Statuses for the new year with meaning. Funny statuses about the new year

The seconds before the chimes on New Year's Eve are always very exciting, we make wishes and believe that they will come true. Seasoned with subtle humor and sincere wishes, beautiful statuses about the New Year will help you congratulate your friends and loved ones. Either short or long - beautiful New Year's statuses with meaning, posted a few moments before the holiday on your VK or Odnoklassniki page, will seem truly sincere to everyone.

For the New Year I will make it a present… for my birthday I will make it a present… for Christmas I will make it a present. I will get all the magical evil spirits with my desires, but they will drag IT to me!

May the wish made under the New Year's chimes be fulfilled. And the New Year will bring a sea of ​​new experiences, interesting acquaintances, useful knowledge and grandiose plans. Wish each other happiness while sitting at the festive table! May real miracles happen in your life on New Year's Eve!

I hope that the New Year will welcome me cordially, give me hopes, plans, save me from enemies, unnecessary worries and human envy ... In general, I believe in miracles for a year in a row!))

The anticipation of the New Year awakens a child in me ... As in childhood, waking up in the morning, I want to see a Christmas tree with gifts under it ... I want to play snowballs and eat snow and not think about getting sick ..

How much New Year's fuss. And all this…..only because of one!!! seconds!!

I want to kiss you on December 31 at 23.59 and January 1 at 00.01… It will be the perfect end to the old and an amazing start to the new year!

When the door to a new happy life opens in the New Year, do not crowd. Get on your knees and crawl towards your happiness!

Santa Claus exists, I know for sure. I see it in the eyes of my little son, who wishes health and happiness for his family, confident that this will certainly come true! I can't let him down...

New Year's Eve is an amazing, fabulous, enchanting night when miracles happen and the most cherished desires and dreams come true. So let this wonderful night fulfill all your desires!

Soon the New Year - I have only two wishes .... snow…. and you are near...

Everything froze in anticipation of a fairy tale, the snow sparkles with all the colors outside the window and, holding your breath, you wait for the clock to start counting down to a new life.

I want the New Year to be not like that one, but to be truly new, a new beginning in my life ...

I ask you, Santa Claus, let there be no tears in the New Year. Let the war end, let the wall fall between people that life has built and the one who is only waiting for this benefit ...

I have already grown up and I know that Santa Claus does not exist. Which does not prevent me from making wishes for the New Year and believing in miracles.

Do you want to be a child? ... Snow, a blizzard outside, and you, wrapped in a jacket, are driven on a sled ... with full packages of sweets and tangerines on your knees ...

When making plans for the coming year, we always hope for the best, dream, make wishes. I would like to wish that everything that you wished and wished for the New Year came true! So that you and your loved ones are healthy and happy, that good luck accompanies you in business, that love surrounds and fills you and your home.

I want Grandfather Frost to put three gifts under the Christmas tree for the New Year - happiness in the house, love in the family, and health to relatives.

In my letter to Santa Claus, I put a hundred dollars, otherwise he always doesn’t have enough for what I thought of and gives him what has been lying around since last year.

With a quiet step, slowly, only with rustling wings, with a red crest, the New Year is sneaking up to us without worries!

Winter was created in order to be in white colors, so that it would be possible to start your life from a white sheet.

They say New Year's Eve is the night of wish fulfillment. I wished that all people become happy on the whole planet. I am sure that this will certainly come true. Happy New Year!

In the New Year, every time I want to flip the page forward and think that from now on, the books will only have an interesting plot and not a single crumpled or torn-out sheet ...

The best gift for the New Year is when your loved ones are with you, everyone is healthy and joyful, and there are many, many happy moments ahead of you together.

It doesn’t matter that it’s raining, snowing, a blizzard or a blizzard outside the window. The main thing is to always be warm in the heart, which is what I wish you in this coming year!

Soon we will sit on the Internet, we will not celebrate the new year, but update it.

Grandfather Frost, all the whole year I behaved well ... and now can I beat someone ??? :)))

If you want to feel like a star - sit on the Christmas tree!

With each access to the Internet "for five minutes" you bring the New Year closer by at least an hour and a half

Wishing you the happiest new year imaginable! Let it be so new and successful that you yourself will be surprised!

Hello old fart! I haven't believed in you for two years now!

First he made a snow girl, and then he made her a woman ...

New Year. The time of promises and faith that in the morning everything will start anew, it will become better and happier.

If at night a fat guy suddenly comes and starts to put you in a bag... Don't freak out. I asked Santa Claus for you on New Year's Eve!

Dear Santa Claus, I can’t have sweets, please send me a box of semi-sweet ...

We sacredly promise ourselves that from the New Year we will stop doing everything that gave us the greatest pleasure in the old one.

Dear Santa Claus! Let the president, government and deputies live on a scholarship in the New Year, on which students are trying to live ... Preferably one more for everyone)

Hello, Grandfather Frost It's such a thing ... Well - I brought the bag, We must hide the body ...

New Year is the only holiday when the whole world eats last year's food with pleasure.

Hello Dedushka Moroz! I'll break your nose! I already have diarrhea from your gifts for the fifth day ...

The most correct relationship begins in winter. If you liked each other in a bunch of clothes, a hat and a red nose - this is definitely love.

Grandfather Frost, give me something for the New Year, seeing which, I would say: "Wow, Ferrari!"

And let's call those without whom not a single New Year can do? - Let's... - Po-li-qi-ya! Police!

"Santa Claus, come out!" the children shouted as they danced near the toilet.

If you are reading this status, know! Santa Claus loves you and will fulfill your most cherished dream, the main thing is to believe! :)

You meet the new year with an artificial Christmas tree - you will spend the whole year with an inflatable woman.

Never stick snowflakes on the refrigerator for New Year's Eve - they resemble the letter Zh to drunken guests

Grandfather Frost, can you use money this time, huh?

I will order you to Santa Claus for the New Year!!!

- Dear, is it true that hares are the most stupid animals? - Yes, my bunny!

List of my wishes for the New Year ... I want: to you, you, with you, from you, for you and forever) like this =)

You always meet the old New Year with your family, so that trouble bypasses your house, and life is like paradise.

The new year will come soon
What will bring alas, I do not know
Perhaps happiness awaits me?
And I will be loved and happy.
After all, how many women are single,
Unhappy, tired of loneliness,
But how can I see my friend
To be unselfish.
Didn't ask me questions
With whom have I lived all these years
I don't want memories
Why mess with all this.
I will live only for her
And I will keep her faithful
I will always be by her side
Appreciate her love.
May she be a faithful mistress
Where emptiness will create comfort
Where before it was not comfortable
Improve our family life.

Let there be life! Let there be peace and light
And happiness to different countries and peoples ...
A wave of goodwill to all
Let it enter the souls before the New Year.

And let it roll forward
Not fading after this date.
Let it fill the whole year
And not the current moment on the dial.

New Year's Eve glasses chime
Goes in circles...
May the true reason be eternal
Pass on the best to each other.

Let joy grow and let
Nothing can appear
A continuously ticking pulse
Happy days won't stop.

When the New Year knocks on the window,
So I want to hope for happiness
To the wisdom of loved ones, kindness, participation,
For sure joy awaits.

Let, submit to the magic from a fairy tale,
Hopes are turning into reality.

Let the miracle happen in the New Year,
And everything you dream about will come.

We wish you good health
In the soul - harmony, success in business,
And a heart filled with love
The one that was in my dreams.

Let the heart sing when the chimes strike
Let the soul be filled with harmony
Let talents bloom like a wonderful garden,
And life will go easy and good!

We wish you in the year of the Dog,
What is about to step on the threshold,
It is easy to solve the fate of puzzles,
Strive higher and forward.

May the New Year never tire of giving you joy,
May the New Year bring you good luck and success,
May none of you grow old in the New Year
And in your house, let the perky sonorous laughter sound!

We wish you from the bottom of our hearts, adults and kids,
A lot of sun and warmth, happiness, joy, kindness,
Optimism and success, on New Year's holiday - laughter
And for the whole year ahead to everyone - no worries!

In the New Year we want to wish you
To the brilliant heights of aspirations,
We wish you to dare and win,
We wish you talented solutions!

I wish there were no dark stripes in life,
To live joyfully, provocatively, very happily,
So that sharp corners can be rounded,
In a word, for the New Year to be like a piglet,
Round, kind, carefree pink Pig.

Do not slow down and strive for the heights,
To be talented, daring and free like a bird,
Give people joy and not go astray,
Enter the New Year with optimism and happiness.

May this snowy New Year
Health, happiness will bring
And wonderful weather
In any season!

The New Year is, perhaps, the most wonderful holiday, which is eagerly awaited not only by children, but also by adults. This is the time of gifts, fulfillment of desires and real magic. On the eve of the holidays, children write letters to Santa Claus, and parents run around the shops in search of cherished gifts for their children. Traditionally, the holiday begins to be celebrated on the evening of December 31, before meeting it, you need to spend the outgoing year. There are many jokes about the fact that the holiday begins on December 31st and ends at least on January 7th. No wonder, because during the New Year holidays you need to do so much: meet all your friends and visit all your relatives. On this magical holiday, everyone deserves warmth and attention.

In 2019 I wish you 12 months without illness, 53 weeks of all the best, 365 days of happiness, 8760 hours of success, 525600 minutes of love, and 315360000 seconds of pleasant moments.

The anticipation of the New Year awakens a child in me... As in childhood, waking up in the morning, I want to see a Christmas tree with gifts under it... I want to play snowballs and eat snow and not think about getting sick.

May Happiness knock on your door on New Year's Eve ... And God forbid that you are at home at this moment!

Tangerines are on the move, so the New Year is coming soon!

I love winter and the feeling that the holidays are approaching ... New Year's Eve ... Days of wish fulfillment, faith in miracles and fairy tales!

New Years is soon! May all of you ... have someone nearby who will clean your tangerines ... And the one who will steal these tangerines from both of you ...

My status went into the forest, probably behind the Christmas tree.

Funny and Cool Quotes

I want a little man... small, plump, with gifts... Santa Claus, I'm waiting!

Soon we will sit out on the Internet, we will not celebrate the New Year, but update it.

Never stick snowflakes on the refrigerator for the New Year - they remind the drunken guests of the letter Z.

Only in our country on New Year's Eve the congratulations of the president go through all channels, but they watch it only through the first one.

New Year's Eve is a dinner ending with breakfast.

Grandfather Frost, I would ... Gazprom shares - so that I don’t bother you anymore.

If a fat uncle comes up at night and puts you in a sack... don't freak out! It's just that someone asked Santa Claus for you for the New Year;)

Dear Grandfather Frost, for the New Year, put a piece of happiness under the Christmas tree for me..180 cm tall, please.

My children are already writing a letter to Santa Claus! And Santa Claus sits next to him on the couch and goes nuts!

Get ready for the New Year! I even moved the scale back 5 kg ...

December is nearing the middle, it's time to decide what to dress up for the night from December 31 to January 9.

- How did you spend New Years?
I don't know, they haven't told you yet...

Statuses with meaning

Snow… Adults say that it is frozen water, but children know better: these are small stars with a magical taste of the New Year.

I'm getting ready for the New Year, it seems the liver suspects something.

Dear Santa Claus, cotton beard, I don't need gifts! Increase your salary!

New Year is such a time when a call at 3 am is more glad than a call at 10 am.

The new year is a good excuse to leave some people in the old.

Someone dreams of a new life. And for some, the New Year is enough.

Every man should be a little Santa Claus for his family, help his Snow Maiden create a fairy tale and give gifts, well, and if this does not suit anyone, there is also a deer vacancy.

Beautiful statuses about the New Year

New Year gives us a great chance to change our lives for the better. This is an occasion to abandon the familiar, but so boring, step over fears, leave doubts behind, smile at the world around and start building your own destiny according to your own, exclusive project.

To the beat of the clock, exactly at twelve,
The world will change around.
We are in a fairy tale, as if
Let's go back to childhood...

They say that everything always comes true on New Year's Eve, even the fact that the whole year cannot be fulfilled!

Dear Santa Claus!!! I want to apply! Put only five boxes under the Christmas tree for my friends: fill the first with health, the second with good luck, the third with kindness, the fourth with patience, and put faith in the fifth! And one more thing - I beg you, tie all these boxes with a ribbon of happiness! Thanks, Santa Claus. I will be waiting very much...

As we get older, the New Year's wish list gets smaller and smaller, and what we really want can't be bought with money.

There are many aphorisms about the New Year. Some of them are playful and amusing, while others inspire philosophical reflection and encourage change. Choose the expressions you like for your statuses, give the New Year mood to yourself and others!

Finally, the long-awaited time for the tangerine smell, discharged Christmas trees, good mood and new hopes for the future. In the turmoil of New Year's Eve, it is very important not to forget anything and have time to congratulate everyone. This will help you statuses about new year collected on our page. It is no secret that many users of social networks have dozens or even hundreds of friends and acquaintances as friends, each of whom I want to, but there is no time to congratulate. However, you can do this by setting the status on your page in the form New Year's greetings. Now everyone who visits it will read it and smile, accepting your sweet congratulations on the upcoming New Year. What can we offer you?

New Year's statuses

Here you will find a selection of the best New Year statuses:

  • funny and romantic;
  • about Santa Claus and about Snow Maiden;
  • short and long;
  • in verse and prose;
  • about the new year and Christmas;
  • universal and specifically about the year of the Snake;
  • smart aphorisms about the New Year and funny sayings about its celebration.

The choice is so wide that every day you can delight the guests of your page by constantly changing statuses on it.

Winter statuses

Wishes in verse

What could be more wonderful than New Year's greetings in verse? Easy to read, uplifting, and most importantly - so much you can wish for! On our page you will find both romantic and funny new year poems, which can be set as a status or simply left on a friend's page as a congratulation.

Features of our site

We want to note that everything on our site is created for the comfort and convenience of users.

  • Would you like to add your favorite quote to our page that is not in our collection? We will be happy to decorate our rubric with it.
  • Did you especially like the funny status about snowman? You will be able to vote for him and increase his rating in the list of other phrases.
  • I wanted to leave a comment on a cool quote about snowflake? And we can do it easily and simply.
  • Lost in a variety of statuses and do not know what to choose? Make your search easier: you have the opportunity to choose the best statuses about winter for a certain time (for example, a week or a month).

We want to give all users of social networks who have become guests of our site a great mood and the brightest, most colorful pages on these New Year's holidays. Original winter quotes and cheerful New Year's greetings chosen by you on our website will become a real festive decoration of your page in any network. We hasten to congratulate everyone on the upcoming New Year!

Dear My Dears, I congratulate you all on the New Wonderful 2016!

Wake me up, the day before the New Year 2016, along with festive mood, tangerines and fireworks!

New Year's morning is the most mysterious time of the day: they say it exists, but no one has seen it!

Only on January 1st, the wish - Good morning, at five o'clock in the evening - is considered the most relevant wish in the New Year.

Whoever you visit on New Year's Eve, everyone's tables are bursting from the financial crisis.

Hmm, judging by the beginning, it seems to me that I have already seen this New Year ...

Each of us dreams that in the New Year he will become happier ...

December is not over yet, and I'm already thinking about the New Year. And the feeling that I'm already halfway through another year.

New Year: Gifts for children. Santa Claus - Mom.))

The liver yells in horror ... AGAIN, AGAIN New Year, well, but the ass is frolicking ... wants to have fun again.

Happy New Year Santa Claus, I wish you more new poses.

The New Year is walking around the planet ... All people are like people, and we are on the Internet ...)))

I read the status in classmates: "do not forget to leave classmates at 23:55 and celebrate the new year."

New Year, New Year ... Every year the same thing ...

They say that whatever you wish for the New Year, everything will always happen, and in the morning you will be ashamed.

Entering the new year, leave grudges in the past.

Even I don’t understand at all ... After the New Year holidays, I got fat all over from what I had eaten ... or just my muzzle from drinking was swollen ...)))))))

Somehow, I suddenly felt the smell of the New Year! I really want this wonderful holiday soon ...

Decorate the Christmas trees again, run for groceries. The time of happiness and trouble is the best New Year's holiday!

Dear Santa Claus, give me a beautiful boy for the New Year! .. Just don’t let him lie under the Christmas tree!

The year has changed on Earth! The country falls into an olivier.

I've already been pestered with the question: "What are you going to do for the New Year?" What, what ..., as in childhood I will meet ... with tangerines and tea :)

To everyone who celebrates this New Year alone! You are not alone on this night, there are many of us!))) I wish you that this holiday will be the last one spent alone! I wish you to find a beloved, loving, close person who will always be with you! Happy New Year 2016!!!

One MIRACLE on New Year's Eve still happens all the time ... The refrigerator becomes dimensionless for several days!))

How nice it is to buy Christmas gifts for your children. But it is much more pleasant to watch how little hands clumsily remove the wrapping paper and rejoice at the surprise found inside!

But I wonder if Santa Claus was at the beginning a grandfather or a frost?

New Year ... And the chimes are striking ... I give him a tie, He gives me ... DIAMONDS ... No, well, this is a dream ...))))))))

There, the New Year's spirit smells like a Christmas tree there, the children will have gifts. Everything is different there ... it's a fairy tale, for adults and of course children.

Holiday - New Year Bring good luck to everyone! It will bring with it success, happiness, faith, peace, joy, and Santa Claus will send us a whole cart of health!

Soon ... soon the New Year! Rejoice planet! It's the first new year since... the end of the world!

Well! Happy New Year! This is so that later the statuses do not change 100 times!

New Year's magic - all girls become more beautiful and kinder.

My dear and dearly beloved mother-in-law. Happy New Year! This is your year!

- And I put a gift under the Christmas tree for my beloved! - And what is she? - And she is still looking for him: the taiga is big!

I hate the new year without you...

So that... New Year... does not start from scratch... the outgoing year... always ends with one...

And who knows what the best thing in the new year?!

New Year is when people create problems for themselves for almost the entire month in order to get drunk in one night ...))

But not everyone has finished the NEW YEAR!

The New Year's corporate party of GAZPROM differs from others in that Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden do not grant wishes, but make them!

New Year is coming soon and I'm not married yet!!!)))

I'm already ready for the New Year! I bought Alkaseltzer, Solpodein, activated charcoal, festal, sorbex and enterosgel!

I love you, I want you, well, when will you come ....... New Year!!!

Happy New Year, friends and strangers, near and far, beloved and unloved, friends and enemies!

Happiness is to be able to find the joys of each day of the new year.

The new year has come, but you must understand that it will not change you. This is just a new year, with the advent of which nothing changes in life.

The New Year has come ... I will insure myself against bad luck! Especially from unrequited love!

Friends ... it's time to take care of ... where and with whom you will celebrate the New Year 2016 ... after all, there are only a few days left before it.

Meet New Year one - vodka, juice and tangerine.

Yes! I am a grown girl! But soon the New Year and I'm waiting for my New Year's magic, my unique winter fairy tale)))) ...

On New Year's Eve, snow is quietly falling outside the window, let there be joy and laughter at your table!

Do not forget to throw out the garbage before the new year; From a bucket... From a head... From life...

The new year is coming, let the people kiss!

He was so severe that he bought a gift for his girlfriend for the New Year and hid it under the Christmas tree... In the forest...

Due to the change in the seasonal schedule, Christmas trees are on sale again!

Yesterday, returning home from work, I saw a decorated Christmas tree in someone’s window ... Now I’m sitting and thinking: is it “ALREADY” or is it “MORE”? ...

And the new year is just around the corner! Happy New Year, friends! Just step, please, quietly, and not in the shit!

I didn't pass the endurance test. I can still eat and drink, but the phrase “Happy New Year” causes a hysterical fit.

Girls! And let's arrange a New Year's action: "Let the deer go free!"

Good Grandfather Frost, a beard made of cotton... I'll buy everything for myself - increase your salary!

In the New Year, I want to... get back what I lost, keep what I have, get what I dream of...

New Year's statuses about the new year, statuses about 2016 New Year