter to yours. To determine this, the best way to do some analysis of what's going on is:

  1. The main photo of the girl is too cool, professional and erotic. Perhaps this is a fake profile and there is no girl at all.
  2. The girl behaves atypically, asks for something right away, or offers a quick development of events (for example, to come to her after 2-3 messages). It's most likely a divorce.
  3. There are very few photos, and they are taken from the same type of angle. The questionnaire was not filled in, in particular, height-weight. Perhaps there are problems that the girl is trying to hide. For example, for a slender girl, the height-weight formula is valid<110 – это значит, что девушка при росте 170 см должна весить около 55 кг, чтобы быть стройной.

Do your own research.

Feel like a girl - create a female profile. This will immediately let you understand what most men write. You will immediately understand what phrases, jokes and compliments cause a persistent gag reflex in normal girls. If you do not want to do this yourself, invite a good friend or acquaintance to visit, and sit on a dating site together. Let her respond to messages, and you just watch, learn, well, draw conclusions. Plus, it can be fun. :)

There is a contact!

As soon as you took the phone, you can turn off communication. No more chatting through a dating site. Moreover, you should not do this if you have already gone on a date. A girl can still continue to sit on a dating site, and if you cross paths there, there will be a logical question - what are you doing here? It is better not to put each other in an uncomfortable position, and seduce her only in real life.

And if something went wrong, and she no longer wants to go on a date with you, then most likely you will not fix anything virtually.

What is the Internet for? Looking for information, downloading music, watching pornography? And for this too, but a real pick-up artist uses the Internet primarily to flirt with beautiful girls as well. We will reveal to you all the subtleties of Internet flirting, to the smallest detail.

When you enter, your eyes scatter. So many girls, so many profiles, just a real Klondike for a lover of flirting and dating. But how to start? How to make sure that you are noticed and singled out from the mass of hunters of the fair sex like you? Let's go in order...

First, let's look at the pros and cons of flirting on dating sites. The most important and indisputable plus is that the girls on the site want to get acquainted! By flirting on dating sites, you can chat with girls that you would never otherwise have crossed paths with. You can (in most cases) get at least a minimal idea of ​​who the girl is looking for. You can choose who you want to chat with before the conversation starts (as opposed to blind dates). Another plus is that you do not need to think about how you look now, how you look. A definite plus of dating sites is that you can hone at least the ability to communicate and keep up a conversation. And if there is no experience in this matter, then, I think that it makes sense to start from a dating site. You are calm, because you are in a familiar home environment, and without getting up from your favorite sofa you can meet beautiful girls.

Cons (well, how could it be without them): The Internet underestimates the importance of the guy and greatly overestimates the importance of the girls. Everything is very simple - even the ugly ones immediately go crazy from the amount of attention on the first day. Messages come in dozens. And if 5-ka and above - they are simply arrogant. Lots of chances to just get lost in the masses. On the Internet, it is impossible to convey emotions, inner confidence - emoticons will not convey this, so you need to work very carefully with what you write to her.

Do not communicate with those who do not post photos. You run the risk of running into, to put it mildly, not a beauty.

So, we looked around and figured out, now is the time to introduce ourselves to the admiring public. The first thing you need to take care of is your PHOTO, because it is from the photo that the first screening is done. A girl who is looking for a boyfriend from thousands of profiles should pay attention only to you and she will choose from photographs. Before posting a photo, it is advisable to consult with the girls you know, as men and girls react differently to the same photos. The photo must be of good quality. On it you should look good, that is, washed, shaved, well dressed, combed, with a good smile on your face, and not in the morning, with bags under your eyes, and in a dressing gown. And in general, before you take a photo, raise the resource. Take a few shots, a portrait photo, a full length photo, and try to convey your social status. I'm not calling you to brag, but a little overestimation of your social status has never harmed anyone (naturally, no photos against the background of other people's limousines, this is stupid). It will be nice if the photo is taken by a professional photographer, you can even make a portfolio, but do not forget to dilute it with amateur shots, otherwise she simply won’t believe that it’s really you. Dating sites have such a bonus - top 100. Ie. hundred of the most beautiful women and men. This is where this portfolio will come in handy. Use all methods, and the results will not keep you waiting.

Let's go to the survey! It is important to understand that the profile is needed only for one thing - for correspondence with girls. That is, if you think that once you have registered, the girls will flock to you in a crowd - you are mistaken. Girls think the same way about themselves and guys. At best, they will come to look at your profile. The questionnaire should make a generally positive impression. Joke, banter, tell us more about yourself, but leave a little understatement. Act according to the principle of "average sufficiency". In the column "About me" you can either write briefly (cheerful-smart-beautiful), or reveal yourself in general. In the "purpose of dating" do not write sex for one or two times. Direct style is suitable only for real communication, coupled with non-verbal, look, voice, etc. You can get acquainted using the “prize” model, you can portray a “friend”, the main thing is then imperceptibly for a cautious girl to “reincarnate” into a lover. Do not write about the family, it should not care at all where and with whom you live - the main thing is you - the rest is nonsense. Try to be a little original. In your profile and in the photo, try to convey Masculinity, Confidence, Decisiveness, Activity, Persistence and Calmness. You should give exactly this impression after viewing your profile. More details on this at. I understand that all this is not so easy to convey through the Internet, due to the lack of non-verbal, but you really try. On many, if not all, dating sites, there is a system for selecting a profile. Usually it is highlighted in a different color and it blinks. This, as a means of attraction, is quite amiss. There is also such a thing - the pursuit of the leader. You pay money (via SMS from your phone) - and your photo will hang on the page. This is also a good way. Just don’t write nonsense like “hello”, “girls, where are you!!!” in the greeting. As always something original.

After you have done all of the above, and the girls have not yet begun to shower you with letters, you can try to get to know them yourself. To do this, you just need to write to them. We choose girls who suit us in terms of age, appearance and other data indicated in the questionnaire. An important point that is again clear to everyone - on many dating sites they show the last moment the girl visits the site. Accordingly, if a girl has not been on the site for more than 2 weeks (a discount period, as a rule, a girl is on the site every day) - write her a dead number, no matter how much she likes it.

We write the first message. The most difficult part. It is from him that the answer of the girl mainly depends. Although if a girl really wants to get to know you, then none of your messages will interfere with her (but this is the minimum percentage of cases).

Requirements for the first post.

It should be a simple text message, as opposed to "hello" "smile" and any other pretzels that dating sites abound

The message should be short and clear - the girl should get some information from it (other than the fact that you greet her, you like her, and the fact that you ask her phone number)

There should be something in the message that will "hook" the girl, like a good hook. If there is no “hook”, then the message will pass by, so the practical conclusion is that before you send messages based on a photo alone, ALWAYS carefully read her profile, especially the section where the girl writes about herself and who she wants to find. Quite often there is a lot of useful information there that makes things easier. Before you write, read everything carefully, design a template for this girl, use the adjustment method. In general, all the same methods as in the field.

Another good move is intrigue. For example, you write “Can you guess my riddle?”. In 85% of cases, any young lady responds, even with a model appearance, who gets up to 300 typical messages a day and it tires them.

The next step is getting a phone. It is advisable not to delay this, otherwise you will move into the category of “pleasant interlocutors”. Internet chatting is not phone chatting. On the phone is much better, more interesting and more productive. How to ask for a phone number? So ask! If you completed the previous points correctly, and the correspondence was successful, this will not be the case. You can even write something like "here ________ your number should be here", a sense of humor will always help. Well, having got her number, you can finally proceed to your main goal - to call her out on a date where you won’t miss yours. Remember - you are a man and by nature you must take everything yourself, and not wait for it to be brought on a saucer.

You met a man who shows sympathy for you. Is this a serious guy or a womanizer? Learn how to recognize a pickup artist. How to distinguish a seducer from a guy who thinks seriously about you? Many women see this issue as a problem.

However, there are some symptoms that should arouse our vigilance and can help expose a "frivolous" man.

  • Exposing the pickup artist
  • How to recognize a pickup artist?
  • Reviews and comments

Exposing the pickup artist

Do you think that a man is giving you signs of attention? How to recognize if a partner is really sending you special signals? What are men silent about and how to read sign language?

The following signs mean that a man intends to get to know you better.

  • He ruffled his feathers. A man who wants to please a woman and have sex with her, as a rule, plays a whole show in front of her. He straightens the silhouette, draws in his stomach, strokes his hair with his hand, straightens his tie, shakes off non-existent dust from his shoulders, straightens his shirt, jacket or other item of clothing. In a word, he does his best to present himself to a woman well. Psychologists call this arsenal of gestures "ruffled feathers" and believe that this is one of the first signs of male arousal;
  • Thumbs tucked into belt or jeans pockets. Body language psychologists believe that this gesture symbolizes dominance and is a typical expression of the aggressive attitude of a conquering person. This is the gesture of an alpha male who is looking for confirmation of his masculinity;
  • Nose rubbing. There are many studies that show that people's noses itch when they lie. Psychologists have found that when blood pressure rises from excitement, the nerves in the nose can tingle and the nose itch;
  • Lowering the voice. People who have a lower voice are perceived as more competent and professional. The voice is strong and low has more influence. The attractiveness of our voice influences how we are perceived. It is not without reason that women "love with their ears." The low voice is very sexy. A man who wants sex lowers his voice instinctively, subconsciously trying to seduce a woman with his voice;
  • Intimate look. The pickup artist's gaze wanders over the woman's body, he is interested. It wanders from the line of the eyes along the chin to the chest, and when viewed from a greater distance, the gaze drops to the hips, thereby forming a kind of triangle;
  • Touch. Slowly but consistently, the man is trying to get closer to you. First, this is a subtle touch of the hand, stroking on the shoulder, and, finally, hugs around the waist - this is a kind of mating dance of the stronger sex, which shows his interest.

Unfortunately, women often dedicate their feelings to the wrong guys and then sincerely regret it. What to do in order not to fall for the bait of a womanizer who does not plan anything serious, but is simply looking for someone to replenish his collection of love?

How to recognize a pickup artist in real life

  • He is surrounded by women. He has a lot of girlfriends and colleagues in every corner of the city and beyond. Such a guy makes good contacts, easily meets girls and feels great in their company. He must have had a wild sex life. He spends hundreds of hours talking to ladies and joking around, while focusing on understanding the female mind and charming the opposite sex. So, if you notice in your environment a person who surrounds himself with a lot of women, he is probably a womanizer;

  • He loves gadgets - a bright car, designer clothes, things bearing famous logos. This guy can treat girls like a pretty gadget that's good to use and then swap out for;
  • He has never been in a stable relationship;
  • He is very open to people - he will not hesitate to make new contacts, and if he wants to talk to someone, he will simply do it. Pikaper loves interpersonal relationships, likes to talk with men and women. He always has many friends. In addition, he is not afraid to start a conversation with anyone, and is able to treat all people equally;
  • Pick-up artists behave very relaxed. They do not limit their views on all women, especially those who are sexually dressed, notice them on the streets, smile at them;
  • Chooses a fast pace - a compliment, oily eyes, searching at every opportunity for bodily contact;
  • Can make plans for the future with you - at first glance he is in love, but it is more likely that he is just trying to deceive you;
  • He does not want to go to clubs and movies with you, he tries to meet only at home. This person will not tell you much about himself. This could mean that he's just hiding a lot. At the same time as you, he may be dating another girl and is afraid that she or any of her friends will see you together;
  • Doesn't answer phone calls. If he often ignores your calls, or when he doesn't pick up a ringing phone with you, doesn't return text messages that constantly come to him, this may mean that he is hiding something. Maybe this is another girl calling, and he will later nicely explain to her that he left the phone at the office and only got it back;

  • He doesn't want to introduce you to his close friends and family. A guy who thinks seriously about you really wants you to meet his friends and parents;
  • He does not want to stay at your place for the night and never invites you to his house. He always comes to you for a short time or arranges romantic meetings in sparsely populated places. It is unlikely that he is simply afraid that someone will find out about his meetings with a girl. Most likely he has a wife or girlfriend.

How to recognize a pickup artist on the Internet

Like every good hunter, the internet womanizer starts with scouting. In this case, he chooses portals that offer a wide selection of interesting women. In this category, social networks win, which quickly increase the number of their users.

How to recognize a pickup artist?

It is worth paying attention to the following points:

  • he constantly sends you messages, even at night, to tell you ordinary things. Many girls are happy with this behavior at first. They think how great it is that he thinks of them so late. Unfortunately, it is very likely that immediately after communicating with you, he will write to the next interlocutor;
  • how to recognize a womanizer and a pikaper in social networks? The signal of suspicion, of course, must be that he has many female friends. Continuous women in the news feed, constant new acquaintances, and many female likes in his photos are not good signs;
  • he always knows what to say at any moment, regardless of whether you are sad or happy, he has thousands of texts prepared in stock;

  • his interests revolve mainly around sex;
  • generally not interested in your life problems;
  • on his profile there is a photo in which he looks like an alpha male, and in the status there is a promising inscription “actively searching” or no data on his marital status or status “in a relationship”.

These and other signals can give you a hint that the man you like does not see you as the only woman and is looking for options for many other acquaintances and connections. It is possible that he is just a born womanizer and he just likes to play games with girls. Therefore, you should keep your eyes open to prevent such a man from using you.

If you think that you can become the only one for such a man, you should not build big illusions.

More often we are dealing with the type of person who "jumps from flower to flower". He cannot be in a serious relationship with a woman. Usually he is guided in his life by the principle of hedonism - pleasure and delight is his highest good.

- Girl, can I meet you?
— Hum!

Phrases are prohibited for use by people without a sense of humor! Many of them require a lot of confidence and acting skills, which is why they are not always suitable for novice pick-up artists. If you like to show off, then this collection will be a source of inspiration for you. The rest will be enough the phrase “Hi, I liked you! My name is… and yours?!”

  • Have you ever met an interesting young man near the subway?
  • Did you meet me in Sochi in 2000? No. And why then does it seem to you that we have known each other for a long time? .. And why then do you throw such inviting and passionate glances at me? .. Then why did you pester me without even looking? telephone?
  • Did you meet me in Sochi in 2000? Not? And no wonder - because I was not there. And where did you meet me, do not tell me?
  • What is the current rate for the Spanish peseta? And the Portuguese escudo?
  • Didn't I talk to you on the phone today?
  • And you, by chance, do not have my book? .. No? Yes, I gave it to someone to read, and to whom ... I only remember that someone is very nice!
  • And what will you do tonight after we go to the cinema with you?
  • What are you doing for the rest of your life?
  • Borjomi o sausage I have already bought. So we can arrange a date right here and now.
  • Be my fair lady and I'll be your knight. Who said that the knights were transferred? Knock on my head. Do you hear? The sound is as if you are knocking on an iron helmet.
  • Your wig really suits you!
  • Your dress looks great on you, but it would look better on my bedroom floor.
  • Your mother needs a son-in-law?.. Well, what to do? Then let's not sign for now, but let's live.
  • Your magical eyes have driven me crazy, and if we don't see each other soon, my heart will break.
  • Your documents!
  • See that bright dot in the night sky? It's a comet that's coming straight here at 35,000 kilometers per second. She's supposed to be here in an hour. So you want to have sex?
  • I may not be the best here, but I'm the only one who talks to you.
  • That's you I was looking for!
  • Can you tell me the time?.. What about free time?
  • Are you Natasha, my contact?
  • You have arrested me with your beauty, and I would be happy to serve a life sentence in the captivity of your heart.
  • You are to blame - you and clear up! ..?
  • Do you speak Russian?
  • You get lost! I can help you?
  • You know, it's terribly nice to see at least one girl walking slowly. In our time, everyone is running like that ... In our city it will soon be like in the ancient tribes: caught up - it means you got married, if you didn’t catch up - it’s your own fault. Do you know such a custom?
  • Do you know what a good frying pan is? The fact that it can hit on the head of someone who is very tired, and since you now do not have this valuable dish, I decided to find out your name and ask for a phone number.
  • Do you know how this street (square, station, wagon) differs from all others?.. The fact that we met on it.
  • Do you know what love at first sight is, or should I go through it again?
  • What fairy tale are you from?
  • Have you ever been to Paris? And in Tahiti? Do you want to visit? I'm going to go in ten years, I can take you with me.
  • You are beautiful like a star! Only the stars are beautiful at night, and you are beautiful during the day.
  • Won't you tell me?
  • I liked you so much that I have been following you for three stops. Do you mind if we sit down and rest a bit?
  • Do you play drums?.. Me too! See how much we have in common, let's get to know each other.
  • Do you look at everyone like that, or only at those you like?
  • You remind me of my cousin. I also really want to fuck her, but I understand that this can not be done.
  • You remind me of my late girlfriend.
  • Are you afraid that someone will meet you like this?
  • Did you happen to see that my white horse didn't run through here five minutes ago?
  • Do you mind if I hide from the scorching sun in the shadow of your slender figure?
  • Do you know how best to spend my salary?
  • Could you wake me up tomorrow morning by calling my cell phone, otherwise I'm afraid to oversleep.
  • Are you in a hurry? I so want to treat you to ice cream!
  • You are not mistaken - I am going straight to you.
  • Won't you take me to the other side?
  • Can you tell me what year?
  • Can you tell me why planes fly but don't flap their wings?
  • Can you tell me from which side the cigarette is lit?
  • Can you give me a recipe for cactus jam?
  • Will you invite me to a restaurant?
  • You understand, I have such problems ... As soon as I see a girl, I immediately want to hug her, press her to my chest, kiss her body, and then make love to her all night. I just want it unbearably. And I can’t do anything about it ... Maybe you can offer me something?
  • You are simply adorable! I can’t pass by and not give you this compliment, but there’s just physically not enough time to get to know each other, since I’m very late. Maybe you can give me your phone number? I'll call you and we'll get to know each other.
  • Will you exchange your solitude and monotonous existence for romantic walks under the moon for two and cheerful laughter?
  • Will you exchange my free time for your name and phone number?
  • Will you exchange my boredom and loneliness for the mischievous sparkle in your eyes?
  • Are you by any chance an English queen? You just have a royal gait!
  • You look so intellectual in glasses that I don't even know if I can interest you.
  • You smiled so beautifully that I forgot where I was going.
  • You are so sad... Can I take your sadness? I need it for experiments.
  • You are so beautiful, do you need a bodyguard? .. I know how to shoot with two hands and hit a can from 20 steps ... From ten meters I get into the eye of a running cockroach ... I can shoot down a helicopter with a stool if I throw it correctly ... I catch a bullet on the fly with my teeth ... I have black belt... in chess. My name is Andrei, which means "courageous" ... And what are we all about me and me ... Let's talk about you. What is your name?
  • Do you think you can look at me as a sex object and get away with it?
  • Are you following me?! I've seen you a couple of hundred times already, what do you want from me? You have been dreaming of me at night for half a year, but I don’t know what to call you in a dream! Can you finally tell me your name? Then I can talk to you, even if in a dream!
  • You must be tired... All night long they ran after me in my sleep.
  • You must have spent half your life trying to look good and attract men ... And now, I fell for it!
  • Call an ambulance"! Cupid just shot me.
  • Marry me or I'll change my mind.
  • Voices from above told me to come and talk to you.
  • The horoscope promised me an acquaintance with a witch. Obviously, it has already taken place.
  • Let's not get to know each other, we will pass by each other and you will not know that my name is Ruslan, and I will not know your name. You will lose me, so kind, cheerful, beautiful, and I will lose the uniquely divine you. And we will not be able to spend minutes, hours together, and the days spent together will seem to us only seconds. Do you agree?
  • Let's play scales! You will sit on my face and I will guess your weight.
  • Let's play an interesting game. I will tell you my name, you will tell me yours, and then we, holding hands, will go to eat ice cream in the nearest cafe.
  • Let's bet you $100 that I'll invite you to spend the night now, and you refuse?
  • Girl, you are very beautiful, and beautiful girls need to be multiplied.
  • Good afternoon, I have a completely unconventional question for you. I am interested in how you would refuse a young man who would come up to you and say: “Let's get acquainted”?
  • It must have hurt... falling from the sky.
  • Friends call me Andrey, but you can call me tomorrow.
  • If God created something more beautiful than you, then he kept it for himself.
  • If the stars would fall every time I think of you, the sky would be black, the night would become gloomy.
  • If you cut off your hands, you will become like the Venus de Milo.
  • If you think that I am going to meet you, then you are mistaken - I also want to invite you on a date!
  • Is it really hot in here, or are you that hot?
  • Here the area is mined. Come on, I'll show you a workaround!
  • Hello! Tomorrow?.. Like what? Tomorrow we meet here at 8 pm? .. Would you like to? OK, so tomorrow at eight in another place? .. Not so? So, is it still here? .. So we agreed!
  • Hello! I'm doing a census, and I decided to start with you.
  • Hello! I'm lost in life and I'm looking for a beautiful, smart, kind girl like you, who will lead me out of this boring, dull world of loneliness.
  • You know, your hair matches my pillow so well.
  • You know, I look at you and think how my future children will ask: “Dad! Dad! How did you meet your mother?" And I will remember this wonderful moment when I saw you.
  • You know, spring has come - it's time to breed. Yes, it's good for health too. Come to me.
  • And what does it feel like to be the most beautiful girl in this city?
  • Let's go on a date!
  • Go to your uncle before I soap your ears.
  • Sorry, you may consider me crazy, but I'm afraid that if I don't hear your voice, I'll never forgive myself for this. You touched all my thoughts and I'm scared that I won't be able to get rid of it. Sleep will lose all meaning for me, for it will be replaced with great joy by writing sonnets and poems to you. It will be a great pity if they are wasted and you cannot read them. Are you ready to sacrifice the life of a poor poet in love?
  • Excuse me, do you like me?.. Don't answer, my name is Roman. And what is your name? Let me give you a call sometime. Do you have a phone?
  • Sorry, I forgot my phone number. You won't lend yours?
  • Unfortunately, now I don't have time to melt your cold look, but I can call you in the evening.
  • It looks like we're on our way...
  • It seems that today there was a rainbow ... My wishes come true.
  • How do you like it here?
  • What do you think an interesting young man should say to a pretty girl when meeting on the street, so as not to be refused?
  • What dish do I cook best? Breakfast in bed.
  • What is your shoe size?.. Well, we met!
  • Cool legs! What time do they open?
  • Cool shoes! Do you want to fuck?
  • When I see a girl like you, I thank the Lord that I am not married.
  • When I look at you, my heart skips a beat! Call an ambulance for cardiology.
  • Touch her blouse and ask, "Is that cotton?" Then touch it in the crotch area and continue: "Oh, and this must be felt."
  • Little Red Riding Hood, I'll eat you!
  • Who can be late for such a beautiful girl? For example, I'm already here!
  • Who is she? Why dont know?
  • Where would you go if you wanted to find yourself a new friend?
  • Where are you going? I just decided to approach you, and you are already leaving. Hurry up? Let me take you. By the way, my name is Misha, and you?
  • My name is Andrey, and I was instructed to send you greetings ... From whom? From my heart.
  • My name is Andrew, but who are you?
  • I miss two things in my life - hair and you.
  • I was told that kissing a girl who smokes is like licking an ashtray. What can you say to this?
  • Am I still far from Chukotka? And then I want to visit my grandmother.
  • I feel sorry for those around me. Your beauty makes them a gray mass.
  • I'm wondering how your content matches your forms.
  • I don't think our paths crossed by chance...
  • It seems to me that we are relatives. Let me take a look at the family mole on his chest.
  • I like your hat! .. I like your watch! .. If you think about it, I like everything about you! .. My name is Ivan. What name are you called, a brilliant example of natural perfection?
  • A gypsy told me that today I will meet a beauty in a red dress. Does this description remind you of anyone?
  • I could swear you could do with an escort of some currently ladyless knight. Luckily for you, I'm right here without a lady... for now.
  • [Many of these initial dating phrases that people with limited imagination like to use were once invented ad libitum by people with imagination when communicating with a stranger. If you want to develop your ability to improvise and act according to the situation, especially when dating and seducing, you can learn this in real conditions at the Dating Academy's practical pickup training under the control of special equipment in "hot mode".]
  • Can I flirt with you?
  • Maybe we'll go to my place, draw the curtains, undress, lie down in bed, cover ourselves with a blanket and see what happens?
  • May I say hello to you?
  • May I kiss you on the lips? I want to overcome the complex of disgust in myself!
  • Can I ask you? .. What would you like to ask?
  • May I have your photo?.. I collect Pokemon.
  • Can I walk with you? And then all sorts of pester me, they ask for documents.
  • Can I take a picture of you near the statue? Then the picture will be more alive.
  • Can I take a photo from you? I want Santa Claus to make the right gift for the New Year.
  • May I know your name? I want to introduce him with my last name.
  • Can I hold on to you, otherwise your beauty makes my legs give way!
  • May I meet the New Year with you?
  • Milk and chocolate, yin and yang, black and white, day and night, you and me.
  • Did my tie move out of the way? I'm going to an important meeting and I want to look perfect.
  • My love for you is like diarrhea - I can't contain it.
  • My dream is an angel's kiss...
  • My request may seem crazy to you, but I just bought a lottery ticket and I want you to kiss it and bring me good luck.
  • I don't know who you are or what your name is, but I want to see you again.
  • Don't answer the call. This is me.
  • Do not deny yourself the pleasure of having a nice chat with a young man to whom you are very nice, while I escort you to the place where you need to.
  • Do not deny yourself the pleasure of morning coffee in my company.
  • Can you tell me where the nofelet is?
  • Are there Germans in the city? And the Russians?
  • Does such a beautiful girl like you really have no boyfriend today?
  • Is it okay that I come to you with such a smart look?
  • Oh my God! I thought I was gay until I met you!
  • I promise that I will not breathe into the tube at night
  • Oh, what kind of cool perfume do you have, and where can I buy it?
  • The railing is, of course, good, but my courageous hand for support is much more reliable.
  • Shall we talk, or will we continue to wink?
  • Tell me, please, where exactly do you want to put your autograph - in this notebook or on this pretty postcard?
  • Let's go to the forest - I'll show you the city.
  • Let's go to the garden - I'll show you my big hard cucumbers.
  • Do you remember me? We met in your dreams. True, then I was wearing a helmet and on a white horse.
  • Help the homeless, take to your home.
  • Help me buy beer! I don't know which one to choose?
  • Help me go to the left!
  • In my opinion, both you and I are bored in this crowd. Maybe we should go somewhere?
  • Listen ... I could come up with some kind of pretext for acquaintance, but I do not want to fool you. Can we do without formalities?
  • Stay calm for at least a minute. I draw you.
  • Touch my forehead. I think I have a temperature.
  • Kiss me if I'm wrong, but I think your name is Agripina.
  • Truth! The sunset looks very romantic, doesn't it?
  • Hey! Why didn't you call me, why didn't you write? You know how sad it is to realize that no one needs you.
  • Hey! What are you doing here?.. Are you standing? Wonderful! Let's stand together!
  • Hey! Let me call you "Fekla", and you call me "Mr. Wet Pants"!
  • Hey! You know (you understand, you feel, you see...) that today the Sun is shining (it warms, pours rays, rejoices...) and the weather is pleasant (cool, fabulous...) outside. We could walk, talk, eat ice cream (drink gin...) and have a lot of fun (cool, cute, nice...) to have a great time. It would not be forgotten. By the way, the last time I saw you, you were in an amazing dress (skirt, suit) that it would be a crime not to invite you for an easy walk. And your consent will be an acquittal for me, dear guy!
  • Hey! How are you?
  • Hey! Today we are lucky...
  • Hey! Recognized? .. So I didn’t recognize you right away either.
  • Hello sunshine! My name is Tarzan. I was picking coconuts here, and suddenly I see - there is a lonely girl whose name is ...
  • Come and read to me about Pinocchio.
  • Walk past her, then turn around sharply and ask: “Didn't you just pinch my ass? .. No? .. Damn! It's a pity…"
  • Forgive me, this is apparently fate. This is the second time we have met in such a huge city… My name is Andrey. How would you react to the offer to have a nice time together by the water on the lawn, with good champagne?
  • Excuse me, can you tell me... Your name and phone number.
  • Excuse me, miss, do you have a spark? .. Actually, I don’t smoke, but I had to start acquaintance with you somehow.
  • Excuse me, have I fucked you before?
  • Excuse me, can I fit into your evening schedule?
  • I'm sorry... I just want to thank you!.. Have you ever had a day when you felt alienated, indifferent? When you're not entirely happy, and not...when you feel like you're going with the flow. And suddenly you run into someone and see an amazingly warm and beautiful smile that instills in you a feeling of happiness, fairy tales, a sense of beauty for the whole day? .. You see, I didn’t want to distract you at all, but you look like appearance of my life...
  • Glad to serve the sweet lady! May I accompany you?
  • Allow me to offer you a hand and a heart. I am a surgeon, I have this stuff in bulk.
  • Let me take you home. At least with a glance.
  • Can I get to know you or is it like this - to pester for five minutes?
  • Is it difficult to get to know you?
  • From the very morning I was late for work, in the afternoon I was almost hit by a car, then I was bitten by an angry dog, a bearded janitor shouted, I fell into a sewer manhole and lost my wallet with documents there, but that's not all - my pager burned out from the impact lightning, the tamagotchi died of an overdose, and an hour ago a vicious virus wiped a book from my computer that I've been working on for half a year. And if you don't give me your phone number now so that I can call you and invite you for a cup of coffee, then I'll probably go and drown myself in that puddle on the other side of the street. Consider, you have a chance to save a good person!
  • Tell me something sweet!
  • Tell me honestly, do these contact lenses suit me?
  • Please tell me what perfume you use - I will buy the same ones and perfume my cat with them so that she reminds me of you.
  • Tell me, is it not from your purse that it smells so delicious of pies?
  • How much is your smile worth? I would buy one!
  • Save! I'm being followed by an American spy who's after this note. Please take it and hide it well, but never read it! Give me your phone number so I can pick her up when things calm down a bit. (In the note “Smile, you are being filmed by a hidden camera!”)
  • Shooting eyes, do not leave the wounded!
  • The fate of the Motherland depends only on your decision! Gather all your will into a fist and tell me, will you meet me or not?
  • Here I have a couple of teeth missing - but more room for your tongue.
  • Can you play spin the bottle? Let's go together!
  • You're on my to-do list for tonight.
  • You know, after a long search, I finally found a cafe where you and I can have a wonderful time.
  • Did you buy potatoes? That's what I thought! Okay, then I'll buy potatoes. Today I'm waiting for you for dinner. Everything has already been bought, only potatoes remain. But it's nothing. I'll cook everything. What time can you come?.. Oh yes, I forgot to tell you my address! Write it down.
  • Are you not gay? I also! Then you can sleep.
  • You could not smile: It's dark outside.
  • Will you kiss me or will I have to lie in my diary again?
  • You were a bad, very bad girl today. I have to punish you...
  • You don't do interiors by any chance? The room became beautiful as soon as you entered it.
  • You spend so much time in my thoughts that soon you will have to take rent.
  • You are so beautiful that I forgot the phrase with which I wanted to approach you.
  • You are so cool that I am ready to drink bath water after you!
  • Do you want beer or just give you money?
  • Thousands of artists over a thousand years have not been able to create such beauty that could compete with yours.
  • Do you have a taxi token?
  • You won't have a can key?
  • You will not have a piece of paper and a pen?.. Can I write down my phone number for you? I would hate to lose you.
  • Don't have aspirin?
  • Do you have a thread to start our friendship right here?
  • You have a very pleasant voice! I would love to microchip it and put it inside my alarm clock so I can wake up to it every morning.
  • Your right eye is lighter than your left - I have never seen such a thing in my life!
  • You have the most beautiful place dirty.
  • I have amnesia - have I approached you yet?
  • There's a party in my pants and you're invited.
  • I have a fiancé for your dog. And maybe for you.
  • I have an unusual question for you - what do you need to say to a girl to get a slap in the face? ..
  • I have a request to you: can I give you this flower? I would like to see you someday and give you a big bouquet of roses. Do you love roses?
  • My hands are busy. Will you zip up my fly?
  • I have two holidays today! First, I saw such a wonderful, beautiful girl who has such a warm and soulful look. And the second - I spoke to you.
  • There's something wrong with my eyes - I can't tear them away from you.
  • You have a boyfriend? Do you need a better guy? Answer the second question first.
  • When I saw you, I thought about the days that I will remember in my old age - when my children were born, when I got married and when I met you.
  • The phrase "You dance" where there is no dancing at all.
  • Do you want a pickup artist? .. It's me, in fact, and what this word means - you can’t say in a nutshell. Let's go, sit down on the bench, I'll explain... No time? Nothing, give me the phone, I'll find you.
  • Do you want me to give you a ride with the breeze on the escalator?
  • Do you want to see your feet in the rearview mirror of my car?
  • What are you doing at three in the morning?
  • Why are you looking at me as if your parents had left for the dacha?
  • What is such a beautiful girl doing on this escalator/elevator?
  • What is it you are weaving like a sad turtle, can you do anything to help?
  • It was difficult, but still I decided to approach you with my feet and speak with my tongue.
  • It's incredible! All 27 of my personalities found you amazingly attractive!
  • This dress looks great on you. Well, actually, I would have looked no worse in his place.
  • Oh, good Masha! Not ours.
  • I am a well-deserved brake, I do not know how to glue girls, but I just could not get past you, so I hope that you will take a miserable three minutes to communicate with me. May I accompany you, well, at least a little?
  • I am a seller of happiness. Would you like me to sell it to you at cost?
  • I'm running for president in 2024. Your voice is important to me. And I need your number to tell you...
  • I will sleep with you, with you and with you! Who is first?
  • I am in the city for the first time. Can you show where you live?
  • I am ready to put everything I have at your feet. Give me your address and I'll take my things to you tomorrow.
  • I think about you twice a day - when my eyes are open and when they are closed.
  • I think about you when I masturbate.
  • I think we are thinking about the same thing.
  • I noticed that you noticed me, and I would like to notice that I noticed you too.
  • I'm going to bed - are you with me?
  • I'm going to take a pee - will you join?
  • I am an intelligent young man, 25/180/79, Libra, Rabbit, I am fond of classical music and yoga, I want to get to know you for a pleasant pastime in my territory, the phone will speed up the meeting.
  • I'm going to the dentist, but I don't have the courage. Inspire me, please be my muse.
  • I collect inscriptions on T-shirts. Allow me to read on yours.
  • I'm not drunk, I'm drunk on you.
  • I am blinded by the light of your beauty
  • I am writing a book on how to pick up girls and would like to ask you a few questions.
  • I understand that the street is not the best place to meet, but I will never forgive myself if I do not at least try to get to know you. Maybe you will understand such a good, albeit shy young man and not immediately send him on an erotic journey on foot ...
  • Am I going right?
  • I won't be able to sleep tonight if I don't get your name and phone number.
  • I humbly have the honor to address you. Do you have a minute for the humble me?
  • I'm too busy making millions of dollars, but there are a couple of minutes to get to know each other.
  • I heard that with whom you will lead, from that you will type. I liked you so much that I decided to pick you up.
  • I had a bet with a friend about whether I could get your name and phone number. Help me win please.
  • I almost got into a fight with my friend because of you. He says that you are beautiful, but I disagree with him and say that you are very beautiful. Which one of us is wrong?
  • I collect signatures of the most beautiful girls. Would you mind posting yours?
  • I hid my tear in the ocean for you. And I will love you until you find her.
  • I just checked my schedule here - I can get you pregnant by Christmas.
  • I'm already here. So you only have two wishes left.
  • I would like to be your tear. Born in your eyes, flow down your cheek and die on your lips.
  • I want to be the Christmas tree in your house.
  • I want to be the snowflake that melts in your divine hair
  • I want to invite you for a cup of coffee (for ice cream, barbecue, corn sticks) with serious intentions!

Modern Internet technologies provide ample opportunities both for obtaining important information and for communication. And you can communicate with anyone - with friends, colleagues, loved ones.

In addition, there is a stormy correspondence on the worldwide network in order to meet and establish closer relationships between men and young ladies. There are many examples when it was with the help of social networks that people got to know each other and connected destinies. That is why it is so important to understand how to meet a girl on the Internet.

At the moment, almost everyone has access to the Internet, since it is no longer necessary to have a stationary computer to access the network - it is enough to get a mobile phone. It is not surprising that communication in the virtual has now become easier. In addition, such correspondence has its advantages over real meetings:

  • you save time for meeting girls, because you can correspond with several interlocutors at once;
  • you save material costs, because for a preliminary acquaintance you do not need to take a young lady to a cafe (for many unsettled young people this factor is extremely important);
  • it is easier for shy guys to take the first step and get to know a girl, because no one sees their embarrassment and awkwardness;
  • you can communicate with representatives of the weaker sex from other regions, cities and even states;
  • if the conversation has reached an impasse or the interlocutor has lost its liking, you can easily end the annoying dialogue without any further explanation.

Despite the obvious advantages of such communication, it also has various disadvantages. These include the following factors:

  • in virtual communication, it is difficult to track the real emotions and mood of the interlocutor (an exception is communication using a webcam);
  • getting acquainted with another beauty, you enter into rivalry with other guys, which means that you need to try very hard to look bright against the background of this crowd of fans;
  • girls usually post on VK and other social networks their best photos pictures, moreover, additionally processed with Photoshop, so their appearance in real life is sometimes far from the virtual image;
  • both appearance and behavior are different, since many restrictions are removed on the Internet, which continue to operate in ordinary real life;
  • not all interlocutors are ready for meetings in real life, many agree only to correspond on social networks.

In addition, the illusion of choice often confuses young people who, chasing after a bright appearance and more interesting communication, easily change their interlocutors, among whom there may be a really good girl.

There are specialized dating sites on the Internet, as they say, for every taste. Before registering, clearly define the main purpose of the correspondence. Your task:

  • Looking for marriage or a serious relationship?
  • Looking for a girlfriend for short meetings with obligatory sexual accompaniment?
  • Just chat with a pleasant companion?
  • Pickup and honing the skill of communication with the fairer sex?

As soon as you realize what exactly you expect from dating and communication on the Internet, then narrow down the circle of searches and significantly save your time and nerves. Having studied the opinion about sites for free dating, proceed to register and fill out the questionnaire.

In this case, it is useful to observe the following rules:

  1. The questionnaire is simply obliged to be interesting and informative. In addition to dry facts regarding age, education and marital status, it may contain funny quotes, various interests and hobbies. No need to attach a list of criteria by which you evaluate women, this will only cause irritation.
  2. Post only the best and be sure to post your photos on the sites, especially if your goal is real meetings. A huge number of photos, especially of the same type, is already too much. Nude photos are welcome in one case: if you are the lucky owner of the figure of Apollo. A beer belly will reduce your chances.
  3. If your goal is to communicate for a serious acquaintance, then “knock” on the profiles of normal girls. Nude photos or even videos on a certain topic are reason enough to pass by such a person. Checking a girl without compromising information is quite simple - start another page, from which make her an extremely vulgar offer, and wait for an answer.
  4. Even if the purpose for this acquaintance is a pickup and subsequent sex, do not indicate this in the profile and first messages. First you need to start a conversation, interest the girl, and only then you can move on to probing the soil.
  5. In order for the pickup to be successful and the meeting to take place as quickly as possible, choose girl profiles from the middle of the list. Girls who are higher in the hierarchy, as a rule, are not deprived of the attention of the male half of the site, and those young ladies who are at the end of the lists are not of particular interest or have been here for a very long time waiting for princes on a white horse.
  6. Starting to communicate, be at least half an hour in contact with the girl. Of course, she can read your message the next day, but the specifics of dating and communicating on the Internet is that after a few minutes you can understand whether the interlocutor is nice to you or not. In addition, prolonged communication will cause a decline in the girl's interest in your person.
  7. Do not delay with online correspondence. After talking a little online, try to offer a conversation on the phone, Skype, or invite a girl to a cafe on a date. So you can understand whether she is ready for real meetings, and you yourself will show interest in more serious relationships than correspondence.

However, unlike previous sites, it is not always clear on VK whether your interlocutor wants to enter into a new relationship or if she is not interested. Therefore, many guys are eager to learn how to meet a girl on the Vkontakte network.

  1. First of all, carefully consider the structure of your own page in VK. It should not be empty, so fill out your account with the necessary information and be sure to upload your own photos - bigger and more varied. So you will have another reason to start dating.
  2. Join communities that interest you and list your hobbies. However, you should not register in specific groups, for example, "The fastest pickup", "Pickup for dummies", "Sex scam", etc. However, one should not reveal too much either, otherwise the girl will very soon lose interest in the process of communication.
  3. Before writing to a young lady in contact, carefully study her profile to obtain the maximum amount of useful information. First, this way you can determine if you have common ground. Secondly, it will help answer the question of what to write to the girl in the first message. Perhaps you will find that you are familiar with this young lady through mutual friends. In addition, you will be able to find out:
    • What groups does she belong to?
    • how popular she is in VK (there is a risk that she will not communicate);
    • what is her appearance like?
    • what are her hobbies.
  4. For a quick acquaintance, you can offer friendship in VK. Usually, girls active in this social network have a positive attitude towards new friendship proposals from the representatives of the stronger sex. Having gained wider access to her page, you can find out the phone number, ICQ, information about the place of work or study (some young ladies post all this on the network). In this case, you can send an SMS or continue to chat on Skype.
  5. It is likely that the interlocutor on Vkontakte will be interested not in personal messages, but in commenting on her photos or other activity on the wall. By the way, the pickup (more precisely, its reception) suggests that "comments" do not have to be positive. You can, on the contrary, leave a provocative review to spark interest in the girl. Of course, it is necessary to do without insults.

It does not matter where you met a beautiful stranger - on a dating site or in contact, your task is to attract girl's attention. And for this you need to know which phrases it is better to refuse.

In order for the dialogue to start positively, the “adepts” of such a phenomenon as a pickup truck advise avoiding the following faceless and banal expressions to the gnashing of teeth:

  • Hello. How are you?
  • What are you doing?
  • You look great.
  • Let's meet?

Such questions must be thrown aside, since they are asked by the majority of men on VK, therefore, they do not cause anything but irritation among lovely young ladies. It turns out that you need to think carefully about what to write girls in contact for a positive acquaintance in order to compare favorably with other contenders for her heart.

Choosing the right phrase will be greatly simplified if you carefully studied its page in VK.

For example, if the potential interlocutor loves dogs, ask how to care for a poodle (terrier, spitz), since you plan to get a dog of the same breed.

If among the photos you found any tourist attraction, write that you were there recently and even seem to have spotted a girl during the tour. The young lady will certainly want to know the details of the "meeting".

Can't figure out what to write to a girl when communicating on Vkontakte? Use ready-made phrases for dating a girl, which can be easily found on numerous pickup resources. The following questions can become such “openers”:

  • I am collecting material for a book in which I describe ways to meet beautiful girls on VK. Can you help me?
  • Girl, do you believe in unearthly love from the first message? Or will I have to write the second and third?
  • Tell me, didn't I see you in Paris (Milan) last month?

Agree, the expressions are not so trivial, but pickup sites are a frequented place, so it is likely that the girl has already read such phrases many, many times.

So, you have already done the main thing - aroused the girl's interest. Now it is important to continue communication and not be blacklisted on VK or any other social network.

Even if your goal is just to sleep with a beauty, you don’t need to make vulgar offers and ask frank questions.

Pickup masters, who know how to please women by correspondence, offer the following recommendations to "newcomers":

  • start communication with a greeting;
  • address the interlocutor by name;
  • do not reveal all the cards, keeping some secrets;
  • do not ask a whole battery of questions, wait for answers and alternate questions with interesting stories;
  • ask the girl about her hobbies;
  • turn the conversation in the direction you need;
  • write without errors.

If you managed to start a full-fledged correspondence in a contact, listen to one more piece of advice from pickup masters: try to translate communication into real without delay.

A date will show how pleasant you are to each other, and if the sympathy turns out to be mutual, communication in real life can be alternated with conversations in VK.

Additional topics for correspondence

Even if you managed to meet, communication will continue on the network, which means that it is necessary to think over topics for subsequent conversations. If the girl is not yet ready for a date, additional conversations will help to better prepare for real meetings.

The following recommendations will help you communicate productively with young ladies on VK:

  • ask about the girl’s plans for the weekend or tell us about your ideas;
  • regularly make pleasant compliments (too often - mauvais ton);
  • find out how the working or school day went, what interesting things happened to the interlocutor during this time;
  • share some secret;
  • exchange culinary recipes, at the same time you will find out if the girl knows how to cook;
  • discuss hobbies;
  • talk about your own successes (just don't boast);
  • share childhood memories;
  • offer your help if the girl has any difficulty.

If you don’t know how to meet a young lady on dating sites, in contact, other social networks and what to write to a girl in the first message, try using our recommendations.

The main thing is not to forget - virtual correspondence will never replace real, live communication with real smiles, embarrassment and timid touches. Therefore, use the tips described above to start dating and invite the beauty on a date!

Hello, I'm Nadezhda Plotnikova. Having successfully studied at SUSU as a special psychologist, she devoted several years to working with children with developmental problems and advising parents on raising children. I apply the experience gained, among other things, in the creation of psychological articles. Of course, by no means do I pretend to be the ultimate truth, but I hope that my articles will help dear readers deal with any difficulties.