I'm crazy about men. Seeks to enjoy sex. Which women do men leave?

Masculine and feminine are opposite in many ways. Men and women look at the same things in completely different ways. Therefore, we so often face the problem when we seem to speak the same language with each other, but do not understand anything and draw completely opposite conclusions.

They say that women love with their ears, but in the perception of men, the main place is occupied by what they see. A man grasps and evaluates a situation or an object as a whole, so the impression that you make on a man is made up of how you are dressed, combed your hair, and how you behave, laugh, walk, etc. Most likely, a man will not remember what jewelry you were wearing on the evening of acquaintance, what exactly you were wearing. He grasps the picture as a whole, and if he likes it, he makes contact. Therefore, men, in general, do not care deeply about small details and some super fashionable outfit. A man often pays attention to what a woman is wearing when the clothes do not fit or look very catchy, overshadowing the owner. He evaluates you in the clothes, not the clothes themselves. Many quarrels and conflicts arise in already established couples because a man does not pay attention to his woman, her manicure, hairstyle or stylish makeup. A complex picture immediately gives a man the opportunity to form an opinion about the girl and decide whether to contact her. Stupid men evaluate potential girlfriends like cows in the market - so that the legs are strong, but not crooked, and the udder is large and elastic. More advanced representatives of the stronger sex want to read a woman like a book, guess from her clothes and behavior what she is like, and based on this, build a plan to conquer her body and soul. The goal, oddly enough, is about the same for both of them - to drag a woman into bed, but the methods are different. Do not dream that a man will fall in love with you at first sight. Even if love does arise, all romantic nonsense will quickly fade into the background in a man’s head, giving way to pornographic pictures that he himself will beautifully draw from you even before you go to bed for the first time.

So, what do men want ? Of course, sex. But you don't want to be just a sex toy, a more advanced version of a rubber doll, do you? There is nothing easier than to captivate a man for one night, there is nothing more difficult to bind him for a long time, as long as you yourself want him to be there. Our main weapon is femininity. Men can't argue with her.

Men are extremely attracted to women's self-confidence. However, there is a fine line between confidence and overconfidence. A woman who is self-confident from scratch (that is, who does not have a sufficient number of virtues for the emergence of confidence) will cause only irritation in a man, and much more than a self-confident man. A woman who does not have an exceptional appearance, but is confident in: 1) her own attractiveness, 2) that this man is not the last, 3) her sexual literacy and exclusivity, 4) the ability to understand men, which will allow not to miss this candidate; will arouse much more interest in a man than a self-confident beauty with data 90-60-90, in which all her self-confidence is based on the belief that all men should go crazy on her legs and not pay attention to the emptiness in her head.

Men are very fond of when a woman shows sincere interest in their personas. Remember that from an inquisitive woman pleasant in all respects to a curious obsessive idiot is one step. Feel free to ask a man questions about his hobbies and views on life, opinions of other people, but NEVER ask how many mistresses he had, illegitimate children, or how much (exact figure with spending reports) he earns. When the time comes, he will tell you everything himself. If you see that a man has become nervous from your questions, do not be intrusive, otherwise he will try to get rid of you very quickly.

All men, without exception, appreciate a woman's sense of humor, laughter brings them together, but many are annoyed by the girl's loud and unpleasant laughter. Men immediately transfer such a wife to the “hopelessly spare” bench, remember that men love with their eyes, but this does not mean that they are deaf.

There are practically no men who do not like to eat tasty food. The truth that the way to a man's heart lies through his stomach is as old as the world, but that's why it is good, which is confirmed by centuries of experience. If you have a choice, go on a first date somewhere to eat or, for example, to a disco, choose "snack". Food relaxes a man, makes him kind, generous and optimistic.

Man and sex are inseparable concepts. This is where you can really develop your talents and tie a man tighter than the strongest chains! There is only one "but". By agreeing to have sex on the first day you meet, you risk earning a reputation as a one-night stand. There are men who don’t pay attention to such “little things”, especially if they liked the girl, but can you tell at first glance how frivolously a man looks at moral issues? The point is not that you gave yourself to him on the very first day, but that he thinks that, without hesitation, you gave yourself to other men every night.

They say that men love women with a past, but this does not mean at all that you need to dump all your past on a man’s head like a bag of gifts. You run the risk of losing if on the very first evening of your acquaintance you lay out to a man your entire biography and plans for the future. Try to talk more about him, he will definitely appreciate it, even if the whole evening will puzzle over what kind of thing you are.

Men are very fond of women who smell "delicious". The most delicious smell is the smell of perfume combined with your individual smell. Judge for yourself, doesn't he smell what you really smell like when you get into bed and make love until you sweat? My body has a very characteristic smell, and in any case, a man will feel it with closer contact. I prefer almost unscented deodorants and perfumes with a subtle heady scent.

A light, unobtrusive and enveloping smell of perfume can drive a man crazy, but the sharp smell of cheap toilet water and even very expensive perfumes, mixed with the sour smell of sweat, causes only a gag reflex. Will the man fight him? No, just run away.

Men are very fond of compliments and praise. Don't be afraid to overdo it - there are never too many compliments. There is only one secret of competent flattery - to praise the quality that is at least to some extent present in a person. This is especially true for appearance. Men, when you praise them, become very accommodating.

Men cannot take their eyes off the slender female legs shod in stilettos. However, it is not at all necessary to wear “butt cuffs” instead of a skirt, especially if you are not sure that you can walk in heels with the same grace as in sneakers. Men are excited not only and not so much by the sight of bare legs, but by the sight of the foot itself, which becomes elegant in a shoe, as if smaller. I can recommend a simple seduction secret if your legs are not perfectly shaped. Wear a long, tight skirt with a slit, and stockings instead of tights. Let the lace rubber bands look out a couple of times, as if by chance.

Men go crazy with all kinds of "gender": half-hint, half-transparent dress, half-smile, half-offense, etc. A man understands that you are interested in him, but you follow the rules of the game and do not hang around his neck. Flirting prepares for intimacy, gives the relationship sharpness, excitement, awakens fantasy. So why deprive yourself and men of such pleasure? Do you want romance? Then flirt!

Never hide your chest, even if its size tends to zero. A man perceives a protruding female breast as a challenge that cannot be ignored. Straighten your back, straighten your shoulders, do you really think that you can please a man like this - a bruised life, hunched over and with a protruding tummy?

A woman, if she wants to become a good lover, must know the basic rules for dealing with the male sex (I have given only a few, the most simple and obvious, but which we so often forget) and learn to be a “litmus test”, which determines with high accuracy, what each specific man expects or wants from her .. Do you think that the art of dealing with men is outstanding knowledge in the field of sexual techniques? no one goes crazy and turns to the wall when she is satisfied.

The first and most important task is to learn to hear what men are actually talking about, and not to look for what you want to hear in their words. It does not matter in what way the information is presented, the main thing is that you can still hear and use it for your own purposes. I'll give you an example. A man in a conversation with you or just in the company of his friends constantly “presses on the pedal” that all women are greedy fools who need men solely for profit. What does it say? Either that he is a fool, or about the deep psychological trauma that another woman inflicted on him, who is really obsessed with money. If you want him to pay attention to you and single out from the crowd of other contenders for a warm and cozy place next to him, then you should also, as if in passing, often repeat that happiness, in general, is not about money, but for some reason everyone just thinks that women need nothing but money. If you repeat the words that a man wants to hear often enough, and most importantly so that they certainly reach the addressee, then in the end he will definitely turn his attention to you. And if you are smart enough at the first time of acquaintance to reject his offers to give you an expensive gift or allocate money for clothes, then I bet a hundred against one that in the end he will be crazy about you. Playing unmercenary does not mean at all that you will be in the role of Cinderella all your life. Men spare money for casual partners, and for their beloved and desired, they are ready to break into a cake. There are no women that men go crazy about automatically, as if on command, but there are those who thought about how to achieve this before you did. The ability to listen and guess the desires of a man is the key to success, which opens the door to men's hearts.

Remember that a man cannot compete with a feminine woman (sorry for the tautology), he is not able to resist her. Femininity is a friend of sexuality, which a man pecks at first of all ... Sex is not a bed, but a whole life. Learn to live sexually by giving yourself to a man before you make love, and I assure you, there will never be any problems with sex and men in your life. There will be another problem - choice.

How to drive a man crazy and become for him the one and only? Many of the fair sex often thought about it. Some women are naturally endowed with the gift of driving men crazy, and they do not need to make certain efforts for this. But others have to try, but nothing is impossible and this “art” is quite possible to learn. The main thing to remember is that there are no trifles in this matter, everything is important here: elusive gestures, details of appearance, manner of speaking, etc.

How to drive a man crazy in bed

“You are a goddess” is what every woman wants to hear in bed. But how to drive men crazy? Psychology in this regard recommends learning to give and enjoy sex and remember that this is an integral part of life. You should find out from the chosen one what turns him on the most: it can be gentle words or biting, erotic massage.

Maybe some certainty in clothes (high heels, short skirt, revealing underwear, or lack of it). Having learned the preferences of your loved one, you need to take them into service and use them. It should be remembered that it is impossible to lie silently in bed. When receiving a stream of pleasure, you need to allow yourself to arch your back, moan erotically, whisper gentle words, bite your ear, even scratch if it drives a man crazy.

We must not forget that the representatives of the stronger sex are no less romantic in their dreams than the weaker sex. They like surprises and vivid impressions much more than the monotonous everyday life. Few men can resist the combination of stimulants: pleasant music, the aroma of fine perfumes and oils.

To drive a man crazy, you need to think through everything to the smallest detail. You can arrange a romantic evening, cook passion dishes with the addition of aphrodisiacs that help enhance intimate attraction and encourage erotic fantasies. Aphrodisiacs include spices: fennel, ginger, cumin, cardamom, cinnamon, basil, nutmeg, coriander, dill, black and red pepper, anise, lovage; seafood: caviar, oysters, shrimps, mussels, lobsters, lobsters; mushrooms, nuts, apples, pears, strawberries, all citrus and exotic fruits: mango, passion fruit, bananas, dates; vegetables: onions, artichokes, garlic, tomatoes, avocados, spinach. Able to enhance the excitement of such drinks: coffee, alcohol, cocoa, as well as products: poultry, rabbit meat, beef, cheese, chocolate, quail eggs. If you correctly think over dinner, with the inclusion of aphrodisiac products in the menu, you can achieve the desired results and drive a man crazy with only gastronomic delights. So, before the meeting, you should light candles, put on a beautiful dress and underwear, and remember that everything a woman does should please both her and her chosen one.

It is generally accepted that a woman can be conquered simply by saying a couple of compliments to her. But with the representatives of the stronger sex, things are somewhat different. Of course, there are cherished words that drive men crazy, but you need to be able to use them.

So, you can drive a man crazy with the following phrases:

"I've never felt so good before." This phrase can be pronounced after a great evening, a walk in the park, a visit to a cafe, dinner in a restaurant, after a stormy intimacy.

"You are the most amazing person I have ever met." These words should be confirmed by some specific examples so that the interlocutor does not suspect the woman of flattery.

"With you, I'm ready for any madness!". After that, we look meaningfully at our chosen one and smile mysteriously. Such words should be said if a woman is really not averse to making a closer acquaintance.

"Would you like to visit me for a cup of coffee?" This phrase is still in the lead, if there is a desire. However, it is effective if the cultural and entertainment program includes something else besides coffee.

“I love you” - this phrase can drive a man crazy if both partners are in a serious relationship, otherwise such frankness can scare away.

The main thing to always remember is that relationships need to be worked on and they are unlikely to develop by themselves. Therefore, do not forget about the variety of leisure activities, the search for common topics for conversation, new joint hobbies.

To the question: “Which women often drive you crazy?” - most male representatives answer without hesitation: "The one with whom it is interesting and not boring in bed." Hence the conclusion, meeting these requirements, you can remain the most beautiful and desirable for your chosen one all your life.

Do you want to drive your loved one crazy? But don't know how to do it? It is very simple, because there is a saying that a woman attracts with the purity of her body. And women are often knocked down in search of the cherished fragrance to conquer a man. And they often ask the question: “what perfumes drive men crazy?”. Many experts advise focusing on the partner's sense of smell in matters of choosing the right flavor. An attractive perfume will leave a first, pleasant impression about a woman; it will act as an indispensable attribute for romantic walks. Perfumes, like clothes or shoes, have fashion trends. The modern world of perfumery offers a wide range of scents, including the simplest options - from simple floral scents to more complex compositions.

Perfumes that drive a man crazy include notes of citrus or tobacco, leather or wood. There are men who prefer fragrances that are fresh and light. Others prefer oriental notes with vanilla, sandalwood, musk or other spices. In any case, in order to completely drive a man crazy, it is better to ask your chosen one what fragrances he prefers, and ideally choose the right perfume together.

How to drive a man crazy from a distance?

There can be no clear algorithm of actions, since each representative of the stronger sex is individual. But there are ways to help get his attention from a distance. This can be achieved with gestures. Some movements and gestures are attractive to the representatives of the stronger sex. The movements of ladies should be flexible, smooth, graceful. A woman should always keep her shoulders straight and her back straight. A woman sitting with her legs crossed looks attractive in the eyes of men. By imitating the gestures of a man, his voice and facial expressions, you can win him over and inspire confidence in him.

You can attract the male gaze with revealing clothing that favorably emphasizes all the curves of the female body. You can also drive men crazy with a long slit on a skirt and an elastic band from stockings that occasionally appears. Attractive is a blouse with an unbuttoned button, which is about to threaten to open up and reveal a wonderful view of the hollow.

According to men, the most seductive details of a woman's wardrobe are a bra, stockings and high heels. Clothing should emphasize femininity, but in no case be defiant and vulgar. Dresses made of flowing fabrics that gently outline the figure, or translucent outfits that make men think about what is hidden under them look very seductive. Various fasteners also attract attention, suggesting how to unfasten them.

Since men love to fantasize, they like to look at a half-naked woman when it is possible to mentally imagine her without clothes.

The quality of linen and its color play an important role. The most pleasant to touch is silky linen. In terms of attractiveness, black and red lead in color, but even here it is necessary to take into account male tastes. The red color of underwear of some representatives of the stronger sex scares off with its aggressiveness, so it’s better to start with the classics - black, and then find out about the preferences of your chosen one.

You can drive men crazy with long, silky, well-groomed hair in natural shades. Many representatives of the stronger sex are haunted by an irresistible desire to plunge their hand into silky, soft curls at the back of their heads.

Men are driven crazy by wet, pink female lips. At the same time, one should not forget to smile, because a smile makes a lady attractive.

The representatives of the stronger sex like friendly, benevolent women who are easy to communicate with. With a glance, you can express your attitude towards a man and drive him crazy. To do this, you need to maintain eye contact with him.

Great importance in male seduction is given to a correctly placed female voice, which is able to fascinate with its intonation. Men like a quiet voice, but a shrill, sharp one can only repel.

In their address, men like to hear admiration and praise, but the main thing is not to overdo it. You just need to emphasize the positive qualities of your chosen one. It can be both appearance and some of his character traits.

How to drive a man crazy with a kiss?

You should explore the male body and find those points whose kisses will be most pleasant. Some are thrilled by kisses and light biting of the neck, many enjoy touching the stomach between the navel and the genitals.

To drive a man crazy, you need to explore with the help of lips and tongue nipples, ears, inner thighs, fingers, feet. Any of these places can be erogenous.

Sometimes it’s enough to ask a loved one about intimate fantasies in order to turn him on and go from stories to actions with pleasure. Nothing drives you crazy like contemplating a naked woman you love. Taking advantage of this, without giving preference to twilight, you can easily excite your loved one.

How to drive a man crazy - secrets:

- you don’t need to let a man get very close and very quickly, because, having realized that there is nothing to conquer, he will quickly lose interest in a woman;

- you should not adapt to the chosen one. You cannot agree to a date that is scheduled at an inconvenient time and in the wrong place;

- you can’t run at the first call to a man, if a woman interests him, he will wait;

- you do not need to be overly independent and independent, you should remain feminine and allow the chosen one to take care of yourself;

- you can not put a man above your interests.

Having mastered the above techniques, you can turn into a real seductress, capable of driving any man crazy.

Hello. I fell in love with a colleague, we are 30 years old. He has a girlfriend, I'm on the verge of a divorce from my husband (the relationship deteriorated due to the fact that he drinks and constantly lies), and I have a little daughter. I flirt with a colleague, there were even moments when he, as it seemed to me, showed interest in me. He asked about my marital status, hobbies. I didn’t lie, because I always try to avoid lying, especially in relationships. A couple of times, the first one himself wrote on WhatsApp “good morning, Marin.” But the fact of the presence of a girl does not hide, including from me. Often my messages remain either unanswered, or he replies after a long time. Judging by my communication with him, he realized long ago that I was not indifferent to me. On my single naive attempt to invite him for a walk, he refused, referring to the fact that he only has time for work, training and sleep. It would seem that he does not need me. But why doesn't he send me off right away? Why does he just accept all this flirting, sometimes interspersed with light eroticism? I do not know what to think. Although my conquest of his heart lasts a little over a month, is still complicated by his girlfriend and my daughter (somehow it was very unpleasant to say this), is there any point in continuing this game? I'm ready to play more, but I want more. And I ask you very much: do not advise me to switch attention / prioritize / spit on him ... Something else. Most likely, I want hope. And if there is a chance, I am ready to wait further. Thank you.

  • Marinochka, wake up and start seducing your husband as you seduced him at your first meeting! And that guy does not need your child, she is a stranger to him, think about it !!!

I'm married. He is also married. We are colleagues. we are 30 years old.
I do not expect understanding from you, but I would like to hear advice and opinion.
We are colleagues. At some point, a spark ran between us.
At some point, he began to praise me, pay more attention to me, wink ... I interpreted this in my own way ... and I wanted to play.
The game has begun. We started saying good morning to each other. Hugs (I explained to him that hugs are vital, that hugs charge you with positive), went together for lunch.
And then I decided to go to a new level in the game. I confessed to him ... and directly offered.
He said that he likes me, started a conversation about how good I am, etc…. in general, banal phrases. I asked him for a summary. He kissed me. And ended with a phrase, but no. He is correct and cannot come home with such a feeling. They doused me like a bucket of ice water.
So… I destroyed in one piece everything that I had been building for half a year.
The next 2 weeks were busy.
We didn't hide from each other. But there was tension between us.
And then, somehow it became easy again ... passion returned. He started hugging me more and more. In his eyes was read a frank desire for me. He began to take the initiative. I went into the office myself. He showed a desire to take me.
At work - among colleagues - his look is confident. And no matter how much we desire each other, we understand that it is impossible ...
But alone ... for example ... sitting in the car. He tries to make less eye contact with me. And, of course, he doesn't kiss.

But he fights.
His principles are correct. He does not want to cheat on his wife (although in some places he wants to, he himself said)

Outcome: I want our non-existent relationship to become existing.
How to do it?
I'm not going to ruin his family. I'm not going to leave my husband.
I just want happiness with him - here and now.

I understand that it takes time for him to realize that he is not doing anything wrong. But how else can you speed up this process? How else to entice him?

Anyone can judge. And you try to give advice ....
Before - I was on the side of decent wives. Who quietly hated "mistresses". But don't judge, lest you be judged...

  • Hello Hope. “I want our non-existent relationship to become existing. How to do it? I'm not going to ruin his family. I'm not going to leave my husband ”- It’s not a fact that when your relationship becomes existing, your colleague will be able to stop. It is possible that he is afraid of this. He will not be able or will not want to return to the family.

    My husband also had a colleague and you know that damn it, she broke my life! Burning her is not enough for her to feel my pain. She appeared and broke our love, our family, led my faithful husband astray. She is a breakaway. I pray to God that she felt my pain. And I think she's a whore. Don't do that, be faithful to your husband and family!

    • Do you hear yourself??? Killed your love??? Destroyed your family??? Is that the issue with her??? How can you be so narrow-minded ... "razluchnitsa"? And who is your husband? And you? Didn't give him something! Think about it better.

Hello, help me figure it out. I'm 39 years old, 20 of them with my husband, I have big children. For all 20, my husband and I survived everything, but once in my distant youth I loved one guy, but I never received reciprocity from him. I've always wondered why it didn't work out for us back then. And after 21 years we met with him and everything started to spin with us, intimacy, passion, desire, everything that was not there then. I probably love my husband, and he also loves his wife. Of course, we won’t be together, but intimacy is a secret from everyone, it’s simply not real. It blows my head from not only his touch, but also his look, how should I be, how to stop thinking about him, how not to fall in love and cut everything I have for all these years.

Good evening! I ask you to give advice, I'm confused. I am 39 years old, married for 16 years, I have a child, everything is fine in the family. In the summer, I met a man on the Internet, 47 years old, he is in a civil marriage, a common child. We talked for about a month, and he confessed his love to me. He says that he fell in love like a boy, And he did not expect this from himself. I didn’t believe him, I said: “Is there really a virtual love? ”And she did not take our communication seriously. But, we continued to communicate every day from morning until evening. Previously, we only talked during the day while at work, he deliberately stayed at work for 2-3 hours to communicate with me. Now even when at home, a secret from our spouses. I realized that I fell in love with this person, answered him in return. He was happy as a boy. He thanks me that I appeared in his life, calls me - "Beloved", "My happiness" and so on! Jealous when I don’t get in touch for a long time, jealous of me for the guys in our group on the site - when I communicate, offended by me when I say that virtual love is not long. He says that he loves me not virtually, but really.
Such communication has already been going on with us for about 7 months from morning to night, with a break for sleep. We sometimes call each other and we can chat for hours. And so we began to discuss our meeting, he says that he wants to touch me. I will not dissemble, and I really want to see him. There are 700 km between us. Discussing our meeting, we had a fight. Since I was horrified to hear from him that we will meet once a year, when he will go to his mother and he will call on me for 8 hours. I was very offended, and wrote to him that I did not want to be a girl for one time and for 8 hours. And she wrote him "goodbye", they say this is not love. Although I do not understand myself, I am not going to leave my husband and he will not leave his family either. He explained to me why once a year, they say the distance is not small, work, family and so on, they say if we lived nearby, we would meet every day. I don't know what to do, love it! And I think he loves it too. Texting me, "please don't leave me." And I can’t find a place for myself, I constantly think about him. Give advice, what is this between us? Love? And is it worth it to continue our communication?

  • Good evening, Lorik. Between you is a game that exists only in the mind and the Internet. The sooner the meeting occurs, the faster the “sobering up” of feelings will come. Reality will put everything in its place. Virtual relationships are a desire to experience vivid emotions, rather than a real real feeling. Very rarely does a virtual feeling go beyond the computer and turn into reality. If such cases happen, then these are just a few. The Internet allows you to appear before the interlocutor in the best possible way, to hide complexes and fears. Therefore, communication and falling in love there is easier and faster, unlike communication in reality. Experiencing virtual love, a person changes emotionally and mentally - because he falls in love with an ideal image invented for himself, which does not correspond to reality in reality. He cherishes this image, nurtures and is very disappointed after real communication live. Individuals living in the network, having created illusions of love, begin to believe in them, and the real world gradually fades into the background. If such love overtook a person, then he should think about whether this is a real feeling or just a hobby. Often this is a game on emotions, ultimately leading to a break in relations. Very often, a person on the Internet finds himself in a situation where the virtuality of relationships overshadows the mind. This happens because the physical world is filled with stress, feelings, so it is more pleasant for people to escape from reality and immerse themselves completely in pleasant communication with new interlocutors. Take it easy on your hobby.

    Yes, what kind of love is there, complete nonsense. The usual passion ... It's just that something is missing in your marriage, and he too. He has generally inadequate manners. I'm sure you wouldn't be able to live with him even for a year. Forget this nonsense and work on your relationship with your husband.

I met a guy 10 years ago! Relationships began, then they broke up! Now he is married, has a child, but still calls, writes sometimes we meet! What to do?! Because I still love him and he has something left for me. I tried to forget him, it doesn’t work, he constantly reminds me of himself.

Three years ago I had a relationship with a man! We are the same age. But he drank a lot. We met for a month. Then he went to jail. Before sitting down he asked me to wait for him. After he sat down, I started a relationship with his friend, as I did not want a relationship with a drinking man. A year later, I married my husband for his friend. And he didn't get out of my head. A year later, I was no longer satisfied with the relationship with my husband. My husband needed intimacy and that's it. And it no longer suits me. A year later, the same man came out. He doesn't drink anymore, he does everything around the house, he works. I find myself thinking that I still love him. And now I don't know what to do!

Hello! Please help! I have known a married man for almost 4 years. He is 16 years older than me. looked after, talked about love. after some time, I looked at him with a different look, we began to plan our family life, he said he would leave the family, but as soon as it came to the point, he disappeared three times referring to the fact that he could not leave, finding various reasons (in my opinion non-existent). I suffer, my soul and heart already hurt. I can’t find a place for myself, I don’t want anything. I need him, I love him. please help me if possible.

  • Nastenka, are you sure that you will be able to build your full-fledged happiness on someone else's broken happiness? You knew that he was married, was it worth bringing it to this? Let go, let him live peacefully with his wife and raise children, it’s not for you to deprive them of a loving dad.

Hello. I want to tell you my story. Help me. We met 3 years ago. He is 7 years younger than me. We started a relationship. He let me know by his actions that I was not indifferent to him. Looked after me. Trusted me. We were happy together ... Once, in a fit of passion, I confessed my love to him ... but he did not answer me, but by his behavior made it clear to my heart that he was fine with me ... This went on for about six months .. It was time for him to go to army (after college). I asked him the question “should I wait for you?”. To which he replied that he did not want to promise me anything. He left for the army in the fall. In the winter I met a man. Relations quickly developed. It so happened that I got pregnant. I got married, but I still think about him. I remember very often. Relationships with my husband do not add up, there are always a lot of reasons. Maybe I won't call for a long time. Sometimes he doesn't come home. He spends the night with his parents ... He returned from the army about a year ago. We did not communicate for some time (he knew that I was not free). Yes, and he began to live with a girl. He was brought up by his father, who told him that if he had already chosen, then for life .. he even introduced her parents to his father. But somehow the connection was restored. (I don’t remember, he seemed to take an interest in me through a mutual friend) A couple of correspondences on the Internet. Several calls ... I was waiting for news from him and when he called, I went crazy from his voice .. We are from the same village, but he and I live in the same city .. Somehow we saw each other. I was in the company of friends, and he drove up with his girlfriend and I .. saw how he was looking at me. After the weekend on his page, I saw songs ... about us .. We began to correspond with him. He called a couple of times…oh my God, what a correspondence…we started flirting..then frankly..I don’t understand what’s happening to me…I’ve never wanted anyone as much as him. We are very similar to him ... he escaped and arrived alone without his girlfriend .. and we spent the night together. She was unforgettable .. he told me that night, “how I loved you ..” I could not stand it. Tears rolled down from his eyes. He comforted me..kissed me. We talked for a long time on common topics, recalled the past .. it was unforgettable. We went home. I really want to see him today .. I don’t know if it will work out .. but my head is filled with only him. I don't think about anything. He let me know that he cares about me .. but ... What should I do.? Tell. I love him... he's 23, I'm 30.

  • Hello Julia. Everything will happen exactly as it should happen. Now little depends on you. Your boyfriend should make the decision for both of you. This is a big responsibility, considering that you have a child. He must finally figure out what he wants. This takes time. Live in the moment, one day.

  • Hello, Tatyana. Take it easy on your relationship, the guy doesn't owe you anything. Fatigue, toothache, work are normal life phenomena. You will always have time to part, give both of you a chance.

Hello! I can't stop thinking about one person. I am a free girl, but he is married. We see each other almost every day and in his eyes I feel indifferent to me, but he does not make any signs of attention or hints! I dream about him at night, I think sometimes even during the day. A huge desire for intimacy haunts. I don’t want to cause conflicts in their family, so I don’t pretend to be interested (I can hardly restrain myself when he is around and lick my lips like a dog on a bone when he leaves). How can I stop thinking about him and live in peace?! For more than a year this has been happening!

  • Hello Marina. You should think about how much time has already been lost and how much is still to be lost if you continue to constantly think about this person. Load your life completely: with new acquaintances, work, sports sections, anything, just do not allow yourself to be alone. Suffering will destroy the soul and will not allow you to deal with the arrangement of your own destiny.

    Marina, but you write messages to him that his wife saw. You have already “tried” to destroy, and how you cannot understand what pain you caused this family .. If a man, Alexander, had an interest in you, he would be with you ... Step away from the family and find your own. God help.

And how can you understand that a guy is really interested in you, if we mainly communicate by phone, and he either writes all day and calls, then he may write less often and not call all day (perhaps on purpose). I can’t understand his motives. Are there any signs that he really likes you? Because we have an ambiguous status in the relationship, I keep some distance in this. Of course, a little chaotic, but so somewhere)

Good afternoon! Tell me what to do, I met a young man on vacation, a romance started, we started talking on WhatsApp, he is from another city, we meet on weekends, but he is so spoiled that he doesn’t write first, doesn’t call, says that the girls are crazy about him and don’t they give a pass, but he is with me, and does not want to rush when we are together, he is very caring, but how the weekend goes includes selfishness, what to do, tell me please, is there any point in continuing the relationship?

  • Good afternoon, Regina. It is up to you to decide whether it makes sense to continue the relationship or not. Do not rush to draw conclusions yet, take a closer look at the guy, talk to him tactfully about the sore.

Hello! I met a man at work, he is about 50 married, I am 29 and I am married. 2 days a week coincides that we work together for about a couple of hours. Initially, I did not like it, we had conflicts every time. After we did not see each other for about 5 months, then holidays, then business trips. And so, having met again, our relationship changed, but everything became incomprehensible. We enjoy each other's company, sometimes we drink tea together, sometimes he gives me small gifts, sweets, says how beautiful and generally the best I am, and he likes me. But at the same time, he shied away from me much more often: he wouldn’t let me touch him. If I come close, she tries to get away from me or into the street, does not drink tea with me, looks away, but immediately says that she is very beautiful and literally runs away into the street. Calls me exclusively by my full name, but on you. I don’t understand what is happening, how he treats me and what to do next? There are no plans for a serious relationship with him, but I would like flirting / intimacy. There is no telephone communication, I can’t ask something directly either - he literally runs away, or translates the topic of conversation.

  • Hello, Natalia. Definitely you are a man more than like. You are already “driving him crazy” with your presence alone, so he avoids touching, tries to be around less time in order to control himself.

Good evening! Married for 3 years, in a relationship with her husband for 7 years. In the beginning, the intimacy was very good, then my desire began to arise less frequently. It could be explained by stress. In addition, the husband began to use the mother-son relationship model. I grew up in a family where my mother decided everything. And ready to make important decisions, such as budget planning, vacations, etc. But at the same time, I want a partnership in a relationship, and not play the role of a mother. Actually because of this, I think my husband began to excite me less. Although he loves me very much and treats me like a queen.
Three months ago I met a man. The same age as my husband and the same profession. We live in different cities. And he is in an open relationship. With this woman they have a small child. And they also live with her in different cities.
We met at a work conference. And after the conference, we had dinner at a bar with live music. Gradually, the conversation turned into flirting. And then in the taxi, which we decided to share, he admitted that he would have kissed a long time ago if he had not known that I was married.
I didn't answer and got out of the car. The next day we met. He had to leave in the evening. We went to see a movie that was useful for us professionally. Especially me. Before the start of the session, we drank a cocktail at the bar. And he asked again if I want what he is. I replied that I was not in an open relationship. Although I really wanted it. And after the session, I still decided to invite him to my place. My husband was on a business trip at the time.
At first, I did not consider him for relationships on the side. I thought I'd leave and that's it. But he began to write to me. The messages are mostly not about anything specific, but regular. We began to meet whenever possible. Due to the fact that in different cities there are meetings and frequent business trips for both him and me, our meetings are very rare. But always very passionate. And with each meeting more and more tender. We never make any plans, neither he nor I. We try to enjoy those rare moments when we are together.
The fact that he was also not free made me happy at first. Because I'm not going to leave my husband. There are too many things that bind us together.
Now I think more and more about my lover. And yet I can not understand what all the same I want.

Hello, I don't know what to do. I think the man I met when I was sent from school to practice. When I first saw him, I really liked him. After practice, we didn’t see each other for a long time, and after some time he called me and invited me on a date, of course I agreed. There were a couple more of these dates and he told me that he was fine with me and we even often called up and we liked talking to each other, but in recent days he stopped calling me, and when I call him, he says that he is busy or at all Does not answer the phone. And because of this, I can’t find a place for myself. If he doesn't want to see me anymore, why doesn't he tell me about it, or he doesn't know how to say it, and it annoys me a little.

  • Hello Julia. All people are different, including men. What's in someone's head is hard to predict. We can advise one thing - do not call him anymore, if he is interested in a relationship, then he will definitely call.

Hello, I have been married for 28 years, everything is fine, I don’t look at “foreign” men (I work in a male group), I look quite :)
I met a man (married) - we talked, I listened more, I was glad that a person can express his thoughts so easily and not intrusively, without exposing others as ignoramuses. I caught myself that I liked him physically. Of course, she did not say that he aroused sympathy.
There was a call (he is from the other end of the country), he said (key words for me): thank you for my words that you need to have time to be happy - life goes by quickly; that wants to fall in love; that you should definitely meet and talk. Nothing special, but I'm glad!
For some reason I think about him, I'm very afraid of meeting him and really want to see him. Are these age spots?

  • Hello Olga. You are fascinated by this man, it has nothing to do with jumps. “I caught myself that I liked him physically. Of course, she didn’t talk about the fact that he aroused sympathy. ” - It is not at all necessary to voice this during communication, there are a lot of non-verbal signs by which you can understand that there is sympathy between communicating people.

    • I catch myself on the fact that the charm, in my thoughts, goes far. I don’t want to come up with a reason not to meet, but at a meeting, I’m afraid, desire will overwhelm. From the conversation I understand that he liked me (not as a listener :))
      Don't date? how to control yourself?

Good afternoon!
I ask you for advice: I meet a guy just for the sake of intimacy. We don’t have anyone, but we also don’t have feelings for each other. And we categorically do not accept a common future (we are from different religions, I understand that it sounds stupid, but we are against the wedding), (for example, for sure). But I really like him in bed and as a person. He says he likes me too. We do not forbid each other to get acquainted with others, but I am very jealous of him. And I get mad when he tells me about another guy for me. I always need intimacy and attention from him. I don't understand what it is. Is this normal? What should I do, break up? I've been on a date a few times. And not a single guy impressed me. I return to it all the time. It's some kind of addiction. Advise me how to get rid of this feeling?

  • Hello Gulya. You have certain feelings for a young man (“I really like him in bed and as a person”, “I am very jealous of him”, “I am furious when he tells me about another guy for me”). Or you do not understand yourself or do not allow yourself to admit that you are not indifferent to this person.
    “Advise me how to get rid of this feeling?” This is very difficult, because if the feeling is real, then it can last a lifetime.

Good evening!
Please help me to sort out the situation...
Since April, I started a relationship with a man ... Or rather, we met (I’ll make a reservation right away - we had absolutely nothing, we didn’t even kiss) and a week later he went on a flight. All this time (if possible) we corresponded, talked on Skype ... He confessed his love. he said that if I leave him, he will not survive this, he made a lot of plans ... He asked me for a very long time to say if I love him ... I reciprocated ... Through a friend I passed gifts and huge bouquets of flowers ...
But a week ago he returned from the flight and it was as if they had replaced him ... Returning home, he did not even call, did not write ... When I call, he says that he is busy, he urgently needs to go or go somewhere, he does not answer messages ... We saw each other only once, and then at my insistence ... (although I don’t like this persistence myself) He said that he loves, that nothing has changed ...
But I understand that everything has changed ... But I can’t understand what caused such drastic changes?
We didn’t quarrel, we didn’t sort things out, we didn’t give reasons for jealousy or distrust ... I’m going crazy from this uncertainty ... What is the reason ???

  • Hello, Elena. The reason for this behavior of a man may be the lack of deep, true feelings. For the emergence of a deep feeling - one week is not enough and no skype, sms - can replace live communication.

Hello, I met a man on a dating site. Corresponded 3 months. From friendly correspondence grew into flirting and sympathy. But it so happens that every time we want to meet, see each other, events occur that prevent this. I begin to think that these are signs of fate. I had doubts about the correctness of my choice, and now even more. The man is very nice to me, and I am also to him. Every day he wishes good morning, sweet dreams, is interested in me, expresses sympathy and a desire to be with me. And I'm tired of waiting for him, I want his presence, attention. Do you think it's worth the wait?

  • Hello Oksana. A man who would not be interested in a relationship would not remind himself of himself every day. “We corresponded for 3 months. And I'm tired of waiting for him ”- Patience and endurance test a serious relationship.

    Hello Oksana, I understand you very much. One of the things a woman needs to know is that there are a lot of men just wanting to chat... To support themselves with that kind of romance drive... Talk about sex. Scientifically, it's Wirth. And in a simple way, if the censorship misses it, it's pi * dobol. He just needs to pee. Don't waste your energy on such emotional vampires.

Hello. I met a guy - we worked together, he was my boss. We communicated well, talked a lot and discussed various topics. When the work was over, I left for a couple of weeks to rest. At the end of the holiday, they again resumed communication on the social network, he offered to meet me at the station and take me home, I agreed.
We've been seeing each other for a little over a month now. He shows concern (asks if I'm cold, if I want something, etc.), good education (opens doors, gives a hand on the stairs, walks to my left, etc.), says that I'm beautiful, etc. .
The only thing that confuses me is that he often says that I make him want and drive me crazy.
What do you think, is this normal - or should I think that I'm interested in him only in the physical plane?

Hello. I met a guy. The first date was great. However, it so happened that there was closeness. It's my fault, I understand. I really liked him. Immediately he said that we would see you soon, wrote SMS. And then he left. Uncle died. We continued to communicate. Everything seemed to be going well. On Friday he didn't answer and I got carried away. I wrote that he only needed one thing. Didn't answer. I ended up writing to him on the site where we met. He explained that he likes me, and I wrote that he needed one. We clarified the situation: he explained that he was burned and now he is careful and does not seek to immediately rush into a relationship. He said he'll see you when he arrives. I apologized and he forgave my stupidity. It turns out he gave me another chance. I do not want to be in his eyes some annoying fool.
In the end, I think about everything and do not know what to do. Either this is a clever deception (but why then did he continue to communicate), or I really didn’t think so in vain and wrote nonsense.
Is it worth waiting for anything? I really like him and I realized that now I’m not ready to get acquainted with anyone else. I decided to let him rest for three days, and then write something like “Good afternoon”, etc. Is it worth it?

  • Hello Evgeniya. Now it is not worth taking the initiative into your own hands, otherwise it turns out that you are winning it and thus imposing yourself.
    “I wrote that he only needed one thing. Didn't answer. I ended up writing to him on the site where we met. He explained that he likes me, and I wrote that he needed one. - You are very active at the very beginning of the relationship, stop. Wait for your boyfriend and let him take care of you, otherwise he will decide that you are prone to showdown and run away from you.

      • This is not excluded, but men appreciate and value those relationships when they have to fight for them, overcome difficulties, and you got it very easily and made it clear that you really like him. So a man can quickly lose interest in you.
        And it is also important to learn to trust and wait for men, if a man says that he has problems, difficulties, then it is better to be patient and wait, because there is a chance of encountering irritability and misunderstanding on the part of the male when they are not up to tenderness.

          • Eugene, if he does not call within 7 days after the last call, then you should turn your attention to other more important matters. Of course, you can write to him, he will probably answer, but how long and strong will these relationships be - is the question? After all, the initiative comes only from you.

I cannot understand the words of my husband /civil marriage/ when parting. He said it was all my fault; that he will cheat on me and that he doesn’t understand why he didn’t cheat on me at all! We lived together for 5 years. Every day was awesome! The intimacy was great. For five years, the desire did not fade either for me or for him. True, in the last couple of weeks he suddenly became thoughtful, no longer held my hand in his; i freaked out. She kicked him out, but immediately rushed after him, hit him, demanded that he return. I used to kick him out too, he always came back. I said that we love each other and cannot leave, he said that this time it will work out. And he left, then said those words that he would change me. I am shocked. I asked if he fell in love? Then I'll understand, let go. He said he loves me, but put a stone on feelings. What's this? I do not understand. Roaring the third month. He doesn't show up. Me too.

  • Hello, Tatyana. Men must be treated with respect, tenderness and reverence (even if they are wrong), then everything will be fine in a relationship. Everything he said to you was said in haste because of resentment towards you.
    “True, in the last couple of weeks he suddenly became thoughtful, he no longer held my hand in his” - Patience is not endless, the young man did not feel that he was loved and cherished.
    “I freaked out. She kicked her out, but immediately rushed after him, hit him ”- This is generally an unacceptable attitude towards a loving partner.
    “I used to kick him out too, he always came back” - The point of no return has come.
    “Then he said those words that would change me” - This is how men relieve stress and aggression. Your man, having said these words, deliberately wanted to hurt you, knowing that you would feel bad from this information.
    "I do not understand. Roaring the third month. He doesn't show up. Me too." - You should admit your mistakes, apologize and try to establish friendly communication, because tears and pride will not change the situation. But the opinion that you absolutely do not care about his life, the man will finally create.

Good afternoon! I’ve been dating a guy for a year, I have a child and he has a child from his first marriage, it’s impossible to live together at the present time (my son is very jealous), and even financially. The other day they raised a conversation about prospects - he wants development, falls asleep without me suffering (according to him), loves me, so it’s better to put an end to it so as not to suffer.
I am satisfied with such relationships (maybe I want a little more, but tolerable), how should I behave so that his principles go by the wayside and teach him to live today and feel today, i.e. make him come back?

  • Hello Eva. It is very difficult to force a man to change his principles, since much depends on his character, age, attitudes, self-esteem, temperament, degree of suggestibility. The same applies to “teach him to live today and feel today” - it is unrealistic if the person himself does not want it. Changing yourself is much easier and faster than trying to do it with another person.
    In your case, you can recommend giving the guy what he aspires to, removing barriers to communication and living together: solve the problem of the child's jealousy and lack of finances.
    Treat separation at the moment as a true assistant who will help your chosen one to be convinced of the depth and sincerity of your feelings. Talk to each other as often as possible, talk about how you feel, how the day went, share the news. Be sincerely interested in the guy's affairs, say that you love him.
    We recommend to read:

Hello. I think of a man I saw once under unusual circumstances. A week later, I found out how I behaved at our meeting. There was his phone, wrote an SMS with apologies. But, he wanted to communicate with me, we know each other for 4 weeks. There are no relationships as such. We are both married. I'm fine in every sense of the word. But, he attracts me, in our communication we express a desire to become closer. What's this? After all, I hardly know him.

Hello, please help me, I am 31 years old, I am married, I have children. Marriage relationships don't work out. I recently met a man, he is 40 years old, divorced. He was adjusting the equipment in our office, while he was adjusting it, we had a nice chat, laughed, fixed it and left. After that, I saw him a couple of times in the city, greeted him, always smiled at the meeting, but no more. Recently, the equipment flew again, gave a request, left a phone number. Before appearing at the office, he called me and warned me that he would come (although in my opinion there was no need for this - he is a good friend of my boss and usually he called him). During the time that the equipment was being adjusted, in my opinion, all the “non-verbal signs of sympathy” (I read it on some site) - and everything fell out of his hands, and made fun of me (and only me), and blushed and turned pale and I caught a look at myself a hundred times, etc. etc. When he began to leave, he offered coffee, refused, saying that he was late (he was only called 2 times in front of me saying where you are and what you are digging), but he added that the next time and added that he was very pleased to talk. It's been about 2 weeks, I thought that he would call, but he is silent. 3 days ago, I plucked up the courage to send an SMS: “I want to invite you for coffee, if you don’t want to drink coffee with me, you can’t answer SMS no, no, I won’t impose.” Signed and sent. I seem to understand that it’s probably stupid to wait, but I don’t understand, because it was clear that he liked me, and I already made it clear by SMS that he was me too, maybe he was embarrassed that I was married, but again, I’m the first step did. I feel like a 17-year-old fool in love. Now it’s somehow embarrassing to even meet him, because it turns out that he “rejected” me.

  • Hello, Natalia. Take it easy on what you do. You tried to be happy, it didn't work, it happens. But now there is experience.
    You have not done anything so terrible, and there is nothing to be ashamed of. Definitely, we can say that you raised the self-esteem of a man. Let him rejoice. When a meeting takes place at work, behave naturally, as if you didn’t write anything at all and don’t raise this topic, but you can offer coffee again within the walls of the office, smile at the meeting.

Good day!
I have a rather strange situation. I have been talking with a young man for a year, we have a close relationship, but free, because he does not want to have a serious relationship with anyone at the moment, because he wants to get on his feet. And we are in limbo. But I began to notice that the more time we communicate, the more I want to be with him. And lately he began to disappear, but still calls.
I told him that if there is no serious relationship, then maybe it’s better not to communicate at all?
He said that he did not want a serious relationship with me, but plans to continue dating, that he is waiting for an initiative from my side. And for me it's like a humiliation - to write, call and arrange a meeting first. I don't know how to change this situation. If there is only one way out - not to communicate, and I end the communication - it will be very difficult for me.

  • Good day, Anastasia. The situation is clear. The guy honestly makes it clear that in the near future he does not plan to commit himself to a serious relationship with the fair sex. This is important to consider.
    “But for me it’s like a humiliation to write, call and make an appointment first.” - If there is a desire to be with this person, then you will have to change your principles and change tactics. You can look at this situation differently: you make an appointment when it is convenient for you personally, without adjusting to the young man, and sometimes you cancel, referring to urgent matters, without explaining anything, in order to make him nervous and jealous. The guy should know that your life is in full swing, you do not sit and wait for him to call first. Let him wonder where you are and with whom. And you smile mysteriously in response.

    • I agree with you, I also understand that I myself am not particularly ready for what I want - joint housing with a young man and a wedding, because I don’t want to be limited to relationships yet. But as long as I have this so-called freedom, I don't really appreciate it. That's why I want a relationship with him.
      It cannot be said here that I am windy, because throughout our communication, I, communicating with persons of the opposite sex, always returned my thoughts to this young man. I see in him what I need now and this is the first such guy who does not cause irritation, disgust after a year of communication, usually I quickly found minuses in people.
      Also, perhaps I am drawn to him, because he does not give me the opportunity to build a serious relationship for a long time, when I get what I want, then interest will disappear. The time that we communicate can benefit our relationship if they are in the future, since by this time we will understand each other well.
      In general, it is difficult for me to understand what I really want and what kind of “check” should I arrange for this?

Good night! We met with a guy for 3.5 years, for this new year he proposed to me, and 22 days ago we broke up! We swore over trifles, in principle, not so often, we always put up right there! I always helped him in everything, supported him, brought him food, coffee to work ... then he sat without work for a long time, I found him a job. In this job, he is one guy, all the rest are girls. We started arguing, I just saw what they were like, and he said that everything was bad with me! The latest scandal happened because of them! He asked me to bring him coffee, I brought it, but he was gone for a long time, he did not get through. I called the work phone and asked to call him, I was rude, and he was told that I was rude! After that, I came in the evening, when he had finished work and was changing his clothes. I went into the store, did not touch anyone, and then the store manager jumped out and started raising her hands at me. I tell her - remove your hands, and she grabs even harder, and of course I started screaming at the whole store for help. Then he jumped out, took me out of the store, and I was already hysterical. Against this background, there was a big scandal, after which he said - we part! I tried to reconcile with him, but he does not want to! He said he was afraid that we would make up, and I would come to work again! I promised that I would never go there, and after that incident I don’t come, but he doesn’t believe me! He says over the years your tantrums are tired! I don't believe you anymore! He even said he hates me! Is there a chance he will return?

    • Good afternoon! Please tell me how to be. For many years I can not find a man to build a relationship. Compliments are made on the dating site, they invite me on dates, but every time it all comes down to the fact that they only want me physically and nothing more. I am pretty, not tall, but with quite large breasts and unfortunately I am not considered for seriousness. The longest relationship in the last couple of years was 6 months. All the rest ended in intimacy and then very quickly the person disappeared. I agree that intimacy can be too fast, sometimes it turned out that in the first couple of meetings, maybe I was too jealous and imposed?! Tell me how to behave correctly and correct mistakes in order to meet your man and create a strong relationship, possibly a family!

      • Hello Irina.
        It is required to avoid those men who frankly say that they do not want to start a family and they are only interested in an open relationship.
        It is necessary to comprehend a whole art and teaching that requires from a woman sincerity, communication skills, patience, warmth, femininity, diligence combined with naturalness, charm along with bitchiness and a bit of coldness and, of course, intelligence, and also master the science of seduction. Jealousy and obsession are an indicator of self-doubt. A man should want to conquer you himself, so there is no need to impose.
        “All the rest ended in intimacy and then the person disappeared very quickly.” Change tactics in relationships. A man cherishes that woman whom he had to conquer for a long time.
        “I agree that sex can be too fast, sometimes it turned out that in the first couple of meetings, maybe I’m too jealous and imposing?! Tell me how to behave and correct mistakes in order to meet your man and create strong relationships, possibly a family ”- Men value their freedom very much, therefore, no matter how much you want to get married, you don’t need to voice it. Your task is to make the man always want to come back to you, he was comfortable with you. Therefore, only humor and fun, avoid anxiety and negativity; it is not recommended to save on praise, be cheerful and relaxed.

Men are very whimsical, and it is quite difficult to turn their eyes on themselves. But for a woman, the attention of the opposite sex delights pride and raises self-esteem. In life, the fair sex tries to do everything possible to arouse interest in men. They go to peculiar complex tricks and use various methods. But not all of them are actually effective. When asked how to drive a man crazy, psychology gives clear and understandable recommendations.

1. Which women make men crazy?

Many believe that men simply adore and turn their attention exclusively to long-legged blondes, but in fact there are many other qualities that cling to the male sex much more strongly.

2. What kind of appearance do men like

The answer to the question of how to drive a man crazy psychology has been looking for an answer for a long time. And a lot of research and polls are being carried out, as a result of which one can get an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat the strong representatives of humanity are turning their attention to first.

  • Figure. It is believed that the stronger sex likes thin ones, but in reality this is not so. Most men pay attention to the smoothness of the waist and chest. The most important thing in the appearance and figure of a lady is proportionality.
  • Round belly. So that the figure does not lose femininity, you should not get carried away with training without great need, since men prefer a rounded tummy than cubes on it.
  • Hair. Men like not only blondes, they are equally interested in brown-haired women and brunettes. But the most attractive and attractive to them are persons with long well-groomed hair.
  • Nice smell. As already noted, men like ladies with a pleasant body odor. But most of all they are attracted by the natural aroma of health.
  • Healthy smooth skin. Even an ideal figure will not replace smooth skin, and will not create the necessary sensation if it is rough and has a huge amount of acne.
  • Light smile. All men prefer cheerful and pleasant ladies. A sincere smile will never leave anyone indifferent.

To summarize the above, we can say that there is no point in complexing, but you need to take care of yourself and learn how to present yourself to a man of interest in such a way that he is interested and captivated. It's not that difficult, but it requires constant self-care and spending a lot of time.

3. How to drive a man crazy psychology, how to behave

Everyone has long known that not all of the fair sex have model data. But after all, everyone, without exception, dreams of finding their prince and love. But how to do it? How to drive a man crazy psychology knows many tricks. One conclusion can be safely made - men do not like bores and preoccupied boring ladies, they prefer light coquettes.

Psychologists say that a sincere radiant smile will make anyone beautiful. A man has enough worries and problems of his own, so they will initially notice a laughing happy face in the crowd.

Experts say that the period of high-quality seduction can last for months. Conventionally, it can be divided into two stages.

  1. Acquaintance and friendship.
  2. Close approach.

And only after both stages are over, you can move on to a more effective weapon: delicious food and the most exciting leisure for both, sexy beautiful lingerie and realized erotic fantasies of both, unusual interesting sex, and so on.

Of course, it is impossible to plan and calculate everything, but it is precisely from the little things that a pleasant joint pastime develops. It must be remembered that a man always needs to be surprised and constantly admired, made to be a little jealous within reason and appreciate the attention given to him. Otherwise, the hunter will lose interest and start looking for something new.

A girl should not ignore and miss any little thing that can affect a man.

Among these additional "things" can be identified:

  • Perfume. They must occupy a certain place in the image, and turn the head of the interested representative of the opposite sex. There is a special perfume that causes sexual desire on a subconscious level, but it is very important not to use it too often, because addiction can gradually develop.
  • Romantic dinners at home. Such evenings will be like a small respite among visits to cafes or restaurants.
  • Small partings and partings. So that a man does not cool off, in the tactics of seduction, periods of insignificant partings and short separations should be provided for, when feelings for each other should intensify. Such moments are very useful in order not to form an addiction in a pair. After all, most relationships are eaten up by everyday life.

4. When you can move on to sex

This question worries everyone. You always want to find a middle ground, not to start ahead of time, so as not to frighten, but at the same time not to delay. It is very important to determine this time in time.

In most cases, the young lady who gave herself up on the first date loses interest and develops a certain opinion. But it’s also not worth promising sex after the wedding, the Soviet times are gone, and modern society treats this issue a little differently.

So that men do not say that delaying the moment of the first sex is a relic of the past. This is far from true. The longer a girl ignores a man in this regard, the more desirable and interesting she becomes. A woman has more time and opportunities to check and evaluate her chosen one, as well as to become dearer and more desirable to him.

All men of their chosen ones are conditionally, at the subconscious level, divided into two groups:

  • For a serious relationship
  • For comfort and entertainment

In the latter case, the girls jump into bed on the first evening, and then worry that they cannot build a long-term relationship. There are times when such a girl manages to marry a guy to herself, but at the first scandal, he will definitely reproach his wife that their story began with intimacy. And that would be embarrassing for anyone.

5. How to drive a man crazy all the time, in custody

In conclusion, I would like to note that to lure and drive a man crazy is constantly within the power of every representative of the weaker sex. But when this happens, many spoil the relationship with jealousy or petty nit-picking. So that a man does not lose interest, it is important to always keep yourself and your body in excellent physical and psychological shape, pamper your chosen one with constant attention, and also do not forget to add fuel to a gradually fading passion in a permanent relationship that can suffer from everyday life. After all, it is life that destroys many families.

Each representative of the beautiful half of humanity should clearly understand that if you relax at a certain moment, then there will be a huge number of people who want to pick up their beloved man. Therefore, you must always be on the alert. Therefore, if there is a desire to learn how to drive a man crazy, psychology will definitely help. After all, in order to impress your chosen one, you need to understand the inner world of your soul mate. Knowing little tricks, you can keep the interest of a man for a long time.

A man in love longs for reciprocity. Sometimes this desire for reciprocal feelings is so strong that it turns into a real obsession. The problem is that the average man does not like to show love and affection. He seeks to control the situation, keeping feelings somewhere deep inside. That's why women don't have the patience to wait for grand gestures and dizzying courtship. Take the reins of government into your own hands. If there is mutual attraction between you and your chosen one, you will easily drive him crazy with the help of these measures.

Accept your body

To make a man go crazy for you, accept your appearance with all the “flaws”. No matter how hard you try, perfection is impossible, so reprogram your mind. Nobody is stopping you from improving, going to the gym, or sticking to the principles of a healthy diet. But you should not panic because of a small tummy or the presence of cellulite on the thighs. Know how to present yourself in a favorable light, not paying attention to the little things. Do not hide them, but be proud of every part of your own body.


The girl playing the victim is no longer of interest to modern knights. They will not fall at the feet of the unsmiling Princess. No one wants to act as a savior and constantly solve someone's problems (even if these problems are present in his beloved). Adopt another principle: exude confidence. This will give you a devilish charm and charm. Don't be afraid to take the first step and initiate a date.

Don't limit yourself

In order to captivate a man, it is not at all necessary to play the “right girl” out of yourself. Be honest with yourself and do what your heart tells you to do. Representatives of the stronger sex value honesty and openness in women much more than certain patterns and standards. Take a look at Rihanna, who has a bad girl reputation. Despite this, millions of men would like to go on a date with her.

Aces up your sleeve

Men are fickle creatures. They lose interest and seek new thrills. That's why you need to master the tricks that will help keep the interest of your chosen one. Surprise with a change of images, play cat and mouse and intrigue. There will always be fire in his eyes.


Who said a woman can't initiate a first date or sex? If you know exactly what you want, then go ahead. Don't be afraid of rejection. The sooner you find out that you are not interested in a man, the more time you will have to look for a worthy partner. Do not forget that the representatives of the stronger sex are shy at the sight of beautiful women. They are terrified of rejection, so they do not risk taking the first step. So your chosen one secretly loves you, but does not dare to confess. Make it easy for him.


After you become a couple, forget about games for the sake of games. Don't try to intentionally make him jealous by flirting with the bartender. Most of all, men value fidelity in their partners. Well, if you ignore the signs of attention shown by strangers, your guy will go crazy with pride.

If you want to interest the guy you like and know how to drive a man crazy - psychology offers certain methods and techniques that work with any member of the stronger sex. Read the article and you will learn how to interest a man so that he thinks only of you.

With a guy at the beginning of communication and immediately after meeting you need to behave a little differently. At the initial stage, it is important what image of you will develop in his head, and how mysterious you will be. Source: Flickr (Jordan_Chan)

Why do men go crazy

What does it mean to "drive a man crazy"? It is about provoking strong, sharp feelings in the candidate, making him dependent on your favor. There are many techniques, but they all work on the main and most powerful human feeling - fear. In order for all the guy’s thoughts to be about you, in order to evoke Mauritanian passion in him, you must first of all get the fear of losing you from him.

How it works? Let's look at an example of one interesting business experiment.

It is interesting! The proposed techniques work with everyone. Train for everyone - this is how a skill is formed. And then, having met the man of your dreams, you will not blunder and will immediately act correctly

The people were divided into two groups. One was given mugs, the other was not. Then they asked the participants in the experiment to estimate how much they were willing to sell these mugs for. Those people who already had them charged twice as much as those who did not originally have the mug. Conclusion: an object that a person considers his own becomes twice as valuable to him if he has to lose it.

This principle also works in relationships with a man! How to drive a guy crazy

  1. Give him something - your attention, compliments, favor.
  2. Then pick up.

Everything! He turns into a madman, ready by all means to return what he was deprived of.

How it works? Let's take an example.

Let's say you constantly communicate with a certain young man. You give him your attention: at the first call, run on a date, immediately answer SMS, quickly agreed to have sex. As a result, he relaxed: you are always available, there is no need to conquer you. What to do? Make it "next"! Reply to messages after 40 minutes, sometimes do not pick up the phone. Calling for a date? "Sorry, I'm busy, so much to do." After a week or two, your knight will lower his visor and will try in every possible way to return your attention.

Turn your communication into a swing: then let him close, then move away. Such female behavior does not allow a man to relax.

Important! This technique may not work if the man was not interested in you initially. Do not try to drive a man crazy in this case, switch to another. Otherwise, thinking over the strategy of seduction, you will fall in love yourself and will not be able to control your behavior.

How to drive men crazy We intrigue!

The technique described above works well on men with whom you already have some kind of relationship. With a guy at the beginning of communication and immediately after meeting you need to behave a little differently. At the initial stage, it is important what image of you will develop in his head, and how mysterious you will be.

How should he see you?

  • Happy, inspired and energetic - don't whine, don't complain, be light and positive.
  • Inaccessible to others, but accessible to him. Being "available" does not mean easily agreeing to sex. You just need to show that among all men you distinguish him.
  • Attractive to other men - he must see (or think) that there is a crowd of admirers around you who want to win your favor.
  • Living an interesting life, filled with vivid impressions and interests - do not get hung up on communicating only with him.

If you become like that, you don't even have to think about what men go crazy for. They themselves will flock like flies to honey, and try to win such a wonderful woman.

Important! Even if the above is not about you, create the appearance. But do not overact - men perfectly feel insincerity.

Assess your situation and use the advice in accordance with it, and then you will succeed!