Toasts are beautiful in the Kazakh language. Wedding greetings in Kazakh

Kazakh weddings - beautiful and original - are held, like hundreds of years ago, in accordance with established traditions. Most often, such celebrations are held at the end of summer, when the religious fast ends, and vegetables and fruits are in abundance on the table.

Often, a full moon period is chosen for the wedding ceremony, as bright nights are perfect for traditional national games and competitions. According to custom, the parents of the bride and groom, other relatives and friends pronounce congratulations on the wedding in the Kazakh language at this celebration.

How to congratulate on your wedding day in Kazakh?

Egіz aққu siyaқtanғan old,
Bastapsyzdar zhubayly өmir - dastanin.
Mykty bolsyn tikken ordan - otauyn,
Kutty bolsyn algash tundik ashkanyn.
Bir іsіnnen asyp tүsіp bіr іsіn,
Sharyktasyn kut - bereke - yrysyn.
Otauyn da kishigirim - Otany,
Mangi bolsyn, mangi bolsyn Ұlysyn!

Like two white swans
You begin your story of your family life.
May your union be strong
Let the threshold of your house be strong.
May all your undertakings go uphill.
May the cup be full!
Home is our little home
So let it be strong for centuries!

Eki bulaq bir arnaga togysty,
Eki zhurek ugynysty, tabysty.
Tіleyіkshi аpақ arman-aғysty,
Tulparga tәn ozyp shygar shabysty.
Zhana otaudyn shanyragyn koterip,
Kel, old, zhaksy tіlek etelіk!
Uylengender - altyn saray salgandar,
Balalygy estelikke kalgandar!
Kalady endi balalyk shaq ertek bop
Kel, old man, shattyk toyga ortak bop!
Eki zhubay - qatar turgan perishte,
Birge ұshsyn bak-bolashak - oriste!

As two springs, so two young hearts reunited together. So let's wish them a good course, victory in everything, like the best horse. Let's, friends, wish the new family all the best. The young, having built their golden castle, will leave their childish pranks in their memory. Let's, friends, share their joy and happiness with them. Here the young ones stand before us, like two angels, and let them fly towards their happiness!

Congratulations on the wedding in Kazakh

Kazakh congratulations on the wedding day - figurative and beautiful - one after another sound at the festive table. Choose the right texts to please the newlyweds on this solemn day.

Kөңіlde koktep mahabbat gүli, nұr gүli,
Estilsin uyden kүmis kүlkіnіn syңgyry.
Orisi kenip babadan kalgan aulettin,
Terbelsin besik, estilsin sabi was a hole.

Adami ғұmyr bolary aikyn bir nukte,
Zhaksylyk keler yntymak barda, birlikte.
Bas koskan zhastar Sіzderge ulken tіlegіm,
Birіnе bіrіn suyenish bulgan tіrlikte.

The flowers of love blossomed in the soul,
Let the silver ring of laughter be heard
Let the house be full of children
Generation successors.
Let the laughter of children be heard, their babble.
May your life be long.
Let joy come there
Where there is unity and harmony.
Newlyweds, my wishes to you:
Become a support for each other for life!

Өmirlerі baқytty, аndі bolsyn,
Өңіrlerі osyndai sandi bolsyn!
Dostyk penen zhastyk shak zhalyn atyp,
Ah mahabbat bayandy, mandi bolsyn!
Khalkyna kalauly bol,
Elinye eleuli bol.
Bir balamyz ekeu bolsyn
Zhas zhubaylar odegy bekem bolsyn.

We wish them happiness, prosperity in this life, may they live in abundance. Friendship and youth burn in their hearts, and their love will be reliable and fruitful. Be the son and daughter of your people, we wish you an increase in the family and strong ties!

Tilekpenen batalaryn ak bolsyn!
Ekі zhurek bir-birіne zhak bolsyn!
Aғgamyz adal fever bolyp,
Zhengemiz osy uyge kelip kongan bak bolsyn!
Bir - birine senimderin ak bolsyn!
Bіr — bіrіnе sezіmderіn pаk bolsyn
Bүgіngі osy toydyn yelerі
Zhaman attan, zhat kylyktan sak bolsyn!

So that the wishes are pure,
For the hearts of lovers to be united,
For a brother to be a family man,
And our daughter-in-law would become a bird of happiness to us.
Love each other forever
Let each other's feelings be pure.
Today the heroes of the occasion
They will be honest with each other.

Kazakh congratulations on the wedding in prose

Are you unable to attend the wedding in person? Send wedding congratulations in Kazakh to a young couple by e-mail or post them on a page on a social network.

Kymbatty zhas zhubaylar! Sіzderdi zandy nekeleriңіzben құttyқtaymyz! Shyn zhurekten mahabbatty mәңgіge saktaularyңyzdy tіleymіz! Bүgіngі kүn - sіzderdin өmirlerіңіzdegi en baқytty kүn. “Uilenu onai, uy bolu kiyn” - deidі halkymyz. Men sizderge ozara tusinistik, mahabbat pen tatulyk teleymin. Sіzderge tіleitіnіmіz - bүgіngіdey baқytty sat omіr boyi bіrge bolsyn!

Dear newlyweds! Congratulations on your legal marriage! From the bottom of our hearts, we wish you to keep your love forever! Today is the happiest day of your life. People say: "Marrying is easy, creating a family is difficult." I want to wish you mutual understanding, love and harmony! We wish you to carry your happiness throughout your life!

Zhastarga tileitinim: Zor densaulyk, ashhyk aspan, moldir mahabbat! Shanyraktaryn biik bolsyn, keregelerin ken bolsyn, bosagalaryn berik bolsyn. Konil bolsa - an de bolady. Kelisim bolsa - nan and tabylady. Eki bastaryn - ush bolsyn. Ush bastaryn - torteu bolsyn. Ata-analaryn syylap, ekі zhakka birdey karangdar.

We wish the newlyweds: good health, clear peaceful sky, crystal clear love. Let your hearth be strong, there will be bread - there will be a song. Unanimity is the path to prosperity. Respect your parents, be mutually polite.

Kurmetti zhas zhubaylar! Zaңdy nekeleriңіz kutty bolsyn. Sіzderge Alataudyң shyndaғy ak kardai taza pәk kҩңіl, sol shyndardan sarқyray akқan kausar bұlaқtai mөldir mahabbat tileimin. Sizderge altyn kuzdin yrysyn, densaulyktyn kystay myktysyn, köktemdey köl-kösir ömir, zhazdai zhadyragan ömir tileymin. Kyzdaryn monshakty, uldaryn onshakty bolsyn. Shanyraktarynnyn keregesi ken, terezesi ten, bosagasy berik, ensesi "Kelisim saraiyndai" biik bolsyn!

Dear newlyweds! congratulations on your legal marriage! We wish you the same pure love as the snow on the peaks of Alatau, crystal as the water of a mountain stream! We wish you to collect as many fruits of love as the harvest of a fertile autumn, health as strong as the winter cold. Let life overflow before you like a full-flowing river in spring! Let your feelings be as hot as the summer heat! We wish you many girls, like beads in a necklace, and may there be a dozen boys! So that your house is high, and life in it is wide and deep.

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Tugan kuninizben!
Әuelgi baқyt - densaulyk, ekіnshі baқyt - ақ zhaulyk, үshіnshі baқyt - he is saulyқ tileymin.
Happy birthday!
I wish you the most important happiness - health, the second - marriage, the third - well-being.
Tugan kuninizben!
Sіzge densaulyk, baқyt, sattіlіk tіleimіn.
Happy birthday!
I wish you health, happiness, good luck!
Tugan kunin kutty,
Densaulygyn mykty.
Zhumisyn tabysty,
Іsterің іlgerі bolsyn!
Happy birthday! We wish you
Good health.
We wish you career growth at work
May good luck accompany you!
En zhyly da meyirimdі құttyқtau sozder kөңіlіңіzden shygyp,
өmir sіzdі baқyt kushagynda ayalasyn!
May these sincere and long-awaited wishes warm your soul, cheer you up, may life caress you in the arms of happiness!
Tugan kunin kutty bolsyn,
Densaulygyn mykty bolsyn.
Әr tanyn araylap atyp,
Omirin mangi nurga tolsyn!
Happy birthday congratulations
We wish you good health.
May every day be bright
And your life will be filled with eternal rays of joy!
Aynur, tugan kunin kutty bolsyn!
Kuanyshty, bakytty kunder kop bop tursyn!
Ardaiym aspanyn ashik bolyp
Is tabysty, densaulyk mykty bolsyn!
Ainur, happy birthday!
May there be many joyful and cheerful days!
May the sky always be open
Let things go uphill, and health be strong!
Denderiniz sau, bai-kuatty, baqytty bolanyzdar!
Be healthy, rich and happy!
Kansha zhuldyz alemde!
Kansha tolkyn tenizde!
Sonsha baқyt tіleymin
Baқytty bol өmirde!
How many stars are in the sky!
How many waves on the sea!
I wish you the same happiness
Be happy in this difficult life!
Әr kүnіnіz kuanyshty bolsyn!
May your every day be joyful!
Sіzge zhane tuystaryңyzғa densaulyk pen kuanysh, amandyk pen baқyt tileymyz.
We wish health, joy, prosperity, happiness to you and your loved ones!
Shyn zhurekten baқyt pen tabys tіleymіz!
From the bottom of our hearts, we wish you happiness and success!
Bar tіlekterіnіz ben armandaryңyz oryndalsyn!
May all your dreams and desires come true!
Tugan kүn kutty bolsyn!
Bіrіnshі- ұzak zhasty өmirlі bol,
Ekinshі- adal kasipke beyimdі bol.
Yshinshі-til men kozden aman bol.
Gylymga onermenen zeyindi bol,
Tөrtіnshі- katarynda kemeldi bol.
Besinshі- berekelі, bedeldi bol.
Altynshy- arystanday aybatty bol,
Zhetinshi- zhetekteushin Kyzyr bolyp,
Dinina Mukhambettin kayratty bol.
Alkaly aq ordaly kenesti bol.
Dugamdy kadir Alla kabyl etsin,
Buryngy zhaksylarmen tenesti bol.
Happy birthday!
First, I wish you long life,
Secondly, I want to become a professional in my field,
Thirdly, may God keep you from the evil eye and reproaches,
Be inclined to science and culture,
Fourth, be perfect and
Fifth, be rich and authoritative among friends,
Sixth, be majestic as a lion,
Seventh, may Saint Kydyr protect you
And become faithful to the faith of Muhammad.
Become the master of your destiny.
May God support my wishes and
Accompanies the fate of good people of past years.
Bүgin senіn tuylғan kүnіn - tөl mereken, kuanyshyn. Bіz senі osa merekenmen құttyқtap, kuanyshyndy bolіsuge kelіp otyrmyz. Yeger kyp - kyzyl shoққa may tamyzsan lapyldap zhanady, al su tamyzsan byksyp sonedi. Baurym, senin bagyn sol bir tamshy maimen-ak zhansyn, sol bagynnan shykkan zhalyn senin omіrіndi zharyқ etsin! Baqytty bol!
Today is your birthday - your joy, your holiday. We have come to share your joy and at the same time we cordially congratulate you on this holiday. If you drop oil on a fire, it will flare up, and if you drop water, it will go out. My dear, let your happiness ignite from one drop of oil, and let the flame of this fire warm your life! Be happy!
Kurmetti dosym tuylgan kunin kutty bolsyn. Senі shyn zhүrekten құttyқtai otyryp sagan densaulyk, tau suyndai sarқylmas baқyt tіleymin. Aita bersem tileitin tilek kop, zhaza bersem mayysaytyn kalam kop, aspanyn ashhyk bolsyn, suygenin bir ozine gashyk bolsyn. Suygenine sүrynbey zhet, sүrіnіp kalsan enbektep zhet!
My dear friend, happy birthday. I sincerely congratulate you on this holiday and wish you health and endless happiness, like pure mountain water. If you speak, then sincere wishes will be higher than the mountains, if you write, your hand will get tired. The most important thing - may your roads lead in the right direction, the sky will be clear, may your beloved always be your faithful companion. May love itself find you and remain in your heart for a long time!
Өrge өrleytin өmir,
Ұly өmirdi zhenetin uakyt,
Eshkim, yesshashan kormegen baқyt
Arkashan oryndalatyn Arman Tileymin
I wish you a happy life that will take you to the top, endless time that will overcome all the difficulties of life,
And happiness that no one had,
And I wish dreams that will always come true.
Tugan kүn erekshe kүn arbir zhanga
Zhan dosymdy asyktym men құttyқtauғa
Bar baқytty tіledіm bir ozіңe
Armandaryn oryndalsyn bul өmirde
Densaulygyn mykty bop аrkashanda
Zhure bershi zhadyrap ortamyzda
Demep zhurer zhannyn biri sensiң қinalғanda
Uzilmesin dostygymyz eshqashanda!!!
Birthday is a holiday for everyone
I hastened to congratulate my friend
I will give all my sincere wishes to you alone
To make your dreams come true in this difficult life
I wish you good health
I wish you to always shine with happiness
You are a true friend who will support you in difficult times.
May our friendship last forever!!!
Sagan aitar telek
Tausylma esh zhudep
Қinalsan - tөz
Zharyssan - oz
Oinasan - ut
Kuressen - zhyk
Eshkimdi Basynba
Basynnan asyrma
Tabyska tasyma
Namyska zhasyma
Eshkimdi kүn deme
Eshkimdi tildeme
Sozіnen tanba
katarynnan kalma
Bireudі dattama
Yeshkashan kek saktama
Bireudі syrtynan aidama
The sects of tyndam
Shynygyp shyndal
Zhaksydan ulgi al!
I want to wish you
Don't suffer in this life
If you suffer, be patient
If you compete - win
If you play - win
If you fight, win
Don't offend anyone
But don't let yourself be offended either.
Don't chase profit
Don't trample on your pride
Don't exalt anyone
Don't scold anyone
Keep your word
Keep up with others
Don't slander anyone
Never hold a grudge
Don't gossip about others
Always be strong
Take an example from good people!
Kyzgaldaktai zhainay bersіn omіrіn,
Judge tolyp koterilsіn kөңіlіn.
Yesh Қashanda kөіlіңdі kіr shalmai,
Baқytty da ұzaқ bolsyn өmirің.
Let your life bloom like a tulip
Let your mood rise like water.
May evil never poison your soul,
Live long and be happy always.
Kөңіlіn kүlgen kүndey ashyk bolsyn
suigenіn bir ozіңe ғashyk bolsyn
Arkashan suigeninmen birge bolyp
Aldynan bakyt zholy ashyk bolsyn.
May your soul be open like the bright sun
Let your beloved idolize you alone.
Be with your beloved
Live long and happily.
Omir sagan zhyly sozin arnasyn,
Қaygy-mұңғa zhүrekte oryn bolmasyn.
Zhanarynnan kүn kүlimdep аrkashan,
Aimen zhuldyz keudene kep ornasyn.
Let life give you its tender words
Let there be no place in your heart for resentment and suffering.
Always smile, be healthy
May the moon and stars find a place in your form.
Seni tugan kүninmen shyn zhүrekten құttyқtaymyz, oilagan armanyңa zhetuіңe tіlektespіz. Senі tek biіkterden koreyіk. Kadamyna - gүl, kelbetiңe - nur, қiyalyңa қanat bitsin, zhasyn - zhas, basynа bass kosylsyn! Shanyragyn a kut-bereke, beibit kunnіn araily shuagy meylinshe tugile tussin, otbasyn - amandyk, deninye - saulyk, ұzaқ ғұmyr tileimiz, armanyң - asқықақ
Ardayym kushagyn - gulge, kadamyn nurga tola bersin! Baқytty өmir sүruiңe shyn zhүrekten tilektespiz!
We sincerely congratulate you on your birthday, and wish that all your innermost dreams come true. We want to see your career growth. May good luck always accompany you. May your affairs go uphill, may the nightingale sing in your soul, may your thoughts be inspired, live long and wisely! May there be peace and tranquility in your home, a sea of ​​​​love in family life, we wish you good health, long life. May your dreams be great, and the mountains you climb be the highest!
May your arms be filled with flowers, may good luck accompany you! We sincerely wish you a happy life!
Kutty bolsyn kelgen tugan kүnіңіz,
Tilekshi köp, byzde sonny birimiz.
Ortamyzda zhanashyr bop zhuresin,
Bolgannan son birge shykқan tubimiz.
Үzіlmesіn өmirіnіnің zhyr-аni,
Baқytyңnyң өrge tartyp bulagy.
Enbeginnin tek zeynetin kore ber,
Keler kunnin sauleli bop shuagy.
Happy Birthday,
There are many congratulators, and we are one of them.
You are the most caring in our environment,
Because you and I are of the same blood.
May your muse of life last long,
May the spring of your happiness never end.
Get the result and benefit from the work done,
May your days continue to be sunny.

Koterip turyp, құlatady өmir.
Kүldіrіp ұryp, zhylatady өmir.
Etegіn tolyp enіregen kezde
Қaitadan өzі zhұbatady өmir.
Umіtіndi uzіp, tүnіle korme,
Құlap baryp ta gүl atady өmir.
Yp etken jelge dirilday berme
Shydamdylykty ұnatady өmir.
Omirin okindirmesin, armanyn aldamasyn!
Life raises itself, lowers itself,
She herself will laugh, she will grieve.
When you cry without finding an answer
She will calm down and find the answer.
Don't lose hope, don't be sad
Even lowered life smiles.
Stand strong against strong winds
Life loves hardy people.
May there be no regrets in this life and dreams come true!
senі tugan kүnimen құttyқtaimyn! Omirde baqytty bol! Қyzmetіnde tabysty boluynа tіlektespіn! Myқty densaulyk, zor baқyt, kazhymas kayrat tіleymin. Makhabbatyn moldir, aspanyn ardaiym ashyk bolsyn! Enbekte tabystan tabyska zhete beruine shyn zhurekten tіlektespin. Aldagy maқsatyn men ansagan armanyңa zhete ber! Zhyl saiyn agaiyn tuys bauyrlar zhinalyp, senin tugan kүnіndi toylay beruge zhazsyn!
I congratulate you on your birthday! Be happy in this life! I wish to be successful in my career work! I wish you good health, happiness, courage. May your love be eternal, and your sky always open! I sincerely wish you to achieve your goals in work and in life. I wish that we annually celebrate your birthday with your relatives and rejoice together!
Tuylgan kunge tilerim
Tausylmas bakyt!
Lazzatty waqyt!
Armanny Azharyn!
Bakyttyn samalyn!
Ozendey Omir!
Koldey konil!
Kudaydan shapagat!
Turakty mahabbat!
Alladan Amanda!
Zor densaulyk!
Like bakyt!
Keremet Keleshek!
Baқytty bolashak!
Zhazhayyp omir!
Oshpes Gumyr!
Kulkili kunder!
Könіldi Keshter!
Tamasha Tunder!
Dosym sagan tileymin!
On your birthday, I want to wish
Endless happiness!
Happy time!
Brilliant dream!
The highlight of happiness!
Long life!
Broad soul!
Mercy from God!
Faithful love!
Blessing of God!
Good health!
Lots of happiness!
Great future!
Happy future!
Wonderful life!
Immortal Glory!
Joyful days!
Joyful evenings!
Unforgettable nights!
My friend, I wish you!
Akkudyn - aktygyn
Omirdіn - paktigіn
Armannyn - azharyn
Bakyttyn - bazaar
Densaulyktyn - zoryn
Makhabbattyn - Molyn Tileymin
I wish you: The whiteness of the swan
Purity of life
brilliance of a dream
Sea of ​​happiness
Good health
Sea of ​​true love.
Bіrіnshі - ұzak zhasty өmirlі bol,
Ekinshі-til men kozden aman bol,
Yshіnshі-berekelі, bedeldi bol,
Tөrtіnshі-arystandai aybatty bol,
Besinshі-akyldy, kayratty bol.
Altynshy-onerlі bol.
First, live happily ever after
Second - may God keep you from the evil eye and reproaches,
Third - be rich and noble,
Fourth - be like a majestic lion,
Five - be smart and brave.
Sixth, be skillful and skillful.
Uakyt - eshkim toktata almaityn alyp keme. Sol kemenіn zhүrіsimen sen de omіr tolkyndarymen aralas, arpalys, balalyk shak zhаgalauyna қol bulgap, adam omіrіnіn koktemi zhastyқ shaққа da kelіp zhetersіn.
Omir shuagy men dauyly, kaygysy men sauygy, zhenili men auyry katar almaskan alpauyt. Sen solardyn algashkysyna kosyl. Omirde kezdesetin san qily auyrlyktar men qiyndyktardy akylmen, sabyrmen zhene bіl. Aspan Bultsyz Bolmaydy, Demek Adam Omirinin de Bultty Kunderi Bolar. Birak senіn өmirіnіnің shuaқty kunderі kop bolsyn. Ansagan armanyna tek bakytpen zhet.
Time is a ship that no one can stop. In the direction of movement of this ship in the waves of life, you will also swim as fast as life itself. At the same time, having said goodbye to the shores of childhood, you will swim to youth, which is the spring of human life.
Life is a huge environment in which joys, and hardships, and sorrows, and fun, and eases, and difficulties move in parallel. There are people who were able to overcome the hardships of life, and there are people who could not go through difficulties and broke down. I want to see you among the first of them. Try to overcome all difficulties and hardships in life with intelligence and patience. The sky is never without clouds, and there are also cloudy days in a person's life. But I wish you that in your life there were only bright, cloudless days. May all your secret dreams come true.

Arbir adam duniege kelgende tungі aspandagy zhuldyzdardyn sany kobeyedi eken. Shynynda da tungі aspandy bіr sat tamashalap kөrsenіz, adamdar da sol zhuldyzdar tаrіzdі ekenіn baykaisyz. Bireuler Zharyka Sykannannannannannanan Tasada Zhrgendi Kalaydi - Onyn Zhuldyza әlsiz Zhyltyirady, Alreuler Sabyrsyz, өzdinіn өmіrine өzheza өbayyz birsihn, bares, barese әelese ә ә ә әlets. Al endі үnemi kүn tәrіzdі zharқyrap, tүngі aspanga erekshe shұgyla shashyp turatyn іzgі zhandar bolsa kerek. Bүgіngі tugan kүn yesin osyndai erekshe zhuldyzdyn yesі dep aytuғa bolada. Tula boyy tungan daryn zhane önerlі, akylyna korkі sai tartymdy osynau kuanysh iesine shyn zhurekten baқyt tileimіn. Zhuldyzyn sonbesin! Arkashanda zhogarylap, zharkyray bersin!
Translating to Russian language:
It is said that when a person is born, a new star lights up in the sky. If you look at the sky, you can see that the people on earth are like the stars in the sky. Some of them prefer to remain in the shadows than to shine in society - their stars twinkle imperceptibly, and some are very impatient, they quickly and deftly change their lives - their stars twinkle brighter than others at times, at times they dim. Some shine brightly like the sun and also sparkle in the night sky. You can be called such a person - you are sparkling, brilliant, shining always and everywhere. You have so much talent and skills, so much intelligence and beauty, and I sincerely wish you the same happiness and love. May your star always shine! Let it shine and hold it as high as possible!

Happy birthday greetings in Kazakh in your own words

Uakyt - eshkim toktata almaityn alyp keme. Sol kemenіn zhүrіsimen sen de omіr tolkyndarymen aralas, arpalys, balalyk shak zhаgalauyna қol bulgap, adam omіrіnіn koktemi zhastyқ shaққа da kelіp zhetersіn. Omir shuagy men dauyly, kaygysy men sauygy, zhenili men auyry katar almaskan alpauyt. Sen solardyn algashkysyna kosyl. Omirde kezdesetin san qily auyrlyktar men qiyndyktardy akylmen, sabyrmen zhene bіl. Aspan Bultsyz Bolmaydy, Demek Adam Omirinin de Bultty Kunderi Bolar. Birak senіn өmirіnіnің shuaқty kunderі kop bolsyn. Ansagan armanyna tek bakytpen zhet.
Time is a ship that no one can stop. In the direction of movement of this ship in the waves of life, you will also swim as fast as life itself. At the same time, having said goodbye to the shores of childhood, you will swim to youth, which is the spring of human life. Life is a huge environment in which joys, and hardships, and sorrows, and fun, and eases, and difficulties move in parallel. There are people who were able to overcome the hardships of life, and there are people who could not go through difficulties and broke down. I want to see you among the first of them. Try to overcome all difficulties and hardships in life with intelligence and patience. The sky is never without clouds, and there are also cloudy days in a person's life. But I wish you that in your life there were only bright, cloudless days. May all your secret dreams come true.

Seni tugan kunimen құttyқtaimyn! Omirde baqytty bol! Қyzmetіnde tabysty boluynа tіlektespіn! Myқty densaulyk, zor baқyt, kazhymas kayrat tіleymin. Makhabbatyn moldir, aspanyn ardaiym ashyk bolsyn! Enbekte tabystan tabyska zhete beruine shyn zhurekten tіlektespin. Aldagy maқsatyn men ansagan armanyңa zhete ber! Zhyl saiyn agaiyn tuys bauyrlar zhinalyp, senin tugan kүnіndi toylay beruge zhazsyn!
I congratulate you on your birthday! Be happy in this life! I wish to be successful in my career work! I wish you good health, happiness, courage. May your love be eternal, and your sky always open! I sincerely wish you to achieve your goals in work and in life. I wish that we annually celebrate your birthday with your relatives and rejoice together!

Kurmetti...! Seni tugan kүninmen shyn zhүrekten құttyқtaymyz, oilagan armanyңa zhetuіңe tіlektespіz. Senі tek biіkterden koreyіk. Kadamyna - gүl, kelbetiңe - nur, қiyalyңa қanat bitsin, zhasyn - zhas, basynа bass kosylsyn! Shanyragyn a kut-bereke, beibit kunnіn araily shuagy meylinshe tugile tussin, otbasyn - amandyk, deninye - saulyk, ұzaқ ғұmyr tileimiz, armanyң - asқықақ Ardayym kushagyn - gulge, kadamyn nurga tola bersin! Baқytty өmir sүruiңe shyn zhүrekten tilektespiz!
Dear…! We sincerely congratulate you on your birthday, and wish that all your innermost dreams come true. We want to see your career growth. May good luck always accompany you. May your affairs go uphill, may the nightingale sing in your soul, may your thoughts be inspired, live long and wisely! May there be peace and tranquility in your home, a sea of ​​​​love in family life, we wish you good health, long life. May your dreams be great, and the mountains you climb be the highest! May your arms be filled with flowers, may good luck accompany you! We sincerely wish you a happy life!

En zhyly da meyirimdі құttyқtau sozder kөңіlіnіңіzden shygyp, omіr sіzdі baқyt құshaұynda ayalasyn!
May these sincere and long-awaited wishes warm your soul, cheer you up, may life caress you in the arms of happiness!

Tugan kuninizben! Sіzge densaulyk, baқyt, sattіlіk tіleimіn.
Happy birthday! I wish you health, happiness, good luck!

Happy birthday greetings in Kazakh in verse

Tuylgan kunge tilerim
Tausylmas bakyt!
Lazzatty waqyt!
Armanny Azharyn!
Bakyttyn samalyn!
Ozendey Omir!
Koldey konil!
Kudaydan shapagat!
Turakty mahabbat!
Alladan Amanda!
Zor densaulyk!
Like bakyt!
Keremet Keleshek!
Baқytty bolashak!
Zhazhayyp omir!
Oshpes Gumyr!
Kulkili kunder!
Könіldi Keshter!
Tamasha Tunder!
Dosym sagan tileymin!
On your birthday, I want to wish
Endless happiness!
Happy time!
Brilliant dream!
The highlight of happiness!
Long life!
Broad soul!
Mercy from God!
Faithful love!
Blessing of God!
Good health!
Lots of happiness!
Great future!
Happy future!
Wonderful life!
Immortal Glory!
Joyful days!
Joyful evenings!
Unforgettable nights!
My friend, I wish you!

Kutty bolsyn kelgen tugan kүnіңіz,
Tilekshi köp, byzde sonny birimiz.
Ortamyzda zhanashyr bop zhuresin,
Bolgannan son birge shykқan tubimiz.
Үzіlmesіn өmirіnіnің zhyr-аni,
Baқytyңnyң өrge tartyp bulagy.
Enbeginnin tek zeynetin kore ber,
Keler kunnin sauleli bop shuagy.
Happy Birthday,
There are many congratulators, and we are one of them.
You are the most caring in our environment,
Because you and I are of the same blood.
May your muse of life last long,
May the spring of your happiness never end.
Get the result and benefit from the work done,
May your days continue to be sunny.

Omir sagan zhyly sozin arnasyn,
Қaygy-mұңғa zhүrekte oryn bolmasyn.
Zhanarynnan kүn kүlimdep аrkashan,
Aimen zhuldyz keudene kep ornasyn.
Let life give you its tender words
Let there be no place in your heart for resentment and suffering.
Always smile, be healthy
May the moon and stars find a place in your form.

Kyzgaldaktai zhainay bersіn omіrіn,
Judge tolyp koterilsіn kөңіlіn.
Yesh Қashanda kөіlіңdі kіr shalmai,
Baқytty da ұzaқ bolsyn өmirің.
Let your life bloom like a tulip
Let your mood rise like water.
May evil never poison your soul,
Live long and be happy always.

Beautiful poems in Kazakh with translation into Russian

Sagan aitar telek
Tausylma esh zhudep
Қinalsan - tөz
Zharyssan - oz
Oinasan - ut
Kuressen - zhyk
Eshkimdi Basynba
Basynnan asyrma
Tabyska tasyma
Namyska zhasyma
Eshkimdi kүn deme
Eshkimdi tildeme
Sozіnen tanba
katarynnan kalma
Bireudі dattama
Yeshkashan kek saktama
Bireudі syrtynan aidama
The sects of tyndam
Shynygyp shyndal
Zhaksydan ulgi al!
I want to wish you
Don't suffer in this life
If you suffer, be patient
If you compete - win
If you play - win
If you fight, win
Don't offend anyone
But don't let yourself be offended either.
Don't chase profit
Don't trample on your pride
Don't exalt anyone
Don't scold anyone
Keep your word
Keep up with others
Don't slander anyone
Never hold a grudge
Don't gossip about others
Always be strong
Take an example from good people!

Tugan kүn erekshe kүn arbir zhanga
Zhan dosymdy asyktym men құttyқtauғa
Bar baқytty tіledіm bir ozіңe
Armandaryn oryndalsyn bul өmirde
Densaulygyn mykty bop аrkashanda
Zhure bershi zhadyrap ortamyzda
Demep zhurer zhannyn biri sensiң қinalғanda
Uzilmesin dostygymyz eshashanda!
Birthday is a holiday for everyone
I hastened to congratulate my friend
I will give all my sincere wishes to you alone
To make your dreams come true in this difficult life
I wish you good health
I wish you to always shine with happiness
You are a true friend who will support you in difficult times.
May our friendship last forever!

Tugan kүn kutty bolsyn!
Bіrіnshі- ұzak zhasty өmirlі bol,
Ekinshі- adal kasipke beyimdі bol.
Yshinshі-til men kozden aman bol.
Gylymga onermenen zeyindi bol,
Tөrtіnshі- katarynda kemeldi bol.
Besinshі- berekelі, bedeldi bol.
Altynshy- arystanday aybatty bol,
Zhetinshi- zhetekteushin Kyzyr bolyp,
Dinina Mukhambettin kayratty bol.
Alkaly aq ordaly kenesti bol.
Dugamdy kadir Alla kabyl etsin,
Buryngy zhaksylarmen tenesti bol.
Happy birthday!
First, I wish you long life,
Secondly, I want to become a professional in my field,
Thirdly, may God keep you from the evil eye and reproaches,
Be inclined to science and culture,
Fourth, be perfect and
Fifth, be rich and authoritative among friends,
Sixth, be majestic as a lion,
Seventh, may Saint Kydyr protect you
And become faithful to the faith of Muhammad.
Become the master of your destiny.
May God support my wishes and
Accompanies the fate of good people of past years.

Short SMS congratulations in Kazakh happy birthday

Denderiniz sau, bai-kuatty, baqytty bolanyzdar!
Be healthy, rich and happy!

Әr kүnіnіz kuanyshty bolsyn!
May your every day be joyful!

Sіzge zhane tuystaryңyzғa densaulyk pen kuanysh, amandyk pen baқyt tileymyz.
We wish health, joy, prosperity, happiness to you and your loved ones!

Shyn zhurekten baқyt pen tabys tіleymіz!
From the bottom of our hearts, we wish you happiness and success!

Bar tіlekterіnіz ben armandaryңyz oryndalsyn!
May all your dreams and desires come true!

Tugan kuninizben! Әuelgi baқyt - densaulyk, ekіnshі baқyt - ақ zhaulyk, үshіnshі baқyt - he is saulyқ tileymin.
Translation into Russian:
Happy birthday! I wish you the most important happiness - health, the second - marriage, the third - well-being.

Tugan kunin kutty,
Densaulygyn mykty.
Zhumisyn tabysty,
Іsterің іlgerі bolsyn!
Happy birthday! We wish you
Good health.
We wish you career growth at work
May good luck accompany you!

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