So that the husband obeyed only. Strong conspiracies to obey the will of people. A simple conspiracy to obey her husband

    A conspiracy for the husband to listen to his wife is what many women need. There are happy families for whom everything goes well in the family. It was not so with me, until recently. After the conspiracy, everything changed. If before my husband got drunk every Friday, now if I say go home, then he goes. And no get-togethers with friends. And if I say - no beer, then it will be with friends but will not drink.

    My patience snapped when my mother pointed out to me that my husband didn’t value me. He says open the Internet there is full of all kinds of information on how to re-educate your husband. But instead of dumping money for another psychologist, I used your article for free. I know how to cook, so I didn't have to look for a convenient ritual for myself for a long time. The husband ate - we will wait. but didn't go fishing with friends - already happy

    I saw the article and really liked the way it was written :) I immediately told my husband, look, you will contradict a lot, we will read the conspiracy. They laughed, of course, it is unlikely that I will reach a conspiracy. I have such a character that a conspiracy is not needed, let him just try to disobey his wife :) But seriously, you need to change yourself, try to find the reason why there have been changes in the relationship. And then make a decision on what to do

    My husband and I have always had an amazing mutual understanding, but in recent times it was as if someone had jinxed me, we constantly swear, disagree with me completely. What I will not say, everything is not so, and even the obvious. Therefore, we decided to resort to a conspiracy, I believe that in such a matter it can help, and there is nothing terrible or bad about it.

    I have been married for 10 years, in recent years my husband argued with me all the time because of this we had permanent disagreements. I didn't even know what to do anymore. But thanks to this conspiracy, my husband has changed for the better, now he is fulfilling all my requirements and requests and will not say an extra word. Thank you very much, I nova felt like a beloved wife

    Sometimes it seems to me that it is for men that such conspiracies are needed for the wife to obey. I have 2 married friends whose wives are hysterical, you can't put it another way. Although no conspiracies will help them. They wish my friends just great patience. And all the same I will save these conspiracies for the future, suddenly it will come in handy. Now my husband is silk, but what will happen in ten to twenty years? Thanks for the helpful article.

    The husband is not a fool either. He begins to argue when he is right (or sure he is right), or when he wants to show strength. But it may be that your husband just stopped loving you. After all, a man in love spreads like a carpet in front of his woman. So maybe you can get more help? you never know what is the reason for any problems in the relationship, so it is better not to read the conspiracy from the bay of flounder, but to find out the essence of the problems and disagreements. Love you

    The fact is that ... we have a family, children have been married for almost 6 years. His parents constantly talk to him and their benefits. If he earns money, he spends only on them or for himself. And he doesn't give a damn about me and the kids. He wants to live by his parents. And they cannot live without a scandal and constant gossip on their part. The husband does not want his own home. And even that the children would graduate from school, they are certainly small for now. Father-in-law And the husband only talk about this. In general, full house

Every woman wants her own husband to love and respect her, and also to listen to her opinion. Let's take the ideal option when the wife is smart, beautiful, takes care of herself, and also communicates with her husband correctly, like a woman. What does it mean in feminine?

To understand how to communicate with her husband correctly, one must proceed from the assumption that the man is the head of the family, and in order to maintain the necessary balance of energies in the family, the wife must respect her husband. You can't just stamp your foot or "bump" your fist on the table and shout: "You creeping bastard, come on, listen here!"

If the wife behaves this way: raises her voice to her husband, does not respect him as a man, or, conversely, takes unnecessary responsibility for the family, plows three jobs, and the husband lies on the couch, then there is no right family, and life such a unit of society needs to be adjusted. First, in no case should a woman talk to her husband in a raised voice.

Men are so arranged that they simply do not hear you when you scream. Even if you reason logically correctly, you humiliate a man by believing that you are smarter than him. The husband himself will do whatever you want for you, if it is presented correctly and gently. In this case, the husband will get the moon from the sky for you.

Unfortunately, very few women know how to communicate correctly, not only with their husbands, but also with other people. Everyone thinks they are too smart. Pride does not allow many people to stick out their "I", but simply to become a pleasant companion. Women, on the other hand, prefer to be right than to be happy.

Do not think that your husband is a fool, or he deliberately does something to spite you, just his masculine nature is protesting against your pride.

Of course, there are times when a man obeys his mother or his friends, but does not think about you and the child. Workaholic husbands also bring problems to the family.

However, think about whether you have created all the conditions for your husband to want to listen to you and agree to do what you propose? Or, after all, you were impatient, shouted at your husband or stated your request in an orderly manner.

Or maybe you walk at home in a washed bathrobe and with the same washed face? How do you meet her husband from work? Does he enjoy looking at you?

Are you smiling at him sincerely? Do you teach to talk heart to heart in the evening?

Remember that in order for your husband to listen and hear you, you need to work hard on yourself, read a lot, keep yourself in good shape and grow spiritually. Study psychology, conflict management, ways of a man's perception of information.

This is much more enjoyable than using magic all the time. So there will not be enough health: neither you, nor your husband.
In addition, very often incorrectly placed magic can, on the contrary, cause unnecessary aggression in a person. You also need to learn to use magic according to the rules.

How to correctly apply magic to a spouse?

If something serious happened in your family, for example, a spouse and you really suffered from damage sent by another woman who is trying to take your husband to her, and sends all kinds of nasty things to you and your children, then you certainly have the right to defend yourself.

But in order to do this correctly, you need to find a good specialist, and then "cleanse" your husband and the whole family from any negative influences sent, put everyone in good defenses and only then slander some conspiracies so that your husband starts to respect you again and looks at you different eyes.

How to make your husband obey using magic?

If you are not a professional in magic, try not to climb yourself to remove damage from your husband. If you want yourself, then at least study in detail all the information on the appropriate magic forums. There are known cases that a wife pulls his negative from her husband, and then gets very sick, even death can happen. And, accordingly, negative energy does not bypass your children, and they are the weakest link in this situation.

For some families, for example, especially wealthy ones, they conjure constantly and so much that their wives become almost disabled. In fact, everything is more serious than you think. Therefore, first figure out what exactly is happening to you, and then take on the conspiracies.

Avoid black witchcraft in your magical affairs, it is very dangerous to enter into communication with unclean entities that you invoke during rituals, if you do not know how to communicate with them and how to make them obey.

After all, there is a special system of words and ransoms that you have no idea about.
If you nevertheless decide to turn to magic about your husband, we present here one of the most effective conspiracies for the love and respect of your husband.

For the husband to obey and love only his wife

Plots to attract something are usually read on the rising moon or on the new moon. Choose a suitable day, knead the dough with your husband's favorite pies and, before putting them in the oven, say the following conspiracy three times with feeling:

How to read at home?

Watch the video


When the pies are baked, treat them to your husband, just don't eat them yourself. Repeat this ritual every month to enhance the effect.

And remember, it is not necessary to use magic in love, you just need to work hard on yourself and be the kind of woman for whom your husband will do anything, even to never have any relationship with other women.

Prayer for a husband to love his wife more than his life strengthens the relationship between spouses and helps to avoid family discord. You can turn to God with a request for the gift of love and obedience to the other half in church or at home. Correctly performed ceremonies and conspiracies will help the husband to listen to the advice of his wife more often.


How do conspiracies and prayers work on a person?

Under the influence of rituals and prayers, the person being spoken becomes:

  • obedient;
  • complaisant;
  • generous;
  • faithful;
  • hardworking;
  • active, full of vitality.

The one who reads prayers gains:

  • love, obedience of a spouse;
  • calmness;
  • attention and courting from the partner;
  • increase in family wealth.

When should prayers be recited?

Reading a prayer at home can help if:

  • lack of understanding in the family;
  • quarrels and scandals;
  • disrespectful attitude of a man;
  • lack of help from a partner;
  • betrayal and leaving the family;
  • ignoring the opinion of the wife;
  • the prevalence of the cult of the mother-in-law in the family;
  • loss of meaning in life, depression.

The most popular conspiracies for love and obedience to her husband

There are the following popular conspiracies for love and obedience to a spouse:

  • family consent;
  • By photo;
  • from treason;
  • obedience;
  • sexual attraction;
  • on a thing.

The most common prayers are:

  • so that the man does not listen to his sister and mother;
  • love and fidelity;
  • for my husband to love only me;
  • to preserve the family.

Rite of passage for consent in the family

For a simple ritual that helps to establish peace and harmony in the family, you will need:

  1. Bake a sweet pie or other favorite treat of your husband in the oven. A conventional oven can be used instead of the oven.
  2. Read the conspiracy.
  3. Feed your loved one with sweet pastries.

In a few days, the man will become softer and more compliant towards his wife.

Magic text:

The pie is sweet, the pie is hot, help to find harmony in the family. So that the husband would want to listen to his wife, he began to read and respect. Let harmony and peace reign in the family, and quarrels and squabbles evaporate forever! Amen!

Photo conspiracy

For a conspiracy you will need:

  • Waxing Crescent;
  • three church candles;
  • your own and your spouse's photo separately;
  • needle and thread in red.

The sequence of the ritual:

  1. Wait for the sun to set.
  2. Light candles.
  3. Take a photo and cut the image along the outline.
  4. Connect the shots facing each other.
  5. Thread the needle and sew the images neatly around the edge.
  6. Read the conspiracy.

(Name of the spouse), I am punishing to love, obey and always be with my wife (my name) in joy, in sorrow, in prosperity, in poverty. As this thread is strong, so our destinies are united and inseparable.

When finished, secure the seam with a triple knot with the words:

In the Name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen

Hide the photo in a secluded place. The conspiracy is aimed at ensuring that the husband was always with his wife.

After carrying out a conspiracy on a spouse from a photograph, be prepared that you yourself will not be able to be separated from your beloved for a long time.

Conspiracy from treason

If the spouse began to cheat, then a special conspiracy will help. This ritual is performed on the waning moon in a cemetery. For the ceremony, you will need your husband's unwashed underwear.

In the cemetery, it is necessary to bury this thing next to the grave with the words:

As the deceased in the earth lies peacefully, but does not desire anyone: a beauty, an ugly woman, a rich, poor, playful, meek, young, old. And let my husband not look at other people's women, he does not cheat on me, he does not desire, he does not want to create sin. Only wants and respects me. She said it came true. The word was locked with a lock.

After the spell, turn around and leave without looking back.

The video can be found with. Prepared by the channel "Magic of Life".

Obedience ritual

For the husband to obey his wife, they conduct a ritual of obedience.

Read the magic text:

May my words be strong, my deeds are moldings. Amen. The horse is subdued with a yoke, Does not kick, does not bite, does not run, The reins guide him, Where they are instructed to go. So I, God's servant (name), Throw my yoke on to the one who is dear to my heart. From now on, be in everything my will, Your share in my royal power. Be patient with the yoke, accept, As a slave, submit to the master's will. For all days, for all ages, For all God's times. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Sexual attraction conspiracy

For the ritual, you will need red wine or church Cahors:

  1. Pour some wine into a bowl.
  2. Read the conspiracy.
  3. Give the spellbound wine to the man to drink. After a few hours, you will be convinced of its power and action.

Conspiracy text:

I say magic words to wine,

So that the servant of God (his name) wants me, the servant of God (your name),

To adore (name), go to bed with dreams of me and get up too,

That my body was desired by him, that youthful excitement woke up in him.

Prayer for love and fidelity

Church prayer will help to find the love and loyalty of a man. Read it in the morning before the icons.

Prayer for the husband to love his wife more than life:

“Lord, Jesus and the Most Holy Mother of God, the Servant of God (his name) asks for your help. Give wisdom, strength and effort in family life with the Servant of God (man's name). By your will we were sent to each other and united. Give us the strength to worthily fulfill Your will, not to shame Your name, not to lose heart, to carry your cross to the end of our days. May the blessing not leave home forever and ever. Amen".

Conspiracy so that a man does not listen to his sister and mother

A powerful rite will force a man to submit to his wife's will. It is held during the full moon period.

To achieve instant results you need:

  • church candle;
  • three ribbons;
  • hair of a man;
  • a few drops of your blood.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Light a candle at midnight.
  2. Connect three ribbons and a hair.
  3. Add a drop of blood to the resulting nodule.
  4. Weave a braid with the words:

The moon conspired, the star conspired, the sun conspired. All will agree among themselves, and all my words will be confirmed,
Fulfilled and consolidated. All my decrees are for (name) orders. Obedient child, I obey the Gods, Be obedient for me my slave (Name). In the name of Mars, in the name of my Will! Let it be so!

Keep the resulting braid in the house as a talisman.

Prayer for my husband to love only me

Read the prayer for the husband to love and respect deeply:

Before you, God, I stand, your humble servant (your name), and I open my heart to you. I ask You, reward me with earthly love and passionate tenderness, for my heart becomes callous without this love. I ask You, open the way for me to the servant of God (name of the chosen one), my beloved. May our life be illuminated with true love and light, may we gain immortality even after death. Bless and guide me, God, I trust in your mercy! Amen.

Prayer for the Preservation of the Family

At the moment when you give up, and thoughts of destruction (divorce) seem to be the only way out of the situation, you need to pray and ask the Universe for protection and help.

Daily prayer will tell you what to do in a difficult situation in order to save the family:

I pray you, white angels, in the name of Jesus Christ and All Saints in heaven, pray for (your name) and (name of the chosen one (s)). Enlighten the servant of God (the name of the chosen one) and give him my eternal and faithful love, melt the ice in his heart and put on a fiery, non-extinguishing fire. I pray, merciful, help create (your name) and (name of the chosen one) a strong and happy family, help (your name) and (name of the chosen one) become a faithful wife and husband, mother and father of good and handsome children. Bless the union of two loving hearts and give them life together. Everything is in the power and hands of the merciful God, I humble myself before his will! Amen. Amen. Amen.

Conspiracy on a thing

With the help of white magic, you can speak things. They are endowed with magical positive energy, which will feed the spouses and reject dark energy (envy, damage, evil eye).

For a conspiracy on a thing you will need: any clothing, accessory or decoration. The ritual is performed on the growing moon.

After sunset, take the thing you are talking about and say the following text:

You (ring, shirt, belt) spouse (name), you are with him every day, you see and know everything. Become me a faithful helper, an invaluable friend, do a service for the good of the family. I endow you with love and protection, with you my strength, where you are - there I am. He puts you on - he does not forget about me. Amen.

How to read prayers and conspiracies correctly so that they work

Sometimes, in order for the husband to love and appreciate his wife more, it is not enough to read the conspiracy, it is also necessary to carry out the ceremony, observing the following rules:

  1. Do not perform the ritual during illness, malaise, menstruation. Magical actions take up a large amount of energy, because the asking person “redeems” the request in exchange for his powers.
  2. Retire. There should be no children, elderly people or animals in the room. Otherwise, they can spend their energy, strength instead of the one asking.
  3. Be sincere. A ritual or prayer requires openness. Do not be afraid of unexpected tears and heartache while reading conspiracies and prayers.
  4. End any ritual with gratitude. To the Universe, God, husband and myself. Gratitude opens the door to the heart for light, pure energy to enter.

Consequences of conspiracies

The creation of prayers and white conspiracies can entail the following beneficial consequences:

  • respect from the man and his relatives;
  • the spouse's desire to help with household chores;
  • the return of the unfaithful partner home with a confession;
  • renewal of vitality;
  • feeling of love and lightness;
  • desire to self-develop;
  • the appearance of strength for household chores;
  • increased sex drive;
  • sudden luck in business, business, luck in money.


The video demonstrates the most powerful conspiracies and prayers that will help a husband to love his wife. Filmed by Prayers and Conspiracies.

Sometimes in life there is such a situation when it is worth taking the "reins of government" into your own hands and confidently directing your man along the right path, and sometimes trying to make him turn from the wrong one. A woman who has such circumstances should be absolutely adequately responsible for her decision, as well as for its consequences. But, if, nevertheless, the situation has arisen, it requires a solution.

How do you make your husband obedient? There is a conspiracy of obedience that is very helpful to women. The wife reads such a conspiracy on her husband so that he listens to his wife, follows her advice. Men are exposed to great stress in their robe and in life. They often make impulsive, ill-considered decisions. They are reckless. For family life, some of these manifestations are dangerous and wasteful. And the husband shrugs off his wife, does not want to listen to advice. In this case, the conspiracy will help. Your man is now always attentive to your words, does what you advise him, does not argue. This can help the woman to establish peace in the family, and the children will get a good example of mutual understanding.

Why do you need an obedience conspiracy

You should not use it just like that, just for fun or to manipulate men. For a husband to always obey his wife, magic is not needed, only mutual understanding, good relations and love are needed. And a wife should not be a hysterical, narrow-minded woman. Then each of her advice will be perceived as needed, discussed. If you see that your husband is in a difficult situation, but does not see a way out, then help him.
Sometimes you really need to obey your wife, there is no shame in this. For example,
the family is in a difficult situation, and the husband is too proud to ask for help;
a man makes a lot of wrong decisions, gives in to someone else's influence;
the husband's parents influence him, slander his wife.
All these are unpleasant situations when you have to go to extreme measures. A conspiracy will help in this case. He will not harm her husband, and the children will thank you later that they have saved the family.
In these cases, you just need to take full responsibility for yourself, help your husband. In the life of every family, unforeseen difficulties and troubles occur, but there is no need to panic. One head is good, two are very good.

Conspiracy if the husband does not repent

There are often cases when an offended husband not only does not repent of his actions, but, on the contrary, gloats at the sight of your suffering. With the help of this conspiracy, you can cause your husband to awaken conscience, the emergence of a sense of guilt, which will lead to the fact that he will ask for forgiveness.
Read the words of the conspiracy at night, standing by the open window, while you need to touch the wall or corner of the room in which you are with your right hand. Conspiracy:
And if it's not even about pride? Sometimes the offended person takes pleasure in watching the torment of the victim. Try to awaken a deeply sleeping conscience in a person.

“You are my mother, night, today I will be your daughter. Open the ninety-ninth star to me, I, the servant of God (proper name), will find this star and go to it. Night, you call the soul of my husband (name), make me apologize, but if it doesn’t help, then beat him and torment him. Break his heart into ninety-nine pieces, don't let him sleep at night. Let him not finish his bread, let him not drink water. If you hurt his wounds, torture him, sprinkle with salt, water with vinegar. Until he enters my house, until he comes to the threshold, until he asks me for forgiveness. There will be night fear for him, and horror to catch up on him. My word will become deed. Let it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Ritual with paper and water

For the ceremony, you will need a blank A4 paper, a blue ballpoint pen. With these items you need to go to the nearest river or stream. On paper, you need to describe all your grievances against your husband, everything for which you want to be asked for forgiveness. At this time we read the words:

“As the paper takes on all my offense, so the Voditsa-sister will take all of it upon herself and make my husband of God's servant (name) ask for forgiveness for offenses. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Now you need to put the folded sheet of paper on the water and read:

“Voditsa, voditsa, you are my sister, carry you, dear voditsa, my insult away from me, to distant lands, into dark forests, beyond smelly swamps, but beyond the loose sands. Make you, voditsa, ask the servant of God (name) for forgiveness for your atrocities. Amen. Amen. Amen".

In order for the ceremony to gain strength and be as effective as possible, you can bring gifts to water. As a thank you, you can pour some wheat into the river and say the words:

“Thank you, my sister, fast driver, for your help in my difficult business. Forgive me for my request, accept this gift and my boundless gratitude. "

Family magic on guard for your happiness

Family magic is a special section of magic that helps those who decide to start a family. She protects the wife, husband and children from all adversity. Women who know the rules for dealing with the rituals of family magic are always happy. they know how to win over the husband to their side, negotiate with the mother-in-law. The house is in order, cleanliness and tranquility. It is in such a house that you want to come more often.

They are all simple. Any woman can handle this ritual. The main thing is to believe. That everything will work out, and the husband will obey. Otherwise, nothing will come of it. You do not need to pay money and go to sorcerers, it is in your power to make such a conspiracy strong and effective on your own.

A conspiracy from quarrels and resentments with a husband or wife

Quite often quarrels so blind people close to them until recently that they cannot even be near each other. I have always been amazed at how black an offense can be! There are cases when not a word of apology, not a word of remorse affects the offended. In this case, to restore trust and mutual understanding between people, you can use special:
The use of magic in this case is aimed at the renewal of peace and warmth in human relations. Conspiracies and prayers are used both to improve the atmosphere in the family, between loved ones, smoothing out the action of quarrels and petty grievances, and to renew friendly relations.
Sometimes a conspiracy of forgiveness is the only possible means that can extinguish an impending scandal.

Church incense conspiracy

A conspiracy for peace in the family so that the husband does not take offense is often carried out in parallel with the cleansing rite, for which church incense is used. They light it up and go around all the corners of the house in order to expel all the wickedness from it. During the fumigation of the room, the following words are read aloud:

“Demons-lovebirds get out, but don't come here again. The incense of the Lord will drive you out, again the world will plant in this house. Again we will live in peace and love, Happiness and joy to reap. All quarrels and resentments will go away forever. They will not turn to our house anymore. "

Sweet Pie Conspiracy

So that your husband only listens to you, and does not listen to the advice of others, you need to make a conspiracy for a sweet cake. Bake it yourself with your man's favorite filling. As soon as you take it out of the oven, while still hot, say:

“Pie-pie, help us in the family to win the consent. Make it so that we both taste you and heal happily. For my husband to listen to me, love, honor and respect me. So that my word is law for him. Let peace and consent settle in our family. Amen!"

Let your husband eat as much as he wants. A sweet pie will bring quick peace to the family, because the husband is now attentive to any of your words, he will not go against your will.

Water conspiracy

Water is spoken, with which the drink will then be prepared. Tea or coffee, compote. On the water you need to say 12 times on Friday evening:

“The bottom stone is silent, says nothing.
He is conquered by my will,
From now on he will live in captivity.
So would my husband obey me, a slave,
I did not break out of my will.
I am his food, me and water.
May my will be in everything forever.
And who will kill my conspiracy.
That thorns in the eyelashes,
Pip on the tongue will go.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen.

The drink is prepared on Saturday morning. The husband needs to drink three cups of this water. Then after 3-4 days you will see that your husband cannot say no to you. Always agrees, protects you and your opinion. A very useful and simple ritual, but it must be done completely.

Rite of passage for the husband to disobey his sister and mother

The most common cause of family discord is the husband's dependence on the opinion of his mother or sister. Close people, without realizing it, ruin the life and family happiness of the one who is so dear to them with their advice.
The most common variant is when a native woman criticizes her daughter-in-law and slanders her. Disassembly and clarification of relations in such cases only make it worse. You can solve the problem with the help of a magic ritual.
In the Orthodox Church, without attending services, you need to buy 13 candles. Retire and ignite them. You need to calm down and imagine that your husband is completely on your side. Mentally put a ban on understanding words on the part of relatives. Then repeatedly and confidently whisper special magic conspiracies previously written on a piece of paper that will help in this situation.

“I am addressing the age-old moon, let my husband not change with the other. He will only listen to what I say, will agree with what I say strictly. He will not dare to argue or lie, will do everything to please me. Let it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!
Oh, Universe, save my marriage, take the spiteful critics away from us. Let him trust his wife entirely, turn to me for advice. He will not fall under the influence of his relatives, he will never leave me. Let it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen! You will not listen to either mother or father, you will be my husband to the end. If they say, leave her, you will answer that all this is a lie. Only I can convince you how worthy and right to live for us. Let it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!"

Put out the candles, collect the cinders in a conspiratorial leaf. Take them to a place where no one will find them and leave them there. The best thing is to bury it.

Protection from mother-in-law

Sometimes mothers-in-law annoy their daughters-in-law so much that there is no more strength to endure, but they have to. Especially mothers-in-law love to give “harmful” advice to their sons, most often about family life. But practically nothing can be done in such a situation. A decent woman will never come into conflict with her husband's elderly mother. And the spouse is unlikely to like this. A special rite will help to solve the situation.
For him you will need a towel of the deceased. The main thing is that after the funeral of that person, at least 9 days have passed. At midnight, you need to stand on a towel and say the following words:

“Just as an old sage does not go to a child for advice, so you (the man's name) should not go to your mother for advice. Consult and admire me (your name), from now on, forever, and at all times. Amen".

Give your spouse a towel to wipe off in the morning. Then take it out of the house and bury it in a deserted place so that no one can ever find it.

Using river stones

When preparing for the ceremony, you should stock up on river stones that you need to get out of the river yourself. Collect them only with the right hand, thus charging them with the correct energy. You need to do this alone so that no one can see. If this is not possible, then any communication should be avoided until the stones are delivered home. In the evening they need to be put at the head of the bed.

In the morning of the next day, the ceremony is held. For him, you will also need a sieve and a container and water. The stones are poured into a sieve and water is poured through it.

“The stones are silent, they do not speak.
Subject to my will
They will now live in captivity.
So would my husband, God's servant (name)
Me, the servant of God (name), obey,
Bow down before me.
Not to escape from under my will.
I am his food, me and water.
I am his mother, me and his father.
There will be my will in everything, always.
The stones are silent, they do not argue with me.
My words are heard and remembered.
Key. Lock. Language. Amen. (three times) "

The water that passed through the stones must be given to the spouse to drink. You can add it to food or tea, coffee, and alcoholic beverages. Leave the stones in the bedroom. Periodically, the ritual can be repeated, using them many times. Attention! Not all rivers have stones. They can be bought, but without change, they are taken when buying with their right hand.

Using fish

You can eliminate disagreements and quarrels from family life with the help of a ritual using fish. It will help not only to establish relationships between spouses, but also to remove extraneous magical effects, if any. Since this ceremony will lay the foundation for something new and good, then to strengthen it, it is carried out on the growing moon. You will need the freshest fish and a church wax candle. How the fish is cooked is not critical. The fish needs to be cleaned of giblets, washed, put on the table and light a candle near it. Then read the conspiracy words three times in a row:

“This fish is dumb and therefore polite. Everyone who tastes it will be kind and affectionate among themselves. They will not raise their voices, they will not speak rude words to each other. May love and mutual respect be reborn between (his name) and (his name). Amen".

After reading the conspiracy, start cooking a fish dish. Best of all, when it is whole, to eat "from one piece." Do not extinguish the candle, but let it burn out completely.

Subjugate the will of the husband

With this conspiracy, the husband will obey you. Useful when he himself loses the ability to think sanely. As a result of alcoholism. drug addiction, addiction. Here you need to act seriously and submission to the will is the best way. Works flawlessly. To make everything work out, it is done on Wednesday in the photo of my husband. The husband should be alone on it, without glasses.

Say three times:

"The moon conspired, the star conspired,
The sun conspired.
All will agree among themselves,
And all my words will be confirmed
Fulfilled and consolidated.
All my decrees
Be for (name) orders.
Obedient child, I obey the Gods,
Be obedient to me, my slave (Name).
In the name of Mars, in the name of my Will! Let it be so!"

Wrap this photo in three handkerchiefs, tie it with black thread. It should be placed under the mattress of your bed so that it lasts three nights. After that, take the photo to the cemetery, put it on the grave with the same name as your spouse. Leave without turning around.

Conspiracy of obedience

In order for a husband to wash submissively, to obey his wife in everything, you need to speak to the moon every Thursday:

“May my words be strong, my deeds are moldings.
The horse is subdued with a yoke,
Doesn't kick, doesn't bite, doesn't run,
The reins guide him
They instruct you where to go.
So am I, God's servant (name),
I put my collar on the one
Who is dear to my heart.
From now on, be my will in everything,
Your share is in my royal power.
Endure with the clamp, accept,
As a slave, submit to the master's will.
For all days, for all ages,
For all God's times.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen.

Tell and go to bed. In the morning, not a trace of his reproaches and disagreement will remain. You will be surprised at how quickly and efficiently simple village conspiracies work. So our grandmothers not only made their husbands obedient, but also tied them to themselves. Be sure to repeat every week, otherwise the effect will disappear. So many live for years in harmony and peace.

Snap to your word

It is made with three black threads. The threads should be lubricated with your menstrual blood on the third day of your period. Tie three knots while still wet and say each time:

"My thread, do not break,
And you, servant of God (name), submit to me.
My copper lips
My teeth are a way of life.
What I say, everything will be like this.
Lips. Teeth. Key. Lock. Language.
Amen. Amen. Amen".

This thread needs to be sewn up to the husband in the collar of a dark shirt, then he will be attached to your words, he will obey. A very useful and powerful ritual, because it contains your blood. This is the most powerful biological material.

Conspiracy on the husband's dirty thing

The conspiracy is done on dirty things. So that the husband does not suspect anything, collect his panties, noses, T-shirt in a separate bag. Everything that is close to the body. Above things say:

“I wash off your dirt, I command you.
I am in front of you, you are behind my back.
And who will speak against me,
Besides, your legs won't walk.
My word is strong, my work is fashionable.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen."

Wash and dry them. Let your husband put on one thing at a time so that all the time he has a conspiracy clothes. Repeat every week.
If you are ashamed to use such a conspiracy, you are afraid to harm your husband, then discard all prejudices. A conspiracy that brings obedience cannot harm anyone. The husband will not know about it, will not feel any compulsion. To take matters into your own hands, you sometimes need special help and support. The conspiracy gives it. Your words take on a lot of weight in the family.
It is desirable that the spouse does not know anything about the conspiracy, otherwise he may blame his wife for everything. The main thing is that it is used for its intended purpose, only in the most serious moments when a sober head and a different view of problems are needed. If the wife wants to manipulate the man, set him up against friends, relatives and colleagues, then the Conduct will severely punish her, maybe even take the spouse from the family.
Family magic conspiracies are designed to protect peace in any way. Children, parents, family will be grateful to you, because you are the keeper of the hearth.

It is very good when peace and tranquility reign in the family, and everyone loves, respects, and appreciates each other. But such seemingly ideal families are not often found in modern society. It also happens that quarrels and scandals, quarrels and showdowns arise out of nowhere. There is no reason for this, but what to do in such cases? You can use the services of magic and its rituals. A conspiracy on a husband to be bored, obey, always in a hurry home, love, appreciate and respect his wife and family can help.

What we took from the experience of our ancestors

If your husband at the beginning of family life was kind, gentle, affectionate and caring, and now you feel coldness on his part, then it's time to take action. It also happens that the husband very often began to drink, explaining this by fatigue, problems at work, bad mood ...

This also suggests that it is possible (even necessary) to resort to the services of magic. The experience of our ancestors tells us that it is important to deal with such problems in family life, it is even necessary to do it, before everything goes too far - a divorce has not happened. A wise woman first tries to solve the current situation herself, but if nothing else helps, then it's time to turn to witchcraft.

Previous generations strongly believed that magical power could help. They often turned to healers, sorcerers, healers and witches. Sometimes our great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers performed the rituals themselves. As for the conspiracy on the husband, so that he was faithful and obedient, he always wanted to go home - this ritual was used most often. It really works, no doubt about it. This conspiracy has survived to this day practically unchanged, now many women also use it.

Remember not to tell anyone that you are using magic. Keep everything secret; that's why she's personal life, so that no one knows about her.

How does a conspiracy work for a husband now

Modern young girls and older women use many magical conspiracies, without even understanding their essence, their real purpose. But any ceremony, if you decide to turn to it, is some kind of action, a serious process that needs to be given due attention, time. In the process of performing the ritual, you need to be alone. This is the main condition. Also, no one should know what you are going to do. Much also depends on faith in the success of the ceremony and your concentration. Since you have decided to turn to magic for help, then you must follow its rules, and do everything as indicated in the "instructions" to the rituals. No indents "left", "right". Everything must be done as stated in the description.

If your desire is completely not sincere, you are driven by simple curiosity, then you should not turn to magic. This will not end with anything good (for you for sure). No games or innovations. Magic has been around for a long time, beginners often do not understand it. The performer must be fully focused on the process of carrying out the ritual, observe everything, be serious, be responsible for what he has done. First of all, you must understand the essence and purpose of the conspiracy against your husband. Only then can you actively act. Don't miss a beat. Everything in the ritual is important.

Now you can choose from a huge variety of conspiracies. There are hundreds of them per husband; you choose the one that suits you best. If you have been married for more than one year, then your feelings may cool down a little. Many wives turn to the help of magic to restore their former warmth, so that the husband will again inflame with passion for his other half. If everything is done correctly (to comply with all the conditions of the ritual), then the result will not be long in coming. Your spouse will not only be faithful, will not go to the side, but will always begin to rush home to his family. Relationships will become better, stronger, more tender.

But if you want your husband to want intimacy with you more often, then one conspiracy will not be enough. It is important that the woman looks after herself. This applies not only to appearance, but also to maintain a warm atmosphere in the house. Tell your husband as often as possible that you love him, that he is the best of men, you are very lucky with him, and so on.

The text of the conspiracy against the husband, so that he obeys and does not cheat

It is quite simple to carry out such a ritual. The words of the conspiracy do not have to be learned, you can read it by leaflet. But the main thing is that you say everything out loud (not very loudly), do not go out of rhythm, and be sure to think that the conspiracy will help. The words of the ceremony will be as follows:

“Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos. Nikola the Wonderworker and Jesus Christ himself, help, bring harmony back to the family! I do not take water, but return life. I don’t give water, but I connect husband and wife. So that, what pure water is, so pure and the life of a slave (husband's name) with a slave (wife's name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

It is better to say the text three times.

Some wives use this particular conspiracy to "distract the husband from the bottle" and draw him to the house. The man becomes just perfect. Other ladies resort to a similar ceremony in order to improve family relationships, to avoid conflicts and showdowns. Still others believe that a man will not change, his gaze will be directed only towards his soul mate. In general, every lady will find something for herself. It is important to immediately determine the goals - what exactly do you want to get from the ritual.