Vitamins for the skin of the face - which ones are needed? The benefits of vitamins A and E for the face, indications and contraindications. Instructions for use and contraindications of vitamin e oil solution

You can restore health and youthfulness to the skin with the help of affordable and inexpensive home remedies. One of these remedies is vitamin E, which is scientifically called "Tocopherol"(Tocopherol).

It resists the aging process, strengthens skin immunity, eliminates fine wrinkles, pimples, acne and post-acne, perfectly moisturizes and nourishes the skin.

Vitamin E - what is it?

Vitamin E, or tocopherol, is an antioxidant that includes a large group of naturally occurring fat-soluble biologically active components.

It exists in the form of 4 isomers of tocotrienol and the same amount of isomers of tocopherol.

They have different functions, chemical composition and degree of biological activity (they are often combined into one concept - "tocopherol").

In its natural form, the vitamin is found in:

In large quantities, tocopherols are found in:

Effects on the body

To understand how vitamin E affects the face and what it is, you need to understand the effective mechanism of this element.

All metabolic processes in our body are carried out with the participation of oxygen cells, which, under the influence of negative factors, become unstable and are converted into free radicals.

The negative factors are:

  • Frequent stress
  • Excessive physical activity,
  • Sun rays,
  • Improper nutrition
  • Exhaust gases, etc.

To stabilize their condition, free radicals combine with various elements that are present in the plasma membrane.

The result is the destruction of enzymes - enzyme systems, which leads to the destruction of cell membranes.

The accumulation of free radicals in cells and tissues does not allow DNA to fully recover, and its damage is recreated in new epithelial cells.

Over time, this leads to their destruction, to a slowdown in the process of tissue regeneration, to the elimination of elastin and collagen.

All these processes cause the rapid aging of the skin, changes in its color, the appearance of flabbiness, the formation of age spots, malignant formations, the appearance of wrinkles, etc.

It is vitamin E that can prevent oxygen cells from contacting with unsaturated fatty acids of lipids, as well as activate enzyme systems that resist the formation of peroxide compounds.

This ensures the protection of cell membranes from the damaging effects of free radicals.

This natural antioxidant resists cell and tissue aging and prevents healthy cells from converting to malignant ones.

Properties and purpose

And although tocopherol does not have anti-ultraviolet properties, when using skin milk, liquid products, and vitamin E creams, you can effectively resist sunburn and skin irritation.

Tocopherol is able to strengthen skin immunity, prevent the appearance of acne and acne, protect against age spots, etc.

Vitamin E is especially beneficial for the body if vitamins D, A and C are taken simultaneously with it.

In addition, an oil solution of vitamin E for the eye area also has a positive result, which consists in restoring skin tone, changing its relief, eliminating puffiness and dark circles in the area under the eyes.

Indications Pigmented spots on the face
Signs of dehydration
Dry skin
Sagging skin
Bags and bruises under the eyes
Dry and cracked lips
Contraindications Allergic reactions
Diseases of the blood
Subcutaneous tick.

How is vitamin E beneficial for the face?

Vitamin E has the following beneficial effects:

Thanks to the use of vitamin E, the skin becomes elastic, its tone increases, flabbiness is eliminated, wrinkles become invisible.

Forms of issue

You can buy vitamin E for the face in various forms - it can be liquid, in oil, in capsules and tablets. It is sold in pure form and in the form of a synthetic drug.

Using the latter option may not be effective enough.

Vitamin E is also available in injection ampoules, in oily form for external use.


In oil

Solgar Vitamins

In cosmetics


In capsules

The most popular are:

  • Vitamin E in liquid form from Solgar- without fats, without additives, dyes and preservatives, produced in the USA (price - 1200 rubles).
  • "Alpha tocopherol acetate"- created on the basis of peach and soybean oil, glycerin, used for internal use in inflammatory skin diseases (price - 30 rubles per bottle).
  • "Tocopherol acetate", oil solution- a domestic preparation based on sunflower oil (price per bottle 60 rubles).

In cosmetology, when carrying out, for example, mesotherapy or biorevitalization, solutions are created in a bottle, which contain a complex of vitamins - A, E and C.

In the pharmacy, tocopherol can be found in capsules for internal and external use:

  • "Alpha-tocopherol acetate"- (price per package - 172 rubles).
  • Zentiva in capsules based on vegetable oils and glycerin (price - from 135 to 340 rubles).
  • "Vitrum"- price for 60 capsules - 450 rubles.
  • "Evalar Selen Forte"- price per package 780 rubles.

This component is often found in cosmetics: in stores you can find a vitamin cream (" Libriderm"," Cocoa Bater "from Avon," Ussuriyskiy hops and vitamin E "from Green Mama), vegetable oils and face masks with tocopherol content.

Vitamin E is often added to baby cream to protect baby's skin from negative environmental influences and prevent skin diseases.

In the photo: Face cream with vitamin E from "Libriderm"

Instructions for use

Before using tocopherol on your face, you should check yourself for allergic reactions.

Test: Apply a drop of vitamin E to the area above the base of the brush (on the inside) and wait 5 minutes. If there is no redness and itching, it can be applied.

The easiest way to use tocopherol is to apply it undiluted to your face:

Vitamin E in oil can be added to body and face cosmetics. It is better to enrich those creams that are intended for night care.

It will not be superfluous to introduce a few drops of tocopherol into eye products, hand cream (it will relieve the skin from flabbiness, make it elastic and young).

How to use liquid tocopherol at home:

Due to the rapid dissolution and absorption of the active ingredient into the skin, there is no need to rinse off the product. It is better to apply liquid tocopherol at night.

Vitamin E face masks

External use involves the use of masks with vitamin E. If you combine it with natural products and other pharmaceuticals, it will bring double benefits.

Mask recipe with vitamin E and A

To make a homemade face mask with vitamins A and E according to this recipe, take:

  • 5 drops of vitamin A,
  • 3 drops of vitamin E (tocopherol) in oil,
  • 1/2 teaspoon of aloe leaf juice
  • 1 tsp night cream.

First mix the oils, add the aloe juice to the cream. Combine these 2 mixtures into one, mix thoroughly.

Clean your face with lotion, apply a vitamin mask to the skin, except for the area around the eyes. Leave it on for 10-12 minutes, then wash off with warm water or milk.

The combination of vitamin E and aloe in the face mask makes the skin hydrated and nourished with beneficial substances

After that, wipe your face with lotion again and use a moisturizer.

Acne Recipe: Video

Vitamin E can also be applied to the lips. If you regularly apply a few drops of the product to the lips, they will become elastic, irritation, dryness and cracks will be eliminated.

If you constantly eat foods containing vitamin E and properly care for your skin with products containing it, this will help:

  • Eliminate various skin imperfections,
  • Resist many diseases
  • Prevent aging processes.

Vitamin E has long established itself as a universal remedy for skin aging and is rightfully called the vitamin of youth and beauty. Cosmetics containing vitamin E in their composition protect the skin from exposure to ultraviolet rays.

Beneficial features

Tocopherol is the scientific name for vitamin E. Translated from Latin, the name means "conducive to birth." Tocopherol stimulates the ovaries and the production of estrogen - the hormone of female beauty. High estrogen levels make skin and hair look healthy and beautiful. To maintain the required level of vitamin E in the body, a woman needs to consume at least 100 mg of tocopherol daily.

Vitamin E is very useful for the skin of the face, since it guides the process of cell regeneration and significantly slows down the aging process of cells, perfectly softens, smoothes and tightens the skin. At the same time, vitamin E effectively eliminates skin imperfections, helps to get rid of stretch marks, prevents the appearance of freckles and age spots, the formation of inflammatory processes, heals wounds and cracks, and perfectly helps with peeling. For women caring for themselves, vitamin E is a real find and an elixir of youth.

Tocopherol is an excellent antioxidant that prevents the breakdown of elastin and collagen at the cellular level, renewing the skin. When taken orally, it helps to remove toxins and toxins from the body.

Vitamin E-rich foods

Vitamin E is naturally found in sea buckthorn, eggs, rosehip oil, cereals, Brussels sprouts, cherries, almonds, mountain ash, peanuts and sunflower seeds. Large amounts of tocopherol are stored in fish, milk, vegetable leaves, liver, legumes, and pumpkin. Incorporate these foods into your daily diet so you don't have to worry about a vitamin E deficiency in your body. In its pure form, tocopherol is sold in a pharmacy.


If vitamin E is applied correctly to the skin of the face, then the result will not be long in coming. You will notice improvements after just a few treatments.

When applied topically, vitamin E is used for the skin in capsules in pure form, rubbing oil into the problem area. For skin rejuvenation, creams and lotions with vitamin E are used.

Vitamin E capsules for the skin are great for getting rid of scars and burn marks. To do this, it is enough to apply tocopherol externally two to three times a week. Pierce the capsule and apply the contents to the scar. If the oil seems too thick, then you can dilute it a little with perfume oil (but in no case with essential oil, you can get burned).

Glycerin and Vitamin E for Face and Hands

Glycerin and vitamin E prolong youthfulness and help to get rid of many problems.

We have already talked about the benefits of tocopherol for the skin of the face. Now let's discuss the positive effects of glycerin on the skin. First of all, it should be said that glycerin perfectly retains moisture, creating a protective film on the skin that prevents drying. Glycerin is sold in any pharmacy and can be used in conjunction with a cream or mask.

Glycerin and vitamin E should be used daily to moisturize the skin. Both products can be applied to the face by mixing them in equal proportions. The composition should be applied to the skin in the evening before going to bed. Such a night mask perfectly nourishes and smoothes the skin, making it smooth and velvety, contributes to the disappearance of fine wrinkles.

For problem skin, glycerin can be used as a lotion in its pure form. With regular use of this remedy, cell regeneration improves, inflammations disappear and the skin becomes well hydrated. Any mask with glycerin is very effective and beneficial for all skin types.

Glycerin and vitamin E are useful for the skin not only of the face, but also for the hands. The skin of this part of the body is most susceptible to environmental influences, as well as rapid aging and aging. Add a few drops of glycerin and vitamin E to your regular hand cream and lubricate your hands several times throughout the day. You will soon notice that the skin of the hands has become much softer and lower.

Cosmetic masks with vitamin E

Nourishing mask... For preparation, you will need 1 capsule of tocopherol, ¼ teaspoon of aloe juice and 15 grams of face cream. Dispense a few drops of oil from the capsule into a glass container. Add aloe and face cream, mix thoroughly. Apply the resulting mass in a thick layer onto cleansed skin. Let the mask sit for 15 minutes, then remove with a cotton pad soaked in warm water.

Mask for dry skin... Take one capsule of tocopherol, 20 grams of olive oil, 50 grams of fresh curd. Squeeze vitamin E into a glass dish, add cottage cheese and olive oil. Rub the resulting mass thoroughly and apply in a thin layer on the face. The mask can be applied to the skin around the eyes and lips. Let sit for 20 minutes and wash off with warm water.

Mask for normal skin... For cooking, you will need honey, oatmeal, yogurt, olive oil - 1 teaspoon each and 1 ampoule of tocopherol. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly and apply to the skin after cleansing it. Keep the mask on for 10 minutes, then rinse off with warm water.

Mask for oily skin... For cooking, you need egg white, 5 drops of vitamin E, 2 tablespoons of oatmeal, 15 drops of lemon juice. Stir all the ingredients and apply the mask to the skin. Let sit for 20 minutes, then rinse off with cool water.

3.88 out of 5 (13 Votes)

My friends, hello everyone!

Do you know what vitamin is called the “youth and beauty” vitamin?

This vitamin is credited with the most wonderful medicinal and cosmetic properties.

We are talking about vitamin E, I want to tell you about it today, namely: how is vitamin E useful for the skin, to preserve its youth and beauty for many years and how to use it correctly for this.

In this article, you will learn:

Vitamin E for the skin - beneficial properties and secrets of effective use

What is vitamin E and what is it for?

You know, I was very impressed with the meaning of this word - vitamin E.

Translated from Latin, vitamin E (tocopherol acetate) means - "conducive to birth."

That is why it is actively used in home cosmetology to rejuvenate the skin, it is taken orally in order to strengthen one's health and start rejuvenating processes in the body from the inside.

In fact, it is very difficult to find any other means that would penetrate so effectively and so quickly into all the cells of the body and affect absolutely all the processes that take place there.

Women who know the secret power of vitamin E often use it to care for their face and also take it internally in order to slow down age-related changes and tighten aging skin in order to maintain its firmness and elasticity for as long as possible, smooth out existing wrinkles.

All the means used to prepare anti-aging compositions for yourself and take care of your face at home are quite simple to prepare.

Vitamin E is a completely inexpensive remedy, it is available to everyone, and despite this, its effectiveness in rejuvenating the skin of the face and body is so strong that it is worth talking about it in more detail.

Personally, when I found out about the amazing properties of vitamin E, I could not pass by and not use this remedy for my benefit.

In order for this fat-soluble vitamin to bring the greatest benefit to the skin, it must be used in a complex way, replenishing its content in the body in various ways: together with food, through cosmetic care based on this vitamin and consuming it internally in the form of a vitamin supplement.

How is vitamin E beneficial for facial skin?

Thanks to the use of vitamin E in your "skin rejuvenation program", you can achieve the following results in a fairly short time:

  • The condition of the facial skin improves. If our body receives enough vitamin E every day, then problematic moments, such as dry skin, or, conversely, its excessive fat content, go away.
  • The flaking and irritation of the skin stops, a very attractive and healthy glow appears, the skin begins to glow from the inside. This is due to the fact that vitamin E promotes the renewal of skin cells, restoring its healthy appearance and restoring its natural structure without the use of any injections and, moreover, surgical intervention.
  • Vitamin E is able to increase the skin's UV protection. As a result, age spots, burns and redness from exposure to the sun, various allergic reactions in the form of small pimples, itching, etc. will appear on the skin less often.
  • In the female body, with the regular use of vitamin E, the aging process slows down, since tocopherol acetate helps to normalize the work of the ovaries, which produce estrogen. When a woman's body contains the necessary level of estrogen (neither more nor less than is necessary for her health), then the condition of the skin improves significantly: it becomes more elastic, more toned, and the appearance of the first wrinkles is postponed indefinitely. By using vitamin E, it is possible to significantly reduce the appearance of existing wrinkles and prevent the appearance of new ones.
  • Any damage to the skin is restored much faster if you use vitamin E. If there is enough vitamin E in the body, then all the regenerating processes are very active, so any scratches, acne marks and scars disappear in a fairly short time. After stress, the skin recovers much faster.
  • Applying vitamin E, you can achieve a tangible lifting effect: it is able to tighten the skin, eliminate sagging folds on the face, the so-called "flew" and "double chin". It is most effective for these purposes to use vitamin E in combination with massage lifting procedures.
  • With regular use of vitamin E in the skin, the quantitative and qualitative production of elastin and collagen increases, due to which the skin is significantly younger and its firmness and elasticity increase.
  • Blood circulation in blood vessels and capillaries is enhanced, which contributes to the penetration of a sufficient amount of oxygen into the skin cells.
  • Vitamin E is an excellent antidepressant. Its use gives the body a wonderful charge of vivacity, which improves the complexion, cheeks redden, cell membranes become stronger and the skin becomes more resistant to any psychological influences, recovering much faster after stressful situations or even showing no outwardly any reaction to stimuli. Fatigue is less pronounced on the face.
  • Vitamin E is very necessary for our skin, especially during the winter cold, as it perfectly protects the skin of the face from cold and wind, is able to quickly eliminate the effects of being in the cold, removing irritation and tingling on the skin that are after being in the cold.
  • Vitamin E is an excellent antioxidant, it protects cells from the invasion and destructive effects of free radicals, which can interfere with the normal and timely formation of sufficient elastin and collagen in the skin.
  • Due to the fact that vitamin E effectively and in a very short time removes toxins from skin cells, its condition is significantly improved.
  • The foci of inflammation on the skin are eliminated, acne eruptions pass faster, the formation of “black spots” on the skin slows down, acne passes much faster, the skin of the face is whitened, freckles and age spots are lightened.
  • Thanks to its remarkable moisturizing effect, the use of vitamin E prevents the evaporation of precious moisture from the skin cells, so that the skin is always hydrated, looks fresh, healthy and radiant.
  • Using vitamin E for the skin of the face and body, you can protect yourself from various skin cancers.
  • Since vitamin E is able to actively protect red blood cells from destruction, it copes with anemia, thereby saving the skin of the face from excessive pallor.

Scientists have experimentally proven that vitamin E has such a beneficial, effective and complex effect on all processes occurring in cells that it literally "makes" them work in the mode of a twenty-year-old organism, even if you are over 35 years old!

Therefore, it is very important to learn how to properly apply tocopherol for our skin, because, thus, we can literally automatically start all the processes of rejuvenation every time, and this will be reflected in the most favorable way on our appearance.

How to use vitamin E in facial skin care?

The use of vitamin E to improve skin condition can be divided into external use and internal use:

  1. Internal use is the consumption of vitamin E in the form of vitamin supplements and the consumption of food that contains a sufficient amount of tocopherol.
  2. External use of vitamin E is its pure use for rubbing into the skin or adding to masks or creams.
  3. In order to saturate your skin with tocopherol acetate, keep it youthful as long as possible and improve the appearance of the skin, you can use the following recipes.

Rubbing vitamin E into the skin

This is the easiest, fastest and most effective way.

I use it a lot, especially when there is no time.

I especially like this method to apply to the area around the eyes, according to my observations, the skin around the eyes smoothes and becomes more youthful.

Using this method, it is necessary to strictly observe the dosage and rules for applying the product, then you can not only intensively moisturize and nourish your skin, but also reduce or prevent skin aging.

  • How to use?

Vitamin E can be used in oil or in an aqueous solution. You can use vitamin E capsules for this, just gently piercing them with a needle.

Perfectly heals wounds, smoothes the skin.

It is necessary to apply in a very thin layer, and in the area around the eyes it is necessary to apply especially carefully, not rubbing, but simply tapping with your fingers, as if driving in a small amount of the product.

It is very important to apply a small amount of vitamin E, literally a drop, without exceeding the dosage, otherwise the effect will be the opposite: irritation, peeling may appear, the skin may turn red.

Cream with vitamin E and glycerin

At home, you can make your own cream that will contain vitamin E and glycerin.

Such a simple cream can actually work wonders! In addition, it is much safer than the store counterpart, since it does not contain any preservatives or fragrances.

This cream is universal, it is suitable for almost all skin types, including sensitive.

Such a cream is used not only for the face, but also for the skin of the hands and body. In winter, it's just a salvation, girls!

To prepare it, you need to mix 50 ml. decoction of herbs (chamomile, linden, sage, mint - you can choose), 50 ml. vegetable glycerin and 5 drops of vitamin E.

You need to store such a mixture in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days, and then prepare a new cream.

Shake the mixture thoroughly before applying.

During the day, you can apply any day cream that you use to your face, and in the evening - this is the composition. The skin will be grateful to you!

Adding vitamin E to various oils and creams

Vitamin E can be added to a variety of vegetable oils and any creams you use. Can be added to body milk.

As vegetable oils (base), olive oil, almond oil, sesame oil are suitable - they are universal.

In the oil + vitamin E composition, you can add a couple of drops of essential oils that match your skin type, so the effect will be better.

It is very important not to exceed the dosage in order to avoid the opposite effect, as described above.

Therefore, a few drops in a jar of cream will be enough to moisturize the skin well and accelerate collagen production.

The areas around the eyes should be lubricated with tocopherol oil very carefully. In order to achieve the effect, you need regularity, so you need to do this every evening before going to bed, removing the excess mixture after 15-20 minutes with a cotton pad.

Vitamin E face mask recipes

Each of these masks is suitable for a particular skin type or helps to achieve a specific effect. You can choose according to your needs.

  • Anti-wrinkle mask

Melt the cocoa butter, add vitamin E and sea buckthorn oil. Apply to cleansed face and leave for 15-20 minutes, then remove excess mask. It must be done 2-3 times a week in the evening before bedtime.

  • Nutritious mask

Aloe juice is mixed with vitamin E, vitamin A in oil and any nourishing cream. It is applied to the skin for half an hour.

  • Mask for dry skin

Grind egg yolk, a couple of drops of vitamin A and a couple of drops of vitamin E, adding a spoonful of olive oil. Apply to clean skin for 20 minutes and then rinse.

  • Sensitive skin mask

Mix the fatty cottage cheese, vitamin E and olive oil thoroughly. Apply all over the face, including the eye area. Rinse off with water after 20 minutes.

An ideal mask in winter cold, the skin becomes less sensitive to temperature extremes, cold and wind!

  • Herbal mask

Brew chamomile flowers, calendula, or whatever herb works best for you.

Strain, add a little oat flour (oatmeal), honey, a couple of drops of vitamin E and vitamin A to the warm broth.

Stir and apply on cleansed face for half an hour. This mask softens, nourishes, removes peeling and irritation on the skin, and also slightly whitens and tightens the skin.

How to properly apply masks in vitamin E for the face?

In order to get the desired effect, it is imperative to follow the rules.

They are simple, straightforward and quite feasible:

  1. For the first time using a mask with vitamin E, I advise you to reduce the dosage of this vitamin in the composition, in order to see how your skin will react to this vitamin. This precaution is especially true for those with very sensitive skin.
  2. Some kind of ambiguous and especially strong allergic reaction to tocopherol is extremely rare, but still, you should not risk it.
  3. Do not exceed a dosage of two to three drops per mask composition at a time.
  4. The mask is always applied to a clean face and after 15-20 minutes it is washed off with warm water, after which it is applied to a still wet (this is important!) Face with a nourishing or moisturizing cream.
  5. You can significantly enhance the rejuvenating effect of masks by pre-steaming your face.
  6. Using a scrub after washing will help the mask achieve the effect that we put on it most strongly.
  7. Adding to the composition according to your skin type significantly increases the effectiveness of masks with vitamin E.
  8. It is best to apply face masks in the evening, from 17 to 20-21 hours, at which time our skin is most susceptible to all our "youth manipulations".
  9. Before that, it will be useful to cleanse the skin with a scrub.
  10. It is necessary to apply the mask carefully, carefully, rinse off - just rub and stretch the skin - taboo!
  11. While the mask is working, which is 15-20 minutes, you need to lie down, close your eyes and rest, forgetting about all the problems and urgent matters. Maximum relaxation of facial muscles during cosmetic manipulations significantly increases the rejuvenating effect of them!
  12. You can make masks from one to three times a week. It is advisable to choose for yourself various two or three masks with vitamin E in the composition and alternate them.

When is it necessary to use vitamin masks and why?

Face masks with vitamin E in sotava, various oil mixtures and rubbing pure vitamin E into the skin are most effective in the following cases:

  1. the age of 20-30 years is an excellent prophylactic agent for young skin to prevent the early manifestation of signs of aging;
  2. from 30 to 40 years old, when the skin is more mature, tocopherol is an excellent drug against the first age-related changes, which appear in the form of small wrinkles, age spots, grayness and yellowness of the skin;
  3. after 40 years, vitamin E is simply vital for skin care as the most effective anti-aging agent;
  4. vitamin E can and should always be used to tone tired skin, skin after stressful situations, when it has lost its freshness and healthy appearance;
  5. if there is a need in adolescence to get rid of inflammation and skin rashes;
  6. use effectively and prudently during periods of high solar activity to prevent the appearance of age spots.

Where to Buy Quality Vitamin E?

I used to buy vitamin E capsules for the face at the pharmacy, but to be honest, I was so tired of constantly piercing and squeezing them out that I had to look for another option.

I am buying now this is such a vitamin e and I like it very much, it is convenient to use.

Vitamin E in Food - Ingestion

Considering the importance of vitamin E for the health and rejuvenation of the skin, you need to know that its deficiency in the body can and should be regularly replenished by eating foods that contain it in sufficient quantities.

Use this list regularly for yourself:

  1. Vegetables give preference to carrots, radishes, cucumbers, cabbage of various types, especially broccoli, potatoes. Eat as many greens as possible every day: spinach, salads of various types, parsley, dill, cilantro, sorrel, basil, etc. It is better to eat fresh vegetables, they are most useful. In frozen vegetables, the amount of tocopherol is noticeably reduced, and in canned vegetables it is completely absent;
  2. Berries: viburnum, mountain ash, sweet cherry, sea buckthorn, rosehip berries;
  3. Legumes: peas, lentils (especially!), Chickpeas, mung bean, beans, beans of all sorts;
  4. Of the products of animal origin, the most rich in vitamin E are liver, egg yolk, milk;
  5. Cereals: oatmeal comes first;
  6. Vegetable oils - without exception, all are rich in vitamin E, it is only important to use oils of the first cold pressing, the content of vitamin E there is the highest. For daily use, choose olive, pumpkin, corn, sesame, linseed, camelina,;
  7. Seeds, nuts - all are rich in vitamin E, pistachios, hazelnuts, peanuts, almonds, walnuts, cashews, pine nuts are ideal for this purpose;
  8. Of the seafood, the most rich in vitamin E are squid, shrimp, fish of fatty northern and Far Eastern breeds;
  9. Among herbs rich in vitamin E are alfalfa, dandelion, nettle. Brew them like tea and drink.

Contraindications for the use of tocopherol in cosmetics.

This is an individual intolerance to the drug, pregnancy and severe diseases of internal organs - only after consulting a doctor!

This is the use of the correct vitamin E-containing products, and the use of masks with vitamin E, and the use of vitamin capsules inside.

The use of all this rich "arsenal" is the guarantee of our Youth, Health and Beauty for many, many years!

For myself, I have long concluded that the use of vitamin E in various variations of its use for my body contributes to an excellent anti-aging, anti-inflammatory and regenerating effect for the skin.

We, especially girls and women, always dream of eternal youth and unfading beauty, so let's not only dream, but also act, all the more, it's so simple!

Let's make our dreams come true together!

Alena Yasneva was with you, bye everyone!

Creator: Julia Ulitkina

The beauty of the face depends on the condition of the skin.

Over time, the body's resources are depleted, and the skin needs special care to maintain its excellent condition: protection, additional nutrition, hydration, renewal.

One of the ways to maintain beauty and youth on your own is the use of vitamins for the skin of the face.

What specific vitamins are necessary for the skin of the face

Violation of natural biochemical processes that occur in skin cells leads to the appearance of such troubles as sagging facial contours, the formation of skin creases (wrinkles), the appearance of acne and acne, peeling. To restore its functions, problematic or flabby skin needs vitamins, special substances, coenzymes.

They enter the human body with food, but this is not enough to satisfy all the needs of the body. It is on this basis that it is possible and necessary to nourish the skin from the outside, through aqueous and oily solutions of the most important vitamins.

What vitamins are specifically needed for facial skin? Most of the open by man:

vitamin A, or retinol;

vitamin E, or tocopherol;

vitamin C or ascorbic acid;

B vitamins;

vitamin H or biotin;

vitamin F (a couple of substances are hiding under this name).

Depending on the state of the body and the needs of the skin, it is imperative to drink good vitamin and mineral complexes at least every six months. In February, it is necessary to start taking beauty vitamins, so that by spring the hair shines with health, the face is beautiful, and the nails are strong and strong.

But it is possible and necessary to use beauty vitamins externally all year round. Inexpensive pharmaceutical solutions can solve virtually any skin problem.

What are the benefits of vitamin A for the face

Retinol, or vitamin A, is most important for mature or problem skin. It is this content of this vitamin that depends on the condition of the skin cells. The most responsible are the following properties of retinol:

the property to stimulate the production of its own collagen, thereby increasing the elasticity and smoothness of the dermis (it is not in vain that this wonderful substance is called the vitamin of beauty);

the ability to restore the production of its own hyaluronic acid, in other words, to practically fill the skin from the inside with freshness, elasticity, health and restore the structure of the dermis;

the property to protect the body from the harmful effects of free radicals, thereby inhibiting the aging process. Thanks to the antioxidant properties of retinol, the elasticity of the skin remains for a long time.

If there is enough vitamin A for the body, it is possible to forget about small wrinkles, dry skin, sagging and flabbiness. If there is a lack of retinol, then the face will age early, the skin will become dry, comedones and acne will appear on it. The diet must include seafood, meat, beef liver, egg yolks, orange fruits and vegetables, and herbs. All of these foods are sources of natural vitamin A.

Retinol remarkably protects the dermis from the aggressive action of solar ultraviolet radiation, strong winds, frost, high humidity on the face. It prevents the breakdown of collagen fibers, preventing the formation of small and deep wrinkles. Cosmetics with retinol remarkably smooth skin color, relieve inflammation, and erase small wrinkles from the face.

Vitamin A for the face works best on mature skin. For a young face, it may turn out to be heavy, since in the young dermis, the processes of active production of collagen and hyaluronic acid are already excellent. But for rapid rejuvenation, regeneration of skin tissue, restoration of the usual level of moisture and collagen reserves, this vitamin is simply irreplaceable.

It is necessary to use creams with retinol correctly. It is imperative to take into account the following conditions:

has the essence of starting to use cosmetics with vitamin A at the end of 35 years. It can be both creams and masks, serums, lipsticks;

for the use of products with retinol, the cold season is best suited;

it is better to apply oil formulations to the skin in the evening, so that the vitamin component works during the night. In addition, the vitamin is oxidized under the influence of sunlight.

It is imperative to understand , that an excess of vitamin A for the face is terrible, especially when it comes to youthful skin. Based on this, it is necessary to use a cream with retinol in courses, not longer than two months. After that, the skin must be given time to rest, having stopped using products with vitamin A. for three months.

What are the benefits of vitamin E for the face

If we say what vitamins are specifically needed for the skin of the face, then it is simply unrealistic to forget about tocopherol. Vitamin E is also called beauty vitamins, meaning its remarkable antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, regenerating properties. The main cosmetic role of tocopherol is contained in the strengthening of cell membranes. External use of tocopherol restores youth to the face, makes the skin elastic and smooth.

Deep nourishment, hydration and prevention of skin troubles are the main tasks of vitamin E for the face, used for cosmetic purposes. On the skin, the vitamin works as follows:

heals external damage to the skin;

has a wonderful lifting effect;

excellently heals acne and acne;

protects against ultraviolet radiation;

slows down skin aging at any age;

interferes with tissue degeneration;

completely eliminates dryness and flaking, restoring the water and fat balance of the dermis;

relieves the skin from puffiness;

slowly erases traces of acne, scars, freckles from the face.

Vitamin E for the face in most cases is made as a component of anti-inflammatory cosmetic products. In addition, it is also found in anti-aging creams, since it copes well with the problem of flabbiness and dryness.

How to use vitamin A for facial skin

It is very simple to use vitamins A and E for facial skin:

firstly, 2-3 drops in your day or night cream;

secondly, it is possible to apply an oil solution to the skin in the form of a mask, removing the remaining oil after half an hour with a dry napkin;

thirdly, on the basis of a solution of retinol or vitamin A, it is possible to prepare excellent homemade masks, mixing them with suitable components (cottage cheese, eggs, etc.).

Retinol belongs to the group of fat-soluble substances, therefore it must be mixed with oils. Because the excellent vitamin has a low melting point, you cannot add it to homemade masks, which are prepared in a water bath and are generally heated.

It is extremely necessary to use pure vitamin A solution with extreme caution. Bare application without mixing with oil or cream can cause a strong negative skin reaction (burning, tingling, redness), and after a while peeling.

Here are the recipes for the most simple and effective retinol masks:

to counteract wrinkles, it is possible to displace one capsule of the oil solution with a spoonful of olive oil. Apply to face as a simple mask, blot after 20 minutes;

to restore dry skin, it is possible to mix a capsule of vitamins A and E with egg yolk and a spoonful of olive oil;

if the skin is sensitive, mix a retinol capsule, a spoonful of olive oil and cottage cheese;

to rejuvenate and relieve dryness, mix a spoonful of sour cream with aloe extract and 5-7 drops of retinol;

to nourish the skin, you must mix one capsule of vitamins A and E with a small amount of any care cream and a teaspoon of juice or aloe extract.

Do not forget about the anti-aging effect of retinol on the skin of the face. It is possible to apply masks and creams with an active vitamin only after the end of 35 years.

How to use vitamin E for facial skin

Vitamin E goes well with vegetable or cosmetic oils. It can be mixed, for example, with oil of olive, rose, almond, wheat germ, peach, etc. Add 1-2 capsules of tocopherol to a spoonful of the base oil and distribute the life-giving composition over the face in the form of a mask.

There are also more sophisticated homemade cosmetics recipes. So, for deep moisturizing and nourishing the skin, it is possible to prepare the following mixture: half a teaspoon of pharmacy glycerin, a teaspoon of camphor oil, the same amount of castor oil, 20 drops of tocopherol oil solution and two huge spoons of chamomile flower infusion. Remains of the mask can be kept in the refrigerator for 3-4 days.

An excellent effect is obtained by mixing vitamin E with cottage cheese, juice or aloe extract, chicken egg, sea buckthorn oil. The mixture is applied to the skin as a simple mask, after 25 minutes. washed off.

How to use masks from a mixture of vitamins Aevit

The assimilation of retinol together with vitamin E is more efficient. It is not just that on the pharmacy counters it is possible to find aevit solution of the two vitamins most important for the beauty and youth of the face. In the complex, the effect of vitamins A and E is improved, and with regular use of this unique product, the skin of the hands and face will remain in perfect condition.

Most cosmetic anti-aging drugs contain tocopherol, a substance that has miraculous anti-aging and therapeutic properties. Thanks to the availability of the component and the availability of convenient forms of its release, it is now possible to use pure vitamin E for facial skin at home. This will not only prevent the formation of signs of aging of the epidermis, but also get rid of existing problems in the form of superficial wrinkles.

Vitamin E, without exaggeration, revitalizes the skin of the face, gives it freshness, elasticity and healthy color

Effect of tocopherol on cells and tissues

It should be understood that vitamin E is not a panacea and will not cure all aesthetic skin problems. Its effectiveness will manifest itself only with an integrated approach to care for the surface of the face, following certain recommendations for the correct dosage of the drug and its combination with other components. To get rid of wrinkles and other signs of aging, it is necessary to combine the external use of vitamin E with a course of taking the drug form of the drug.

Properties of tocopherol and its effect on the skin of the face:


  • slowing down certain aging processes that start in the thickness of the skin after 25 years;
  • activation of cell regeneration, leading to the rapid formation of new building material;
  • smoothing of already formed wrinkles (even in the form of a fine mesh over the entire surface of the face);
  • tightening effect, allowing you to get rid of sagging epidermis, reducing its tone;
  • accelerated production of collagen and elastin fibers, leading to tension of the skin surface and smoothing of irregularities;
  • restoration of cellular respiration due to the normalization of blood circulation.


  • vitamin E is a recognized natural antioxidant that has a destructive effect on free radicals;
  • the substance accelerates the process of removing toxins from the thickness of the skin, which are often one of the causes of tissue aging and the formation of wrinkles;
  • localization and gradual elimination of foci of inflammation is provided;
  • by strengthening cell membranes, the barrier function of the epidermis is restored.


  • if you regularly use drugs rich in vitamin E, you can prevent the development of skin cancer;
  • tocopherol helps to eliminate signs of allergy on the surface of the face;
  • the component fights against anemia, thereby eliminating the pallor of the skin;
  • vitamin E is used in the treatment of acne, comedones, sebaceous plugs.

In addition to all the listed therapeutic properties, vitamin E removes traces of fatigue and stress, refreshes the skin of the face, relieves it of irritations and redness, moisturizes superficial and deep tissues. It can be used at any age.

During pregnancy, the jokes with pharmacy drugs are bad: even if these are "harmless" vitamins, you should not use them without a doctor's prescription

Indications and contraindications for the use of fortified formulations

Regular use of the drug will provide a pronounced and lasting positive effect only with a reasonable approach to anti-aging procedures. Do not forget that any vitamin is primarily a drug that can provoke the development of side effects.

Indications for the external use of tocopherol in the form of masks and compresses:

  1. Presence and prevention of the first signs of aging.
  2. Complex therapy of pronounced wrinkles, flabbiness and skin atony.
  3. Toning of the epidermis, which has lost its fresh appearance as a result of stress or the influence of external factors.
  4. Therapeutic treatment of acne, comedones, sebaceous plugs. Elimination of the reasons for the development of these conditions.
  5. Neutralization of unwanted pigmentation as a result of external (ultraviolet) or physiological (hormonal disruption) factors.

Taking tocopherol inside is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to the component, the presence of severe systemic diseases, during pregnancy. Vitamin E is absolutely safe for skin and mucous membranes. External use of the component has no registered contraindications.

Vitamin E can be purchased in pure form or as an oil solution, which for ease of dosage can be produced in capsules

Vitamin E in natural form

If you know which foods contain vitamin E, you can not only create a rejuvenating diet, but also develop a whole system of affordable and effective anti-aging procedures. The mixtures will be completely natural, and liquid tocopherol, which is sold at the pharmacy, can be added to the formulations to enhance the effect.

A significant amount of vitamin E is found in the following foods:

  1. Fresh vegetables: root vegetables, cucumbers, cabbage, lettuce, herbs. Frozen and canned foods are not rich in vitamin.
  2. Oatmeal, seeds, nuts.
  3. Berries.
  4. Milk, egg yolk.
  5. Vegetable oil.
  6. Herbs and their collections.
  7. Some essential oils.

If you plan to use the pharmaceutical form of tocopherol, then you need to know that there are three forms of component release.

  • Capsules. They contain an oily content that can be easily obtained by piercing the soft shell with a needle. The pure substance can be added to masks or used to smear the most affected areas of the epidermis.
  • Butter. It is rarely used internally, it is most often added to natural cosmetics.
  • Liquid tocopherol is intended for injection, and at home it is indispensable for making compresses.

Tocopherol combines well with oil bases, and this allows you to use the simplest to prepare, but very effective masks with its content.

Recipes for vitamin masks and rules for their use

In order to get rid of the pronounced problems of the epidermis, wrinkles and refresh the face, cosmetic procedures must be carried out regularly. It is recommended to select the formulations not universal, but suitable for the type of skin. This guarantees maximum effect and fast results.

Oil mask for dry skin

Three tablespoons of almond oil are heated in a water bath (the oil should not boil). Vitamin E is injected into the liquid in oil form, no more than a teaspoon. The composition is mixed until smooth. It can be applied to the entire face or only to areas prone to peeling. After 15 minutes, the remnants of the drug must be blotted with a paper towel, do not rinse with water.

Herbal mask for oily skin

Two tablespoons of chamomile and nettle are mixed, the collection is poured with a glass of boiling water, covered with a lid and infused for at least half an hour. After the specified time, the infusion is filtered and stale rye bread is soaked in the resulting liquid. You should get a thick gruel. The contents of one ampoule of tocopherol are added to it, the product is stirred and distributed over the skin of the face. After a quarter of an hour, the mass must be removed, and the skin should be rinsed with cool water. With regular use of the method, you can get rid of not only wrinkles, but also acne and oily skin.

Egg mask for normal skin

Two tablespoons of burdock oil are heated in a water bath until warm and mixed with the yolk of one egg. Vitamin E is added to the mass - an ampoule or a teaspoon of an oil solution. If additional skin hydration is needed, a little retinol can be injected. The mass can be used in two ways. It can be smeared on the face and left until the composition dries - this will lead to an increase in the elasticity of the epidermis and get rid of fine wrinkles. If the product is used as a gommage (roll), it will refresh the color and even out the skin relief.

Even if you use one capsule of tocopherol daily in order to smear its contents with the areas of the greatest accumulation of wrinkles or acne, after a few sessions, the positive dynamics from the manipulation will become obvious.