Approximate diet for a 1 year old baby. Meat and fish. Can children eat eggs

Julia: | April 3rd, 2018 | 9:51 pm

The recipes are interesting, you can pick up ideas. And you can try to make a menu for children with allergies (for cow's milk protein, for gluten)?
Answer: Julia, Here you can find various children's menus
Here is “Menu for a week for an allergic child”, only this is not about an allergy to gluten and milk protein.
Gluten free menu for the week

Marina: | December 7th, 2017 | 4:23 pm

Great menu. Thanks for the recipes. There is a reason for the whole family to switch to proper healthy nutrition - thanks to the child. QUESTION - is it possible for a child (1 year old) to cook food in a multi-cooker-pressure cooker?
Answer: Marina, thanks for your comment! Yes, you can.

Olesya: | June 15th, 2017 | 3:56 pm

The menu is good and varied. I read a lot of books and articles, I liked this menu. I appreciated the pumpkin soup with chicken, a casserole of zucchini and carrots, an omelette like in a kindergarten (it turns out that my slow cooker does it wrong, 25 minutes and a lot of holes, despite the fact that it is high enough and very tasty). I need to try your recipe for all family. And we puree the rest of the meat and vegetables in the soup, because it spits out the pieces, and scatters the stewed vegetables, loves ghee, pasta, rice, tea from dad's plate. We are 1 year 4 months
Answer: Olesya, thank you for your comment and your experience! Bon appetit baby! Everything is always the most delicious in dad's plate :)

Julia: | February 27th, 2017 | 8:20 am

Natalia! Thank you very much for this article! Just rescued young mothers!
Answer: Julia, thanks! Bon appetit baby!

Yasmina: | January 9th, 2017 | 9:47 pm

My child eats only baby porridge and baby, I prepared several dishes from your diet, he does not want to eat. how to teach your child to eat wholesome food..
Answer: Yasmina, come to our training “How to teach a child to eat right” - together we will find out the reasons and take the first steps towards a complete diet for the baby.

Anna: | December 25th, 2016 | 5:06 pm

Hello! A good menu, but the question is, what can be replaced with zucchini in the winter?
Answer: Anna, you can use cauliflower.

Elena: | November 24th, 2016 | 3:53 pm

We really liked the menu! We are already chewing the pieces ourselves (although I do finely myself, but in pieces).
Answer: Elena, good appetite and food interest for the baby! :)

Julia: | December 2nd, 2015 | 8:36 pm

And I discovered a casserole of zucchini and carrots. I already left myself a recipe! Only instead of zucchini I want to try pumpkin. I think it will be no worse)))

Hope: | October 21st, 2015 | 11:00 pm

We are a year and a month old, since 8 months we have 8 teeth, this menu is quite suitable. Despite the fact that there are no chewing teeth, the baby does not tear and does not choke on any pieces, on the contrary, he does not like food crushed in mashed potatoes and with pleasure gnaws various bagels, cookies, etc., tries to chew pieces of meat, fish and vegetables. Everything that is presented on the menu eats with pleasure, no problem!

Anna: | October 18th, 2015 | 9:39 pm

Thanks for the recipe, my daughter loves it. We are in 5 days a year and we have 12 teeth, so my manyunya already chews everything)

Chulpan: | October 10th, 2015 | 9:28 pm

Our daughter is now one year old. She has 8 teeth. While there is no chewing. She, too, vomits from the pieces. And I do not understand this panic about the fact that it is necessary to learn to chew at this age. And what if you learn to chew when chewing teeth appear? Do you think it's too late and the child won't learn? All vital actions go at the level of reflexes. Biting teeth appeared - the child began to bite, chewing teeth appear - he learns to chew. In the meantime, he cannot chew food, it will be poorly digested and absorbed by the body. It is very difficult for the body to digest unground pieces. Try to swallow such food yourself. Then more problems with the chair will appear. In extreme cases, the pieces should be soft so that the child can crush the gums. Another thing is when he asks for such food and tries to knead the pieces. I think you should try a little bit and only soft pieces. What kind of casseroles are there? The child will remain upset and hungry - or full, but will be naughty because of the pain in the tummy. It is not necessary to focus on age, but on the number of teeth, i.e. the readiness of the body to process and assimilate such food.

Samira: | October 1st, 2015 | 1:35 pm

mine is a year old in 10 days, we cook soups in broth, only agusha porridge, applesauce, banana, I never gave fish,

Julia: | September 4th, 2015 | 1:40 pm

Mine is 1.1 years old. Somehow, this menu doesn’t suit us very well - 8 teeth, but we are too lazy to chew, we have to parry everything on a blender, because if small pieces come across, the child immediately vomits, so meatballs and baked apples are definitely not for us))
Answer: Julia, of course, you need to look at the child. Different children start chewing pieces at different ages. And baked apples are actually applesauce. It is enough to free the apple from the skin and mash with a fork. Or pass through a blender.

Shoira: | June 24th, 2015 | 8:49 dp

We are 1 year 1 month old. 8 teeth. As soon as the heat began, she stopped eating normally. Drinks well. Eats bread. The rest almost all spits out. How many times a day to give wild rose. What to feed in the summer heat?
Can I contact you as a doctor? Daughter 1 year 1 month crawls well. But until she walks on her own. Only holds on to 2 handles and on tiptoe. Wants to walk but is afraid. It costs 1-2 min without support. How to encourage her to walk? Sleeps badly at night. During the day he sleeps 2-2.5 hours. and then with me. 20 minutes without me. In the evening he falls asleep at 8 o'clock, whines, with music with his chest. And she starts waking up at 10, at 12, at 3, at 5. She whines all the time, capricious. Hanging on the chest. Tossing and turning. If I watch TV, she gets up and comes even though she was asleep. And so every day. In the morning we walk in the evening too. I can't walk all the time, my back hurts
Answer: Shoira, yes, now is a difficult period. What can be advised: hearty feed before bedtime so that the child wakes up less often at night. After a year, only mother's breast is no longer enough, you need to feed a full dinner. For example, before going to bed, you can give cottage cheese with kefir + breast before falling asleep. And only breast + bread - this can not be called complete nutrition for a child of this age. If he doesn’t eat anything else due to the heat, then this is temporary, it will pass with the normalization of the weather, just give more water and feed in the non-hot time of the day (morning, evening). If the problem exists on non-hot days, then reconsider approaches to nutrition and teach the child to eat other foods besides bread, primarily vegetables, fruits, berries, and dairy products. If the child is given the opportunity to choose what he wants to eat, then children will prefer high-calorie carbohydrate foods (sweets, pastries, etc.). Therefore, it is important to teach your child to eat right and make healthy food choices for him.

Natalia: | May 10th, 2015 | 4:09 pm

I liked it very much. Let's try to eat like this. I hope we find our favorite dishes

Hope: | November 18th, 2014 | 4:15 pm

Thank you for the menu, I really like it, but it’s a pity that the previous menu was removed and I can’t find it, there were also a lot of delicious dishes

Hope: | September 28th, 2014 | 10:25 am

Cool menu, we are 1.7 years old and we eat a lot with pleasure, of course, without overcooking, although I overcook onions and carrots in fish casserole, because it is still baked later. Thank you great menu!
Answer: Hope, I'm glad you liked the menu!

Natalia: | September 23rd, 2014 | 8:58 dp

And I just think that the sooner a child is accustomed to an adult table, the better. So the pedagogical complementary food says. Previously, our grandmothers did not cook separately for children. There was no time. Housekeeping was busy all the time. There was no time to play with the children, but here to stand out in the kitchen. Everything was done on the stove. Without double boilers and multicookers. Slightly lower the onion with carrots is, on the contrary, good. And it's not roast. Good menu. I give five. The child will learn to chew faster.

Light: | August 25th, 2014 | 10:56 am

A child has 8-10 teeth. I can’t imagine how the salads that are on the menu, he will chew!
Answer: Sveta, if the ingredients are finely chopped, then it can.

Irina: | July 13th, 2014 | 10:04 pm

Great menu!) but I’m still racking my brains about what I would feed my princess :) I don’t see anything wrong with light frying for soup
Answer: Irina, thank you for your kind words! For a child, vegetables can not be overcooked at all

Nata: | March 4th, 2014 | 6:37 pm

We are 8.5 months old. Lots of useful stuff from the article. Thank you.
Answer: Nata, I am very glad that the article was useful!

Anita: | January 20th, 2014 | 10:19 am

Thank you for solving my condiment question, for a vegetarian family it makes a difference. And thank you for discovering new interesting recipes for the baby. Now you do not have to rack your brains, making up a daily diet for a child.

Olga: | June 2nd, 2013 | 3:27 pm

A one-year-old baby is already familiar with many products from an adult table. He knows the taste of meat and fish. He was gradually accustomed to soups and cereals, dairy products. However, for some children, breast milk still occupies an important place in nutrition. During feeding, the baby not only enjoys tasty and familiar food, but also communicates with his mother, feels her love, and calms down. There is no need to deprive him of such a useful product. Breastfeeding can continue up to 2.5-3 years, when the child is fully transferred to adult nutrition.


Principles of nutrition for a one-year-old baby

Food should be varied and healthy. The diet includes all the components necessary for development. During the preparation of children's food, the physiological characteristics of the development of the digestive system are taken into account. In addition, the baby cannot yet chew food, up to 1.5-2 years it is given in crushed form. Soups and stewed vegetables are mashed, meat is ground. Kasha can be given thicker than before.

For feeding the baby, it is recommended to use dishes made of special food plastic. The advantage of such dishes is the low thermal conductivity of the material. The child will not burn, as the dishes do not heat up, and the food remains warm for a long time. If the baby accidentally drops the plate on the floor, then it will not break, and when it falls, he will not be afraid of a loud sound.

It is advisable to observe the feeding regimen: feed 4-5 times a day at about the same time. Then the appetite will be better, and the digestive system will prepare for the processing of food. If the feeding regimen is not observed, the child will not form a food reflex, which contributes to the production of gastric juice and enzymes for food processing. Having got used to the diet, the baby will be less capricious over food. He will develop a need for the use of simple and necessary dishes. Between feedings, it is not recommended to feed him with cookies, rolls, sweet fruits.

Breast milk is best given after the baby has eaten solid food. It is advisable to breastfeed him in the morning or before bed at night. In between meals, it is not recommended to give the baby juices or sweet tea, so as not to kill the appetite. The food is prepared with a minimum amount of sugar. Toddlers easily get used to sweets, then it is more difficult to feed them with simple and necessary dishes for normal digestion.

Until 3 years old, it is better not to salt the dishes, and not to use spices in them. You can add a little onion and garlic to your food. All new products are introduced little by little, preferably in the morning, as the baby may be allergic to them or have an upset bowel.

Video: How long to breastfeed a baby

What foods to include in the diet

At 1 year old, the following foods can already be included in the child's diet:

  • chicken and lean beef meat;
  • eggs;
  • lean fish (hake or pollock);
  • vegetables and fruits, boiled and raw;
  • whole milk;
  • cottage cheese and dairy products. It is recommended to include only special children's dairy products (kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese) in the baby's diet, as their quality is controlled more carefully than that of products for adults.

Babies under 1 year of age should not be given whole milk, as the digestive system is not sufficiently developed to process whole milk. After a year, the child should receive up to 0.5 liters of pasteurized milk, which contains calcium necessary for the growth of teeth and the development of the skeletal system. The fat content of milk is 3.2-4%, since such milk contains amino acids necessary for the development of the brain and nerve tissues.

It is necessary to remember: Cow's milk, eggs, honey, citrus fruits, fresh strawberries often cause an allergic reaction. They are given to children at first only in minimal doses and in such an order that, in the event of an allergy, one can understand which of the products caused it.

Some children have congenital milk intolerance due to a lack of lactic ferment in the body. In this case, only special milk that does not contain lactose is introduced into the diet.

At the age of one, a necessary dish for children is cereals rich in trace elements. First, they give instant cereals that do not contain lumps, and then gradually switch to ordinary, cooked from cereals. It is useful to give oatmeal, buckwheat, rice porridge. Semolina contains vegetable protein gluten, which is poorly absorbed by the unformed digestive system of a small child. Therefore, it is not recommended to give it to 3 years of age.

Video: How to teach a child to eat right

Menu for a 1 year old baby

An example menu should look like this:
1st meal: milk porridge (150 g) with the addition of 5 g butter, 1/2 egg yolk, fruit puree (50 g);
2nd: stewed vegetables in vegetable oil (150 g), 2 meat steam cutlets (2 times a week - fish), bread, fruit juice;
3rd: cottage cheese (30 g), fruit puree with cookies (70 g), yogurt;
4th: boiled vegetables or porridge without milk in vegetable oil (150 g), pureed meat (50 g), compote;
5th: yogurt or kefir (1 cup).

Advice: In order for a child to eat with appetite, one should not force him to eat against his will. You can not entertain during meals. Eating should not be stretched for a long time, it should last about 15-30 minutes. If a healthy baby refuses to eat, you need to postpone feeding until he is hungry. The child will gradually get used to the diet.

How much should a 1 year old baby eat

For normal development, a child who is 1 year old needs (per 1 kg of body weight) 4 g of protein and fat and 16 g of carbohydrates per day. At the same time, most of the proteins and fats (70%) should be of animal origin. It is necessary to give lean meat, as well as liver and other offal.

Butter is added to the dishes (about 12 g per day). Fresh oil without heat treatment is introduced into the diet very carefully, otherwise an intestinal disorder may occur in the child. The total calorie content of products per day is 1200-1300 kcal with a total amount of food eaten 1000-1200 ml (including water and drinks).

What foods should not be given to children

When accustoming a child to adult food, it must be remembered that fatty foods, fried foods, sausages and sausages (they contain preservatives and other additives toxic to the baby), smoked foods, and mushrooms must be excluded from the diet.

Fruits must be peeled and given as a puree so that the baby does not choke.

The capacity of the stomach increases. The child already acquires the ability to distinguish between individual foods and dishes, memorize their taste, he develops a clear rhythm of eating and digesting food, etc.

Rules for the nutrition of a child aged 1 to 3 years all these features must be taken into account. At the beginning of the second year of a child's life, the frequency of feeding remains at the level of 5 times a day. This is especially important for weakened children who have poor health. Many children after a year refuse the last (fifth) feeding and switch to 4 meals a day with a 4-hour interval. Whatever the frequency of feeding the baby, the main thing is that it is generally observed in time, which will ensure the development of a strong food reflex and the most favorable conditions for the absorption of nutrients.

All dishes for children from 1 year to 1.5 years are prepared semi-liquid, puree, carefully rubbed through a sieve. They should be given with a spoon. The use of a pacifier at this age is harmful, because the child develops a habit of liquid food, and he refuses any other. The main requirements for the nutrition of a child at this age are diversity and balance in the main nutrients. The basis of the diet should be foods with a high animal content: and dairy products, fish, poultry,.

All confectionery should be given only after the next meal. This needs to be emphasized because the most common mistake in children's nutrition is unlimited access to sweets anytime, anywhere. An excess of sweets is fraught with the possibility of development. In addition, sweets eaten between meals reduce appetite, and at the set time, children do not eat the amount of protein and fat foods, as well as vegetables, which adversely affects their development and health.

Lunch is the most complex meal in terms of the composition of the meals. It is better to start it with a snack in the form of a variety of vegetable salads, which increase the secretion of digestive juices, excite and, as it were, prepare the gastrointestinal tract for the dense protein (meat, fish) and vegetable starchy (potatoes, porridge, pasta) food. Salads from raw vegetables are healthier than from boiled ones, because when cooked, some of the vitamins and mineral salts contained in vegetables are destroyed or dissolved in water. For them, it is best to use grated carrots, fresh, peeled and thoroughly washed cucumbers, tomatoes, white cabbage, lettuce, pumpkin, etc. should not be cleaned in advance and kept in water; when cooking, they should be dipped in boiling water (cook under the lid, but do not overcook). For salad, raw or boiled vegetables are grated, seasoned with vegetable oil, sour cream, lemon juice. It is advisable to add finely chopped dill, onion, parsley, celery to salads.

The first courses (shchi, borscht, soups) also have a good juice effect. The first dish for a child should be prepared in an enameled, tightly closed separate bowl.

The second dish should include a protein component, so it is usually prepared from meat or fish with a vegetable side dish, less often from cottage cheese or eggs. All dishes are prepared without the usual seasonings for adults (bay leaf, pepper, fried onion, tomato sauce and other spices). Lunch ends with a dessert of fruit or berry juice, mashed fruits or berries, compote, occasionally jelly, refreshed with natural fruit or berry juice. In the summer-autumn period children after 2 years can be given or melons.

Proper processing of food products and adherence to the technology of preparing individual dishes are extremely important for organizing children's nutrition. It is impossible, for example, to keep meat and fish in water for a long time, because in this case part of the proteins and salts are washed out of them. In order for the beneficial substances to be preserved as much as possible in frozen meat, it must be thawed slowly, in a large piece, at room temperature. It is not recommended to prepare baby food dishes in advance and then heat them up: this not only changes the taste of cooked food, but also adversely affects its qualitative composition. An increase in the time of heat treatment of meat, milk, fats worsens their nutritional value, adversely affects the safety of vitamins.

One of basic food requirements for children- high quality of the products used and cleanliness of preparation. Poor quality food products, errors in their preparation or storage can cause gastrointestinal disorders. Poorly washed vegetables that are eaten raw, fruits and berries can cause dysentery, helminthic diseases, etc. in a child. It is extremely important to carefully observe sanitary and hygienic rules when preparing salads. Boiled vegetables, meat, fish should be cut on a separate board designed specifically for boiled foods. It should not be used when processing raw meat and fish. When preparing minced meat or fish, which is a favorable environment for the reproduction of microbes, you need to be especially careful: wash the meat well, pour boiling water over a knife, cutting board, meat grinder.

From the second year of life you should buy a child a special children's dishes that attract attention with their shape and coloring. The small volume of dishes allows you to place food in it no more than the child should eat. This brings him into the habit of eating the entire portion to the end. Usually, after a year, for many children, nutritional needs recede into the background: they like to play with food and utensils more, especially towards the end of the meal. In such a situation, it is better not to get annoyed, not to scold the child, but simply to remove everything from the table, not to offer food before the allotted time.

All changes in the composition and quantity of food, in the technology of its preparation should be carried out gradually. Most children do not like changes in food and resist them. Forcing a child to eat a new dish against his will should not be. It is better to remove the food that the child did not like and after a while begin to accustom him to it: offer to try the dish when the child is hungry, mix it with the one that the baby eats willingly. Favorite foods (and every child has them) should not be given every day, otherwise they can quickly get bored. The increased growth of the child requires a variety of food, and one should try to develop in him a taste for any food. Feeding a child in the second or third year of life is more difficult than in the first. His appetite is no longer so constant and may decrease on certain days or periods, then increase again. Sometimes it decreases during teething, especially small molars. Therefore, there is no reason to worry, even if the child does not eat his portion. The main thing is not to force him to eat what he does not want, because the child can maintain a negative attitude towards this dish for a long time.

Feeding should not last more than half an hour. It is important that the child sits at the table in a calm state. The central nervous system in children of this age is not yet able to quickly switch to different types of activities, therefore, if you try to abruptly tear him away from the game and start feeding, the baby will react negatively to any food offered to him. The child needs to be set up for food. Dishes should be served in order of priority, not putting several on the table at once, because the child will reach for the dish that he likes best and insistently demand that he be allowed to eat it first.

Feeding is always facilitated by a calm environment, unhurried speech. Toys, reading, TV distract the child, and the higher the interest in them, the lower the production of digestive juices.

Although the child, as a rule, eats more willingly in the presence of peers or adults, it is not advisable to put him at a common table during lunches and dinners. He will be distracted, reaching for adult dishes, and the refusal to fulfill his desire will disturb the calm atmosphere of feeding and affect his appetite. You can not start feeding the baby immediately after sleep. Prolonged stay in a warm bed, as well as high room temperature, inevitably reduces the secretion of digestive juices and appetite.

From a reader's comment:

You can give oatmeal to children from 6 months.

Oatmeal is useful for nursing mothers to increase lactation, the elderly and those recovering from serious illnesses and injuries.

Due to its high nutritional value and easy digestibility, oatmeal is a product and an auxiliary remedy for many diseases.. .

Find something else of interest:

The child's body grows, its functions improve, the baby's cognitive and motor activity increases, and the need for energy increases. All these reasons affect the diet of the child, which is already significantly different from the nutrition of children in the first year of life.

What happens to the body of a child from a year to a year and a half?

At this age, the chewing apparatus continues to develop in children, a sufficient number of teeth appear - by the age of 1.5, babies should already have 12 teeth. The activity of the digestive juice and enzymes also increases, but their functions still do not reach full maturity. The volume of the stomach increases - from 200 to 300 ml. Emptying of the stomach occurs on average after 4 hours, which allows you to eat 4-5 times a day.

The daily volume of food (excluding the liquid drunk) for babies from a year to a year and a half is 1200-1250 ml. This volume (including calorie content) is distributed among feedings approximately in the following ratio: breakfast - 25%, lunch - 35%, afternoon tea - 15%, dinner - 25%. The volume of a single meal can be 250 ml, taking into account 5 meals a day, and 300 ml with 4 meals a day.

How to feed a child from a year?

For children of 1-1.5 years of age, dishes of a mushy consistency are preferable. If a child has erupted chewing teeth (milk molars) by this age, he can be offered whole pieces of food no larger than 2-3 cm in size. The child develops taste perception, attitudes to food begin to form, first addictions and habits. The baby begins to develop a conditioned food reflex at the time of eating, which ensures sufficient, rhythmic secretion of digestive juices and good absorption of food. That is why it is important to follow a diet, expand the diet by introducing new foods and dishes.

The cognitive and motor activity of the child increases, and with it the energy consumption of the body increases. The physiological need for energy in the age group from 1 to 1.5 years is on average 102 kcal per 1 kg of body weight. With an average body weight of 11 kg, it is 1100 kcal per day.

The main requirements for the diet of a child after a year - variety and balance in basic nutrients (proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins). Combinations of dishes from vegetables, cottage cheese, cheese, milk, meat of animals and birds, eggs, cereals and flour products are necessary.

The basis of the baby's diet from 1 to 1.5 years- these are products with a high content of animal protein: milk, dairy and sour-milk products, meat, poultry, eggs. Dishes from these products, as well as from vegetables, fruits and cereals, the child should receive daily.

Dairy products for children from a year

In the nutrition of a baby over the age of 1 year, a large role belongs to milk, milk and dairy products. They include easily digestible proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals. Fermented milk products contain lactic acid bacteria that regulate the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, positively affect the intestinal microflora, improve digestion, and increase the child's immunity. Milk, kefir, yogurt should be included in the daily diet of a healthy child, and cream, cottage cheese, sour cream and cheese can be used after one or two days.

For children with normal body weight, products with a reduced percentage of fat content are not acceptable, the diet uses milk 3.2% fat, kefir 2.5-3.2%, yogurt 3.2%, sour cream up to 10%, curds, like dairy , and creamy - 10% fat. The total amount of milk and dairy products should be 550-600 ml per day, taking into account the preparation of various dishes. Of these, 200 ml of kefir intended for baby food, the child can receive daily. For babies with intolerance to cow's milk proteins, it is best to postpone the acquaintance with whole milk until a later date (up to 2-2.5 years), and instead continue to use formulas for the second half of life (they are made from whole milk powder without the addition of whey).

One-year-old babies can only receive specialized children's milk (not creamy) yogurt with a moderate content of fats and carbohydrates in a volume of up to 100 ml per day. Cottage cheese, as a source of protein and calcium, is necessary for children within 50 g per day. Sour cream or cream 5-10 g can be used to dress the first courses, hard cheeses up to 5 g in crushed form are used in the nutrition of a baby of the second year of life after 1-2 days.

Can kids eat eggs?

Definitely yes, if there are no medical contraindications, such as food intolerance, dyskinesia (abnormal contractions) of the biliary tract). Eggs are given to the baby hard-boiled or added to various dishes, in the daily volume of 1/2 chicken egg or 1 quail. Up to a year and a half, it is recommended to use only hard-boiled yolk, mixing it with vegetable puree.

What kind of meat can a child?

With age, the amount in the diet gradually increases. meat. Canned meat, meat soufflé, meatballs, minced meat from lean beef, veal, pork, horse meat, rabbit, chicken, turkey in the amount of 100 g can be given to the child daily, preferably in the morning, given their long assimilation period. The expansion of the diet occurs due to the introduction of offal - the liver, tongue and children's sausages (the packages indicate that they are intended for young children). Sausages - not included in the list of "permitted" products.

Fish day: what kind of fish to choose for the children's menu?

With good tolerance and the absence of allergic reactions in the diet child low-fat sea and river varieties are introduced fish (pollock, hake, cod, haddock) in the form of canned fish, fish and vegetables for baby food, fish soufflé 30-40 g per reception, 1-2 times a week.

You can't spoil porridge with butter

Vegetable oil in a daily rate of 6 g, it is desirable to use it raw, adding it to vegetable purees and salads. Animal fats child receives with sour cream and butter (daily rate up to 17 g). By the way, in the diet of children older than a year, it is still recommended to widely use gluten-free foods. porridge (buckwheat, rice, corn), gradually introducing oatmeal. Porridge is recommended to be given once a day in a volume of 150 ml. Up to 1.5 years, you should not offer your child pasta rich in carbohydrates.

The set of products for children 1-1.5 years old should include bread various varieties of rye flour (10 g/day) and wheat flour (40 g/day) Cookies and biscuits can be given 1-2 pieces per meal.

We make a fruit and vegetable menu for children

Vegetables important as a source of carbohydrates, vitamins, mineral salts, dietary fiber, and should be widely used in the nutrition of children from 1 to 1.5 years in the form of vegetable purees. The daily volume of vegetable dishes from cabbage, zucchini, carrots, pumpkin with the addition of onions and herbs is 200 g. And potato dishes - no more than 150 g, because. it is rich in starch, which slows down the metabolism. Young children, as well as children with functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, should not be offered garlic, radish, radish and turnip.

In the absence of medical contraindications (for example, food allergies), children should receive 100-200 g per day of fresh fruits and 10-20 g berries . They also benefit from various fruit, berry (preferably without sugar) and vegetable juices, rosehip broth (up to 100-150 ml) per day after meals. It is not recommended to use jelly in the diet of young children, as they unnecessarily enrich food with carbohydrates, and their nutritional value is low.

Compote will not replace water

Do not forget that child should get enough fluid. There are no norms for the volume of additional fluid, you need to water the baby on demand (during feeding, in between feedings). It is best to offer your child boiled water, baby drinking water, weak teas, or baby teas. Sweet drinks - compotes, fruit drinks, juices do not compensate for the lack of fluid, and the sugar that is part of them reduces appetite, increases the load on the pancreas child. Make sure that fluid is available to your baby between feedings.

Cooking for kids should be right

And a few words about food processing: for child up to 1.5 years. Porridges, soups are prepared in pureed form, vegetables and fruits in the form of mashed potatoes, meat and fish in the form of soft minced meat (passed 1 time through a meat grinder) or in the form of soufflés, steam cutlets, meatballs. All dishes are prepared by boiling, stewing, steaming, without adding spices (pepper, garlic, etc.). Feed your baby with a spoon and drink from a cup.

The daily volume of food is 1200-1250 ml. The calorie content of the daily diet is 1200 kcal.

Breakfast: Porridge or vegetable dish (150 g); meat or fish dish, or scrambled eggs (50 g); Milk (100 ml)

Dinner : Soup (50 g); meat or fish dish (50 g); garnish (70 g); fruit juice (100 ml)

afternoon tea : Kefir or milk (150 ml); cookies (15 g); fruit (100 g)

Dinner: Vegetable dish or porridge, or cottage cheese casserole (150 g); milk or kefir (150 ml)

Sample menu for 1 day:

Breakfast : Milk porridge with fruits; Bread

Dinner: Vegetable puree soup; vegetable puree from cauliflower with meat; biscuits; Fruit juice.

afternoon tea : Yogurt or biokefir; baby cookies.

Dinner: Cottage cheese or milk; fruit or vegetable puree.

For the night : Kefir.

Whole milk is milk, during the processing of which none of its components (proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and mineral salts, etc.) has been qualitatively and/or quantitatively changed.

Gluten-free cereals - cereals that do not contain gluten - a vegetable protein of some cereals: rye, barley, oats, wheat (from which semolina is made), which can cause damage to small intestine cells in young children - celiac disease and allergic reactions, since babies have a deficiency peptidase enzyme that breaks down gluten.

The menu of a baby who has reached the age of one is significantly different from that to which the baby is accustomed. If earlier his mother had to cook according to all the rules - cook vegetables, cereals and soups in a separate bowl with no salt, then from 1 year old the picture changes. Many parents try to make life easier for themselves and transfer the child to the family diet. According to Yevgeny Komarovsky, this is the right strategy, however, it is important not to forget that the baby's nutrition should still be slightly different from adult meals. So, let's take a closer look at what should be the nutrition of children over 1 year old.

You can make a menu for a child at 1 year old, taking into account the nutrition of adult family members


After a year, it is advisable to feed a baby strictly by the hour. This is necessary in order for the child to form a conditioned reflex, and the food is assimilated as fully as possible. Permissible deviations in the hours of eating in the region of 15-20 minutes. The number of feedings per day should be at least 4, maximum - 5. If you plan to visit a kindergarten, it is desirable to form the correct regimen, as close as possible to kindergarten. Breakfast is served there around 8-30, lunch - at 12-12.30. Approximate baby food schedule:

  • Breakfast - 8-30. It is desirable that by this time the child has time to brush his teeth, wash, do gymnastics.
  • Lunch - 12.30. In order for the baby to spend energy and want to eat, before dinner you need to arrange a walk for him. It's great if mom goes with him to the playground, where a son or daughter can communicate with other kids.
  • Afternoon snack - 16.30. This time after sleep, as a rule, the baby is not yet hungry, but he needs to hold out until dinner. For an afternoon snack, you can offer crumbs of cottage cheese or a casserole.
  • Dinner - 19-00. This may be the last meal, after which the offspring performs nightly procedures - washing, brushing his teeth, playing a little and going to bed. However, for some babies, it is not enough to eat two hours before bedtime. At night, the child can drink milk or formula.

For a one-year-old baby, milk mixture is enough to give 1-2 times a day

Experts note that breast milk or formula is an important product for a one-year-old baby. However, it should be understood that breastfeeding is equivalent to eating, in this regard, it is not advisable to breastfeed the crumbs between main meals. It is best to feed him milk early in the morning or at night to ease the process of going to bed. Dr. Komarovsky generally believes that milk or a mixture is enough to give crumbs 1 time per day.

Diet plan for a 1 year old baby

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It should be remembered that dishes for feeding a small eater should have a puree-like consistency, or contain lumps. Despite the presence of a certain number of teeth, chewing crumbs is not yet easy. According to the norms, a child from one year to 1.5 years old should eat from 1100 to 1200 ml per day.

The total amount of food should be distributed as follows: for breakfast and dinner, the baby can eat one-quarter of the diet (275-300 ml), for lunch 35% (385-420 ml), afternoon tea - only 15% (165-180 ml). Of course, these calculations are conditional and are needed only so that parents can be guided by them.

In the table below, we have given the approximate volumes of foods that a baby can consume per day. These norms meet the recommendations of children's nutritionists.

The product's nameWeight per day, g
Breast milk / formula and kefir500-600
cottage cheese50
Sour cream10
Fruits (these include juices, purees, compotes)200
Sunflower, other vegetable oil5
Sugar (or fructose)20-40
  • breakfast: milk porridge or cooked vegetables - 150 g, protein dish (egg, meat or fish) - 50 g, juice or compote - 70 ml;
  • lunch: soup - 50 g, fish or meat - 50 g, potatoes, cabbage, zucchini - 100 g, juice - 70 g;
  • afternoon snack: kefir - 100 ml, cookies or bun - 15 g, banana, apple or pear - 100 g;
  • dinner: porridge, vegetables or cottage cheese - 150 g, compote - 50 g;
  • at night: mixture / breast milk or kefir - up to 200 g.

Making a diet

If you feed a child according to the rules, he will inevitably get tired of getting the same thing for dinner. In this regard, parents should try to diversify the baby's table.

Despite the limited list of allowed dishes, the menu can be quite interesting if you use different recipes. Next, we list the main elements in the nutrition of the crumbs and tell you how best to plan the child's menu.

Dairy and dairy products

Dairy products are one of the most important nutritional elements of a one-year-old baby. They contain proteins that are most fully and comfortably absorbed by the child's body, fats, carbohydrates. Fermented milk drinks - kefir, narine, yogurt, contain live bacteria necessary for the effective functioning of the intestines. Cheese and cottage cheese are a source of calcium. However, due to the increased fat content, cheese and sour cream should fall on the table every two to three days.

Cheese is both tasty and healthy at the same time, but due to its high fat content, it can be given every 3-3 days.

At the same time, if the child is underweight, dairy products that fall on his table should be of normal fat content, in no case fat-free. We are talking about milk and kefir with a fat content of 2.5-3.2%, yogurt 3.2%, sour cream and cottage cheese - 10% fat. Milk and dairy products included in the child's diet should be 500-600 ml per day. It is also necessary to take into account the dishes in which they are included.

Separately, let's say about children who are diagnosed with intolerance to cow protein. It is better not to give whole milk to such babies until 2-2.5 years. Milk will be replaced by concentrates for children from one to 1.5 years old, which include milk powder, and whey is not added.

Children can be given yogurt, specially designed for babies from a year old, in a volume of up to 100 ml per day. It contains fats and carbohydrates in moderation, there is no sugar.

It is also allowed to offer children's cottage cheese up to 50 g. Sour cream is sometimes used as a dressing for salads or meat dishes (meatballs), but its volume is limited to 10 ml per day. In some cases, sour cream is replaced with yogurt.

Cereal Dishes

Cereals are used to make cereals, which can be quite varied. Grains are the best source of carbohydrates, and they also contain vegetable proteins, minerals, and vitamins. Buckwheat and oatmeal are considered the most useful for baby nutrition, while semolina is more often recommended for underweight children. It does not have many vitamins, besides, it contains gluten, which can cause allergies.

The most useful cereals for a child at the age of 1 year - oatmeal and buckwheat

Rice porridge is great for feeding babies who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract. It is well absorbed, helps to regulate digestion. There are not many vitamins in rice porridge, so it should not be given to a child daily.

Corn porridge helps to compensate for the lack of selenium in the body, but it contains a lot of starch. This substance causes fermentation in the intestines, in connection with this, porridge should not be given to children who have stomach problems. Corn porridge is well absorbed, but requires long cooking (we recommend reading:).

Vegetables and fruits

By the age of one, the child, as a rule, is already familiar with many vegetables. They are a source of fiber, contain vitamins, many of them boast protein. In the second year of life, fruits and vegetables are combined with cereals. For example, baked apples and pumpkin are added to rice, oatmeal. Also, apricots, plums, strawberries may already appear in the baby's diet. Some of the fruits are given to the baby in the form of juices and smoothies, others - in raw and baked form.

Strawberries are useful for children in the same way as adults, but you need to be extremely careful when introducing them into your baby's diet.

The vegetable menu is also desirable to gradually expand. In addition to cabbage, potatoes, zucchini, carrots, boiled turnips and beets can be used as food for children older than a year.

Separately, we note legumes - lentils, green peas and beans. These foods contain coarse fiber, which often causes bloating and sometimes diarrhea. In this regard, it is recommended to boil and grind them well. Do not offer your child legumes more than once a week.

Fish and meat

Meat and fish dishes are necessary for the full development of the child. A one-year-old baby and older should be offered meatballs, steam cutlets, soup with meatballs. Taking into account the fact that animal protein is more difficult for the body to digest, it is better to feed the child with it in the morning.

In addition to the already familiar rabbit meat, beef, lean pork, offal (tongue, liver) are prepared for the child. Fatty pork, lamb, meat of waterfowl (ducks, goose) are poorly digested, so you should not offer them to the crumbs yet. It is not recommended to give children sausages, sausages, smoked meat.

One-year-olds love meatball soup very much.

It is advisable to limit fish products to low-fat varieties - hake, pollock. It is worth giving fish no more than twice a week, making sure that the baby is not allergic to it. It contains a lot of vitamins, fatty acids.

To diversify the menu of crumbs, it makes sense not only to boil fish, but also to stew, cook cutlets, meatballs, soufflé from fillet. It is better to give caviar in small portions, making sure that the baby does not have an allergic reaction.


Very often, eggs cause an allergic reaction in children. If at 7-8 months the baby's cheeks turn red after the yolk, now is the time to try offering him this product again. Eggs contain valuable substances, first of all, easily digestible protein, microelements. If the baby responds well, it is worth striving to ensure that eggs appear in his diet daily in certain dishes. Note, Dr. Komarovsky claims that it is enough for a one-year-old baby to eat only 1.5 eggs per week.

One-year-old children should only be offered boiled eggs or cook an omelette

In addition to boiled eggs, an omelette is prepared for the baby, and they are also added to cheesecakes, casseroles, and other dishes. Do not give your baby raw eggs.

Chicken can be replaced with quail eggs. However, it is worth remembering that they have a higher content of protein, fat and cholesterol. However, they can be an alternative to chicken, to which a child may be allergic. Instead of one chicken, it is enough to give 2-3 quail eggs.


Oil is a valuable source of fats and should be included in a child's diet. The main condition for it to be well absorbed and harmed is to give the oil in its natural form, without subjecting it to heat treatment. This applies to both butter and vegetable oils. Creamy can be added to cereals, smeared on bread, vegetable can be used for dressing salads, added to soup.

Sweets and flour

All children love bread: having tasted it for the first time, the child never refuses it afterwards.

It is better to offer white bread to children, as it is well digested. At the same time, confectionery - chocolate, caramel, cakes - it is advisable not to give a small child. From sweets, you can choose what the baby eats with pleasure - jams, marshmallows, marmalade, marshmallows.

Honey as a sweet substitute is quite acceptable. However, it is worth remembering that this sweetness is highly allergenic. Regular sugar can be replaced with fructose.


The child must receive enough liquid. However, young children still cannot tell their mother that they are thirsty, and parents often forget to offer their baby water between feedings, wondering why the child is naughty. In this regard, you need to make sure that the baby always has access to water - he can take his bottle or drinker. You can offer the offspring boiled or baby bottled water, weak tea. Don't rely on sugary drinks - they don't do the job well, and they're high in sugar.

Sample menu for a 1 year old baby for a day

We will give only an approximate menu for a child, compiled taking into account our recommendations. Parents can change various items in it, focusing on the tastes of the child and their capabilities.

Breakfast, weight in gramsLunch, weight/gSnack, weight/gDinner, weight/g
Rice porridge, 200Soup with cauliflower, 70Baked apple, 100Boiled egg, 50
Tea with milk, 70Rabbit meatballs, 50Tea, 100