Can a man refuse a woman he loves? Is a man able to refuse sex if he is seduced

Video lecture "Civil marriage: how not to get into trouble, and how to get out?"

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What if a man refuses to serve and care?

The question is quite voluminous and you can open it for more than one hour, but in the framework of this article I will try to note the basic principles that should be followed when solving such situations.

First, there are differences between men and women.

Who is this man for you?

Spouse or civil "husband"? Or maybe just a guy with whom you are not connected by a common life?

What is your attitude to what is happening and long-term goals?

Let's go in order.

First of all, look at yourself: are you giving a man too much? Especially if you are not married.

Take a look and be honest with yourself: “Am I the only one trying here at all?”

Unfortunately, dear girls, you very often give a man too much when he does not need to give it yet.

You surround him with care and attention, affection and support, give him energy when he has not yet shown himself.

You've only known each other for a few weeks, and invest as if you have at least a silver wedding behind you.

Wait, slow down! Turn on a light suspension and observe the situation. Watch how the man behaves.

A woman is not created in order to “gift” with service and care a man who is essentially nobody for her. This is simply a loss of your strength and, moreover, a factor in the development of non-male character traits in a man.

Seeing that his whole soul is “wide open” to him, he begins to appreciate it less, or even completely ignore it, and relations slide down to an increasingly primitive level.

Therefore, pause and give the man the opportunity to restore the disturbed balance, and carefully observe for yourself to understand what kind of person is in your way.

Another option if you are married(not in the so-called "civil" marriage!).

Once you have already made a choice in favor of your spouse and agreed to become his wife. This means that they have assumed certain obligations towards him.

Of course, there are a lot of obligations, both on the male and on the female side, but something is critical for maintaining the marital union on the female side.

This is just service and care. If the choice is made, then you, as a wife, have taken on this heavy burden of serving and caring for your husband.

I sincerely hope that you are not reading this article to hear something like: "Drop that goat! Let the other one take care of him!”

This is not the way of a real woman. Moreover, I will tell you that such a “other” is sure to be found somewhere. As the saying goes, for whom - a goat, and for whom - a hero.

Therefore, even if you want to call your spouse a variety of words and consider him the embodiment of heavenly punishment, stop and remember that for another woman he will turn out to be the hero she has been waiting for all her life.

In the skillful hands of a wife, a man is very plastic, and you can fashion an absolutely wonderful person out of him.

Let not immediately, even with difficulty, let not ideal, but really loved and worthy.

Therefore, in the case of a husband, your task boils down to the famous proverb: "If the mountain does not go to Mohammed, then Mohammed goes to the mountain".

No matter how much a woman would like to “hang” responsibility for everything that happens on her husband, the truth will not change from this: a woman is no less responsible for the formation of relationships in the family than a man.

Where the neck turns, the head will look there. A woman is always a neck that “twirls” her husband. And the task of a woman is to twirl correctly, so that there is peace and harmony in the house, and at the same time the man feels himself in charge.

How? Through service, obedience and approval. All this a woman should give to her husband.

Please note that marriage imposes a great responsibility, and the framework is far from being so flexible.

In the case of an ordinary man who does not respond to your care and service, you can very easily switch to another who will still contribute to your relationship.

But in the case of a husband, you cannot just take and change a person. Moreover, such "changes" often do not lead to the desired.

Why? Simply because there is an endless search for a person in the hope that "everything will match perfectly."

And this is not bad - you should always have in front of you a clear image of the man with whom you want to connect your life.

The point is different. During such a search, a woman often forgets about herself, that you also need to change.

If over and over again you get similar results in relationships, then this only means that you do not change your approach to building them and make the same mistakes.

It is they who prevent you from choosing a worthy candidate or being able to keep him and develop relationships to the level of serious ones.

This is a certain signal for you that cannot be ignored indefinitely.

Remember that if you just live together (which, in general, is highly undesirable) or, moreover, just periodically spend time with each other, then you should not behave like HIS woman.

You are just a woman. You just accept courtship from men. And if a man does not give you signs of attention and care, then this indicates that either you are not interesting to him as a woman, or that you have already “overfed” him. You have already given him more than he deserves.

And that's it - he lost the motive to do something. He felt that you are already HIS. Even though he didn't really do anything about it. But you did - as they say, "surrendered their fortress without a fight". They taught a man to rewards that he receives for nothing.

And this is detrimental to male nature. If a man gets at least something “for free” in his life, this weakens his “grip” and destroys his character.. And then you have to clear it all up.

Therefore, be prudent. Be honest with yourself and your man. Don't be afraid to talk if you feel like you've put too much into the relationship and the return is very low.

It is especially important to be able to talk on such important topics with your spouse. Speak in a way that is kind.

Talk in such a way that a man reads in your words a desire to resolve the issue amicably, and does not hear claim after claim.

Talk in such a way that he feels that you are his loving wife, with whose joint efforts he can overcome any family disagreements and difficulties.

And if you want learn this art, reveal additional facets of your feminine nature and approach the issue of building relationships with a man complex, I invite you to my online program "The Path of Femininity".

More than 100 days of hard work on yourself in various areas of life (relationships, love, communication, self-knowledge, disclosure of femininity and much more) will allow you to get a fundamentally different quality of life and relationships. .

What is inside?

In this lecture, we will analyze from all sides such an interesting social phenomenon as "civil marriage" (ie, cohabitation).

You will know all his true background and be able to make a meaningful choice.

Dmitry Olegovich Naumenko,
Love Without Compromises.

Question to a psychologist

Hello dear psychologists. I met a young man. First corresponded SMS for a very long time. I didn’t understand why he didn’t invite me to see him, since he was interested in me. I asked a question and received an answer that he didn’t understand himself, there are reasons that I don’t know about, but these reasons have nothing to do with another woman. Literally a week later he invites me. And both lost their heads. We spent all the time together, met every day. He gave me gifts, surprises, courted. He let go with difficulty. We texted each other at work. But one day everything collapsed. Because of me. I made a minor scandal, as a result of which I find out that he takes me seriously, I am very dear to him, that he is fine with me, but there are circumstances due to which he does not need a serious relationship, that is, he will always make a choice in favor of these circumstances, not personal relationships. I broke off communication, with thoughts that he did not need me. And he repeats the opposite, continues to take care on the sly. It looks like a drama of hopelessness.

Hello Tanya! it means that it is more expensive for him to hide behind "circumstances" than to open up and give you the opportunity to also find out what is happening to him. This is HIS choice - yes, you are needed for him, BUT he cannot give a serious relationship! It is important for you to allow yourself to hear it and make your own decision - are you ready to accept such an attitude towards yourself? (There is NO serious relationship WITHOUT a serious relationship) It's up to you to choose - or to maintain such a level of relationship and further drive yourself into this relationship of pain and disappointment, or leave him the opportunity to prioritize - to open up to you or not? choose his circumstances or build a relationship? HIS choice - he has already voiced everything to you. The decision is YOUR!

Shenderova Elena Sergeevna, psychologist Moscow

Good answer 2 bad answer 0

Hello Tanya.

It seems that you have not quite correct ideas about people - this happens often - you judge others by yourself, you believe that the same rules apply to everyone, the same values, there are "possible", "not" and "true". You see the world more rationally, logically, looking for cause-and-effect relationships, schemes.

This is all well and good, but the world is actually more multifaceted and much more complex. Rectilinear logic does not work at all in relations, there is logic there, but it is different - multidimensional, spiral, so to speak.

When a person tries to fit another into a certain scheme, hang a pattern of behavior and expectations on him, then, as a rule, disappointment occurs, because people do not fit into schemes and patterns. They act at their own discretion.

I see your further work on myself in the direction of real communication with people, without any schemes. You need to look at what is happening in reality, how a person sees, hears and feels, and based on this, build relationships with him, and not on the basis of schemes in his head!

Chugueva Alla Mikhailovna, psychologist Moscow

Good answer 1 bad answer 0

In this article, I will tell you if a man can leave the woman / girl he loves.

I emphasize, LOVED WOMAN. The one he loves. Really. For real.

Ordinary girls, for whom there is “nothing” (serious feelings, love), are jostled and abandoned, and for no reason, reasons, and without words, and just like that, and for some kind of hell, it’s all wrong, we won’t talk about it today …

Today I will speak only for those men who have serious feelings for a girl / woman (love). But, at the same time, they can still leave a woman, leave her, break up with her.

Let's get it straight...

It is often said that if a man loves = then he will never leave.

Those. as a result of this, this arose: if a man left a woman, then he does not love / did not love her.

It is clear to the naked eye who wrote it, from whose mouth it came and goes to this day.

Women adhering to such a worldview = will never have long-term happy relationships, and all because they don’t know what love is, and naively believe that love is eternal and everything rests on it =) (it’s time to take off your pink glasses and enter into harsh realities)

Love is emotions. This is animal instinct. This is instinctive behavior.

I talked about this in more detail in the main article:

I mean that in any long-term relationship = all that love, emotions, passion, etc. = anyway will gradually cool down. As before, as in the beginning, will not. And you need to be ready for it.

This is a priori, you know? That's why, that concept in style: loves - never leaves = not true, because love is not eternal, and over time, this love, feelings, emotions, passion, etc. - cool down.

I do not argue, this reason is the place to be (at the end, we will talk about it). But! This reason does not reflect the real and true state of affairs. In any case, on one love, this chemistry, relationships (long-term, happy) will not hold. This is a priori. If you don't understand it, it's worse for you.

Those young ladies who think they left - it means they didn’t love (relieved themselves of responsibility in order to feel normal) = either still little girls (still far from everything) or adults, but brainless chickens.

Here are the real reasons, I repeat, REAL reasons why a loving man can leave:

No. 1. Your cheating (female cheating, no fidelity)

I think there is no further ado. Adequate people, everything is clear.

Change is something that changes everything once and for all. Immediately turns away from a person once and for all. And no matter how strong, real, real feelings are = after betrayal = everything is not the same and will never be the same ...

Serious real relationships are built on trust. If there is no trust or it is gone = game over.

A serious relationship after female infidelity is a priori no longer possible, in principle. Such relations no longer have any prospects for the future. With a girl / woman who cheats at least once, it makes no sense to continue anything AT ALL, because the fidelity of a girl / woman \u003d is her main quality No. 1.

Accordingly, if there is no fidelity (devotion), then such a woman is not needed for a worthy man in the long term (relationships, life together, procreation).

The fidelity of a girl / woman is needed so that a man has clear clarity and confidence that whatever happens, for example, injuries, health problems, financial problems, swearing, scandals, quarrels, expenses from each other, or there is separation, absence, business trip, flight, army, etc., etc. things = a woman will be faithful (devoted) to a man to the end, she won’t leave for another, she won’t leave for profit, she won’t exchange, she won’t change, she won’t betray, etc. etc. do you understand? This is extremely important...

And more importantly, it is extremely important for a man to understand that the children will be from him. With this woman. And not from someone on the side with whom she can tumble. Understand? It is extremely important to understand that the genus, the genetic line, of this man, and not someone on the side there. What is his offspring. That he will educate, invest resources, etc. in his part, in his “flesh and blood”, and not in the offspring of some kind of Kolya, Vasya, petit, pYkapers, etc. from this category. Do you understand?

If there is no fidelity in a woman = this is not a worthy individual, and building RELATIONSHIPS with such a slut = is pointless. You can fuck such people, shake them, quit, no problem, but building a life together, relationships, a family, planning children, etc., etc. = absolutely not, because it’s worse for yourself.

Those who do not leave such whores, and forgive their betrayal, are just stupid nonentities, heels, mattresses, wimps, which I don’t even want to talk about. These are not men. And point. All. We drove on.

No. 2. If a man understands that he is not loved ...

By the way, point number 1. female adultery also suggests that a man is not loved and respected.

How can you build a serious relationship with someone who does not have serious feelings for you? After all, feelings are manifested in actions (actions). If there are no serious feelings (love), then there are no corresponding actions (actions) either. Everything is interconnected. As a result of this, point number 3 arises.

Number 3. A woman doesn't make a man happy...

If a woman does not make a man happy \u003d does not try, does not put maximum effort in everything \u003d this is not love, and such a relationship will not last long.

I was in love once, and I left the young lady precisely for this reason ...

In general, a loving man can leave a woman if he does not feel happy with her. If she doesn't make him happy. Does not try, does not make maximum efforts in everything. If this is not there, then there is no love. Because love, a serious relationship - can not do without 100% reciprocity.

For a truly loving woman, reciprocity is not an empty phrase ...

If the feelings are serious, if a girl loves a man, really, truly, she will invest in him, invest her time, desire, strength, energy, money, etc., etc. in him, you understand?

The bottom line is that when a person is dear to you, important - you want him to be happy and you do everything (invest time, energy, effort, money, etc.) to make his darling happy.

For any kindness, a loving girl / woman will always respond with her own. For your gift - yours. For your attention - mine. On your deed - yours. Etc. etc. Understand? I will talk about this later.

If this is not the case, it happens (for example, a man does everything and does everything for her, invests in her, gives gifts to her, arranges surprises, invests all of himself, his desire, time, money, energy, strength, etc., etc.) - and the girl only receives, but does not give anything in return, or gives very little, there is no parity, she does not make a man happy in return, and there is no 100% reciprocity.

And a man feels this, inside himself, feels that he means less to a woman than she means to him ...

In this scenario, there is no longer a balance in the relationship = has already arisen, therefore, this relationship is already coming or the end has already come. To demand something or even ask for reciprocity, love or understanding is stupid and ridiculous ...

Success in a relationship is possible only if there is a balance (parity). Dot.

What should a woman do to make a man happy?

At a minimum, qualitatively and regularly cover all men's needs:

  • 1) Quality regular sex

It's probably no secret to anyone that sex is an integral part of a healthy full-fledged relationship. Without high-quality and regular sex = no relationship is possible in principle.

Sex is one of the main elements of binding a man to himself, a loving girl will always follow this, sexually satisfy her man and always try her best in this regard.

If this is not the case, there is no high-quality and regular sex in the relationship (a woman does not pamper a man, does not please, does not satisfy, does not try, does not make efforts, etc., etc.) = hey, is the man satisfied anyway? or not = hey don't care = as a result of = feelings (love) are not here.

  • 2) 100% fidelity (devotion) to a man

No comments, everything is clear, already told.


In short, in a word, only femininity is capable of all this. Feminine woman!

Read more about femininity, here, go and search right away

  • 4) Attention to a man

A man must feel that he is needed, important, paramount, No. 1, which is impossible without him.

If this is not the case, the girl does not sacrifice anything for the sake of a man = this is not love. If hey girlfriends/friends are more important = it's not love. If you are not #1 with her, you are hey and not important/expensive, as a result, this is not love.

For a loving girl / woman, a man comes first. Everything else is secondary. Much less important than a man. Hence the certain behavior on the female side.

  • 5) The value of a man

Reciprocity for a loving woman is not an empty phrase ...

Love is when both partners invest in relation to each other. If this is not the case, one of the partners does not have feelings. If a man is everything and a woman is nothing, this is not love.

A loving woman, as I said, will reciprocate a man. If this is not there, then there is no love.

  • 6) The function of motherhood

It's already in advanced stages. It is important here that a woman at the birth of a child should not forget about a man. Very often a child is born and a man is forgotten, and here it is the main mistake.

A mistake that can destroy this relationship (union).

Remember. Darling. You work with a man. Is always! Throughout life.

If you do not close the needs of a man, do not expect anything good. Everything is possible. Dot.

  • 7) Hostess function

A woman must fulfill this function in a quality manner, raising children, housekeeping (household function), etc., this function of a woman is needed in order to free her husband to perform his main functions (breadwinner (breadwinner) and protector of the family).

  • 8) and all that he lacks (is lacking).

You already know better what is there and how. You must feel it, know it, see it. You are a woman. But! At a minimum (without fail), qualitatively and regularly close those 1-7 needs.

Read more about all the needs (in detail) in the main article:

Needs came first. And secondly…

And secondly, you, dear, you need to make this man of yours - feel like a man - next to you. Your man should feel like a MAN - next to you.

For this, you must be a FEMININE WOMAN. This is one of the key rules of relations between men and women. This key rule - allows a man himself to want to be with this woman.

Femininity in yourself needs to be pumped! Work on yourself woman. Work. No woman is born. At the snap of a finger = nothing happens. Must be hard work!

  • Don't act like a man (develop your femininity)
  • Do not allow monotony, routine, ordinariness in relations with your man
  • Do not stop constantly monitoring yourself “do not hammer the bolt on yourself”
  • Avoid frequent quarrels in a relationship
  • Avoid long separations in relationships
  • Don't act like a mom, you're a girl - be hey, wife - be a wife
  • Avoid constant jealousy in a relationship

Here are the real reasons. 1) Cheated (no fidelity) and 2) No reciprocity (does not make happy). I thought about what other real reasons there might be to leave a loving girl, more - I don’t know.

No. 4. Someone else will say - fall out of love can ...

Again, at the beginning of the article, I already talked about this. The fact that the vast majority of people forget (or rather, do not even know at all) about what love is.

I remember. Love is emotions. This is animal instinct. This is instinctive behavior.

I mean, in any long-term relationship = all the love, emotions, passion, etc. = in any case will gradually cool down. As before, as in the beginning, will not. And you need to be ready for it.

And most of them are not ready for it. They think that everything will be forever. This is a huge mistake.

Here success will depend on what kind of woman will be next to the man, what she is, and how this woman interacts on a regular basis with her man. It is also important what kind of man he is, and how he interacts with his woman on a regular basis. Do you understand?

If both a man and a woman are GOOD (worthy of high-ranking) + suit each other well, and at the same time interact very competently with each other = this reason will not happen.

However, this reason is possible, indeed, which is why it got into this article.

I don’t know other reasons if we are talking about a man in love with serious feelings.

Regards, administrator.

Since ancient times, a man has been a getter, a conqueror. Wooing a woman is a natural instinct. By nature, a man is loving. Even from a very young age, they begin to show themselves, show signs of attention to girls, give gifts, look for an approach to the person they like. Despite this similarity, everyone chooses their own paths for this. Some, at the sight of a beautiful lady, approach her and offer to get to know her directly, others invite her to drink coffee or tea, and still others - to go somewhere. Problems begin if they hear a refusal in response. Some men perceive this as a blow to their ego. After a refusal, someone stops showing initiative and meeting girls at all, someone perceives a soft refusal as a game and does not attach any importance to it, others react inadequately, can be rude to a woman or begin to humiliate her.

In any case, the reaction of a man directly depends on the behavior of women.

Reasons for rudeness

In modern society, people are used to taking care of themselves only. Few people care about other people's feelings. Faced with a woman with high self-esteem, the guy begins to literally beg for affection. Time passes, courtship begins to bother, his nerves are on edge, and he has a surge of emotions. This is where the reproaches, insults and rudeness begin.

The wealth of the partner can also be the reason for this behavior. Not every man can endure a companion richer than himself. Trying to please, he does not find funds, is unable to fulfill all requests and is refused. The reaction is anger and rudeness.

It is not surprising, because the man wasted time and money to nowhere.

The inability to get a location for yourself is another reason for the rudeness that appears with the understanding that the lady preferred another man.

Sometimes it happens that the acquaintance was successful, signs of attention, flirting, the invitation is accepted, but the girl simply does not come to the meeting and does not pick up the phone. The man is indignant, because he was deceived. Yes, unfortunately, there are women who simply amuse their pride in this way. The rudeness of men in response to such an act can be forgiven.

The next reason for a man's violent behavior is emotional problems. Some men just take revenge on all the girls in a row for past failures. And each one just makes the situation worse.

In any case, whatever the motives for refusal, you should not react and respond with rudeness. You can review your behavior and change it. More experience, more chances of success. Perhaps another failure is a good push to move to a new level.

The truth is that both men and women cheat. True, men do this more often and do not experience feelings of shame or guilt.
In order to understand why men lie, you need to understand why men lie and why women lie.


While both men and women cheat, there are important gender differences when it comes to cheating. The sex differences that affect cheating are based on two major biological differences between men and women.

First, men and women are physiologically different. Men can produce hundreds of millions of sperm a day. And women reproduce about a million eggs, but only a fraction, about one egg, is released every 28 days, during a short period of time - from puberty to menopause - has the potential to create life. Simply put, women have about 400 viable eggs (and about 20 with pregnancy), while men are able to become a father and produce an unlimited number of children.

The second major biological difference is pregnancy. Embryos grow and develop in a woman, not a man. For men, reproduction takes only a few minutes of effort, while for women this period increases to 9 months.

From a biological point of view, males can constantly and quickly participate in reproduction, while females are much more limited in their ability to do so.

These biological differences influence our psychological desires before the invention of modern forms of birth control and still influence our unconscious sexual desires today. Men are more likely than women to think about sex and fantasize about sex with multiple partners.

Given these basic biological differences, here are some key differences between men and women when it comes to cheating:
Men are less likely than women to be afraid to deceive their partner, as they subconsciously think that having lost one partner, you can find another.
Men are more likely to find a partner for one night. The female brain is tuned for long-term relationships.
Men are less emotionally endure deception than women, so they do not think about how bad it is to deceive.

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You have a beloved man. It seems that everything is fine in your relationship, but for some reason you do not receive gifts from your loved one. You do not consider yourself mercantile, but the lack of material signs of attention still upsets you. It is worth considering why a man does not give you gifts?

  1. The simplest reason: your man is in serious financial difficulty. You can guess about this by indirect signs, or he himself admits this. Any of us can find ourselves in a financial crisis, so you should treat this problem with understanding if a man is really dear to you. Perhaps your patience will be rewarded later.
  2. Stinginess as a character trait. It's more difficult here. It's definitely not about you, but about the fact that for such a man, in principle, unnecessary spending is unacceptable. He is not used to giving, but he himself gladly receives gifts. It is unlikely that such a man can be inspired by his generosity to return signs of attention, you just need to voice your desires without hesitation.
  3. Common situation. A man does not consider it necessary to bother about presents, because he receives everything he needs from you without additional spending on gifts. You love him, have long come to terms with this situation and accept him as he is. The man loves you too. But he is already used to the fact that you are kind, caring, understanding, not demanding anything in return for your love, and why should he strain then? He can take you to the cinema or a cafe, give you flowers for your birthday and March 8th. However, you have a chance to receive an expensive gift from him: you need to tell him about your dream at a convenient moment.
  4. The worst reason. A man initially does not plan a serious relationship with you, so he is not going to spend money on gifts. A long-known fact: if a man really appreciates and loves a woman, he will invest his money in her and find an opportunity to please her even in a difficult financial situation.

5 reasons why a man does not want sex?

Until recently, it was believed that men, like males, only think about sex. And ladies, you know, evade marital duties, inventing various reasons from critical days to headaches. Now the accents have shifted. And more and more men refuse intimacy. According to statistics, 62% of men refuse sex more often than their life partners, and 42% make love only once every two weeks. Such data were obtained during a sociological survey in Britain. And it's sexy. What's the matter?

1 reason: workaholics are not sexaholics

A busy work schedule, stress, overwork are definitely our enemies in any area of ​​life. It is because of them that we do not have enough energy and time for friends, children, and even for sex. And why do you think that men are an exception? Overwork and stress also affect them. And if your man is not just a hired worker, but the owner of his own business ... In this case, work means a lot to him, and it takes a lot of strength. This is his brainchild and he is responsible for people, even if it is a small business. Therefore, any work crisis - and thoughts about everything go by the wayside. What kind of sex is there when the work of his life can be covered with a copper basin? Here the bed scenes will not help to relax in any way, even if you buy beautiful underwear and dance a striptease. And if work troubles and stresses in his life happen regularly, like daily roosters singing at sunrise, then sooner or later the nervous system of even a very strong man will not withstand and collapse under the yoke of problems. Then a nervous breakdown will have to be treated in a hospital, and not with a “nurse” in your own bed.

Exit: If a decrease in sexual desire is associated with daily stress at work and persistent stress, then the best way to improve your personal life, and restore strength and health, is to go on vacation! The recipe for a good rest is simple - we leave all the affairs at home, laptops and other means of communication with the outside world too. A mobile phone and a camera on the trip will be enough. The main thing is to get your man out of hectic nervous everyday life, the rest of the pleasures will already follow themselves. A change of scenery to a more romantic one perfectly relaxes and contributes to sexual experiments. Show your imagination and be patient.

How to return sex to the family with the help of advice from stylists and psychologists, see our video:

2nd reason: diseases are a hindrance to sex

You may be surprised, but based on sociological studies, in Europe, one of the most common reasons for a decrease in sexual desire in men is the use of antidepressants. It turns out that the powers that be, feeling all this everyday oppression of everyday life, are trying to escape from stress with the help of drugs. And these ways of salvation from depression lead them straight to problems in the sexual sphere. One is treated, the other is crippled. In addition, according to statistics, most hormonal disorders and heart diseases inevitably affect a decrease in a man's sexual activity.

Exit: diseases, of course, must be treated. And as you know, many men do not like to visit doctors and postpone until the very last. The disease can also occur not in the heart, but below the belt. Therefore, if you suspected something was wrong, and the man is in no hurry to complain about his health, write him to the doctor yourself. And drag, drag, drag to the reception!

Reason #3: Technology ruins sex

Laptops and computers, TVs, tablets and phones, game consoles and other wonders of modern technology today are real eaters of free time. We sat down for 5 minutes to check the mail - an hour flew by. If your man can't stop checking his mail or reading the news on social networks, then he has fallen into a real addiction to the gadget, and simply forgets that he needs to devote time to other areas of life. And tearing your head off the screen at night, of course, you already want to sleep. “Tomorrow, tomorrow, dear,” he whispers wearily. And tomorrow everything repeats itself.

Exit: agree that each of you has only one hour in the evening for all sorts of Internet business. And make some days of the week free from technical excesses. You will see how much time such a “network diet” can give you. And you probably know how to spend it yourself. Refresh your bedding with satin sheets, wrap yourself in a blanket and heal from gray everyday life with vivid sexual fantasies.

Reason 4: It's you

Yes, the reason that a man is reluctant to go to bed, stays late at work in the evenings and does not seek intimacy may be hiding closer than you thought. Moreover, the reason for his "reluctance" can be both excessive sexual activity on the part of a woman, and her indifference. The lack of spiritual intimacy, trust and mutual understanding for a man, as well as for a woman, is the reason for the rejection of intimacy. In this case, before solving problems of a sexual nature, it is necessary to understand the relationship. Do you think that quarrels and heated showdowns only fuel passion in sex? But your man, perhaps, sees everything differently. Constantly "nag" your husband - then do not be surprised if he ever says a resolute "no" to you. And constant care, oddly enough, can also spoil bed relationships very much. If you ask all the time “have you put on a hat, my little teddy bear”, then sooner or later you will turn into the mother of this teddy bear. And if this little bear is a sane man, then he doesn’t need a second mother, especially in his own bed.

Exit: forget about extremes - don't save up your sexual strength for the weekend, March 8 or Bastille Day, but forcing your loved one to crawl under the covers every evening is also not the best idea. If a man quickly gets bored with daily sex, then he will quickly get used to refusals and will cease to perceive you at all as an object of his desire. So we set off in search of a golden mean, and the most important thing here is not to work out a specific schedule for these “bodily training”, but to create maximum conditions for intimacy to be a passionate and not a routine duty. With the educator syndrome, in general, everything is simpler - work on yourself, stop doing all sorts of petty duties for your man, believing that he can ruin everything. Let him spoil, 10 times he will do it wrong, on the 11th he will become a professional in any matter. If by his 30-40 years no one has brought up a man in him, then it is time to let him be brought up himself, and not to cultivate this boyish infirmity.

5 reason - there is sex, but not here

The reason is a bit like its predecessor, only in a running form. In childhood, all the boys, having played enough with their favorite car (airplane, dump truck, scooter ...), quickly changed the object of their recent passion for something more intriguing. Boys grow up, habits remain. If a man gets tired of having sex with one woman, then he changes her to another. Perhaps you don’t get simple human pleasures for one simple reason - your man has another woman.

Exit: It is this reason that is the most difficult to eliminate. Beautiful lingerie, striptease and other attributes of an insidious seductive wife will no longer give an effect here. The problems here are much deeper, therefore cardinal solutions are needed. If you don’t want to be on the sidelines, don’t be afraid to decisively say goodbye to obsolete relationships in which even sex no longer lives. If you still accept such rules of the game, then you can safely make yourself a lover. And not even for the sake of revenge, but for the sake of her beloved, her physical and mental health. Then self-esteem will remain intact, and a good mood is guaranteed!

I wish that neither you nor your man ever had a headache. And if you get sick, then treat yourself not with pills, but with the old proven method - with passionate love scenes!

If all else fails, then conjure love!. Watch the video!..