What does a pregnant belly look like at 16 weeks? Intrauterine development of the child at the sixteenth week of pregnancy. Location and size of the uterus

It seems that only recently a pregnancy test showed that you have become happy parents, and four months of pregnancy have already passed. Behind the most difficult period of pregnancy - toxicosis is over, a good appetite has appeared, and you can finally feel like a mother and appreciate all the delights of your situation.

The baby is actively developing and growing inside his mother, although others may not yet know about it. And you have time to enjoy your position, go out more and devote enough time to your husband - it's no secret that many men begin to feel unloved and abandoned during their wife's pregnancy.

How many months have passed? Four obstetric months have already passed (in one obstetric month - 28 days).

What happens at 16 weeks pregnant?

Your condition improves significantly compared to the first weeks of pregnancy, your appetite increases, and you can eat whatever your heart desires. You should observe moderation in food and not be led by your appetite - after all, it is difficult to lose extra pounds during pregnancy, and they will greatly hinder you during childbirth.

You should know that the weight at the 16th week of pregnancy in mommy can increase by 2.5-3 kg. If you have added much more, while you feel good and you do not have edema, reconsider your diet: most likely, you are consuming too much sweet, starchy foods and other foods that do not benefit the body of mom and baby.

Many mothers begin to behave too demanding and capricious, terrorizing those around them with constant complaints and requests. If you notice such behavior behind you, try to change your attitude towards pregnancy and others - after all, in fact, your position is a miracle and a holiday for the family, and not a reason for whims. Your relatives are also worried about your health and for the baby, you should not quarrel with them because of momentary mood changes.

The fetus and its development at the 16th week

The baby is actively growing, his organs continue to develop. At 16 weeks of pregnancy, the size of the fetus from the crown to the tailbone is ̴ 11 cm, and the weight is about 80 g. The child is actively growing, his legs are becoming longer than his arms, and soon on an ultrasound you will be able to tell you his length from the crown to the heels.

The baby's ears gradually move from the neck to the head, the eyes also move into place. The hearing of the crumbs has not yet been formed, but it is able to perceive vibrations on the surface of the skin. The eyes are still closed, but the child begins to slowly drive them in different directions. As soon as the palpebral fissures open, the baby will begin to blink actively.

The formation of mimic muscles continues - the baby frowns, smiles, makes faces. Also, the baby begins to train his fingers - he grabs the umbilical cord with his hands, pulls and squeezes it.

The baby's skin is still red and smooth - this appearance is due to the fact that it is very thin and the vessels shine through the skin. But lanugo is already beginning to form on it - thin hairs, which, together with the produced original lubricant, protect the baby's skin from moisture.

Other organs of your baby are also actively working: the heart beats twice as fast as that of the mother; the digestive tract begins to work; the immune system is formed. The child's liver stops working as a hematopoietic organ (now the bone marrow takes over this function) and begins to produce bile.

At the 16th week of pregnancy, the uterus, vagina and fallopian tubes are formed in girls, about 5 million eggs are already in the ovaries. In boys, the penis and testicles are formed, but the testicles have not yet descended into the scrotum and are in the abdominal cavity.

The child begins to train his muscular system - he actively moves his limbs, rolls over and moves in the amniotic fluid. The amount of amniotic fluid at this stage reaches 250 ml.

Baby photo, ultrasound

Proper nutrition

The abdomen at the 16th week of pregnancy is still almost invisible, although with repeated pregnancy, its size may be larger due to stretching of the ligaments and tendons. The uterus still weighs only 250g, so it does not exert significant pressure on the internal organs.

Now is a very important time when there is an active growth and formation of all the organs and systems of the baby, so the mother must fully eat to provide the body of the crumbs with all the nutrients.

A pregnant woman should pay increased attention to the quality and quantity of food consumed. The composition of the menu matters - it should contain a sufficient amount of protein, healthy fats and carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins. You need to eat 4-5 times a day in small portions, the dishes should be varied and satisfying. Breakfast should be the most nutritious, it is advisable to include first courses at lunch, and dinner should be light so that the expectant mother can sleep peacefully.

Baby movements at 16 weeks pregnant

At the 16th week of pregnancy, women who are not carrying their first child, and are not overweight, have a chance to feel the baby's movements. Most often, mothers do not immediately understand what exactly they feel - after all, the first movements of the crumbs are very gentle, reminiscent of the movement of gas bubbles or the touch of butterfly wings.

If you have not yet felt your baby, do not worry, because normally women can feel the first movement of the fetus even at the 22nd week of pregnancy. During the first pregnancy, fetal movements begin to be felt much later than during subsequent ones.

In addition, all babies develop differently, so every pregnancy is unique. Do not worry if you still have not noticed the movements of your child - it means that this joyful event is still ahead of you.

Mom's Feelings

The uterus at this stage of pregnancy has not yet reached such a size as to cause severe discomfort in a woman. However, the pregnant uterus presses quite noticeably on the bladder, and therefore there is a rather pronounced need to visit the toilet frequently.

At the 16th week of pregnancy, you can feel the gentle touch of your baby for the first time, and this will give you a lot of unforgettable impressions - it is at this moment that a woman truly realizes her motherhood and responsibility for her baby.

The blood supply to the mother's body increases - because from now on she must provide oxygen and nutrients not only to herself, but also to the baby. Due to increased blood circulation and blood thinning, the mother may develop increased bleeding gums, nosebleeds.

The breast is also preparing for childbirth and feeding the baby: it increases in size, swells, and colostrum may even begin to stand out. In no case should you press on the nipples and try to squeeze out the colostrum - irritation of the nipples can lead to an increase in the tone of the uterus and the threat of premature birth.

Suitable bras made of natural fabrics should be worn. With a fairly abundant release of colostrum, you can put special absorbent pads. It is necessary to carefully observe the hygiene of the mammary glands - after all, colostrum is a favorable environment for the reproduction of bacteria.


The discharge at the 16th week of pregnancy should be the same as before, but their volume may increase - due to increased blood circulation in the genitals, the discharge becomes more abundant and liquid, but the consistency and color should be neutral.

If a yellow or green color, an unpleasant odor, as well as cheesy discharge appear, you should contact the gynecologist who is observing you - it is possible that an infection has manifested itself that can pose a threat to your baby.

Also dangerous discharge with streaks of color, brown, too watery and abundant - all this can be a sign of premature birth and requires urgent consultation and treatment.

Pain at 16 weeks pregnant

Pain at this stage of pregnancy is not a typical phenomenon - rather, they indicate the development of any pathological conditions. Of course, the divergence of the pelvic bones due to the enlarging uterus is possible even now, but it is better to go to the clinic with complaints of any pain.

It is especially dangerous if your stomach hurts at 16 weeks of pregnancy - of course, at this time the threat of miscarriage decreases, but this scenario is still possible.

Required studies and analyzes

This week of pregnancy is very important in terms of examination: it is in the period of 16-18 weeks that a triple test is performed - determining the level of α-fetoprotein, human chorionic gonadotropin and unbound estriol. This test can detect up to 40 different fetal malformations.

If the results of the triple test are poor, an amniocentesis may be required - the sampling of amniotic fluid for analysis. The essence of this method is to isolate the fetal cells in the waters and grow a culture from them, the study of which will help to accurately determine whether the fetus has malformations and set indications for terminating this pregnancy for medical reasons.

Amniocentesis itself is not a safe procedure - after all, during the study, the anterior abdominal wall is pierced with a needle, which must enter the uterine cavity. Through a needle, the doctor takes amniotic fluid for examination. Despite the fact that the procedure is performed under ultrasound guidance, there is a small chance of complications, the most formidable of which is abortion. Therefore, amniocentesis should be carried out strictly according to indications.

In addition, such tests are given by the mother at the 16th week of pregnancy:, according to indications,.

Ultrasound at the 16th week of pregnancy is performed according to indications - if there is a suspicion of fetal pathology or uterine circulation disorders. Contrary to popular belief on the Internet, if you are 16 weeks pregnant, it is rather difficult to determine the sex of the child, because the size of the fetus is still very small, and the probability of error is very high. It is better to wait until the moment when the baby grows up, and the sex of your baby can be determined with a high probability of success.

If pregnant with twins

If nature has made you happy with two babies at once, then now you can most likely already feel their presence in your tummy. Babies grow and develop quickly, they are quite active. A mother of two babies should be careful and get more rest, but in general, the course of pregnancy does not differ from usual.

Sex at 16 weeks pregnant

Sex at this stage of pregnancy is not contraindicated, on the contrary, due to increased blood circulation in the pelvic region, sex can give a woman new sensations. Sex should be avoided only in cases of threatened miscarriage, low placentation, and sometimes with multiple pregnancies.

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Questions - answers

I have the first pregnancy, 16 weeks, the coccyx hurts very much. There were no injuries. What causes such pain?

During pregnancy, as the uterus grows, the pelvic bones gradually begin to diverge, and first of all, the coccyx begins to deviate backwards. This can cause quite severe pain in the coccyx. However, with severe pain in the coccyx during pregnancy (especially if you are 16 weeks pregnant), experts advise you to undergo additional examinations to rule out other pathologies.

How big is my baby at 16 weeks pregnant? Very interesting, because almost 4 months have passed, and the stomach is almost invisible.

An embryo at 16 weeks gestation is about the size of an avocado or a newborn kitten – in fact, your baby can fit in the palm of an adult. The mass of the uterus is only 250 g, the baby - no more than 100 g. That is why the tummy at this time may not be noticeable, especially in women with trained abdominal muscles.

How should a woman feel at 16 weeks pregnant? I constantly feel tired and unwell, although I have neither nausea nor other manifestations of toxicosis.

Feeling well at 16 weeks of gestation should be satisfactory, so constant fatigue may indicate a lack of vitamins and minerals, a small amount of rest, or some kind of pathology that worsened during pregnancy. If the examination showed that you are healthy, ask the doctor observing the pregnancy to advise you on a complex of vitamins for pregnant women. Vitamins at the 16th week of pregnancy will help you feel a surge of strength and energy. Rest and be outdoors more often, and your well-being will improve.

Happiness and peace. These words characterize the 16th week of pregnancy more accurately than the rest. Future mothers note that at this time they feel a surge of strength and an incredible emotional upsurge. And what else happens to their body and baby? Let's understand the features of the course of the 16th week together.

A few words about the duration of pregnancy

By the 16th week, you already, most likely, perfectly understand that gynecologists count pregnancy in obstetric months, consisting of exactly 4 weeks. Therefore, you are now at the end of the 4th obstetric month. You are in the 2nd trimester, which women consider one of the best of their entire pregnancy.

The baby has been developing in your tummy for 14 weeks and every day his body becomes more and more perfect.

Woman at 16 weeks pregnant: feelings, emotions, changes, tummy size

Future mothers who are at this time cannot help but notice how much their appearance has changed: hair thickens and stops falling out, skin looks smooth and seems to glow from the inside, nails grow quickly and practically do not break. These changes are associated with hormonal changes in the body and in most cases persist until childbirth.

Naturally, external beauty cheers up pregnant women. This has a positive effect on the development of the child, who is very sensitive to mother's emotional swings.

Six months before pregnancy, I had a hard time with a cold: the temperature did not subside for a whole week, and weakness did not even allow me to raise my head from the pillow. The result of the disease was severe hair loss. After the news of the pregnancy, I was afraid of an increase in “hair loss”. But in reality, everything happened differently: the strands stopped falling out, and by the 16th week I could again boast of a lush and healthy hair.

But with the concentration of attention in the 4th month, the situation is worse. Often, expectant mothers note that by this time it becomes difficult for them:

  • work;
  • drive a car;
  • keep a to-do list in mind.

All this is natural for the 16th week of pregnancy, so you should not worry about your forgetfulness and absent-mindedness.

In general, the well-being of pregnant women at the 16th week is characterized as good. They are recommended:

  • to live an active lifestyle;
  • to walk alot;
  • closely monitor the quality and quantity of food consumed.

Due to the growing uterus, the center of gravity in the body gradually shifts. This causes clumsiness, so at this time it is already possible to postpone stilettos until better times. In addition, flat-soled shoes partially relieve the increasing load from the back muscles.

High-heeled shoes increase the load on the back muscles, so such shoes should be abandoned even in the first weeks of pregnancy.

By the 16th week, the tummy may already be rounded, but an almost imperceptible stomach is also considered the norm. Its size at this time depends on the constitution of the woman and her taste preferences. The serial number of pregnancy also plays a significant role. Usually, in the second and subsequent times, the belly becomes noticeable much earlier than during the first bearing of the baby.

On average, at this time, the circumference of the tummy is about 70 centimeters. In many women's consultations, from the 16th week, they are just beginning to measure it.

Interesting: not all future mothers know that it is necessary to measure the tummy correctly. A woman should lie on her back on a hard surface during manipulations, her legs are extended, her bladder is empty. The centimeter tape should pass through two control points: the navel and the place of the deflection of the spine in the lumbar region.

If you are expecting a baby not for the first time and have a thin physique, then from this week you can already feel his first movements.

Changes in the body of the expectant mother

By the 16th week, the body of most women has already adapted to its new role, so the most unpleasant symptoms of the first months of pregnancy have disappeared:

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • weakness;
  • drowsiness.

The above symptoms were replaced by an appetite, forcing the expectant mother to regularly snack on something tasty. This desire is quite normal, as the baby has begun to grow rapidly and needs a lot of nutrients. What he needs most now is protein food, so do not limit yourself to food.

Increased appetite will lead to permanent weight gain. Due to toxicosis in the first trimester, women often lose weight and now it's time to gain weight. In pregnant women of average build, an increase in weight from 2 to 3 kilograms is considered normal. Interestingly, these indicators characterize not only adipose tissue. You can distribute these kilograms as follows:

  • mammary glands - 92 grams;
  • adipose tissue - 552 grams;
  • baby - 60 grams;
  • placenta - 92 grams;
  • circulating blood - 322 grams;
  • the volume of fluid in the tissues of the body - 322 grams;
  • uterus - 230 grams;
  • amniotic fluid - 230 grams;
  • edematous liquid - 360 grams.

Expectant mothers should constantly monitor their weight

At the 16th week, women may experience pain in different parts of the body. At the end of the 4th month, they usually do not cause serious discomfort.

Pain in the back

Drawing pain in the back is the body's reaction to the growing uterus. They usually occur after long walks. Also, discomfort in the lumbar spine is caused by walking in heels.

Pain in the back at this time disappears after a short rest.

At the 16th week, many ailments in pregnant women can be relieved by long rest and good sleep.

Discomfort in the abdomen

At the 16th week, pulling pains in the abdomen are considered normal. Don't worry if:

  • they are periodic;
  • not accompanied by purulent or bloody discharge;
  • the stomach does not turn to stone.

Pain in the abdomen at this time is mainly associated with the growth of the uterus.


This phenomenon is quite common during pregnancy. Pain may be accompanied by:

  • dizziness;
  • pressure surges;
  • nosebleeds.

Doctors explain all these symptoms by the fact that:

  • the load on the circulatory system increases every day;
  • blood becomes thinner;
  • vascular tone increases.

At the end of the 4th month of pregnancy, expectant mothers often complain of migraines. Their reasons are:

  • stress;
  • malnutrition;
  • some kind of irritant.

Gynecologists consider rest and long walks in the fresh air to be the best cure for headaches at this time.

Headaches are a common occurrence during pregnancy due to various reasons.

Headaches plagued me throughout my pregnancy. They began in the 1st trimester and only intensified in the 4th month. Unfortunately, I didn’t get to walk and rest a lot. Therefore, I had to save myself with aromatherapy.

Among the changes that occur in the body of a woman, we can distinguish:

  • increased heart rate - now it fluctuates within 90 beats per minute;
  • flatulence - this problem can be solved by adjusting the diet;
  • increased secretions - this process is influenced by estrogen.

Around the 16th week, pregnant women begin to notice the growth of the mammary glands. This is accompanied by a number of sensations:

  • heaviness in the chest;
  • feeling of swelling in the nipples;
  • tingling.

The listed symptoms are natural for expectant mothers and signal that the body is preparing the breast for feeding the little one.

In the 2nd trimester, women may experience a feeling of dryness and itching in the eye area. These symptoms are temporary, but it will still not be superfluous to consult a doctor who will select drops for you.

The development of a peanut at the 16th week of pregnancy

By this time, the baby has grown noticeably:

  • weight reaches 60 grams;
  • growth reaches 12.5 centimeters;
  • the diameter of the chest is already more than 2.5 centimeters.

From this period, the body of the little one begins to grow faster than his head.

From the 16th week, the body of the little one will acquire proportionality

External changes

The baby is changing externally and internally. Every transformation is extremely important to him. External changes include:

  • gradually, the eyebrows, bridge of the nose and cheeks are drawn at the little one;
  • the baby begins to frown, frown and squint;
  • the skin of the baby becomes very sensitive;
  • lanugo is formed on the skin - this fluff partially or completely disappears before childbirth.

Through the thin skin of the baby, organs and blood vessels shine through. The child still cannot look, his eyes are tightly closed for centuries. But by the 16th week, the little man already controls the movement of the eyeballs.

Interesting: the limbs of the little one have different lengths. At the end of the 4th month, the arms gradually become more proportional to the body, but the legs seem very short.

Internal changes

Until the very birth, the internal organs of the little one will be improved to ensure its viability. By the 16th week, the most important changes doctors include:

  • formation of the vocal apparatus;
  • lengthening of the intestine and the formation of the first loops;
  • the emergence of the ability to hear thanks to the auditory ossicles;
  • the emergence of new nerve cells and the establishment of connections between them;
  • gradual straightening of the spine;
  • strengthening the muscles of the back and neck;
  • pumping blood by the heart muscle (at this time, its volume does not exceed 1 liter).

Interesting: around the 16th week, the baby's body proceeds to the formation of the external genitalia. But even an experienced diagnostician will not be able to accurately determine the gender of your little one. If at this time you have an ultrasound, then the doctor, if possible, will try to see who is under your heart - a boy or a girl. But be prepared to be wrong.

Medical procedures

Usually, future mothers visit a doctor at this time no more than 2 times a month (provided that the woman and the little one are healthy). If your visit to the doctor falls on the 16th week, then it is likely that he will issue a referral for a triple test. From this week, it can already be done and there is no point in delaying the screening.

The standard procedure includes blood sampling for:

  • free estriol.

According to the amount of these substances in the blood, geneticists make an assumption about the development of the baby: the presence or absence of chromosomal abnormalities. Women treat such studies differently, because they cannot give a 100% correct result. But still, it is better to do a triple test, especially if the pregnant woman is over 35 years old.

If the results of the survey inspire concern, then the expectant mother will be sent for additional research. The most common are:

  • amniocentesis (abstraction of amniotic fluid).

Donating blood during the second screening is an important procedure that should not be abandoned by pregnant women of any age.

At a scheduled appointment, women are waiting for the already familiar procedures:

  • weighing;
  • measuring the circumference of the tummy (in some clinics it is carried out from the first days of registration, in others - only from the 16th week);
  • measurement of blood pressure;
  • determination of the height of the fundus of the uterus (at this time it is about 16 centimeters).

At the end of the 4th month, it is advisable to examine the cervix. Doctors are ambiguous about this examination, but still it is almost the only way to diagnose premature softening of the cervix in time. Isthmic-cervical insufficiency, as this problem is called, is almost asymptomatic and can lead to miscarriage. Therefore, it is better not to refuse examination for ICI.

During my pregnancy, I was ready not to go for a cervical examination after reading terrible comments on the Internet. The girls wrote that after medical manipulations they started bleeding, and some even had a threat of miscarriage. After reading this, I told my husband that I would not risk the baby and would not go anywhere. However, my man is a stranger to sentimentality and personally took me to the doctor. Surprisingly, during the examination, I did not even feel anything. And, of course, everything went off without unpleasant consequences.

Do not forget about the analysis of urine. The kidneys are under severe stress during pregnancy and test results are the easiest way to find out about their work.

What to watch out for in the 16th week of pregnancy: possible problems

At any time, women should be very attentive to themselves. Any change in well-being is a cause for alarm. This is especially true for allocations. At week 16, they become more abundant, but still remain transparent and odorless. You need to be concerned if:

  • vaginal discharge became cheesy and with a sour smell - this indicates the development of thrush (a gynecologist, if a disease is suspected, will take a smear for microflora);
  • abundant watery discharge appeared - this may be a symptom of amniotic fluid leakage (in this case, you should immediately contact your doctor);
  • the discharge has changed color to yellowish with a sharp unpleasant odor - most often this indicates a serious inflammatory process (only a doctor should be involved in finding out the causes of its occurrence, to which the pregnant woman should contact without delay);
  • spotting occurred - this symptom clearly indicates a threat to the life of the baby (in such cases it is recommended to call an ambulance, since the bill can go on for minutes).

Among the complications encountered in the 16th week, the following are most likely.

Frozen pregnancy

From the 16th to the 18th week, the risk of this pathology is extremely high. Doctors still name only hypothetical reasons why a child stops developing and dies in the womb. Among them most often appear:

  • infectious diseases;
  • bad habits;
  • incompatibility of the Rh factor of the fetus and mother;
  • hormonal disbalance.

A woman may suspect a frozen pregnancy by the following signs:

  • general deterioration of well-being (weakness, fatigue, fever);
  • pulling and aching pain in the abdomen;
  • change in the nature of the discharge.

These symptoms are easy to ignore, as they are similar to the usual ailments during pregnancy. An accurate diagnosis can be made after:

  • passing an ultrasound scan (the diagnostician will notice the absence of a fetal heartbeat);
  • testing for hCG (its level drops sharply after the development of the child stops).

Since the life of a woman after the intrauterine death of a baby is in great danger, the doctor must carry out the procedure for extracting the fetus as soon as possible.

Primary placental insufficiency (PPN)

This complication occurs before the 16th week of gestation as the child's place is formed. Deviations in the functioning of the placenta at this time, doctors call "primary placental insufficiency" (it is well diagnosed in the second trimester).

Obviously, the pathology does not manifest itself, but a gynecologist at a scheduled appointment may suspect it by the circumference of the tummy and the height of the fundus of the uterus that do not coincide with the gestational age. It is possible to accurately diagnose a complication after a number of tests and examinations:

  • Ultrasound (this also includes fetometry - the ratio of the size of the baby's body parts to the gestational age);
  • dopplerometry (control of blood flow through the vessels);
  • cardiotocography (measuring the baby's heart rate);
  • identification of the biophysical profile of the peanut (analysis of the volume of amniotic fluid, motor activity and other indicators);
  • laboratory research.

Most often, PPN is caused by the following reasons:

  • hormonal disbalance;
  • infectious diseases suffered by a woman before the 16th week;
  • genetic anomalies in the development of the baby.

The consequences of pathology negatively affect the child. He may experience:

  • lack of oxygen:
  • intrauterine growth retardation;
  • damage to the nervous system;
  • prematurity.

Doctors treat PPN in a complex manner. The course includes different groups of drugs: sedatives, tocolytics, drugs that improve blood flow, general tonic drugs.

In the second trimester, women are already well aware of their special position and begin to correlate most of their usual actions with it. As a result, there are many doubts and questions that we will try to resolve.

More about nutrition

Expectant mothers are told about the correct eating behavior for 9 months, but not all of them, unfortunately, listen to the recommendations. At the 16th week, the baby begins to grow actively, so it really needs a balanced diet. It must contain:

  • vegetables;
  • fruit;
  • different types of fish;
  • lean meat;
  • cereals;
  • bread with the addition of bran, cereals, seeds or nuts.

Coffee drinkers should avoid this drink. It is not recommended to often drink strong tea and consume carbonated drinks. Sweet in the diet should be present in minimal quantities (this approach will help not to gain weight).

During pregnancy, it is better to replace sweets and pastries with fresh fruit.

I love bean dishes. Moreover, it grows in our yard and there are no doubts about the quality of the product. But during pregnancy, the beans had to be abandoned. For some reason, she caused wild pains in the stomach, flatulence and heaviness. After 3-4 attempts to cook it in different ways, with regret, I had to leave my favorite dish for the postpartum period.


For most couples, the heat of passion in the first trimester of pregnancy subsides. This is facilitated by:

  • hormonal changes;
  • toxicosis;
  • weakness;
  • increased fatigue and other factors.

By the 16th week, women usually feel better, and they begin to experience strong sexual desire.

That is exactly what happened to me. The first three months of pregnancy, I could not even think about intimacy with my husband. I constantly felt bad and it seemed that it would never get better. But ... in the 2nd trimester, I felt an incredible surge of strength, which immediately had a positive effect on my sexual life with my beloved.

If the doctor has not forbidden you intimacy, then you can not worry about the baby and not deny yourself pleasant moments.

About physical activity and vitamin complexes

For a healthy pregnant woman, physical activity will give only positive emotions. In addition, it will help saturate the cells with oxygen and prepare for childbirth.

If you have never played sports before, then you should not run to the gym and do a hundred push-ups at a time. Such a load will not bring benefits, but walking, stretching exercises, special classes for expectant mothers and swimming are the best option for physical activity for expectant mothers.

It is important to observe moderation in everything and stop when unpleasant sensations occur.

Many pregnant women consider vitamin complexes a panacea for various problems. They are purchased and accepted uncontrollably.

Doctors consider this approach to be erroneous and warn expectant mothers that vitamins should be prescribed by a gynecologist only if indicated.

Features of carrying multiple fetuses and pregnancy as a result of IVF

In women who have undergone IVF, and those who carry 2 or 3 babies under their hearts, there is a high risk of pathologies and abnormalities in the development of the fetus. Therefore, by the 16th week, they are trying to send them for screening without fail.

If an ordinary pregnant woman can go through it even at 18 weeks, then in the above cases, gynecologists and geneticists are insured. It is important for them to receive the results of the study as early as possible in order to carefully work out the tactics of conducting pregnancy.

Video: important about the 16th week of pregnancy

The 16th week of pregnancy is a serene time for the expectant mother. The horrors of toxicosis and a nervous state are left behind, which means that you can safely enjoy your interesting position. The tummy is already noticeably rounded, the baby is growing and, perhaps, you can even feel his first movements. At week 16, many mothers may be lucky enough to find out the gender of their unborn child.

Fetus at 16 weeks gestation, fetal size and development

At the 16th week of pregnancy, there are usually no problems with determining the sex of the child, the baby is already sufficiently formed so that the genitals can be seen on the ultrasound. At this time, it is already possible to determine the baby's blood group and its Rh factor. The baby's heart is working hard, and the liver has begun to perform a digestive function. The baby can already hold his neck straight and even turn his head. The kidneys and bladder are also actively working, the baby pees every hour. The size of the baby at the 16th week of pregnancy is approximately 110 grams, and the height is about 11 centimeters.

16 weeks pregnant - sensations of stirring

Doctors believe that at the 16th week of pregnancy it is too early to expect fetal movements and expectant mothers are more likely to confuse movements with accumulated gases. And if primiparas can really make a mistake, then women who are pregnant again will definitely not be able to confuse their feelings. But if suddenly at the 16th week of pregnancy you don’t feel fetal movements, you shouldn’t worry, your baby just doesn’t want to bother you yet. There is a time for everything, very soon you will feel the first magical tremors of your baby.

The hormonal background is getting better, and the woman feels more calm and relaxed. And what is important, the chest stops hurting so much.

16 obstetric week of pregnancy - proper nutrition

The expectant mother needs to strictly monitor her diet. Usually at this time, a pregnant woman wakes up with an insane appetite, she cannot control herself, she wants to eat everything and more. This is especially common in those women who in the first trimester suffered greatly from the unpleasant symptoms of toxicosis and could not eat normally. No matter how hard it is for you, try to control yourself. Extra pounds are absolutely useless to you. Being overweight can make childbirth much more difficult. Organize your diet in such a way that you eat hearty, healthy, varied and balanced. And don't think it's unrealistic. Talk to your obstetrician-gynecologist, he will certainly tell you which menu is most preferable for you.

Remember that during pregnancy, in no case should you starve or go on strict diets. The maximum that you can afford is a fasting day, and then with the permission of a doctor. Therefore, watch your diet and avoid potentially dangerous foods such as convenience foods, canned food, fast food, smoked meats, and so on. And do not forget about vitamin and mineral complexes designed specifically for pregnant women.

Belly at 16 weeks pregnant

At the 16th week of pregnancy, it becomes clear to everyone around that the woman is pregnant. If the pregnancy is repeated, then the tummy is quite rounded and sticks out. During the first pregnancy, the tummy will not be as noticeable, because the abdominal muscles are in a more elastic state. Friends, relatives, relatives, colleagues, most likely, will begin to give their predictions about the sex of the unborn baby based on the shape of your stomach. But, as practice shows, there is no relationship between the shape of the abdomen and the sex of the child. This is another myth.

Discharge at 16 weeks pregnant

At the 16th week of pregnancy, the nature of the discharge may change. Some future mothers notice that the discharge has become more abundant and has acquired a whitish color. Don't be scared, it's quite normal. In general, at the 16th week of pregnancy, the discharge should not disturb and cause discomfort in the form of itching and burning. If the discharge suddenly changed color, there was a smell, you should definitely consult with an obstetrician-gynecologist. If bleeding occurs, call an ambulance immediately, this may be a sign of premature termination of pregnancy.

The fetus at the 16th week of pregnancy has a height of about 10-13 cm. The weight of the fetus is from 55 to 100 g. At the same time, the woman herself is gaining weight, plus 2-2.3 kg is considered a normal increase. The shape of the uterus changes, it becomes hemispherical, and its size at 16 weeks - with a small melon.

16 weeks - fetus

The fetus continues to grow actively; on ultrasound, its CTE (coccyx-parietal size) at 16 weeks is about 41 mm. At 16 weeks, it is determined and such as BDP (biparietal size), it is 31-37 mm. This size means the transverse size of the baby's head.

In addition, at 16 weeks of gestation, such dimensions of the fetus are determined as the circumference of its head, which should average 124 mm, the circumference of the abdomen - 100 mm, the length of the thigh - 20 mm, the length of the humerus - 18 mm, the length of the forearm - 15 mm and the length shins - 18 mm.

In addition to size, ultrasound evaluates such factors as the symmetry of the limbs, the appearance of long bones, which should be even and without broken lines. At this time, it is already possible to determine the sex of the unborn child - the genitals are formed and visible quite clearly. Of course, inaccuracies in the process of determining are not excluded, so you should not tune in to expecting a child of a particular gender, so as not to experience disappointment in case of an error.

What does a fetus look like at 16 weeks?

His body is still quite disproportionate. This means that the head occupies a significant part of the size of the embryo. The first hairs are already appearing on it, while they are whitish, but as soon as the skin begins to produce pigment, they will turn into a natural color. Marigolds appear on the fingers, legs lengthen.

The handles are trying to get and grab the legs, the umbilical cord, squeeze them. But you should not be afraid that he will squeeze it and deprive himself of access to oxygen and nutrients - the umbilical veins are protected by a special sheath and the baby is not able to squeeze them.

The embryo at 16 weeks continues to actively develop. The kidneys and bladder, sweat and sebaceous glands begin to work, the coordination of movements is increasing.

16 weeks - woman's sensations

At 16 weeks pregnant, a woman can already feel slight fetal movements. They are still quite weak and can be confused with intestinal peristalsis. It is especially difficult to understand a woman who gives birth for the first time. Experienced women in labor may well understand that it is their baby moving.

The size of the abdomen at week 16 is still quite small, especially if the woman has a large physique. In this case, pregnancy may remain invisible. Thin women with narrow hips are undergoing much more changes - their tummy begins to protrude noticeably forward.

As for the general sensations - the second trimester, which you entered from the 13th week, is rightfully considered the most pleasant period of pregnancy. Judge for yourself - you are no longer worried about toxicosis in the morning, your general condition has improved, hormones are not naughty so much, you no longer want to cry and laugh at the same time. Plus, the stomach is still small and the weight gain is insignificant - so walking is still quite easy and pleasant. At this time, edema and varicose veins rarely occur. It remains only to enjoy your condition.

The child already hears sounds outside the mother, so it is useful to listen to classical music with the baby, talk to him, sing songs to him. Emotional and intellectual. Let dad talk to him - the baby will get used to his voice even before his birth.

Not only the uterus continues to grow, but also the chest, a venous network and stretch marks may appear on it. To avoid stretch marks not only on the chest, but also on the abdomen and hips, you need to use special tools and monitor weight without adding too much and abruptly.

So, the sixteenth week of pregnancy has gone, the second trimester goes on as usual and continues to please with the absence of toxicosis and mood swings.

The baby develops quickly enough, the tummy is rounded, and the expectant mother enjoys her condition!

If you are pregnant with your second baby, then there is every chance to feel the movements of your baby; during the first pregnancy, you will hear the first movements a little later.

The expectant mother's appetite is growing, her condition is wonderful.

It's time to start preventing excess weight and the formation of stretch marks.

But most importantly, you can already find out the gender of your unborn baby, if the truth is that he does not turn away during an ultrasound examination in the other direction, which kids love to do!

Your baby is the size of...

80 grams
108-116 mm
130-170 bpm

Fetal development

At the sixteenth week of pregnancy, the legs of the fetus lengthen, becoming longer than the arms. Your baby is already beginning to learn new movements by putting his fingers and toes in his mouth.

This is what your baby looks like at 10 weeks

At the moment, he is training to suck and swallow, and at the same time not choke. Your baby already has a well-defined grasping reflex, as a result of which he grasps absolutely everything that comes across to him, it can be a leg, an umbilical cord or another handle.

The fetus develops facial muscles, it begins to smile and frown. If in previous weeks the baby's eyes were completely closed for centuries, then this week he opened them for the first time and is learning to blink.

The kidneys of the fetus are actively working, the amniotic fluid swallowed by the fetus is processed into urine, which is excreted about once an hour in small amounts.

The genitals are also fully formed, so with an ultrasound examination it is already possible to determine the sex of your baby.

The development of the fetus continues actively, its bones are strengthened, the baby can already hold the neck. Moreover, the nails have already completed their formation.

All organs and systems are actively working, the heart pumps blood, the liver performs the functions of digestion. In training mode, the gallbladder, stomach and intestines work. In the intestines, the original feces appear, consisting of bile and having a dark green color.

The blood is fully formed, it contains all the elements characteristic of the blood of an adult, there is also a “personal element” - this is the hemoglobin of newborns, however, ordinary hemoglobin will appear very soon, but its complete replacement will occur only 6 months after birth.

At the 16th week of pregnancy, the voice-forming apparatus begins to form, but the baby will be able to make sounds only after birth. The intestine is lengthened, intestinal loops are formed.

Ultrasound at 16 weeks pregnant

With an ultrasound at 16 weeks, you can determine the sex of your baby, but it is worth remembering that ultrasound does not always give an error-free result.

The placenta is already fully formed, it works independently and contributes to the maintenance and development of pregnancy, at the moment it is she who produces the pregnancy hormone. At the 16th week of pregnancy, the size of the placenta averages 18 mm.

Ultrasound measurements at 16 weeks

To diagnose the normal rate of fetal development, the following are measured:

  • biparental size (BPR) - the transverse size of the baby's head, which at this stage of pregnancy varies between 31 - 37 mm.
  • head circumference (CG) is an important measurement for determining the duration of pregnancy. At week 16, this size is 112 - 136 mm.
  • the circumference of the abdomen of the fetus (OC) at week 16 is 88 - 116 mm.
  • the length of the humerus (DP) varies within 15 - 21 mm.
  • thigh length (DB) - varies between 17 - 23 mm.
  • leg length: 15 - 21 mm.
  • forearm length: 12 - 18 mm.

The bones on the limbs are assessed without fail. The left and right limbs should be symmetrical, long bones smooth, clear, without broken lines.

What happens in your body at 16 weeks?

The amount of secretions needed to protect the birth canal from infections and bacteria increases, but panty liners should not be used, as they contribute to the development of thrush.

The expectant mother begins to gain weight, which negatively affects the vessels. Hormones affect the mucous membrane, causing it to swell, the nasal mucosa is no exception. That is why pregnant women often have nasal congestion.

The uterus grows, and with it your tummy, the angle of the pelvis gradually changes, this can cause pain in the lower back. But lower back pain can be a symptom of a miscarriage, so be sure to tell your doctor about it.

While brushing your teeth, blood may appear, this is also the action of hormones, namely progesterone. These hormones make the gums vulnerable to bacteria, which is why they become inflamed.

The blood circulation in the chest is accelerated and the activity of the mammary glands is increased, so they are preparing for the upcoming feeding of the baby.

How do you feel at 16 weeks?

At the sixteenth week of pregnancy, the expectant mother looks blooming and smelling, a blush appears on her face, vigor and energy appear, her breasts increase to the delight of her husband and the envy of her friends!

The uterus continues to grow, squeezing the intestines, which contributes to the appearance of constipation, heartburn and bloating.

The expectant mother has already forgotten what toxicosis is, an appetite appears, but do not forget about weight control.

Perhaps you have become more distracted and forgetful, these qualities have long been the subject of various jokes about pregnant women. But at the same time, going to the doctor, write down in advance all the questions you have, as well as complaints, so as not to forget anything.

At the sixteenth week of pregnancy, the tummy is already visible. Skin pigmentation appears, but you don’t have to worry, after childbirth it will all go away.

In most cases, expectant mothers have faster breathing, shortness of breath appears, this is due to the fact that the fetus is growing and it needs more oxygen.

At the sixteenth week of pregnancy, you can feel the first movements, and, accordingly, experience the first exciting emotions.

Discharge from the genital tract

The discharge should normally be clear or white, not cause discomfort, and not have an unpleasant odor.

The presence of atypical, purulent, gray-green, yellow discharge indicates the development of a sexual infection, so when they appear, you should immediately consult a doctor for the necessary examination and timely treatment.

The presence of bloody, pink or brown discharge should also alert, as this indicates either an incorrect placenta previa or a threatened miscarriage. In this case, you should also immediately seek medical help.

Photo of tummies at 16 weeks

If you didn't pass the triple test, then be sure to do so. The triple test includes prenatal screening and biochemical screening. The study is aimed at determining fetal malformations. In order to pass the test, it is necessary to take a blood test from a vein, which will determine the level of hCG, AFP and EZ.

hCG- human chorionic hormone.

AFP- alphafetoprotein.

EZ- estriol.

Risks at 16 weeks

At the 16th week of pregnancy, the dangers remain the same, do not overwork, exclude stressful situations, be on the lookout. If in any doubt, seek medical attention immediately.

Important at 16 weeks

The immunity of the expectant mother has two main enemies: infectious diseases and stressful situations.

To prevent infectious diseases, wash your hands with soap and water, avoid crowded places, wash vegetables and fruits thoroughly. If there is a flu epidemic, then, if possible, wear a cotton-gauze bandage, remembering to change it every two hours.

You can begin to harden the body, this will increase the energy potential of the future mother. Hardening activates the work of the gastrointestinal tract, strengthens blood vessels, improves metabolic processes, and helps to cleanse the body. As a hardening, swimming or a contrast shower is perfect.

You should walk at a comfortable pace, you do not need to run headlong. Walking in the fresh air has a beneficial effect on the development of the baby, since the walk is a supplier of oxygen for you and your baby.

Nutrition at 16 weeks

Nutrition should be correct, rational and balanced. Try to eat more in the morning and less in the evening. The diet should be dominated by fresh vegetables, fruits, herbs. Do not forget about the prevention of constipation with natural remedies, such as apples, beets, prunes, plums.

It is worth paying attention to iron-containing foods, as well as supplementing the diet with preparations containing iron.


Try to avoid stress, and also devote more time to yourself. Go to the cinema and watch an interesting movie. Walk more and make time for sleep. In the evening, it is better to go to bed early, if possible, then set aside time for an afternoon nap.