Moonstone for men. Love and magic. Moonstone in the culture of different countries

What zodiac sign suits moonstone jewelry

Moonstone is a rare mineral that enchants with its beauty. Since ancient times, it has been revered by magicians and healers who used it for their rituals. It got its name from the mother-of-pearl-white ebb on the surface, similar to the glow of the moon. Most often, this name hides two varieties of feldspar: belomorite and adularia.

The mineral is white or light gray, bluish in color. Occasionally, cat's-eye-like specimens are encountered. Various decorative ornaments are made from this stone - rings, beads, pendants, bracelets, earrings. Moonstone jewelry should be protected from falling, they can easily break and lose their shape.

The magical properties of moonstone are associated with the energy of the moon. This manifests itself in the following way: the moonstone attracts love to the owner and awakens reciprocal love in return, affects the fate of a person. It is also a faithful assistant in strengthening relations, bestows fidelity, harmony and mutual understanding.

In addition, the moonstone helps women accumulate the energy of the moon and properly dispose of it, creates a romantic mood, helps to be more sociable with people. It makes girls more feminine, fills them with maternal energy and the energy of love. In men, on the contrary, it develops endurance, determination, adds sharpness of mind. Elderly people under the influence of the mineral begin to experience feelings of tenderness, romanticism, love and optimism, begin to look younger than their age.

Moonstone is considered a lucky mineral for Cancers. It helps representatives of this sign to overcome life's hardships, to soften a difficult character. Quickly restores the balance of vitality. This stone serves as a real talisman that attracts wealth. It has a good effect on women's health, helps with urolithiasis.

For Scorpions, the moonstone contributes to the growth of important qualities: self-confidence, increases their creativity. The stone is able to give the fulfillment of a cherished dream.

The mineral will help the lions to realize themselves, makes it possible to become wiser and think clearly, sharpens the mind and gives the ability to see the secret intentions of people.

For female virgins, the moonstone will help them quickly realize themselves as mothers and wives, find true love and find family happiness.

Moonstone is considered a magical amulet for Gemini. It calms, smooths out mood swings, helps to find the right reference point and concentrate on the main thing. Helps with kidney disease, relieves epilepsy.

For Libra, the stone carries the energy of harmony and balance. Helps to find and understand your inner "I". Gives a sense of balance and stability. Meditation with it will help open the subconscious.

In many countries, the moonstone has long been considered capable of foresight or simply sacred.
For example, in India, it was believed that the stone brings good luck, in Mesopotamia, the Chaldeans, who lived in the 1st millennium BC, valued in it supposedly magical properties, especially on the full moon, in the Middle Ages in Europe the stone was called the stone of lovers, and expected from him that he would bring happiness to the family.

Moonstone or adularia is one of the varieties of feldspars. Feldspars are widely distributed in the earth's crust, which is probably why their numerous types and varieties of minerals are called "field", that is, found in every field. All of them, beautifully colored, belong to ornamental and collectible minerals. Feldspars are divided into two groups: potassium and calc-sodium. It is in the group of potassium feldspars that the moonstone is located, but it is not often found.

moonstone properties

Moonstone or adularia. This is a pearly pearl spar. It iridescent in blue and bluish-gray tones. Its name comes from the name of the city where it was first encountered - the city of Adula in the Swiss Alps. Sometimes there are moonstones that have an asterism in the form of a four-pointed star or the effect of a "cat's eye".

In the moonstone, you can observe the overflow of color on the surface and light figures. Many precious and semi-precious stones are characterized by the appearance of such light figures in the form of stripes or other surface overflows. This phenomenon is not associated with its own color or pollution, and is not associated with the chemical composition. It is caused by reflections, interference, diffraction in thin layers, in voids or some other structural elements. So, the phenomenon, which is called so - adularization, reveals a bluish-white shimmer on the surface of the cabochon moonstone, which slides over the surface when the stone moves. This shimmer is like moonlight. Once again, the reason for this phenomenon is interference associated with the lamellar structure of the stone.

Moonstone. It has a hardness on the Mohs scale - 6 - 6.5, density - 2.56 - 2.59, cleavage - perfect, crystals - prismatic. The chemical composition of the moonstone is K. Pleochroism is absent. Fluorescence is weak, bluish and orange.

Color shades of stone

Moonstone can be blue, grey, white, yellow and even black. Beautiful moonstone with hints of peach. In South India, a deposit of greenish-golden moonstones has been discovered. In accordance with the shades, moonstones also have names: blue, gray and white - adularia, blue or greenish with black hues - labradorite, yellow - selenite.

Place of Birth

The main deposit is located in India, as well as in Sri Lanka, Brazil, Madagascar, Myanmar, and the USA. Moonstone jewelry is often in the form of cabochons.

The magical and healing properties of moonstone

The ancient magi and astrologers claimed that the stone heals the nervous system, helps to cope with epilepsy, melancholy and depression, relieves the feeling of fear. Some of them recommended wearing moonstone products to those who needed to survive situations that excited the soul.

The properties of the moonstone, as well as the night luminary itself, according to magicians, change. With the growth of the moon, the white spot on the surface of the stone also grows, and its magical powers at this time increase. That is why sorcerers and sorcerers followed the state of the moon, trying to attract not only luck and love, but also many adverse consequences. Even people ignorant of magic, on the advice of a "grandmother" from a neighboring village, confidently recommended wearing a moonstone brooch, thereby attracting love to themselves.

One way or another, the Moon and the moonstone itself were considered a mineral that affects the fate of people.

Astrologers assure that those born under the constellations Leo and Sagittarius should be wary of jewelry with a moonstone. But if a stone attracts you, stops your eyes, you admire it, feel free to purchase jewelry. Perhaps your subconscious and hidden abilities will be revealed, or maybe he will simply make an amazing image with your outfit.

Continuing the conversation about the healing and magical properties of the stone, we note that astrologers and magicians promise a special benefit of the stone to people of creative professions. However, here it should be suggested that hard work will bring benefits in the first place, and the mysterious stone is simply very beautiful in itself. The mysterious moonlight attracts and beckons lovers and poets.

“For many years I pondered over earthly life.
There is nothing incomprehensible for me under the moon.
I know that I don't know anything! -
This is the last truth I have discovered." Omar Khayyam

moonstone jewelry

As already mentioned, most moonstones are cut in the form of a cabochon. Rene Lalique often used it in his products, because it goes well with crystal elements and silver. It is adularia with its color shades, so close to moonlight, that is stunningly beautiful in silver. And the moonstone, in which there is a greenish-blue tint, looks luxurious in gold.

Moonstone price

The price is primarily determined by the intensity of the color, transparency and size, as well as the depth, which varies as the stone rotates. Moonstone is highly valued, especially blue. Rarely seen moonstones are valued higher, these include adularia with the effect of "cat's eye" and "star" stones.
The most beautiful and high-quality stones are mined in India and Sri Lanka. However, unfortunately, these deposits have already exhausted themselves. Therefore, the cost of moonstone increases every year.

Moonstone is difficult to confuse with any other. The hazy glow of the moon is only visible in a real moonstone. Adularia has the most advantageous among all varieties of moonstones. There is even a belief that its brilliance grows with the growth of the moon. A beautiful and spectacular stone looks good in silver.

And finally, I would like to recall the words of the famous Antoine de Saint-Exupery:

“Never ignore the person who cares the most about you. Because one day, you might wake up and realize you've lost the moon while counting the stars."

The fascinating world of stones has always been attractive to people. Since ancient times, individual characteristics have been attributed to each colored stone: magical, healing or protective. However, people are willing to pay money for the properties of gems, without thinking that they should be selected individually. The search for an individual amulet can take a long time, because they are selected according to the date of birth and according to the horoscope.

The magical properties of moonstone

The mineral belongs to the group of feldspars, and got its name due to the marvelous mystical radiance. The inner glow, which is enhanced by additional lighting, has made it a favorite of jewelers. The most rare and expensive are stones with a bluish glow. The gem is particularly fragile, subject to temperature changes and can crack from the slightest blow.

The moonstone, of course, has nothing to do with the moon. But experts say that its magical properties are enhanced during the full moon. At such times, the surface of the stone becomes cold to the touch, and it is believed that in this state it is most suitable for performing rituals. But too much accumulation of gems or figurines from this mineral can work the other way around - not to share energy, but to take it like a vampire. So during the full moon, it is better to hide large figurines or figurines.

The most famous magical property of the moonstone is its ability to develop intuition in the owner. If intuition is silent, you can put a pebble under your tongue and mentally say a desire or question. But on the full moon, when the magical properties of the crystal are best manifested, it is enough just to take it in the palm of your hand and think only about the problem of interest for several minutes.

The mineral attracts love, so it is recommended that single people wear it as a talisman. Ring or necklace with this gem will serve as a talisman for loving couples, especially for those who are going to be apart. In addition to love, the magic of a pebble provides an attraction for money and well-being. To attract wealth, all means are good. The magical properties of topaz not only attract money, but also the patronage of the powers that be.

The lunar talisman is able not only to enhance good energy, but also to weaken the bad. For people with exorbitant pride, this talisman helps to restrain themselves in communication with others. He makes the arrogant kinder, and the self-confident - attentive. For restless people, a gem placed under the pillow helps to quickly fall asleep and sleep without unpleasant dreams. Talismans from were tied to the cradle for small children, its magical and healing properties were known to our distant ancestors.

Moonstone labrador and its magical properties

Labradorite was found on the territory of Labrador Island, after which it was named. The high content of volcanic magma in the rocks provided the crystals with black veins. Mineral reserves are limited, so it will no longer be possible to buy a trinket with such a pebble. labradorite shimmers with all the colors of the rainbow, thanks to which it has long been used to decorate temples and tombs.

Even the ancient Greeks endowed labradorite with magical properties. It was believed that he was able to enhance the natural qualities of a person. He endowed good people with even greater piety, and made evil people even more aggressive. It was believed that a labradorite could destroy a bad person.

The black moonstone is so unique that not a single photo can convey its beauty, and its properties and significance for humans have not yet been fully studied. Some specimens have a greenish tint and are called "lynx eyes". Dark-colored minerals are considered more powerful amulets than light-colored ones. They serve as a barrier to negative thoughts from the outside, purify the owner's aura and increase spiritual strength.

For people who have not decided on a vocation, dark minerals help to fully reveal their talent. A person who has lost faith in himself, while constantly wearing an amulet able to rethink your life and develop an inner awareness of what is happening. Black (andradite or shorlomite), due to its magical and healing properties, was also used by ancestors to find the right life decisions.

Moonstone: useful and medicinal properties

Official medicine does not recognize the healing properties of this mineral. But in folk healing methods, the amulet under the auspices of the moon has been featured for many centuries. It is able to strengthen the immune system, improve the general condition: physical and mental. But it can also act purposefully, exerting an effect on individual organs.

The constant wearing of a talisman helps:

Moonstone is suitable for many women, because with its wondrous radiance and fragility reminiscent of female beauty. The gem helps to get rid of infertility, and during pregnancy painlessly endure the symptoms of toxicosis. He is able to improve the brilliance in the eyes of a lady who has lost faith in her own attractiveness. A woman literally transforms, becomes attractive in her own eyes and in the eyes of others.

For men, such a talisman is no less useful. It has a beneficial effect on male sexual function, especially after 40 years, and helps to get rid of premature baldness. It has long been considered a symbol of male power, the properties of which contribute to the increase of male yang energy.

Moonstone: who suits the properties and zodiac sign

A very versatile mineral suitable for many zodiac signs. Moonstone especially directs its magical properties to crayfish, because it is the representatives of this zodiac sign who were born under the auspices of the moon. It is especially recommended for people born between June 22 and July 1. Too active Cancers will be able to direct their indefatigable energy into a creative direction. And for businessmen, the talisman will serve as a real money magnet.

Benevolent nature Libra most of all influenced by minerals, so a mineral talisman under the auspices of the moon will help them to reveal their creative abilities to the fullest. Jasper is more suitable for natures, especially sensitive to the opinions of others, and its “properties” will guard peace of mind.

Lions moonstone will help you realize your ambitions and become more attentive to your family. Single virgins will be able to resolve personal issues, especially at a young age. For mature Dev more suitable, the properties of which contribute to the fulfillment of desires. Healing Scorpios will especially appreciate the help of labradorite. After all, it is dark crystals that can enhance the extrasensory abilities of the emotional Scorpio.

Capricorn the talisman will help to achieve success in business affairs. But magical ones can help in love endeavors. Aries and Taurus will be able to get rid of excessive amorousness, because the moonstone is able to lower not only blood pressure, but also love. And the life of Pisces can turn this mineral into a real adventure.

Gemini, Sagittarius and Aquarius the moonstone will not be able to convey power to the same extent as other signs of the zodiac. But, fortunately, there are many gems whose characteristics are ideal for these signs.

Unique in its beauty, moonstone is an original and unusually beautiful translucent natural mineral.

Characteristic differences

It is for its soft blue tint on a silvery-gray main background with shimmering tints that create the impression of a glare of the moonlit path that it received such an unusual name. Some call the adularia stone, after the geographic location of the first discovered deposit with these unusual crystals in the Swiss Adula mountains.

You can often hear another name: pearl spar, aglaurite, fisheye. Its attractiveness lies not only in its unusual appearance, but also in its magical power and healing properties, which change depending on which lunar day a person puts on a product with it (it is believed that it is especially strong on a full moon on a growing moon).

In fact, this is a variety of feldspar, and there is absolutely nothing in the lunar lunar mineral, except for the name. Its unusual internal structure, made up of many very thin plates firmly pressed together, led to the presence of characteristic color overflows. Sometimes it can be confused with other minerals, but, for example, opal differs in structural characteristics.

The description of the esoteric properties of the stone almost always emphasizes its relationship with the lunar phases and, depending on which moon, various properties are attributed to it.

Adularia is most often found in quartz veins of rocks, which are called pegmatites.

Chemical composition

According to the chemical composition, the moonstone is a potassium aluminosilicate, which is a kind of orthoclase. Its range of colors is very extensive. The rainbow mineral sometimes resembles opal and can be white, pink, peach in color with a unique variety of hues. Their number is difficult to enumerate in stone.

Sometimes you can find very unusual samples with internal inclusions of natural elements in the form of stars or stripes, which, when properly processed, create the effect of a "cat's eye".

The crystal is characterized by a translucent structure with a high degree of brittleness, so it can be easily damaged by mechanical action. Its hardness is significantly inferior to such minerals as quartz, opal.

It is very sensitive to temperature changes and adverse weather conditions. Due to their negative impact, the natural mineral adularia may lose its luster over time, which can only be restored by re-grinding the surface. No other methods will help in this case.

black moonstone

A special place among the minerals of this type is occupied by a black Finnish Labrador, for an unusually spectacular blue or green tint, as well as a Madagascar stone.

Feldspars with an opaque surface, which include black moonstone, which is original in appearance, are in great demand among connoisseurs of jewelry. For all its unusual color, it has very beautiful characteristic overflows of blue.

The Labrador was first discovered by German missionaries in the 18th century on a Canadian island, the name of which was later given to the found specimen. Its rare color contributed to the growth of extraordinary popularity among the nobility. Therefore, many jewelers of past centuries made magnificent products that were believed to have great magical power according to the days of the lunar cycle.

A little later, deposits were discovered in Russia. For the unusual color, the moonstone of this deposit was called tausine because of the unique overflow of shades, similar in color to the iridescent color of the peacock's tail.

When huge deposits of Ukrainian deposits were discovered, such a unique moonstone as a black labrador depreciated to the level of a facing material that was used to decorate the walls of the subway.

Other varieties of moonstone

Sunstone is called feldspar, which has a sparkling gold color, reminiscent of play of bright sunny days.

The green tinted specimens are amazonite, a variety of natural microcline.

Deposits where rainbow moonstone is mined have been discovered in various places on our planet:

  • in America;
  • on the Scandinavian Peninsula;
  • in Ukraine;
  • in India;
  • in the east of Russia.

The most specific color has the appearance of a moonstone, which is mined in Russia and is called belomorite, in honor of the White Sea. In appearance, this white, almost transparent mineral with a delicate, bluish tint can sometimes be mistaken for a milky-white opal.

However, many experts disagreed about it whether this specimen can be classified as lunar, and if not, to which one, and what characteristic feature is missing for this. It seems that all the characteristic iridescent features are present, according to which it can be attributed to this group of adularia.

It is generally accepted that real adularia stone, like sanidine, is extremely rare in nature. It is mined mainly in Sri Lanka and India. It is in the local deposits that the most unique varieties of stone are found.

Evidence from ancient manuscripts

Adularia is a stone that can have a different structure, but such a characteristic silvery glow of delicate light shades gives it a special effect. In ancient times, it was believed that these unique natural minerals with an unusual overflow were given to people by the Goddess Moon. Therefore, they must be worn on a certain lunar day, best of all - on the full moon and the first days of the new moon.

The description of ancient manuscripts contains information about this amazing gift of nature, which was presented only as hardened rays of moonlight. This is not surprising considering to What does this stone look like? When looking at the play of highlights, moving from a delicate tone of peach to a cold gray shade, it seems that we are holding a tiny piece of the Moon in our hand.

It is believed that on a certain lunar day, these stones can convey secret omens to people that can affect the course of events in human life. According to ancient beliefs, the stone contained the power of this mysterious satellite of the Earth, which increased its influence with the growing moon.

Mineral cost

The most valuable are blue specimens, which have an iridescent tricolor depth, especially pronounced when rotated in good light. One such product can cost from several hundred dollars to a thousand.

Such high cost is explained not so much by the beauty of the color in the stone, but by the extreme rarity of these specimens in nature. The lowest cost is for multi-color samples mined in Indian deposits.

The popularity of adularia has not decreased for many centuries, and people sincerely believe that there is a certain power in this stone. , increasing with the onset of the full moon. The cost, as well as its value, may vary, depending on the intensity of color shades, size and degree of transparency.

Color overflows in the stone, as well as its internal structure, are the determining factor in the cost. The price of small specimens can start from $ 1 per carat and above. The cost of larger ones depends on the purity of the color, on average it can be about $ 70 per carat.

Moonstone is particularly fragile and is subject to temperature and weather changes.

The second name of the stone - adularia - is not entirely correct, since colorless orthoclase is adularia, and moonstone includes both orthoclase and albite. However, the overflows of color characteristic of the moonstone under illumination are commonly called adularization.

The legend of the moonstone

One of the rarest varieties of adularia is a yellowish stone. According to legend, it is in such a mineral that a witch on her deathbed can enclose all her strength and thus deceive death. If you own a yellowish moonstone, then you should take a closer look at it on a full moon. If it contains witch power, then the stone will acquire a yellowish-red or even bloody hue that night.

Deposits and cost of moonstone

The richest and most famous place for the extraction of moonstone is located on the Indian island of Sri Lanka. In the second half of the 20th century, several more deposits were discovered. Among them are the island of Madagascar, the state of Virginia in the USA and Tanzania.

Moonstone is quite popular and in demand among jewelers. Prices for it can vary significantly, and the most expensive are specimens with an intense blue color, a bright inner glow and the greatest color depth. Such stones are rare and expensive. Multi-color stones are in the least demand in the jewelry sector and their prices are not high. On average, the cost of small and not the best quality stones starts from $ 1 per 1 carat, larger adularia (from 3-4 carats) subject to high purity and perfect color, they can cost from $ 70 per carat.

Mining and production of moonstone in Sri Lanka. Photo: Gunther Deichmann

The healing properties of moonstone

This mineral has the ability to "pull out" negative energy from the owner and stabilize the energy field. Adularia can also heal minor skin damage: scratches, burns, abrasions. Experts are sure that it has a beneficial effect on patients with epilepsy: it weakens and reduces the time of attacks of this disease.

There is an opinion that even a small stone can facilitate childbirth and stabilize the functioning of the pelvic organs, as well as save its owner from uncontrolled outbreaks of aggression and fear. Moonstone cures insomnia, helps to restore the digestive tract.

With constant contact, the moonstone controls the movement of fluids in the body, eliminates stones in the organs, and with its help it is possible to cure cancer in the last stages.

The magical properties of moonstone

As the name implies, the stone is directly connected with the Moon. Very often you can see a cloudy white speck in it, the size of which depends on the phase of this patron planet. On the full moon, the stone becomes icy to the touch, and it is believed that it is in this state that it is most suitable for performing magical actions.

Moonstone is able to enhance the owner's intuition, especially for those born during the full moon. If there was a quarrel in the family, then the stone is able to pay it off, provided that both spouses have it.

If there are figurines from this mineral in the house, they must be removed during the waning of the moon so as not to become a victim of the "vampirism" of the stone during this period.

Who is Moonstone for?

This amazing stone is recommended to be worn by people with a strong character who tend to be able to dream and fantasize. The moonstone will bring them good luck in business and slightly soften the character. But if a suspicious and capricious person becomes its owner, then the adularia, having strengthened these character traits, will turn the owner into a parody of himself.

It was believed that adularia was able to help the owner find his soul mate and preserve the mutual feeling that had arisen for life. That is why it is advisable for unmarried girls to wear jewelry with it.

As an amulet, it should be constantly worn by people of creative professions: artists, poets, musicians, etc. Since one of the many properties of this mineral is the disclosure of the potential of a person, and the expansion of his consciousness.

And, of course, it is impossible not to mention which of the signs of the Zodiac suits. Jewelry with a moonstone is truly contraindicated only for Leo, Sagittarius and Aries. Representatives of other signs can wear moonstone jewelry without fear of consequences.