What you want to eat when pregnant. Why there is severe hunger during early pregnancy and methods of satisfying it without prejudice to the figure

While expecting a baby, many women experience changes in their bodies and, in particular, in a change in appetite. Appetite in early pregnancy either disappears altogether, or comes with some oddities inherent only in pregnant women. These can be addictions to certain foods or to combinations of foods that are striking in their originality. So, first you want fresh strawberries in the middle of winter and certainly at night, at other times you want vanilla ice cream with pickled cucumber.
Cases are not uncommon when there is a sharp aversion to any particular product. Most often it is fish, meat products, cottage cheese. Moreover, you used to enjoy this type of food, but now you cannot even look at it. This is a normal situation in the early stages, and you just need to endure the "unpleasant moments" that usually disappear after 12 weeks of pregnancy.
However, despite the rejection of food in some women in position, in others the appetite flares up so that you want to eat all new food throughout the day. Doctors usually explain this manifestation of an enviable appetite by the growth and development of the fetus. Increased appetite in early pregnancy is not a whim at all, but a natural reaction of your body to hormonal imbalance, on which an increase in food intake and its variety depends. Women expecting a baby seem to intuitively feel what kind of food they need, in what quantity and how often. However, this is not always the right food, and a special diet for pregnant women should be adhered to, excluding fast food, some semi-finished products and foods stuffed with chemical additives. If you have an increased appetite and prefer unusual food combinations, then you can try to create your own individual diet, taking into account your personal taste preferences.
It is important that a woman's desire to eat a product is a signal of a lack of vital elements. If, for example, you have a calcium deficiency, then you seek to compensate for it by consuming an excessive amount of dairy and fermented milk products, and if there is not enough sodium, then your main food will be foods such as cheese, celery, carrots, seaweed. Lack of iron in the body will be expressed in the consumption of apples, pomegranates, chalk. I would also like to note that most of all pregnant women suffer from anemia, which is precisely characterized by poor levels of iron (hemoglobin). If you have anemia, it is necessary for the health of the unborn baby, in addition to iron-containing products, to take special medications prescribed by your gynecologist, and it is better to start taking medications in the first trimester of pregnancy.
Eating too much sweets while waiting for a baby can significantly lift your mood, but it's worth knowing that this can gradually lead to a drop or rise in blood sugar levels and, in the future, to the development of diabetes and obesity. Therefore, you need to be smart about your food intake, consider the nutritional properties of each ingredient, and not forget about additional vitamins.

Many people say that a woman should eat for two when expecting a baby. There are women who do this, and in the end, problems begin with edema, high blood pressure, pain in the back. Often women during the period of bearing a baby claim that they always want to eat. Literally all expectant mothers are shown a low-carb diet for pregnant women. Therefore, questions arise as to why pregnant women are constantly hungry.

Causes of Feeling Hungry

When a woman is pregnant, she is constantly hungry. Some women require their husbands to buy them delicious foods all the time. But there are those who keep their weight under control.

Why pregnant women constantly want to eat:

  1. hormonal changes in the body;
  2. psychological factor;
  3. depression.

The main factor is the restructuring in the hormonal sphere, therefore, such changes contribute to the emergence of new desires and sensations. For example, a girl eats dishes that she previously did not like at all.

In addition, dishes are combined that do not go well - salty with sweet, sweet with salty. Experts say that this is normal for those who will soon become a mother. There is an increase in the need for calories, which are so necessary for the intrauterine development of the baby. But the psychological factor also plays an important role when it is said that you need to eat for two.

Doctors are sure that when carrying a baby, the expectant mother should consume more calories, but only 300 - 400 calories, and not dozens of times.

Depressive states are attributed to the causes of hunger. A woman lacks the hormone of joy, which is found in sweets. As a result, the girl tries to compensate for this condition by eating sweet foods.

What you want to eat during pregnancy:

  • salty foods;
  • sweets;
  • muffin, bread;
  • sour food.

When a woman complains that she constantly really wants to eat in the early stages of pregnancy, then a competent doctor talks about the reasons for such an appetite and gives recommendations.

If a woman overeats while waiting for a child, then swelling occurs, kidney function is disrupted, varicose veins.

By following the advice of experts, you can avoid the constant feeling of hunger. You must follow them so as not to harm your health and the health of the child. A carbohydrate-free diet for pregnant women is recommended.

  1. eat in small portions. In the form of a snack, biscuits, yogurt, carrots can be;
  2. refuse baking;
  3. not to be confused when you are thirsty and when to eat;
  4. reduce your intake of acidic foods;
  5. eat seasonal vegetables and fruits as much as possible;
  6. protein and calcium should be consumed every day;
  7. do not eat on the go.

Do interesting things, because hunger can come from idleness.
Thus, it is advisable to make a maternity food list as well as a carbohydrate-free maternity diet menu to avoid unnecessary problems.

Uterine tone during pregnancy

Quite frequent is the phenomenon of increased uterine tone when carrying a baby. In such a situation, the expectant mother feels pain in the abdomen and lower back. This condition contributes to miscarriage, so an urgent need to consult a doctor.

What to drink with uterine tone during pregnancy:

  1. magne-B6;
  2. sedative tablets;
  3. medicines to relax the uterus.

But there are other ways to lower the tone of the uterus. There are foods that reduce the tone of the uterus during pregnancy. These are foods that contain magnesium.

What foods reduce the tone of the uterus during pregnancy:

  • buckwheat porridge;
  • Wheat groats;
  • peas;
  • beans;
  • Rye bread;
  • green vegetables.

Thus, almost every woman experiences uterine tone during different periods of expectation of a child. It must be disposed of under any circumstances. In addition, you should adhere to a balanced diet, do not overeat. Experts recommend a diet without carbohydrates for pregnant women.

Stress conditions most often contribute to the occurrence of various anomalies. As soon as certain health disorders become noticeable, you should immediately consult a doctor, avoid exertion and take a horizontal position.

During pregnancy, feeling hungry all the time may seem like a normal reaction to the demands of the growing body. However, the state of hunger should correspond not only to the condition and lifestyle of the expectant mother, but also to the period of pregnancy. And if the question is why hunger occurs at night, or why after we are full, we continue to eat, then here we need to understand in more detail, which we will try to do together.

According to the sensations of hunger, pregnancy can be divided into the trimesters corresponding to the period of bearing the child.

In the first trimester, the desire to eat constantly may arise not because the fetus requires it, which at this stage of development requires an increase in the mother's diet, but rather because of the self-hypnosis of a woman who has learned about her situation. Overeating during this period can be prevented by the presence of toxicosis. Nausea and refusal to eat will please the weight loss of obese women, but do not forget that toxicosis is a temporary phenomenon and weight gain during pregnancy is inevitable. And if there is no toxicosis, then excessive consumption of food, especially for such psychological moments as "seizing" stress, will lead to an expansion of the stomach and the presence of extra pounds in a woman, and not in a fetus.

In the fight against anxiety or stress, food should not be allowed to become a kind of antidepressant when you want to eat a lot of sweet or fatty foods. In the future, coping with extra pounds is much harder, the stomach will get used to more food.

The opinion that food is needed not by the mother, but by the child is a temporary excuse that will cease to be relevant immediately after the birth of the child. But the child will be born, and hunger will not go away, which can lead, first of all, to endocrine disruption and obesity. A friendly environment, daily walks in the fresh air will help to cope with such hunger. And when you have free time, you should find something to do that will allow you to distract yourself. For me, a similar hobby was attending aqua aerobics classes for pregnant women.

In the first trimester, a woman should eat in small portions, but quite often - up to five times a day. Nutrition during all periods of pregnancy should be given special attention. Cottage cheese and other dairy products, whole grain bread and other fiber, as well as fruits and vegetables should be included in the diet of a pregnant woman. Vitamins should not be ignored either. During this period, the body begins not only to work with a vengeance, but also to release hormones that are unusual for it. Therefore, to prevent excessive weight gain, food should be moderately high in calories and necessarily healthy.

It is worth mentioning that in the first trimester, the child does not yet require to eat a lot, but if the pregnant woman feels the desire to eat something special, then this typical state of hunger should be satisfied. For example, in my first pregnancy, I constantly wanted ice cream and meat without gorging on other products. But it was worth satisfying your large hunger needs with very small portions of meat, as the feeling of hunger went away. And if you know that by the end of the first three months of pregnancy, the child reaches 20 grams in weight and 9 cm in height, then questions about excessive hunger should disappear even from especially suggested mothers. It costs nothing to feed such a crumb with regular portions.

The second trimester of pregnancy is a very comfortable, but fast-moving period. The tummy is still not visible, the state of health is excellent, hemoglobin is normal. The child begins to grow and the skeletal system is formed. I want to eat a lot more, and the feeling of hunger for this period is explainable by the growth of the fetus and its new needs. The diet must continue to be followed. In this case, it is worth increasing the intake of foods rich in calcium. For normal stomach function, you should not lean on fatty, salty foods, avoid smoked foods. We continue to enjoy vegetables and fruits that will not be available after the baby is born, and will help the stomach work during pregnancy.

During this period, the feeling of hunger at night may increase. Such hunger is dangerous for the health of the mother, because eating up at night we activate our stomach. The stomach is working, while the intestines are asleep. Overeating at night is fraught with discomfort in general condition, lead to constipation and, again, to weight gain. Therefore, the best option for the night is to leave an apple or a carrot nearby (by the way, these products perfectly clean plaque from teeth and prevent tooth decay) and a glass of water or milk. Thus, we will avoid extra pounds and satisfy the feeling of hunger.

There is no need to eat before going to bed, the working body will not be able to get proper rest, it will make the pregnant woman toss and turn in search of sleep. And if in the morning to work ?! Therefore, the last time you need to have dinner 2-3 hours before bedtime. Then we will not have time to get hungry. And as additional information, I will give the average data of the height and weight of the baby for 6 months - the child on average reaches 32 cm in height, and the weight remains small - up to 650 grams. The main weight gain in the baby will begin in the next and most hungry period of pregnancy.

The third trimester has its own characteristics. Hunger in the last three months is a constant state. It was during this period that the baby is actively gaining weight, adding an average of 600 grams per month. But if we compare the concept of hunger with the development of the child, then it is necessary to take into account that hunger during this period is dangerous for both the child and the mother. With caution in the last months of pregnancy, it is necessary to use calcium and foods containing it in their composition. Now the child's skeletal system is being formed and getting stronger, and during childbirth, the bones of the baby should be able to adapt to the body of the woman in labor, then the birth will be easier.

Another difficulty that arises as a result of the constant feeling of hunger is overfeeding a child, who is in the process of building up subcutaneous fat. It is more difficult to give birth to a large baby and surgical intervention is often required.

For the entire period of pregnancy, it is considered normal if a woman puts on weight up to 16 kg. Of course, a lot depends on growth, but this is the golden mean that speaks about proper nutrition and healthy functioning of the body. With the birth of a baby, it is this weight that will easily be lost in the implementation of standard baby care.

As a result, I would like to note that during pregnancy you can eat everything, but not much. You can suppress hunger without harm to your health with fruits and berries. And I can only hope that my experience will be really useful for expectant mothers. Happy pregnancy and healthy children!

Video. Nutrition during pregnancy

>>Increased appetite during pregnancy

Increased appetite during pregnancy. What if you are constantly hungry?

Food preferences during pregnancy

Approximately 25% of women during pregnancy feel cravings for at least one type of food. These eating habits occur spontaneously in early pregnancy and can be almost overwhelming. Doctors and scientists still have not been able to determine exactly what are the reasons for this manifestation. It is unclear what caused such desires, changed hormone levels, emotional changes, or anything else.

What food do pregnant women want most often?

40% of women want sweets

35% cravings for salty or pickled snacks

16% of expectant mothers want spicy food

9% of women are attracted to fruits (green apples, citrus fruits and other acidic foods)

How often do women follow their food desires?

36% of women eat whatever they feel like eating every day

34% of women consume what they really want every other day

24% of women allow themselves to do it once a week

6% of women indulge their food desires more than once a day

Frank conversations of women. What kind of food is drawn during pregnancy?

I always want something salty or spicy. Yesterday I persuaded my husband to go to a Mexican restaurant and never before have I experienced such pleasure. - Emma

I am drawn to sweets all the time. Bread with chocolate spread, puffed rice, sweet cereals, small donuts covered in chocolate or sugar. I know that this is all bad for me and I allow myself such things no more than once a month. - Alla

I really want mashed potatoes and gravy and nothing else. Sometimes I think that I will never want anything else. - Valeria

I often eat peanut butter and jellied meat. And in my last pregnancy, I was crazy about shrimp. - Elena

I am pregnant for the third time and I want tomatoes every day. Throughout my first pregnancy, I carried apples in my purse, and during the second pregnancy I was not drawn to anything. On the contrary, I rather did not feel like eating, there was no appetite at all. - Daria

How to safely satisfy your appetite and your food preferences during pregnancy?

As practice shows, only a few women during pregnancy feel a craving for healthy foods (spinach, broccoli, oatmeal, etc.). Most want ice cream, chocolate, and cakes. Of course, it is very difficult to resist such temptations, especially in your position, so sometimes allow yourself a favor, but always remember the small organism growing inside you. The following guidelines will help you better control your gastronomic desires:

Eat a full breakfast every day.
A good breakfast is a good way to deal with the urge to grab something before lunch. A good breakfast can be a glass of orange (or other) juice, yogurt, eggs, white bread toast, oatmeal, muesli, fruits and nuts.

Exercise regularly.
Walking also gives a good effect. Not only are they good for your wellness, but they can also help relieve the boredom that leads to over-eating chips, salty croutons, cookies, or other junk food for you.

Train yourself that everything is possible in moderation.
For example, try eating half of your ice cream instead. Or instead of a large bar of chocolate, a small one. If such small portions only increase your appetite, then eat the entire portion, but do it less often.

Healthy substitutes for unhealthy foods

Below are several options for replacing unwanted products for pregnant women with useful analogues:

  1. Try low fat frozen yogurt instead of ice cream.
  2. Make mineral water with fruit juice instead of sweet soda
  3. Instead of donuts and buns, buy a whole grain baguette and spread jam
  4. Instead of cakes and pastries, buy breads with bananas and nuts. If the temptation is very great, you can afford a strawberry meringue.
  5. Try brown sugar oatmeal instead of sugary cereals.
  6. Eat low-fat chips or popcorn instead of potato chips
  7. Instead of fatty sour cream, try low fat sour cream, or yogurt.
  8. Fresh or frozen fruit works well in place of canned fruit.
  9. Bake homemade peanut butter crackers instead of cookies
  10. Instead of cheesecake or creamy dessert, try on whole-grain crackers or low-fat vanilla-sugar rice pudding.

Video: Why do pregnant women want salty so much?

The main reason for hunger during gestation is the restructuring of hormonal processes in the woman's body, the acceleration of metabolism. The phenomenon also has a psychological background: pregnancy is a period when everything is allowed. If earlier the lady strictly followed the figure and counted calories, now she lets herself go, follows her desires and emotions.

The feeling of hunger during pregnancy is caused by psychological and physiological reasons

  • First trimester

During this period, the child does not yet require an increase in the amount of food consumed, and constant hunger and overeating are associated with the psychological state of the mother. This is self-hypnosis or an attempt to seize stress.

This condition must be fought: the habit of eating a lot will lead to weight gain, endocrine problems and hypertension. A calm atmosphere in the family, walking on the street, and hobbies will help to avoid seizing problems.

In the first 3 months, you need to eat a little, but often, 5-6 times a day. Include in the diet foods rich in fiber, vegetables, fruits, do not forget to take vitamins. To avoid weight gain, monitor the calorie content and naturalness of food.

  • Second trimester

This is the most comfortable period for the expectant mother. The abdomen is still small, toxicosis no longer bothers, there is no discomfort. The constant feeling of hunger during pregnancy at this stage is explained by the active development of the fetus, the formation of its organs and systems.

Continue to eat small but frequent meals. Be sure to include calcium-rich foods in your diet. Avoid fatty, spicy and salty foods, lean on fruit and vegetable dishes: they are good for both you and your baby.

During this period, night hunger appears. It is dangerous for a woman: overeating at night, you force the stomach to work, which does not allow full rest and worsens the general condition. In order not to run to the refrigerator, leave a carrot and an apple by the bed, a glass of milk or water. These foods can help you feel full while minimizing the stress on your stomach.

  • Third trimester

At this stage, the feeling of hunger becomes a constant companion of the pregnant woman. It is important to keep it under control, otherwise the excess weight will appear in both the woman and the child, which will lead to complications during childbirth. It is worth discussing with your doctor the possibility of consuming foods containing calcium.

Doctors consider it normal if a woman gains no more than 16 kg in nine months of pregnancy. This figure indicates that you did not fall prey to hunger and eat a healthy diet. Weight will be lost in the first months after the baby is born.