Words of congratulations from parents to teachers on the day of lyceum students. Congratulations on the All-Russian Lyceum Day. Dear administration, teachers, lyceum students

Lyceum student's day is celebrated by the whole world,
And for you, today this feast.
It's so wonderful to study at the Lyceum,
And this is to be enjoyed!
After all, all the lessons you need to know
And at the blackboard, do not lose heart.
Lyceum develops skills in all children,
And all possible desires for teaching!

Congratulations on World Lyceum Day! We wish you inspiration and creation, understanding and desire to achieve more! Easy study, memorable events, strong friendship, promising life path! Perseverance, craving for knowledge and translating theories into practice. Good luck, achievements and good mood!

Nice October day
We celebrate the holiday
All lyceum students sincerely,
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts.
We wish you a peaceful, clean sky,
The sun is clear, always radiant,
Big true love
Simple human happiness.

Who is in the Lyceum, those "Salute!",
They shake hands from the heart.
Congratulations on this holiday
Congratulations are sent.
Wishing you only happiness
To appreciate the life of a part,
To love their lyceum
We returned every day!

Happy lyceum day, we congratulate you,
And good luck, we'll send it to you right away.
Useful in teaching
We wish you to achieve a lot in your studies!
So that all marks, only high,
And so that the knowledge is wide.
So that you are always lucky
And did not touch, so trouble!

Congratulations on World Lyceum Day. May these wonderful years of the lyceum give many opportunities for self-development and great knowledge, may the soul and heart strive for high success and achieve your goals, may a wonderful mood, self-confidence and true luck always accompany you.

Today is a holiday of lyceum students,
It's a nice and fun day
We wish you a bright, clean life,
Let luck follow you like a shadow.
We wish you good health from the bottom of our hearts,
May your dreams come true
May the good angel protect you
Let reliable friends protect.

Learn science guys
Only with joy and without boredom,
This will be useful to you soon.
This is where you need to study hard.
We wish you great happiness
And friends in your life of participation,
So shine let the sun shine
On your holiday, on this day of the lyceum student!

On the day of the lyceum student, we congratulate you,
It sounds proud, we declare to you!
It sounds loud, we'll say cheers
Today is a holiday, and it's time for us to celebrate!
We wish you to always learn easily,
And so that inspiration, today settled.
We wish you never give up
Even to make mistakes, but always rise!

I congratulate you on World Lyceum Student Day and wish you to learn a lot of new, interesting and important things every day. I wish you to go through life boldly and confidently, having true friends, striving for victories and success, occupying the proper rank and worthily showing your talent.

Congratulations to all lyceum students today,
We sincerely wish you success in your studies,
May luck always smile on you
Let it be lucky in everything, always.
We wish you all the best,
Let a wonderful opportunity meet you
Let all the dreams come true,
Let all grievances be forgotten.

The path of the lyceum student has been glorified for centuries,
Recorded in history by persons.
Who is in prose, but who is in verse
Created a legacy with meaning.
May these years be glorious
Filled with optimism.
Crossing the thresholds of the school
For the honor, accept to be considered a lyceum student!

On the day of the lyceum student, we wish you pure luck,
And in life, a lot of inspiration.
So that inspiration always comes
Especially when learning is difficult.
May this holiday bring joy
And bring to the soul, only sweetness.
With a lyceum student in the afternoon you,
All congratulations love!

Congratulations on World Lyceum Day. I wish you wonderful and happy days within the walls of the lyceum, high achievements and incredible success, great luck and great striving for your goals, excellent mood and optimism of the soul, wonderful friends and fun activities.

The walls of the Lyceum keep the memory of Pushkin,
About celebrities of the last century they say
Today is the international day of the lyceum student, congratulations,
We wish you all the best in your studies.
May your path be bright
Let your worries be forgotten
May happiness always smile at you
May the good angel always keep.

You are our diligent lyceum student,
We praise you today.
May on the days of your study
The shadow of sadness does not fall.
Let the granite of your science
Like a gingerbread - on the tooth,
Only honest teachers
And a hard lesson!
May you succeed
A storehouse of knowledge will come in handy,
And high marks
Every lyceum marvels!

Lyceist, sounds so proud
He beckons everyone with knowledge.
And educated and smart,
In the disciplines of all strong!
Congratulations on this day
He is saturated with triumph.
Let's not give up
Move on, don't be afraid!

On October 19, the All-Russian annual Lyceum Student Day will be held. We and our children know very well the origins of the creation of the first Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum, we remember its history, we know its great students. We are proud of the title of lyceum student, and we want the lyceum students of the whole country to be proud with us! Please accept my sincere congratulations on the All-Russian Lyceum Student Day! Happiness, kindness, health, success!

You bear the title of honor - lyceum student,
In the life of the Lyceum you are a real activist,
Granite of science, how you click seeds,
And you are pleasantly surprised by your behavior.
Today is your holiday, congratulations,
Let the mood always be excellent
Let you be lucky in everything, everywhere,
May everything be excellent in your destiny.

The doors of the first lyceum opened,
We will not forget that first issue.
We are proud of Pushkin, Matyushkin and Korf -
Squad of talents in their field.
Must be honored. Day October 19 - the day of lyceum students!
Congratulations to everyone, we wish everyone
So that we can always be proud of you,
So that there are no dilemmas in your life.

Congratulation Kiryakova A.V.
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Congratulations to Kuznetsova S.V.
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Congratulations to lyceum graduates
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Congratulations to the Belousov family
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Dear colleagues!

Please accept the most sincere congratulations on the Anniversary from the Department of Education of the Northern District of Orenburg.

Today we can talk about a unique upbringing and educational space that is unique to your lyceum. It is in it that every child gets the opportunity to realize and assert himself, to experience a sense of success, a sense of his uniqueness and usefulness, confidence in their own strength.

And let the good traditions and experience that have been accumulated over the past years, pride in your team, the desire to teach and learn will become the basis on which you will continue to be able to honorably pass the exam for stability and longevity.

I would like to wish you, dear colleagues, joyful discoveries, success in your work, creative achievements! Be happy and confident in your need - for a student, family, state: may you be sincerely loved and gratefully remembered by those to whom you generously give your heart!

Glukhovskaya Elena Alexandrovna, Deputy Head of the Orenburg Department of Education - Head of the Education Department in the Northern District, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences

Dear teachers and students! I congratulate all of you on a great achievement - the tenth anniversary of the Lyceum!

There is no doubt that Lyudmila Nikolaevna Dovgan is at the head of Lyceum No. 4. She is a director who knows how to clearly develop a strategy for the functioning and development of her institution, is consistent in her thoughts and actions, works creatively, has a positive social and professional the image of the head of the school. Any leader should aspire to this level.

What makes the lyceum stand out from other schools? First of all, the fact that he is like a continuation of the family. The parent and teachers of students of lyceum No. 4 work together and prepare children for their main school - the school of Life, where the decisive link is a person who is ready to meet the challenge of the time.

Erudition, culture, the ability to analyze, generalize and apply innovative ideas, love a student, respect his dignity - this is the professional credo of each member of the Lyceum No. 4 team.

And I am proud that my contribution to education was not in vain: I have worthy successors, and I love them. I am a happy person: I have not worked for so many years, and they all remember me. At my age, isn't that happiness?!

From the bottom of my heart I congratulate teachers and lyceum students on their anniversary! Good luck and prosperity!

Mikhailova Alla Isaakovna, Honored Teacher of Russia

Dear teachers! Dear lyceum students and graduates, parents!

Please accept our sincere congratulations on the anniversary of the Lyceum!

I know how difficult it was for you to start from scratch, how much effort you gave to make the lyceum the way our city knows it today - one of the best. And for 10 years, life has been raging here. The lyceum gladly welcomes new students and sadly sees off the graduates. Everything is changing. Only one thing remains unchanged! The love and devotion of the teacher to the chosen profession. It is a great gift to accept and love each of your students, to give him a piece of your heart! In your work - the joy of creativity, strength of mind and the ability to empathize. With all my heart, let me wish YOU good health, professional achievements, love and recognition of students and parents. I wish the students and graduates of the Lyceum to conquer new heights in the study of sciences and success in independent living!

Kiryakova Aida Vasilievna, Head of the Department of Theory and Methodology of Education, OSU, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation

Dear staff of Lyceum No. 4!

On behalf of all our parents, let me congratulate you on your first anniversary!

Ten years is a whole epoch in the history of modern Russia, during this time you have managed to create, from scratch, perhaps the best educational institution in our city.

For ten years, for each family, the lyceum becomes its integral part. We entrust to you the most precious thing - our child. It is here that the formation of his personality takes place. And no achievements of science and technology, no classroom equipment can replace that part of the soul that you, dear teachers, give to children at every lesson.

A talented, sensitive, understanding child teacher is the dream of all schoolchildren and their parents. In our lyceum, this dream has become a reality!

Please accept our sincere thanks!

Health to you and your families!

Kazistov Mikhail Arkadyevich, Chairman of the Union of Parents and Alumni

Returning to my memory ten years ago, I remember the words of my classmate: “Marat! Someday we will proudly tell, to the enthusiastic exclamations of the audience, that we studied at Lyceum No. 4 ... ”, and I am extremely happy to confirm this already on the eve of the first big anniversary of my native school!

Coming to a completely new institution and having studied there for only three years, I left my heart and soul here forever ... Without missing a single significant event in the life of the lyceum, participating in each of its events and eventually becoming the Chairman of the Alumni Association, even I failed to the end to unravel the secret of such an amazing "world" - the community of students, teachers, graduates and parents, although, apparently, it is in this community that the key lies ...

Having left the Lyceum schools after the graduation ball, you can always come back here, feel the warmth of your home, once again plunge into the amazing atmosphere of the unique Lyceum holidays or just walk along the corridors of the school along the numerous photo galleries - for a moment return your bright childhood in the most beloved and unique Lyceum No. 4 …

Marat Khazhumarov, graduate of the Lyceum No. 4 in 2004,
Chairman of the Alumni Association of MOU "Lyceum No. 4".

How can you forget your high school years?! The lyceum remains my second home, thus the beginning of my beginnings! The lyceum taught me to look into the distance, to see what one should strive for, to love, to distinguish between good and evil, to be honest and humane towards others, courageous and resistant to life's difficulties. The atmosphere of optimism and enthusiasm has always reigned in the lyceum! Dovgan Lyudmila Nikolaevna - my soul! the heart of the Lyceum! You are kind and fair! It is clear and bright in the lyceum, but the soul is always warm! I express the best feelings impulses on the anniversary! I always remember the school warmly and your main merit is that! Dear teachers - peace of mind to you, health and long life! And most importantly - patience! Oh, how necessary it is in your difficult but rewarding work!!! Lyceum - improve! Grow! Thrive! Take care and multiply talented and just very good people!!!

Alena Nadyrshina, 2004 graduate.

What was the lyceum for me during my studies, what does it represent now, how it influenced my life”
For me, Lyceum No. 4 was the second home, within the walls of which I spent a very large amount of time. I am grateful to the teachers who spent a lot of time to spend KVN, the Day of the Lyceum Student, the Communal Collection, Come on guys, so that the schooldays of the students were brighter and more varied. At the Lyceum, I met very good people with whom I communicate even now. I also met my future wife at the Lyceum, and for this I thank him very much!!!
Unfortunately, I don’t come to the lyceum as often as I would like .. but always stepping on the threshold of my favorite school, I think whether I should change my shoes or not ...
Lyceum No. 4 left in my life a carefree and fun time of holidays, people I loved and dear to me, as well as a sea of ​​​​the most unusual and vivid impressions!!!

Alexander Manin, graduate of Lyceum No. 4 in 2005.

One of the turning points in my life, I consider the beginning of my studies at Lyceum No. 4.

Ten years ago, the school was just getting ready to open, and admission into educational an institution with an unsettled staff and areas of study was a real lottery. But, as it turned out later, the choice was made correctly. I'm lucky take part in the formation of the traditions of the lyceum, add the first achievements to its piggy bank; here it was possible to discover talents, gain faith in one's strength, and, of course, find new friends.

I am proud to look at the constant achievements and victories of the community of teachers, students, parents, graduates and support the common cause, working today in this wonderful school.

I am sure that very soon many creative, capable and hardworking people, to whom the lyceum gave a start in life, will glorify it with their names.

Golyshev Pavel, President of the Senate, graduate of the Lyceum No. 4 in 2007.

Prepare your most wonderful and kind congratulations for the All-Russian Day of the Lyceum Student. Let this scientific and interesting holiday be remembered precisely by your good wishes and words. Choose on our Internet page only the newest, freshest and most beautiful congratulations on the Lyceum Student's Day. May these gentle, kind and good words forever remain in the heart of your dear and wonderful person or just an acquaintance. Each of the proposed congratulations is unique, unusual and original. Be sure to choose for your friends only the coolest, most stylish and friendly greetings that can surprise and amaze your good friends and acquaintances. May this festive day be remembered by people with your good words and wishes. We celebrate the All-Russian Lyceum Student Day - October 19

You bear the title of honor - lyceum student,
In the life of the Lyceum you are a real activist,
Granite of science, how you click seeds,
And you are pleasantly surprised by your behavior.
Today is your holiday, congratulations,
Let the mood always be excellent
Let you be lucky in everything, everywhere,
May everything be excellent in your destiny.

The walls of the Lyceum keep the memory of Pushkin,
About celebrities of the last century they say
Today is the international day of the lyceum student, congratulations,
We wish you all the best in your studies.
May your path be bright
Let your worries be forgotten
May happiness always smile at you
May the good angel always keep.

Congratulations to all lyceum students today,
We sincerely wish you success in your studies,
May luck always smile on you
Let it be lucky in everything, always.
We wish you all the best,
Let a wonderful opportunity meet you
Let all the dreams come true,
Let all grievances be forgotten.

Today is a holiday of lyceum students,
It's a nice and fun day
We wish you a bright, clean life,
Let luck follow you like a shadow.
We wish you good health from the bottom of our hearts,
May your dreams come true
May the good angel protect you
Let reliable friends protect.

Nice October day
We celebrate the holiday
All lyceum students sincerely,
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts.
We wish you a peaceful, clean sky,
The sun is clear, always radiant,
Big true love
Simple human happiness.

Today, in honor of the lyceum students, fireworks are thundering,
Everyone shakes hands tightly,
Happy holiday to each other,
And pleasant words come from all sides.
Well, I wish you happiness
So that everything is always smooth and partly bright,
So that you respect your precious lyceum,
And they came without absenteeism every day.

The children study science diligently,
Let it be with joy, without boredom,
After all, in life it will be very useful to you,
Therefore, you need to study diligently and painstakingly.
We wish you happiness on this holiday,
So that there is always a friendly participation in fate,
May the sun shine on you in life,
Today is your holiday. Happy Lyceum Day!

The lyceum student's path has already been described for centuries,
And it is described by individuals in history,
Someone wrote in prose, someone in verse,
But a legacy with great meaning has been created.
May the years of study be happy
May they be filled with patience and optimism,
After crossing the threshold of high school,
You have now become a real lyceum student.

You are our smart and diligent lyceum student,
We'll praise you all day long
May your years of study be difficult,
The shadow will never bear boredom and burdens.
Let everything be easy and simple for you,
And may this experience come in handy in the future life,
Let your high marks
All relatives proudly marvel!

We are lyceumists, and this is wonderful,
Bold, resonant, joyful and cool.
And let us learn a little more difficult,
But it will be easier for us to achieve our goals.
We try and work, day and night.
What knows a lot, everyone can say for sure,
And today we celebrate the holiday of the Lyceum student,
And we remember our days at the desks with pride.

Hundreds of years ago, the doors of the lyceum opened,
And the first editions can no longer be forgotten,
The whole country is proud of Pushkin and Korf,
And many more lyceum students of those we continue to honor.
Today is a big holiday - Lyceum Student Day,
We sincerely wish all lyceum students
So that in the future you can be proud,
So that no problems happen in your life.

You are no longer schoolchildren, you are lyceum students,
In studies, advanced activists,
For you, learning is light, and ignorance is darkness,
You are always in great shape.
Today is your holiday, congratulations,
Let your studies inspire you
May the happiest star
Your path is always illuminated.

Holiday “Happy Birthday, Lyceum!”


  • education of love and respect for native places, school, for people living in our city and working in the lyceum;
  • development of creative abilities of students;
  • teach the ability to make people happy.


  • bright colorful poster “Lyceum is 25 years old!”;
  • exhibition of creative works of students: essays, poems, illustrations.

Relics of the 80s:

  • tie,
  • drum,
  • primer,
  • school uniform.


Today is a special day for us - the anniversary of our beloved Lyceum. He turned 25 years old. Happy birthday to all! We wish you peace, love and warmth.


Birthday is a special date
This holiday is incomparable.
Someone wise once came up with
Give joy on your birthday.


High school students came to visit us. They have a word.

Eleventh grader.

We have come to you with gifts. It is a good tradition in our lyceum to give joy and all the best to those who are younger than us. We give the sun to all of you (small talismans “The Sun” are distributed) so that it is always warm and light.

We give a smile - a symbol of good mood, everyone will understand it correctly. (A poster with smiling children is handed over).

We give the key to knowledge, to the discovery of unsolved mysteries.

All: Thanks!


Dear Guys! I think that with such gifts we will live even better. Thanks to the high school guys for their generosity, I hope you will be a worthy replacement. In preparation for the anniversary, we completed many tasks, participated in competitions, searched for those who once worked in the lyceum, wrote essays and poems, but we were all interested in what the word “lyceum” contained, we found out the meaning from the dictionary of S. AND. Ozhegov, but this was not enough.

We decided to decipher. On the poster we see: “Lyceum - 25!” There are five letters and one number in this phrase; it makes a lot more sense.

And now the guys will decipher, and we'll see how they did it. (A group of guys comes out with a letter).

Letter "L"- the word "love" begins with this letter. It is the basis of life, its core. You can name many feelings, except for love, but we know for sure that everything in the Lyceum is permeated with love.

1st - Someone loves his class, and someone loves a classmate.

2nd - Someone is physical education lessons, and someone is a physical education teacher.

3rd - Someone loves a girl from a neighboring class, and someone loves a canteen and its workers.

4th - Someone is a class teacher, and someone is a cadet - the pride of our lyceum.

5th - And all together we love our lyceum, city, homeland.

(Give everyone hearts).

- And also ”L”- this is curiosity, and dexterity, and leadership, and courtesy.

- And I don’t want to remember today that this is both laziness, and lies, and frivolity. (Second group exits)

Letter ”I”- this is history. The lyceum has a glorious history: wonderful graduates, 16 gold medalists, 35 silver medalists, winners of Olympiads (names and surnames are given); athletes and their achievements (a short story about the most famous ones), our directors, head teachers (their merits) and, of course, a team of teachers who deserve gratitude for their hard noble work.

(A word to the beloved teacher invited to the holiday).

(Third group exits)

Letter ”C” is a real kingdom. The kingdom is fabulous, dark, sleepy. And we have a kingdom of purposeful guys. And our director, Yuri Alexandrovich Gorozhankin, signs orders with his regal hand, for example, such.

Order for Lyceum No. 8 dated 10.12.05.

1. In honor of the anniversary holiday -2 of the 5th anniversary of the Lyceum - pardon all violators of discipline and negligent students.

2. Reward hardworking and active students with diplomas and cash prizes. (A word to an 11th grader - an activist, an excellent student who talks about her successes). (fourth group exits)

Letter ”E”- this, of course, is the only one in the city, our native, beloved lyceum. We wrote essays about him.

(The essay is read by Zeynalov Orkhan)

How do I imagine the lyceum in seven years.

I came seven years later to my native city and visited old friends, visited my native places.

Then I went to school, my second home.

Already from the street, I noticed that she had changed, although something of the former remained in her.

Opening the wooden door, I enter the lobby. There are soft comfortable chairs, a TV set, lots of flowers, it's cozy.

I go up the stairs. There are carpets and rugs on the stairs and in the corridor. On the second and third floors there are flowers on the walls and on the floor along the walls. The attendants water them with a special installation.

I looked into the primary school classroom, it is remarkably equipped, computers are everywhere. Lots of amenities, clean and bright.

Pictures of great artists adorn all the corridors and halls. Curtains are very beautiful. A very pleasant melody began to play, the children went out for a break. They, unlike us, were calm, walking along the corridor, talking. Nobody ran, nobody screamed. Children are friendly and kind.

I am very sorry that I was born so early and did not study in such a wonderful school, the school of the future.

(fifth group exits)

Letter ”Yu”- this is our glorious silver jubilee and our dear anniversaries who have been working in the lyceum since the opening of the school (full names are listed)

(After the speech, many questions were asked about the pioneers and Komsomol members, about uniforms and textbooks, about programs and discipline, about the best students).

We are grateful to our teachers - anniversaries who do not leave the lyceum and us, continue to teach and educate. Teachers are our senior mentors, with whom it is interesting to communicate, and we are grateful to everyone who works at the lyceum and gives us unforgettable life lessons, lessons of wisdom.

(Great “poets”, members of the creative association “Inspiration” come out).


25 years- is it a lot or a little? 25 years is a glorious anniversary. For this holiday, the guys wrote poems.

(Mishkileev Dmitry, Jivalo Nastya, Khmelyuk Alena, Maksimova Ksenia read their poems).

Mishkileev Dmitry. Lyceum.

I get up early, I wash
I'm going to my favorite lyceum.
Everything is nice and warm there.
From the sun bright light.
The teachers there are all kind
Kind, wise.
Their job is to teach children
And raise people out of us!
He is alone in our city,
And it's better not to have it now.
Here are the best teachers
I am proud to be a student there as well.

Jivalo Nastya. Lyceum.

Every day, early in the morning
We are happy to go to school.
We are not lazy to study
We follow the rules.
In the whole world there is no more beautiful
There is no better and sweeter
Than our native school -
My dear, bright high school.

Khmelyuk Olena. My lyceum.

Oh lyceum, how I love you!
Can't find those words
To express my gratitude.
Fifth year we are with you
Hand in hand we walk together
Sometimes we stumble
But here we stand together.
You taught me to read and write
Sing songs, dance.
"Gnawing science granite",
Expand horizons.
at the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum
Pushkin became a genius...
And we in Tynda will be able to
Get on your pedestal.
Congratulations on the anniversary of the lyceum,
I wish you prosperity!

Maksimova Xenia. My lyceum.

Among the green hills
There is a beautiful city
And it has our lyceum.
He opened all the doors
For small and big kids.
It employs a lot of people
Great wise teachers.
Come to our favorite high school,
Here they will learn to write and read,
Here all the mysteries of the earth will be revealed.
Lyceum my beloved, dear,
I love you with all my heart.


In conclusion, listen to ditties.
Anniversary to celebrate our
We gathered together.
And rejoice together We all really need.

Rejoice and be merry:
25 - noted!
We all want to meet
On the anniversary of the century!


Our parents baked a big cake in honor of the anniversary, we invite everyone to the table. (The holiday continues at the table).

Dear teachers, parents and children, graduates of different years!

In 2015, our 20th lyceum turns 105 years old.
We sincerely congratulate you on your anniversary!
Creative searches and innovations,inspiration, optimism, good luck andnew victories!
We wish our lyceum further prosperity!
Let's all get togethersuccessfully implement joint projects,
set new records
to please everyone with high achievements!

The administration of the school site asks you to find time and congratulate the lyceum on its anniversary,
and we will be happy to post your congratulations on the school website.

We invite you to visit the photo gallery dedicated to the anniversary of the Lyceum.

Photo gallery>>>

Dear colleagues, veterans of pedagogical work! Dear graduates!

Please accept our sincere congratulations on the anniversary of our Lyceum. For history, this is just a moment, but for many generations of graduates, labor veterans and current teachers, this is an unforgettable event that gives wonderful memories of bright everyday life and opens up new pages of creative activity.
Over the 105 years of its existence, the lyceum has experienced joys, hardships and transformations.

He gladly meets new students and sadly sees off graduates. Everything is changing. Only one thing remains unchanged! The professionalism and dedication of the teaching staff, the support and mutual understanding of parents, the involvement of students in the educational and educational process - these are the main determinants of the success of our lyceum..
Dear colleagues! In your work - the joy of creativity, strength of mind and the ability to empathize. We sincerely wish you new creative achievements, professional achievements, inexhaustible energy, spiritual strength and prosperity, grateful, talented and successful students.
Words of special gratitude to veterans of pedagogical work. With your work and dedication, you laid the foundations for our current achievements. Health to you, happiness, long life!
Our former students work in all corners of the Motherland. They work honestly, conscientiously, creatively, glorifying their native school with their work. Honor and praise to you, dear graduates! We wish you confidence in the future, optimism in life and family well-being.
Our beloved Lyceum is 105 years old. Despite our age, we are young, dynamically developing and do not lose the link between generations. We believe that we have not only a glorious past, but also a wonderful future!

Lyceum Administration.

Congratulations from the head of the city of Pyatigorsk.

Congratulations from 10th grade A

Congratulations from Nikulina P.K.

105 school today! But is it time?

After all, the years flew by, as if only a lesson!

She's not an old lady

Shines with beauty! And friendly guys in her crowd.

The windows are washed to a shine, the floors are polished.

The walls smell of paint

And there is no antiquity here.

Very soon there will be changes in our school

Svetlana Anatolyevna will receive a notification:

"Good uncle oligarch, with a leather briefcase,

Your school congratulates and sends a gift. A sum with 20 zeros! We didn't remove that.

Rimma Rubenovna will decode it for us!

That's when the school will rejoice!

Roof tiles made of platinum

From crystal shells water,

Windows of pure diamonds

Paintings on the walls from world talents.

Granite floors, elite desks,

Pure gold railing

nothing is broken anywhere.

Airbus will bring children directly to the classroom

For lunch we have boneless salmon in the canteen.

Black caviar, strawberry

Kebabs, lyulya, adjika

Airy cake, lemonade.

exotic salad.

And beloved teachers

We will raise salaries 105 times

Haute couture they'll dress

A month in Bali will warm up

Will never be angry

And forget about loans.

Let's wait a bit for an update.

Favorite school - Happy Birthday!