Triz in the walk may preparatory group compendium. Synopsis of nodes for the development of coherent speech using triz techniques. journey through the spring forest. Video: Lull rings

Target: The development of coherent speech of preschoolers, the development of logical thinking. Consolidation of children's knowledge of geometric shapes, some knowledge about nature. Continue learning to work in companies.

Equipment: Toy - dragonfly; two sets of geometric shapes; magnetic board, felt-tip pen, subject pictures for the Triz game "Traveler's Backpack", "Green Glade"; “Guess whose footprint” cards, album sheets with Rorschech spots (2 sheets), crayons; Euler circle "Inhabitants of the Earth".

Lesson progress

Warm up: Children enter the group, greet the guests, and stand in a circle, holding hands.

caregiver: Guys, let's remember our warm-up "Children in the garden"

The children went out to the garden for a walk, Where the chicken cackles,

And we decided to watch the chickens worry.

Where our kitten walks, How flowers bloom in the garden

Where the Astra pig walks, marigolds, bushes

Fragrant roses, a whole flower bed

And a bed of white peonies.

Our children walked

Learned a lot of new

caregiver: Guys, do you want to go on a trip through the forest? There are no roads in the forest, there is no transport, and in other places it is even impossible to pass. Where can we travel?

caregiver: I'll give you a hint. Our means of transportation through the forest is encrypted in this insect. (I show the children a dragonfly - a toy)

Educator: What do you think we'll be traveling on? Prove that this insect looks like a helicopter! Well done! We will go on a journey in a small helicopter, it will land in small clearings, on the banks of rivers or lakes.

caregiver: First we need to build a helicopter. What do you think we can build it from? I brought with me material for the manufacture of helicopters. Each of you will come up and take two pieces of the same color (20 pieces - 10 - one color, 10 - another color). Children take the scheme of the helicopter and build it (Helicopters are built according to the scheme, the children work at the tables) It turned out two helicopters, two colors. So we split into two teams.

caregiver: Guys, what do we need on the trip? (children's answers.)

caregiver: On the journey, we will need some items. Guess them. Prove why you think so (you can put pictures).

caregiver: So we gathered, then on the road. We stand around our helicopters, join hands and say the words:

We fly on a journey, we take a walk in the forest

Helicopter - dragonfly We learn a lot of new things

Over the meadows, over the fields, And then our helicopter

Above the high forests. He will take us all to kindergarten.

Educator: But our first stop, it is called "Green Glade". Why do you think this meadow is called that? (Because there are many different plants, flowers and herbs in this clearing)

What flowers do you see in the meadow?

Let's look at the life of one of the plants in the past, present and future. And what kind of plant it will be, you will find out by guessing the riddle:

I used to be yellow

And then fluffy "grandfather"

The wind blew, the fluff flew off

I became without a flower at all. (dandelion)

caregiver: Did you like this meadow? What did you learn new for yourself?

caregiver: And here is the second stop of our helicopter in the clearing of animals. Look at the beauty around, blue sky, green grass, fragrant flowers, and tall trees and branchy shrubs surround the clearing.

Guys, what animals, birds or insects can be seen in this clearing?

Why don't we see anyone? That's right, all the animals hid from the noise of the helicopter, but left their tracks. I show the cards to the children. If you and I guess where whose trace is, then we will find out what animals, birds, insects live here.

Each team will go to their table. The teacher distributes cards with an image similar to the footprints of the inhabitants of the forest and pictures of insects, birds, animals, etc. Children must arrange the pictures of the inhabitants according to the “footprints” on the cards.

Who left such a mark? Children work in companies. Some can be asked: Prove that this is the footprint of a hare, or the footprint of an insect. You can conduct a peer review with the children.

caregiver: Well done! Let's go further. The children stand around the helicopters and say the words.

Our journey continued on the shore of the lake. Listen, what sounds do you hear?

Oh, guys, look, here is the poster hanging. What is written here? (Ask the children to read) "Protect the inhabitants of the reservoir"

caregiver: Here, on the poster, the inhabitants of the reservoir were drawn, but the drawing was blurred by rain. How can we find out which inhabitants were drawn? That's right, you need to restore the picture. (Rorschech spots). The teacher gives the children a poster, and the children draw the inhabitants of the lake.

caregiver: Let's look together and find out what inhabitants live in this reservoir. (We hang the poster in place and consider).

How will we protect these inhabitants?

caregiver: Oh, guys, We have lunch soon in kindergarten, it's time for us to return. Get in your helicopters. Children stand around helicopters, say words.

caregiver: Here we are at home. Today we made a great journey, we saw and learned a lot. Let's take a break, sit down on the path and think a little. (Showing the Euler circle "Inhabitants of the Earth")

What do you think it is? These are the inhabitants of our planet Earth.

Imagine what might happen if one link falls out of this circle? (I close any link of the circle with a dark strip) Saying children (You can close several links in turn, guided by time).

caregiver: Well done! You have learned a lot today. I think you will communicate with nature carefully.

MBDOU Kindergarten No. 3 "Spikelet" Kemerovo region, Leninsk - Kuznetsk district, with. Red.

Synopsis of an integrated lesson with TRIZ elements in the preparatory group "Young Rescuers"

Integrated lesson with TRIZ elements

Young Rescuers

Integration of educational areas:"Cognition", "Communication", "Reading fiction", "Artistic creativity", "Labor", "Health"

Direction: Cognitive and productive

Preliminary work by area:

Communication: Conversations on the topic "Professions", The game "What would happen if ..."

Cognition (FTsKM):"Profession Rescuer", The story of the educator about the difficult profession of rescuers

Ecological education: Conversations "Everything in nature is interconnected", "How the balance in nature is established"

Reading fiction:"Zyuka and Tosha" Spiridon Zorobko

Construction: Origami "Frog", "Chicken", "Ship"

Target: Consolidation of mathematical knowledge, skills and abilities through the game - travel.


Educational: Improve the skills of forward and backward counting within 10; continue to form the ability to understand the relationship between numbers in a number series, correlate a number with the number of objects; to consolidate knowledge of geometric shapes, to teach to draw a closed line.

Developing: Create conditions for the development of logical thinking, ingenuity, attention; develop ingenuity, memory, imagination, coherent speech, fine motor skills; contribute to the formation of mental operations.

Educational: To cultivate interest in mathematics, independence, friendships, love and respect for nature.

Lesson progress:


In every country, city there is a rescue service that comes to the aid of people and animals in difficult situations. In our kindergarten, such a service is being created - a rescue team, it will include adults and children.

But in order to become a rescuer, you need to pass tests, if we cope with them, then we will be enrolled in the rescue service.
What should lifeguards be like? (children's answers)


And most importantly, they must be united, resourceful and fast.

Well, do you want to become rescuers? (children's answers)

Ready for the test? (Children's answers)

Then repeat after me the motto of our team: “Do not be afraid of any obstacles, the rescue team is with you!”
Before you is a map of actions and our trials, here is the path that we should follow, the place of disaster is marked with a red dot. (looking at the map with the children)
We received a message via the Internet that all the fish in the pond were gone. You know that in nature everything is interconnected, all living things are links of one chain. What can happen if at least one link in the chain disappears. (children's answers)

And to fix this, we need to hurry.

“The first thing we have to do is make each one his own vehicle. Let's call it "The ATV"
- Take 7 counting sticks and make 2 squares, and then take 5 more sticks and add 2 triangles. You have 1 stick left, this will be the screw.
- Well done!
- The peculiarities of our transport are that it can be used to study and travel at the same time.
- Let's give this vehicle a name (children's answers)
“Now sit properly behind the wheel of your Vezdeletov and everyone went together to help.
- In the second test, you need to dismantle a mountain of stones and lay out the road.
- Please note that the stones must be laid out according to the number of pictures depicted on the stones (children take turns laying out a number series up to 10 consisting of units).
- Completed the task quickly. Well done!
- Guys, my vehicle does not go, probably broke down.
Help me fix the damage. Here are my details, see which geometric figure is superfluous.

Thank you, and we got the job done.

Now let's rest a little.

Who, tell me, can, children,
Repeat these movements?
I will put my hands up.
This too I can.
To the right - to the left I will scout
This too I can.
And I'll fly like a bird.
This too I can.
And then I'll swear, I'll get up.
This too I can.
And I won't get tired.
This too I can.
I'll jump a little.
This too I can.
And I'll walk on the road.
This too I can.
If need be, I'll run.
Everything in the world I can do!

“So we got to the scene of the disaster.
— The whole pond is littered with rubbish.
- Your task guys is to clean the pond from debris. You have fish rescue sheets on your tables, look, the fish are mixed with garbage. Your task is to clear the pond of debris. Draw a closed line so that the debris is separated from the fish. .Then draw another closed line so that the fish are in it.
- Count how many fish are in the pond.


See how the number 10 is written.

- What numbers does it consist of?

Children: 1 and 0

Zero rolls down the page
And don't mean a thing
One stood next to
Making ten of it.

— 1 and 0 are written in different cells.
Now write the number ten on your slips of paper.

Finger gymnastics "Fish"

The fish swam and dived
- In clean warm water
- They will shrink
- Unclench
“They will bury themselves in the sand.

And now it's time to return our rescued fish to the pond.

How to do this, I will now explain: Take the magic squares, fold them in half, then bend the right and upper corners of the resulting triangle.
Now fold inward along the marked fold lines. Cut out the tail of the fish as shown in the picture. All our fish are ready!
Our fish were saved and we did our job! Well done boys! For your diligence, you are awarded medals.

We're going back to kindergarten.

If trouble comes to you,
Lifeguards are always with you
They will fly by the howl of a siren
And they will help you instantly.
Very soldered squad
From resourceful guys.
Everyone is kind, smart and brave -
Few words, but a lot of action!

Summary of GCD in the preparatory group with TRIZ elements
Theme: "Rainbow of Knowledge"

Andronova Marina Alexandrovna, teacher of MKDOU Gavrilovo Posad kindergarten No. 1 of the Ivanovo region
Material Description: I offer you a summary of the final lesson in the preparatory group with elements of TRIZ "Rainbow of Knowledge".
The material will be useful to kindergarten teachers.
Integration of educational areas:"Speech development", "Cognitive development", "Artistic and aesthetic development", "Social and communicative development", "Physical development".
Target: consolidation of previously studied material.
1. Continue to form mental operations in children.
2. Develop speech, mental activity, the ability to express and justify one's judgments.
3. Contribute to the formation of friendly relationships between children.
Stages of the lesson:
1. Organizational moment (emotional mood for the lesson, fairy tale).
2. Motivation - setting goals and objectives for children (playing).
3. The main one is direct work with children.
4. Fixing - conclusions, encouragement.
Methods and techniques: verbal, playful, practical.
Techniques for managing children's activities:
1. Techniques for setting goals and motivating children's activities: a game situation.
2. Techniques for activating the activities of children in the process of GCD: didactic games, tasks for logical thinking.
3. Techniques for organizing the practical activities of children: conversation, demonstration, explanation.
Didactic and handout material: presentation, poster - rainbow, pictures (fish, bird, beast), worksheets for children, cards on the colors of the rainbow; pictures for the games "Good - bad", "Find an extra item"; sheets of colored purple paper, a ball.
PROGRESS of educational activities:
Educator: Guys, I know one secret, it turns out you are my smartest children in the world. Do you know why? (children's answers). That's right, because we've been doing a lot, we know a lot, we've learned a lot. And now we will show all this to our guests. But before that, I want to tell you a fairy tale (at this time I turn on the music).
Educator: Lived-were in a rainbow country guys. They were all cheerful and hardworking. The girls are beautiful and kind-hearted. The boys are strong, like heroes, but fair. And they had miracles in the rainbow country.
Educator: And what do you think, what miracles can be in a rainbow country? (children's answers)
(a slide with a picture of a rainbow appears on the screen)

Educator: Look what is it? (children's answers) This is a rainbow that appeared in the sky every time after the rain. But trouble happened in the rainbow country: the miracle rainbow went out (the rainbow disappears on the screen) She was gone. The girls began to cry, and the boys began to comfort them. (Don't cry, we'll get a new rainbow)
Educator: Children, can we also help find a rainbow? What magic words do you think will help us find the rainbow? (children's answers) ("Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant sits")
Educator: Let's all say these words clearly together.
Educator: Guys, each word in this counting rhyme means a certain color. How many colors does the rainbow have? Name the colors of the rainbow. (Children answer.)
Educator: What sound does the word "everyone" begin with? etc.
Educator: Well done, look at the rainbow layout in front of us. We will complete tasks for each color of the rainbow and if we do everything right, then what will happen? (children's answers) (a rainbow will appear again).
red stripe. "The world"
Educator: Guys, what is the top color of the rainbow? (red) In order for the red color of our miracle to appear - the rainbow, look carefully at the pictures. (Crucian. Woodpecker. Fox.) Tell me, who is depicted in these pictures? (children's answers) Let's play the game "Fish. Bird. The beast"
Ball game "Fish. Bird. The beast" .
Children become in a circle. In the center is a teacher with a ball. Passing the ball to the children in turn, the teacher says: “Bird!”. The one who received the ball must quickly name a bird. In the same way, the players call animals and fish. Prerequisite: Do not repeat.
Educator: And now we will solve riddles:
1. Long-legged boasts:
Am I not a beauty?
And just a bone
Yes, a red shirt. (Cherry)
2. This berry is easy to pick -
Because it doesn't grow very high.

Look under the leaves
Tasty grows there ... .. (strawberries)
3. I am red, I am sour,
I grew up in the swamp
Ripens under the snow.
Children, who knows me? (Cranberry)
4.Here we are berries, look
Looks like small thimbles.
We are all under the color of dawn:
Scarlet - prealye. (Raspberries)
Educator: Tell me, please, what do all these riddles have in common? (berries) Educator: What color are these berries? (Red color)
Educator: And can you eat them? And what should be done before eating them? (children's answers)
Educator: Well done! So you have found the red color of the rainbow! (red color appears on the poster) Guys, what is the second color of the rainbow? (Orange)
Orange stripe. "Mathematics"
Educator: And for the orange color, we will go to the country "Mathematics".
Educator: Sit down at the tables. Take sheets of paper in a box, there are dots with numbers. You must connect the dots with lines from 1 to 9.
Educator: What did you get (Ship)
Educator: Guys, I'll give you a riddle, but don't say the answer out loud. This will be your secret!
I held a small tail in my hand.
You flew - I ran after you. (Balloon)
Educator: Take sheets with geometric shapes. Find the answer in the picture, color the answer with a pencil of the same color as the second color of the rainbow.
What shape did you color? Why? How did you guess? What color was it painted? Why orange?
Educator: Well done, you have done well with this task. Now our rainbow has an orange color? (orange appears on the poster) What is the third color of the rainbow? (Yellow)
Yellow stripe. "Bad - good deeds"
Educator: What do you think it is? (children's answers) To pass this stage, you need to prove that you can distinguish between good and evil. Look and tell me, where are the pictures with good deeds and deeds, and where are the bad ones? (game "Good - bad")
Educator: Explain why you consider these actions to be good and others to be bad? (children's answers)
Educator: Now our rainbow has a yellow color? (yellow appears on the poster) What is the fourth color of the rainbow? (Green)
Green stripe. "Diploma"
Now we will play the game "Rainbow". Repeat after me.
Physical education "Rainbow"
Thunder, thunder in the sky.
Close your eyes! (Close your eyes with your hands)
The rain stopped. Grass glitters (Remove hands from eyes)
There is a rainbow in the sky. (Draw an arc in the air)
Hurry up, hurry up
Run out the door (Calling motions)
Barefoot on the grass (Running in place)
Jump straight into the sky. (Bounce)
Sweeties, sweeties!
On the rainbow, on the iris, (claps)
Along the colored arc
On one leg. (Stand on one leg)
Riding down the rainbow
And somersault to the ground! (Sit down on the rug)
(S. Marshak)
Educator: What sound does the word RAINBOW begin with? (children's answers) What sound is it, a vowel or a consonant? (children's answers)
Educator: I suggest you play the game "Claps". I will read Samuil Marshak's poem "Rainbow - Arc", and you clap your hands if you hear words that have the sound "r".
Spring sun with rain
Building a rainbow together
seven color semicircle
Of the seven wide arcs.
No sun and no rain
Not a single nail
And built in two counts
Celestial Gate.
rainbow arch
blazed brightly,
Decorated the grass
Bloomed blue.
Educator: And now you think up and name words with the sound [R].
Educator: Well done! So you have found the green color of the rainbow! (green appears on the poster) Guys, what is the fifth color of the rainbow? (Blue)
Blue stripe. "Fourth is superfluous"
Educator: In order for the blue stripe to appear, you need to correctly complete the tasks. Look at the pictures and say what is wrong. Explain why you think so (game "Find the extra item").
Educator: Now our rainbow has a blue color? (blue appears on the poster) What is the sixth color of the rainbow? (Blue)
Blue stripe. The game "On the contrary", "What happens"
Educator: And in order to find the blue color of the rainbow, I propose to play the game "On the contrary." I will tell you the words, and you must say its opposite meaning.
High, low
Far close
Long short
Wide narrow
Thick - thin
Hot Cold
Sweet - sour, etc.
Educator: The next game is "What happens." I will show you cards of a certain color, and you must match the name of the color on the card - as many words as possible - objects.
Green - grass, leaf, jacket ...
Red - coat, car ... etc.
(Each child selects words - objects to color)
Educator: Well done! So you did well with all the tasks and found the blue color of the rainbow! (the blue color appears on the poster)
Guys, what color is the seventh stripe of the rainbow? (Purple) We just have to find the purple color.
Purple stripe, "Origami Rainbow Birds"
Educator: Before you are sheets of colored paper. Why are they purple? (children's answers)
Educator: That's right, we just need to find the purple color. Remember what word in the counting rhyme means purple? (pheasant)
Educator: Pheasant - who is this? (bird). Let's create a miracle now - rainbow birds from colored purple paper (children from colored paper fold birds)
Educator: Children, do you like birds? Did we find purple? (purple color appears on the poster) (children's answers)
Outcome. Guys, have we found all the colors of the rainbow? (children's answers) What kind of rainbow did we get? (children's answers) Oh, look, the miracle of the rainbow is shining again in the rainbow country (a slide with a picture of a rainbow appears on the screen).

Kotova Natalya Alexandrovna
GBOU "School No. 1467", Moscow

Summary of the lesson on ecology in the preparatory group with elements of TRIZ

"Let's save the nature, save the Motherland!"

DOWNLOAD (full material)

Lesson progress

The children, along with the teacher, enter the hall.

Educator: Guys, let's say hello to our guests, give our smiles, and let everyone have a good mood during the day.

Educator:- Today I have a surprise for you. It's hidden in this chest.

“I have a chest, lives there: - round, but not a ball;

- stands on one leg, but not a mushroom;

-You can see countries, cities, but not TV. (the globe)

Guys, do you know what a globe is? (The globe is a model of our planet Earth, a small copy of the globe!)

What color is the globe? Why more blue?

Where is the coldest place on our planet? Where is it always hot?

What is a globe for? Imagine that you and I are on a journey. Is it convenient to take a globe with you? How can we be? That's why people came up with the map. Who do you think needs a map? What colors do you see on the map? What conclusion can be drawn if we compare the globe and the map? (The same colors are on the globe and the map) Who will show where our country is located on the map? What is it called? What about the capital of our country?

(the teacher hangs out a map of the world)

Guys, let's take a closer look at the map. What colors do you see on the globe? What color is more?

What other planets do you know? (children's answers, Jupiter, Saturn, Mars ...)

Children perform physical minute "Planet"

In order - right hand up

All planets - left hand up

Will name anyone - right hand visas,

Of us - left hand down

Raz-Mercury - right hand on the belt,

Two - Venus - left hand on the belt,

Three - Earth - right hand on shoulder

Four - Mars - left hand on shoulder

Five - Jupiter - right hand up

Six - Saturn - left hand up

Seven - Uranus - right hand on shoulder

Behind him is Neptune - left hand on shoulder

He is the eighth - right hand on the belt,

Goes by count - left hand on the belt,

And behind him - right hand down

Later - left hand down

And the ninth planet - marching in place

Named Pluto. - marching in place.

We see that our planet is very beautiful. Why? Who lives, lives on the planet?

How is the planet Earth different from other planets? (There is life on earth because our planet has water, air, heat - these conditions are necessary for all living beings).

What is nature? (these are flowers, rivers, trees, plants, animals, birds, people

air, water, mountains, stones and much more).

Why didn't you name the houses, the cars? (because all this is created by man, not nature)

Can man do without nature? Why?

Everything that is around a person is connected with nature and cannot exist without it. After all, he himself is part of nature. We will now see this in the example of the game.

Didactic game "Web of Life"

Rules: children choose one icon for themselves, sit in a circle and name it. The teacher gives a ball to the one who has a badge with the image of a person. The teacher asks questions, and the children answer them, naming the images on the badges, unwind the ball and pass it on. The thread must be held in hands until the end of the game and not released.

What animal lives in a person's home? (cat)

Whom can a cat catch and eat? (bird)

Who can be eaten by a bird? (butterfly)

What does a butterfly need for food? (flower)

Where does the flower grow? (on the meadow)

What does a clearing need for flowers to grow? (rain)

Where does rain come from? (from cloud)

How does a cloud appear in the sky? (water evaporates from the river and accumulates in a cloud)

What does it take for water to evaporate from a river? (bright sun)

Where is the sun? (in the sky)

Who studies the sun, and the sky, and all nature? (Human)

Educator: Look, the thread connected us all. The same threads exist in nature. We just don't see them. But in nature, everything is interconnected. Imagine that the water has disappeared from the river. Will there be a cloud in the sky then? (the child releases the thread) Will the cloud water the clearing? Will flowers grow in the meadow? Can a butterfly eat? You see how everything in nature is connected and what can happen if at least one element disappears from the chain.

How should we behave in nature so as not to break these bonds?

Ball game: "Friend and foe of nature"The teacher throws the ball and calls the action of a person in relation to nature. If the action is useful, the guys catch the ball, if not, they don’t catch it.

Tree planting.


Hunting for rare animals.

Collection of primroses.

Construction of treatment facilities in factories.

Making fires in the forest.

Emission of smoke from factories.

Creation of reserves.

Gas emissions from vehicles.

Waste paper collection

Don't play loud music

Don't pick mushrooms.

Don't break branches.

Don't make fires.

Don't leave trash.

Touch bird eggs.

Do not take wild animals home.

Destroy anthills.

Do not tear with bunches of flowers.

Educator: Planet Earth is a common house, and we have been living in it for many years, but, as everyone knows, we must take care of this house.

The lights go out, the sound of a flying saucer, an alien appears in the hall.

Alien: Welcome, welcome, where did I go? I see small unidentified objects, they move, I start researching (knocks with an inflatable stick on the shoulders, knees of children, adults)

caregiver: Guys, today we have an unusual guest, let's welcome him. (Hello)

Came: Hello . Do not be afraid! I won't harm you. I flew to you from the future. Where am I now? (children answer, on planet Earth. The alien comes to the window, looks and shakes his head) -No! You are deceiving me, this is not planet Earth! - I will prove to you now that I have a disk with photographs of the planet Earth. Let's get a look! (children look at the photo).

caregiver: Guys, does our Earth look like this? Would you like to live on such a planet?

alien: -Oh, and it's hot here with you! (the stranger takes out a bottle of dirty water and wants to drink, the teacher stops him)

caregiver: Stop! What are you doing!

Alien:(scared) - Why are you making such a noise! I'm so scared! What am I to blame?

caregiver: - Guys, help our guest, tell him what he is doing wrong!! (children tell the stranger that you can’t drink such water)

caregiver: Why is there such water on the guest planet? (she's dirty) Why? Let's see how it goes.

Research activity "Soil pollution"

Take a container, pour sand into it, put a sponge on top - this is a layer of soil. The container can be placed at an angle, because the ground is not always flat. Let's imagine that some kind of harmful substance fell on the soil (drop ink).

What harmful substances do you know? (children's answer: Gasoline, paint, varnish, mercury and much more.)

Have you seen anywhere that harmful substances fall on the soil? (children give examples of harmful substances entering the soil).

Right! It seems that they lie and do not interfere with anyone. But now it's raining! (the teacher pours from a watering can onto a sponge).

What's happening! (children's answers: Dirty water went deeper into the soil.)

Has the harmful substance disappeared? (Children: No.)

If it didn't disappear, where did it go? (children express their guesses).

Look, dirty water flows down the groove into an empty cup. What do you think, but in nature, where does it end up? (To rivers, lakes, seas, oceans)

CONCLUSION: So it turns out that if the soil is contaminated, then harmful substances will definitely get into the water. And we drink this water, swim in rivers and lakes. MANY YEARS MUST PASS BEFORE THE WATER IS PURE AGAIN!

Educator: Guys, let's now show our guest how to purify water.

Children come to the tables and use a filter to purify the water.

(the stranger tries clean water and is delighted)

(motor noise is heard. The teacher begins to sneeze and cough)

Educator: It became completely impossible to breathe. What was it? (Cars pollute the air)

- Why do you think air is needed and to whom? (To live, to breathe, one cannot live without it, all living organisms and people need it). What are we breathing? (Oxygen). What do we breathe out? (Carbon dioxide). What happens if air disappears? (people won't be able to live). Guys, why do you think many people are sick now? (The air on earth is very polluted). Why is this happening? (Industries and factories emit a lot of toxic substances into the air, cars pollute the air with exhaust gases).

Good-bad game

Guys, what do you think the plant (car) is good? (children's answers) Why is the plant bad?

What can be done to make the air in the city cleaner? (Children answer, factories can be closed, and then the air will be cleaned in factories, factories need to install filters that trap pollutants.

Where is the air cleaner and easier to breathe? (Children answer, in the forest.)

Why is the air clean in the forest? (There are no factories, cars, but there is a lot of oxygen.) That's right, there is more oxygen in the forest that we breathe. This is the merit of plants, because they produce oxygen. More plants means more oxygen.

Psycho-gymnastics "Grain"

Now each of you will become a small seed. Close your eyes... Imagine you are a small seed. You are sitting deep in the earth. It's dark... Suddenly it got warmer. You reached up and your sprout was free. The sun warmed you, the warm rays touched your stalk, the breeze swayed. You wanted to spread your young green leaves. The sun with its rays pulled you up. You began to grow higher and higher. And then the life-giving rain splashed, you began to drink rain water, became strong and big. AND "sprout" turns into beautiful "tree" . "Tree “becomes prettier, admires himself, smiles at the trees of his neighbors, touches his "leaves" to neighbors "trees" . And you feel so good that you live on this earth, breathe fresh air, drink rainwater and bask in the warm sun...

What a long way a tree goes before it grows big and powerful!

And you also need not to break, not to destroy trees and shrubs, not to tear the leaves. And then in our city there will always be clean air!

What can be done to help the city clean the air? (Children answer, plant trees, shrubs.)

Practical work "Plant a tree" (children plant tree seeds in pots)

Let's decorate the Earth together
Plant gardens, plant flowers everywhere.
Let's respect the Earth together
And treat with tenderness, like a miracle!

Alien: - It is a pity that we do not have trees on the planet!

Educator: - Guys, let's give the guest our pots. The seeds will germinate and young trees will appear on his planet, which will purify the air.

Alien:-Thank you, friends!

(alarm sounds)

alien: Guys, I have to go! Thank you very much, I'm glad I got to know you! leaves.

Reflection:- Guys, is it important what we did today? Why?

What task did you like the most?

An alien appears, no longer green, but yellow.

V. - What happened?

AND. - Everything is fine with you, I like it on planet Earth, but life here is hard and very dangerous. We have only starships on the planet, and you have so many vehicles that I suffocated from gas exhausts and can no longer continue my journey. How do you live here?

V.- Guys, let's tell you how we take care of the environment on our planet, we clean the air. (children's answers)

AND.- But what about living in a city where cars produce so much gas emissions? We probably won’t be able to communicate with you, we won’t survive in such conditions! What a pity!

V. - Guys, what can you think of? (Suggested responses of children)

Q. - What is Environmentally friendly transport? Is there such a vehicle on Earth? (children's answers)

V. - I propose to be a little inventor and come up with an ecological transport of the future. Choose your material for work, and when you draw, tell our guest about your invention and why it will not harm the environment.

Children draw and tell how and on what their transport works.

AND. - I think you coped with the task and when you grow up, your drawings will turn into an environmentally friendly transport. And we will be happy to be friends with your planet, and now we will say goodbye.

(The alien says goodbye and flies away in his flying ship)

V. - What an interesting meeting we had. It is a pity that the alien could not stay with us longer and tell about his planet. But how do you think we can communicate with him in the future?

Organizing time.

Guys, guests came to our lesson today to see what you have learned and how much you know. Greet your guests.

Let's stand in a circle, hold hands and smile at each other.

Children, together with the teacher, stand in a circle.

In a wide circle, I see

All my friends got up.

We will now go to the right 1, 2. 3.

And now let's go left 1, 2. 3.

In the center of the circle we will gather 1, 2. 3.

And we will all return to the place 1, 2. 3.

Smile, wink,

And let's start the lesson.

In our time, astronauts have photographed the Earth from spacecraft. From a great height it is clearly seen that the Earth is a sphere.

And what does our planet Earth consist of, you want to know. The outer solid layer of the Earth is called the earth's crust, deeper than the earth's crust is the mantle, even deeper - the earth's core. The earth is surrounded by an air shell - the atmosphere. When scientists established that the Earth is spherical, they made a model of it, reducing its size millions of times. This model was called a globe. The globe is a model of the earth.

On the table in front of me

Twirled: the globe of the earth:

Arctic, Equator, Pole, -

Fitted all the earth. (The globe) -

Q: What is a globe? A globe is a tiny model of the earth. It depicts what is on the real Earth: oceans and land.

It is round, i.e. the same shape as the planet Earth on which we live. The word "globe" means a sphere.

Q: What is a globe for?

D: To see what is where.

Q: If you look at our planet from space, you can see that it is blue. Why?

D: Because there is a lot of water.

Q: Yes, and what is indicated on the globe in blue?

D: Rivers, seas, oceans, lakes

Educator. The earth is not only land, but also oceans and seas. Guys, what is more on the globe - water or land?

There is a lot of water on our planet Earth, but the land takes up very little space and is represented by darker colors of yellow and brown.

Educator. Yes, indeed, this is the water that surrounds the continents from all sides. And therefore, when you look at our planet from space (pays attention to the slide, it seems blue. But the land is painted in different colors. What does green mean?

Children. Forests, plains.

Educator. What about brown?

Children. The mountains.

Educator. But there is a lot of yellow here, what does this mean?

Children. Here is the desert.

Educator. On land, there are blue spots and lines. What's this?

Children. Lakes and rivers.

We all know that all people on earth live on land. This land is located in different places on the planet, and these pieces of land are called continents. Let's remember how the continents appeared on the planet? And Ulya will help us with this and tell the legend about the birth of the continents.

The legend of the birth of the continents (tells a pre-prepared child).

“Very, very long time ago our planet was covered with water. It was the Great World Ocean. But one day a huge continent surfaced on the surface of the ocean. His name was - "PANGEA" - mother Earth. Volcanic eruptions often occurred on this land.

Many more millions of years passed, and this continent, after numerous volcanic eruptions, split into six pieces, which were sprayed across the ocean. So, there were continents on Earth.

Teacher. Many millions of years ago, the Earth was a huge continent. As a result of natural cataclysms, this continent began to collapse, large and small pieces began to separate from it.

And now I will clearly prove to you about the origin of our continents, the volcanic eruption.

Experiment (the teacher conducts an experiment).

Description of the experience "Eruption"

1. Put the bottle upside down, from under the sparkling water on a baking sheet.

2. We fill the bottle with earth from all sides, without closing the hole.

3. Pour soda into the bottle.

4. Color the vinegar with food coloring and pour it into the bottle.

5. Red foam should appear from the bottle, which flows along the earthen mound.

The teacher concludes: As a result of such volcanic eruptions, modern continents appeared on earth.

What are continents? (listens to children's responses)

Clarifies: The mainland is a vast expanse of land washed by the seas and oceans. There are only 6 of them. Name them to me

Children: Eurasia, Australia, Africa, Antarctica, South America and North America. (shown on the globe)

Educator: All these continents are covered with soil, grass, forests grow on them, in which animals, insects and birds live.


What continent do we live on? (children's answers). We live at the crossroads of Europe and Asia. Mountains connect these two parts of the world. And the mainland was named - Eurasia.

“Why are we friends with the forest.

And why do people need it?

What benefits do we get from the forest? (children's answers).


Everything is great in the forest.

The forest adorns the earth, and therefore human life, but the forest is not famous for its beauty alone.

And how easy and free to breathe in the forest!

The forest is a huge oxygen factory, necessary for all life on earth.

The forest is a home for animals and birds, an amazing pantry of inexhaustible riches.

Wood is the main gift of the forest. It is used for the construction of dwellings, in shipbuilding, for the manufacture of furniture.

With the chemical processing of wood, paper, artificial wool, rubber, paints, varnishes, medicines can be obtained from it.

Trees emit special volatile substances into the air that kill many pathogenic microbes.

Therefore, the forest is the healthiest place for people to relax.

Crap forest slide

Educator-look at the children, is everything in order in this forest?

Educator-Who sketched garbage, and what can happen to our nature (Children's answers)

Educator: Please tell me why you can’t litter in the forest?

Children: You can’t litter in the forest, because the forest is a home for animals and plants.

If we litter, then the plants will die and animals and birds will have nothing to eat and nowhere to live, animals can get hurt by sharp jars, glass.

Educator: And what else can not be done in the forest so as not to harm the forest and its inhabitants?

Bukhanenkova Svetlana Ivanovna
Synopsis of GCD on ecology “Help to the residents of the Flower Town. Importance of water and air in life

"Helping the residents of the flower town"


1. to give children elementary ideas about the sources of air pollution, about the importance of clean air for our health.

- Continue to acquaint children with the properties of water, independently conduct experiments. To consolidate the importance of water and air in human life and in general in life on Earth.

2. To cultivate a caring attitude towards the surrounding reality, to promote the education of ecological culture.

- To form the ability to analyze the actions of people and their own, to draw environmental conclusions.

3. To consolidate with the children the concept of "oxygen" and "carbon dioxide" and the sources of their occurrence.

- to consolidate social skills: the ability to work in a group, take into account the opinion of a partner, defend one's own opinion, prove one's case, instill a respect for nature.

Preliminary work:

1. Conversations about water and its role in human life. Conversations about the need for air for the breathing of living beings; Conducting experiments with water. Games with balloons and inflatable toys; observation of the movement of air in nature - the wind, its strength, direction; reading works of art by S. Ya. Marshak, A. S. Pushkin. V. Bianchi, F. Tyutcheva.


Posters with drawings, envelopes, drawings with problem situations, transparent glasses, cotton wool, a water filter, oilcloths, paper fish, figures of fish, algae, ducks, bottles, bags, car wheels, two hoops.

Lesson progress

I. Guys today, when I came to work, I saw a letter. And it is addressed to us, the senior group "Ryabinka". The letter says, in large letters, "Very important" and "Urgent!" Letter from Lesovik. "Urgently! Need help residents of the flower town. They got into trouble. Residents are constantly getting sick, weakening, unable to work and play! Something happened. Help me to understand! Your Lesovik."

Will the guys help, find out the cause of the misfortune? (Yes)

How can we get to the flower town? It is far away, and we need unusual transport. What Dunno flew with his friends? (In a balloon) Right! That's what we need. Let's do it now.

Physical education "Balloon"

Inflate the balloon, get ready for the road. (Everyone stands in a small circle, then, imitating that they inflate air in it, the circle is expanded)

A magical country is waiting, we need to get there (we walk on the spot)

We fly to our friends, we want to help (circle in place and squat down)

Educator: Well, here we are. Look guys, is this what Flower City looks like? (Children come up to a poster on which a large factory is drawn with pipes from which black smoke comes out, there are only stumps around the factory, sewage flows into the river.)

Children: No! The city of flowers has beautiful nature, many trees, flowers, birds, insects, beautiful houses, the sun shines brightly, the sky is blue.

Educator: Right. Guys, look, here is another letter from the residents of the flower town. Let's read: “Help, save, we decided to make our town as big a city as yours, so that there are big houses and huge, profitable factories, but we did something wrong, and instead of a big city we have big problems. The air became dirty, the forest animals fled from us, and the water in the river became so muddy and dirty, and now you can’t see fish in it. Yes, we also get sick and cough, what have we done wrong? Help me to understand"

Questions for children:

Guys, what do you think happened in the Flower City?

Children: Residents ruined nature, cut down the forest, polluted the water.

What happened to the river?

Children: The river was polluted with sewage from the factory.

Can fish live in such a river?

Children: No, the water is too dirty.

4. What happened to the forest? Where have the animals gone?

Children: The forest was cut down, the animals fled, because they had nowhere to live.

5. And what will happen to the inhabitants of the town?

Children: They will get sick. They need help.

Educator: Guys, let's help fix the situation (Yes)

Target: Continue to teach children about creative storytelling
using TRIZ technology.

Educational tasks:
1. Clarify and enrich children's knowledge of Russian folk and author's fairy tales.
2. Learn to recognize fairy-tale characters.
3. Continue to teach children to compose a fairy tale, connect individual pictures into a single plot with a logical chain of actions and transformations. Use expressive means - description. Learn to use a graphic analogy (TRIZ) when highlighting the most important thing in the image of a fairy-tale hero - character.
4. Improve the ability to use different parts of speech exactly according to the meaning.
5. Introduce synonyms into the dictionary of children: kind, laughing, affectionate, gentle, cheerful, playful. Antonyms: kind, evil, cheerful - sad, healthy - sick and others.
6. Continue to form the skills of educational activities: act according to the proposed plan, correctly evaluate the results of your activities.
7. Continue to teach children to formulate complete answers to the question posed.
8. To form the ability to listen carefully to the teacher's questions, to follow the order when answering questions, to listen to another child without interrupting.

Development tasks:
1. To develop the ability of children to act in concert.
2. Develop coherent speech, thinking, imagination, fantasy.
3. Develop auditory attention and memory.

Educational tasks:
1. Raise interest in reading, love for oral folk art, fairy tales.
2. Cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other.

Corrective tasks:
1. Increased visual acuity. Amblyopic eye training. Improving color perception.
2. Development and training of visual attention and memory.
3. Development of gaze fixation.
4. Development of auditory perception.
5. Development of coordination of movements.

Integratable educational areas:
“Reading fiction”, “Cognition. FTsKM”, “Knowledge.
FEMP", "Socialization", "Health", "Physical culture",

Preliminary work:
Reading and analysis of author's and folk tales, riddles. Acquaintance with symbols (TRIZ). Examination of illustrations "Heroes of fairy tales". Formation of children's knowledge about the structure of a fairy tale: beginning, climax, ending. Acquaintance and analysis of proverbs about fairy tales, selection from the text and analysis of phraseological units: figurativeness, brightness, expressiveness, accuracy, brevity. Selection of musical accompaniment. Dramatization. Acquaintance with artists - illustrators: I. Bilibin, E. Rachev, E. Charushin, Konashevich. Use of ICT. Di. "My own storyteller." Board-printed games: "Turnip", "Little Red Riding Hood", "Adventures of Pinocchio".

Two easels; two pointers; flannelograph; illustrations of fairy tale characters; schemes depicting the heroes of fairy tales and their character; illustration "Confusion"; illustrations for the game "Learn by the shadow"; schemes for the game "Your own storyteller"; soft cube; multi-colored landmarks; CD disks; surprise medals; two physical culture arcs.


Organizing time. Chairs stand in a semicircle near the board. Each chair has a landmark (flower).

Children go to the music "Visiting a fairy tale", stand near the teacher.

Q: There are many fairy tales in the world
Sad and funny
But live in the world
We cannot do without them.
Anything can happen in a fairy tale
Our fairy tale is ahead.
We will knock on the door of a fairy tale,
Fairy tale, you are waiting for us to visit.

Q: Today we are going to visit fairy tales.
"If you name a fairy tale,
Take the flower with you."

Q: Name your favorite fairy tale.
Children call, the teacher hangs a "flower" around the neck of each child -
reference point.

Q: These are unusual flowers - they will help you travel through fairy tales.
"All the flowers swayed
We ended up in the land of fairy tales."
Children sit on chairs, on the back of each "own" landmark.

Q: Children, the wizard put on “invisibility hats” for fairy-tale heroes, so now we will only hear their voices. Listen carefully and call quickly.
Sounds like an audio recording. The children name the characters. Voice: Brother - Ivanushka, Mashenka, Goldfish, Carlson, Princess - frog. Winnie the Pooh, Mama Goat, Fox, Emelya, Morozko, Ivan the Fool.

V: Well done! You have recognized all the heroes, but the wizard continues to perform tricks.
On the board is a poster "Fabulous confusion."

Q: Look what he did?

D: He mixed up all the fairy tales.

Q: And what fairy tales did he mix up? Name them.

D: "Puss in Boots", "Cinderella", "Little Red Riding Hood", "Masha and the Bear", "The Frog Princess", "Princess and the Pea", "By the Pike's Command", "Zayushkina Hut", "Hare - Brag" ".

V: Right. And what did the wizard mix up in the picture?

D: Cinderella is given a glass slipper to try on, not boots.
Trying on a shoe is not a cat in boots, but a prince.
The bear carries not the Princess - a frog, but Mashenka.
The Princess on Gorshin sleeps not on the stove, but on the feather bed, but the stove from the fairy tale "By the Command of the Pike."
Little Red Riding Hood meets not a hare, but a wolf.
(The teacher removes the poster from the board).

Q: "We all figured out fairy tales
And they found all the heroes.
We need to go further."
(Children stand one after another and follow the teacher.)
B: “We will go along the path
Let's cross the bridge."
(“Bridge” - two arcs. Children pass between them.)
Q: The one who says the opposite word will pass over the bridge. Flowers will help you find your place.
- Cheerful - sad,
- kind angry,
- Bold - cowardly,
- old - young,
- strong - weak,
- Healthy - sick,
- smart - stupid,
- polite - rude,
- Full - hungry,
- Mighty - weak,
- mischievous - obedient,
- Lazy - hardworking.
(“The bridge” is being removed. To the left of the window is an easel. On the floor are flowers - landmarks. Children stand, each, near their own landmark.
On the easel - "shadows" of fairy-tale characters.

Q: The Wizard has hidden the heroes.
» If we solve them,
We'll save them from magic."
Q: We name the shadow, turn it over, did you guess correctly.
D: This is Baba Yaga, Puss in Boots, King, Emelya, Mermaid, Pinocchio, Serpent Gorynych.
(As they name, the children turn the illustrations over, there is a color image).
Q: You have recognized all the heroes, now let's rest.

6 .
Gymnastics for the eyes.
» We came to a wonderful forest.
(Eyes draw a circle to the right)
It contains many fairy tales and miracles.
(Circle left)
Pine on the left, spruce on the right
(Eyes to the right and left)
Woodpecker on top, here and there.
(eyes up and down)
You open your eyes, close.
And hurry home.
B: Go to the window. Look at the circle on the window, look at the house.
How many windows on the ground floor have lights on? Count. Look at the circle. On the top floor?
V: Well done! We return to our chairs.

7 .
Q: While we were traveling, the wizard came here again and left us portraits, but unusual ones, portraits - lines.

Q: What line is this?
(The teacher shows a wavy line on the board.)
D: It's a wavy line.
Q: What kind of character should a hero have who can be depicted with such a line?
D: He should be kind, gentle, affectionate, hardworking, caring
Q: List the heroes of fairy tales with such a character.
D: Cinderella, Snow White, Princess - Swan, Mashenka, Vasilisa the Wise, Elena the Beautiful.
Q: Right, why?
D: They are all kind, generous, caring, affectionate, gentle.
(The teacher hangs a portrait of Cinderella on the board next to the line).
(There is a broken line on the board.)
Q: Do you think a broken line can draw a kind character?
D: No.
Q: What does this line look like?
D: It looks like lightning, thorns, needles.
Q: So what kind of characters can be represented by this line?
D: They are evil, cruel, heartless, envious.
Q: List them.
D: Kashchei the Immortal, Serpent Gorynych, Baba Yaga, Miracle Yudo.
(Together with the line character-Snake Gorynych)
Q: Right, what is the name of this hero?
D: His name is Ivan Tsarevich.
Q: What line can I draw it?
D: You can draw a straight line.
Q: Why? What is his character?
D: He is kind, strong, courageous, brave, brave, powerful, wise.
Q: List the heroes who have this character.
D: Ivan is a peasant son, Ivan is Tsarevich, Prince Gvidon, Tsar Saltan, Elisha.
(On the board is the character of Ivan Tsarevich and a straight line.)
(The teacher hangs Pinocchio and a line depicting an arc.)
Q: Why did I place this line next to this hero? What's his name?
D: His name is Emelya.
Q: What is his personality?
D: Cheerful, mischievous, funny.
Q: Why such a line? What does she look like?
D: It looks like a smile.
Q: What characters with such a character do you know?
D: Emelya, Pinocchio, Peter Pan, Carlson.
V: Well done! You are right about the characters. And now you yourself will turn into fairy-tale characters.

Music sounds, the children get up, come out from behind the chairs, build a circle.
B: "What a masquerade
And animals and birds parade
You won't understand anything
Where is the squirrel, where is the hedgehog.
Get ready and watch
Fabulous animal freeze in place.
Fairy tales came to visit us
Who is who - determine.
Pinocchio and Kashchei
Both Malvina and the villain.
Get ready and watch
A figure from a fairy tale freeze in place.
(Children go to their chairs.)

9 .
Q: And now we will compose our own fairy tale.
"Let's play with a cube,
Let's write a story."
(On the easel is a plan-scheme of fairy tales.)
Q: The first step is to throw a die, count how many fell out, look for a scheme, this is the beginning of a fairy tale. We make an offer. We throw the dice again - we consider, we draw up the second sentence according to the scheme that has fallen out. Just five steps.
Our fairy tale should be interesting, complete, a miracle, magic should happen in it. It must contain fairy-tale heroes and good to defeat evil.
(Children compose a fairy tale according to the patterns that have fallen out, the teacher guides, asks questions.)
(An approximate version of the tale: see Appendix 1.)

V: Well done! Now it's time for us to return.
Did you enjoy visiting fairy tales?
D: Yes.
Q: What did you like? What do you remember the most?
(Children answer.)
Q: "Believing in a fairy tale is happiness,
And for those who believe
A fairy tale will surely open all the doors.
The teacher distributes medals - souvenirs.

Application No. 1.
There lived a king and a queen. They lived in a large palace. They didn't have children. They lived a boring life and one fine morning found themselves on a desert island. It was very beautiful there. Unusual trees grew and wonderful birds sang. On the island they met a kind astrologer who told them about the planets and showed them through his telescope. The astrologer liked the king and queen very much and he gave them a magic apple. They thanked the astrologer and set off on their way back with this apple. It not only showed them the way home, but continued to work miracles upon their return. And this is what came of it: in a short time they had a son and they began to live, to live, and to make good.

Title: Summary of the lesson in the preparatory group with TRIZ elements "Visiting a fairy tale"

Position: teacher of the 1st qualification category
Place of work: MDOU kindergarten No. 112
Location: Yaroslavl, Russian Federation