Chocolate hair color with green eyes. Choose a hair color. Combination of green eyes and hair colors

Hello everyone, it's me, Alice. Every girl, sooner or later, decides to change her hair color. In fact, it's hard to find the kind of paint that would suit your face and emphasize your eyes. Today we will talk about what hair color suits green eyes.

Considerable attention should be paid to this issue, because if you choose the wrong color for coloring, then your eyes will be lost and will not be able to decorate your image. We will also learn some tips from the coloring experts.

What should be considered when choosing a hair color?

Before you buy hair dye, you need to pay attention to:

  • color type,
  • eye tint,
  • Your strand color
  • Skin condition.

I want to immediately emphasize that if a girl has green eyes and natural red hair, then it is better not to change it. Natural red hair is perfect for green eyes. If you are bored with your color, then freshen up your style with other shades of red.

Some decide to add red color to the red paint, but you need to be careful with this. A large amount of red will create an image of a defiant and vulgar girl.

Follow two basic rules when choosing paint:

  1. If you have healthy skin, then paint in dark colors or shades of red and copper. Too dark color will add a couple of years to your look.
  2. If you have wrinkles, pimples or inflammation on your skin, then color in light blond or golden tones. Strongly light paint, will make you pale.

Try not to change your natural color, it can be slightly lightened or refreshed.

Advice! Do not choose your own paint color if you do not understand this.

What hair color suits green eyes?

Each color has its own shades. This also applies to the eyes. Green eye color has many varieties and it is important to consider this. Moreover, skin color also plays an important role. Today we will look at different shades of green and see several coloring techniques for green-eyed girls.

Light green eyes

Green-eyed girls most often have light green eyes. At the same time, in such owners of eyes, the skin is olive or light golden in color. In this case, chestnut, red and caramel paint will do. You can also dye individual strands in wheat, light blond and mocha.

Dark green eyes

This eye color sometimes resembles brown eyes. However, in the sun, you can notice a green tint. Girls with green eyes are painted in shades of light brown. Can also be dyed black and brown.


If a girl has yellow-green eyes, then different colors of coloring may suit her. For fair skin, the following colors are suitable:

  • Chocolate,
  • Gold,
  • Chestnut,
  • Beige,
  • Caramel.

Girls with swarthy skin can be painted in red, dark brown, chocolate and copper.


Gray-green eyes look beautiful with a blond. See photos with different shades of blonde. Platinum and sand blonde are best suited for grey-green eyes. Red color will also be appropriate in this case.

Extraordinary solutions

One of the trendy and extraordinary coloring techniques is ombre. In our case, you need to make chestnut-colored roots, gradually turning to golden at the ends. Some simply lighten the tips a few tones from their natural color. Ombre looks beautiful in red and red tones.

Fashion combinations

Today it is very fashionable to emphasize your image with coloring. Creative painting can highlight the color of your eyes. This coloring technique involves coloring the ends a few tones lighter or darker than your natural hair color. In this case, the color scheme can be any.

Two-tone coloring is suitable for green-eyed girls. Paints differ by 1-2 levels. Among warm tones there are no restrictions. The combination of light brown and copper color looks unique.

Advice! When coloring, do not ignore your color type.

To properly and beautifully dye your hair, you need to take into account many rules. Stylists, sharing their experience, focus on:

  • The most difficult thing is to choose the color of painting, for this you need to know the color scheme that hairdressers learn. If you cannot do this, consult a specialist. Do not choose paint only by the picture, be sure to look at the sample of the curl.
  • If you are choosing a paint for the first time and are in doubt about the color, then use the paint that does not have a stable composition of dye substances. Thanks to this, the paint will quickly wash off, and you can paint in a different color.
  • Be sure to test for skin sensitivity to your chosen paint.
  • If you have sick hair or skin, then it is strictly forbidden to paint. Treat your hair first. Visible problems are split ends, psoriasis, dandruff and dry hair.
  • Be careful when painting, the paint should not get into the eyes. If this happens, rinse your eyes with water.
  • If you are just choosing a color for yourself, then do not paint the whole head, but take only some strands. Such painting is called coloring or highlighting. This will protect all of your hair from the constant dye experiment.

Only the right hair color will help you emphasize green eyes. Seriously approach the issue of painting, so as not to spoil your hair. Best of all, the first time to paint with an experienced specialist.

How much can hair color change an image?

Not all girls are born naturally beautiful, but each has its own zest. If in your case it is the eyes, then you can emphasize them with the right color. Ask for help from a specialist and buy good paint. By choosing the right color, everyone will pay attention to the color of your eyes.

Learn to emphasize in yourself the good that God has given you. Thanks to modern technology, beauty can be done independently. Don't be afraid to experiment.

Women with green eyes are called cats. What is remarkable is that you rarely see a real cat with such an incredibly beautiful, emerald color of the iris. But you can meet as many women as you like: the images of charming green-eyed girls will be a blueprint. If you are tired of being one of many, we will tell you what color with green eyes and fair skin: a photo will help you make your choice.

How to visualize color before painting

There are several options. First and easiest: a mental picture of the desired hair color. This method has a lot of disadvantages. Firstly, not everyone can boast of a good imagination, so they often present an invented image or a blurry spot instead of their face. Secondly, internal perception is deceptive: you will not be able to see the real gamut of colors and accurately represent the shades. This method is suitable at the very beginning.- when a decision is made to repaint and the required color is approximately presented.

Second way more labor-intensive: you need to visit a wig store and try on the hair of the desired color. The method also has a drawback: in some stores, trying on wigs is paid, while in others it is limited to a few copies. It is worth remembering that you will not be the first to try on this thing, so take a tanning cap with you.

The third way which will require no effort: visit on our website and find the dream image. Upload a photo in a special form: edit the program parameters to suit your external data and enjoy the play of colors. We hope that this method will become your favorite, and you will come to our virtual beauty salon more than once.

Recommendations for girls with green eyes and fair skin

If nature has rewarded you amazing eyes, skin of a pleasant light shade and red hair - do not rush to repaint them. Firstly, red pigment is extremely difficult to remove: during the struggle for a different color, you will repeatedly affect the health of the hair and its structure. Is it worth making such sacrifices for questionable results?

If you finally decided on an experiment to change the color of your hair, consider a few tips:

  • To be bright and expressive, prefer dark tone care: they successfully emphasize the whiteness of the skin and highlight the eyes with a bright green accent.
  • suit you dark colors with a pronounced red tint. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that such a shade obliges to be with makeup, the quality of which must correspond to a professional one. Otherwise, you risk getting untidy image. It is best if, before dyeing your hair red or close to it, you do permanent make-up of eyebrows and eyelids: this will preserve the charm of the gentle image of a green-eyed nymph on the most restless morning.
  • Burgundy, wine or plum color is suitable if there are no defects on the skin of the face, otherwise they will be underlined by the specified tones. The colors will make the eyes shine brighter and add a couple of years. In some cases, unnatural dark tones can age for ten or more years.
  • For light skin prone to constant inflammation, blackheads and comedones you should choose light shades: wheat, straw. Snow-white highlighted blond is contraindicated. If green eyes have a gray tint, choose ash or Scandinavian blond for coloring.

Photos of girls with the indicated appearance parameters will demonstrate color schemes and their use on the hair of green-eyed beauties.

Should I dye my hair with two colors?

The answer to this question is unequivocal: it is worth it. Choose light colors that differ from each other by several tones. Do not combine warm and cold tones: for example, cold ash and warm golden in combination with green eyes will look disharmonious.

Hair in suitable colors can be used in a variety of ways. Shatush, white, highlighting are popular. But ombre is not recommended: a horizontal color transition will divert attention from green eyes. On the net, you can also hear the different opinions of the masters on the topic of ombre for green-eyed women: it's up to you to decide whose advice to listen to. Make a preliminary visualization of the image and understand which camp you belong to.

Eye color and hair color

Surely your eyes have a specific shade, so thoughtless color selection is fraught with inconsistency. Let's analyze which coloring pigment should be chosen based on the shade of the iris:

  • Golden
    If you are the owner of golden eyes, pay attention to all shades of red: the brighter the color, the more expression the image will add.
  • Herbal
    The shade blends perfectly with light and dark chestnut, dark red, gold.
  • Bolotny
    The most common shade. Swamp is formed by mixing green eyes with a blue or gray tint. If you are the owner of such eyes, give up the red color. You will also have to give up the dream of becoming a blonde: hair bleaching is contraindicated. The maximum that you can allow is wheat color. Prefer dark tones: chestnut, brown, chocolate, dark blond.
  • Light coloured
    Light eyes oblige to a bright image. Light blond colors, wheat, champagne splashes, beige will suit you.
  • Eyes devoid of luster
    Add brightness to the image, emphasize the eyes with blue-black. Dark brown will do.
  • Gray
    Dark and light brown colors will look great.

Why is it better to leave things as they are

Women tend to change in appearance - this is normal. It should be understood that it is impossible to create an image better than the natural beauty bestowed by nature. Therefore, green-eyed girls with fair skin it is recommended not to make changes in appearance, despite the fact that the task of choosing a hair color for them is one of the easiest.

Stylists recommend emphasizing the dignity, using products that are gentle on the hair. Red-haired beauties should use natural colorless henna to add shine to their hair and maintain color. Girls with brown hair should pay attention to natural dyes. or less harmful tint tonics and shampoos.

In any case, before you change the details of the appearance, carefully consider the consequences and create an online visualization. You can do this without leaving the site, taking advantage of the unique opportunity to visit a virtual salon.

If you want to change and want to start by changing the external data, do not rush. Be sure to think over each step: how and where you will do it, what tools and dyes you should use so as not to harm your hair. Color your hair before the weekend: in case of an unpredictable result, there should be time to put your hair in order. We hope that the tips on what color with green eyes and fair skin will help you, and the photos will inspire you to create the perfect look.

Green-eyed beauties are always in the spotlight, because in nature this color is not so common. It is formed by brown and light yellow shades in various concentrations. Moreover, bright green is found mainly among representatives of Northern Europe, while in other regions more muted tones are common.

How to choose a hair color for green eyes?

Green eyes have a magnetic effect on others, it is not for nothing that most green-eyed young ladies are called fatal. However, you can enhance the natural beauty if you choose the right hair color that will shade the eyes. Changing the shade of curls today is not difficult, for this there are safe paints, tint tonics, you can resort to such a procedure as coloring.

However, the color of the strands should be as focused as possible on the shade of the eyes. In nature, there are a great many of them. So:

  • Dark green eyes. Sometimes they can be confused with brown, as the brown enzyme predominates. However, if you look closely (especially in the sun), you will see a greenish glow. For hazel-green eyes, all varieties of light brown, brown, frosty chestnut will be harmonious.
  • Light green. In the evening light, they become darker and more like gray. Mocha is perfect for them, as well as a variety of light colors: golden, blond, wheaten.
  • Green-blue. They are best shaded by light and medium blond, caramel, milk chocolate color. Bright colors are also welcome. For example, copper red.
  • Marsh or brown-green. Universal eye color that looks great in any tandem. Fair-skinned ladies can choose chocolate, beige, wheaten tones. For dark-skinned women, dark brown, copper, golden shades are suitable.

Knowing how to choose the right shade of hair, you can create an unforgettable image that excites the imagination of others.

Red hair shades for green eyes

Traditionally, the owners of green eyes are represented in our imagination as red-haired. But red has millions of shades. Which one to choose? Here you need to pay attention to skin tone and decide on your color type. Only taking into account all these nuances, you can achieve naturalness and harmony:

  • Spring color type. It includes girls with fair skin that has a peach or golden tint. They may have freckles. Often, by nature, such young ladies are blondes. If they decide to change the natural color, it is better to choose honey. It will look good brown with a golden tint. It is worth paying attention to any light shades with a reddish undertone.
  • Summer color type. Such owners of green eyes have light olive or pale pink skin. By nature, they have blond curls. A redhead suits them very well, especially if it has a burgundy or purple undertone.
  • Autumn color type. The green color of the eyes of such ladies is combined with bronze, light beige skin with a yellowish tint. They have red hair. A great option for them is to make your natural color more saturated. To do this, use paint 1-2 tones darker. You can choose golden or chestnut. But the ashy varieties are taboo. They will give the skin a painful look.
  • Winter color type. Such green eyes are characterized by brightness. They contrast sharply with proteins. Strands by nature - dark brown or blue-black. The skin is light, with a bluish undertone. Those who decide to become red should choose shades of red with a blue tint, cold chestnut, mahogany, burgundy will do.

It is not difficult to decide on a red tint, given the laws of the color type.

beautiful hair color for green eyes

Girls who dream of creating an image in which all elements look organic should heed the advice of stylists. They believe that even the color of curls that is not suitable at first glance can be in perfect harmony with green eyes. You can not name the most beautiful color, but you can select those that will look advantageous. For instance:

  • The black. It is believed that it adds several years to the biological age. This opinion has developed because black ruthlessly emphasizes all the imperfections of the skin. But they can be disguised with makeup. But this option emphasizes the full depth of green eyes, giving them a resemblance to precious stones. Black raven curls look especially chic.5
  • Platinum blonde. This variety is also considered dangerous. There is an opinion that platinum gives the face a deathly pallor. Stylists believe that if the skin tone is light, with a pinkish tint, then the platinum blond cannot harm. On the contrary, it will emphasize the iridescence and translucency of greenish eyes, adding a touch of romance and naivety to the image.6

Hair color for green eyes in the photo

How greenish eyes are actually combined with different shades of hair can be appreciated by looking at the photo.

Classics of the genre - red and green.

One of the common options is dark brown curls and green eyes.

The most dangerous combination of black strands with green eyes actually looks very cute.

And this is a blonde with a green eye: a striking and at the same time luxurious contrast.

Fashionable hair color 2016: photo for green eyes

Young ladies who keep their finger on the pulse of life always know what is the most fashionable shade in the new season. What has 2016 given us? Green-eyed people can rejoice. Copper is in trend today.

Strawberry blonde has also gained popularity. Its feature is delicate pinkish shades. Owners of hazel-green eyes can safely choose a dark color scheme, it will look as natural as possible.

Find your color and enjoy life. And ideas for a suitable makeup can be borrowed from the video.

It is believed that it is not so easy to harmoniously choose the right shade for fair skin, but in fact, almost any color of the strands goes with this tone of the face. The main thing is that the hair color itself for fair skin should be with a cold tint and be in harmony with the color of the iris.

What hair color suits fair skin?

From time immemorial, people have considered a whitish-pale skin color as a sign of aristocracy and noble birth. A light skin tone effectively distinguishes its owners from carriers of other skin tones. Among the variety of color palettes in nature, many colors are suitable for the aristocratic skin color.

The main thing is to choose the right shade correctly.

Ash hair color

Although this shade is considered one of the universal ones, it is far from being combined with all types of appearance. However, for fair skin, this color is quite suitable, and ash-colored hair looks beautiful and harmonious.

Gray shades of hair should be chosen very carefully with fair skin so that it does not look too pale.

There are several shades of this color, each of which is combined with a certain texture of a person's appearance. So, ash-blond is suitable for white-skinned people with a delicate eye color, however, like light blond. The dark shade of this smoky color behaves a little more capriciously than all the others and will look good only with a cold color type of appearance.

If a person has brown eyes by nature, then he should choose a brown-ash shade of hair for himself.

It will advantageously emphasize the whiteness of dull skin and give the image of nobility. The ash shade is especially relevant in the presence of gray hair, as it masks this flaw well.

Brown hair color

This natural hair color will suit almost any color type of appearance. The main thing when choosing it for your hairstyle is to correctly choose the very shade of light brown tone. Many people are afraid to dye their hair in this shade, believing that the hair color turns out to be nondescript and faded in the end, which is not entirely suitable for fair skin and merges with it, but this opinion is erroneous.

Today, a wide variety of shades of light brown paint is presented on the market, each of which fits a certain appearance of a person and harmoniously complements it, completing the image as a whole.

Dark blond hair color

Despite all the richness of the color, the dark blond color has cold notes. By itself, this is a rather moody shade, despite the fact that it seems to suit almost all people. Still, the ideal appearance for this color is gray or sky-colored eyes in combination with pale skin.

A dark blond shade will ennoble and make such an appearance even more spectacular.

Light blond hair color

This is a truly luxurious and rich in iridescence shade from the entire presented variety of the light brown palette. Light blond shade harmonizes well with a typical Slavic appearance: pale skin color and light eyes.

Those who have inherited such a shade of hair from nature rarely try to get rid of it by dyeing their hair in a different color, because the fair-haired shade on the head looks attractive and beautiful.

Brown hair color

Chestnut color is an ideal corrector for hairline. The shade is ideal for its owner in the case when the hair is not in very good physical condition, since it masks all the imperfections quite well.

If you have a fair complexion, it is better to choose a chestnut gray, light or coffee and hazel shade of hair color.

Such a color scheme will favorably emphasize the aristocratic complexion and make it more textured.

red hair color

This shade should be chosen for daily wear only if the skin of the face is in perfect condition, as it is able to highlight every pimple, flaw or unevenness on the face.

The reddish tint emphasizes the pinkish undertone of the skin of its owner.

If there is such a problem as blood vessels close to the surface of the skin, then a red tint on the hair is a taboo.

The right choice in this case is dark and saturated colors, such as cold chocolate.

Chocolate hair color

This variation of the brownish hue advantageously sets off the natural whiteness of the face, captivating with its warmth and depth. Hairdressers and stylists recommend a chocolate shade for girls with pale skin and light pigmentation of the iris of the eyeball to add brightness and liveliness to a faded image, and emphasize the beauty of the eyes.

Visually, this shade gives volume to the hairline and makes the hair more shiny, especially under the light of sunlight or under artificial lighting. The color scheme of chocolate shades today is diverse and is represented by different subspecies: chocolate caramel, milk chocolate, chestnut chocolate, dark chocolate, etc. Everyone can choose for themselves exactly the shade that is more to their liking.

caramel hair color

This hair color for fair skin differs from all the above colors in the absence of a cold undertone. The color itself evokes thoughts of the scorching sun, hot summer and playful mood, and it is for this reason that many people choose it to color their hair in the cold season.

The caramel shade looks especially harmonious on curls or a cascade-type hairstyle. For a person with fair skin, both dark and light shades of caramel color are suitable, the main thing when painting in this color is to observe the correspondence of the shade of the hair to the tone of the eyebrows and make sure that there is no strong contrast between them.

copper hair color

Copper color is similar to the caramel described above. It also comes in various shades, as do other colors, of which dark copper shades are most suitable for those with pale skin. The copper color of the hairline will look especially impressive on carriers of bright green eyes, but it also looks good in combination with blue lenses.

Of all the undertones, perhaps only the light shade of red should be treated with caution, since this chosen hair color for fair skin can even paler the skin, which will look extremely ugly.

Copper-red tint to hair can be given without the use of professional hair dye, but with the help of onions or henna.

So the choice of this color is also one of the safest for the hairline itself.

Eye color matching for fair skin

When you like a lot of shades different from each other and it is difficult to make a choice in favor of a particular color, you can use the method of selecting hair color according to the shade of the iris of the eyeball.

Hair color if blue eyes and fair skin

Girls with such Slavic external data belong to the “soft summer” color type. When choosing a hair color for this kind of appearance, you should pay attention to cold, calm and muted shades that favorably shade and emphasize the beauty of the iris and the natural pallor of the skin.

Dark hair color for light skin is a good contrast to complete a noble look

So, if you choose a blond hair color for coloring, then let it be platinum, ash or silver shades of blond, which will add shine to the image, but at the same time will not make fair skin look painful.

If more preference is given to dark shades of hairline, then it is better to look at the cold tone of brown or any other dark color with a cold tint. At the same time, red, reddish, golden colors, as well as blue-black color, are undesirable in use.

Hair color if gray eyes and fair skin

The choice of shades of the scalp for a person with gray eyes and fair skin is similar to the color schemes for the above described type of people with blue eyes. Any pastel shades of light and dark colors are also appropriate here.

If you really want to experiment with bright dark colors, then if you have gray eyes, you should give preference to shades with lilac or blue reflections. And if you want to add reddish highlights to your hair, then you can pay attention to a delicate pastel pinkish range, since natural red can only spoil the image, making it too rough and sharp.

Hair color if green eyes and fair skin

Girls with pale skin and a greenish tint are best suited for dark chestnut shades. Those who want to stand out should pay attention to colors such as: burgundy, eggplant or red. They will give the image brightness and juiciness.

A red palette of colors and a bluish-black shade of hair will also look impressive, which will make the overall look mysterious and brutal. But it should be remembered that such a bold image must be consistent not only externally, but also internally.

Hair color if - brown eyes and fair skin

Such people, whose face combines fair skin and dark eyes, will be decorated with any warm shades of chocolate, caramel, bronze and crimson colors. Those who want to try themselves in the image of a blonde should choose a golden hair color for themselves, but do not forget that a hairstyle in this color often looks unnatural and quickly gets boring.

The choice of warm colors makes the final image bright and memorable. Hair color for people with fair skin should not have cold shades. so as not to spoil the overall appearance with unsuccessful painting.

If the color of brown eyes is closer to a black tint, then you can experiment with red shades. But owners of overly dark brown eyes should avoid golden hues, as they visually add age to their wearer.

Light skin with freckles - what is the best hair color?

Freckles adorn the skin of many people, and often they make it difficult for their owners to choose the color scheme of their hair before dyeing. Many people are afraid to dye their hair, not knowing which shade to choose for the procedure from the whole variety, so as not to spoil the overall appearance.

In fact, if you have freckles on fair skin, you can choose almost any color, you just need to take into account some features of the skin of the face. For instance, saturated dark or light shades do not harmonize very well with freckles and other flaws of the face, due to the fact that the same colors highlight all the flaws on the skin of the face.

The red palette of colors should also be avoided, because the skin of the face, strewn with freckles, often has a reddish undertone, and the overall picture as a result of painting in this color will look dirty. In addition, this color combination automatically adds age.

For a pale face strewn with a scattering of freckles, such shades as, for example, dark purple, dark coffee or greyish-smoky color are preferable.

If you do not want to focus on freckles, then you should pay attention to such cold shades of colors, such as, for example, ash blonde. Such shades will hide the small imperfections of the skin of the face caused by the sun's rays. But even here you should not forget to pay attention to the color of the iris of the eyeball.

So, for green or brown eyes, instead of delicate shades, it would be preferable to choose dark colors.

It is believed that red and its shades are the best color for carriers of freckles. But even here, considering the palette of red shades, the owners of such skin features should adhere to those shades of red that are closest to the tint base of the natural shade of hair and eyes. Or, on the contrary, you can play in contrast, which will look colorful and bold, and will definitely distinguish the owner of such a hairstyle from others.

Choosing a hair color for fair skin is quite simple. The main thing is to take into account the above factors and know what result you want to get on your hair as a result of painting.

Videos on how to choose a hair color for fair skin

The video shows hair color variations for fair skin. Choose the right option for you.

Below you can see howchoose the shade of hair according to the color type of the face:

If you find the appropriate hair color for fair skin, you can transform your appearance beyond recognition for the better and feel much more confident.

Green eyes are the rarest in nature and therefore cause a lot of controversy regarding the selection of the color of hair and makeup. The difficulty lies in the fact that they can have various inclusions. In addition, you need to consider the color of the eyebrows, eyelashes, as well as the shape of the face. But the right tone of hair will give the image brightness and expressiveness. How to choose a hair color that suits your eyes and not be mistaken?

How to choose paint for the color of the skin and eyes?

In order to significantly narrow down the choice of hair color for green eyes, it is necessary to take into account skin tone:

  • Olive skin with yellowish undertones will go great with darker hair like caramel or bronze. Chestnut, light and dark brown, plum, black and burgundy colors look beautiful. And, conversely, you should avoid bright blond and other shades of light colors. They will make the image faded and inexpressive.
  • Tanned and swarthy skin is in harmony with rich chocolate brown curls, both light and dark.
  • With fair skin, picking up paint is easiest. Suitable are honey, red and brown tones. Black, copper, auburn and golden colors will look beautiful.

Green eyes come in various shades, depending on this, they select the color of the paint:

1. If yellow or orange blotches predominate on the iris, then it is better to color the curls in reddish tones. Chestnut and copper-red will be suitable.

2. Grassy green bright eye colors go great with medium chestnut, honey, golden and auburn curls.

3. With a swamp iris, you should choose black, brown, medium and dark blond, platinum or.

4. The gray-green shade of the eyes is emphasized by the classic black, brown, chocolate and cold dark blond curls. Red tones should be avoided. If the natural color of the hair is light enough, then it is allowed to dye the strands in platinum and wheat tones. But it is not recommended to completely bleach your hair. With gray-green eyes, it will look faded.

5. Not too intense highlighting will go to the light green color of the eyes. Especially if the hair is naturally blond. For girls with light green eyes, this tint will make it brighter. A similar effect can be achieved by dyeing the curls blue-black or black-brown.

6. With green-brown eyes, red and chestnut strands, as well as shades of milk chocolate and caramel, will be most beautifully combined.

Fashion trends in 2017 dictate choosing naturalness in everything, including the color of curls. Stylists recommend giving preference to shades of hair that are as close as possible to the natural, given by nature.

1. The most classic combination is red hair and green eyes. The contrast of this image makes the appearance as a whole more expressive and bright. At the same time, the red tone is selected depending on the color type. For example, golden and are suitable for spring, cold without yellowness for summer, darker and more saturated for winter, and almost any for autumn. One way or another, it’s worth stopping at red if the girl has fair skin and emerald eyes. It is also suitable for a gray-green shade of the iris.

2. Blonde will make green eyes translucent and make them shine. In the light, they will appear almost colorless, and in the shade - bright green, the color of lush grass.

3. Dark tones such as black and brown will beautifully accentuate the green iris, making it emerald green. Similarities with precious stones will help to achieve a shade of raven wing on curls. But keep in mind that this color greatly emphasizes the flaws in appearance and only girls with perfect skin can afford it. Therefore, if there are flaws on the face, it is recommended to choose a softer dark chestnut.

4. Red will emphasize the color of the eyes, making them more expressive. But only girls with fair skin can afford it, better than porcelain without a hint of a pink undertone.

5. Chestnut and chocolate tones are designed for girls with tanned or swarthy skin and dark green eyes.

6. Suitable hair color for grey-green eyes is ash brown. Skin should be fair with cool undertones.

7. Beige blonde and light blond hair color will effectively emphasize the pale green iris and porcelain skin.

8. Honey and golden blonde are relevant for bronze skin. Eyes with a green iris with them will become even brighter and more expressive.

9. Bronze-brown color goes well with green eyes with swampy patches and golden skin.

10. Black curls will perfectly complement the image with swarthy skin and swamp green iris.

When choosing paint for hair, you should follow 2 basic rules:

  • Having healthy skin without rashes and other significant defects, you can paint in dark colors without hesitation. It would be advisable to choose copper or red. It is acceptable to use black and plum. But too dark strands can visually add age to their owner.
  • If there are flaws on the face, inflammation, enlarged pores, wrinkles, it is better to stay on a light scale and color the curls in pale blond and golden. At the same time, ash or platinum blond visually make the skin pale, discolor it. These tones will be appropriate if the eyes have a very light green tint.

When choosing a paint, it is best to focus on the natural shade of the hair. Reviews of stylists indicate that the hairstyle will turn out spectacular, even if you just slightly adjust the natural tone. This will refresh the image, make it bright and fashionable.

Selection of a shade of paint according to the color of eyebrows, eyelashes, makeup and face shape

When choosing a paint, you need to focus on the natural shade of eyelashes and eyebrows. Experts do not recommend tinting the hair with a composition that is much darker than them. If this happens, then the girl will have to constantly use a large amount of decorative cosmetics. And it will look unnatural and visually add a few years. To decide which range the new shade should belong to, warm or cold, you need to focus on the natural color.

Those who prefer a bright make-up can use a more saturated palette. If makeup is most often done in muted and pastel colors, then the hair should not be too bright or dark. Girls who do make-up in warm colors can dye their hair in golden, reddish and copper tones. Women who prefer blue and lilac shades in makeup should focus on cold ashy tones.

With a rounded face shape, light paint is not recommended. It only visually blurs the contours. And the face will become even wider. It is better to use dark paint. It visually narrows and stretches the face. The image will become more harmonious. If the face is thin and elongated, then you should choose a light paint. It will divert attention from sharp and angular forms.

Even experienced stylists say that choosing the right eyebrow color for greenish eyes is very difficult. You will have to try different options, mistakes are possible. With a green tint of the iris, silver and black pencils are not recommended. But it is worth trying brown and graphite. The general rules are as follows:

  • with ashy hair, eyebrows are painted in gray shades;
  • blondes should be painted with a light brown or gray pencil;
  • brunettes should pay attention to a dark brown eyebrow pencil, but by no means black;
  • redheads can safely use eyebrow pencils in warm brown tones.

Green-eyed girls can afford to boldly experiment with almost any hair color and look fashionable. The main thing is not to forget to choose a shade for the iris, skin and take into account other parameters of appearance, so that the image is as harmonious as possible.